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wowclassicgrindbot's Introduction

Source code not available.

I no longer have time to work on this bot and have deleted the source code to avoid any confusion. I have left this readme to indicate what is possible with a pixel bot.

MasterOfPuppets - World of Warcraft Classic Grind Bot - Now Includes Pathing

  • Uses a modified version of the addon: to read the game state. Sorry but the addon is coded for an english wow client and would need to be modified to work with any other languages.

  • Uses Blazor Server to show the bot state in a browser, and so can be monitored from your phone or a tablet while you do something else.

  • No DLL injection or memory watching, just screen capture, mouse and keyboard clicking.

  • The bot was written from scratch in C#. The Pathing calculation is mostly from an old library called PPather.

  • All classes are working except Hunter.

  • Pathing to grind route, vendor and repair.

  • Further detail about the bot can be found in my Blog post.



Grind Bot Fun YouTube


You are welcome to create pull requests. Some ideas of things that could be improved:

  • This readme
  • The stuck detector
  • The route recording and editing
  • More routes

Issues and Ideas

Create an issue rather than emailing me so that others can comment.

Getting it working

1. Download this repository

Put the contents of the repo into a folder. e.g "C:\WowClassicGrindBot". I am going to refer to this folder from now on, so just substitute your own folder path.

2. Install the Addon

W In this repo is a folder called Addons e.g. C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Addons. Copy the contents into your wow classic Addons folder. e.g. c:\World of Warcraft_classic_\Interface\AddOns. You will need to restart Wow if it is running.

There are 2 addons:

  • Bindpad - This makes it easier to bind keys to commands or macros. e.g. F1-F12
  • DataToColor - This is the addon which reads and displays the game state.

3. Download the MPQ route files

You only need the common-2.MPQ (1.7Gb) file.

This file is required to find paths from where you are to the grind area, vendor and repair.

Copy it into the \PathingAPI\MPQ folder (e.g. C:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI\MPQ)

4. Build the bot

You will probably already have Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code installed. You need to build the bot using either one of them, or use powershell.

You will need .net core 3.1 x86 SDK installed.

Note: you need the x86 version, not the x64 one.

e.g. Build from powershell

cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot
dotnet build


5. Configure the Addon Reader

The bot reads the game state using small blocks of colour shown at the top of the screen by an Addon. This needs to be configured.

  1. Delete the existing config.json file found in c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer, we are going to recreate it. This is important as your screen may not be the same size as mine 1920 x 1080.

  2. Edit the batch script in c:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer called run.bat, change it to point at where you have put the repo BlazorServer folder e.g.

     start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "http://localhost:5000"
     cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer
     dotnet run
  3. Execute the run.bat. This will start the bot and Chrome, Wow must be already running. If you get "Unable to find the Wow process is it running ?" in the console window then it can't find wow.exe.

  4. You should see the 'Addon configuration' screen (See screenshot below).

  5. Check these settings in the wow game client. Other values will stop the bot from being able to read the addon data.

  • System>Advanced>Constrast: 50
  • System>Advanced>Brightness: 50
  • System>Advanced>Gamma from: 1.0
  1. The bot needs to record the position of the blocks of colour and to do this we need to put the addon into configuration mode by typing /dc. Follow the instructions on the configuration page and Save the configuration.

  2. Restart the bot and when it starts it should show the dashboard page.


6. Configure the Wow Client - Interface Options

We need to make sure that certain interface options are set. The most important are Click to move and screen flashing on low health. See the list below.

Interface Options

From the main menu (ESC) set the following:

  • Interface Options - Controls - Auto Loot - Ticked.
  • Interface Options - Controls - Interact on Left click - Not ticked.
  • Interface Options - Combat - Do Not Flash Screen at Low Health - Ticked.
  • Interface Options - Combat - Auto Self Cast - Ticked.
  • Interface Options - Camera - Auto-Follow Speed - Fast
  • Interface Options - Camera - Camera Following Style - Always
  • Interface Options - Mouse - Click-to-Move - Ticked
  • Interface Options - Mouse - Click-to-Move Camera Style - Always

7. Configure the Wow Client - Key Bindings:

The "Interact with Target" keybind is super important as it allows the bot to turn towards and approach the target. The "Target Last Target " keybind helps with looting.

From the main menu (ESC) set the following:

"Targeting" Key Bindings:

Command Key
Interact With Target H
Target Last Target N

8. Configure the Wow Client - Bindpad addon

Bindpad allows keys to be easily bound to commands and macros. Type /bindpad to show it.

For each of the following click + to add a new key binding. The most important ones are marked with a *.

Key Command Description
i /use hearthstone
o /use Chestnut Mare Bridle Your mount here
u /tar targettarget Warlock only
y /cast counterspell Mage only
t /cast blink Mage only
F1 See below Buff weapon 16 (Melee classes)
F2 See below Buff weapon 17 (Melee classes)
* F3 /cleartarget
* F4 /use Superior Healing Potion Heal
F5 See below Delete various crap
F6 /equipslot 18 Wicked Throwing Dagger Equip thown (Rogue)
F7 /cast Desperate Prayer Heal - Priest only
F8 /cancelform Druid
* F9 /stand
* F10 /stopattack
F11 /cast Power Infusion Priest only
F12 /tar pet Warlock only
L /cast Ice Barrier Mage only
Rogue weapon buff (use 17 for second weapon):
    /use Instant Poison V 
    /use 16
    /click StaticPopup1Button1 

Melee weapon buff:
    /use Dense Sharpening Stone
    /use 16
    /click StaticPopup1Button1         

Delete various
    /run for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if n and (strfind(n,"Slimy") or strfind(n,"Red Wolf") or strfind(n,"Mystery") or strfind(n,"Spider L")) then PickupContainerItem(b,s) DeleteCursorItem() end end end

9. Setting up the class file (Final step)

Each class has a configuration file in /Json/class e.g. the config for a Rogue it is in file C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Json\class\Rogue.json.

The configuration file determines what spells you cast when pulling and in combat, where to vend and repair and what buffs you give yourself.

Take a look at the class files in /Json/class for examples of what you can do (BTW hunter is not supported.). Your class file probably exists and just needs to be edited to set the pathing file name, but note they may be set up for level 60.


The path that the class follows is a json file in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Json\path\ which contains a list of x & y coordinates the bot will traverse while looking for mobs.

    "PathFilename": "58_Winterspring.2.json", // the path to walk when alive
    "SpiritPathFilename": "58_Winterspring_SpiritHealer.2.json", // the path from the spirit healer back to the main path.
    "PathThereAndBack": true, // if true walks the path and the walks it backwards.
    "PathReduceSteps": true,  // uses every other coordinate.

Note: The SpiritPathFilename is not really needed anymore as the bot should be able to path from the spirit healer to the corpse.


The rest of the file contains a set of commands


    "Name": "Slice And Dice",
    "Key": "3",
    "MinEnergy": 25,
    "MinComboPoints": 2,
    "Cooldown": 3,
    "Requirement": "Slice And Dice"

Commands have the following parameters, only a subset will be used by each command.

