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fabbwled's People


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fabbwled's Issues

Section 469 Book 1

He tells you of his life-long quest to find the ‘Greatest Story
Ever Told’. It is said that the god, Sig, in his aspect as the Divine
Bard, passed this knowledge to a mystic called Damor the
Hermit. He lives alone in a lost cave, awaiting the day when he
can pass on the story to the one who finds him.
‘I am too old now to pursue the quest – so I pass it on to
you. I believe he can be found in the foothills of the Spine of
Harkun, the mountains to the north. If you find Damor you
will become a great Troubadour!’
Acquire the codeword Anthem. Turn to 100

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 184 Book 1

The Blue Griffon Tavern is frequented by soldiers and
mercenaries. The tavern costs you 1 Shard a day. Each day you
spend here, you can recover 1 Stamina point if injured, up to
the limit of your normal unwounded Stamina score.
If you have the codeword Axe or if you have a black
dragon shield, and want to find Yanryt the Son, turn to 451.
If not, but you want to spend a further 3 Shards buying
drinks all round at the bar, and listen for rumours, turn to 341.
Or you can return to the town centre – turn to 400.
 The War-Torn Kingdom 19

Reference features required (if any)
Same as here
Inventory Access

Additional context

BE: Character Creation

*Is your feature request related to a problem? At the beginning a character should be created
A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
Ex. a missing requirement for section 1 is '...'.

A character is created with the type and everything else defined

Describe the solution you'd like

  • The backend should handle the input (profession of user) (beginning stamina of user) and save it inside the a CharacterDto which is then asigned inside PlayerDto
  • profession, stamina, description, posessions, stats per character saved, name
  • Test the CharacterService and the return value of defence from PlayerDto @adrsch04

API description
GET /api/player/characters/all -> Get all characters
POST /api/player/getCharacter-> Get character from current player
POST /api/player/setCharacter -> Argument a PlayerDto

Additional context

Section 185 Book 1

You tell him who you are, and that General Grieve Marlock’s
brother, the Governor of Yellowport, is your personal friend.
His eyes widen as recognition dawns on his fat, greedy face.
‘Ah, er... my lord!,’ he cries. ‘I was merely jesting! Umm....
We were, I mean to say, perhaps you need an escort?’
‘I think we require a levy in order to carry out the important
mission the governor has entrusted to me,’ you say. ‘Sixty Shards
ought to do it, Captain!’
The Sokaran captain hands over the 60 Shards (add it to your
Adventure Sheet) and leads his men off your ship.
You sail on. Turn to 439.

Reference features required (if any)
Managing Shards (#10)

Additional context

Section 615 Book 1

Lacuna is the Goddess of the Moon, and of the Wilderness. Sheaids  hunters,  and  woodsmen,  and  travellers  in  the  lost  places  ofthe  world.  Her  temple  here  is  a  long  hall  of  oak,  covered  invines  and  plants  of  all  kinds.  Inside,  flowers  fill  the  air  with  apure and clean scent.

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 148 Book 1

‘Stop, stop, I surrender!’ yells the tree. You cease your attack. ‘I guess you can pass, in view of recent events!’ it says grudgingly. Then it uproots itself with a great tearing sound, and shuffles out of the way. ‘There you go!’ mutters the tree, ‘You can blooming well pass.’ Get the codeword _Apple_. You walk through the thorn bush gate. Beyond, you find several huge oak trees whose branches are so big that they are able to support the homes of many people.
Turn to **358**

Reference features required (if any)

  • Codewords

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 109 Book 1

You are about to leave when you see a crowd gathered around a slim pasty-faced scholar at a card table. ‘By  the  Three  Fortunes,  but  I’m  hot  tonight!’  he  cries.  It seems he is on a winning streak. You notice a couple of dodgy-looking ruffians watching the scholar carefully. Wait and follow the scholar turn to 540, Return to the city centre turn to 100

