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enterprise's Introduction


Extra! Extra! * Disruption Driven Development - Mastering Enterpriseā„¢ ā€“ the book is in the making!

Enterpriseā„¢ is a non-deterministic-unnecessarily-statically-typedā„¢ Turing-complete-ishā„¢, Quantum-out-of-the-boxā„¢ programming language.

Enterpriseā„¢ is designed to create computer programs that disrupt markets.

But why?

Following on the footsteps of Rockstar, if we make Enterpriseā„¢ a real thing, then recruiters and hiring managers won't be able to talk about 'enterprise developers' any more.

On top of that, articles about the "Best Programming Languages for Enterprise Development" will lose their meaning.

Enterpriseā„¢ guide


Following are the specifications of the Enterpriseā„¢ language.

Chapter 1: Comments

The most important bits in the Enterpriseā„¢ are comments. There are 8 different types of comments in Enterpriseā„¢. Some of them are found in languages not ready for corporate usage like:

line comment
// this is a boring line comment

The line comment is useful when you want to restate what the next line does. Here's an idiomatic example:

// adds one to counter
block comment
  this is a block comment

The block comment is useful when a comment is long, like explaining some implementation:

  The International Enterpriseā„¢ Association only certifies code with a block
  comment that exceeds three lines, so this comment guarantees our future
  (line intentionally left blank, to ensure "exceeding" three lines)

On top of these, Enterpriseā„¢ adds:

copyright comment
  This code is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2017.

Every Enterpriseā„¢ program must begin with a copyright notice, else it will not compile and fail with an UnexpectedNonDisruptiveOpenSourceException error.

It's customary to cover any non trivial implementation in Enterpriseā„¢ with a copyright (and a comment). On top of that add an NDA comment (see below).

NDA comment
  This following code implements a "Web Dropdown Menu", copyright number 9283F3.
  The following code can only be read if you signed NDA 375-1. If you happen to
  read it by mistake, send a written letter to our legal department with two
  attached copies immediately.
passive aggressive comment
  This next bit is oh so lovely

Things like irony may be a problem in communication. To solve this problem and ensure proper communication, Enterpriseā„¢ adds a passive aggressive comment, so the reader must assume the opposite.

interview comment

Since Enterpriseā„¢ will be widely used for job interviews, the interview comment is very handy to "explain how you reason" to your interviewer:

  ...this could be done in O(1) if I had the time...
time to market comment
/soon 1985-11-20
  using a while here would be more performatic

If you can't write the best implementation Today, use an improve in the future comment, to ensure it will be done some day. Adding the current day in the comment is part of its syntax, so one doesn't lose track of oldest comments.

deadline comment

Deadline comments are extremely important to have our code disrupting the market on time, seizing all the opportunity costs. Deadline comments also have a date attached.

/deadline 1997-01-11
  We need to ship this game before Xmas. No delays accepted.
/deadline 1998-01-11
  We need to ship this game before Xmas, we already lost the previous one.
/deadline 1999-01-11
  We need to ship this game before Xmas, this time for real.
/deadline 2000-01-11
  The board is extremely impatient. No excuses this time.
/deadline 2002-01-11
  Come on people, they just gave us a 2 years extension after that horrible
  meeting. Let's not let 'em down this time.
/deadline 2005-01-11
  Ok... this game may not happen and we may throw this 8 year old effort in
  the wastebin of History if we don't get this done. Blogs are making a joke of
  us. Think about your families.
/deadline 2011-01-11
  I don't know what to say. This is the biggest delay in game History. We're a
/soon 2011-01-11
  We delivered! But we probably need to refactor everything very soon if we're
  to have a next release.

Chapter 2: Classes


Classes are named with Hungarian Case. Hungarian Case is similar to Pascal Case, but is prefixed with one or more type characters (see more below). A class must end with an Enterpriseyā„¢ suffix (these suffixes are copyrighted and any use in other languages may be investigated by our lawyers).

Type characters applicable to classes:

  • fdc final disruptive class
  • fuc final unnecessary class

Enterpriseyā„¢ terms:

After the prefix, a class name may have any number of Enterpriseyā„¢ terms. In Enterpriseā„¢, differently from other languages, class names are not open to developers' "cre-a-ti-vi-ty". That's because naming is known to be a hard problem, and limiting the alternatives makes it so much more predictable. Also, forcing developers to comply with that list will boost communication, since they'll share a common lingo.

