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react-native-svg-charts's Issues

Touch support


Is touch support, e.g clicking datapoints and/or zooming in graphs, something that's planned for a future? Would be fantastic!

XAxis formatLabel not showing value


I'm stuck with the formatLabel prop. I want to show the date under my chart. Now it just shows the array key.

This is the array that gets returned by the this._chartXAxis() function:

["2018-02-20", "2018-02-21", "2018-02-22", "2018-02-23", "2018-02-24", "2018-02-25", "2018-02-26", "2018-02-27"]


Here's my code:

<View style={styles.chartContainer}>
        <View style={styles.chart}>
                style={{ flex: 1 }}
                svg={{ stroke: '#969FAD' }}
                contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10 }}
                style={ StyleSheet.absoluteFill }
                svg={{ stroke: '#1E92FF' }}
                contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10 }}
                style={ StyleSheet.absoluteFill }
                svg={{ stroke: '#FE2851' }}
                contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10 }}
                style={ StyleSheet.absoluteFill }
                svg={{ stroke: '#FE2851' }}
                contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10 }}
                style={ StyleSheet.absoluteFill }
                svg={{ stroke: '#44DB5E' }}
                contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10 }}
                style={{ marginHorizontal: -10 }}
                data={ this._chartXAxis() }
                formatLabel={(value, index) => value}
                contentInset={{ left: 10, right: 10 }}
                svg={{ fontSize: 10 }}

Define a value from which the yAxis should start.

What is the problem?

yAxis always starts from 0 and that create a useless area under the chart, if all the values are bigger than 0.

When does it happen?

I have a chart with values 20.000±200.
The chart is rendered correctly but I would like yAxis to start from 19.000 instead of 0.

What platform?

  • iOS
  • Android

React Native version: 0.49

Code to reproduce

    style={{ flex: 1 }}
    contentInset={{ top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10, right: 10 }}
    fill: 'rgba(134, 65, 244, 0.2)',
    stroke: 'rgb(134, 65, 244)',


Thank you in advance :)

Gradient Line for Area chart

How can I make the line gradient for Area charts?
renderGradient only effects the area. I also want the line to have gradient effect.

React Native Web compatibility

Is react-native-web compatibility planned? It seems that it should be possible to make this library compatible with both react-native and react-native-web but some work is necessary.

I was able to make it almost work by using webpack aliases:

react-native -> react-native-web
react-native-svg -> svgs

The biggest problem seems to be native only code such as setNativeProps and platform specific files (`).

I was able to hack the code quickly to make it render in a browser, so I think it should not take much effort to solve this properly (although I am not very familiar with the project so can't tell for sure)

screen shot 2018-02-14 at 17 09 42

Linechart on extra is not rendering on android

Rendering a linechart chart, in extra prop of barchart, does not work on android, but, it works fine on ios.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before and knows how to solve? Thanks!

  • iOS
  • Android

React Native version: 0.48.4

Code to reproduce

renderLineChart(data, contentInset = {}, chart, shadow=true){
        return (
                style={{ flex: 1 }}
                dataPoints={ data }
                svg={ {
                    stroke: '#2196F3',
                    strokeWidth: 3
                } }
                shadowSvg={ {
                    stroke: shadow ? 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)' : 'transparent',
                    strokeWidth: 5,
                    y: 3
                } }
                shadowColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)' }
                extras={ [(axis) =>,index) => this.Tooltip(axis, {item, index}, chart, _.max(data)))]  }
                renderExtra={ ({ item, ...args }) => item(args) }

