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django-simple-menu's People


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django-simple-menu's Issues

The extends tag interferes with the simple-menu template tags

I had used simple-menu with satisfaction a couple of years ago. In a new project, it appeared not to work anymore.
After tweaking a few hours, I realized that the only difference in my code was the use of the extends tag in the template.
If your template extends another one, you have to move to the latter the tags {% load menu %} and {% generate_menu %}; otherways, the menus context variable is not defined.
But I think that not having to modify directly a generic template is just why extends exist.
Anyway, many thanks to the creator of the django-simple-menu app! Really it allows to create "Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications".

add current View's name to MenuItem's attrs

Despite I shouldn't write this ;-), I think it may be of help in django-simple-menu.

I've tried many menu systems, and all are flawed with issues that render them unusable for bigger projects. DSM ist great, really, just lacks some features that are urgently needed in projects with "special needs", like those using django-hosts.

When using django-hosts, using dynamic hosts (stored in database and checked vie middleware against current domain) with django-simple-menu, you run into a problem that is not easy to solve. When you e.g. have a host, whose has no /admin/ path, and another host, which has path(/admin/,...) AND a MenuItem with a url named reverse(admin:index), you get an Exception when opening the first host's site: as generate_menu runs through ALL MenuItems (of all hosts), but the doesn't contain a /admin path, the reverse(admin:index) points to a non-existing URL. Bang.

I struggled many days with this issue, and finally came up with a solution: using reverse_lazy instead of reverse and subclassing MenuItem + adding code to get the current View's name, I can determine which menu items are visible on that domain.

This solution is not specific to django-hosts - in fact - it has nothing to do with hosts at all, it is generic: If you add view_name as property to MenuItem, and add some logic that it is invisible when the current view is not the one specified in view_name, everything is fine.

So I would propose a newattr to MenuItem: view_name:

    def __init__(self, ..., view_name="",...):
        self.view_name = view_name

    def process(self, request: HttpRequest):
        if self.view_name:
            self.visible = request.resolver_match.view_name == self.view_name
            if not self.visible:

Please tell me what you think about that.

Can't show items dynamicaly

I have menu which based on my models. One model have 'is_active' option which is boolean. When I'm set it to False it's should be exclude from menu, but it's happens only when I'm restart server.
Here is part of code:
`for single_league in leagues:
menu_items = []
teams = Team.objects.filter(, team_is_active=True)
for team in teams:
item = MenuItem(team.team_name, reverse('team', kwargs={'pk':}), separator=True)

if len(menu_items) > 0:
    # show menu only if League have teams
    Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem(,
                                   reverse("teams", kwargs={'pk':}),
                                   weight=30, children=tuple(menu_items)))
    Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem(,
                                   reverse("teams", kwargs={'pk':}), weight=30))`

As you see here teams = Team.objects.filter(, team_is_active=True) I'm loading only active items. So maybe I missed something? Or maybe when I'm update model object I need do something?

Package not installable with python 3.10: legacy fail

If you install django-simple-menu (here on uberspace / centos 7), there is an error. Under 3.9 you get a warning about " install":

Using legacy ' install' for django-simple-menu, since package 'wheel' is not installed.

being used as legacy method. But under 3.10 it fails:

pip install django-simple-menu --user
Collecting django-simple-menu
  Using cached django-simple-menu-1.2.1.tar.gz (15 kB)
  Preparing metadata ( ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error
  × python egg_info did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1
  ╰─> [10 lines of output]
      /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'include_package_data'
      /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
      usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
         or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
         or: --help-commands
         or: cmd --help
      error: invalid command 'egg_info'
      [end of output]
  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: metadata-generation-failed

× Encountered error while generating package metadata.
╰─> See above for output.

Usage example using .format for reverse_lazy

#Have trouble while using add some additional data for my url using python string format,
That's why i don't pass match_url. exact_url=True dosen`t help.

