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sha-bang-modules's Issues

Talea module is not defined

[0.235 warn src/plugin.cpp:158] Could not load plugin /home/cschol/src/Rack-1.0-Home/plugins-v1/Sha-Bang-Modules: Manifest contains module Talea but it is not defined in the plugin

Talea is missing from the plugin.[cpp|hpp] files. Or should be removed from the plugin.json.

Question on RandGates (w/o TRG)

Dear Jeremy,

What does RandGates do without a TRG? Is it an OR module?


Somehow I expected that if no cable is connected to TRG then another IN will be selected once the currently active signal drops below 2V. But it's clearly something else.

Best regards, Andras

chromatic scale

Been playing around with neutrinode.
Could I ask for a chromatic scale to be included?
Thank you

Neutrinode request(s)

Hi, neutrino is truly awesome, hook it up to a fm-op and some reverb and it can play all day ;) Thank you so much, donation is on its way.

I have some request for this module, if feasible/possible.

  • a collision detect option for the balls when they are moving - if they overlap eachother it can become "messy" (exaggeratation) as they could play notes almost together but just too short apart. Some kind of collision detect (or even that they bounce of eachother).
  • cv input for the root (perhaps also for the octaves), i can map them with umap so not a big deal, but nice to have.

FR: make Polyrythm clock sync to external clock.


I'm really enjoying your polyrythm clock, however I think it would be more useful if it could be externally synced to another master clock like Impromptu Clocked and the ZZC clock for example, ideally at 24 ppqn.

While the Polyrythm clock is great for polyrhythms, imo it is missing many features that would enable it to step into the master clock role (in my setup at least) so having it being able to sync to a separate master clock would make it much more usable and able to fit into existing templates.


question on RandGates polyphony limitations

Dear Jeremy,

I'm experimenting with the polyphonic feature of Rand Gate. I realized that feeding polyphonic INS and polyphonic TRG I'll get a polyphonic OUT. But only in this case.

Would it be possible to get a polyphonic OUT in case of feeding a polyphonic TRG but only monophonic INS? (It'd mean mixing up the same four notes differently.)


It's not impossible even now (see below). But not knowing the complexity of module structure I'm wondering if it can be fixed easily with a few code lines.


Cheers, A.

These modules don't build for me without modifying the makefile

first line:
# If RACK_DIR is not defined when calling the Makefile, default to two directories above
RACK_DIR ?= ../

most ppl use ../.. with four dots. Then the makefile matches the comment. Anyway make didn't make for me until I modified the makefile to be like all the other ones.

Talea won't arrpegiate

I watched the demo video and I love the poly rhythm idea! Unfortunately, I can't get more than one pitch even when holding down multiple keys. I've tried with my computer keyboard and an external midi keyboard with no luck either way. When I activate the octave button I hear multiple octaves of a pitch, but still only of one note.

Two questions and one request


Cosmosis is a nice module I've just discoverd.

I have two questions:

  1. What does the size of a node represent?
  2. How does one change the size.

Also, I have two requests:

  1. Is it possible to add a continuous pitch output mode, without any predefined pitch scale?
  2. For a polyphonic use, it would be nice that the pitch doesn't reset to 0 when leaving a node but keeps the last value instead.

Thank you in advance.

StochGrid mousedrag bug

Mouse Drag settings are not saved. Re-starting the Rack changes it back to the default 'horizontal'. Cheers, A.

Probability Gate in Stochastic Sequencer issue

When I hook up Stochastic Seq as below, with Gate from the clock signal, I get sound out of the FM-OPs
When I hook up to the Probability Gate, I get no sounds whatsoever.
Am I patching this incorrectly?
Windows 10 computer VCV Rack latest version of 1.6

v2: Failed to load SVG

Runtime issues in log:

[0.974 warn src/window/Svg.cpp:112 load] Failed to load SVG /opt/Rack-2.0/plugins/Sha-Bang-Modules/res/NanoBlueKnob.svg

Looks like NanoBlueKnob.svg is missing from the repository.

StochSeq crash in Linux

A student sent me a patch file containing a StochSeq module. Seems to be created in Windows.

When I try to open it in Linux, VCV crashes.

[27.824 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 8. Stack trace:
7: ./Rack() [0x56d2b1]
6: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f1e5ad50210]
5: /home/dlm/.Rack/plugins-v1/Sha-Bang-Modules/ [0x7f1e459d2fc0]
4: ./Rack() [0x5b5da3]
3: ./Rack() [0x5b84af]
2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f1e5b13f172]
1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f1e5bb4a609]
0: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f1e5ae2c293]

As another test, I edited the JSON to delete the entire StochSeq node. That version of the file opens without crashing.

