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backend-2's Introduction


The official backend framework for the astaroid platform, written in svelte-kit, deployed to netlify and used supabase for database(postgres database), authentication and storage.


To install astaroid-backend, first clone the repo

git clone

or download the compressed file here.

Secondly install all required dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn install).

Environmental variables

Astaroid-backend required some important environmental variables to function properly.

Set all the Environmental variable in .env file at the astaroid-backend root directory.

Environmental variable Meaning Function
VITE_SUPABASE_URL supabase project url the url to your supabase project to handle astaroid-backend backend services
VITE_SUPABASE_KEY supabase project api secret key the service_role api key of your supabase project to handle astaroid-backend backend services
VITE_API_KEY astaroid-backend api secret key the api secret key need to access all astaroid-backend apis
VITE_ADMIN_KEY astaroid-backend admin secret key the api secret key need to access admin functionality api (e.g create a crystal)



Astaroid-backend require the following postgres database tables.

Table Function
users to store the user data
assets to store users assets
market to store crystals
notifications to store users notifications


The users table require the following columns.

Column Data type Format
id uuid uuid
username text text
password text text
email text text
profile_image text text
created_at timestamp without time zone timestamp
coin numeric numeric
email_confirm text text


The assets table require the following columns.

Column Data type Format
id uuid uuid
user_id uuid uuid
color character varying varchar
volume numeric numeric
assets_metadata ARRAY json


The market table require the following columns.

Column Data type Format
id uuid uuid
color character varying varchar
price numeric numeric
crystal_market_cap numeric numeric
rarest numeric numeric
sellers_metadata ARRAY json
total_market_cap numeric numeric


The notifications table require the following columns.

Column Data type Format
id uuid uuid
user_id uuid uuid
notification_metadata json json
read character varying varchar


Astaroid-backend require the following postgres functions.

Name Arguments Return type
buy_crystal _id uuid,_color character varying, _seller_id uuid,_buyer_id uuid, _transaction_fee numeric,_old_price numeric, _new_price numeric,_crystal_market_cap numeric, _total_market_cap numeric,_rarest numeric, _sellers_metadata json[],_buyer_crystal_volume numeric, _buyer_assets_metadata json[],_is_buyer_asset_created character varying, _buyer_notification_metadata json json
check_user_data _user_id uuid,_user_metadata json json
check_user_id _id uuid,_fallback_id uuid uuid
create_crystal action text, _id uuid,_color character varying, _price numeric,_crystal_market_cap numeric, _total_market_cap numeric,_rarest numeric, _sellers_metadata json[] json
delete_notification _user_id uuid,_notification_id uuid json
get_authorize_data _user_id uuid,_data_request_metadata json json
check_signup_data _email character varying,_username character varying json
handle_delete_user trigger
handle_new_user trigger
handle_update_user trigger
insert_merged_asset _user_id uuid,_color character varying, _merged_asset_metadata json,_parent_color_query text json
sell_asset _id uuid,_color character varying, _seller_id uuid,_price numeric, _crystal_market_cap numeric,_total_market_cap numeric, _rarest numeric,_crystal_market_metadata json[], _seller_asset_volume numeric,_seller_assets_metadata json[], _is_seller_asset_created character varying,_seller_notification_metadata json json
update_notification _user_id uuid,_notification_id uuid, _read character varying json


Astaroid-backend require the following postgres triggers.

Name Table Function Event
on_auth_user_created users handle_new_user INSERT
on_auth_user_deleted users handle_delete_user INSERT
on_auth_user_updated users handle_update_user INSERT


Astaroid-backend requires a public supabase storage bucket, profile-image to store the user profile picture.

Api docs

Making request

All queries to the Astaroid-backend need to be presented in this form: [PROTOCOL]://[HOST]/api/[METHOD_NAME]?api_key=API_KEY.


Astaroid-backend support GET, POST and DELETE HTTP methods. We support two ways of passing parameters in requests:

The response contains a JSON object, which always has a Boolean field ok and the Object fields data and error. If ok equals True, the request was successful and the result of the request can be found in the data field. In case of an unsuccessful request, ok equals false and the error is found in error field, which is a JSON object containing the error message and code.

  • All methods in the Astaroid-backend API are case-insensitive.
  • All queries must be made using UTF-8.

Available constants


Arrange crystal by price in ascending order.


Arrange crystal by price in descending order.


Arrange crystal by rarest rate in ascending order.


Arrange crystal by rarest rate in descending order.


Notification message sent when a user sell an asset.


Notification message sent when a user buy a crystal.

Available types


Representation of a crystal in the market.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the crystal in the market
color String color of the crystal
price Number price of the crystal
rarest Number rate of rarest of the crystal in the market
crystal_market_cap Number total number of the crystal in the market


Representation of a user asset(crystal bought by the user).

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the asset
color String color of the asset
volume Number number of the asset the user has
user_id String unique identification of the user who owns the asset


Representation of a user.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the user
username String user username
email String user email address
password String user password
profile_image String link to the user profile image
created_at String timestamp of the date and time the user was created
coin Number number of coin the the user has
email_confirm String if true then the user email address is verified, else if false then user email address is not verified


Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the user
verify String if true then the user email address is verified, else if false then user email address is not verified


Representation of a user profile image.

Field Type Description
image_url String link to the image on the web


Representation of a crystal bought by a user.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the asset
color String color of the asset
volume Number number of this asset the user has
user_id String unique identification of the user who bought the crystal
market_crystal Crystal the crystal bought by the user


Representation of an asset sold by a user.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the crystal in the market
color String color of the crystal
price Number price of the crystal
rarest Number rate of rarest of the crystal in the market
crystal_market_cap Number total number of the crystal in the market
user_asset Asset the asset sold by the user


Representation of a merged asset.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the asset
color String color of the asset
volume Number number of this asset the user has
user_id String unique identification of user who merged the assets
parents Array of Asset list of assets merged together to create the merged asset


Representation of a user notification message metadata.