Issues with internalization

Here's the code I had to use to make it work. What do you think about incorporating something of sorts in the module?

class MenuItemTranslated(MenuItem):
    def __init__(self, name, url, reverse_kwargs=None, check=None, **kwargs):
        MenuItem.__init__(self, name, '', check=None, **kwargs)
        self.check = check
        self.url_ = url
        self.reverse_kwargs = reverse_kwargs

    def process(self, request):
        url = reverse(self.url_, kwargs=self.reverse_kwargs)
        self.url = url
        if callable(self.check):
            self.visible = self.check(request)```

Check not behaving as expected

For some reason, the following menus don't seem to be displayed properly. When the app is loaded (and no user is logged in), the "Log In" link is shown and the "Log Out" link is not shown (correctly).

When the user is logged in, neither link is shown. (Originally, I blamed it on django-auth-ldap, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as there's no set of truth values which could cause this behavior.)

However, when I kill the server and restart it, Log Out is shown correctly. If I then Log Out, then neither link is shown (again). If I kill the server (again), then the Log In button is shown correctly.

I've tried both the 'master' branch from github and the latest verison in pip.

This could somehow still be either my fault or django-auth-ldap's fault, but it seems like the issue is here.

Thanks for looking over this report.                                                                                                                            
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from menu import Menu, MenuItem

children = (MenuItem("Log In",
                     check=lambda request: request.user == None or (not request.user.is_authenticated())),
            MenuItem("Log Out",
                     check=lambda request: request.user != None and request.user.is_authenticated()),

Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem("Auth", reverse("auth.views.home"), children=children))

Optimize GitHub Actions

Our actions currently spawn for every combination of Python and Django. Some of these run empty, since we don't have the tox envs for them. Instead, I would just leave the Python versions in the matrix and do the testing with tox. This way, we will spawn way less runners, which will result in our CI running faster.

Another idea: Upload coverage once, in a different step. Would also quicken our CI runs.


Version 1.1.1 not working


after update from version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 I got issue:

'tuple' object has no attribute 'sort'

How I have to change menu configuration. And please change documentation. I think is the same like in version 1.1.0.


Name of module 'menu'

Hello again.

Wouldn't be better to rename name of module to something a bit closer to package name ? Couldn't it be named "django_simple_menu" ?

Anyway, glad I found this package as this is closest to my implementation of menu in PHP where I came from :-) And in my new Django days I'd like to use existing packages as much as possible and avoid reinventing the wheel.

url arguments

Menu.add_item("sidebar", MenuItem(
    reverse("project:task:list", args=[]),
    check=lambda request: request.user.has_perm('task.can_access'),

how to get the project id in the above code??

how to use submenu?

Hi guys,
I am trying to create submenu and I did create children but I don't know how to display them on a webpage. I tried all different things using has_submenu, and try to access submenu etc. Can someone help?

I want to do something like

proudct-1 solution-A
product-2 solution-A.1
prd-2.1 solution-B

Sort child MenuItems

Can you add an option to sort the children of a MenuItem based on the child's weight?


MENU_SELECT_PARENTS with more than 2 nodes

Hi there!

I discovered a problem in my project which involves 3 levels of menus with MENU_SELECT_PARENTS being set. So a structure like this:

Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem("A", '/a',
                               children=(MenuItem("B", '/b',
                                                  children=(MenuItem("C", '/') ,)),)))

and the current page being '/', so C will be selected, the simple menu does not set MenuItem B to selected (A and C are selected though).

I did not dig deep into the code, but I believe that setting child.selected = True in the is_child_selected function, the menu works correctly again. So:

if getattr(settings, 'MENU_SELECT_PARENTS', False):
    def is_child_selected(item):
        for child in item.children:
            if child.selected or is_child_selected(child):
                child.selected = True
                return True

fixes the issue in my case.

menus empty if generate_menu not called within same block.

the docs say that {% generate_menu %} needs to be called within a block. I think this is not correct, as it seems to need to be called within the same block you are using the menu.
Using a simple pattern to demonstrate this:

# base.html template
  {% block generate_menu %}
    {% generate_menu %}
  {% endblock %}

  {% block content %}
  Empty page.
  {% endblock %}

Now use a template that inherits this:

# application.html
{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}
Now you should see menus, but you don't.
{{ menus }}
{% endblock %}

Here you just override the content block. The generate_menu block should be inherited by extend and be untouched, so generate_menu should be called - which I can confirm by debugging.