Here's the full list of accepted Enterpriseyā„¢ terms:

Accelerate Acceleration Account Active Activity Agile Agility
Ajax Algo Analytics Analyze Analyzer Ballpark Bean
Big Bit Bizmeth Block Boost Bootstrap Bootstraped
Brand Business Buzz Car Chain Chart Clickthrough
Cloud Coin Consumer Content Converge Convergence Coordinate
Coordinator Complex Convert Convertion Cost Costs Critical
Crypto Currency Customer Cyber Data Deep Delegate
Delegator Design Dev Develop Development Digital Disrupt
Disruptor Disruptive Diverse Diversify Diversifier Diversity Downsize
Downsized Drive Driven Driver Economy Economic Employ
Employee Employer Empowered Engine Enterprise Entrepreneur Entropy
Equity Evolution Evolve Evolving Eyeball Eyeballs Facade
Factory Fast Fee Fizz Flat Founder Founders
Framework Free Future Fuzzy Generate Generation Generator
Global Gluten Graph Graphic Group Growth Guideline
Guidelines Hack Hacking Hardware Holistic Human Hyperlocal
Immerse Immersion Immersive Innovate Innovative Innovativity Innovator
Internet Intranet Invest Investment Item Iterator Java
Lactose Learn Learning Leverage Line List Manage
Management Manager Market Marketing Media Mega Merchant
Message Micro Millenial Mindshare Mine Mining Mission
Module Momentum Money Nano Network New Next
Number Nut Object Operation Operator Opportunity Ops
Order Organic Paradigm Passionate Pattern Person Pie
Point Policy Portal Product Proof Provable Proxy
Resource Return Roadmap Scalable Science Self Service
Services Share Sharing Simple Skeuomorphic Speed Software
Solution Square Startup Streamline Streamlined Super Sustainability
Sustainable Synergic Synergy System Tax Text Time
Trade Trans Upsize Upsizer User Viral Virality
Viralize Visual Web World

On top of these terms, you can use any upcase char (A-Z) and number, like in "fdcVisualCRMWebDelegator" or "fdcViralB2BMicroServiceManager".

Finally, some articles are admitted:

["As", "To", "Of", "In", "Out", "On", "Off", "At", "Not", "Non", "With", "Without"]

This can be used to compose, as in fdcNextGenerationRoadmapAsAServiceProxy or fdcProxyOfUserWithSustainableOrganicGlutenFreeFactory or fdcTimeToMarketMomentumInnovator.

disruptive class

An Enterpriseā„¢ program must start with the disruptive class. Since it's not instantiable or extendable, every disruptive class is also a final class:

final disruptive class fdcMillenialUserManager {


A disruptive class does not have a constructor. It has only a main method instead. Since the method can't be changed by implementors, it must be final and immutable. And since it returns nothing, it must be void.

final disruptive class fdcMillenialUserManager {
  final immutable void main () {
    // here goes your code

unnecessary classes

Since all code in Enterpriseā„¢ goes in the disruptive class, any other class you declare, although syntactically correct, is strictly unnecessary. Because of that, they must start with the unnecessary keyword. Since they can't be extended or instantiated, they're also final. Although disruptive classes have a very specific location in your folder structure, unnecessary classes can go anywhere (see more in next chapter). Here's an example of an unnecessary class:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {}

These classes can have a constructor, so that if they were used, they could receive params. Since constructors do not return, they must be void. Since the methods can't be overridden ā€“ or used ā€“ they're also final and unnecessary:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {
  final unnecessary void constructor(String name, Money nutsEatn, Money maxNuts) { = name;;;
    this.nutsEatn = nutsEatn;;;
    this.maxNuts = maxNuts;;;

  final unnecessary Money nutsTillDeath() {
    return this.maxNuts - this.nutsEatn;;;

Chapter 3: Extensions and file structure

All Enterpriseā„¢ use the extension "Eā„¢". This is to make clear these files are under a trade mark in a quick glance.

Your folder structure depends on the name of your disruptive class. Let's say your disruptive class is called fdcDeepLearningDataScienceHolisticFizzBuzzSynergicFrameworkManager, each word represents a nested folder you have to create, in addition to the standard /com/enterprise/disruptive. So your folder structure will look like:


Here's that structure in a random editor:

As stated in previous chapter, unnecessary classes don't need to follow this structure. As a matter of fact, the more random you place them, the better.