Reference features required (if any)
simple AB choice feature

Section 254 Book 1

You ask for a kiss. ‘Oh no!’ cry the mer-folk, ‘A kiss is not so
easily won! Tell us a tale to stir our hearts – then we may reward
Make a CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 9.
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 12
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 281

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context

Section 397 Book 1

Your ship is thrown about like flotsam and jetsam. When the
storm subsides, you take stock. Much has been swept overboard
– you lose 1 Cargo Unit, if you had any, of your choice. Also,
the ship has been swept way off course and the mate has no idea
where you are. ‘We’re lost at sea, Cap’n!’ he moans.
Turn to 90

Section 4 Book 1

The  priests  of  Alvir  and  Valmir  are  overjoyed  that  you  haver eturned the golden net. The high priest rewards you with 100Shards  and  a  magic  weapon,  a  rune-engraved  trident.  Note  the weapon,  a  trident  (COMBAT  +1),  on  your  Adventure  Sheet,and turn to 220.

Acquire shards needed
Reference features required (if any)
Inventory (Pick up a weapon)

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 505 Book 1

Cross the silver nugget off your Adventure Sheet.‘Excellent,’ says the dragon, catching the nugget in one of itsclawed forelimbs.With that, it rolls over, and dives down into the lake. At thelast second, its tail whips up out of the water, inches from yourface.You could reach out and grab it, if you wanted to.Catch the tailturn to 362. Leave it well alone turn to 561

Reference features required (if any)
Catch the tail turn to 362
Leave it well alone turn to 561
Cross the silver nugget

Additional context

Section 217 Book 1

You  come  across  a  forest  glade.  Birds  twitter  in  the  trees,  and woodland  animals  frolic  playfully  about.  In  the  middle  of  the glade  stands  a  mighty  willow,  ancient  beyond  reckoning. 
trunk  is  hollow,  and  a  wooden  door  has  been  set  in  the entrance. You step into the glade. Make a SANCTITY roll at Difficulty 9.
Successful SANCTITY rollturn to 356
Failed SANCTITY rollturn to 64

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

no CI on PRs

Describe the bug
No CI makes for a sad panda.

Section 186 Book 1

You pass the leash over to the man in the palanquin, who leans
out and hands you over 75 Shards. You leave the slave market.
Turn to 400.

Reference features required (if any)
Managing Shards #10

Additional context

BE: Add Dice Mechanics

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We need a mechanic to role the dice

Describe the solution you'd like

  • The ability to roll the dice when accessing an endpoint. Probably needs to be based on the JSESSIONI

Section 613 Book 1

Heavy  black  clouds  race  towards  you  across  the  sky,  whippingthe  waves  into  a  frenzy.  The  crew  mutter  amongst  themselvesfearfully.  If  you  have  the  blessing  of  Alvir  and  Valmir,  whichconfers Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross offyour blessing and turn to 439. Otherwise the storm hits with fullfury.  Roll  one  die  if  you  ship  is  a  barque,  two  dice  if  it  is  abrigantine,  or  three  dice  if  a  galleon.  Add  1  to  the  roll  if  youhave a good crew; add 2 if the crew is excellent. 
Score 1-3 Ship sinks turn to 485
Score 4-5 The mast splits turn to 70
Score 6-20 You weather the storm turn to 439

Reference features required (if any)
Dice Roll as mentioned in text

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 470 Book 1

You grab the woman’s wrist and give it a painful twist. You are
not being cruel for the sake of it – she was about to steal your
‘Oh, let me go,’ she pleads, showing you the little infant son
she’s carrying in her other arm. ‘I need the money for my
starving children and my poor crippled husband.’
Yellowport is full of wretched like this. With a snarl, you
push her away, tossing a coin after her for good measure (cross 1
Shard off your Adventure Sheet).
Later, strolling down by the canal, you find a small bundle
lying on the slick cobblestones. It is a doll wrapped in swaddling
clothes to make it look like a baby. Turn to 10.