This is VCV v1.1.6 btw, Sha#Bang! v1.3.6. (I'm holding off on upgrading to VCV v2 -- it's too near the end of the semester and with students' final projects due, an upgrade would only cause chaos.)

If it matters, the StochSeq contents are:

      "id": 52,
      "plugin": "Sha-Bang-Modules",
      "version": "1.3.6",
      "model": "StochSeq",
      "params": [
          "id": 0,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 1,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 2,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 3,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 4,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 5,
          "value": 32.0
          "id": 6,
          "value": 1.0
          "id": 7,
          "value": 0.0
          "id": 8,
          "value": 0.0
      "data": {
        "currentPattern": 0,
        "probs": [
        "percentages": true,
        "kbshortcuts": true
      "pos": [

Proposal on StochSeq column colors

Dear Jeremy,

Please don't consider this ticket as a proper feature request. It's more like pondering about potential improvements.

I'm wondering if it'd be worth the hassle to implement a Ctrl-right-click option for some basic column colors?

Again I don't know how much coding is needed but I mean something like this. (Please ignore the module on the right for now.)


Best regards, Andras

Stochastic Sequencer 4 instance is not sending any v/oct

Just reopened a patch from a few weeks ago and the sequencer is not sending any voltage on the v/oct outputs. I've got a few proprietary modules but I think as long as you have ZZC modules installed then it should be enough, just check the scope.

I might be missing something really basic but I can't figure out why nothing is coming out of it.

Edit: just opened another patch and the same thing is happening.

Suggestion: new module for advanced trigger/gate-generation


I'm a big fan of your modules, so thank you for this nice work.

When surfing around the other day I ended up on the website of Lucid Rhythms:

This artwork reminded me of some of your modules that have some things in common with the trigger/gate-idea(s) of Lucid Rhythms. As far as I understand his work he deals with slightly changing loop-times of trigger/gate-chains and delay-times between the steps. Maybe he sends the triggers/gates to VCAs that are driven by envelopes.

IMHO this meets some of your ideas. Maybe his work inspires you to think about a new kind of trigger/gate-generating module(s). If not, I hope you enjoy the work of Lucid Rhythms.

Keep healthy


Stoch Seq4 - Please reset all

Love this module!

I noticed that the global reset on Stoch Seq4 does not reset all of the lanes back to the very first segment. In fact, I can't find any pattern to what the global rest actually does.

Cosmosis: issue when max stars are reached

  1. When max stars are reached by user clicking to add them, it continues to replace the final star with a new position and radius based on where the mouse click occurs. This behavior is wrong and should work the way Neutrinode does when clicking to add stars/particles.
  2. When altering the current constellation by adding/removing/moving stars, the constellation text should disappear since it is no longer that pattern.

Polyrhythm Clock FR: Add Run toggle input

I usually sync it from Clocked and would be good to have Clocked also turn on and off clock when it is turned on and off via it's Run output. A bit troublesome that the clock stays running even when external sync clock is turned off.

Great module otherwise! Thanks for these.

StochSeq4 feedback & feature request

Dear Jeremy,

Your StochSeq4 is the best sequencer in the VCV world. It's as simple as that. There are prettier ones but its functionality, efficiency, and practicality is unmatched.

But if you ever decide to re-visit the code I'd like to ask you to consider a few changes

  • keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-Tab to focus the independent patterns one by one
  • keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-Left & Ctrl-Right to shift all steps of focused pattern to the left/right by one step
  • keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-Up & Ctrl-Down to increase/decrease all probabilities of a focused pattern by 5
  • new output: inverted V/OCT for each pattern
  • new output: NOT GATE for each pattern
  • new output: a single OR GATES output (next to the scale knobs)
  • new output: a single XOR GATES output (next to the scale knobs)
  • macro feature: store the predefined preset patterns in a separate JSON/TXT file

With or without these changes your sequencer remains absolutely brilliant. Thank you for this wonderful module!

Best regards, Andras

Problem with input trigger

Parentheses need to be fixed here:

if (rndPosTrig.process(params[RANDOM_POS_PARAM].getValue()) + inputs[RANDOM_POS_INPUT].getVoltage()) {
if (rndRadTrig.process(params[RANDOM_RAD_PARAM].getValue()) + inputs[RANDOM_RAD_INPUT].getVoltage()) {

Question on Photron frame

Dear Jeremy,

Is the frame a bug or a feature? I usually try to avoid any visual modules so I'm not familiar with their limitations and/or settings.


Kind regards, Andras

StochSeq4 Ctrl-arrows in Rack2

Ctrl-Enter works fine to select the focused sequence (purple, blue, aqua, or red) but the Ctrl-up/down and Ctrl-left/right seems to be disabled.