The problem seems to be that the context which is passed to MenuNode.render() does't seem to get passed through to the correct template in application.html.

If I add {% generate_menu %} within the content block in application.html, everything is ok. Even if I add {% generate_menu %} in a new generate_menu block in application.html (which is "a block", like the docs say), it does NOT work.

Is this intended behaviour? Or a bug?

ImportError: No module named django.conf in buildout

If the environment is set up in virtualenv and packaging is controlled with buildout then automatic setup fails with:
ImportError: No module named django.conf

This is caused by the fact that includes which imports django.conf which is not available during buildout.

My solution was to hardcode version info to

ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf <project>.urls doesn't have any patterns in it

I found a problem i have many menus and many applicattions.

I have one project with 4 app, each app have its own and have two kind of menu "main" and "settings".

In staff/ i have

myaccount_children = (
    MenuItem("Add Employee",

Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem("Staff",

Menu.add_item("settings", MenuItem("Manager",reverse("manager")))

and in inventory/

myaccount_children = (
    MenuItem("Check Availability",''),
    MenuItem("Add Equipment",''),
    MenuItem("Stock Control",''),
    MenuItem("Assign Equipment",''),
    MenuItem("Return Equipment",''),

Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem("Inventory & Stock Control",

All work fine until i add:"Menu.add_item("settings", MenuItem("Categories",reverse("categories")))" to inventory/ , the system throught "ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf binventory.urls doesn't have any patterns in it" however if i add this line to the other file it work perfect.

Allow MenuItem to be subclassed

Right now it seems that there's no way to sublcass MenuItem as it will cause circular import. Any idea how to allow subclassing MenuItem?

"check" conditions for children ignored

With the following "menu" configuration:

produccion_submenus = (
      MenuItem("Informar Accidente",
             check=lambda request: request.user.groups.filter(name='produccion_admin').exists()
                       check=lambda request: request.user.groups.filter(name='produccion_base').exists()

If the user is assigned to the "produccion_base" group, "Produccion" item and its submenu "Informar Accidente" are shown.

Note: The user is not assigned to the "produccion_admin" group.

Example not working as in readme

Trying your example on ubuntu 16.04 as in the README.rst just brings the following:

./ syncdb
Unknown command: 'syncdb'
Type ' help' for usage.

generate_menu not working

I've followed the examples pretty closely and am not able to get menus to generate. I've put some logic around the code in order to see where things are failing and it appears that everything gets stuck on this line: {% generate_menu %}

      {% load menu %}

{% block content %}


{% load menu %}


{% generate_menu %}


    {% for item in menu %}


    {% if item.separator %}
  • ------------
  • {% endif %}
  • {{ item.title }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

MenuItem's kwargs should be checked to be callable

As stated in #78, MenuItem's __init__() adds all additionally added kwargs as instance variables. This is great for new args lico icon etc., as long as they are "static", meaning they do not change over time in the template's context.
There are many variables I can think of (even icon!) like

  • badge (which should return e.g. a number of new emails), or
  • disabled (which should be true if a certain condition is met)
  • ...

where you would need to add it to MenuItem, and it would be easy with kwargs, but MenuItem doesn't check if it is callable.

So I would propose to

  1. put kwargs in a dict self.kwargs to have a reference later
  2. nstead of making reference vars of them in the first place, do this after 1., to hold the same reference. Please correct me if this is not correct in Python...
    (untested, just as idea here)
def __init__(..., **kwargs)
    # ...
    self.kwargs = kwargs
    # keep a link of all kwargs in the instance, for convenience/template context
    for k in self.kwargs:
        setattr(self, k, self.kwargs[k])    

def process(self, request):
    # ...
    # if kwargs are callable, call them and save the results in the actual instance variables
    for key, value in self.kwargs:
        if callable(value):
            setattr(self, k, self.kwargs[k]())    

Match URL with query string

Currently, if a MenuItem receives a URL with query params, since the url match is done against the request.path, there is no way for that item to be checked as active.

