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Chrome DevTools Office Hours

Session Title:
Chrome DevTools Office Hours

Session Abstract:
The Chrome DevTools Team offers to run office hours during the JSKongress, where interested folks can drop by, ask questions about Chrome DevTools, or chat about their favorite feature or worst pain point. We're interested to not only present what's going on in DevTools and what's coming next, but also to hear your feedback and learning from you how we can make DevTools even better.


Those of you who had been to Chrome DevSummit 2019 might remember the developer lounge, where we also ran a booth where you could drop by and chat about Chrome DevTools (and other Chrome related developer projects).

Approximate Duration:
Probably around 3-4 hours each day.

Your Name:
Chrome DevTools Team (@bmeurer, @natorion, @hashseed)

Your Twitter handle:

[ ] No
[x] Yes, a dedicated room (as discussed with @johannes-weber), power plugs, stable WiFi, and a preferably a screen we can use to run a slide show.

[x] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Untangling crash stacks with pasta

Session Title:
Untangling crash stacks with pasta

Session Abstract:
Source code often gets modified one way or another before hitting production - through transpilation, minification, etc. Looking at the raw crash stack of generated code can be hard work. Here's a comparison of crash stacks for a sample file.

// sample.js
const penne     = () => { throw Error(); }
const spaghetti = () => penne();
const orzo      = () => spaghetti();
// **original** output                           // **compiled** output
Error                                            Error
    at penne (sample.js:2:33)                        at r (out.js:1:82)
    at spaghetti (sample.js:3:25)         vs         at o (out.js:1:97)
    at orzo (sample.js:4:25)                         at n (out.js:1:107)

Today, source maps already provide the ability to produce accurate locations (filename, line number, column number) in a crash stack, but not enclosing function names. This hinders debugging and confuses automatic crash stack consolidation.

In this session, we will discuss an extension to the source map format that allows for accurate function name decoding, and we will show you how to use it yourself by demonstrating our solution, pasta.

Note: We are planning to publish pasta as open source in time for JSKongress.

Approximate Duration:
30 mins

Your Name:
Lilit Darbinyan

Your Company:

Your Twitter handle:

[] No
[x] Yes => A projector and a USB-C adapter so I can show my supporting slide deck

[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Contribute a Feature to TypeScript! An example based on the ES Private Fields implementation

Session Title:

Contribute a Feature to TypeScript! An example based on the ES Private Fields implementation

Session Abstract:

This talk is a quick guide to contributing a new JS feature to TypeScript, end-to-end. The goals are to:

  • Gain an inside view on the process that will make it easy to contribute to TypeScript
  • Along the way, gain familiarity with ES private fields and what they mean for TS users


  • Understand the feature
  • Scanner and Parser
  • Binder
  • Checker
  • How the transformation to ES2015 WeakMap works

Approximate Duration:

45 minutes

Your Name:*

Max Heiber

Your Twitter handle:*



[ ] No
[X] Yes => ability to share slides via HDMI


[X] Advanced
[X] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner (NO)

[webpack team proposal] Is it a good idea to overload require()/import?

Session Title:
Is it a good idea to overload require()/import?

Session Abstract:
Webpack allows to overload the require() or import mechanism in order to load different file types. For instance, in webpack applications it is quite common to require() an image or a CSS file. The result of the import statement is determined by an external configuration (in webpack land by loaders). For instance, CSS files are translated into an object of CSS class names which makes it easier and safer to reference class names from JavaScript. Images are usually translated to a string that represents a URL. This can be useful if the application wants to leverage HTTP long-term caching via hashed filenames.

There has been a long discussion with members from the browserify community whether this is a good idea or not (webpack/webpack#378). The biggest argument against it is that this feature is currently proprietary to webpack and that there is no standard for configuration and consumption. With the upcoming WHATWG loader specification, however, things might change.

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
Johannes Ewald

Your Twitter handle:


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Create a PWA template for instant and offline pages

Session Title: Create a PWA template for instant and offline pages

Session Abstract:
In this code-along we will create a Progressive Web App that makes use of Service Workers, IndexedDB and the Web Manifiest file to create a PWA with a Native App UI and the ability to work offline in both GET and POST mode.

