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ecspresso's Introduction


ecspresso is a deployment tool for Amazon ECS.

(pronounced same as "espresso")



Homebrew (macOS and Linux)

$ brew install kayac/tap/ecspresso

asdf (macOS and Linux)

$ asdf plugin add ecspresso
# or
$ asdf plugin add ecspresso

$ asdf install ecspresso 2.3.0
$ asdf global ecspresso 2.3.0

aqua (macOS and Linux)

aqua is a CLI Version Manager.

$ aqua g -i kayac/ecspresso

Binary packages


CircleCI Orbs

version: 2.1
  ecspresso: fujiwara/[email protected]
      - checkout
      - ecspresso/install:
          version: v2.3.0 # or latest
          # version-file: .ecspresso-version
          os: linux # or windows or darwin
          arch: amd64 # or arm64
      - run:
          command: |
            ecspresso version

version: latest installs different versions of ecspresso for each Orb version.

version: latest is not recommended because it may cause unexpected behavior when the new version of ecspresso is released.

Orb fujiwara/[email protected] supports version-file: path/to/file installs ecspresso that version written in the file. This version number does not have v prefix, For example, 2.0.0.

GitHub Actions

Action kayac/ecspresso@v2 installs an ecspresso binary for Linux(x86_64) into /usr/local/bin. This action runs install only.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: kayac/ecspresso@v2
          version: v2.3.0 # or latest
          # version-file: .ecspresso-version
      - run: |
          ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml

Pass the parameter "latest" to use the latest version of ecspresso.

      - uses: kayac/ecspresso@v2
          version: latest

version: latest installs different versions of ecspresso for each Action version.

  • kayac/ecspresso@v1
    • The latest version of v1.x
  • kayac/ecspresso@v2
    • The latest version of v2.x

version: latest is not recommended because it may cause unexpected behavior when the new version of ecspresso is released.

GitHub Action kayac/ecspresso@v2 supports version-file: path/to/file installs ecspresso that version written in the file. This version number does not have v prefix, For example 2.3.0.


Usage: ecspresso <command>

  -h, --help                      Show context-sensitive help.
      --envfile=ENVFILE,...       environment files ($ECSPRESSO_ENVFILE)
      --debug                     enable debug log ($ECSPRESSO_DEBUG)
      --ext-str=KEY=VALUE;...     external string values for Jsonnet ($ECSPRESSO_EXT_STR)
      --ext-code=KEY=VALUE;...    external code values for Jsonnet ($ECSPRESSO_EXT_CODE)
      --config="ecspresso.yml"    config file ($ECSPRESSO_CONFIG)
      --assume-role-arn=""        the ARN of the role to assume ($ECSPRESSO_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN)
      --timeout=TIMEOUT           timeout. Override in a configuration file ($ECSPRESSO_TIMEOUT).
      --filter-command=STRING     filter command ($ECSPRESSO_FILTER_COMMAND)

    output AppSpec YAML for CodeDeploy to STDOUT

    delete service

    deploy service

    deregister task definition

    show diff between task definition, service definition with current running
    service and task definition

    execute command on task

  init --service=SERVICE
    create configuration files from existing ECS service

    refresh service. equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition
    --force-new-deployment --no-update-service

    register task definition

  render <targets>
    render config, service definition or task definition file to STDOUT

    show revisions of task definitions

    rollback service

    run task

    scale service. equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition

    show status of service

    list tasks that are in a service or having the same family

    verify resources in configurations

    wait until service stable

    show version

For more options for sub-commands, See ecspresso sub-command --help.

Quick Start

ecspresso can easily manage your existing/running ECS service by codes.

Try ecspresso init for your ECS service with option --region, --cluster and --service.

$ ecspresso init --region ap-northeast-1 --cluster default --service myservice --config ecspresso.yml
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save service definition to ecs-service-def.json
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save task definition to ecs-task-def.json
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save config to ecspresso.yml

Let me see the generated files ecspresso.yml, ecs-service-def.json, and ecs-task-def.json.

And then, you already can deploy the service by ecspresso!

$ ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml

Next step

ecspresso can read service and task definition files as a template. A typical use case is to replace the image's tag in the task definition file.

Modify ecs-task-def.json as below.

-  "image": "nginx:latest",
+  "image": "nginx:{{ must_env `IMAGE_TAG` }}",

And then, deploy the service with environment variable IMAGE_TAG.

$ IMAGE_TAG=stable ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml

See also Configuration file and Template syntax section.

Configuration file

A configuration file of ecspresso (YAML or JSON, or Jsonnet format).

region: ap-northeast-1 # or AWS_REGION environment variable
cluster: default
service: myservice
task_definition: taskdef.json
timeout: 5m # default 10m

ecspresso deploy works as below.

  • Register a new task definition from task-definition file (JSON or Jsonnet).
    • Replace {{ env `FOO` `bar` }} syntax in the JSON file to environment variable "FOO".
      • If "FOO" is not defined, replaced by "bar"
    • Replace {{ must_env `FOO` }} syntax in the JSON file to environment variable "FOO".
      • If "FOO" is not defined, abort immediately.
  • Update service tasks by the service_definition file (JSON or Jsonnet).
  • Wait for the service to be stable.

Configuration files and task/service definition files are read by go-config. go-config has template functions env, must_env and json_escape.

Template syntax

ecspresso uses the text/template standard package in Go to render template files, and parses as YAML/JSON/Jsonnet. By default, ecspresso provides the following as template functions.


"{{ env `NAME` `default value` }}"

If the environment variable NAME is set, it will replace with its value. If it's not set, it will replace with "default value".


"{{ must_env `NAME` }}"

It replaces with the value of the environment variable NAME. If the variable isn't set at the time of execution, ecspresso will panic and stop forcefully.

By defining values that can cause issues when running without meaningful values with must_env, you can prevent unintended deployments.


"{{ must_env `JSON_VALUE` | json_escape }}"

It escapes values as JSON strings. Use it when you want to escape values that need to be embedded as strings and require escaping, like quotes.

Plugin provided template functions

ecspresso also adds some template functions by plugins. See Plugins section.

Example of deployment

Rolling deployment

$ ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Starting deploy
Service: myService
Cluster: default
TaskDefinition: myService:3
    PRIMARY myService:3 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Creating a new task definition by myTask.json
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Registering a new task definition...
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Task definition is registered myService:4
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Updating service...
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Waiting for service stable...(it will take a few minutes)
2017/11/09 23:23:23 myService/default  PRIMARY myService:4 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2017/11/09 23:23:29 myService/default Service is stable now. Completed!

Blue/Green deployment (with AWS CodeDeploy)

ecspresso deploy can deploy service having CODE_DEPLOY deployment controller. See ecs-service-def.json below.

  "deploymentController": {
    "type": "CODE_DEPLOY"
  // ...

ecspresso doesn't create and modify any resources about CodeDeploy. You must create an application and a deployment group for your ECS service on CodeDeploy in the other way.

ecspresso finds a CodeDeploy deployment setting for the ECS service automatically. But, if you have too many CodeDeploy applications, API calls of that finding process may cause throttling.

In this case, you may specify CodeDeploy application_name and deployment_group_name in a config file.

# ecspresso.yml
  application_name: myapp
  deployment_group_name: mydeployment

ecspresso deploy creates a new deployment for CodeDeploy, and it continues on CodeDeploy.

$ ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml --rollback-events DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE
2019/10/15 22:47:07 myService/default Starting deploy
Service: myService
Cluster: default
TaskDefinition: myService:5
   PRIMARY myService:5 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Creating a new task definition by ecs-task-def.json
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Registering a new task definition...
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Task definition is registered myService:6
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default desired count: 1
2019/10/15 22:47:09 myService/default Deployment d-XXXXXXXXX is created on CodeDeploy
2019/10/15 22:47:09 myService/default

CodeDeploy appspec hooks can be defined in a config file. ecspresso creates Resources and version elements in appspec on deploy automatically.

cluster: default
service: test
service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
    - BeforeInstall: "LambdaFunctionToValidateBeforeInstall"
    - AfterInstall: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterTraffic"
    - AfterAllowTestTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterTestTrafficStarts"
    - BeforeAllowTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateBeforeAllowingProductionTraffic"
    - AfterAllowTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterAllowingProductionTraffic"

Scale out/in

To change a desired count of the service, specify scale --tasks.

$ ecspresso scale --tasks 10

scale command is equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition --no-update-service.

Example of deploy

ecspresso can deploy a service by service_definition JSON file and task_definition.

$ ecspresso deploy --config ecspresso.yml
# ecspresso.yml
service_definition: service.json

example of service.json below.

  "role": "ecsServiceRole",
  "desiredCount": 2,
  "loadBalancers": [
      "containerName": "myLoadbalancer",
      "containerPort": 80,
      "targetGroupArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:[region]:[account-id]:targetgroup/{target-name}/201ae83c14de522d"

Keys are in the same format as aws ecs describe-services output.

  • deploymentConfiguration
  • launchType
  • loadBalancers
  • networkConfiguration
  • placementConstraint
  • placementStrategy
  • role
  • etc.

Example of run task

$ ecspresso run --config ecspresso.yml --task-def=db-migrate.json

When --task-def is not set, use a task definition included in a service.

Other options for RunTask API are set by service attributes(CapacityProviderStrategy, LaunchType, PlacementConstraints, PlacementStrategy and PlatformVersion).


Version constraint.

required_version in the configuration file is for fixing the version of ecspresso.

required_version: ">= 2.0.0, < 3"

This description allows execution if the version is greater than or equal to 2.0.0 and less than or equal to 3. If this configuration file is read in any other version, execution will fail at that point.

This feature is implemented by go-version.

Manage Application Auto Scaling

If you're using Application Auto Scaling for your ECS service, adjusting the minimum and maximum auto-scaling settings with the ecspresso scale command is a breeze. Simply specify either scale --auto-scaling-min or scale --auto-scaling-max to modify the settings.

$ ecspresso scale --tasks 5 --auto-scaling-min 5 --auto-scaling-max 20

ecspresso deploy and scale can suspend and resume application auto scaling.

  • --suspend-auto-scaling sets suspended state to true.
  • --resume-auto-scaling sets suspended state to false.

When you want to change the suspended state simply, try ecspresso scale --suspend-auto-scaling or ecspresso scale --resume-auto-scaling. That operation will change suspended state only.

Use Jsonnet instead of JSON and YAML.

ecspresso v1.7 or later can use Jsonnet file format for service and task definition.

v2.0 or later can use Jsonnet for configuration file too.

If the file extension is .jsonnet, ecspresso will process Jsonnet first, convert it to JSON, and then load it.

  cluster: 'default',
  service: 'myservice',
  service_definition: 'ecs-service-def.jsonnet',
  task_definition: 'ecs-task-def.jsonnet',

ecspresso includes as a library, we don't need the jsonnet command.

--ext-str and --ext-code flag sets Jsonnet External Variables.

$ ecspresso --ext-str Foo=foo --ext-code "Bar=1+1" ...
  foo: std.extVar('Foo'), // = "foo"
  bar: std.extVar('Bar'), // = 2

Deploy to Fargate

If you want to deploy services to Fargate, task definitions and service definitions require some settings.

For task definitions,

  • requiresCompatibilities (required "FARGATE")
  • networkMode (required "awsvpc")
  • cpu (required)
  • memory (required)
  • executionRoleArn (optional)
  "taskDefinition": {
    "networkMode": "awsvpc",
    "requiresCompatibilities": [
    "cpu": "1024",
    "memory": "2048",
    // ...

For service-definition,

  • launchType (required "FARGATE")
  • networkConfiguration (required "awsvpcConfiguration")
  "launchType": "FARGATE",
  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
      "securityGroups": [
      "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED"
  // ...

Fargate Spot support

  1. Set capacityProviders and defaultCapacityProviderStrategy to ECS cluster.
  2. If you hope to migrate existing service to use Fargate Spot, define capacityProviderStrategy into service definition as below. ecspresso deploy --update-service applies the settings to the service.
  "capacityProviderStrategy": [
      "base": 1,
      "capacityProvider": "FARGATE",
      "weight": 1
      "base": 0,
      "capacityProvider": "FARGATE_SPOT",
      "weight": 1
  // ...

ECS Service Connect support

ecspresso supports ECS Service Connect.

You can define serviceConnectConfiguration in service definition files and portMappings attributes in task definition files.

For more details, see also Service Connect parameters

EBS Volume support

ecspresso supports managing Amazon EBS Volumes.

To use EBS volumes, define volumeConfigurations in service definitions, and mountPoints and volumes attributes in task definition files.

// ecs-service-def.json
  "volumeConfigurations": [
      "managedEBSVolume": {
        "filesystemType": "ext4",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ecsInfrastructureRole",
        "sizeInGiB": 10,
        "tagSpecifications": [
            "propagateTags": "SERVICE",
            "resourceType": "volume"
        "volumeType": "gp3"
      "name": "ebs"
// ecs-task-def.json
// containerDefinitions[].mountPoints
      "mountPoints": [
          "containerPath": "/mnt/ebs",
          "sourceVolume": "ebs"
// volumes
  "volumes": [
      "name": "ebs",
      "configuredAtLaunch": true

ecspresso run command supports EBS volumes too.

The EBS volumes attached to the standalone tasks will be deleted when the task is stopped by default. But you can keep the volumes by --no-ebs-delete-on-termination option.

$ ecspresso run --no-ebs-delete-on-termination

The EBS volumes attached to the tasks run by ECS services will always be deleted when the task is stopped. This behavior is by the ECS specification, so ecspresso can't change it.

How to check diff and verify service/task definitions before deploy.

ecspresso supports diff and verify subcommands.


Shows differences between local task/service definitions and remote (on ECS) definitions.

$ ecspresso diff
--- arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:service/ecspresso-test/nginx-local
+++ ecs-service-def.json
@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@
   "placementConstraints": [],
   "placementStrategy": [],
-  "platformVersion": "1.3.0"
+  "platformVersion": "LATEST"
--- arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task-definition/ecspresso-test:202
+++ ecs-task-def.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
   "containerDefinitions": [
       "cpu": 0,
       "environment": [],
       "essential": true,
-      "image": "nginx:latest",
+      "image": "nginx:alpine",
       "logConfiguration": {
         "logDriver": "awslogs",
         "options": {


Verify resources related with service/task definitions.

For example,

  • An ECS cluster exists.
  • The target groups in service definitions match the container name and port defined in the definitions.
  • A task role and a task execution role exist and can be assumed by
  • Container images exist at the URL defined in task definitions. (Checks only for ECR or DockerHub public images.)
  • Secrets in task definitions exist and be readable.
  • Can create log streams, can put messages to the streams in specified CloudWatch log groups.

ecspresso verify tries to assume the task execution role defined in task definitions to verify these items. If failed to assume the role, it continues to verify with the current sessions.

$ ecspresso verify
2020/12/08 11:43:10 nginx-local/ecspresso-test Starting verify
    --> [OK]
    --> [OK]
      --> [OK]
      --> [OK]
    --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
2020/12/08 11:43:14 nginx-local/ecspresso-test Verify OK!