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 471 Book 1

If you have the codeword Animal, turn to 369. If not, read on.
The priestess, dressed in silken robes, and wearing a wreath
of oak leaves, says, ‘I have need of an adventurer like yourself.
For arcane reasons involving the secret mysteries of Lacuna, I
need the tusk of a boar. A were-boar, in fact. I believe they can
be found in the Forest of the Forsaken, in northern Golnir.
Hunt down a were-boar, and bring me a boar’s tusk. In return
I will teach you how to be a better scout.’
If you accept the mission, acquire the codeword Animal.
Turn to 544

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 219 Book 1

Your ship, crew and cargo are lost to the deep, dark sea. Crossthem off your Adventure Sheet. Your only thought now is to save yourself. Roll two dice. If the score is greater than yourRank, you are drowned – turn to 680. If the score is less than orequal to your Rank, you manage to find some driftwood, andmake it back to shore. Lose Stamina points equal to the score ofone die roll and, if you can survive that, turn to 436.

Section 472 Book 1

If you have the codeword Dotage, turn to 667 immediately. If
not, read on.
Fort Estgard is one of three forts along the wall that runs
right along the border. Their purpose is to defend Sokara against
the ravening manbeasts of Nerech, which are constantly trying
to break through to raid the interior. The commander of the fort
desperately wants to see you.
‘My daughter, Alissia, has been kidnapped by the manbeasts!’
he says. ‘They are asking that I let one of their raiding parties
through, to attack the farmlands. I’m delaying my response as
long as possible, but if I don’t do something soon, they will kill
her! Please, I need a brave adventurer to rescue her!’
If you take up the quest, record the codeword Alissia.
Head east to Nerech The Plains of Howling
 Darkness 225
North west to Fort Mereth turn to 299
South east to Fort Brilon turn to 259
West into the farmlands turn to 548

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 181 Book 1

The Green Man Inn costs you 1 Shard a day. Each day you
spend here, you can recover 1 Stamina point if injured, up to
the limit of your normal unwounded Stamina score. When you
are ready, turn to 195.

Reference features required (if any)
Managing Shards (#10)

Additional context
Custom Choice Feature how long one should stay / spend how many shards and recover to Stamina Score

Section 5 Book 1

It is a tough climb upwards but not impossible. 
If you have someclimbing gear,  turn  to  652. 
If not, make a SCOUTING  roll  atDifficulty 10.Successful SCOUTING rollturn to 652
Failed SCOUTING rollturn to 529

Reference features required (if any)
Acquire Items

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 110 Book 1

You are walking through Bronze Hills. Virtually the whole area has  been  given  over  to  mining.  Everywhere,  quarries  and mineshafts  abound.  It  is  a  horrible  expanse  of  torn-up  earth  –hardly any areas of green are left. Great heaps of excavated rock,leeched  of  their  useful  minerals,  mar  the  landscape.  You  find  a quarry  that  is  open  to  the  public.  That  is  to  say,  if  you  pay  50 Shards, you can dig for an hour in a silver mine.Pay 50 Shards and mine for silver turn to 668 Go to Caran Baru turn to 400 South into the Forest of Larun  turn to 47 West to the River Grimm turn to 333 North west to the Western Wilderness turn to 276

Reference features required (if any)
pay & simple choice & show a map/location

BE: Add some sort of API specification

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We need a way to quickly see which endpoints are accessible and how to access them

Describe the solution you'd like

  • OpenAPI Specification would be perfect

Describe alternatives you've considered
We could just read the source code, but this takes alot of time

Additional context

Section 73 Book 1

If you are an initiate it costs only 10 Shards to purchase Elnir’s
blessing. A non-initiate must pay 25 Shards. Cross off the money
and mark CHARISMA in the Blessings box on your Adventure
The blessing works by allowing you to try again when you
make a failed CHARISMA roll. It is only good for one reroll.
When you use the blessing, cross it off your Adventure Sheet.
You can have only one CHARISMA blessing at any one time.
Once it is used up, you can return to any branch of the temple
of Elnir to buy a new one.
When you are finished here, turn to 568.

