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pikiss's Introduction

PiKISS For Raspberry Pi: A Bunch Of Scripts With Menu To Make Your Life Easier


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⏰ Estimated hours of work so far

  • 1166 hours

💰 Total amount donated by users & sponsors

  • $2056,07

  • I want to thank for its contributions and help: foxhound311, phoenixbyrd, ptitSeb & Moldytzu, Kreal (

  • I want to thank my current patrons Bo Martin, Rodney Hester & specially James Carroll for trusting me. ❤️

  • Patrons support me in the past: Jay Edwards, Tomás Delgado, Jeremy Palmer, cxgr, Willie D Kerner Jr, Matthew Michink, Mathew Gracie, Mike A. Torevell, David J Leto, Josiah McCracken.

  • Other users who helped me with donations are: Ben Daghita, Timo Westphal, danoga, Roman Borowinski, Lenny Tua, Dan Suter, nunnz, Pi-Mania, Bernd Titze, Bogdan Moldovan, Thomas Wurgler, Paul Symes, George Kister, Agustino Dominguez, David Leahy, Jonathan Hodges, Mattias True, Sara J Shireman Anderson, Anthony Skiver, Shawn Mullins, Michaël Bortolin, William Norris, Jacob Ehrman, Karsten Schulz, Robert Napier.

  • ❤️

📣 Stay tuned

🤝 Contributors


Just type:

curl -sSL | bash

🎥 Check what PiKISS can do for you on my Youtube's channel


[ Screenshots ]





[ ChangeLog (dd/mm/yy)]


· 📦 ADD: Emulators > PCem for aarch64 (PCem is an emulator for old XT/AT-class PC).


· 📦 ADD: Games > WipeOut for aarch64.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > OpenClaw for aarch64.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Others > UXPlay (Airplay Mirroring) armhf & aarch64.


· 📦 ADD: Games > Hexen 2 for aarch64 (using engine fteqw).


· 📦 ADD: Devs > SQLiteStudio.


· 🐛 FIX: Emulatos > mGBA.


· 📦 ADD: Games > Unreal Tournament 99.


· 🐛 FIX: Config > Vulkan driver.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Others > Scrcopy v2.4 with Android 15 support.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Config > Vulkan 24.0.0 & libdrm-2.4.120.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > Quake: Quakespasm (Quake I) v0.96.1 for aarch64.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > Quake: Latest Quake 2 with Vulkan support.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > Quake: Quake 3 now with aarch64 support.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > M.A.M.E. v0.263.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > Unreal Speccy Emulator (ZX Spectrum) for armhf & aarch64.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > Fallout 2 Community Edition (aarch64).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > RVGL (AKA Re-Volt) v23.1030 for archhf & aarch64.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > mGBA 0.11 (It supports Game Boy, Game Boy Color & Game Boy Advanced).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Games > DXX-Rebirth 0.60 (Descent).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > Redream (Sega Dreamcast).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > RetroArch (Add Shaders).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Others > Fixes.

· 👌 IMPROVE: Others > SDL2 (Compile the latest version on your OS).

· 👌 IMPROVE: Minor fixes on


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulators > RetroArch (Add Shaders).

· ❌ REMOVE: Others > Net Tools (deprecated).

· 👌 IMPROVE: Others > Metasploit.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulatos > Snes9X 1.62.3 & BSNes v115 for 64-bit.


· 👌 IMPROVE: Config > Vulkan 23.3.1 & libdrm-2.4.119.


· 🐛 FIX: Install script.

· 🐛 FIX: Emulatos > OpenMSX (missing library).


· 👌 IMPROVE: Emulatos > mGBA 0.11 for 32/64-bit. ...

To see the full list of changes, read the CHANGELOG

[ Introducing PiKISS ]

"Everything that can be automated, should be automated."

Installing an application on Linux is not a complex task. Sometimes you just type sudo apt install and get the application installed with all of its dependencies. But... What if we need to install more than one app such as a web server or it requires many steps to complete the install process? Is it not in the official repositories? What if you want to get rid of input commands?