Tooltip = ({ x, y }, {item, index}, chart, maxData = 0, color='#2196F3') => {
        return this.state.showTooltip[chart] === index ? 
                x={ x(index) - (75 / 2) }
                key={ index }
                onPress={ () => {
                    let { showTooltip } = this.state;
                    showTooltip = [ ... INITAL_TOOLTIP_VALUE];
                    this.setState({ showTooltip });
                <G y={ y(item) + (item / maxData > 0.7 || (item == 0 && maxData < 5) ? 30 : -70) } x={ index == 5 ? - 40 : (index == 0 ? 40 : 0) } style={{ zIndex: 9999 }}>
                        height={ 40 }
                        width={ 75 }
                        stroke={ 'grey' }
                        fill={ 'white' }
                        ry={ 10 }
                        rx={ 10 }
                        x={ 75 / 2 }
                        textAnchor={ 'middle' }
                        y={ 10 }
                        stroke={ color }
                <G x={ 75 / 2 }>
                        y1={ y(item) + (item / maxData >= 0.7 || (item == 0 && maxData < 5)  ? 30 : -30)  }
                        y2={ y( item ) }
                        x1={ index == 5 ? - 40 : (index == 0 ? 40 : 0)  }
                        stroke={ 'grey' }
                        strokeWidth={ 2 }
                        cy={ y( item ) }
                        r={ 10 }
                        stroke={ color }
                        fill={ 'white' }
            </G> :   
                x={ x(index) }
                key={ index }
                onPress={ () => {
                    let { showTooltip } = this.state;
                    showTooltip = [ ... INITAL_TOOLTIP_VALUE];
                    showTooltip[chart] = index;
                    this.setState({ showTooltip });
                    cy={ y( item ) }
                    r={ 30 }
                    stroke={ 'transparent' }
                    fill={ 'transparent' }

render() {
                            <Text style={[styles.cardHeaderText, { color: '#000', fontSize: 18 }]}>Grow x Churn</Text>
                            <Text style={styles.cardSubHeaderText}>Últimos 6 meses</Text>
                            <View style={ { height: 250, flexDirection: 'row' } }>
                                    dataPoints={ growChurn }
                                    contentInset={ { top: 10, bottom: -10 } }
                                    labelStyle={ { color: 'grey' } }
                                    formatLabel={ value => value }
                                    style={ { flex: 1, marginLeft: 20, marginTop: 20 } }
                                        values: growChurn,
                                        positive: {
                                           fill: '#00C853'
                                        negative: {
                                           fill: '#ef5350',
                                           x: android ? -22.5 : -24
                                    contentInset={{ right: -24 }}
                                    extras={ [() => this.renderLineChart(liquido, { bottom: 10 }, 1)] }
                                    renderExtra={ ({ item, ...args }) => item(args) }
                                style={ { paddingBottom: 16, top: 10, marginLeft: 55, marginRight: 12 } }
                                values={ months }
                                contentInset={{right: 10, left: 10}}
                                formatLabel={ (value, index) => value }
                                chartType={ XAxis.Type.LINE }
                                labelStyle={ { color: 'grey' } }

extras and renderExtra in StackedAreaChart.

Hi Jesper,

what’s the purpose of extras and renderExtra in StackedAreaChart?

I understand concept in other charts, there are only extras, which can contain render routines, but I don’t understand what intention you have addressed with this map.
{, index) => renderExtra({ item, x, y, index, width, height })) }

Could you just point please a case when this can be handy.

Thanks for answer.

Layered LineChart with X & Y Axis

What is the problem?

I can't get the LineCharts to overlap correctly. You will see the gradient colour line is positioned correctly, however I can't get the white line to overlap correctly. I suspect it has something to do with the "StyleSheet.absoluteFill", have tried various style props but can't get it to work.

When does it happen?

What platform?

  • iOS
  • Android

react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.53.0

Code to reproduce

import React from 'react'
import { Defs, LinearGradient, Path, Stop } from 'react-native-svg'
import { LineChart, XAxis, YAxis } from 'react-native-svg-charts'
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'

class GradientLineExample extends React.PureComponent {

  render() {

    const xData = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]
    const yData = [ 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200, 0]
    const data = [ 900, 780, 540, 420, 420, 460, 920, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420 ]
    const data2 = [ 900, 780, 540, 420, 420, 460, 920, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420 ].reverse()

    const Gradient = () => (
      <Defs key={'gradient'}>
        <LinearGradient id={'gradient'} x1={'0'} y={'0%'} x2={'100%'} y2={'0%'}>
          <Stop offset={'0%'} stopColor={'rgb(134, 65, 244)'}/>
          <Stop offset={'100%'} stopColor={'rgb(66, 194, 244)'}/>