Chapter 4: Variables and types

Complicated types only makes software complicated. So Enterpriseā„¢ has a minimal list of types:


Here's how you declare a variable in Enterpriseā„¢:

var Type name = value;;;

Type is one of the types above.

name is any char sequence you want, as long as it doesn't exceed 8 chars.

value is the initial value (among the valid ones for that Type) of your variable. If a variable is not used, you may add the unnecessary flag to it.

The instructions must be ended with three semicolons (;;;). This a) adds clarity to where it ends, b) beats OCaml by 1 and c) makes your ; key weathered over time, so it will look like you work a lot.


var Money evaluatn = 10B;;;
unnecessary var String name = 'Charles';;;
unnecessary var Bool disruptv = True;;;
unnecessary var Null salary = Null;;;
unnecessary var List Money numbas = [10, 20];;;
unnecessary var List String buzzws = ['viral', 'cloud', 'blockchain'];;;
unnecessary var O1Type String mlnlUser = {name: 'XX JLo'};;;
unnecessary var O1Type Money example = {balance: -7.5k, evaluation: 10B};;;
unnecessary var XML String example = // TBD

Integers and Floats are all numbers. And in Enterpriseā„¢ numbers are generally used to represent Money. So here are some nice things about it:

var Money i = 0;;;
var Money i = 7;;;
var Money i = -7;;;
var Money i = 5.2;;;

// one grand, who has time for typing so many zeros?
var Money i = 1k;;;

// one million
var Money i = 1M;;;

// easiest language to represent imaginary valuations
var Money i = 1B;;;

// apple. the american debt. Enterpriseā„¢ represents all big numbers.
var Money i = 1T;;;

// TBD


// TBD


The O1Type, commonly known as "hash table" in other languages, is named this way to simplify interviews. If you're asked:

"Which type could we use here to have a O(1) lookup?"

You can simply say, with all your confidence:

"The ... O1 ... Type ...?"



XML stands for "XML Markup Language"

Standard XML is cumbersome and can bring a lot of unnecessary complexity by over structuring your data.

Enterpriseā„¢ is willing to enforce the best practices from the best in the business, which is why the only supported XML structure follows the Appleā„¢ approach seen in .plistā„¢ files, which uses an elegant yet powerful usage of XML as a straightforward implementation of the KeyValueā„¢ design patternā„¢:

<key>some key</key>
<value>some value</value>
<key>some other key</key>
<value>some other value</value>
<key>yet another key</key>
<value>yet another value</value>  
<key>one more key</key>
<value>one more value</value> 

In the unlikely case where you have a really big number of keys and values (say, more than four-ish), it can go on:

<key>some unlikely key</key>
<value>some unlikely value</value>
<key>some other unlikely key</key>
<value>some other unlikely value</value>
<key>yet another unlikely key</key>
<value>yet another unlikely value</value>  
<key>one more unlikely key</key>
<value>one more unlikely value</value> 

Most often, however, you will use XML to define unnecessary values, but not necessarily necessary keys.

If you deem necessary to inform other developers about the unnecessaryness of your values, you'll use the unnecessary="true" attribute.

In some exotic projects, or projects led by exotic architects, you might need keys that are not necessary, which you'll decorate with the necessary="false" attribute

It's worth mentioning that these attributes are available on your regular keys and values, AS WELL AS on the ones created in the unlikely cases where you have a really big number of keys and values (say, more than four-ish).

Here is an example of the former case, and we'll leave it as an exercise for you to write an example of the latter:

<key necessary="false">some key</key>
<value unnecessary="true">some value</value>

One drawback of XML is that it uses a ridiculously large number of angle brackets, which is a concern that will hopefully be addressed in Enterprise2ā„¢

Chapter 5: operations

Numeric operations
2 + 3;;; // 5
2 - 3;;; // -1
2 * 3;;; // 6
2 / 3;;; // 0.66666666 (see note below)
3 % 2;;; // 1 (mod)

var Money i = 2;;;
i += 1;;; // 3
i -= 1;;; // 1
i *= 1;;; // 2
i /= 1;;; // 2 (see note below)

2 > 3;;; // False
2 < 3;;; // True
2 == 3;;; // False
2 != 3;;; // True

Since floats take too much time to implement properly, and it's more important to get Enterpriseā„¢ implementations out there, this guide will not dictate how float operations should behave. Therefore, as an example, all of these are fine:

0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3
0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000004
0.1 + 0.2 = 0.00000000001
0.1 + 0.2 = 0
0.1 + 0.2 = 1
0.1 + 0.2 = "yes please"

Anything goes really, as long as you properly document the behaviour of your implementation.