"Please, make an easy way to set up my WIFI network!"

Don't despair. PiKISS has come to help you...

PiKISS (Pi Keeping It Simple, Stupid!) is made with scripts (Bash) for Raspberry Pi 4 & 5 boards which has a menu that will allow you to install some applications or configure files automatically as easy as possible. The ideal stage is:

  • Raspberry PI OS Desktop Bullseye 32-bit. 64-bit support is comming slowly.

The idea is to offer facilities to manage your operating system, selecting an option in a menu and answer [Yes/No]. If you need to check dependencies, install an app, modify a script at boot, add a line to a file or download other, PiKISS will do it for you.

I included not only the ability to install, but also compile programs. Do you have problems when compiling your favorite emulator? Have you forgotten to modify a line in the source code and now you have to recompile again for 4 hours?. Laugh with PiKISS.

What some users have said about PiKISS:

  • "It could have happened to me!"

  • "That's silly! (I'm going to install it as soon as I get home)"

  • "I don't need to fight with the terminal anymore? Shut up and take my money!." - Easy, it's free.

NOTE: 100% Free of viruses and Trojans. Not available in stores. The author of PiKISS is not responsible if you get bored with your Raspberry Pi because everything is too easy. Online until I wish or Internet is destroyed.

[ Installation ]

Just type:

curl -sSL | bash

[ Data Files 🚨 ]

Honestly, I just want to let you get everything done without having to fight with the command line. The project has grown a lot, and the games I own and have been hosted on the internet, can't be there because of Copyright. I don't understand how a game that is older than 15 years old in some cases, has these so restrictive laws in some countries. Someone should do something about it.

My solution to keep this project working is the following: If you have copies saved for your use, just copy those links/paths in a file at res/magic-air-copy-pikiss.txt. You have an example of this file with instructions at ./res/magic-air-copy-pikiss.example. PiKISS will read the links/files/directories in that file and install it for you when is required. Compatible and tested hosters:,,,

You can share this file magic-air-copy-pikiss.txt with your brother/sister if you paid half price for the game and if the laws of your country allow it.

[ Update ]

PiKISS checks if new scripts are available on remote and updates them automatically, but if you want to get the latest version manually, just enter into the directory with cd PiKISS and type:

git pull

NOTE: If you use another distribution other than Raspberry OS/TwisterOS, maybe you need to execute the next command: git config --global http.sslVerify false

[ HELP ME! ]

PiKISS grows up according to users requests or I'll append scripts that I consider necessary, but I call to the community to share, improve and help to add new scripts to the existing one. If the project grow, is up to you.


PiKISS para Raspberry Pi: Un puñado de scripts con menú para hacerte la vida más fácil

[ Presentando PiKISS ]

"Todo lo que pueda ser automatizado, debería estar automatizado."

Instalar una aplicación en Linux no es complejo. A veces basta con un sudo apt install y tendrás la aplicación con todas sus dependencias. Pero, ¿Y si tenemos que instalar más de una app como por ejemplo en un servidor web o necesita varios pasos para completar el proceso de instalación?, ¿Y si no está en los repositorios oficiales?, ¿Y si no quieres teclear? ¡Por favor, una manera fácil de instalar mi red WIFI!.

No desesperéis. Ha llegado PiKISS para ayudarte...

PiKISS (Pi Keeping It Simple, Stupid!, "Pi manteniéndolo sencillo, ¡Estúpido!") son unos scripts en Bash para placas Raspberry Pi 4 y 5 y testeado en Raspberry PI OS Desktop Bullseye 32-bit (el soporte a 64-bit lo estoy haciendo poco a poco), que cuenta con un menú que te va a permitir instalar algunas aplicaciones o configurar ficheros de forma automática de la manera más fácil posible. Su misión: Simplificar la instalación de software en Raspberry Pi.