    const Shadow = ({ line }) => (
        stroke={'rgba(134, 65, 244, 0.2)'}

    const contentInset = { top: 20, bottom: 20 }

    return (
      <View style={ { height: 200, flexDirection: 'row', paddingHorizontal: 20 } }>
          contentInset={ contentInset }
              fill: 'white',
              fontSize: 10,
          formatLabel={ (value) => `${value}K` }
          style={ { flex: 1 } }
          data={ data }
          contentInset={ contentInset }
            strokeWidth: 2,
            stroke: 'url(#gradient)',
          extras={[ Gradient, Shadow ]}
          style={ StyleSheet.absoluteFill }
          data={ data2 }
          contentInset={ { top: 20, bottom: 20 } }
            strokeWidth: 2,
            stroke: 'white',
          extras={[ Gradient, Shadow ]}
        style={{ marginHorizontal: -10, paddingHorizontal: 20, marginLeft: 20 }}
        data={ xData }
        formatLabel={ (value) => xData[value] }
        contentInset={{ left: 20, right: 20 }}
          fill: 'white', 
          fontSize: 10 

export default GradientLineExample


simulator screen shot - iphone 6 - 2018-03-01 at 16 17 07

Support for raster <Image /> in "PieChart with label"?

Hi there. Thanks for this awesome library!

I'm trying to place .png images into the circular labels, is this supported?

Here's my code so far:

  style={{ height: 240 }}
  innerRadius={16 * 2.75}
  outerRadius={16 * 3}
  labelRadius={16 * 6}
  renderDecorator={({ item, pieCentroid, labelCentroid, index }) => (
    <G key={index}>
        preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"

Axis labels are rendered overlapping

What is the problem?

XAxis and YAxis labels are not rendering or are being rendered overlapping

When does it happen?

On Render

What platform?

  • [ x] iOS
  • Android (untested)

React Native version: 0.52

Code to reproduce

  svg={{ fontSize: 8, fill: 'grey' }}
  style={[{ flex: 1, width: 50 }]}

Charts not rendering

What is the problem?

Using various examples (I only tried AreaChart and LineChart) in Expo don't render.

Horizontal BarChart

Any easy way out to create horizontal bar charts with x-axis (which would eventually look like the y)?

Instructions for sample app are not working

What is the problem?

I followed the instruction to get the sample app running and it did not work. I'm getting a "No bundleURL present" error in the simulator.

Googling the error seem to point toward the need to upgrade react native. The package still includes 0.46 when the current version is 0.53.

When does it happen?

Follow instruction in readme
the only difference is I'm using the version of reacting native installed in the node_mobulde directory:
./node_modules/.bin/react-native run-ios

What platform?

  • iOS iphone 8 ios 11.2 simulator
  • Android

React Native version: 0.46.0 (installed via the command yarn on the project)

How to show Vertical Lines?

What is the problem?

I'm not sure if this is just something not implemented in this library or if I've missed something in the README. How do I get my charts to render vertical grid lines, and not horizontal ones? By default only horizontal ones are rendered and while there exists a showGrid function this only hides horizontal grid lines.

(edit: I'm fairly new to charting libraries as a whole!)

XAxis rotate labels

Due to the ordering of styles on labels, it is not possible to set transformations. They are overriden by the internals.

In our case we would like to rotate the text labels to have more space for its contents.

Have a look here:

What do you think, would it make sense to reorder the attributes? Or at least to not return an empty array, but null / undefined. I think this would be than ignored and would only break transforms on PIE charts.

Different color for each bar in a bar chart;

What is the problem?

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop ‘fill‘ of type ‘array‘ supplied to ‘AnimatedPath‘, expected ‘string‘.

When does it happen?

const barData = [
values: [10,20,40],
positive: {
fill: ["#a7d4fb", "#a7d4fc", "#a7d4fd"]
// warning Happens at this points...i was trying fill different color for each bar

What platform?