Manipulate ECS tasks.

ecspresso can manipulate ECS tasks. Use tasks and exec command.

After v2.0, These operations are provided by ecsta as a library. ecsta CLI can manipulate any ECS tasks (not limited to deployed by ecspresso).

Consider using ecsta as a CLI command.


task command lists tasks run by a service or having the same family to a task definition.

      --id=                       task ID
      --output=table              output format
      --find=false                find a task from tasks list and dump it as JSON
      --stop=false                stop the task
      --force=false               stop the task without confirmation
      --trace=false               trace the task

When --find option is set, you can select a task in a list of tasks and show the task as JSON.

ECSPRESSO_FILTER_COMMAND environment variable can define a command to filter tasks. For example peco, fzf and etc.

$ ECSPRESSO_FILTER_COMMAND=peco ecspresso tasks --find

When --stop option is set, you can select a task in a list of tasks and stop the task.


exec command executes a command on task.

session-manager-plugin is required in PATH.

      --id=                       task ID
      --command=sh                command to execute
      --container=                container name
      --port-forward=false        enable port forward
      --local-port=0              local port number
      --port=0                    remote port number (required for --port-forward)
      --host=                     remote host (required for --port-forward)
      -L                          short expression of local-port:host:port

If --id is not set, the command shows a list of tasks to select a task to execute.

ECSPRESSO_FILTER_COMMAND environment variable works the same as tasks command.

See also the official document Using Amazon ECS Exec for debugging.

port forwarding

ecspresso exec --port-forward forwards local port to ECS tasks port.

$ ecspresso exec --port-forward --port 80 --local-port 8080

If --id is not set, the command shows a list of tasks to select a task to forward port.

When --local-port is not specified, use the ephemeral port for local port.

-L option is a short expression of local-port:host:port. For example, -L is equivalent to --local-port 8080 --host --port 80.

$ ecspresso exec --port-forward -L


ecspresso has some plugins to extend template functions.


The tfstate plugin introduces template functions tfstate and tfstatef.


region: ap-northeast-1
cluster: default
service: test
service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
  - name: tfstate
      url: s3://my-bucket/terraform.tfstate
      # or path: terraform.tfstate    # path to local file


  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
        "{{ tfstatef `aws_subnet.private['%s'].id` `az-a` }}"
      "securityGroups": [
        "{{ tfstate `` }}"

{{ tfstate "resource_type.resource_name.attr" }} will expand to an attribute value of the resource in tfstate.

{{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['%s'].attr" "index" }} is similar to {{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['index'].attr" }}. This function is useful to build a resource address with environment variables.

{{ tfstatef `aws_subnet.ecs['%s'].id` (must_env `SERVICE`) }}

Supported tfstate URL format

  • Local file file://path/to/terraform.tfstate
  • Amazon S3 s3://{bucket}/{key}
  • Terraform Cloud remote://{organization}/{workspaces}
    • TFE_TOKEN environment variable is required.
  • Google Cloud Storage gs://{bucket}/{key}
  • Azure Blog Storage azurerm://{resource_group_name}/{storage_account_name}/{container_name}/{blob_name}

This plugin uses tfstate-lookup to load tfstate.

Multiple tfstate support

func_prefix adds a prefix to template function names for each plugin configuration.

# ecspresso.yml
   - name: tfstate
       url: s3://tfstate/first.tfstate
     func_prefix: first_
   - name: tfstate
       url: s3://tfstate/second.tfstate
     func_prefix: second_

So in templates, functions are called with prefixes.

  "{{ first_tfstate `aws_s3_bucket.main.arn` }}",
  "{{ second_tfstate `aws_s3_bucket.main.arn` }}"


The cloudformation plugin introduces template functions cfn_output and cfn_export.

An example of CloudFormation stack template defines Outputs and Exports.

# StackName: ECS-ecspresso
    Value: !Ref PublicSubnetAz1
    Value: !Ref PublicSubnetAz2
    Value: !Ref EcsSecurityGroup
      Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-EcsSecurityGroupId

Load cloudformation plugin in a config file.


# ...
  - name: cloudformation

cfn_output StackName OutputKey lookups OutputValue of OutputKey in the StackName. cfn_export ExportName lookups exported value by name.


  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
        "{{ cfn_output `ECS-ecspresso` `SubnetAz1` }}",
        "{{ cfn_output `ECS-ecspresso` `SubnetAz2` }}"
      "securityGroups": [
        "{{ cfn_export `ECS-ecspresso-EcsSecurityGroupId` }}"

Lookups ssm parameter store

The template function ssm reads parameters from AWS Systems Manager(SSM) Parameter Store.

Suppose ssm parameter store has the following parameters:

  • name: '/path/to/string', type: String, value: "ImString"
  • name: '/path/to/stringlist', type: StringList, value: "ImStringList0,ImStringList1"
  • name: '/path/to/securestring', type: SecureString, value: "ImSecureString"

Then this template,

  "string": "{{ ssm `/path/to/string` }}",
  "stringlist": "{{ ssm `/path/to/stringlist` 1 }}",  *1
  "securestring": "{{ ssm `/path/to/securestring` }}"

will be rendered into this.

  "string": "ImString",
  "stringlist": "ImStringList1",
  "securestring": "ImSecureString"

Resolve secretsmanager secret ARN

The template function secretsmanager_arn resolves secretsmanager secret ARN by secret name.

  "secrets": [
      "name": "FOO",
      "valueFrom": "{{ secretsmanager_arn `foo` }}"

will be rendered into this.

  "secrets": [
      "name": "FOO",
      "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:secret:foo-06XQOH"





ecspresso's People


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ecspresso's Issues

Specifying multiple tfstates

Can we use values from multiple tfstate files?
I tried the following, but seems like only the last one is loaded.

# ecspresso.yml
   - name: tfstate
      url: s3://tfstate1
  - name: tfstate
      url: s3://tfstate2

Thanks for the great tool.

Upgrade AWS-SDK-Go version to support SSO Login.

Please consider to upgrade aws-sdk-go version.
AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) service was added to v1.37.0.

Currently ecspresso cannot get credentials from aws sso login command.

command example.

$ ecspresso version
ecspresso v1.3.2

$ aws sso login --profile my-sso-profile
Attempting to automatically open the SSO authorization page in your default browser.
If the browser does not open or you wish to use a different device to authorize this request, open the following URL:

Then enter the code:

Successully logged into Start URL:

$ export AWS_PROFILE=my-sso-profile
$ ecspresso init --config config.yml --region ap-northeast-1 --cluster hoge-cluster --service hoge-service
2021/02/02 16:15:34 init FAILED. failed to describe service: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
	For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors

Feature Request: verify container image platform

Thank you for making a great tool!
I would like to propose a platform verify feature.


Currently, ECS provides several runtimes.
Fargate/EC2 with AMD64/Linux
Fargate/EC2 with ARM64/Linux
Fargate/EC2 with AMD64/Windows

The feature is to verify whether images in task definition support target platform or not.
For example, there is a following task definition.

    "containerDefinitions": [
            "name": "custom-image"
    "requiresCompatibilities": [
    "networkMode": "awsvpc",
    "runtimePlatform": {
        "operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX",
        "cpuArchitecture": "ARM64"

When custom-image does not support arm64/linux platform, ECS task will fail to start due to incompatible platform.
We need to start tasks and check container logs to be aware of failures.

I will try to implement it and create PR.

Feature Request: Support diff of desiredCount

Currently,diff command does not cover desiredCount.
I want to target desiredCount as well as other parameters so that we can manage changes in ecs-service-def.json.
We can also achieve this with init --force-overwrite, but this method will not work if you are using templates or jsonnet.

