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terminaluserinterfaces.jl's Issues

Missing convenience functions

Very cool package, but in terms of convenience I feel there are a few layers missing. It would be better if users could simply call selectablelist(options) and have what is now in list.jl in the examples folder. I don't mean that that layer of convenience should be here, or even written by you, I only mean that it's probably a major barrier preventing many users from using this fantastic package.

Initialization fails on windows machine

julia> using TerminalUserInterfaces
ERROR: InitError: MethodError: no method matching tcgetattr(::Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket, ::TERMIOS.termios)
Closest candidates are:
  tcgetattr(::Base.LibuvStream, ::Any) at C:\Users\Maste\.julia\dev\TERMIOS\src\TERMIOS.jl:612 
  tcgetattr(::Int64, ::Any) at C:\Users\Maste\.julia\dev\TERMIOS\src\TERMIOS.jl:613
  tcgetattr(::RawFD, ::TERMIOS.termios) at C:\Users\Maste\.julia\dev\TERMIOS\src\TERMIOS.jl:608
  [1] tcgetattr(s::Base.TTY, term::TERMIOS.termios)
    @ TERMIOS C:\Users\Maste\.julia\dev\TERMIOS\src\TERMIOS.jl:612
  [2] backup_termios()
    @ TerminalUserInterfaces C:\Users\Maste\.julia\dev\TerminalUserInterfaces\src\utils.jl:198


both stdin and stdout were not IO type.

julia> stdin
Base.TTY(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0x0000000000000254) open, 0 bytes waiting)

julia> stdout
Base.TTY(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0x0000000000000228) open, 0 bytes waiting) 

I'm on Julia 1.7.1 and here is my full versioninfo()

Julia Version 1.7.1
Commit ac5cc99908 (2021-12-22 19:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
  CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver3)

undefined reference in disable_raw_mode()

This could be a case of me misusing the library, but enable_raw_mode() works just fine and lets me get the work done. It does not seem like I can disable it, however.

julia> TerminalUserInterfaces.disable_raw_mode()
ERROR: UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
 [1] getproperty
   @ ./Base.jl:33 [inlined]
 [2] getindex
   @ ./refvalue.jl:56 [inlined]
 [3] disable_raw_mode()
   @ TerminalUserInterfaces ~/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/Mhqzn/src/utils.jl:191
 [4] top-level scope
   @ REPL[2]:1

TagBot trigger issue

This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.

If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

If you'd like for me to do this for you, comment TagBot fix on this issue.
I'll open a PR within a few hours, please be patient!

terminal "goes dead" after quitting a TUI application

Any time a break a loop (and I don't mean through an error, just normally), the terminal "goes dead" meaning that it no longer appears to accept any user input. I figured this was coming from somewhere in TUI.cleanup() (since the programs themselves seemed to work normally) but this seems to happen even if TUI.cleanup() is not called, so something seems to be going wrong before this.

This is happening on alacritty. I happened to have gnome-terminal on this machine so I checked that, and I get the same behavior, so it probably isn't terminal specific.

ioctl failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device


Here's the error that I get, pretty much right out of the gate.

julia> using TerminalUserInterfaces
julia> const TUI = TerminalUserInterfaces
julia> TUI.terminal_size()
ERROR: ioctl failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 [1] ioctl(fd::RawFD, parameter::Int64)
   @ TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL ~/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:123
 [2] ioctl
   @ ~/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:126 [inlined]
 [3] terminal_size(io::Base.TTY)
   @ TerminalUserInterfaces ~/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:9
 [4] terminal_size()
   @ TerminalUserInterfaces ~/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:13
 [5] top-level scope
   @ REPL[3]:1
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.1
Commit 6aaedecc44* (2021-04-23 05:59 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.1.0 (ORCJIT, skylake)
(@v1.6) pkg> status TerminalUserInterfaces
      Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`
  [408767e4] TerminalUserInterfaces v0.2.0

I'm on Arch Linux. This happens both in the text console and in a terminal emulator running under X.

Error in examples

Hi @kdheepak, I just watched your JuliaCon talk and came here to try things out. However the examples don't seem to work on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine with gnome-terminal, Julia 1.4 and TerminalUserInterfaces 0.2.0:

julia> include("barchart.jl")
[ Info: Precompiling TerminalUserInterfaces [408767e4-586b-40c7-9657-f9758988469a]
ERROR: LoadError: TERMIOSError: tcgetattr failed: Bad file descriptor
 [1] tcgetattr(::RawFD, ::TERMIOS.termios) at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TERMIOS/Kvyl9/src/TERMIOS.jl:610
 [2] tcgetattr(::Base.TTY, ::TERMIOS.termios) at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TERMIOS/Kvyl9/src/TERMIOS.jl:612
 [3] backup_termios() at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:194
 [4] initialize() at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:199
 [5] main() at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/examples/barchart.jl:6
 [6] top-level scope at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/examples/barchart.jl:62
 [7] include(::String) at ./client.jl:439
 [8] top-level scope at REPL[1]:1
in expression starting at /home/chris/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/examples/barchart.jl:62

Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

FocusLost, ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid JSON

TerminalUserInterfaces v0.8.0
Julia Version 1.10.2 REPL
Windows-Terminal Version: 1.19.10573.0
Windows 11

Just Copy&Paste of example code
into REPL opens up the list menu fine.
Now changing the window focus to some other window, the TUI menu crashes with:

julia> main()
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid JSON at byte position 1 while parsing type JSON3.Object: ExpectedOpeningObjectChar

  [1] invalid(error::JSON3.Error, buf::Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, pos::Int64, T::Type)
    @ JSON3 C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\JSON3.jl:30
  [2] #read#43
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\structs.jl:429 [inlined]
  [3] read
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\structs.jl:353 [inlined]
  [4] read
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\structs.jl:350 [inlined]
  [5] read(str::String, ::Type{Dict}; jsonlines::Bool, kw::@Kwargs{})
    @ JSON3 C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\structs.jl:41
  [6] read
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\JSON3\jSAdy\src\structs.jl:33 [inlined]
  [7] read()
    @ Crossterm C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\Crossterm\IcBlh\src\Crossterm.jl:384
  [8] #try_get_event#19
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\terminal.jl:48 [inlined]
  [9] try_get_event
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\terminal.jl:46 [inlined]
 [10] (::TerminalUserInterfaces.var"#54#55"{Float64, Model})()
    @ TerminalUserInterfaces C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\app.jl:37
 [11] tui(f::TerminalUserInterfaces.var"#54#55"{Float64, Model}; flags::@Kwargs{})
    @ TerminalUserInterfaces C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\terminal.jl:262
 [12] tui
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\terminal.jl:258 [inlined]
 [13] #app#53
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\app.jl:31 [inlined]
 [14] app
    @ C:\Users\oheil\.julia\packages\TerminalUserInterfaces\eHCFe\src\app.jl:30 [inlined]
 [15] main()
    @ Main .\REPL[9]:3
 [16] top-level scope
    @ REPL[10]:1

Extra line in Paragraph

The bottom border of a Paragraph is overwritten by the last line. It seems like a simple off by 1 error in displaying the Paragraph, or in the inner of a Block.

See below for reference.


Run on julia 1.6.2, error reproduceable on release and master of TUI.jl

Progress bars not visible.

I am using the master branch of TUI, on Arch Linux, Julia 1.6.1.

Only the percentage is visible, which I don't believe was intended.

Recording here.

Use ansi block characters to make smoother progressbars

I think it would be as simple as just replacing the if-else block and using something like

partials = (
    ' ',

    width = (right(inner_area) - left(inner_area) + 1)
    for y in top(inner_area):bottom(inner_area)
        for x in left(inner_area):right(inner_area)
            symbol = clamp(round(Int, (x - r * width) * 8), 0, 8) + 1
            set(buf, x, y, crayon, partials[symbol])

Would also make the output more copy friendly.

Wrong value for TIOCGWINSZ?

I use Linux here and I tried to use your library to get the size of my terminal in pixels. Maybe a bit overkill but I don't know a better way yet. When I try to get that size, I get the following error:

julia> TerminalUserInterfaces.terminal_size()
ERROR: ioctl failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] ioctl(::RawFD, ::Int64) at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:123
 [3] ioctl at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:126 [inlined]
 [4] terminal_size(::Base.TTY) at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:9
 [5] terminal_size() at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/utils.jl:13
 [6] top-level scope at REPL[71]:1

I then tried out

julia> TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL.ioctl(stdout,  TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL.TIOCGWINSZ)
ERROR: ioctl failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] ioctl(::RawFD, ::Int64) at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:123
 [3] ioctl(::Base.TTY, ::Int64) at /home/simon/.julia/packages/TerminalUserInterfaces/ha2Cg/src/ioctl.jl:126
 [4] top-level scope at REPL[73]:1

and got the same error. Finally I looked at the code and saw that TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL.TIOCGWINSZ is set to 25 for linux systems. I looked up ioctl.h on the internet and saw that there TIOCGWINSZ is set to 21523. So I tried that out and it worked:

julia> TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL.ioctl(stdout,  21523)
TerminalUserInterfaces.IOCTL.winsize(0xdeb8, 0x1b66, 0x7ffe, 0x0000)

So is it possible that the value for TIOCGWINSZ is incorrectly defined?

How do you interpret key values?

I'd like to read the arrow keys, but it seems that they come in as a strange combination of 3 bytes, meaning I have to call take!(t.stdin_channel) 3 times and put the values together. What kind of data can I generally expect to come out of stdin in "raw mode"?

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