  • Android -->26.0.2

"dependencies": {
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "0.51.1",
"react-native-svg": "^6.2.1"

Stacktrace (if crash)

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop ‘fill‘ of type ‘array‘ supplied to ‘AnimatedPath‘, expected ‘string‘.

in AnimatedPath (at bar-chart.js:157)

in BarChart (at App .:1s 96)

in RCTView (at View. 13: 1 12)

in View (at App .:1s 94)

in RCTView (at View .:1s 112)

in View (at App' .:1s 68)

in RCTView (at View. 13: 112)

in View (at ScrollView.js:748)

in RCTScrollView (at ScrollView.jsz857)

in ScrollView (at App' .:1s 67)

in RCTView (at View. 13: 112)

in View (at App .15: 66)

in App (at renderApplication.js:35) in RCTView (at View.js:1 12)

in View (at AppContainer.js:102) in RCTView (at View.js:1 12) in View (at AppContainer.js:122)

in AppContainer (at renderApplication.js: 34)

Is it possible to animate ECG animation to the Line chart?

Firstly I just want to say you guys are doing a great job and I'm grateful for finding this library.

I had a question regarding the animation. You see my situation is the following:

I have an app that Receives data from an external device. What I'd like to do is visualize the data in line graph.

The main issue, we cant use CSS animation and CSS keyframes, this makes it hard for the animation of the line.

For example, suppose this is the data I receive from an external device:

var _data = [
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0000050048828125, 0.0000137939453125, 0.000049560546875,
  0.00008740234375, 0.00015966796875, 0.000262451171875, 0.0003975830078125, 0.0005687255859375,
  0.0007802734375, 0.001037353515625, 0.0013468017578125, 0.00172119140625, 0.0021756591796875,
  0.0027232666015625, 0.0033880615234375, 0.004206787109375, 0.0052380371093750005,
  0.006586181640625, 0.008400146484375001, 0.010904296875, 0.0144892578125, 0.0196798095703125,
  0.049684204101562504, 0.0886883544921875, 0.11185363769531251, 0.134164306640625,
  0.137352294921875, 0.1160369873046875, 0.08516308593750001, 0.0539765625,
  0.014997436523437501, -0.015882568359375, -0.0387554931640625, -0.06125732421875, -0.0745780029296875, -0.07479357910156251, -0.0725338134765625, -0.0418538818359375,
  0.08582861328125001, 0.397717529296875, 0.8136408691406251, 1.2295617980957032,
  0.9944150390625001, 0.2824605712890625, -0.38949267578125, -0.597251220703125, -0.425675537109375, -0.1537947998046875, -0.0500914306640625, -0.0111041259765625,
  0.0027451171875, 0.0071739501953125, 0.008443359375, 0.0094327392578125, 0.012530517578125,
  0.0176046142578125, 0.0300162353515625, 0.0433489990234375, 0.056962646484375004,
  0.0704832763671875, 0.0770511474609375, 0.0898175048828125, 0.10311853027343751,
  0.117046142578125, 0.1312630615234375, 0.1529300537109375, 0.167607177734375,
  0.1899068603515625, 0.2124422607421875, 0.235044677734375, 0.2575535888671875,
  0.2724073486328125, 0.286978271484375, 0.3007579345703125, 0.3067425537109375,
  0.3106370849609375, 0.303756103515625, 0.2897236328125, 0.25916931152343753,
  0.2200599365234375, 0.1728209228515625, 0.133416259765625, 0.086224853515625,
  0.05493408203125, 0.02409423828125, 0.00922607421875, -0.0043409423828125, -0.0097349853515625, -0.013127685546875, -0.01423095703125, -0.013834716796875, -0.012556030273437501, -0.010675048828125, -0.00835888671875, -0.0057305908203125, -0.0000562744140625

I want to be able to make it readable using line animation: ECG Animation.

Note that the example is using d3 library.

Thanks guys!

No component found for view with name 'RNSVGPath'

I'm getting this error, after installing, linking and running

    style={ { height: 200 } }
    progress={ 0.7 }
    progressColor={'rgb(134, 65, 244)'}

React Native: 0.51
svg: 6.0.1-rc.3
svg-charts: 2.1.0

simulator screen shot - iphone 6 - 2018-01-19 at 12 56 42

render 2 line charts into 1 chart?

is there a way to render 2 line charts in 1 chart?
I want to merge these 2 line charts to 1 chart

and also render another Yaxis to the right of the merged chart.
Yaxis1 Yaxis2


Any plans to support scaleTime

Do you have plans to support d3.scaleTime for time series data. Would be a useful addition to this very useful module.