Best regards, Andras

Proposal on PolyRhythm labelling tuplet 2&3

Dear Jeremy,

I'd like to propose a change for your consideration. It is related to the ratio labels of TUPLET 2 and TUPLET 3.

In my example both the left (current) and right (proposed) modules show 2:1 in the blue section. The left (current) module shows 3:1 in the aqua section meaning that the tempo of blue is triplicated. But the right (proposed) module would show 6:1 in the aqua section meaning the same thing but referring to the ratio of the master BPM.

Just to clarify, the behavior of the two modules in my example are the same otherwise: The voltage outputs and knob settings of the two modules are exactly the same. It's just that trying to explain multiple times the way the module works I feel that the proposed labelling would reduce learning time.


Best regards, Andras

Cosmosis and Neutrinode request

Hey, I just downloaded your modules and am having a ton of fun with them, but was just curious why you didn't add any clock inputs for bpm or speed on your cosmosis and neutrinode modules... without those sorts of inputs I'm finding it really challenging to incorporate them into larger compositions (a reset input would also be nice for that matter). Especially since one of the modules in your pack is a complex clock of sorts, just seems odd to not have a way for those modules to interact.

Move function on Neutrinode is not saved with the patch

Hi Jeremy!
I noticed that when I save a patch with Neutrinode, and I have the Move function on, the next time I open the patch, I have to enable it again. Is there a way to have it save the status of the Move function so it will be enabled when opening a patch?
Thanks again!

v2: `make dist` fails

rsync -rR res presets LICENSE  plugin.json dist/Sha-Bang-Modules/
rsync: link_stat "/home/build/plugin-src/presets" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1207) [sender=3.1.3]

The presets directory does not exist in the source tree.

Photron Strip's Strip mode pulse rate doesn't save

When I set a Photron Strip's mode to "solid color" or "strip", I can change the pulse rate and hue from the menu. However, if I reload a saved file, the pulse rate is reset to 0.5 Hz, even if it was set to something different when the file was saved. This issue only applies to the pulse rate, not the hue.

Question on RandRoute polyphony

Dear Jeremy,

Due to its size and basic parameters the RandRoute became my go-to-Bernoulli-module. I just had a quick question on its polyphony. Is it intentionally delivering the same variation on all output channels?



Best regards, Andras

Photron eats CPU

Simple case, new project, add Photron, close rack open rack watch the CPU go sky-high.


Windows 10.

Thanks, Peter.

congrats on Seq4

Now thats what Im talking about. I guess its probability on each note? Not a note for note sequencer correct?

can you make a non probability sequencer like this? Does it come in black?

Proposal for StochSeq4 spread range (-5 to +5)

Dear Jeremy,

StochSeq4 is my use-it-for-all sequencer. Now I rely on it even more than before. Would you please consider changing the SPREAD knob range for -5V to 5V?

The current range is set to -4V to 4V. The change would increase the compatibility as with a simple module any sequence could be transformed to 0V to 10V if needed. Or with another simple module the voltage could be multiplied and transformed to a -10V to +10V.

Best regards, Andras

P.S.: Actually I'm not sure that negative values makes sense at all. We have access to the INV output anyway if needed without manually turning the SPREAD from +2 to -2.

Question on PolyRhytm accuracy

Dear Jeremy,

I know that my measurement of BPM isn't too scientific and I also acknowledge that these differences impact musicality only in extreme cases. But could you please confirm if PolyRhytm is meant to behave like this?

My expectations for the outputs was 20 BPM, 40 BPM, 120 BPM, and 360 BPM.


Best regards, Andras

Periodic crash when using orbitones

My system is Gentoo with pipewire/jack. I use orbitones for random CVs, and when it crashes I don't even change anything in it. Rack crashes after some random time, and it always has _ZN9Orbitones7processERKN4rack6engine6Module11ProcessArgsE in stack trace:

[2490.631 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 6. Stack trace:
12: ./Rack(+0x1e3d54) [0x55656762ad54]
11: /lib64/ [0x7fee75a88dd0]
10: /lib64/ [0x7fee75a88d51]
9: /lib64/ [0x7fee75a72536]
8: /lib64/ [0x7fee75aca078]
7: /lib64/ [0x7fee75ad1a9a]
6: /lib64/ [0x7fee75ad1edc]
5: /home/vechur/.Rack/plugins-v1/Sha-Bang-Modules/ [0x7fee3e54434d]
4: ./Rack(+0x2372ed) [0x55656767e2ed]
3: ./Rack(_ZN4rack6engine12EngineWorker3runEv+0x163) [0x55656767fadf]
2: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.2.0/ [0x7fee75e5678f]
1: /lib64/ [0x7fee76e08f9e]
0: /lib64/ [0x7fee75b4964f]

Plugin configuration (right after last crash, extracted from autosave-v1.vcv):

Could someone suggest where could be the problem?