Section 220 Book 1

The temple of Alvir and Valmir is built like an upside-downgalleon. Alvir and Valmir are brother and sister, King and Queenof the Land beneath the Waves, masters of the sea. Theirservants and soldiers are the souls of the drowned, and when seasare rough and storm-tossed, sailors say that Alvir and Valmir arearguing again.If you have the codeword Anchor, turn to 531.Otherwise, you notice a sign on the temple door, whichsays: ‘Wanted: brave adventurer – apply to the high priest.’Become an initiateturn to 294Renounce worshipturn to 624Seek a blessingturn to 448Talk to the high priestturn to 411Leave the temple turn to 10

Section 2 Book 1

If you have a coded missive, turn to 676 immediately. If not,but  you  have  the  codeword  Deliver,  turn  to  98  immediately.  Ifyou have neither, read on.The  soldier  recognizes  you.  He  bows  and  says,  ‘Welcome,my lord. I will take you see King Nergan.’He  leads  you  to  Nergan’s  mountain  stockade,  where  theking greets you warmly.‘Ah,  my  local  champion!  It  is  always  a  pleasure  to  see  you.However, I was hoping you had spoken with General Beladai ofthe allied army – we need that citadel. Now go. That is a royalcommand!’You leave, climbing down to the foothills of the mountains.Turn to 474.

Reference features required (if any)
Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 255 Book 1

The provost marshal takes you to an empty side chamber, away
from prying ears. Over a glass of fine wine you tell him of your
adventures in the Coldbleak Mountains. When you give him the
Royal Ring of the House of Corin, he knows that Nergan is
dead. Cross the royal ring off your Adventure Sheet.
Marloes Marlock is pleased indeed. He pays you 500 Shards
and awards you the title Protector of Sokara. Note it in your
Titles and Honours box. The title will give you instant respect
and command obedience in Sokara.
Also, after completing such a difficult test, you find the
experience has taught you much – gain 1 Rank and roll one die.
The result is the number of Stamina points you gain
permanently. Note the increase on your Adventure Sheet. Also,
don’t forget to increase your Defence by 1 as a result of your
gain in Rank.
Return to 10 and choose again.

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context

Section 289 Book 1

There  is  a  pause,  as  if  you  are  both  waiting  for  something  tohappen.  You  realize  the  gods  have  not  heard  your  prayer,  asdoes  your  enemy.  It  snarls  triumphantly,  and  slashes  you  acrossthe  chest.  Lose  2  Stamina.  If  you  still  live,  you  have  no  choicebut to fight it. Turn to 617.

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context
Lose 2 Stamina

Section 187 Book 1

You tell the high priest that you wish to renounce the worship
of Nagil. He brings out a small wax dummy, and carves your
name into it. Then he sets fire to it. The wax melts into a
puddle on the floor and the priest steps into it, leaving the
imprint of his foot.
‘Such is the fate of those who would deny Nagil, the Lord of
Death,’ he says.
When you ask if you must pay compensation to the temple,
he shakes his head, saying, ‘It is you who loses, not we.’
Do you want to reconsider? If you are determined to
renounce your faith, delete Nagil from the God box on your
Adventure Sheet. You must lose any outstanding resurrection
arrangements. When you have finished here, turn to 100.

Reference features required (if any)
Resurrection Arrangements lose flag?
Chose to renounce Faith?
God Box?