Property Name Description Default value
Name Name of the command
HasCastBar Does the spell have a cast bar false
StopBeforeCast Should the char stop moving before casting the spell false
Key The key to click (ConsoleKey)
PressDuration How many milliseconds to press the key for 250
ShapeShiftForm For druids the shapeshift form to be in to cast this spell None
CastIfAddsVisible If the bot can "See" any adds false
Cooldown The cooldown in seconds until the command can be done again 0
MinMana The minimum Mana required to cast the spell 0
MinRage The minimum Rage required to cast the spell 0
MinEnergy The minimum Energy required to cast the spell 0
MinComboPoints The minimum combo points required to cast the spell 0
Requirement A single "Requirement" (See below) which must be true
Requirements A list of "Requirements" which must be true
WaitForWithinMelleRange Wait after casting for the mob to be in melee range false
ResetOnNewTarget Reset the cooldown if the target changes false
Log Write to the log when this key is evaluated true
DelayAfterCast The delay in milliseconds after the spell is cast 1500
DelayBeforeCast A delay in milliseconds before this spell is cast 0
Cost For Adhoc goals the priority 18
InCombat Can it be cast in combat false
StepBackAfterCast Hero will go back for X sec after casting this spell , usable for spells like Mage Frost Nova false
PathFilename For NPC goals, this is a short path to get close to the NPC to avoid walls etc. "Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json"

Pull Goal

This is the sequence of commands that are used when pulling a mob.

Combat Goal

The sequence of commands that are used when in combat and trying to kill a mob. The combat goal does the first available command on the list. The goal then runs again re-evaluating the list before choosing the first available command again, and so on until the mob is dead.

Adhoc Goals

These commands are done when not in combat and are not on cooldown.

NPC Goals

These command are for vendoring and repair.


"NPC": {
      "Sequence": [
          "Name": "Repair",
          "Key": "C",
          "Requirement": "Items Broken",
          "PathFilename": "Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json",
          "Cost": 6
          "Name": "Sell",
          "Key": "C",
          "Requirement": "BagCount>65",
          "PathFilename": "Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json",
          "Cost": 6

The "Key" is a key that is bound to a macro. The macro needs to target the NPC, and if necessary open up the repair or vendor page. The bot will click the key and the npc will be targetted. Then it will click the interact button which will cause the bot to move to the NPC and open the NPC options, this may be enough to get the auto repair and auto sell greys to happen. But the bot will click the button again in case there are further steps (e.g. SelectGossipOption), or you have many greys or items to sell.

Sell macro example bound to the "C" key using BindPad or Key bindings.

/tar Jannos Ironwill
/run DataToColor:sell({"Light Leather","Cheese","Light Feather"});

Repair macro example:

/tar Vargus
/script SelectGossipOption(1)

Because some NPCs are hard to reach, there is the option to add a short path to them e.g. "Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json". The idea is that the start of the path is easy to get to and is a short distance from the NPC, you record a path from the easy to reach spot to the NPC with a distance between spots of 1. When the bot needs to vend or repair it will path to the first spot in the list, then walk closely through the rest of the spots, once they are walked it will press the defined Key, then walk back through the path.

e.g. Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json in the Json\path folder looks like this:


If you have an NPC that is easy to get to such as the repair NPC in Arathi Highlands then the path only needs to have one spot in it. e.g.


Short Path Example:

Short Path Example

Repeatable Quests Handin

In theory if there is a repeatable quest to collect items, you could set up a NPC task as follows. See 'Bag requirements' for Requirements format.

    "Name": "Handin",
    "Key": "K",
    "Requirements": ["BagItem:12622:5","BagItem:12623:5"],
    "PathFilename": "Path_to_NPC.json",
    "Cost": 6


A requirement is something that must be true for the command to run. Not all commands need a requirement, some just rely on a cooldown or a mana amount. A requirement can be put into a list if there is more than one.


    "Name": "Soul Shard",
    "Key": "9",
    "HasCastBar": true,
    "Requirements": ["TargetHealth%<36", "not BagItem:6265:3"], <--- Requirement List
    "MinMana": 55
    "Name": "Curse of Weakness",
    "Key": "6",
    "Cooldown": 10,
    "ResetOnNewTarget": true,
    "Requirement": "not Curse of Weakness", <--- Single Requirement
    "MinMana": 20,
    "Log": false

Value base requirements

Value base requirements are made up on a [ Health% or TargetHealth% or Mana% or BagCount] [< or >] [Numeric Value].


  • "Health%>70",
  • "TargetHealth%<10",
  • "Mana%<40",
  • "BagCount>80",
  • "MobCount>1"

npcID requirements

If a particular npc is required then this requirement can be used.


Mob count requirements

If you only want to cast a spell if there is more than one mob fighting you e.g. Frost nova, or Cleave etc.

e.g. "Requirement": "MobCount>1",

Bag requirements

If an item must be in your bag then you can use this requirement. Useful to determine when to create warlock Healthstone or soul shards.

It has the format BagItem:[itemid]:[count]


Buff / Debuff

Allow requirements about what buffs you have or the target has to be evaluated.


  • "not Well Fed" - I am not well fed.
  • "not Thorns" - I don't have the thorns buff.
  • "Shooting" - I am out of shooting.
  • "Items Broken" - Some of my armor is red.
Class Buff
All "Items Broken"
All "Well Fed"
All "Eating"
All "Drinking"
All "Mana Regeneration"
All "OutOfCombatRange"
All "InCombatRange"
All "Shooting"
Priest "Fortitude"
Priest "InnerFire"
Priest "Divine Spirit"
Priest "Renew"
Priest "Shield"
Priest "Shadow Word: Pain"
Paladin "Seal"
Paladin "Aura"
Paladin "Blessing"
Druid "Mark of the Wild"
Druid "Thorns"
Druid Debuff "Demoralizing Roar"
Druid Debuff "Faerie Fire"
Mage "Frost Armor"
Mage "Arcane Intellect"
Mage "Ice Barrier"
Rogue "Slice And Dice"
Warrior "Battle Shout"
Warlock "Demon Skin"
Warlock "Has Pet"
Warlock "Curse of Weakness"
Warrior Debuff "Rend"


Allow requirements about spell range to be used, the spell in question depends upon the class being played. "SpellInRange:0" or "not SpellInRange:0" for a Warrior is Charge and for a Mage is Fireball. This might be useful if you were close enough for a Fireball, but not for a Frostbolt.

e.g. "Requirement": "SpellInRange:4" e.g. "Requirements": ["Health%<80", "SpellInRange:4"]

In the Addon DataToColor.lua is function DataToColor:areSpellsInRange() this tries to get a list of spells unique to each class that are in range. This is read by Libs.SpellInRange.cs.