We will also look at how to set up Push Notifications and use many of the new APIs that are becoming available.

By the end of the session you will have a sophisticated PWA scaffold that you can then develop further.

Approximate Duration:
90 minutes

Your Name:* Craig West

Your Twitter handle:*


[ ] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Intermediate

Other information:
Boiler plate pages will be included and the level of JS is intermediate. It would help if you have a local web server to develop the PWA on your own system.

We will also see how PWAs can provide 'instant' pages.

JavaScript debugging with Chrome DevTools

Session Title: JavaScript debugging with Chrome DevTools

Session Abstract:
Everything JavaScript in Chrome DevTools, including debugging and profiling. In particular we are interested in discussions and feature requests around the JavaScript Console and the recently introduced REPL mode.

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name: Simon Zuend, Peter Marshall

Your Twitter handle: nimODota, hooraybuffer

[ ] No
[ x] Yes => a way to present/cast to a screen


[x] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

What's happening with Puppeteer?

Session Title:
What's happening with Puppeteer?

Session Abstract:
An overview of what's been cooking in Puppeteer, the Node.js library for automated browser testing. We'll go over recent changes in Chromium/Blink and how they affect Puppeteer, and will walk you through how new features are implemented in the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) and later in Puppeteer.

Approximate Duration:
30 min

Your Name: Mathias Bynens

Your Twitter handle:


[ ] No
[x] Yes: a way to present/cast to a screen


[ ] Advanced

[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:

Learn how Puppeteer works behind the scenes (beyond the JavaScript layer)

Technical SEO Q&A

Session Title: Technical SEO clinic

Session Abstract: Come with your questions around technical SEO or submit your website & a question upfront (link TBA) to get a (public) analysis of what's going on.

Approximate Duration: 45 minutes

Your Name:* Martin Splitt

Your Twitter handle:* g33konaut


[ ] No
[x] Yes, projector would be useful


[ ] Advanced

[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

  • SEO can be quite tricky to get right when using JavaScript or building complex web apps, but I'm here to help :)
  • We'll discuss technical SEO challenges and potential solutions
  • Bring your site & a question and we'll see what's going on

TC39 -- AMA

Session Title: Ask Me Anything

Session Abstract: Open-ended Q/A with people from TC39, including Dan

Approximate Duration: 60

Your Name:* Daniel Ehrenberg

Your Twitter handle:* littledan


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ ] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:

RxJS 8 and beyond

Session Title:
RxJS 8 and beyond

Session Abstract:
RxJS has been around for quite a while. Recently it got pretty quiet around RxJS, right?
With this talk, I am going to show the internals of the planned architecture for version 8,
which is highly WIP-ish. By comparing the current architecture with the new, one will see
the differences, but also the benefits everyone is supposed to gain.

Approximate Duration:
~ 30 minutes

Your Name:*
Jan-Niklas Wortmann

Your Twitter handle:*

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[x] Advanced
[ ] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
This talk aims to increase transparency about the stuff that is planned within the RxJS Core Team.
Additionally, this is (AFAIK) the first talk going through the new architecture. I hope to get some feedback about possible technical implications, but also help the community to prepare their applications.

Web Components - harmony and connection in the JS world

Session Title:
Web Components - harmony and connection in the JS world

Session Abstract:
In this session, we will not just look at the theory behind Web Components but work through a set of Step By Step examples to build reuseable Web Components that have functionality like forms, data retrieval and communciation with pages and other Web Components.

Approximate Duration:
90 mminutes

Your Name:*
Craig West

Your Twitter handle:*



[ X] Intermediate

Other information:
Web Components enable not just reuseable code formation but also inter-operability between all the different frameworks. They enable larger apps to be split into micro-apps or micro-services.

Web Components & Micro Apps: Angular, React & Vue peacefully united? was the keynote session at iJS London 2018.

[v8 team proposal] Surfacing JavaScript engine signals (i.e. optimization, deoptimization, etc.)

Session Title:
Surfacing JavaScript engine signals

Session Abstract:
The V8 and Node.js projects are looking into surfacing some relevant (internal) signals from the JavaScript engine that could be useful to developers, for example information about when optimization happens, what function was optimized, which functions got inlined, and so on.