For example, if I configure this item:

Menu.add_item("main", MenuItem(_("Item"), reverse('app:my_view')+'?status=active', weight=10))

That item will not be marked as the active item. Maybe MenuItem() could receive an additional argument to be able to take into account the current queryparam for the match_url() method.

Menu.add_item() doesn't work with ugettext()

Hello again.

I'm using simple-menu in my current multilingual project. I'd like to use ugettext() for my menu titles as bellow:

from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _



But after running webserver, menu shows correct strings for selected language and than it shows these string no matter what language selected forever. Looks like it caches initial strings for initial language and then does not call ugettext() next time.

So far fixed with ugly workaround, but if possible, would love to implement as my example shows and don't keep multiple menus for every language, but keep translation of strings in .po and .mo files.

Outdated dependency in example project

When trying to install the requirements for the example (inside /example/), the pysqlite install fails with the following error:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

Collecting Django
  Using cached Django-4.0.5-py3-none-any.whl (8.0 MB)
Collecting django-simple-menu
  Using cached django-simple-menu-1.2.1.tar.gz (15 kB)
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Collecting pysqlite>=2.6.0
  Using cached pysqlite-2.8.3.tar.gz (80 kB)
  Preparing metadata ( ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error
  × python egg_info did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1
  ╰─> [1 lines of output]
      pysqlite is not supported on Python 3. When using Python 3, use the sqlite3 module from the standard library.
      [end of output]

It seems like the dependency only supports Python 2 and is no longer maintained. I also couldn't see where it was imported in the project. Shouldn't it be removed?

How to use target="blank"

hi, i want to use target="blank" with simple menu. So how can i do it?
I did read document but it doesn't help.

Implement Jazzband guidelines for project django-simple-menu

This issue tracks the implementation of the Jazzband guidelines for the project django-simple-menu

It was initiated by @borgstrom who was automatically assigned in addition to the Jazzband roadies.

See the TODO list below for the generally required tasks, but feel free to update it in case the project requires it.

Feel free to ping a Jazzband roadie if you have any question.


  • Fix all links in the docs (and README file etc) from old to new repo
  • Add the Jazzband badge to the README file
  • Add the Jazzband contributing guideline to the file
  • Check if continuous testing works (e.g. Travis-CI, CircleCI, AppVeyor, etc)
  • Check if test coverage services work (e.g. Coveralls, Codecov, etc)
  • Add jazzband account to PyPI project as maintainer role (URL:<PROJECTNAME>)
  • Add jazzband-bot as maintainer to the Read the Docs project (URL:<PROJECTNAME>/users/)
  • Fix project URL in GitHub project description
  • Review project if other services are used and port them to Jazzband

Project details

Description Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications
Homepage None
Stargazers 65
Open issues 8
Forks 39
Default branch master
Is a fork False
Has Wiki False
Has Pages False

TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS was removed in Django 1.1

The for django-simple-menu makes a reference to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. That section was removed in Django 1.1.

The other problem is that the same release also removed django.core.context_processors module. The Django 1.8 release notes say that django.template.context_processors.request is the replacement: "Built-in template context processors have been moved to django.template.context_processors."

As of Django 1.7 the setting mentioned needs to go in:

        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Multi user environments

There is a bug in multi user environments:

The visibility of an item does not get reset between requests of different users. Therefore a user with a lot of privileges will not see all of it's menu items when a user with less privileges already populated the visible flag of a menu item.
It's not possible to restore the default value of visible since it is overwritten by the check callback.

Project abandoned?

Is this project still alive? There are 11 pull requests, some >1 year old; I just mane two tiny fixes (a typo and an example correction of a path in settings, which fixes a bug), and even the PRs are not coming through the CI ,because a CI config file is missing or defective...


Is there anyone actively maintaining this package?

Resolve request kwargs while defining MenuItem

related to #19

I struggled also about the issue to catch the current pk attribute from the current request and pass it into the menu.