String operations

Templates are too complicated, therefore Enterpriseā„¢ has only concat:

'abc' + 'def';;; // 'abcdef'

var String myString = 'foo';;;
myString += 'bar';;; // 'foobar'
Bool operations
!True;;; // False
!False;;; // True
True && True;;; // True
True && False;;; // False
False && False;;; // False

That's it. If you did logic in your CS degree you must be able to do ors, xors and everything else based on these two. If you didn't, you'll probably not need it anyway.

List access

Lists start at index 1. You can easily access list items:

var List Money ns = [7, 8, 9];;;
ns[1];;; // 7
ns[2];;; // 8
ns[3];;; // 9
O1Type access

You can easily access o1Type items:

var O1Type Money grades = {john: 6, mary: 5};;;
grades['john'];;; // 6
grades['mary'];;; // 5

Chapter 6: Disruptive libraries

For the sake of simplicity Enterpriseā„¢ doesn't have a standard lib. Instead you'll include functionality using disruptive libraries ā€“ dl for short. There is no package manager or way to create your own lib. This is for your own good. Enterpriseā„¢ guarantees the quality and security in all disruptive libraries. Check some examples:

import disruptive library com.disruptive.string.manager.dlStringManager;;;

length('hello');;; // 5
split('hello');;; // ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

With these 2 basic functions you can do anything. Substring? No problem:

import disruptive library com.disruptive.string.manager.dlStringManager;;;
import disruptive library com.disruptive.list.manager.dlListManager;;;

// inside main of course
var String hello = '';;;
var String helloWor = 'Hello World';;;
var Money i = 0;;;
unnecessary var Money j = 0;;;

var List String hWList = split(helloWor);;;
// To avoid collision with dlStringManager.length
while(i < dlListManager.length(hWList)) {
  // The +1 is necessary since lists start at index 1
  hello += hWList[i + 1];;;
import disruptive library com.disruptive.list.manager.dlListManager;;;

length(['a']);;; // 1
push(['a'], 'b');;; // ['a', 'b']

This should be enough. Concat? Easy:

import disruptive library com.disruptive.list.manager.dlListManager;;;

// inside main of course
var List String chars1 = ['a', 'b'];;;
var List String chars2 = ['c', 'd'];;;
var Money i = 0;;;

while(i < length(chars2)) {
  push(chars1, chars2[i + 1]);;;
import disruptive library com.disruptive.o1type.manager.dlO1TypeManager;;;

keys({name: 'John'});;; // ['name']
values({name: 'John'});;; // ['John']

Chapter 7: Control structures

To avoid those pesky functional programmers to take over, Enterpriseā„¢ has no iterators. No higher order whatever. No LGADBTS. You can do everything with ifs and whiles. As a wise Enterpriseā„¢ developer once said:

"You can do anything with any language."

while(condition) {
  // code
if(condition) {
  // code


Why learning Enterpriseā„¢?

Check the trends.

Bye bye Java.

Check the opportunities.ā„¢ programming language

DDD - The book

The book Disruption Driven Development ā€“ Mastering Enterpriseā„¢ ā€“ is in the making. Our sales website will be live soon!


  1. Automatic unnecessary classes generator.

enterprise's People


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enterprise's Issues

Our use case requires concurrencyā„¢

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the Enterpriseā„¢ and just learning it. My team is working on building a disruptive distributed monolith and we decided to use Enterpriseā„¢ as it seems to fit our application needs. I was wondering if there is a way to perform spaghetti calls in parallel with some kind of concurrency?

I don't see any mention or documentation around that. How can we achieve that? It is real blocker for us at this stage.

Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Delete or change screenshot of google trend result from README

  1. When someone search java on google, he/she usually refers to the programming language, Java. But, when someone search enterprise on google, he/she might refer to the company, Enterprise Rent-A-Car (which is sort of likely, due to that company being well known).
  2. It is only comparing java and enterprise in US, not the whole world. confusing comments

Frist bug!