Class Spell id
ROGUE Sinister Strike 0
ROGUE Throw 1
ROGUE Shoot Gun 2
DRUID Wrath 0
DRUID Bash 1
WARRIOR Charge 0
WARRIOR Shoot Gun 2
PRIEST Shadow Word: Pain 0
PRIEST Mind Blast 1
PRIEST Mind Flay 2
PRIEST Shoot 3
PALADIN Judgement 0
MAGE Fireball 0
MAGE Shoot 1
MAGE Pyroblast 2
MAGE Frostbolt 3
MAGE Fire Blast 4
HUNTER Raptor Strike 0
HUNTER Auto Shot 1
WARLOCK Shadow Bolt 0


The default mode for the bot is to grind, but there are other modes. The mode is set in the root of the class file.

e.g. Rogue.json


  "PathFilename": "Herb_EPL.json",
  "SpiritPathFilename": "Herb_EPL.json",

  "Mode": "AttendedGather", // <---------
  "GatherFindKeys":  [1,2],

The available modes are:

Mode Description
"Grind" This is the default mode where the bot will pull mobs and follow a route
"CorpseRun" This mode only has 2 goals. The "Wait" goal waits while you are alive. The "CorpseRun" will run back to your corpse when you die. This can be useful if you are farming an instance and die, the bot will run you back some or all of the way to the instance entrance.
"AttendedGather" When this mode is active and the Gather tab in the UI is selected, it will run the path and scan the minimap for the yellow nodes which indicate a herb or mining node. When it finds a node it will stop and alert you by playing a youtube video, you will then have to manually pick the herb/mine and then start the bot again.
"AttendedGrind" This is useful if you want to control the path the bot takes, but want it to pull and kill any targets you select.

User Interface

Other devices

The user interface is shown in a browser on port 5000 http://localhost:5000. This allows you to view it from another device on your lan.

To access you PC port 5000 from another device, you will need to open up port 5000 in your firewall.

Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall - Advanced Settings

  • Inbound Rules
  • New Rule
  • Port
  • TCP
  • Specific local ports: 5000
  • Allow the Connection
  • Private, Public, Domain (You may get away with just Private)
  • Name "Wow bot"


The UI has the following components:


Screenshot Component

Player Summary

Show the player state. A hyper link to wowhead appears for the mob you are fighting so you can check out what it drops.

Player Summary


This component shows:

  • The main path
  • The spirit healer path
  • Your location
  • The location of any deaths
  • Pathed routes


Pathed routes are shown in Green.

Pathed route


This component contains a button to allow the bot to be enabled and disabled.

This displays the finite state machine. The state is goal which can run and has the highest priority. What determines if the goal can run are its pre-conditions such as having a target or being in combat. The executing goal is allowed to complete before the next goal is determined.

Some goals (combat,pull target) contain a list of spells which can be cast. The combat task evaluates its spells in order with the first available being cast. The goal then gives up control so that a higher priority task can take over (e.g. Healing potion).

The visualisation of the pre-conditions and spell requirements makes it easier to understand what the bot is doing and determine if the class file needs to be tweaked.


Recording a Path

Various path are needed by the bot:

The path to run when grinding (PathFilename in root of class files).

The path from the spirit healer to the grind path. (SpiritPathFilename in root of class files):

"PathFilename": "16_LochModan.json",
"SpiritPathFilename": "16_LochModan_Spirithealer.json",
"PathThereAndBack": true,
"PathReduceSteps": false,

The short path to get to the vendor/repairer when there are obstacles close to them (PathFilename withing NPC task):

    "Name": "Sell",
    "Key": "C",
    "Requirement": "BagCount>80",
    "PathFilename": "Tanaris_GadgetzanKrinkleGoodsteel.json",
    "Cost": 6

Recording a new path

To record a new path place your character where the start of the path should be, then click on the 'Record Path' option on the left hand side of the bot's browser window. Then click 'Record New'.

New Path

Now walk the path the bot should take.

If you make a mistake you can remove spots by clicking on them on the list on the right. Then either enter new values for the spot or click 'Remove'.

For tricky parts you may want to record spots close together by using the 'Distance between spots' slider (Smaller number equals closer together).

Once the path is complete click 'Save'. This path will be saved with a generic filename e.g. Path_20201108112650.json, you will need to go into your \Json\path and rename it to something sensible.

Recording Path

Types of paths

There and back

"PathThereAndBack": true,

These paths are run from one end to the other and then walked backwards back to the start. So the end does not need to be near the start.

There and back path

Joined up

"PathThereAndBack": false,

These paths are run from one end to the other and then repeated. So the path needs to join up with itself i.e. the end needs to be near the start.

Circular path


Try to avoid the path getting too close to:

  • Obstactles like trees, houses.
  • Steep hills or cliffs (falling off one can make the bot get stuck).
  • Camps/groups of mobs.
  • Elite mob areas, or solo elite paths.

The best places to grind are:

  • Places with non casters i.e. beasts. So that they come to you when agro'd.
  • Places where mobs are far apart (so you don't get adds).
  • Places with few obstacles.
  • Flat ground.


Pathing is built into the bot so you don't need to do anything special except download the MPQ files. You can though run it on its own server to visualise routes as they are created by the bot, or to play with route finding.

The bot will try to calculate a path in the following situations:

  • Travelling to a vendor or repair.
  • Doing a corpse run.
  • Resuming the grind path at startup, after killing a mob, or if the distance to the next stop in the path is not a short distance.


Pathing Video Youtube

Running on its own server.

In visual studio just set PathingAPI as the startup project or from the command line:

CD C:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI dotnet run

Then in a browser go to http://localhost:5001

There are 3 pages:

  • Watch API Calls
  • Search
  • Swagger

Requests to the API can be done in a new browser tab like this or via the Swagger tab. You can then view the result in the Watch API calls viewer.

e.g. http://localhost:5001/api/PPather/MapRoute?map1=1446&x1=51.0&y1=29.3&map2=1446&x2=38.7&y2=20.1

Search gives some predefined locations to search from and to.

Running it along side the bot

In visual studio right click the solution and set Multiple startup projects to BlazorServer and PathingApi and run.

Or from 2 command lines dotnet run each.

CD C:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI
dotnet run

CD C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer
dotnet run

As a library used within the bot

The bot will use the PathingAPI to work out routes, these are shown on the route map as green points.

Pathed Route

wowclassicgrindbot's People


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wowclassicgrindbot's Issues

walktocorpse error

so its randomly trying to save the corpse path to the c drive and its getting denied access to use that location I understand how to fix it but would be better if it defaulted those files to the wowclassicgrindbot/path folders and clean them up after corpse retrieved?

[18:14:29 ERR] PerformAction on WalkToCorpseGoal
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\CorpsePath_20200910181429.json' is denied.
at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)
at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.ValidateArgsAndOpenPath(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.File.WriteAllText(String path, String contents)
at Libs.Goals.WalkToCorpseGoal.Reset() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\WalkToCorpseGoal.cs:line 221
at Libs.Goals.WalkToCorpseGoal.PerformAction() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\WalkToCorpseGoal.cs:line 78
at Libs.Goals.GoalThread.GoapPerformGoal() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\GoalThread.cs:line 57

Minor functional error for vendor path

I noticed that if the character dies WHILE on the short vendor path, he will kind of bug out and continue going for the vendor path in ghost form....usually never finding his way back.