Customize styles for each of the axises items.

In our project we need to customize the axis item styles indivitually on a chart. AFAIK, the axis only allows setting styles for all the items at once.

What I'm trying to achieve (:

I think a nice solution for this would be making the svg prop on the XAxis and YAxis components to also accept a function. This function would be called with the value and index arguments, same as the formatLabel prop, and would return an object with the styles. This approach wouldn't break backwards compatibility.

Sample code:

            svg={(value, index) => ({
              fontSize: 10,
              fontWeight: index < data.length - 1 ? 'normal' : 'bold',
              fill: index < data.length - 1 ? Color.AXIS_GREY : Color.AXIS_BLUE,

The implementation could be something like this (on the XAxis component:

                  {...(svg instanceof Function ? svg(value, index) : svg)}
                  {formatLabel(value, index)}

I understand this approach could not be ideal and coherent if it isn't used in all the other components. Another solution would be creating another prop without altering the svg prop.

I'd love to contribute and implement this solution and expanding the docs if you like this approach.

Render values at the center of the pie.

First, thanks for your awesome library.
I like to render the title and value of the chosen slice at the center, something like this:
screenshot from 2018-03-07 12-26-04

I've looked for a prop or something else to do it, but I didn't succeed.
Do you have any idea for me? Tnx.

Error while updating property 'd' in shadow node

What is the problem?

Unable to set the value of barchart to 0 which causes me to give below error.

screenshot_2018-03-07-20-12-30 1

When does it happen?

import React from 'react'
import { BarChart } from 'react-native-svg-charts'
import { Defs, LinearGradient, Stop } from "react-native-svg";

class ColorBarExample extends React.PureComponent {

    render() {

        const barDataCritical = [
        value: 0, **// ERROR HAPPPENS WHEN I SET VALUE TO 0**
        svg: {
          fill: 'rgb(226, 225, 223)',
        value: 3,
        svg: {
          fill: 'rgb(239, 203, 133)',

        return (
                style={{ height: 200 }}
                svg={{ fill: 'rgba(134, 65, 244, 0.8)' }}
                yAccessor={({ item }) => item.value}
                contentInset={{ top: 20, bottom: 20 }}


export default ColorBarExample

I'm using these Barchart

What platform?

"react": "16.1.0",
"react-native": "0.54.0",
"react-native-svg": "^6.2.2",
"react-native-svg-charts": "^4.0.0",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^4.5.0"

extras not rendered with ProgressCircle

What is the problem?

Your extras example works great for the LineChart, but when I try a similar example with a ProgressCirle, I can't get any extras to render. I'm trying to render in the center of the progress circle.

When does it happen?

When trying to render a ProgressCircle with a extra. The same extra works fine with a LineChart.

What platform?

  • iOS 11.2 (iPad Simulator)

React Native version: 0.51.0

Code to reproduce

import React from 'react'
import { ProgressCircle } from 'react-native-svg-charts'
import { Text } from 'react-native-svg'

class Home extends React.PureComponent {
    render() {

        const chartLabel = () => (
              key={ 'label' }
              x={ '50%' }
              y={ '50%' }>
              My Label

        return (
              style={ { height: 200 } }
              progress={ 0.7 }
              progressColor={ 'rgb(134, 65, 244)' }
              startAngle={ -Math.PI * 0.8 }
              endAngle={ Math.PI * 0.8 }
              extras={ [ chartLabel ] }
              renderExtra={ ({ item, ...args }) => item(args) }

export default Home;

Again, very similar code works fine for a LineChart, rendering the label in the center of the chart:

import React from 'react'
import { LineChart } from 'react-native-svg-charts'
import { Text } from 'react-native-svg'
import * as shape from 'd3-shape'

class Home extends React.PureComponent {

    render() {

      const data = [ 50, 10, 40, 95, -4, -24, 85, 91, 35, 53, -53, 24, 50, -20, -80 ]

      const chartLabel = () => (
            key={ 'label' }
            x={ '50%' }
            y={ '50%' }>
            My Label

      return (
            style={ { height: 200 } }
            dataPoints={ data }
                fill: 'purple',
                stroke: 'rgb(134, 65, 244)',
                strokeWidth: 2,
                stroke: 'rgba(134, 65, 244, 0.2)',
                strokeWidth: 5,
            contentInset={ { top: 20, bottom: 20 } }
            curve={ shape.curveLinear }
            extras={ [ chartLabel ] }
            renderExtra={ ({ item, ...args }) => item(args) }

export default Home;

Support for data of different length in StackedAreaChart?