Thanks in advance!

has stochseq4 and stoch seq an error?

I need some help, im getting into this magnificent sequencer but i cant fully understand how it works, ive already seen the creators official tutorial and i notice that it doesnt work the same for me, when i put the probability at 100% in the entire sequence it doesnt send a constant gate signal, it just gets stuck there, what happens, what im doing wrong?

It should be noted that the version I have of the modules is 2.1.0, the same error happens with stochseq4 and stoch seq

Build error on Windows platform

Build error on Windows platform:

src/PolyrhythmClock.cpp.o src/PolyrhythmClock.cpp                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -o plugin.dll build/src/RandGates.cpp.o build/src/RandRoute.cpp.o build/src/Photron.cpp.o build/src/Cosmosis.cpp.o build/src/QubitCrusher.cpp.o build/src/Quantize.cpp.o build/src/Collider.cpp.o build/src/BlankPanel.cpp.o build/src/StochSeq4.cpp.o build/src/StochSeq.cpp.o build/src/Photr
onPanel.cpp.o build/src/plugin.cpp.o build/src/Orbitones.cpp.o build/src/Constellations.cpp.o build/src/Vec3.cpp.o build/src/Talea.cpp.o build/src/Neutrinode.cpp.o build/src/AbsorptionSpectrum.cpp.o build/src/PolyrhythmClock.cpp.o -static-libstdc++  -shared -L/home/build/rack-plugin-toolchain/Rack-SDK -lRack 
/home/build/rack-plugin-toolchain/local/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/8.3.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld: build/src/plugin.cpp.o:plugin.cpp:(.rdata$.refptr.modelQuantal[.refptr.modelQuantal]+0x0): undefined reference to `modelQuantal'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status    

Orbitones: Canvas Boundary Confusions

Hello, I noticed particles can be drawn out of the dark canvas, while attractors use the dark canvas boundaries(and will bounce back if touched in moving mode).

I don't know if this is intended or a bug, but it does create some confusions and inconsistency.

Thoughts and suggestions:

  • Then don't draw Particles outside.

  • Maybe make the whole panel dark to use the extra space. But attractors can't move outside or it'll cause problems with other UI, so make 2 visible lines to indicate the boundaries.

  • Add a mode that particles can bounce back too, that could be interesting.

Failed to load SVGs

From Rack log:

[3.881 warn src/window/Svg.cpp:112 load] Failed to load SVG /src/Rack-2.0/plugins/Sha-Bang-Modules/res/Blue_V2Switch_0.svg
[3.881 warn src/window/Svg.cpp:112 load] Failed to load SVG /src/Rack-2.0/plugins/Sha-Bang-Modules/res/Blue_V2Switch_1.svg
[3.895 warn src/window/Svg.cpp:112 load] Failed to load SVG /src/Rack-2.0/plugins/Sha-Bang-Modules/res/Purple_V2Switch_0.svg
[3.895 warn src/window/Svg.cpp:112 load] Failed to load SVG /src/Rack-2.0/plugins/Sha-Bang-Modules/res/Purple_V2Switch_1.svg

Can't build (v2, Windows 10)

It won't build, and it seems like it has something to do with an undefined reference to 'modelQuantal'.

$ make install
g++ -o plugin.dll build/src/AbsorptionSpectrum.cpp.o build/src/BlankPanel.cpp.o build/src/Collider.cpp.o build/src/Constellations.cpp.o build/src/Cosmosis.cpp.o build/src/Neutrinode.cpp.o build/src/Orbitones.cpp.o build/src/Photron.cpp.o build/src/PhotronPanel.cpp.o build/src/plugin.cpp.o build/src/PolyrhythmClock.cpp.o build/src/Quantize.cpp.o build/src/QubitCrusher.cpp.o build/src/RandGates.cpp.o build/src/RandRoute.cpp.o build/src/StochSeq.cpp.o build/src/StochSeq4.cpp.o build/src/Talea.cpp.o build/src/Vec3.cpp.o -shared -LC:\msys64\home\myusername\Rack-SDK -lRack -static-libstdc++
build/src/plugin.cpp.o:plugin.cpp:(.rdata$.refptr.modelQuantal[.refptr.modelQuantal]+0x0): undefined reference to `modelQuantal'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [C:\msys64\home\myusername\Rack-SDK/ plugin.dll] Error 1

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