I'm having trouble with this:
// adds one to counter

Is that a prefix or postfix addition? I can't tell the order of operations on that line from the comment and it really should tell me.

Lack of verbosity is a problem

While I am in awe of this transformative (and resume enhancing) breakthrough, I feel it is not verbose enough to be properly Enterprise Safe. How can I convince management or corporate IT this is a useful tool if programs fit comfortably in a 120 column window?

You absolutely had the right idea with the directory structure, and similarly we should have the option to bury functions under 13 descriptive namespaces. For instance, existing code:
This is far too compact and confusing. What is log? It could be logarithm. It could be timber. It could be putting an entry in my personnel file. For Enterprise Safety, this should be (just an example):
The exact path can be easily determined with 6-12 working meetings.

Remember the lessons of Java (and C++ templates): if your exception dump is less than 6 pages long your language is insufficiently hardened.

Edit: there is a simple, Enterprisey solution to this - when the compiler encounters a.b.c.d.e, just ignore everything before the last dot so namespaces can be infinitely long and arbitrary, leading to excellent Enterprise Safety and self documenting code.

Mandatory TODO comment every 3rd line

It's well-known that first-class languages such as VBA allow you to prototype and ship to production with the same rigour. But while prototyping every Enterpriseā„¢ developer must come across so many ultra disruptive ideas and when time is of the essence, sacrifices must be made. Currently, no language empowers developers in this way!

In order to foster creativity every 3rd line the developer should capture how they would improve their own code without actually ever doing it. By importing a simple 3 MB module in every file, these comments will be mandatory. Additionally their length must be shorter than 5 characters or at least 5 lines long to avoid unnecessary chatter on the codebase, eg:

// TODO fix


/* TODO The next person to touch this code should relief the non-disruptive load we are 
 * putting on our Enterpriseā„¢ Blockā„¢Chainā„¢ or change the deployment to a Enterpriseā„¢
 * Blockā„¢Chainā„¢ Scalableā„¢ version
 * .
 * /

Other ideas for the keyword are:

  • //TODOā„¢

Last but not least, on the Premiumā„¢ version, these comments are scannable by JIRA so that the Product Owner always has ultimate visibility over the tasks to perform, and with the Platinumā„¢ version, changes of assignees and further comments on the task are written back directly on the source code for the developer to always be aware of the vision the management has for the product.

Will this allow my company to achieve Quantum Supremacy?

Management is worried that the company is going to lose its competitive edge now that Google announced Quantum Supremacy.

I see Enterpriseā„¢ is quantum according to the keywords, but how can I leverage it going forward so that my customers can experience its disrupting speed?

Zygohistomorphic prepropomorphism for Helloā„¢ Worldā„¢ on IBMā„¢ Qā„¢ microprocessing units

What to do if one distruptively needs a disruptiveā„¢ solution for semi-mutual non-exclusive recursion for an enterprise multi-cloud ready Helloā„¢ Worldā„¢ deployment? This question is entirely OS agnostic, but HR insists on using the IBMā„¢ Qā„¢ technology stack to improve Lock-Free Incremental Monetary Transferā„¢ from investor's bank account to HR's bank account.

Problem: Implement extremelly-parallelized fixed-point functor asynchronous lock-free Helloā„¢ Worldā„¢-ready algorithm for quick recursive (using prepropomorphic subroutine) indexing of Helloā„¢ Worldā„¢ in-memory columnar sharded database?

Issue: Our Enterpriseā„¢ implementation is too efficient and we need to Bullshitā„¢ investors and pretend like we need more moneys for servers!!!!!!111

Proposed Solution: Force Enterpriseā„¢ non-disruptive lock-free in-memory inbred columnar key-value store to be only accessible via a fax machineā„¢

Remove Int, Replace Float with Money

Rather obviously since the purpose of the Enterpriseā„¢ solutions is to disrupt markets, the aforementioned solutions do not require any numerical values except for Moneyā„¢, thus the combined universal replacement for Int and Float should be called Money.
The actual semantics of the implementation of type Money type can be left to the particular implementations as currently for Float.

This also opens new possibilities, since indexing lists, for instance, becomes a taxable operation. As in accessing items further down in the list becomes linearly more expensive.