Field Type Description
type SOLD_ASSET_MESSAGE or BOUGHT_CRYSTAL_MESSAGE type of notification message
message String notification message
created_at String Javascript Temporal.ZonedDateTime ISO string format of the current date when the notification was created


Representation of a user notification message.

Field Type Description
id String unique identification of the notification
user_id String unique identification of the user
read String if true then the notification message has been read, else if false then the notification message has not been read
notification_metadata NotificationMetadata notification metadata

Available methods

All methods in the Astaroid-backend API are case-insensitive and support GET, POST and DELETE HTTP methods. Use either URL query string or application/json for passing parameters in Astaroid-backend API requests. On successful call, a JSON object containing a Boolean field ok and a Object field data, while the error Object field is null.

POST - market

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to create a crystal. no data is return even if the request is successful.



Parameter Type Required Description
admin_key String YES astaroid-backend admin secret key



GET - market

The request must have GET as it HTTP method.

Use to get all crystals. On success an Array of Crystal is returned.



Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
color Array of String Optional list of color of crystals to get
price Array of Number Optional list of price of crystals to get
rarest Array of Number Optional list of rarest rate of crystals to get
order ASC-PRICE or DESC-PRICE or ASC-RAREST or DESC-RAREST Optional order of arrangement of the crystals



POST - signup

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to sign up a user. On success UserAuth is returned.



Remainding parameters(expect api_key) are passed in the body of the request with the header content-type of application/json.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
username String YES user username
email String YES user email address
password String YES user password



Request body

 "username": "user1234",
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "password": "secret_1223"

POST - signin

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to sign in a user. On success UserAuth is returned.



Remaining parameters(expect api_key) are passed in the body of the request with the header content-type of application/json.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
usernameOrEmail String YES user username or email address
password String YES user password



Request body

 "usernameOrEmail": "[email protected]",
 "password": "secret_1223"

POST - confirm-email

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to send a user a confirmation email. no data is return even if the request is successful.



Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
user_id String YES unique identification of the user to send the confirmation email



POST - magic-link

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to send a magic link to a user email. no data is return even if the request is successful.



Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
email String YES user email address to the magic link


http://localhost:3000/api/auth/magic-link?api_key=[API_KEY]&[email protected]

GET - user

The request must have GET as it HTTP method.

Use to get data about a user. On success User is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key



POST - user

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to edit the user data. On success User is returned. On failure with error code 201, 202, 203 User is stilled returned and the error.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Remaining parameters(expect api_key) are passed in the body of the request with the header content-type of application/json.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
username String OPTIONAL user new username
email String OPTIONAL user new email address
password String OPTIONAL user new password



Request body

 "password": "BORdaBKGgo12345",
 "email": "[email protected]"

DELETE - user

The request must have DELETE as it HTTP method.

Use to delete a data. no data is return even if the request is successful.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key



POST - profile-image

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to upload a user profile image. On success UserProfileImage is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Remaining parameters(expect api_key) are passed in the body of the request with the header content-type of application/json.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
data String YES base64 encoded string of image to upload
type String YES content-type of image to upload



Request body

 "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAvo......",
 "type": "image/png"

GET - asset

The request must have GET as it HTTP method.

Use to get the user assets. On success an Array of Asset is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
color Array of String Optional list of color of assets to get



POST - buy

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to buy a crystal. On success CrystalBought is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
crystal_id String YES unique identification of the crystal to buy
bought_at String OPTIONAL Javascript Temporal.ZonedDateTime ISO string format of the current date when the crystal was bought



POST - merge

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to merge a user assets together. On success MergeAsset is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
assets Array of String YES list of color of assets to merge
created_at String OPTIONAL Javascript Temporal.ZonedDateTime ISO string format of the current date when the merged asset was merged



POST - sell

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to sell a user asset. On success AssetSold is returned.


[PROTOCOL]://[HOST]/api/user/[USER_ID]/asset/sell?api_key=[API_KEY]&asset_id=[ASSET_ID]&sold_at =[SOLD_AT]

[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
asset_id String YES unique identification of the asset to sell
sold_at String OPTIONAL Javascript Temporal.ZonedDateTime ISO string format of the current date when the crystal was sold



GET - notification

The request must have GET as it HTTP method.

Use to get all the user notifications. On success Array of Notification is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key



POST - notification

The request must have POST as it HTTP method.

Use to set a user notification to read or not. On success Notification is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
notification_id String YES unique identification of the notification to edit
read String OPTIONAL if true then the notification message is set to read, else if false then the notification message is set to not read



DELETE - notification

The request must have DELETE as it HTTP method.

Use to delete a user notification. On success Notification is returned.



[USER_ID] placeholder represent the unique identification of the user the method is carried out on.

Parameter Type Required Description
api_key String YES astaroid-backend api secret key
notification_id String YES unique identification of the notification to delete



Api error messages

Astaroid-backend return the following error messages when there is a bad request from the client.

Message Code
Incorrect admin key 100
Incorrect api key 102
Backend error 104
User not found 106
Email already exist 201
Username already exist 202
Username and email already exist 203
Username or email not found 204
Incorrect password 205
Insufficient coins 206
Asset id required 207
Asset not found 208
Assets required 209
2 or more assets required 210
Crystal id required 211
Crystal not found 212
Notification id required 213
Notification not found 214



backend-2's People


astaroid avatar daniel-onyenwee avatar



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