What is the problem?

StackedAreaChart accepts an array of objects, in which all datapoints are specified by keys. I have a use-case where I have two separate "timelines", where I want to show data from two data-sets that dont necessarily have the same length.

For example, I have one chart with data points + timestamps, and I want to display this along with another set of datapoints with different timestamps.

One solution would be to inject the second set into the first one based on the "closest" timestamp for each value, but this doesn't seem like a good solution.

Could StackedAreaChart support datasets of different length?

Lets say I want to show amount of page visits for a page, in correlation with how many times a topic is mentioned on Twitter:

// Page visits per hour
const pageVisits = [
  { visits: 149, timestamp: 1518388122 },
  { visits: 123, timestamp: 1518391722 },
  { visits: 180, timestamp: 1518395322 },
  { visits: 190, timestamp: 1518398922 },
  { visits: 430, timestamp: 1518402502 },
  { visits: 614, timestamp: 1518406522 },
  { visits: 590, timestamp: 1518409722 },
  { visits: 301, timestamp: 1518413322 },
  { visits: 159, timestamp: 1518416922 },
  { visits: 140, timestamp: 1518420522 },

// Mentions for a topic on Twitter
const mentions = [
  { mentions: 3, timestamp: 1518389240 },
  { mentions: 2, timestamp: 1518394852 },
  { mentions: 3, timestamp: 1518398495 },
  { mentions: 45, timestamp: 1518402853 },
  { mentions: 87, timestamp: 1518405495 },
  { mentions: 120, timestamp: 1518408928 },
  { mentions: 90, timestamp: 15184135032 }

Would it be possible to show two charts with different datapoints but along the same "timeline" on top of each other?

What platform?

  • iOS
  • Android

XAxis - No display

I've followed your example in XAxis, but it doesn't display anything. All I get was a padding in bottom.

Different inner/outer radius for piechart?

First of all, thank you for the library. It's awesome. I've been using it for making charts on my react-native applications.
I was just wondering if there is any way to have different inner/outer radius in piechart for different data point?

Two colors same graph


I'm having some trouble putting two colors on the same chart like this image:

screen shot 2018-03-01 at 8 56 09 am
Does anyone have an idea of how can I do so?

Thank you,

Graph goes to minus rather it haven't minus values


My Graph goes to minus. But is haven't any minus values
Please Help...

This is my Code

This is the data valus
[5, 1, 89, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1]

`render() {

let data = this.dataGraph();
console.log("dcscad", data);

const Tooltip = ({ x, y }) => (
    x={x(this.state.index) - (75 / 2)}
    onPress={() => console.log('tooltip clicked')}>
    <G y={0}>
        rx={10} />


    <G x={75 / 2}>
      {/* <Line
            y1={ 50 + 40 }
            y2={ y(data_graph[ 5 ]) }
            stroke={ 'grey' }
            strokeWidth={ 2 }
          /> */}

const chartGraph = () => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.chartScroll}>
        style={[styles.chart, { width: this.calculateWidth() }]}
        contentInset={{ top: 100, bottom: 30, left: 50, right: 50 }}
        renderExtra={({ item, ...args }) => item(args)}
        gridMax={this.state.graphFillHeight} //this is the total of the graph data
        //spacing = {100}
        renderDecorator={({ x, y, index, value }) => (
              onPress={() => this.setState({ extras: [Tooltip], index: index })}

        style={{ }}
        formatLabel={value => `${value}`}
        contentInset={{ left: 20, right: 20 }}

return (
  <View style={styles.container}>
    <ScrollView horizontal={true}>
        style={styles.chartHorozontalLine} />
  // </MenuContext>


following image is the output


StackedAreaChart doesn't properly render all data points

What is the problem?

StackedAreaChart doesn't properly render all the data points. In particular, it only renders the first keys.length data points.