La idea es ofrecer facilidades para manejar tu distribución y que las instalaciones sean tan sencillas como seleccionar una opción en un menú y contestar [Si/No]. Si alguna conlleva algo más que instalar, por ejemplo modificar un script en el arranque, añadir una línea a un fichero, descargar otros ficheros, comprobar dependencias, PiKISS lo hará por ti.

Incluyo la posibilidad no solo de instalar, sino también de compilar programas. ¿Problemas a la hora de compilar tu emulador favorito?, ¿Se te ha olvidado modificar una línea en el código fuente de su autor y tienes que volver a recompilar durante 4 horas?. Ríete tú ahora de todo esto con PiKISS.

Lo que algunos usuarios han dicho de PiKISS:

  • "¡Se me podría haber ocurrido a mí!"

  • "Menuda tontería (voy a instalarlo en cuanto llegue a casa)"

  • "¿Ya no tengo que pelearme con la terminal?. Cállate y coge mi dinero!" - Tranquilos, es gratis.

NOTA: 100% Libre de virus y troyanos. No disponible en tiendas. El autor de PiKISS no se hace responsable si te aburres con tu Raspberry Pi porque todo es demasiado fácil. Online hasta que me plazca o se destruya Internet.

[ Instalación ]

Escribe en la terminal lo siguiente:

curl -sSL | bash

[ Ficheros de datos 🚨 ]

Sinceramente, lo único que quiero es que todo funcione sin tener que pelearme con la línea de comandos. El proyecto ha crecido mucho, y los juegos que yo poseo y que tenía alojados en internet, no pueden estar allí por motivos de Copyright. Tampoco entiendo como un juego que tiene más de 15 años en algunos casos, tienen estas leyes tan restrictivas en algunos países. Alguien debería hacer algo al respecto.

Mi solución para que este proyecto siga funcionando es el siguiente: Si tienes copias guardadas para tu uso, copia dichos enlaces/rutas en el fichero res/magic-air-copy-pikiss.txt. Tienes un ejemplo de este fichero en ./res/magic-air-copy-pikiss.example. PiKISS leerá los enlaces/rutas de ese fichero y te instalará el que necesite cuando proceda. Hosters testeados y compatible:,,,

Este fichero magic-air-copy-pikiss.txt lo puedes compartir con tu herman@ si pagásteis a medias el juego y si las leyes de tu país lo permiten.

[ Actualizar ]

PiKISS comprueba si hay nuevas actualizaciones en remoto y las actualiza automaticamente, pero si quieres conseguir la última versión de forma manual, teclea en el directorio de PiKISS:

git pull

NOTA: Si usas otra distribución que no sea Raspberry OS/TwisterOS en la Raspberry Pi, tal vez tengas que ejecutar esta sencencia: git config --global http.sslVerify false


PiKISS crecerá de acuerdo a las peticiones de los usuarios o añadiré los scripts que considere oportunos, pero hago un llamamiento a toda la comunidad para compartir, mejorar o agregar nuevos scripts a los ya existentes. Que este proyecto crezca depende de tí.

pikiss's People


cleanmachine1 avatar cretudorin avatar foxhound311 avatar gitbutler-client avatar huelvayork avatar jmcerrejon avatar kleinerm avatar moldytzu avatar mxweaver avatar nathanielbutts avatar rak1ta avatar theofficialgman avatar


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pikiss's Issues

Suggestion: move all software to docker containers for better isolation and maintenance

Just a thought: would it be feasible to move some of the apps managed by PiKISS to docker images and thus run them in containers ?
Such approach would require:

  • Create images for each app
  • Create manifest files to execute containers with proper runtime configuration (volumes, privileges etc.)


  • Easy installation/uninstallation/maintenance without installing any host libraries and dependencies.
  • Clean approach
  • Each piece of software could be maintained separately.
  • Low or close to none docker isolation overhead on CPU/resources

What do you think ?

Ability to Uninstall Box86

I've installed Box86 over PiKiss. But when I need to uninstall it, I found there is only update option. Is there an option to uninstall Box86?