Please add an option like --enable-desired-count.

ecspresso run fails with "ResourceNotReady" when the command finishes in a very short time


When running a command in a container that takes less than 1 second to complete, escpresso run frequently determines that the task has failed, even though the command completed successfully.

Error output example

$ ecspresso run --config ecspresso.yml 
2022/04/12 15:22:02 ecspresso-test/api Running task
2022/04/12 15:22:02 ecspresso-test/api Registering a new task definition...
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Task definition is registered ecspresso-test:22
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Task definition ARN: arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:509803364528:task-definition/ecspresso-test:22
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Watch container: hello
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Running task with arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:509803364528:task-definition/ecspresso-test:22
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Task ARN: arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:509803364528:task/api/3c84bfc97964403cae75ec093ceb200e
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Waiting for run task...(it may take a while)
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api Watching container: hello
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api logGroup: ecspresso-test
2022/04/12 15:22:04 ecspresso-test/api logStream: test/hello/3c84bfc97964403cae75ec093ceb200e
2022/04/12 15:22:07 ecspresso-test/api Waiting for task ID 3c84bfc97964403cae75ec093ceb200e until running
2022/04/12 15:22:07 run FAILED. failed to run task: failed to run task: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state

Possible Cause

ecspresso run waits for the task to reach the RUNNNIG state with WaitUntilTasksRunningWithContext after starting the task.

if err := d.ecs.WaitUntilTasksRunningWithContext(

However, if the container/task has completed in a very short time, the state of the task will already moved to STOPPED.
In that case, WaitUntilTasksRunningWithContext will return it as failure.

Reproduction code

Here is the task definition I used.

  family: 'ecspresso-test',
  containerDefinitions: [
      name: 'hello',
      image: 'alpine:latest',
      essential: true,
      cpu: 10,
      memory: 64,
      command: [
        'sleep 1 && echo hello',
      logConfiguration: {
        logDriver: 'awslogs',
        options: {
          'awslogs-group': 'ecspresso-test',
          'awslogs-region': 'us-east-1',
          'awslogs-stream-prefix': 'test',

extVar support for jsonnet files

I'm really excited with the jsonnet support. I can remove jsonnet install step 🙂
I tried it and found currently there's no way to pass --ext-str a=b options.
Do you have plans to support extVar related options?

`ecspresso verify` cannot get from secrets manager

When taskDefinition defines secrets that stored in secrets manager,ecspresso verify always shows error.

example definition

      "secrets": [
          "name": "MY_SECRET",
          "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:secret:foo/bar/my-secret-abcdef"

error message

[NG] verify Secret[MY_SECRET] failed: ValidationException: Invalid parameter name. Please use correct syntax for referencing a version/label  <name>:<version/label>

The cause is that all secrets are retrieved for the parameter store in the following:


Lines 327 to 330 in 3af4584

_, err := d.verifier.ssm.GetParameterWithContext(ctx, &ssm.GetParameterInput{
Name: secret.ValueFrom,
WithDecryption: aws.Bool(true),

If valueFrom starts with arn:aws:secretsmanager, the secret should be retrieved from secrets manager.

Feature Request: Support specifying a remote state file by s3 URL.



s3にあるtfstateを参照するとき、 s3://<bucket-name>/<key-of-file> 形式で指定できると直感的でわかりやすいと思います。
また同時に、 Workspaces に関して現在 ecspresso ではサポートがないものと存じますが、これステージ分離等に活用している場合も(configファイルを複数設けるなどハードコーディングで)対応できるように感じます。(URLを s3://<bucket-name>/env:/${terraform.workspace}/<key-of-project> 形式にする)



`ecspresso deploy` does not seem to succeed in v1.7.4

ecspresso deploy, which was successful in v1.7.3, does not seem to succeed in v1.7.4 with the following error:

2021/12/25 18:35:43 my-fargate-service/my-fargate Starting deploy
Service: my-fargate-service
Cluster: my-fargate
TaskDefinition: my-task:77
   PRIMARY my-task:77 desired:3 pending:0 running:3
2021/12/25 18:35:44 my-fargate-service/my-fargate Registering a new task definition...
2021/12/25 18:35:44 my-fargate-service/my-fargate Task definition is registered my-task:78
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1b71cc4]

goroutine 1 [running]:*App).Deploy(0xc000580c00, 0xc000037ab5, 0xc000037ab8, 0xc000037ac0, 0xc000037ac1, 0xc000037ac2, 0x0, 0xc00020ae80, 0xc000037ac4, 0xc000037ac5, ...)
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/deploy.go:81 +0xa24
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/cmd/ecspresso/main.go:250 +0x8e6e
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/cmd/ecspresso/main.go:18 +0x25

Probably due to #365.

Roadmap to v2

  • Switch to aws-sdk-go-v2.
  • rollback --deregister-task-definition true by default.
    • Raise an error when rollback --deregister-task-definition with --no-wait.
  • #344
  • #45
  • Abolish create subcommand. use deploy subcommand simply.
  • No require service_definition if run tasks only.
  • render command accepts render target by CLI args instead of flags (e.g. --task-definition)
  • Remove fallback to executionRole.
  • diff --unified by default.
  • init --jsonnet by default.
  • Progress bar for codedeploy #412
  • Switch CLI parser from kingpin.

...and so on

Failed to verify for non tagged image URL.

When an Amazon ECR image URL has not a tag (for example, ecspresso fails to verify the URL.

[NG] verify Image[] failed: aborted

forgetting to pass --config argument causes strange error

Way to reproduce

Run ecspresso init with required arguments except --config.

Expected behavior

No errors happen or enough information to fix it such as --config required but not passed.

Actual Behavior

Got failed to write file: open : no such file or directory error.

Full error messages are below:

[2021-07-21 13:55:58] ✘╹◡╹✘ < ecspresso init --cluster $cluster_arn --service $service_arn
2021/07/21 13:56:06 <snip> save service definition to ecs-service-def.json
2021/07/21 13:56:06 <snip> save task definition to ecs-task-def.json
2021/07/21 13:56:06 <snip> save config to
2021/07/21 13:56:06 init FAILED. failed to write file: open : no such file or directory

Way to fix

I think --config argument is actually a required parameter so it must be marked as a required parameter using .Required(), or should we set a default value such as config.yml?

Your .dependabot/config.yml contained invalid details

Dependabot encountered the following error when parsing your .dependabot/config.yml:

The property '#/update_configs/0/package_manager' value "go" did not match one of the following values: javascript, ruby:bundler, php:composer, java:maven, elixir:hex, rust:cargo, java:gradle, dotnet:nuget, go:dep, go:modules, docker, elm, submodules, github_actions, python, terraform

Please update the config file to conform with Dependabot's specification using our docs and online validator.

feature request: can use only `--command` flag to execute command

When I want to run any command without changing the task or service definition, I have to use --overrides flag at run, and have to prepare json string for it.