I've got the following for example:

app_name = 'structure'
urlpatterns = [
    path('groups', MrMapGroupTableView.as_view(), name='group_overview'),
    path('groups/new', NewMrMapGroup.as_view(), name='group_new'),
    path('groups/<pk>', MrMapGroupDetailView.as_view(), name='group_details'),
    path('groups/<pk>/members', MrMapGroupMembersTableView.as_view(), name='group_members'),
    path('groups/<pk>/edit', EditGroupView.as_view(), name='group_edit'),

How can i resolve the current requested pk from the request kwargs for example in the

# Define children for the group menu
group_details_children = (
    MenuItem("Edit Group",
             reverse('structure:group_edit', args=pk), # pk not resolved here for now
             reverse('structure:group_members', args=pk), # pk not resolved here for now
             reverse('structure:group_publishers', args=pk), # pk not resolved here for now

# Add a My Account item to our user menu
Menu.add_item("group_details", MenuItem(_("Details"),
                                        reverse('structure:group_details', args=pk), # pk not resolved here for now

Rename the Python module?

IMO, the current name of the Python module (menu) is too broad. I can imagine people using it for their own Python modules or Django apps (think of a restaurant website with an app for menus).

I propose renaming the Python module to simple_menu, similarly to how many other Django packages do it.

EDIT: of course, we will need to bump the major version, but we do it anyway with the v2.0.0 release

Do not work with Django 2.1.2

This Module do not work with Django Version 2.1.2 and Python 3.7.

  File "/Users/User/projects/product/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 850, in _resolve_lookup
    (bit, current))  # missing attribute
django.template.base.VariableDoesNotExist: Failed lookup for key [blubb] in {}
Exception while resolving variable 'main' in template 'index.html'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/rt1330/projects/iaiHub/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 829, in _resolve_lookup
    current = current[bit]
KeyError: 'main'

Ability to add a divider

Great work on this project.

Can I request the ability to add a "divider" to a menu. I intend to use this app with Twitter Bootstrap v3 and currently my manually crafted menus have <li class="divider"></li> In them to make them a bit easier to read.

It would be good if I could somehow programatically add a divider so when iterating over the menu in a template I can do something like {% if item.is_divider %}<li class="divider"></li>{% endif %}

Change the way children work

Currently, using submenu is quite confusing. It works fine for two menu levels, but there are problems using it with more levels (see also #47).

I wonder, if changing the underlying structure of the tags might help. I imagine a linked-list kind of deal, which itself describes a path in the menu tree from the root to the current active page. This way, one could search and/or iterate the whole way from the root to the page, making working with children AND grandchildren easy.

I will try to jot down some idea of how this should work :)

Set menu to selected if any of its children is selected

I'm using the Bootstrap top nav. My top menus are primarily anchor tags (href="#").

It would be great to be have these show as "active" if one of their submenu items is selected.

I suppose it would be controlled by a configurable boolean.

Add note about {% generate_menu %} to docs

Encountered one issue. If placing {% generate_menu %} tag outside of a block, it will not generate any menus (as render() method is not called ). Ex. this template will not show any menus (and no error shown as well):

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load menu %}{% generate_menu %}

{% block content %}
   {% for item in menus.main %}
   {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

But his will:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load menu %}

{% block content %}
  {% generate_menu %}
   {% for item in menus.main %}
   {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

I guess it's worth to mention this in docs, otherwise it maybe confusing for people who try library first time.

Pass context to the title, url and check.

It would be useful to pass context to the functions such as title, url and check so that we can extract information from the context as well as the request.

Something like:

check(request, context) not run

I've just installed django-simple-menu and tried it out.
But the file doesn't seem to do anything.

It's inside my app-directory (same level as, etc.), it tried to trigger an error, but it is not registered anywhere:

this should fail, but does not:
from menu import Menu, MenuItem
MMMMenu.add_item("main", MenuItem("Events",

I'm using Django 1.5, I'm sure the app is installed correctly (with PIP) (and enabled in INSTALLED_APPS) since I can provocate errors from my templates.
But the menus object remains empty. Probably due to that isn't run.
Is there anything that I can do wrong?

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