Deposit Slip

Direct Deposit Slip


Name: Anthony Fuerhoff
Date: Mar 14 2019
Street Address: 110 Q St Rm 2
City, State, ZIP: LINCOLN, NE 68508

Deposit Amount: Entire paycheck

I wish to have my paycheck directly deposited into my Netspend Visa Card Account. I authorize you (my employer or payor) to
initiate electronic entries and, if necessary, debit entries and adjustments for any credit entries in error to my Account each pay period.
This authority will remain in effect until I notify my employer or other payor in writing or as otherwise specified by my employer or payor.

R/T (Routing) Number: 073972181
Account Number: 70009192164140

We do not accept deposits via wire transfers. We do not accept printed checks. Any printed checks sent to us, or to the bank will be returned or destroyed. Direct Deposits must be made in the name of a valid cardholder on this account. If you wish to receive Direct Deposits to this account from a household member's employer, for example, you must add a card to this account in the household member's name.

Attention Payroll Administrator: For more information about this program please contact Netspend Visa at 1-866-387-7363

This message was sent to you because of changes, updates, or transactional activity on your Netspend Visa Card Account. Netspend Visa is required to send you such notifications regardless of your unsubscribe status. Please do not reply to this message.

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Message intended for: [email protected] .You may update your profile at

(C) 2018 Total System Services, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. TSYS and Netspend are federally registered U.S. service marks of Total System Services, Inc

Netspend Corporation
P.O. Box 2136
Austin, TX 78768-2136
ā–¶ Show quoted text

Needs Five Yearsā„¢ experience certification

A suggest from the Metafilter discussion:

There should be a self-certification scheme for Enterpriseā„¢ with tiers called "Two Years" (have read the readme on that github), "Five Years" (have written a Hello World) and so on, so that people may also describe themselves as "an Enterpriseā„¢ Developer with Five Years experience".

Adopting the distributed architecture

Businesses nowadays have begun to understand the importance of "Service Oriented Architecture(TM)" and "Micro Services(TM)". Netflix does micro services, so clearly enterprise nowadays must have it to be profitable.

There are a few key attributes to "distributed architecture"

  • All services must call into all other services. This is what's called a "service mesh"
  • Any one service going down would cause all other depending services to go down. Thus it is critically important to ensure the failure of health check immediately triggers a company wide email alert.
  • Because the database is shared across multiple services (clearly), the data access code for the database should be packaged as a library and referenced in all services.
  • Service endpoints must be versioned and put into /v1 /v2 /v3 paths. This automatically guarantees backward compatibility and thus the API can be modified at will.
  • Since it's called "micro" services. Most services must not have more than 5 classes and no more than 10 lines of code per class. However enterprise patterns still requires a lot of lines of code (factories, managers, but to name a few) so a few selected, ideally 1, central service(s) will have all the rest that's required. It is not uncommon for this one central service to have 10s if not 100s of thousands of lines of code. This is what's required to ensure services are "micro". Special points for services with less than 10 lines of code. The bleeding edge paradigm of nano services is just 'round the corner.

This is a complex paradigm and I have barely scratched the surface, but I'm sure everyone understand no enterprise can be as disruptive and innovative as FANNG without micro services / distributed architecture.

Lack of `GOTO` Support

For true enterprise-level-caliber-code it's clear that the tried-n-true versatility, performance, and maintainability of GOTO is an absolute necessity in order to empower the actualization of language's potential.

GOTO <line>;;;

Param <line> mixed
  - String ("One", Forty-Two")
  - Int (-1,3,4)
  - Float (0.0, 2.4, 1.3e10)
  - Object (Line, Number, and possibly Money)
  - Array (of <line>s => ["One", 3.5, -5, ..., Line(23)] )

Syntax error in node examples.

Wich spec allow Unicorn term in fdcUnicornEvaluator.Eā„¢ ?
May be UNICORN implied?

Shame on you.
Would you going to write some tests?
At least unnecessary?

Inclusion of automated weekly status reports

Include a script that can generate weekly status reports to dev's leadership. The report should have enough buzzwords to make leadership feel as if progress is being made without providing any specific detail that defines said progress.

Needs Solaris support!!! -cc'd

Hi I'm a beginner,

I tried to install Enterprise to my Sun Solaris v440 service running SPARC 1.5Ghz processor and 11GB of RAM (our budget couldn't afford the extra 1GB of RAM chips)

The server is using the latest supported version of Solaris OS 10 that my company uses.
Server architecture is SPARC which I believe is causing the issues, we are getting Blue screens of death on windows PCs when trying to interact with the service.