So, I would like to add the flag --command and be able to execute any command as follows.

ecspresso run --config config.yaml --command "echo hoge"

[v0.99.6] --tasks を 1 -> 2 に増やす deploy が Fail (管理コンソール上はOK)

"schedulingStrategy": "REPLICA" (アプリケーション)と "DAEMON" (Datadog) のサービスが
同居(同時稼働)する EC2 インスタンス 2台(サービス2つずつ)に対して、

  1. DAEMON 側へ ecspresso deploy --tasks 1 を実行 -> 正常終了するが desiredCount 2 のまま
  2. REPLICA 側へ ecspresso deploy --tasks 1 を実行 -> 正常終了して desiredCount 1 になった(DAEMON側は2のまま)
  3. REPLICA 側へ ecspresso deploy --tasks 2 を実行 -> 画面には Fail したと表示されるが、管理コンソール上では desiredCount が 2 となっていて期待結果になったように見える


❯ ecspresso deploy --config app-green/app-green/app-green-config.yaml --tasks 2 --debug

2020/09/28 18:40:01 app-green/app-green Starting deploy
Service: app-green
Cluster: app-green
TaskDefinition: app-green:13
   PRIMARY app-green:13 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green Registering a new task definition...
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green Task definition is registered app-green:14
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green service attributes will not change
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green desired count: 2
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green Updating service tasks...
2020/09/28 18:40:02 app-green/app-green {
  Cluster: "app-green/app-green",
  DesiredCount: 2,
  ForceNewDeployment: false,
  Service: "app-green/app-green",
  TaskDefinition: "arn:aws:ecs:ap-southeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXX:task-definition/app-green:14"
2020/09/28 18:40:06 app-green/app-green Waiting for service stable...(it will take a few minutes)
2020/09/28 18:49:56 app-green/app-green  PRIMARY app-green:14 desired:2 pending:0 running:1
2020/09/28 18:49:56 app-green/app-green   ACTIVE app-green:13 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2020/09/28 18:40:38 (service app-green) was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching (container-instance xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) has insufficient CPU units available. For more information, see the Troubleshooting section of the Amazon ECS Developer Guide.
2020/09/28 18:40:29 (service app-green) has started 1 tasks: (task xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
2020/09/28 18:50:01 deploy FAILED. failed to wait service stable: RequestCanceled: waiter context canceled
caused by: context deadline exceeded

~/src/.../infra/ecspresso/green feat/ecspresso-greenReduce* 10m 0s

DeploymentConfigName is not used correctly with CODE_DEPLOY

ecspresso version: v0.17.3
Fargate : 1.3.0

CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce is always used instead of the DeploymentConfigName set in the DeploymentGroup.
If you have any solutions, please let me know.


aws deploy get-deployment-group --application-name cluster --deployment-group-name cluster | jq -r '.[].deploymentConfigName'


Results of running ecspresso (cluster name,service name,sg, subnet are masked)

ecspresso deploy --config config.yml --debug --tasks=1 --suspend-auto-scaling --force-new-deployment

2020/08/27 23:38:27 service-name/cluster Starting deploy
Service: service-name
Cluster: cluster
TaskDefinition: cluster:817
   PRIMARY cluster:817 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
    ACTIVE cluster:818 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster Creating a new task definition by ../task_definition.json
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster Registering a new task definition...
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster Task definition is registered cluster:819
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster desired count: 1
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster No scalable target for service/cluster/service-name
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster appSpecContent: version: "0.0"
- TargetService:
    Type: AWS::ECS::Service
      TaskDefinition: arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task-definition/cluster:819
        ContainerName: application
        ContainerPort: 8080
      PlatformVersion: 1.3.0
          assignpublicip: DISABLED
          - sg-1234567890abcd
          - subnet-1234567890abcd
          - subnet-1234567890abcd
          - subnet-1234567890abcd

2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster depoymentInfo {
  ApplicationName: "cluster",
  AutoRollbackConfiguration: {
    Enabled: true,
  BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration: {
    DeploymentReadyOption: {
      ActionOnTimeout: "STOP_DEPLOYMENT",
      WaitTimeInMinutes: 5
    TerminateBlueInstancesOnDeploymentSuccess: {
      Action: "TERMINATE",
      TerminationWaitTimeInMinutes: 5
  CompleteTime: 2020-08-27 14:16:47 +0000 UTC,
  ComputePlatform: "ECS",
  CreateTime: 2020-08-27 14:13:47 +0000 UTC,
  Creator: "user",
  DeploymentConfigName: "CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce",
  DeploymentGroupName: "cluster",
  DeploymentId: "d-HT2P9ZZR5",
  DeploymentOverview: {
    Failed: 0,
    InProgress: 0,
    Pending: 0,
    Ready: 0,
    Skipped: 0,
    Succeeded: 1
  DeploymentStatusMessages: [],
  DeploymentStyle: {
    DeploymentOption: "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL",
    DeploymentType: "BLUE_GREEN"
  FileExistsBehavior: "DISALLOW",
  IgnoreApplicationStopFailures: false,
  InstanceTerminationWaitTimeStarted: true,
  LoadBalancerInfo: {
    TargetGroupPairInfoList: [{
        ProdTrafficRoute: {
          ListenerArns: ["arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:listener/app/cluster-external/e4a3a44e88770f9c/8c707a19857045b2"]
        TargetGroups: [{
            Name: "cluster-external-8080-blue"
            Name: "cluster-external-8080-green"
  PreviousRevision: {
    AppSpecContent: {
      Sha256: "4b3a0a34efd879534fb5074d1c9a89dcd2bed4468bd615f11d3f64a4615e5748"
    RevisionType: "AppSpecContent"
  Revision: {
    AppSpecContent: {
      Sha256: "3469252eba2fe38ab9eb15bd4f97d3f38928d584f47f1d7757669aeff953cf1e"
    RevisionType: "AppSpecContent"
  Status: "Succeeded",
  UpdateOutdatedInstancesOnly: false
2020/08/27 23:38:28 service-name/cluster creating a deployment to CodeDeploy {
  ApplicationName: "cluster",
  DeploymentConfigName: "CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce",
  DeploymentGroupName: "cluster",
  Revision: {
    AppSpecContent: {
      Content: "version: \"0.0\"\nResources:\n- TargetService:\n    Type: AWS::ECS::Service\n    Properties:\n      TaskDefinition: arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task-definition/cluster:819\n      LoadBalancerInfo:\n        ContainerName: application\n        ContainerPort: 8080\n      PlatformVersion: 1.3.0\n      NetworkConfiguration:\n        awsvpcconfiguration:\n          assignpublicip: DISABLED\n          securitygroups:\n          - sg-1234567890abcd\n          subnets:\n          - subnet-1234567890abcd\n          - subnet-1234567890abcd\n          - subnet-1234567890abcd\n"
    RevisionType: "AppSpecContent"

Feature Request: Support a flag of the 'scale' command that specifies whether to suspend AutoScaling

I'm sorry, but I'm making this issue in Japanese for ease and speed. Please translate comments with services such as DeepL If you are not a Japanese speaker.

先日 Twitter にて AutoScaling 管理下の Desired Count を変更した際に起こる競合について質問をした者です。その際はありがとうございました。

(ちゃんとタスクがスケールされたことの確認のポーリングを自前で実装するのは面倒だったこともあり、) ecspresso scale でのスケールを検討しているのですが、どうせなら ecspresso deploy コマンドのように --suspend-auto-scaling および --no-suspend-auto-scaling もセットになっていたら嬉しいなぁ...と思いました。

自分でも手伝えるような内容に思えるので、今夜PRの作成トライしてみますが、シンプルさなどの方針から取り込みたくないということであれば Issue 自体 Reject していただいて大丈夫です!

must_env in task definition causes exec command to fail


ecspresso v1.7.8


When executing ecspresso exec to a task definition that contains must_env environment variables, panic occurs due to undefined environment variables.

This did not happen in v1.5.0.

Expected behavior

Even if must_env is used in a task definition, it should be possible to ecspresso exec without setting environment variables at runtime.