[Request] Way point recording

So I have done some experimenting and it seems that when i changed the waypoint gaps the closer tight he stays on the path. Would it be possible to have a button on the way point recording to increase/decrease the distance? Like the default is over 60 could we have a button to like lower that to say 10 or 20 for when we need to ensure closer pathing I lowered mine to like 30 it adds a ton more points but i raised it back to 60 after I did the graveyard run and he zig and zags through tiny spaces really well and haven't noticed him getting stuck at all when doing the graveyard run when he previously would. However for your actual botting path you would want larger distances but in certain spots you may need to squeeze through a walkway or a bridge or something. So being able to change this on the fly while recording would be super amazing.

the code i am refering to is:

private void AddonDataChanged()
if (!recording) { return; }

    var location = new WowPoint(addonReader.PlayerReader.XCoord, addonReader.PlayerReader.YCoord);

    if (botController.RouteInfo != null)
        if (botController.RouteInfo.PathPoints.Count == 0 || DistanceTo(location, botController.RouteInfo.PathPoints.Last()) > 60 & location.X != 0)

Auto Loot inconsistencies

Auto loot will often locate the loot bag cursor, then fling the camera upwards when trying to loot. Sometimes, this loots the mob.

In Combat Range

Hello Julian,
First, I would like to sincerely thank you for putting this out there. It definitely provides me with a great learning experience. I have been able to get everything up and running, except the bot does not appear to be able to detect that it is "In combat range". I am testing this on a fresh new level 3 Tauren Druid. He pulls with wrath, then seems to immediate get stuck in the "Approach Target Goal" even though he is right in front of the mob plainstrider. Bot proceeds to run back and forth over mob never detecting that it is in range. Below is a dump of the output. I'll greatly appreciate any assistance with this! Thank you.

[19:15:41 INF] New Plan= PullTargetGoal
[19:15:41 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Stop approach
[19:15:42 INF] Approach target (PullTargetAction)
[19:15:42 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:42 INF] [UpArrow] pressing for 51ms
[19:15:42 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Wrath: Wait before 500.
[19:15:43 INF] Wrath [D7] pressing for 250ms
[19:15:44 INF] Wrath: waiting for cast bar to end.
[19:15:45 INF] Waiting for Mellee range
[19:15:50 INF] ---------------------------------
[19:15:50 INF] New Plan= ApproachTargetGoal
[19:15:50 INF] Combat=True, Is Target targetting me=True
[19:15:50 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:51 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:51 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:52 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:52 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:53 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:53 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:53 INF] KeyDown UpArrow ApproachTargetAction
[19:15:56 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:56 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:57 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:57 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:57 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:58 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:58 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:59 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:59 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:59 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:16:00 INF] ---------------------------------

inccorect sample profile mage6.json

      "Name": "Low Health",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "6",
      "Requirement": "TargetHealth%<90",
      "Cooldown": 10,
      "Log": false

should be

      "Name": "Low Health",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "6",
      "Requirement": "Health%<90",
      "Cooldown": 10,
      "Log": false

and then

      "Name": "Conjure Food",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "8",
      "Requirement": "not BagItem:5350:4",
      "Cooldown": 30,
      "Log": false

should be

      "Name": "Conjure Food",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "8",
      "Requirement": "not BagItem:5349:4",
      "Cooldown": 30,
      "Log": false

[18:56:48 ERR] You must specify either 'Key' (ConsoleKey value) or 'KeyName' (ConsoleKey enum name) for

[18:56:48 ERR] You must specify either 'Key' (ConsoleKey value) or 'KeyName' (ConsoleKey enum name) for

2020-09-10 18:56:48.200 -07:00 [ERR] Failed to read AH prices.Could not find a part of the path 'D:\GitHub\Auc-Stat-Simple.lua.location'.
2020-09-10 18:56:48.357 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Frost Armor : not Frost Armor
2020-09-10 18:56:48.358 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Arcane Intellect : not Arcane Intellect
2020-09-10 18:56:48.359 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Conjure Water : not BagItem:2288:4
2020-09-10 18:56:48.377 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Conjure Food : not BagItem:5349:4
2020-09-10 18:56:48.408 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Low Health : Health%<80
2020-09-10 18:56:48.416 -07:00 [INF] Processing requirement Drink : Mana%<70
2020-09-10 18:56:48.427 -07:00 [ERR] You must specify either 'Key' (ConsoleKey value) or 'KeyName' (ConsoleKey enum name) for

my mage.json

"ClassName": "Mage",
"Loot": true,

"PathFilename": "mage10durotar.json",
"SpiritPathFilename": "durotargy.json",
"PathThereAndBack": true,
"PathReduceSteps": false,

"Pull": {
"Sequence": [
"Name": "Interact",
"Key": "H",
"Cooldown": 1,
"DelayAfterCast": 0
"Name": "Frostbolt",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "1",
"ManaRequirement": 35
"Name": "Arcane Missiles",
"HasCastBar": true,
"Key": "0",
"MinMana": 140,
"Cooldown": 60,
"DelaybeforeCast": 1000
"Combat": {
"Sequence": [
"Name": "Interact",
"Key": "H",
"Cooldown": 2,
"DelayAfterCast": 0
"Name": "Fireblast",
"HasCastBar": false,
"StopBeforeCast": false,
"Key": "5",
"ManaRequirement": 75,
"Cooldown": 8
"Name": "Fireball",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "2",
"ManaRequirement": 65
"Parallel": {
"Sequence": [
"Name": "Low Health",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "6",
"Requirement": "Health%<80",
"Cooldown": 10,
"Log": false
"Name": "Drink",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "7",
"Requirement": "Mana%<70",
"Cooldown": 10,
"Log": false

"Adhoc": {
"Sequence": [
"Name": "Frost Armor",
"StopBeforeCast": false,
"Key": "3",
"ManaRequirement": 60,
"Requirement": "not Frost Armor"
"Name": "Arcane Intellect",
"StopBeforeCast": false,
"Key": "4",
"MinMana": 60,
"Requirement": "not Arcane Intellect",
"Log": false
"Name": "Conjure Water",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "9",
"Requirement": "not BagItem:2288:4",
"Cooldown": 30,
"Log": false
"Name": "Conjure Food",
"HasCastBar": true,
"StopBeforeCast": true,
"Key": "8",
"Requirement": "not BagItem:5349:4",
"Cooldown": 30,
"Log": false

that all it says so not sure what key its looking for? bot still functioning though so not sure what its trying to find a key for all abilities are firing correctly.

run.bat error

I am willing to contribute to this bot. I think its great idea and i like how it uses addons and reads the screen and activates keys. This is a better way rather than injecting dlls into the game.

I have some troubles setting it up, thou. I have read the instructions and built the server project with no errors. But when I execute the run.bat file i receive some errors. Here is the output of the console. It looks to me like there is something on your PC which is not in the repo (or at least has hardcoded path)

C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer>dotnet run
[14:23:53 INF] Startup()
[14:23:53 ERR] Failed to read AH prices.Could not find a part of the path 'D:\GitHub\Auc-Stat-Simple.lua.location'.

Following this, the console outputs a warning saying that the class of the player cannot be loaded:

[14:30:41 WRN] There is a problem with the addon, I have been unable to read the player class. Is it running ?