Additional context

Section 614 Book 1

The  Stinking  River  has  cut  its  way  through  the  high  groundhere. On the edge of the chasm that overlooks the river lies thevillage  of  High  Therys.  Just  outside  of  town,  three  bodies  hangon  a  gallows,  slowly  rotting.  Inside,  the  villagers  are  having  afete.   They   welcome   you.   You   can   get   some   rest   andrecuperation here – restore up to 5 lost Stamina points.
When you are ready, you leave.Follow the river north turn to 576
Follow the river south turn to 82
Head east into the country side turn to 278
Go west to the main roadturn to 558

Reference features required (if any)
Diceroll as mentioned
Turn pages as mentioned

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 325 Book 1

Your ship, crew and cargo are lost to the deep, dark sea. Cross
them off your Adventure Sheet. Your only thought now is to
save yourself. Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your
Rank, you are drowned – turn to 680. If the score is less than or
equal to your Rank, you manage to find some driftwood, and
make it back to shore. Lose Stamina points equal to the score of
one die and, if you can survive that, turn to 173```

**Reference features required (if any)**
Section 680 & 173

Section 183 Book 1

You find a shadowy natural alcove in the rocky wall of a tunnel.
Desperately, you squeeze yourself into it, using all your skill to
hide in the darkness.
Several ratmen run past, but others sniff you out with their
highly developed sense of smell. You are overwhelmed by sheer
numbers. Turn to 308.

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context
Filler Content?

Section 221 Book 1

One of the militiamen recognizes you and shouts, ‘That’s theone who assassinated Marloes Marlock! Get him!’You turn tail and flee with fifteen militiamen on your heels.Roll one die. If you score less than or equal to your Rank, turnto 57. Otherwise, turn to 252.

Section 146 Book 1

He seems to see something he approves of because he says, ‘Perhaps. But first you must prove yourself. There is a knight, a man of great evil. He is known as the Black Dragon Knight – defeat him in battle and I will teach you. Bring me back his **black dragon shield** as proof of your valour.’ With that he turns and walks away.
‘But how will I find him? And then how will I find you?’ you cry.
‘Would you have me kill him for you as well?’ he asks over his shoulder. ‘As for the second, ask for me in the Blue Griffon Tavern in Caran Baru. My name is Yanryt the Son.’ Gain the codeword Axe and turn to **412**.

Reference features required (if any)

  • codewords
  • gain codewords

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 474 Book 1

The Coldbleak Mountains look as inhospitable and forbidding as
their name implies, their frozen flanks climbing high into the icy
Climb into the mountains turn to 5
Enter Caran Baru turn to 400
Go west to the road turn to 347
Head into the farmlands turn to 548
Go south to the Lake of the Sea Dragon turn to 135

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 473 Book 1

The slave market is a large, canvas-covered square. The poor
unfortunate slaves, people from all over Harkuna – from the
Feathered Lands, Golnir, criminals of Sokara, nomads from the
steppes, are paraded in chains on a dais. Merchants and nobles
bid for the slaves they want. If there is a tick in the above box,
turn to 610 immediately. If not, read on.
An unusual sale has come up – a little, furry, bat-winged
humanoid. It is one of the Mannekyn People from Sky
Mountain in the north and it is going for 50 Shards.
If you want to buy it, turn to 459. If not, you head back into
town. Turn to 400.

Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

Section 617 Book 1

A desperate battle ensues.Ghoul, COMBAT 3, Defence 7, Stamina 15If  you  win,  turn  to  196.  If  you  lose,  your  adventures  are  over,unless you have a resurrection deal.

Reference features required (if any)
Turn to 196

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 253 Book 1

To renounce the worship of Lacuna, you must pass an ordeal of
judgment. This entails the high priestess throwing several silver
daggers at you, while you remain motionless.
‘If Lacuna sees it in her heart to forgive you, the daggers will
all miss,’ she claims.
Submit to the ordeal turn to 313
Remain an initiate after all turn to 615

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context

Section 145 Book 1

King Skabb gives a cry of anger, and leaps at you in desperation, swinging a spiked mace in his hand. You must fight him, adding 3 if you have some **rat poison** to put on your weapon. If you use the poison, cross it off your Adventure Sheet.
King Skabb, COMBAT 5, Defence 7, Stamina 10
If you lose, your adventuring career will be over, unless you have a resurrection deal. If you win, turn to **554**.