We'd like to have more feedback regarding what information developers are generally interested in, and how we could surface them best. The intended channel for the information so far is the Tracing Protocol, which works in both Node.js and Chrome. We'd also like to discuss how potential tools could be built around this.

Exploration document:

Approximate Duration:
30 - 60 minutes

Your Name:*
Benedikt Meurer

Your Twitter handle:*

[ ] No
[x] Yes => projector + USB-C adapter

[x] Advanced
[ ] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

[v8 team proposal] AMA on V8 with @verwaest and @bmeurer

Session Title:
AMA on V8 with @verwaest and @bmeurer

Session Abstract:
We'll try to answer whatever questions you have regarding V8. Specifically topics around performance and how V8 works under the hood.

Approximate Duration:
30 - 60 minutes

Your Name:
Toon Verwaest (@verwaest)
Benedikt Meurer (@bmeurer)

Your Twitter handle:
tverwaes and bmeurer

[ ] No
[x] Yes => Presenter with USB-C

[x] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
The motivation is to give you time to ask whatever question you have, and which might be interesting to others as well.

A blueprint for an ideal CI/CD process in javascript projects

Session Title:
A blueprint for an ideal Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Delivery (CD) process in javascript projects

Session Abstract:
I would like to present the below topics as part of this session:

  • An introduction to CI/CD process (5 mins)
  • Source code QA/QC (10 mins)
  • Unit Testing in JavaScript (5 mins)
  • E2E testing in JavaScript (5 mins)
  • Automated UI/UX testing (5 mins)
  • A blueprint on the possible infrastructure (5 mins)
  • Questions/Answers (5 mins)

Approximate Duration:
40 minutes

Your Name:
Dr. Arash Gharibi

Your Twitter handle:


[ ] No
[x] Yes: a projector


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:
CI/CD concept has been around for couple of years but when it comes to JavaScript projects, there has been difficulties in fully implementing this process chain. This session will help you to (1) get to know the latest trends and technologies used for CI/CD process, (2) learn/refresh your mind about various CI/CD components and (2) shows you a blue print/best practice on how an ideal CI/CD process functions.

[webpack team proposal] How to share non-JS stuff on NPM

Session Title:
How to share non-JS stuff on NPM

Session Abstract:
NPM is not only a package manager for Node.js, it's the biggest JavaScript packager manager in general. As a consequence, developers want to also share web-related stuff, like CSS (including Sass or Less), HTML templates, images, fonts, etc. However, there is no way to package these things without making assumptions about the application build system/tool. For instance, there is no way how a JavaScript web component can reference a CSS file or an image without making assumptions about the build tool. These need to be added manually by the package consumer.

This question even becomes more important with the advance of WebAssembly. Will it be possible to have different programming languages on NPM, maybe even depending on each other?

During this session, we want to discuss with you how we can open up the biggest JavaScript ecosystem to other web-related code.

Approximate Duration:

Your Name:
Johannes Ewald

Your Twitter handle:


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

[V8 team proposal] Lifetime of a JavaScript language feature

Session Title:
Lifetime of a JavaScript language feature

Session Abstract:
This session describes what happens from the moment when a feature is proposed to ECMAScript to when it gets fully integrated into the VM.

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
V8 team

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

TC39 -- What's coming with classes?

What's coming with classes?

We will discuss various class features that are at various stages of standardization in TC39, from early proposals and things shipping in browsers. This includes public fields, private fields, private methods, decorators, and more.

Approximate Duration: 60

Your Name:* Daniel Ehrenberg

Your Twitter handle:* littledan


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

[webpack team proposal] WASM from developer-perspective

Session Title:
WASM from developer-perspective: How make using WASM developer-friendly?

Session Abstract:

  • How make using WASM developer-friendly?
    • Tooling
    • Devtools
    • Debugging
    • Interop
    • Libraries and Applications

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
Tobias Koppers

Your Twitter handle:


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ ] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:

Motivation: Figure out what's needed to make WASM more approachable.

Are You Sure You Are Not a Micromanager?

Session Title:

Are You Sure You Are Not a Micromanager?

Session Abstract:

Do you know what micromanagement is?

It’s when your manager is telling you exactly what you have to do right now in order to achieve the results he or she wants. The micromanager doesn’t trust you and that’s why wants and needs to control every step you make. It’s annoying and unproductive, but it’s inevitable unless you have small tasks and a transparent and unambiguous system of rewards and punishment.