When logging in the game with a player i can see the "We are in" text in the chat window

Can you please assist me on getting the bot to run on my side? Then we can discuss how can i contribute. I have some background with C# and programming :)

constantly recieve the message cant tell what class

2020-09-12 06:55:24.460 -07:00 [WRN] There is a problem with the addon, I have been unable to read the player class. Is it running ?

constantly when i start it i get cant detect class but it still loading my correct profile is there anyway to make sure its reading the pixels correctly or increase its performance? I did the /dc and it detects the 100 frames but it also hit or miss when detecting class on that way as well.

done the:
System>Advanced>Constrast: 50
System>Advanced>Brightness: 50
System>Advanced>Gamma from: 1.0
Interface Options - Controls - Auto Loot - Ticked.
Interface Options - Controls - Interact on Left click - Not ticked.
Interface Options - Combat - Do Not Flash Screen at Low Health - Ticked.
Interface Options - Combat - Auto Self Cast - Ticked.
Interface Options - Camera - Auto-Follow Speed - Fast
Interface Options - Camera - Camera Following Style - Always
Interface Options - Mouse - Click-to-Move - Ticked
Interface Options - Mouse - Click-to-Move Camera Style - Always

edit: I want to add it loads the correct profile I am just concerned about general performance since it cant read the class pixel is this causing some hidden issues ive noticed as well.

reloading new profile

Is there a easier/faster way to load a new profile/waypoints without having to end the console(ctrl+c) and reopen it?


is there a way for the bot to do simple kill/items quest?
i know the bot is made for grinding but with the recent updates and stuff i figured i can just ask

p.s love the work you been doing

Blacklisted: Target is not a normal mob

Hi , Thank you for your works
I just installed the bot , and i this error

11:31:30 | Blacklisted: Target is not a normal mob

in addon config page it says i cant find class


WPL don't work for horde

The graveyard in WPL is in Tirisfal Glades (for horde) so the spiritpath can't be calculated. This might be to much to fix...maybe add an exception in readme

unable to find Auc-Stat-Simple.lua.location

Following the instructions i get an error pointing to "Auc-Stat-Simple.lua.location" you have it saved to your D:\github\ however that file isnt in any path on my system. I have tried both classic and retail. can you send me a copy of that file? [email protected]

Monitor Combat log

If combat log to things like Dodge, Block, Parry treat them like a buff so in the rotation you can say requirement has Dodge, Block or Parry execute "Revenge"

Auto loot is not working.

Hello Xian good work on keeping the bot alive, I haven't been able to get auto loot to work for a month atleast.

The orgianal fork of the bot i didnt have any trouble with loot. Any class I use it just goes to mob and jumps but skips looting all together.

I have auto loot ticked and target last target key binded.

GY Issue


so he runs the route from the GY but when he gets to the xp path he tries to cut across to where he died. Is there a way to make him follow the path until he gets near his body or something? Its like he hits the route and then jumps to nearest point where he died instead of following the waypoints until he gets close.

Or am i doing my GY path wrong and need to go all the way to the top of the mountain side essentially?

Import NPCs

import NPCs into Database pre-configure things like has mana bar. set spells to monitor for NPC to do things like interrupt casting

Bot consistently crashing after 3-4 hours

For me the bot always crashes consistently after a couple of hours unmonitored activity. Since I'm not there at the moment of failure I can't be 100% sure of the reason. But Ive gathered the following information as potential causes:

  • Usually the chrome BlazorServer has frozen some hours before and is no longer updating. (I guess it should not matter since the bot can run with closing chrome anyway?)

  • I shut off my monitor to save power, but the programs are still running. (Put power on after 1h, no problems what I can see)

This is the error code I get:

[01:42:51 INF] SetDirection:- Correcting direction Desired: 5.945, Current: 5.947, distance: 625.552
[01:42:51 INF] [UpArrow] pressing for 400ms
[01:42:52 INF] SetDirection:- Move to next point Desired: 0.841, Current: 9.869, distance: 54355.054
[01:42:52 INF] Target is blacklisted
[01:42:52 INF] [F3] pressing for 400ms
[01:42:52 INF] ---------------------------------
[01:42:52 INF] New Plan= ApproachTargetGoal
[01:42:52 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[01:42:53 WRN] Blacklisted: Target is not a normal mob
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value to add was out of range. (Parameter 'value')
at System.DateTime.Add(Double value, Int32 scale)
at System.DateTime.AddSeconds(Double value)
at Libs.LevelTracker.Update() in C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot3\Libs\Addon\LevelTracker.cs:line 45
at Libs.AddonReader.AddonRefresh() in C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot3\Libs\Addon\AddonReader.cs:line 114
at Libs.BotController.AddonRefreshThread() in C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot3\Libs\BotController.cs:line 88
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
[01:42:53 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[01:42:53 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms

Press any key to continue . . .

Can't start BlazorServer at all

I can't get past the setup with config (Step 5) file with this new update. (Worked previously) Getting the following error:

C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot2\BlazorServer>dotnet run
A fatal error occurred. The required library hostfxr.dll could not be found.
If this is a self-contained application, that library should exist in [C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot2\BlazorServer\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1].
If this is a framework-dependent application, install the runtime in the global location [C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet] or use the DOTNET_ROOT(x86) environment variable to specify the runtime location or register the runtime location in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\dotnet\Setup\InstalledVersions\x86\InstallLocation].

The .NET Core runtime can be found at:

Press any key to continue . . .

After adding hostfxr from SDK 3.1.403 manually to blazorserver

C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot2\BlazorServer>dotnet run
Failed to load the dll from [C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot2\BlazorServer\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\hostfxr.dll], HRESULT: 0x800700C1
The library hostfxr.dll was found, but loading it from C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot2\BlazorServer\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\hostfxr.dll failed

Press any key to continue . . .

I got the latest SDK version. Also, is config_1080.json config_1440.json part of the items that needs to be re-created or not?

Goals\RepairGoal.cs(63,37): error CS0115: 'RepairGoal.GetTargetLocation()': no suitable method found

i keep getting this error when i start up ๐Ÿ‘

C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer>start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "http://localhost:5000"


C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer>cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer

C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer>dotnet run
Goals\VendorGoal.cs(79,37): error CS0115: 'VendorGoal.GetTargetLocation()': no suitable method found to override [C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Libs.csproj]
Goals\RepairGoal.cs(63,37): error CS0115: 'RepairGoal.GetTargetLocation()': no suitable method found to override [C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Libs.csproj]

The build failed. Fix the build errors and run again.

Press any key to continue . .

Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'D7' was not present in the dictionary.