Reference features required (if any)

  • combat-system
  • inventory
  • remove item from inventory
  • (enhace items with other items)

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Section 218 Book 1

The militia take you alive. You lose all your money and possessions. Cross them off your Adventure Sheet. Then you are thrown into the dungeons of Yellowport. Turn to 454.

Section 327 Book 1

You have already cleaned the ratmen out of the tunnels below
the city but the old well will make a good cache for equipment
and money that you don’t want to carry with you. It has an
advantage over a town house – there is no risk of burglary or
fire. You may also rest here as long as you like, restoring any lost
Stamina points. Note ‘Secret cache, Yellowport – The War-Torn
Kingdom 327’ on your Adventure Sheet so that you can come
here whenever you are in Yellowport.
To go back to the city above, turn to 10.

Reference features required (if any)
Section 10

Fighting System

Firstly we have to get the stats of the enemy as well as the current User. The User needs to roll two dice and once the dices have been rolled, the damage will be calculated. If the stamina of the enemy is down to zero the user has won the fight and will continue on his journey. If the enemy lives through the attack, he will strike at you. If you survive the attack you can attack again...

You will have to fight it.
Scorpion Shaman, COMBAT 5, Defence 8, Stamina 9
If you win, turn to 532. If you lose, your adventures are over
unless you have a resurrection deal

Describe the solution you'd like
One solution can be that we do a loop and the loop will break if the player or the enemy is down. If it is the players turn, the backend has to wait until the player has rolled their dices. The enemy will use the same procedure. It can return a boolean if the player has won or lost the fight.

IMPORTANT: Need to look for defense strategy!! (Better Armour => less damage), Should this be a new Issue?

Describe alternatives you've considered
Open for suggestions ;)

Section 1 Book 1

The  approach  of  dawn  has  turned  the  sky  a  milky  grey-green,like jade. The sea is a luminous pane of silver. Holding the tillerof  your  sailing  boat,  you  keep  your  gaze  fixed  on  the  glitteringconstellation  known  as  the  Spider.  It  marks  the  north,  and  bykeeping it to port you know you are still on course.The sun appears in a trembling burst of red fire at the rim ofthe world. Slowly the chill of night gives way to brazen warmth.You lick your parched lips. There is a little water sloshing in thebottom  of  the  barrel  by  your  feet,  but  not  enough  to  see  youthrough another day.Sealed  in  a  scroll  case  tucked  into  your  jerkin  is  theparchment map your grandfather gave to you on his death-bed.You  remember  his  stirring  tales  of  far  sea  voyages,  of  kingdomsbeyond  the  western  horizon,  of  sorcerous  islands  and  ruinedpalaces  filled  with  treasure.  As  a  child  you  dreamed  of  nothingelse but the magical quests that were in store if you too becamean adventurer.You never expected to die in an open boat before youradventures even began.Securing  the  tiller,  you  unroll  the  map  and  study  it  again.You hardly need to. Every detail is etched into your memory bynow.  According  to  your  reckoning,  you  should  have  reachedthe  east  coast  of  Harkuna,  the  great  northern  continent,  daysago.A pasty grey blob splatters on to the map. After a moment ofstunned  surprise,  you  look  up  and  curse  the  seagull  circlingdirectly overhead. Then it strikes you – where there’s a seagull,there may be land.You leap to your feet and scan the horizon. Sure enough, aline  of  white  cliffs  lie  a  league  to  the  north.  Have  you  beensailing   along   the   coast   all   this   time   without   realising   themainland was so close?Steering  towards  the  cliffs,  you  feel  the  boat  judder  againstrough  waves.  A  howling  wind  whips  plumes  of  spindrift  acrossthe  sea.  Breakers  pound  the  high  cliffs.  The  tiller  is  yanked  outof your hands. The little boat is spun around, out of control, andgoes plunging in towards the coast.You leap clear at the last second. There is the snap of timber,the roaring crescendo of the waves – and then silence as you gounder.  Striking  out  wildly,  you  try  to  swim  clear  of  the  razor-sharp  rocks.  For  a  while  the  undertow  threatens  to  drag  youdown,  then  suddenly  a  wave  catches  you  and  flings  youcontemptuously up on to the beach.Battered and bedraggled you lie gasping for breath until youhear  someone  walking  along  the  shore  towards  you.  Wary  ofdanger,  you  lose  no  time  in  getting  to  your  feet.  Confrontingyou  is  an  old  man  clad  in  a  dirty  loin-cloth.  His  eyes  have  afeverish bright look that is suggestive of either a mystic or amadman.Now turn to 20.