The question is how you can define an obvious and transparent motivational system. A number of options will be suggested.

Approximate Duration:
30-50 minutes

Your Name: Yegor Bugayenko

Your Twitter handle: yegor256


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
This would motivate listeners (both employers and employees) to use micromanagement and microtasking as a main working model. Also, I would like to be evaluated by the attendees and organizators - their opinion would create a substrate for innovations and solutions. Who knows, maybe we'll create a new management model! :)

WebVR corner

Session Title:
WebVR corner

Session Abstract:
Let's talk all things WebVR!
Wanna see how to get started? Have a problem with a project of yours? Let's do it!

Approximate Duration:
60 minutes

Your Name:*
Martin Splitt

Your Twitter handle:*

[ ] No
[x] Yes => A power socket and table would be helpful


[ ] Advanced

[ ] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:
WebVR is exciting yet intimidating to many. I want to host this session to help people get started and discuss their ideas, projects or problems with WebVR.

Hopefully this session will help get more people to build things with this wonderful new technology!

[V8 team proposal] Good, predictable performance

Session Title:
Good, predictable performance

Session Abstract:

  • Performance cliffs naturally arise from speculative optimization, which is the basis for great JavaScript performance.
    • How to mitigate performance cliffs?
  • Where are gaps between developer’s expectations of what should be fast and the engines reality of what is actually fast.
    • Clashes between paradigms, i.e. traditionally focus on OO programming, whereas nowadays functional style is more popular
  • How does V8 optimize:
    • Type feedback
    • TurboFan compiler
    • Fast language builtins
  • How to avoid over-optimizing for a certain (version of an) engine?
    • Don’t over-specialize to V8 / CrankshaftScript.

Approximate Duration:
30–45 minutes

Your Name:
V8 team

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

What's coming in TC39? We want your help!

Session Title:
What's coming in TC39? We want your help!

Session Abstract:
Give an overview of some of the topics under discussion at TC39, where they are in the standards process, and (most importantly) feedback from everyone in the room about what they think. At the end, it would open up to open-ended discussion about what other features should be discussed

Approximate Duration:
90 minutes

(Yes, this is a bit long, but in previous meetings where I've just gone over just a meeting agenda with various other groups of intelligent engineers, even 90 minutes has not quite been enough time.)

Your Name:
Daniel Ehrenberg

Your Twitter handle:


[ x ] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ x ] Advanced
[ x ] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

[v8 team proposal] JavaScript WeakRefs

Session Title:
JavaScript WeakRefs

Session Abstract:
WeakRefs are an upcoming language feature (Stage 2 at the moment); I'll explain how weak references work and demo the feature in Google Chrome.

Spec draft:

Approximate Duration:
30 min

Your Name:*
Marja Hölttä

Your Twitter handle:*

[ ] No
[X] Yes => Please share what do you need.

Projector + adapter for connecting my laptop: Debian Linux, HDMI.

(Last year it was only possible to use the projector if you were at the back of the room; that doesn't work well!)

[X] Advanced
[X] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
This session might not happen if I can't make it to the conference (there's no backup).

How to cook with RxJS

Session Title:

How to cook with RxJS

Session Abstract:
The trickiest part of learning ReactiveX is switching your mindset to reactive. With so many operators out there learning Rx on your own is often overwhelming. And no, marbles don't actually help.

But we are living in a reactive world and we can find examples everywhere around us.

In this talk, we will break down the ReactiveX to the basic ingredients and equip you with the approach that will make learning even the hardest operator a child's play.
Writing a reactive code, after all, is no more than telling a story.

Approximate Duration:
30-40 minutes, depending on the available slot

Your Name: Miroslav Jonas

Your Twitter handle: meeroslav


[X] No
[ ] Yes


[X] Advanced
[X] Intermediate
[X] Beginner

Other information:
The talk describes the common obstacles in learning RxJS and why the documentation is too technical for most of the people. By using metaphors from the world of cooking (or rather eating), it explains the complex concepts in a way everyone can understand. The purpose is to show the audience how complex topics can be made simple by avoiding the expensive buzzwords and using common language and objects that surround us.