$ DEPLOY_TARGET_ENV=prod ecspresso exec --config=.ecspresso/application-config.yml --command="/bin/bash"
panic: template attach failed: template: conf:12:77: executing "conf" at <must_env `DEPLOY_IMAGE_TAG`>: error calling must_env: environment variable DEPLOY_IMAGE_TAG is not defined

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x5b9, 0x5ba, 0xc00083ed60, 0x5ba, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/config.go:149 +0x18e*Loader).ReadWithEnv(0xc0003d8180, 0xc0003680f0, 0x24, 0x3a7c600, 0x0, 0x23d, 0xc00083ee08, 0x10187d3)
        /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/config.go:322 +0xc6*App).readDefinitionFile(0xc0000bac80, 0xc0003680f0, 0x24, 0x10c1245, 0x10c1d00, 0xc0003685a0, 0xc000293628, 0x0)
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/util.go:68 +0x6b9*App).LoadTaskDefinition(0xc0000bac80, 0xc0003680f0, 0x24, 0x25, 0x2374b08, 0xc0002935f0)
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/ecspresso.go:498 +0x5a*App).listTasks(0xc0000bac80, 0x236f1a0, 0xc00071d680, 0xc000719d20, 0xc00083f2f8, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc0007143c0, 0x1, 0x1, ...)
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/tasks.go:64 +0x48b*App).Exec(0xc0000bac80, 0xc000719d20, 0xc000719d50, 0xc000719d60, 0xc00045f7a0, 0xc00045f790, 0xc00045f798, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/exec.go:53 +0x145
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/cmd/ecspresso/main.go:293 +0x8cde
        /home/runner/work/ecspresso/ecspresso/cmd/ecspresso/main.go:18 +0x25

At this time, in our task definition, we set the family, arn, and image URLs as follows. The reason we specify must_env is that this is mainly for CD.

"family": “my_{{ must_env `DEPLOY_TARGET_ENV` }}_application”,
"taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::hogefuga/components/my_{{ must_env `DEPLOY_TARGET_ENV` }}_application_task_role",

"containerDefinitions": [
    "name": “hoge”,
    "image": “{{ must_env `DEPLOY_IMAGE_TAG` }}",


Also, we have confirmed that if must_env is replaced with env, it can be executed without any problem.

This also happens when the environment variable used by the family is left undefined, so it does not seem to depend on which element uses must_env.


Define a must_env environment variable (in our case, DEPLOY_IMAGE_TAG) at ecspresso exec runtime.

Possible causes

Probably because the change in v1.6 to allow command execution without ECS service refers to the task definition to find the same family.

wait command does not supported when the deploymentController is CODE_DEPLOY?

I tried ecspresso wait command but doesn't work.
Code Deploy Deployment was Succeeded.

$ ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml --no-wait
2020/04/01 21:13:12 sample/sample-cluster Starting deploy
Service: sample
Cluster: sample-cluster
TaskDefinition: sample-app:98
   PRIMARY sample-app:98 desired:2 pending:0 running:2
2020/04/01 21:13:12 sample/sample-cluster Creating a new task definition by ecs-task-def.json
2020/04/01 21:13:12 sample/sample-cluster Registering a new task definition...
2020/04/01 21:13:12 sample/sample-cluster Task definition is registered sample-app:101
2020/04/01 21:13:13 sample/sample-cluster Deployment d-XXXXXXXXX is created on CodeDeploy:
2020/04/01 21:13:13 sample/sample-cluster
$ ecspresso wait --config config.yaml
2020/04/01 21:13:23 sample/sample-cluster Waiting for the service stable
2020/04/01 21:13:23 sample/sample-cluster Waiting for service stable...(it will take a few minutes)
2020/04/01 21:16:18 (service sample) has reached a steady state.27906806) updated state to
2020/04/01 21:16:08 (service sample, taskSet ecs-svc/9666680786127906806) updated state to
2020/04/01 21:15:58 (service sample, taskSet ecs-svc/9666680786127906806) has stopped 2 ru
nning tasks: (task 496fcdf75dd84b86a2151d5879d89fe0) (task 45c3d01e80a24f51baeda1f51d25049
2020/04/01 21:15:58 (service sample, taskSet ecs-svc/1043283654285067039) updated state to
2020/04/01 21:15:48 (service sample, taskSet ecs-svc/9666680786127906806) has begun draini
ng connections on 2 tasks.
2020/04/01 21:15:48 (service sample) deregistered 2 targets in (target-group arn:aws:elast
2020/04/01 21:15:48 (service sample, taskSet ecs-svc/1043283654285067039) updated state to
2020/04/01 21:15:48 (service sample) updated computedDesiredCount for taskSet ecs-svc/9666
680786127906806 to 0.
2020/04/01 21:14:25 (service sample) has reached a steady state.
2020/04/01 21:23:23 wait FAILED. the service still unstable: RequestCanceled: waiter context canceled

It worked fine when the deploymentController is ECS.

$ ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml --no-wait
2020/04/01 21:06:00 sample-app/sample-cluster Starting deploy
Service: sample-app
Cluster: sample-cluster
TaskDefinition: sample-app:99
   PRIMARY sample-app:99 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2020/04/01 21:06:02 sample-app/sample-cluster Creating a new task definition by ecs-task-def.json
2020/04/01 21:06:02 sample-app/sample-cluster Registering a new task definition...
2020/04/01 21:06:02 sample-app/sample-cluster Task definition is registered sample-app:100
2020/04/01 21:06:02 sample-app/sample-cluster Updating service tasks...
2020/04/01 21:06:05 sample-app/sample-cluster Service is deployed.
$ ecspresso wait --config config.yaml
2020/04/01 21:06:15 sample-app/sample-cluster Waiting for the service stable
2020/04/01 21:06:15 sample-app/sample-cluster Waiting for service stable...(it will take a few minutes)
2020/04/01 21:08:16 sample-app/sample-cluster  PRIMARY sample-app:100 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2020/04/01 21:07:54 (service sample-app) has stopped 1 running tasks: (task c073aeb0f71148
2020/04/01 21:08:20 sample-app/sample-cluster Service is stable now. Completed!

Feature Request: Support --envfile option

I have multiple deploy destinations.

I have prepared one ecspresso configuration file group.
When run ecspresso xxx, I use the environment variables for each environment.

like this:

# for env HOGE
source HOGE.env
ecspresso verify --config=config.yaml && ecspresso diff --config=config.yaml
ecspreoss deploy --config=config.yaml

# for env FUGA
source FUGA.env
ecspresso verify --config=config.yaml && ecspresso diff --config=config.yaml
ecspreoss deploy --config=config.yaml

However, the above command overwrites the login shell environment variables.
If ecspresso supports the --envfile option, it will prevent overwriting them.

# for env HOGE
ecspresso verify --envfile=HOGE.env --config=config.yaml && ecspresso diff --envfile=HOGE.env --config=config.yaml
ecspreoss deploy --envfile=HOGE.env --config=config.yaml

There are workarounds such as the following, but this is a little complicated.

# for env HOGE
(source HOGE.env && ecspresso verify --config=config.yaml && ecspresso diff --config=config.yaml)
(source HOGE.env && ecspreoss deploy --config=config.yaml)

Furthermore, if supports multiple --envfile options, it will be more useful.

ecspreoss deploy --envfile=HOGE_MAIN.env --envfile=HOGE_SIDECAR.env --config=config.yaml


CodeDeploy利用時のwaitコマンドでconfigで30分以上の値を設定してもSDKのデフォルト値(120 * 15)の30分でタイムアウトします。

WaitUntilDeploymentSuccessfulWithContext でも WaitUntilServicesStableWithContext と同様にwaiterでdelay、attemptsを渡してあげる必要がある。


Lines 646 to 649 in 354ba4a

return d.codedeploy.WaitUntilDeploymentSuccessfulWithContext(
&codedeploy.GetDeploymentInput{DeploymentId: dpID},


Lines 484 to 488 in 354ba4a

return d.ecs.WaitUntilServicesStableWithContext(
ctx, d.DescribeServicesInput(),

Feature Request: Support add Tags to TaskDefinition


I want to add tag to taskdefinition.
But ecspresso doesn't support to add tags.