Bot has been running around 4 or 5 hours and got this message. D7 is the drink key bag had 11 of the correct spell id water and it is on the bar as 7.

summon food/water at 4 spell id
D6 is food and correct spellid with 7 in bag.
F10 is the stopattack macro

[05:23:23 INF] ---------------------------------
[05:23:23 INF] New Plan= ParallelGoal
[05:23:24 INF] Low Health [D6] pressing for 250ms
[05:23:24 INF] Low Health [D6] pressing for 250ms
[05:23:24 INF] Drink [D7] pressing for 250ms
[05:23:24 INF] Drink [D7] pressing for 250ms
[05:23:24 INF] Stop attack ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S [F10] pressing for 500ms
[05:23:24 INF] Stop attack ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S [F10] pressing for 500ms
[05:23:24 INF] Stop attack ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S [F10] pressing for 500ms
[05:23:25 INF] Stop attack ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S [F10] pressing for 500ms
Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'D7' was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.get_Item(TKey key) at Libs.KeyAction.GetCooldownRemaining() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\ClassConfig\KeyAction.cs:line 108 at Libs.KeyAction.<CreateCooldownRequirement>b__109_0() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\ClassConfig\KeyAction.cs:line 94 at Libs.KeyAction.<>c.<CanRun>b__116_0(Requirement r) in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\ClassConfig\KeyAction.cs:line 158 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Libs.KeyAction.CanRun() in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\ClassConfig\KeyAction.cs:line 158 at Libs.Goals.CastingHandler.CanRun(KeyAction item) in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\CastingHandler.cs:line 41 at Libs.Goals.CastingHandler.CastIfReady(KeyAction item, GoapGoal source, Int32 sleepBeforeCast) in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\CastingHandler.cs:line 65 at Libs.Goals.ParallelGoal.<PerformAction>b__9_0(KeyAction key) in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\ParallelGoal.cs:line 52 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__139_1(Object state) at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.<>c.<.cctor>b__6_0(QueueUserWorkItemCallback quwi) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunForThreadPoolUnsafe[TState](ExecutionContext executionContext, Action1 callback, TState& state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
[05:23:25 INF] Interact due to: this.playerReader.LastUIErrorMessage: ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S
[05:23:25 INF] Interact due to: this.playerReader.LastUIErrorMessage: ERR_SPELL_FAILED_S

Issue with "In combat range "

Hello Julian,
First, I would like to sincerely thank you for putting this out there. It definitely provides me with a great learning experience. I have been able to get everything up and running, except the bot does not appear to be able to detect that it is "In combat range". I am testing this on a fresh new level 3 Tauren Druid. He pulls with wrath, then seems to immediate get stuck in the "Approach Target Goal" even though he is right in front of the mob plainstrider. Below is a dump of the output. I'll greatly appreciate any assistance with this! Thank you.

[19:15:41 INF] New Plan= PullTargetGoal
[19:15:41 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Stop approach
[19:15:42 INF] Approach target (PullTargetAction)
[19:15:42 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:42 INF] [UpArrow] pressing for 51ms
[19:15:42 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Wrath: Wait before 500.
[19:15:43 INF] Wrath [D7] pressing for 250ms
[19:15:44 INF] Wrath: waiting for cast bar to end.
[19:15:45 INF] Waiting for Mellee range
[19:15:50 INF] ---------------------------------
[19:15:50 INF] New Plan= ApproachTargetGoal
[19:15:50 INF] Combat=True, Is Target targetting me=True
[19:15:50 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:51 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:51 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:52 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:52 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:53 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:53 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:53 INF] KeyDown UpArrow ApproachTargetAction
[19:15:56 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:56 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:57 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:57 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:57 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:58 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:58 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:59 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:59 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:59 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:16:00 INF] ---------------------------------

invalid pixel color

Hi Julian

I tried to run the BOT server, but it tip that couldn't get the class type of the role.
So, which WOW client resolutions does it support, and what is the UI scale?


cmd window on web interface

anyway to get the command window info on the web interface? I know this would require changes but i think it would be very helpful as sometimes i cant really tell whats going on or what happened without looking at the command window and i am accessing the web interface from another pc so its harder to actually access the physical machine

mage6.json fixes

      "Name": "Low Health",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "6",
      "Requirement": "TargetHealth%<90",
      "Cooldown": 10,
      "Log": false

should be

      "Name": "Low Health",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "6",
      "Requirement": "Health%<90",
      "Cooldown": 10,
      "Log": false

and then

      "Name": "Conjure Food",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "8",
      "Requirement": "not BagItem:5350:4",
      "Cooldown": 30,
      "Log": false

should be

      "Name": "Conjure Food",
      "HasCastBar": true,
      "StopBeforeCast": true,
      "Key": "8",
      "Requirement": "not BagItem:5349:4",
      "Cooldown": 30,
      "Log": false

NullPointerExceptions with custom path

Hi there,

I am getting NullPointer exceptions right after I start the bot.
I have recorded a custom path, edited the class file to use this file (path_etc.json).
I am in the same map as I recorded the path.

Log is filled with below;

[20:24:53 ERR] PerformAction on FollowRouteGoal
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PathingAPI.PPatherService.GetWorldLocation(Int32 uiMapId, Single v1, Single v2) in C:\Users\jpl\Documents\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI\Search\PPatherService.cs:line 66
   at BlazorServer.LocalPathingApi.FindRoute(Int32 map, WowPoint fromPoint, WowPoint toPoint) in C:\Users\jpl\Documents\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer\PathingApi\LocalPathingApi.cs:line 40
   at Libs.Goals.FollowRouteGoal.RefillRouteToNextWaypoint(Boolean forceUsePathing) in C:\Users\jpl\Documents\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\FollowRouteGoal.cs:line 302
   at Libs.Goals.FollowRouteGoal.PerformAction() in C:\Users\jpl\Documents\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\FollowRouteGoal.cs:line 136
   at Libs.Goals.GoalThread.GoapPerformGoal() in C:\Users\jpl\Documents\WowClassicGrindBot\Libs\Goals\GoalThread.cs:line 57


Stuck in building API path loop

I got this error also when everything else was working as normal. The bot was operating in Eastern Plaguelands, went a bit astray from the "main path" to kill a mob. Then it uses the MPQ-files to calculate/create a way back to the main path (which was a very short distance)

Then for some reason at this point in got stuck in a loop building this path back:

[11:18:52 INF] done
it got 117814 triangles and 62181 vertices
Got triangles grid (2666.667 , -3240.9297) - (3215.126, -2658.5762
[11:18:52 INF] Build hash 117814
[11:18:53 INF] done 273 time 00:00:00.2171486
[11:18:55 INF] Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot3\PathingApi\PPather\PathInfo\Azeroth\c_201_189.bin'.
[11:18:55 INF] Loaded c_201_189.bin 0 spots 0 steps
Got asked for triangles at 3200.1768, -3589.1223
Need triangles grid (3199.9998 , -3733.3333) - (3733.333, -3200
[11:19:01 INF] Extract World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.adt from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Reading adt: World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.adt
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\shovel\shovel.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\theblastedlands\passivedoodads\bones\blastedlandsbonepile03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\duskwood\passivedoodads\tombs\woodcross01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\buckets\cavekoboldbucket.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\crate\westfallcrate.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\crategrain01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\cauldrons\cauldronempty.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\theblastedlands\passivedoodads\bones\blastedlandsbone01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\replacecrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\duskwood\passivedoodads\webs\webdangle02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\stranglethorn\activedoodads\cages\cage03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\cages\plaugelandscage01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\rakecart\rakecart.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\deadminecleat\deadminecleat.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingboards01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\ballistaruined\ballistaruined.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\undead\passive doodads\meatwagon\meatwagon.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\sacks\plaguedgrainsack02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\sacks\plaguedgrainsack01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plaguedwagons\plaguewagon.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingbarrel01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingcrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingcoffin01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingboardsburning01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\activedoodads\instanceportal\instanceportal.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\stratholme\passivedoodads\fx\stratholmefiresmokeemberm.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\stratholme\passivedoodads\fx\stratholmesmokeemitter.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\stratholme\passivedoodads\fx\stratholmefiresmokeembers.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\undead\passive doodads\signs\lordaeron_signpost_01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\ashtree02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\planterboxes\tirisfallplanter.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\lamps\stormwindstreetlamp01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\kalimdor\dragoncave\passivedoodads\charredbodies\charredbody01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\stormwindcrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\furniture\containers\barrel02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\karazahn\passivedoodads\rubble\karazahnrockrubble02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\azeroth\karazahn\passivedoodads\rubble\karazahnrockrubble01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\lights\torch.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\lights\torch_out.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\kalimdor\mulgore\passivedoodads\burnedwagons\burnedgypsywagon02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\kalimdor\dragoncave\passivedoodads\charredbodies\charredbody04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\kalimdor\dragoncave\passivedoodads\charredbodies\charredbody02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\fountains\plaguedfountain.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a_000.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a_001.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a_002.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a_003.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] Extract world\wmo\dungeon\ld_stratholme\stratholme_a_004.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:01 INF] modeli: 0 -140 -0
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3142.6484 - 3210.5254) y(3155.1113 - 3153.3135) z(3155.1113 - 3153.3135)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3162.4521 - 3197.1836) y(3180.624 - 3166.5146) z(3180.624 - 3166.5146)
[11:19:01 INF] modeli: 0 -30 -0
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3150.6523 - 3214.4668) y(3154.9473 - 3171.29) z(3154.9473 - 3171.29)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3166.792 - 3200.0615) y(3178.2012 - 3168.2373) z(3178.2012 - 3168.2373)
[11:19:01 INF] modeli: 0 -12 -0
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3242.6533 - 3342.2236) y(3286.918 - 3274.1748) z(3286.918 - 3274.1748)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3214.6797 - 3370.1973) y(3281.1504 - 3284.667) z(3281.1504 - 3284.667)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3281.6797 - 3291.6436) y(3289.7969 - 3282.2334) z(3289.7969 - 3282.2334)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3283.8242 - 3293.3438) y(3291.7715 - 3287.829) z(3291.7715 - 3287.829)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3277.4014 - 3307.5176) y(3287.5273 - 3282.247) z(3287.5273 - 3282.247)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3265.1426 - 3279.5625) y(3267.4717 - 3279.0469) z(3267.4717 - 3279.0469)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3289.54 - 3305.7148) y(3301.0547 - 3291.3008) z(3301.0547 - 3291.3008)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3276.4092 - 3285.4062) y(3282.3447 - 3283.0566) z(3282.3447 - 3283.0566)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3290.0615 - 3299.084) y(3292.461 - 3293.1572) z(3292.461 - 3293.1572)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3272.1787 - 3288.9502) y(3274.5312 - 3283.793) z(3274.5312 - 3283.793)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3301.9355 - 3318.3926) y(3309.8691 - 3318.3926) z(3309.8691 - 3318.3926)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3305.3564 - 3319.7764) y(3317.4473 - 3316.9248) z(3317.4473 - 3316.9248)
[11:19:01 INF] modeli: 0 -90 -0
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3487.4727 - 3614.8545) y(3575.2734 - 3591.7148) z(3575.2734 - 3591.7148)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3279.002 - 3440.9268) y(3414.4863 - 3323.879) z(3414.4863 - 3323.879)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3382.8984 - 3402.9219) y(3402.9219 - 3392.8594) z(3402.9219 - 3392.8594)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3402.541 - 3437.713) y(3437.713 - 3406.626) z(3437.713 - 3406.626)
[11:19:01 INF] AddTriangles: x(3413.5703 - 3533.6904) y(3474.4326 - 3440.003) z(3474.4326 - 3440.003)
[11:19:01 INF] wee
[11:19:01 INF] done
it got 127973 triangles and 68709 vertices
Got triangles grid (3164.8857 , -3744.0469) - (3733.333, -3156.7559
[11:19:01 INF] Build hash 127973
[11:19:01 INF] done 435 time 00:00:00.2684597
Got asked for triangles at 3201.758, -3733.8948
Need triangles grid (3199.9998 , -4266.6675) - (3733.333, -3733.334
[11:19:03 INF] Extract World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_25.adt from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Reading adt: World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_39_25.adt
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\tirisfalglade\passivedoodads\trees\tirisfallgladecanopytree05.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\lanterns\nightelflantern01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree12.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\kalimdor\darkshore\passivedoodads\lamp\darkstreetlamp.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\steppingstones\steppingstone02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\stonerunes\kalidarstonerune01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\stonerunes\kalidarstonerune02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\stonerunes\kalidarstonerune03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\wmo\kalimdor\buildings\nightelfhunterslodge\dsnightelfhunterslodge.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\bookshelves\abbeyshelf01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\barrel\barrel01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\crate01\crate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\crate02\crate02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\darkirondwarf\passive doodads\crates\darkironcrate02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\darkirondwarf\passive doodads\crates\darkironcrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\cargoboxes\deadminecargoboxes.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\animalheads\duskwoodboarhead01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\animalheads\duskwooddeerhead01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\wallhangings\elfwallhanging12.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\fountains\elvenfountain.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\pottery\elvenpottery04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\tables\elvenwoodentable01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\gardenbenches\gardenbench01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\weaponracks\generalweaponrack01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\globes\globe01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\graincrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\jars\jar03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\jars\jar02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\jars\jar01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\jugs\jug02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement05.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\magicalimplements\nemagicimplement06.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\replacecrate03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\replacecrate02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\furniture\containers\sack01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\furniture\containers\sack02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\nightelf\passive doodads\furniture\stonebench01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\animalheads\stuffedbear.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\animalheads\stuffedfrenzy.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\animalheads\stuffedtallstrider.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\wmo\kalimdor\buildings\nightelfhunterslodge\dsnightelfhunterslodge_000.wmo from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 446.5 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3271.0684 - 3358.707) y(3314.9932 - 3318.875) z(3314.9932 - 3318.875)