Some more insights are available via blog post Cooking with RX or via talk at a local meetup Reactive Vuejs.

Target audience: beginners to experts in RxJS

The live coding can be done in Angular, Vue or Vanilla JS

[webpack team proposal] ESM in browsers vs bundlers

Session Title:
ESM in browsers vs bundlers

Session Abstract:

  • How are we using ESM in future? Bundled or native?
    • Can we find a way to coexist?

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
Tobias Koppers

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

Plugins and extension systems

Session Title:
JavaScript plugin and extension systems

Session Abstract:
There are quite a few ways how to implement a plugin system in JavaScript for your own tool. I'd like to point out a few with some high-level pros and cons I could see while researching them. Maybe there are a few participants around for a good discussion around this topic who already built a system of their own or have experience working with some.

Approximate Duration:
60 minutes

Your Name:
Jörn Bernhardt

Your Twitter handle:


  • No
  • Yes => A projector with HDMI cable would be nice to show / test out some code.


  • Advanced
  • Intermediate
  • Beginner

Other information:
I want to add a plugin system to my own tool, so I'm currently researching about this topic. I hope there are some participants who can contribute ideas, point out issues they had when creating their own or can give some insights why the system was built the way it was built.

Update: Session is done. There are Session notes.

From an Angular app to an Universal app

Session Title: From an Angular app to an Universal app

Session Abstract:
Isomorphic apps are the best solution for SEO if you have an SPA web app. The isomorphic solution for Angular is Angular Universal. How ever, What happen if I already have an Angular app? How can I migrate an Angular app to an Universal app? What kind of thing I have to consider to do it?
In this session I'm going to answer all these questions

Approximate Duration:
60 min

Your Name: Adrian Ferreres Esteller

Your Twitter handle:* ardiadrianadri


[X ] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ X] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
It would be necessary a minimum knowledge of Angular to follow this talk

Roll it up, shake it out: The future of Rollup.js

Session Title:
Roll it up, shake it out: The future of Rollup.js

Session Abstract:
Rollup is "the other JavaScript bundler" that has pioneered features such as "tree-shaking" and "scope-hoisting" and has been adopted by popular libraries such as React or Moment.js as their bundling tool. However in the past, tree-shaking has remained an unfulfilled promise in most real-world situations. This is changing now.

As the current main contributor of Rollup, I would like to talk with you about the following:

  • Do we really need another bundling tool besides Webpack? :)
  • What are the recent tree-shaking improvements all about and what challenges are we facing now? What kind of code is removed easily and where does the algorithm struggle?
  • Where should we go next? Possible ideas are untranspiled JSX support (via plugin) or prepack-style source code optimizations but I would really love your input here.
  • How can you contribute? Rollup is supported by a fairly small group of people which means YOUR contributions can have a huge impact in moving Rollup forward!

Approximate Duration:
60 minutes

Your Name:*
Lukas Taegert

Your Twitter handle:*


[ ] No
[x] Yes => A projector and a USB-C adapter would help when talking about code samples


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other Information:
Due to time constraints on my side, this session can only take place on Tuesday morning.

[V8 team proposal] V8 startup snapshot

Session Title:
V8 startup snapshot

Session Abstract:

  • Current efforts in Blink and Atom to use extended / custom startup snapshot
  • Current efforts in Node.js to adopt custom startup snapshot
  • Context freeze proposal by FB
  • V8 snapshot internals

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
Yang Guo

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[x] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

[webpack team proposal] Webpack build time improvements

Session Title:
Webpack build time improvements

Session Abstract:
Building large web applications with webpack can be cumbersome because of long build times. We (the webpack team) have heard of build times between 2-3 minutes or even more. Airbnb, for instance, is struggling with a build time of about 3 minutes (webpack/webpack#5718). During this session, we can talk about the current bottlenecks and how it can improved.

Approximate Duration:
60 minutes

Your Name:
Johannes Ewald

Your Twitter handle:

[ ] No
[x] Yes => I think it would be helpful to inspect a flame graph of a webpack build to show/demonstrate the bottlenecks. So we would need a projector with HDMI jack.

[x] Advanced
[ ] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
Maybe more flame graphs from different projects?