Reference features required (if any)
Like a dice-roll-choice-feature to select the next goto:

Additional context
closes #29

Section 616 Book 1

You  swim  up  to  your  ship,  and  haul  yourself  on  board.  Thecrew is astonished to see you.‘Another one of the sea devils,’ says the first mate.‘We don’t want any more bad luck,’ says a crew member.‘Aye, we’ll have to kill this one as well,’ says the first mate.You try to protest, but your words come out as a bubbling,fishy  warble.  The  first  mate  finishes  you  with  his  spear.  Your adventuring days are over unless you have a resurrection deal. If you do have a deal, when you come back to life, note that you have lost your ship and crew – as far as they are concerned, younever came back from the depths.

Reference features required (if any)
Reseraction deal
lost ship
lost crew

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

BE: Implement Shard System to Manage Player's Available Shards Securely


We need to implement a system to manage the player's available shards. The number of shards a player has should be a private integer that can only be manipulated through specific methods.


  1. Create a class named ShardSystem.
  2. The class should have a private integer to keep track of the available shards (shardCount).
  3. There should be no direct way to set the shardCount from outside the class.
  4. Implement a method AddShards(int amount) to add a specified amount of shards.
    • Throw an exception if an attempt is made to add a negative number of shards.
  5. Implement a method SubtractShards(int amount) to subtract a specified amount of shards.
    • Throw an exception if an attempt is made to subtract a negative number of shards.
    • Return a boolean to indicate success or failure (e.g., if there are not enough shards to subtract).
  6. Implement a method GetShardCount() to return the current number of shards.

Section 326 Book 1

You follow the footprints to the mill, where you see an old lady
and two men brushing flour off their clothes.
‘Another successful year’s haunting!’ laughs the woman.
Quietly you creep back and tell the villagers what you have
discovered. Brimming with outrage, they go straight to the mill
and seize the three miscreants.
‘Old Megan!’ cries one of the villagers when he sees who is
the ringleader of the three. ‘So, you’ve been masquerading as a
ghost for these seven years, eh? Well, tomorrow we’ll take you
to the gallows and then you can play the part for real.’
Turn to 671.

Reference features required (if any)
Section 671

Section 182 Book 1

Your ship, crew and cargo are lost to the deep, dark sea. Cross
them off your Adventure Sheet. Your only thought now is to
save yourself. Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your
Rank, you are drowned – turn to 680. If the score is less than or
equal to your Rank, you manage to find some driftwood, and
make it back to shore. Lose Stamina points equal to the score of
one dice roll and, if you can survive that, turn to 591.

Reference features required (if any)
Get Rank
Roll two Dice

Additional context

Section 3 Book 1

You  have  come  to  the  foothills  of  the  Spine  of  Harkun,  in  thenorth west of Sokara. The view is impressive: a massive wall offorested  mountains,  whose  rocky,  white-flanked  peaks  soarskywards  into  the  clouds.  These  parts  of  the  mountains  areunclimbable  but  you  notice  a  large  cave  at  the  bottom  of  amountain.
Investigate the cave turn to 665
Go east to the Citadel of Velis Corin turn to 271
South into the wilderness turn to 276

closes #36
Reference features required (if any)

Additional context

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