I can't open it

If I open it than will give it this message:
Invalid operating environment configuration file: '/home/pi/.local/share/applications/pikiss.desktop'

Unalble to launch Half Life

Hi. First, thank you for putting PiKiss together. It is an amazing tool!

I recently tried to run Half-Life from PiKiss on my Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM). No matter what I try (Raspbian, Twister, etc), Half-Life won't launch. I can install Quake and play it, but Half-Life is a no go. I do have Half-Life installed from Steam, however, through my testing, I tried with the Steam version installed and without. The same results, which are, click on Games, then Half-Life. The mouse just sits there and nothing happens. Below is what I assume to be helpful information. If you need me to get any log files or any other information, please let me know.

Steps to reproduce:
Log into Raspbian
Open terminal and run "sudo apt-get update"
Run "sudo apt-get upgrade -y"
Paste "curl -sSL | bash" into terminal and answer the questions during install
Open menu, then go to Games, then click on Half-Life. Nothing happens.

GNU nano 3.2 gameinfo.txt

// generated by Xash3D

basedir "valve"
title "Half-Life"
startmap "c0a0"
trainmap "t0a0"
version 1
type "Single"
dllpath "cl_dlls"
gamedll "dlls/hl.dll"
gamedll_linux ""
gamedll_osx "dlls/hl.dylib"
icon "game.ico"
sp_entity "info_player_start"
mp_entity "info_player_deathmatch"
secure "1"
soundclip_dist "1536"
hull0 ( 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 )
hull1 ( -16 -16 -36 ) ( 16 16 36 )
hull2 ( -32 -32 -32 ) ( 32 32 32 )
hull3 ( -16 -16 -18 ) ( 16 16 18 )
max_edicts 900
max_tempents 500
max_beams 128
max_particles 4096

[email protected]:
GNU nano 3.2 [email protected]

Description=%I - Xash3D dedicated server

ExecStart=/opt/xashds/bin/xashds $EXTRA_OPTS


Remove /home/pi/ in favor of %HOME%/ or ~/

Please remove the /home/pi/ links in favor of XDG-standards so your scripts will use on Raspberry Pi machines who have removed the Pi account for security purposes or other.
Hard links should only be used for things like /usr/ and not /home/%USER%/ because %USER% may change per system.

Dune Legacy

Hello,great project did you fixed the flickering in dune legacy?


Add filename case sensitive checks

figuring out why diablo wouldn't work for me. Simply because my diabdat.mpq was D/L as uppercase. Suggestions for checking/fixing those known case sensitive filenames. Thanks

Half Life & Morrowind Problems

Half Life>
New game, hazard course and load game are grayed runs multiplayer though.

Wont Launch..I get: Invalid desktop entry file: '/home/pi/.local/share/applications/openmw.desktop'

both work on my pc but cant get working on pi4 2gb..piOS

Half-Life won't install properly

7Zip reports 1 file, 0 bytes. When I try to run the game, it complains it cannot find the folder 'valve'.

RPI4 running Raspberry Pi OS

How to use this with other OS?

I am using Kali Linux in raspberry pi ..The pi kiss was successfully installed and it worked in terminal. I tried installing scrcpy using this .The program file was downloaded and installed but it's not opening whenever i run ./scrcpy it shows me "scrcpy no such file or directory" .I moved the entire folder to root folder but still it gave me the same error. I tried running it using the icon in the application menu but it did't worked either.Is this somewhat related to the path because in kali linux home directory is in- /home/kali
where as in rasbian- /home/pi.

Possible older scrcpy is installed via PiKISS

I'm not sure what version of scrcpy that PiKISS installs, but it seems like some arguments from the latest version (1.16) don't work (specifically the --stay-awake argument). I'm unsure if this is related to what version is installed and don't know where to look for this information.

I'm curious if there's anything particular about the version that PiKISS installs that would keep me from trying to install the latest version if need be to figure out this situation.