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 -91 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3233.5166 - 3250.125) y(3235.6719 - 3244.6318) z(3235.6719 - 3244.6318)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3225.2207 - 3246.33) y(3242.9473 - 3229.7168) z(3242.9473 - 3229.7168)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3223.708 - 3238.498) y(3236.2656 - 3233.5146) z(3236.2656 - 3233.5146)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3183.5312 - 3200.3125) y(3198.7998 - 3187.5264) z(3198.7998 - 3187.5264)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3246.329 - 3274.162) y(3273.461 - 3259.0674) z(3273.461 - 3259.0674)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3178.3525 - 3212.46) y(3178.8203 - 3183.4375) z(3178.8203 - 3183.4375)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3198.7998 - 3225.2207) y(3224.9414 - 3203.378) z(3224.9414 - 3203.378)
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 -12 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3242.6533 - 3342.2236) y(3286.918 - 3274.1748) z(3286.918 - 3274.1748)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3214.6797 - 3370.1973) y(3281.1504 - 3284.667) z(3281.1504 - 3284.667)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3281.6797 - 3291.6436) y(3289.7969 - 3282.2334) z(3289.7969 - 3282.2334)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3283.8242 - 3293.3438) y(3291.7715 - 3287.829) z(3291.7715 - 3287.829)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3277.4014 - 3307.5176) y(3287.5273 - 3282.247) z(3287.5273 - 3282.247)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3265.1426 - 3279.5625) y(3267.4717 - 3279.0469) z(3267.4717 - 3279.0469)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3289.54 - 3305.7148) y(3301.0547 - 3291.3008) z(3301.0547 - 3291.3008)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3276.4092 - 3285.4062) y(3282.3447 - 3283.0566) z(3282.3447 - 3283.0566)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3290.0615 - 3299.084) y(3292.461 - 3293.1572) z(3292.461 - 3293.1572)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3272.1787 - 3288.9502) y(3274.5312 - 3283.793) z(3274.5312 - 3283.793)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3301.9355 - 3318.3926) y(3309.8691 - 3318.3926) z(3309.8691 - 3318.3926)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3305.3564 - 3319.7764) y(3317.4473 - 3316.9248) z(3317.4473 - 3316.9248)
[11:19:03 INF] wee
[11:19:03 INF] done
[11:19:03 INF] Extract World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.adt from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Reading adt: World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_38_25.adt
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\shovel\shovel.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\theblastedlands\passivedoodads\bones\blastedlandsbonepile03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\duskwood\passivedoodads\tombs\woodcross01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\buckets\cavekoboldbucket.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\crate\westfallcrate.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\crategrain01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\cauldrons\cauldronempty.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\theblastedlands\passivedoodads\bones\blastedlandsbone01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\crates\replacecrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\duskwood\passivedoodads\webs\webdangle02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\stranglethorn\activedoodads\cages\cage03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\troll\passive doodads\trollskullpile\trollskullpile.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\cages\plaugelandscage01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\rakecart\rakecart.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\lamps\westernplaguelandslampostbroken02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\deadminecleat\deadminecleat.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\lamps\westernplaguelandslampostbroken01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingboards01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\ballistaruined\ballistaruined.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandmushroom02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree08.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandmushroom04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree13.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandmushroom03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandfern03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock08.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\undead\passive doodads\meatwagon\meatwagon.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree09.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandmushroom01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandpuffs04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandfern04.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandstump01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\sacks\plaguedgrainsack02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock06.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\lamps\westernplaguelandslampost02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\lamps\westernplaguelandslampost01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandpuffs02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree11.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\human\passive doodads\sacks\plaguedgrainsack01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\banners\plaugelandsbanner01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandpuffs01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plants\plaguelandfern02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\rocks\plaguelandrock05.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\trees\plaguelandtree10.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\plagueland\passivedoodads\plaguedwagons\plaguewagon.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingbarrel01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingcrate01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingcoffin01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\floatingdebris\floatingboardsburning01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 -140 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3142.6484 - 3210.5254) y(3155.1113 - 3153.3135) z(3155.1113 - 3153.3135)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3162.4521 - 3197.1836) y(3180.624 - 3166.5146) z(3180.624 - 3166.5146)
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 -30 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3150.6523 - 3214.4668) y(3154.9473 - 3171.29) z(3154.9473 - 3171.29)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3166.792 - 3200.0615) y(3178.2012 - 3168.2373) z(3178.2012 - 3168.2373)
[11:19:03 INF] modeli: 0 -90 -0
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3487.4727 - 3614.8545) y(3575.2734 - 3591.7148) z(3575.2734 - 3591.7148)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3279.002 - 3440.9268) y(3414.4863 - 3323.879) z(3414.4863 - 3323.879)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3382.8984 - 3402.9219) y(3402.9219 - 3392.8594) z(3402.9219 - 3392.8594)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3402.541 - 3437.713) y(3437.713 - 3406.626) z(3437.713 - 3406.626)
[11:19:03 INF] AddTriangles: x(3413.5703 - 3533.6904) y(3474.4326 - 3440.003) z(3474.4326 - 3440.003)
[11:19:03 INF] wee
[11:19:03 INF] done
it got 76728 triangles and 39290 vertices
Got triangles grid (3183.5312 , -4270.926) - (3733.333, -3708.4414
[11:19:03 INF] Build hash 76728
[11:19:03 INF] done 161 time 00:00:00.1522779
[11:19:31 INF] Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Leonard\Desktop\downloads\wowo2\WowClassicGrindBot3\PathingApi\PPather\PathInfo\Azeroth\c_201_186.bin'.
[11:19:31 INF] Loaded c_201_186.bin 0 spots 0 steps
Got asked for triangles at 2769.2444, -4266.714
Need triangles grid (2666.6667 , -4799.9995) - (3200, -4266.666
[11:19:31 INF] Extract World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_26.adt from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\patch.MPQ
[11:19:31 INF] Reading adt: World\Maps\Azeroth\Azeroth_40_26.adt
[11:19:31 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\tirisfalglade\passivedoodads\trees\tirisfalltreestump02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:31 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\lights\generaltorch01.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:31 INF] Extract world\lordaeron\tirisfalglade\passivedoodads\trees\tirisfallfallentree03.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ
[11:19:31 INF] Extract world\generic\passivedoodads\barrel\brokenbarrel02.m2 from ..\PathingAPI\MPQ\common-2.MPQ


Doesn't go into "unstick" properly in ghost path

After dying and the bot calculating a path back to the corpse from the graveyard, it can still get semi-stuck on trees and smaller obstacles etc. This should easily be fixed using the StuckDetector-logic.

But it seems it only went into the "first" part of the StuckDetection-logic and only being stuck for 3-4s and performing a jump then going back to the path....not getting out and then again going to "stuck" and only jumping. This made it so being stucks was never incremented more than 4 seconds so it never went to the next level of stuck detection.

Tightness to Route

is there a way to control how close to the location he walks example walking thru a cave or dungeon requires almost exact coordinates. Also is there a way to manually add coordinates sooner than the record does. example walking through a dungeon or navigating thru a cave may require more coordinates sooner than record is recording. This would also improve corpse running back sometimes get stuck on a tree or inside the graveyard itself or a mountain range because hes to far over from the point.

do you have discord?

force face creature

So i understand we are using the H key interact with target to face, however when the mobs are low they may run thru the character and end up behind them the bot stands there spamming target not in view and never will reface them essentially. I have defined interact in the class.json and tried different cooldown variations and still seems to happen. Any insight on how to fix this? class would be a mage.

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