JavaScript & SEO - opening up a black box

Session Title:

JavaScript & SEO - opening up a black box

Session Abstract:

Is SEO a mystery to you? Do you fear that your JS web app isn't going to be findable via Google Search? Did our developer docs confuse you or weren't helpful? Join the session and talk to me!

I'm on the developer relations team for Google Search and I'm here to help you and learn from you, too! 😄

Approximate Duration:

30 minutes

Your Name:Martin Splitt

Your Twitter handle:g33konaut


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ ] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Other information:

I would like to give everyone an opportunity to talk about their challenges when working with SEOs or getting their web content indexed when JavaScript is involved. I would love to bust some myths and find out where I can help as part of the DevRel team for Google Search. Missing docs? Confused by something? Missing a tool to test or debug your code for search? Join the session and let me know!

This is probably going to be a mix of Q&A and brainstorming.

[V8 team proposal] The future of WebAssembly

Session Title:
The future of WebAssembly

Session Abstract:

Discuss current threading proposal:

  • Roughly equivalent to SharedArrayBuffer + Web Workers
  • Atomics and futexes give native-level performance for low-level concurrency
  • Still in “WASM is a machine” style, no new concurrency constructs
  • Why is this hard for anything other than low-level shared memory?

Current thinking on integration with the DOM/JS:

  • Opaque references to JS objects can flow through WASM code
  • Access must be accomplished through imported JavaScript functions

Approximate Duration:
30 minutes

Your Name:
Ben Titzer

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

[V8 team proposal] Making sure that a new Chrome version does not break your website

Session Title:
Making sure that a new Chrome version does not break your website

Session Abstract:

This session describes on how to test your web application in advance in order to find out if future Chrome releases might "break" your web application. The earlier you discover problems, the higher the chance for Chrome and/or you to fix them without impacting your revenue stream.

Approximate Duration:
15–30 minutes

Your Name:
V8 team

Your Twitter handle:

[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.

[ ] Advanced
[ ] Intermediate
[x] Beginner

Immutable data structures in JS? A deep dive in the Record & Tuple Stage 1 Proposal

Session Title:
Immutable data structures in JS? A deep dive in the Record & Tuple Stage 1 Proposal

Session Abstract:
In this session, you will get to discover a new JS proposal that is still being worked on by TC39. You will not only get to see a preview of that feature, but you'll get to play with it and try it. While doing this, we will be able to discuss the different advantages and limitations of the proposal and you will be able to give some thoughts and feedback directly to one of the author and champion of the proposal: Robin Ricard, a TC39 Delegate working for Bloomberg.

Outline of the presentation:

  • 20min - presentation of the feature
    • syntax
    • semantics
    • utility functions
  • 5 min - demo of the feature using Record & Tuple playground (powered by Babel)
  • 15min - advantages and shortcomings of the proposal and upcoming complementary proposals presentation
  • 20min - feedback session and Q&A

Approximate Duration:

Your Name:
Robin Ricard

Your Twitter handle:


[ ] No
[x] Yes => HDMI to project computer's screen or a computer with a modern web browser capable of projecting on a screen


[ ] Advanced
[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:

  • Presented by one of the champions of the proposal, an update on the proposal is going to happen soon at TC39
  • Participants will get a peek at a new JS feature and will be able to give feedback that will shape the proposal as we're going to Stage 2 with it soon.
  • As a presenter, I'll get a pulse from the JS community on where we want to bring the proposal to

Understanding Reactive programming in JS

Session Title: Understanding Reactive programming in JS

Session Abstract:

Let's create our own implementation of the library RXJS... at least a small one. The objective are two:

  1. Understand what is the reactive programming
  2. Understand how it works

Approximate Duration:

60 min
Your Name:* Adrian Ferreres

Your Twitter handle:* ardiadrianadri


[ X] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ ] Intermediate
[ X] Beginner

Other information:

TC39 -- Immutable values, operator overloading, and custom numeric literals

Session Title: Immutable values, operator overloading, and custom numeric literals

Session Abstract: Discuss some extremely early ideas in TC39 about extending the language to support various aspects of custom types

Approximate Duration: 60

Your Name:* Daniel Ehrenberg

Your Twitter handle:* littledan


[x] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[x] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

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Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.