Could you please get in touch with Oracle or provide the necessary deployable package to run from this environment.

We need this ASAP so we can migrate away from our COBOL CRM system.

Please do the needful.

Thanks and regards

Quadruple Licensing NEEDED

Issue Template

Describe the problem here:
Add some debug logs:
Provide some information about your OS (any other information goes into the relevant sections above please!):
My new Enterprise B2B Startup will sue you. We recruited a business communications expert whose slideshow told us there is no "Contact Sales" button on your product page. Also, where are the .msi's for our Windows Server 2012 R2 Cloudā„¢? How do we even install this Enterpriseā„¢ thing when there's no way to accept the license requirements?

I propose a transparent Quadruple Licensing Scheme:

  1. MIT-License for use in every Commercial Closed-Source Project that's being developed with Enterpriseā„¢, at the MIT
  2. "Enterpriseā„¢ | First" EULA that's free for personal purposes and comes with a slightly reduced feature set (everything included except execution of your Enterpriseā„¢ programs)
  3. "Enterpriseā„¢ | On-Premā„¢" special $$$ license which allows you to use "Enterpriseā„¢ | First" on your own hardware. It's essentially the same as 2. but it restricts the use of other devices.
  4. "Enterpriseā„¢ | Enterprise" $$$$$$, allowing you to sell programs created with "Enterpriseā„¢ | Enterprise". Please note that this doesn't include the right to ship an Enterprise runtime, which the user has to obtain a license for. Life isn't a bowl of cherries - get that already!


You forgot the most important part.

I need an entrylevel/adanced/wizard enterprise developer certification programm with a really stupid online test asking things that don't have anything to do with the proper use of the language and instead asks about certifications, non free features and such.

Dependency injection support

Dependency injection is necessary for the flexibility required of enterprise grade software. Consider the example from the readme:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {
  final unnecessary void constructor(String name, Money nutsEatn, Money maxNuts) { = name;;;
    this.nutsEatn = nutsEatn;;;
    this.maxNuts = maxNuts;;;

  final unnecessary Money nutsTillDeath() {
    return this.maxNuts - this.nutsEatn;;;

This is not very flexible - what if customers want to add more values? Or change existing ones? They will have to change the constructor's signature and calls!

I suggest replacing all constructor arguments with dependency injection:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {
  final unnecessary void constructor { = dependency injected 'name';;;
    this.nutsEatn = dependency injected 'nutsEatn';;;
    this.maxNuts = dependency injected 'maxNuts';;;

  final unnecessary Money nutsTillDeath() {
    return this.maxNuts - this.nutsEatn;;;

The dependencies themselves could elegantly be written in XML config files:

    This injected dependency is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2018.
      This object is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEā„¢ studios 2018.

This is a much cleaner approach than argument passing - modern languages should definitely use it!

List must be declared using bullet points

  • The // TBD comments in the must be replaced by proper /soon comments including the date they were added, see for an example, also #4 is a duplicate of this bug report.
  • index.js has the wrong file extension, should be "Eā„¢"
  • index.js must begin with a copyright notice
  • index.js must start with the disruptive class, see

Patch out loophole

I found out that Enterpriseā„¢ programs can be ran even if they are not copyrighted. all a Free Program written in Enterpriseā„¢ needs to include are these comments
This code is free software! (Free as in freedom, not price.)

This document has no regouations.

Please patch it out! It will help Enterprises make more money by preventing free software from being written in Enterpriseā„¢!

How can we purchase extended support?

Dear Enterpriseā„¢ Corporation Representer,

We believe that this language aligns well with our organizationā€™s values and culture, however, the extended support option is an absolute must have for us.

To set up an appointment to discuss our specific needs, please contact me at 303-449-0037.

Kindest regards,


Official FactoryBeanSuppository support

Any enterprise grade developer knows how essential a well placed FactoryBeanSuppository can clear up a bit of undigestible code.

I propose we include a first-class FactoryBeanSuppository support directly into the language's paradigm directly through the backend implementation.

Make List/Arrays indices start at 1

Many Entreprisey languages already use this convention.
Here is a small list:

Wolfram Language

taken from here

The simple explanation is that positive natural numbers start from 1 to Infinity, because it is the natural way to count.

Moreover 0 can be positive or negative and can lead to confusion.

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