Because there are no tags in the argument.


Lines 108 to 122 in 53d3c28

func tdToRegisterTaskDefinitionInput(td *ecs.TaskDefinition) *ecs.RegisterTaskDefinitionInput {
return &ecs.RegisterTaskDefinitionInput{
ContainerDefinitions: td.ContainerDefinitions,
Cpu: td.Cpu,
ExecutionRoleArn: td.ExecutionRoleArn,
Family: td.Family,
Memory: td.Memory,
NetworkMode: td.NetworkMode,
PlacementConstraints: td.PlacementConstraints,
RequiresCompatibilities: td.RequiresCompatibilities,
TaskRoleArn: td.TaskRoleArn,
ProxyConfiguration: td.ProxyConfiguration,
Volumes: td.Volumes,

The AWS SDK RegisterTaskDefinitionInput supports adding tags.

Tags []*Tag `locationName:"tags" type:"list"`

In my project, I use tags to use billing and AWS Resource Groups services.
So I want this feature.

Thank you.

v1.7.9 fails deployment app, which using B/G deployment with CodeDeploy

We tried to deploy an ECS application using B/G deployment with CodeDeploy, by ecspresso v1.7.9, but it was failed with events log below.

2022/03/10 06:20:44 ... Registering a new task definition...
2022/03/10 06:20:45 ... Task definition is registered ...:33
2022/03/10 06:20:45 ... Updating service attributes...
2022/03/10 06:20:45 deploy FAILED. failed to update service attributes: InvalidParameterException: Unable to update load balancers on services with a CODE_DEPLOY deployment controller. Use AWS CodeDeploy to trigger a new deployment.

By ecspresso v1.7.8, we could deploy the application successfully.

FYI: ecs-service-def.json like below.
And we didn't update the file, so it should not updates ECS service I think.

  "deploymentConfiguration": {
    "maximumPercent": 200,
    "minimumHealthyPercent": 100
  "deploymentController": {
    "type": "CODE_DEPLOY"
  "desiredCount": 1,
  "enableECSManagedTags": true,
  "enableExecuteCommand": false,
  "healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds": 0,
  "launchType": "FARGATE",
  "loadBalancers": [
      "containerName": "app",
      "containerPort": 80,
      "targetGroupArn": "..."
  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED",
      "securityGroups": ["..."],
      "subnets": ["...", "..."]
  "placementConstraints": [],
  "placementStrategy": [],
  "platformFamily": "Linux",
  "platformVersion": "1.4.0",
  "schedulingStrategy": "REPLICA",
  "serviceRegistries": [],
  "tags": []

[v1.5.2] MissingRegion: could not find region configuration になる(v1.5.1 では起きない) でお伝えした問題です

ecspresso --config config.yaml verify
2021/05/06 04:34:22 failed to read tfstate: s3://XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY/ZZZZZ/terraform.tfstate: failed to read tfstate from s3://XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY/ZZZZZ/terraform.tfstate: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration

状況として、AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="ap-southeast-1" を direnv で設定してますが、AWS_REGION は設定していませんでした。

他に確認事項あれば随時ご連絡ください。 @fujiwara

[Feature Request] Unlimited terminal width

My problem

Copying the event log from Terminal is inconvenient because the Terminal width is fixed at 90.
スクリーンショット 2021-10-16 14 00 47

Feature Request

Would you please add "Unlimited terminal width mode" with no line breaks in the event message?

ECS Exec 時、ログに KMS key (KMS key) を使用した暗号化を有効にしていた場合にセッションに失敗する


例えば、CDK から s3EncryptionEnabled を true にしたようなクラスタに対して exec すると、以下のようなエラーがでます。

SessionId: ******: 
Encountered error while initiating handshake. KMSEncryption failed on client with status 2 error: Failed to process action KMSEncryption: Installed version of AWS CLI does not support Session Manager encryption feature. Please upgrade to latest version of AWS CLI


session-manager-plugin を呼ぶ際、引数を 4 つ渡していますが、

これは session-manager-plugin 上 LegacyArgumentLength に該当するようです。

また、IsAwsCliUpgradeNeeded な場合、レガシー判定を受けて ProcessKMSEncryptionHandshakeAction を行うことができません。

最新の awscli が扱っているようにあるいは、コメントにあるように引数を増やしてあげる必要がありそうです。

Unable to update platformVersion and networkConfiguration for CodeDeploy services.

ecspresso appspec creates an AppSpec file based on current ECS service attributes (not based on service definition file).

Therefore we cannot update platformVersion and networkConfiguration for services that have deploymentController "CODE_DEPLOY".

Need to create an AppSpec file based on service definition file when ecspresso deploy --update-service.

Run with --latest-task-definition behavior

Hi and thanks for your work 👍

I've read your Advent calendar on zenn and tried ecspresso run --latest-task-definition. I thought it would use the latest task definition but actually it uses the definition used by the service. Is that an intended behavior? If so, maybe reflect it in docs?

My use case is as follows:

  • register new task definition (e.g. def:1 -> def:2)
  • run task with the new definition (def:2)
    currently ecspresso runs task with def:1 here
  • update service with the new definition (def:2)

It would be nice if you could specify task revision (e.g. 2) for the run command.

What does --force-new-deployment option do?

First of all I'd like to say thank you for such a great tool, and keep up a good work! 👍

It's not really clear to me at first glance so I would be really thankful if someone could explain it to me what does --force-new-deployment option do?
ecspresso deploy --force-new-deployment

Is this option perhaps going to force tasks to be stopped, skip the draining part or it is something completely different?

Thanks in advance for your answer! 👋

fail to find corresponding CodeDeploy deployment group if cluster's full ARN is specified at cluster's value in config.yml

Way to reproduce

  • Specify full ARN of the cluster at config.yml such as cluster: arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:cluster/my-cluster
  • Setup service's deployment controller with CodeDeploy
  • Run ecspresso deploy

Expected behavior

No errors happen.

Actual Behavior

Got failed to find CodeDeploy Application/DeploymentGroup error:

2021/07/23 19:17:02 deploy FAILED. failed to find CodeDeploy Application/DeploymentGroup for ECS service <my-service-name> on cluster arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:cluster/my-cluster

Possible causes

The cluster value in config.yml compared with possible deployment group's ECS cluster value, but we can specify cluster's full ARN as cluster value in config.yml and ecspresso works well except running ecspresso deploy.

So if we specified the full ARN, it is never matched with the corresponding deployment group's cluster specification.

I have some ideas about this problem:

rollback - support rollback to older tasks definitions

It would be very nice to have the ability to a specific version and not just for the last one.
the reason is that if you know the last version also has issued and you wish to rollback to version X-5 you will have to run rollback 5 times.

emit warning messages into stderr instead of stdout to make JSON/TSV outputs parseable

Currently, ecspresso emits warning messages into stdout such as:

This causes breaking structured outputs.

For example, running ecspresso tasks --output=json and gets the below outputs from stdout:

# ecspresso tasks --output=json
WARNING: json: unknown field "$comment" in etc/ecspresso/production/task-definition.json
  "attachments": [
      "details": [
      # snip

But those are invalid as either JSON or JSON lines.

ecspresso using fmt.Print* functions to emit warning messages but those functions use os.Stdout to output destination.

When emitting warning or error messages, the stderr may be preferred.

When run `deploy` command, throttling exception happened

Hi, I use ecspresso with Codedeploy.
My environments have many deployment group, applications.