Not working with Rasperry Pi OS 64 bit beta

Hi, thank you for your work on piKiss! I'm using the Raspberry Pi OS 64bit beta. After installing piKiss I get this error after klicking: "Kindprozess »xterm« konnte nicht ausgeführt werden (Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)" [German error code], translated: Child process "xterm" could not be executed (file or directory not found).
Starting in terminal the following error is showed:
pi@raspberrypi:~/piKiss $ sh 470: ./scripts/ Syntax error: "(" unexpected

What can I do or is this all about 64bit support?

Best Regards,

crispy doom doesnt run

it says error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

Caprice32 is very slow

Caprice32 (Amstrad CPC emulator) installed from PiKiss is slow on a RaspberryPi 4. Emulation of simple games makes music all chopy and games are slow, both Xorg and cap32 processes use a lot of CPU. I had used Caprice previously on RetroPie setup on a Pi with no issue.

issue with pasting zoom link

I am unable to paste links for Zoom

The Link miss's the :// of the https:// link
I have tried to complete the url myself but it jumps to the last letter if the link

Emulators doesn't seems to work

Hope you can see my issue :)

I tried to install PiKISS but doesn't seems to work on Raspberry Pi Zero (W)...

I did the git clone, and executed the .sh file so everything went fine there, but after I install the GBA Emulator (Or SNES, I just tried those) shows an error that the "" can't be found...

After that shows that the emulator "is installed correctly" but when I press "Y" to start the default game/free game or something like that to test it, it does nothing because an error (I don't have my RBPZ right now to show you but if you give me an answer here I will upload an screenshot)


Hello,i want to install a game for example Dune2
and then make it everytime the OS boots to autostart/autoboot the game automatically
is there such an option in your script?
if not can you add such an option to work with any of your games/servers etc ??

Also in the DuneLegacy game the mouse pointer is not visible,tried many different mouse`s but no luck
im using the latest raspbian buster image on a raspberry pi 3
can you fix that?


Unable to install Diablo

I'm unable to install Diablo 1,
it seems like the script queries "url_to_shareware_links" instead of the actual URL.

Installing Diablo 1, please wait...

./scripts/ Zeile 253: local: DATA_URL: Schreibgeschützte Variable.
./scripts/ Zeile 220: local: DATA_URL: Schreibgeschützte Variable.
./scripts/ Zeile 221: DATA_URL: Schreibgeschützte Variable.
./scripts/ Zeile 257: DATA_URL: Schreibgeschützte Variable.

Do you want to play Diablo1 now? [y/n]

Suggestion: AM2R

Sure, it comes on TwisterOS but it would be convenient to have a one-click installer on Raspberry Pi OS.

Half-life failing to load

Half-life fails to initialise - Xash Error - W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load gfx.wad. Valve file is in directory.

Suggestion: move from ownCloud to Nextcloud

I'm obviously biassed as I'm one of the ppl who started Nextcloud, but after looking at your script is should be super easy to move from Nc to ownCloud and for that you get better performance, a LOT more and better maintained apps (just compare with the ownCloud market place), better security and so on.

I get why people don't want to put in effort to migrate from ownCloud to Nextcloud, but for new users picking a platform that is dead (they are building a replacement from scratch) seems just setting them up for trouble later on.

If you need any help, just let me know...

Half-Life fresh install issues

  1. is not placed in valve/cl_dlls and thus cannot be found at startup (a workaround that seems like it would work regardless of whether the user has a pre-cached copy of the game content would be to create ~/games/half-life/cl_dlls and place it there, it seems to work just as well)

  2. A pristine copy of the valve directory taken from a fresh Steam install does not result in a playable game - specifically, the menu items New Game and Training Room are ghosted and cannot be selected.

Enhancement: Add a Security Section

I'm not a big Linux user and using your tool is great and helps save a lot of time but I found it strange that you didn't have a section for "security" tools/items to help enable even some of the basic security items that are found here: or I'm sure there are other lists that are more exhaustive.
E.g. add a firewall with a GUI, or even enable/disable fail2ban, etc.

Just something that then more experts like yourselves that use Linux all the time can add a bunch of security scripts and tools that help lock down these devices for the average person that really uses a RPi for Kodi or other home projects and has little knowledge of Linux security. I think it will push people to learn, think and implement more security measures for everything they do.