When does it happen?

The following code should render a StackedAreaChart that looks like the one from the examples, but with one additional data point (making five total).

class StackedAreaExample extends React.PureComponent {

    render() {

        const data = [
                month: new Date(2015, 0, 1),
                apples: 3840,
                bananas: 1920,
                cherries: 960,
                dates: 400,
                month: new Date(2015, 1, 1),
                apples: 1600,
                bananas: 1440,
                cherries: 960,
                dates: 400,
                month: new Date(2015, 2, 1),
                apples: 640,
                bananas: 960,
                cherries: 3640,
                dates: 400,
                month: new Date(2015, 3, 1),
                apples: 3320,
                bananas: 480,
                cherries: 640,
                dates: 400,
                month: new Date(2015, 4, 1),
                apples: 2320,
                bananas: 780,
                cherries: 440,
                dates: 400,

        const colors = [ '#ED5314', '#FFB92A', '#FEEB51', '#9BCA3E' ]
        const keys   = [ 'apples', 'bananas', 'cherries', 'dates' ]

        return (
                style={ { height: 200, paddingVertical: 16 } }
                data={ data }
                keys={ keys }
                colors={ colors }
                curve={ shape.curveNatural }
                showGrid={ false }

However, this code only renders the first four data points.

What platform?

Occurs on both iOS and Android platforms.

Additional comments

I think the problem has something to do with this line, which seems to be using keys.length when it should be using data.length. However, changing that line alone does not fix the issue, so there must be another place where the number of data points is being calculated incorrectly.

onPress event on circle decorator


Need a event on circle click, that has to show tool tip on circle click dynamically.
Please help to do that

Like this

<View style={styles.chartScroll}>
          contentInset={{top: 50, bottom: 30, left: 50, right: 50 }}
          renderExtra={({ item, ...args }) => item(args)}
          //spacing = {100}
          renderDecorator={({ x, y, index, value }) => (
                //stroke={ 'rgb(134, 65, 244)' }
                onPress={() => this.someFunction()}////////////////////////////////////////// this is the function
/////then have to show tool tip in each circle click and have to show the value

          style={{ paddingVertical: 0 }}
          formatLabel={value => `${value}`}
          contentInset={{ left: 20, right: 20 }}

is there way to do that....Please help....

Android: not working RNSVGLine

What is the problem?

Android: Error while updating property 'strokeWidth' in shadow node of type: RNSVGLine #583
TypeError: expected dynamic type double, but had type string

When does it happen?

What platform?

  • iOS
  • Android
    I was working on Expo version 24.0.0 It uses "react-native-svg-charts": "^2.1.0",
    IOS working fine

Code to reproduce

                        style={{ height: 200 }}
                        contentInset={ { top: 30, bottom: 30 } }
                            fill: 'rgba(134, 65, 244, 0.2)',
                            stroke: 'rgb(134, 65, 244)',

PieChart, allow onPress of each pie piece.

Is it possible to be able to apply onPress events to each piece of the pie ?

I added an onPress to the Circle label.. however I am not sure how to do make the entire piece touchable

Stacked Line Chart

Hi, is it possible to draw multiple LineCharts over each other? I'm currently trying to do something of the sort but can't get it to work. Is it possible to draw multiple lines with LineChart or will I need something like a StackedLineChart? (Which does not currently exist)

Stacked bar chart - horizontal support?

Is there support for rendering the stacked bar charts horizontally? Not sure if this is a user problem (i.e. me) or it's just not supported. I suspect the latter because I don't see anything in the js for that chart type that looks like a horizontal property.

On the other hand, I've been unable to adapt the horizontal line extra ( to this chart and it does appear to be calling renderExtra which makes me think I'm doing something wrong.

I was hoping I could just look at the changes made for the bar chart but I found this in the PR:

BarChart has been rewritten from the ground up

:) Guess I'm going to have to figure it out the hard way now...

Animate progress - ProgressCircle


I'm using the animate and the animateDuration prop with a ProgressCircle.
Right now the result of this is that the ProgressCircle scales up from small to large during the duration.

Is there a way to animate the progress instead so the progress 'fills' up to the desired progress over the duration?

Cool library by the way!

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