When deploying multiple services at the same time, throttling exception happend.

I'd like to fix this issue.


$ ecspresso version
ecspresso v1.7.7


I think it's root cause .


Lines 242 to 305 in 7ec5449

func (d *App) findDeploymentInfo() (*codedeploy.DeploymentInfo, error) {
// search deploymentGroup in CodeDeploy
d.DebugLog("find all applications in CodeDeploy")
la, err := d.codedeploy.ListApplications(&codedeploy.ListApplicationsInput{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(la.Applications) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no any applications in CodeDeploy")
// BatchGetApplications accepts applications less than 100
for i := 0; i < len(la.Applications); i += 100 {
end := i + 100
if end > len(la.Applications) {
end = len(la.Applications)
apps, err := d.codedeploy.BatchGetApplications(&codedeploy.BatchGetApplicationsInput{
ApplicationNames: la.Applications[i:end],
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, info := range apps.ApplicationsInfo {
d.DebugLog("application", info.String())
if *info.ComputePlatform != "ECS" {
lg, err := d.codedeploy.ListDeploymentGroups(&codedeploy.ListDeploymentGroupsInput{
ApplicationName: info.ApplicationName,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(lg.DeploymentGroups) == 0 {
d.DebugLog("no deploymentGroups in application", *info.ApplicationName)
groups, err := d.codedeploy.BatchGetDeploymentGroups(&codedeploy.BatchGetDeploymentGroupsInput{
ApplicationName: info.ApplicationName,
DeploymentGroupNames: lg.DeploymentGroups,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, dg := range groups.DeploymentGroupsInfo {
d.DebugLog("deploymentGroup", dg.String())
for _, ecsService := range dg.EcsServices {
if *ecsService.ClusterName == d.config.Cluster && *ecsService.ServiceName == d.config.Service {
return &codedeploy.DeploymentInfo{
ApplicationName: aws.String(*info.ApplicationName),
DeploymentGroupName: aws.String(*dg.DeploymentGroupName),
DeploymentConfigName: aws.String(*dg.DeploymentConfigName),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"failed to find CodeDeploy Application/DeploymentGroup for ECS service %s on cluster %s",

findDeploymentInfo() take applicationName/deploymentconfigName/deploymentGroupName dynamically.

Therefore, I think that it call a lot of APIs in my environment and exceeded the API rate limit.

Below when error happened.

# log
2022/04/13 09:10:14 test-ecsporesso/test-ecspresso-cluster Starting deploy
Service: test-ecsporesso
Cluster: test-ecspresso-cluster
TaskDefinition: test-ecsporesso-api:85
   PRIMARY test-ecsporesso-api:85 desired:1 pending:0 running:0
    ACTIVE test-ecsporesso-api:86 desired:1 pending:0 running:0
  Capacity min:1 max:1
  Suspended in:false out:false scheduled:false
  Policy name:test-ecsporesso-policy type:TargetTrackingScaling
2022/04/13 09:10:14 test-ecsporesso/test-ecspresso-cluster Registering a new task definition...
2022/04/13 09:10:14 test-ecsporesso/test-ecspresso-cluster Task definition is registered test-ecsporesso-api:88
2022/04/13 09:10:14 test-ecsporesso/test-ecspresso-cluster Updating service attributes...
2022/04/13 09:10:17 test-ecsporesso/test-ecspresso-cluster desired count: unchanged
2022/04/13 09:10:34 deploy FAILED. ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded

My environments

  • Applications have 70 over
  • Deployment Group have one every application(Applicatons : Deployment Group = 1:1 )


  • Add new deployment_definition .
cluster: default
service: test
service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
deployment_definition: ecs-deployment-def.json
  "applicationName": "test-app",
  "deploymentConfigName": "CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce",
  "deploymentGroupName": "test-deployment-group"

I think applicationName/deploymentconfigName/deploymentGroupName take deployment_definition statically.

What do you think?

Amazon ECR public image [NG] verify with 401 Unauthorized.

前日リリースされたAmazon ECR Public Galleryのイメージを指定した task definition を、ECRに未ログインで verify したところ 401 Unauthorized で NG となりました。

期待する動作はECRへの未ログイン時にECR Publicイメージへは匿名アクセスで存在確認が行われる、または verifySkipErr などでverify NGとはならない形になります。


TaskDefinition [NG] verify ContainerDefinition[mackerel-container-agent] failed: verify Image[] failed: 401 Unauthorized

イメージをDocker Hubのものに変えただけの差分でのOK出力:

--> [OK] は手元のマシンで未認証で docker pull 可能なことを確認しました。

ecspresso verify should check log driver.

task definitions require a valid log driver.

failed to register task definition: ClientException: awsvpc is not a valid log driver. Must be one of [awslogs,splunk,awsfirelens]

Feature suggestion: SSM parameter store plugin

Is there a plan to add plugin support for ssm parameter store? If not, are you willing to accept the PR if there's one?
I'm imagining something like below:

# ecspresso.yml

  - name: ssm
# anywhere in ecs-service-def.json or task-def.json

   "some_key": "{{ ssm `/path/to/parameter` }}"


feature request: resolve definition files path relatively from config.yml


ecspresso cli resolves definition files ( service_definition and task_definition ) path from current working directory.
So we need to run ecspresso cli on exact directory .
This causes some confusion when config files put nested directory structure.

Expected behavior

ecspresso cli resolves definition files path from config.yml file relatively.

Actual behavior example

In this directory structure, I need to configure and run escpresso cli in 2 ways.

└── deploy
   ├── config.yaml
   ├── ecs-service-def.json
   └── ecs-task-def.json
  1. change directory deploy way

Configure config.yml 's definition files following example, and run ecspresso cli after change directory to deploy

service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
  1. specify definition files path from root directory way

Configure config.yml 's definition files following example, and run ecspresso cli in root directory.

service_definition: ./deploy/ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ./deploy/ecs-task-def.json

proposal: enable to deploy new service

Thank you for great tool!


Being able to manage an existing app by a code base is very useful and easily, but on the other hand,
I often want to deploy new service from existing conf files with same tool (= ecspresso).

For example, we have a situation where we want to create a dev, stg, prd env based on the conf files which we we have used in PoC env.


I want to make ecspresso deploy enable the deployment of new services in addition to existing features.
Alternatively, this could be accomplished by passing a flag (such as --new) to deploy subcommand.

I apologize if it's already possible or if I've made suggestions that are outside of the ecspresso's philosophy.


config fileでtimeout: 15mを設定したが、10分後にerrorになって失敗してしまうのですが、なぜでしょうか。error文は下記になります。

2019/08/28 06:32:18 deploy FAILED. deploy failed: ResourceNotReady: exceeded wait attempts
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

Feature Request: Support force override for init sub-command.

In my use-case, deployment workflow updates multiple services and runs task (unrelated to those services).
So, I want to run ecspress init command multiple times in one work directory.
This produces overwrite prompt like below.

021/02/02 12:01:38 xxxx/xxxx save service definition to ecs-service-def.json
Overwrite existing file ecs-service-def.json? (y/n) [n]: y
2021/02/02 12:01:44  xxxx/xxxx  save task definition to ecs-task-def.json
Overwrite existing file ecs-task-def.json? (y/n) [n]: y

Or, should I create config.yml files for each ECS Services I want to update?

Does not `desiredCount` field work?

I tried to change desiredCount field in service.json and run ecspresso deploy --update-service --skip-task-definition , but a count of tasks was not changed.

-     "desiredCount": 1,
+     "desiredCount": 0,

I confirmed that --tasks option works fine to scale-in/out, so does not ecspresso support to change desiredCount field in JSON for scale-in/out?

Version: 0.16.0

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