Thanks for the great tool and scripts!

REQUEST: remove vulkan drivers?

is there anyway to add a undo/remove vulkan drivers/roll back feature?
it works great in windows, but when full screen, the screen tears and becomes jumbled really badly.

Error message on rpiOS

I'm on the latest version of rpiOS, and I got ping: socket: Operation not permitted Internet connection required. Check your network.
I'm pretty sure I have internet, or else VNC Viewer would not connect...

get Games to work on Pi4

installed the 64bit beta PiOs on my Pi4 with Pikiss and dukenukem and supermario from your games section. when i start the games i get the following message:

./sm64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

can you give me further assitance to get the games working. thanx in advance - gert

Cant run ZOOM.

Im trying to run Zoom on my Raspberry PI OS (updated/upgraded).

My Username is not "pi" and I get this error on installing script for Box86:

[sudo] senha para vieira:
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/pi/box86/build
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/WRAPPERS.dir/build.make:287: CMakeFiles/WRAPPERS.dir/depend] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:369: CMakeFiles/WRAPPERS.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

Box86 has been installed.


zoom_i686.tar.xz 100%[===================>] 37,95M 1,76MB/s em 34s


Making a cool script called

Generating icon...

Done!. Type /home/vieira/apps/zoom/ or Go to Menu > Internet > Zoom.

Press [ENTER] to run...

Box86 missing, please install

Press [Enter] to go back to the menu...


Happy New Year.

PIKISS opens but doesn't install anything

Hello! I think my issue may have to do with using Raspberry Pi OS Lite with XFCE installed as my desktop environment.

I run the one line install, but it only opens PiKISS. I think I may be missing .desktop files in the right spot, but don't know the code to run PiKISS.

Once I have it open, I try and install SuperMario64 and Halflife, both of which just send me back to the main PiKISS menu without the usual install pages and progress bars. Also no menu shortcuts created for them, but I may have to add .desktop files for those too, but as before, I don't know what codes to run them to put in the .desktop shortcuts. Also I am certain that the process failed.

Any additional info needed I can post, thanks for the help in advance!

Error when installing on Raspberry Pi 4

Hello, great project!
I tried to install using the advised method on my Raspberry Pi 4 4GB model. However I received this error message
"Sorry. PiKISS is only for Raspberry Pi boards."
I used curl to download the installer and edited line 17
if [[ ! $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'BCM2708\|BCM2709\|BCM2835') ]]; then
if [[ ! $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'BCM2708\|BCM2709\|BCM2835\|BCM2711') ]]; then
And I believe that this solved the issue. Apologies for not doing this via a pull / fork. I know enough about GitHub to do the basics, but never done anything more advanced.

I hope this helps.
Les Pounder @biglesp on Twitter.

GPL2 copyright

I see you wipe copyright from xash3d engine and my FWGS team. Xash3D used for run hl1 and etc gold source mode.


no sound in zoom

i'm getting no sound from zoom,downloaded from pikiss,also button "check speaker" not usable. Im using tv's speakers to output audio,for example on youtube sound works on my pi 4. It'just with me?pls answer

Other package managers

As support for more OSs opens up we are already starting to see more than apt on the scene.

I recommend using a catch to see what package manager they use.

I fixed my instance with find replace in the scripts, but you know, moving forward.

ZRAM uninstall problems

I installed Zram, and after a while wanted to remove it. I ran pikiss again and it asked me if I wanted to remove zram, so I said yes. After I rebooted, I wanted to install it again, so I ran it again and it told me zram was still installed.

Can't install minidlna

I terminated pikiss and found this error in the console

./scripts/server/ line 67: syntax error near unexpected token `echo'
./scripts/server/ line 67: `    echo -e "Done!. Put files in your ${HOME}/{videos,images,music}.Go in the browser to http://<IP>:8200 to see statistics.\nTo run: sudo minidlnad" #To restart service: service minidlna force-reload && service minidlna restart"'

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  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.