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bootstrap's Introduction

Jasny Bootstrap is an extension of the famous Bootstrap, adding the following components:

To get started, check out!

Quick start

Four quick start options are available:

Read the Getting Started page for information on the framework contents, templates and examples, and more.

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations. You'll see something like this:

├── css/
│   ├── jasny-bootstrap.css
│   ├── jasny-bootstrap.min.css
└── js/
    ├── jasny-bootstrap.js
    └── jasny-bootstrap.min.js

We provide compiled CSS and JS (jasny-bootstrap.*), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (jasny-bootstrap.min.*).

Jasny Bootstrap should be loaded after vanilla Bootstrap.

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please open a new issue. Before opening any issue, please search for existing issues and read the Issue Guidelines, written by Nicolas Gallagher.

You may use this JSFiddle as a template for your bug reports.


Jasny Bootstrap's documentation, included in this repo in the root directory, is built with Jekyll and publicly hosted on GitHub Pages at The docs may also be run locally.

Running documentation locally

  1. If necessary, install Jekyll (requires v1.x).
  2. From the root /bootstrap directory, run jekyll serve in the command line.
  • Windows users: run chcp 65001 first to change the command prompt's character encoding (code page) to UTF-8 so Jekyll runs without errors.
  1. Open http://localhost:9001 in your browser, and voilà.

Learn more about using Jekyll by reading its documentation.

Documentation for previous releases

Documentation for v2.3.1 has been made available for the time being at while folks transition to Bootstrap 3.

Previous releases and their documentation are also available for download.

Compiling CSS and JavaScript

Bootstrap uses Grunt with convenient methods for working with the framework. It's how we compile our code, run tests, and more. To use it, install the required dependencies as directed and then run some Grunt commands.

Install Grunt

From the command line:

  1. Install grunt-cli globally with npm install -g grunt-cli.
  2. Navigate to the root /bootstrap directory, then run npm install. npm will look at package.json and automatically install the necessary local dependencies listed there.

When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.

Unfamiliar with npm? Don't have node installed? That's a-okay. npm stands for node packaged modules and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js. Download and install node.js before proceeding.

Available Grunt commands

Build - grunt

Run grunt to run tests locally and compile the CSS and JavaScript into /dist. Uses recess and UglifyJS.

Only compile CSS and JavaScript - grunt dist

grunt dist creates the /dist directory with compiled files. Uses recess and UglifyJS.

Tests - grunt test

Runs JSHint and QUnit tests headlessly in PhantomJS (used for CI).

Watch - grunt watch

This is a convenience method for watching just Less files and automatically building them whenever you save.

Troubleshooting dependencies

Should you encounter problems with installing dependencies or running Grunt commands, uninstall all previous dependency versions (global and local). Then, rerun npm install.


Please read through our contributing guidelines. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.

More over, if your pull request contains JavaScript patches or features, you must include relevant unit tests. All HTML and CSS should conform to the Code Guide, maintained by Mark Otto.

Editor preferences are available in the editor config for easy use in common text editors. Read more and download plugins at


Keep track of development and community news.


For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Jasny Bootstrap is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Sometimes we screw up, but we'll adhere to these rules whenever possible.

Releases will be numbered with the following format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

  • Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major while resetting minor and patch
  • New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor while resetting the patch
  • Bug fixes and misc changes bumps only the patch

For more information on SemVer, please visit

The major version will follow Bootstrap's major version. This means backward compatibility will only be broken if Bootstrap does so.


Arnold Daniels

Copyright and license

Copyright 2013 Jasny BV under the Apache 2.0 license.

bootstrap's People


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bootstrap's Issues

Website Shows iFrame Error

Not an issue with the project itself, per se, but whenever I try to visit, I get an error from stating that For security reasons, framing is not allowed. It looks like the Github buttons are causing the problem - a quick look at seems to indicate that the buttons should be from as opposed to

Cannot make (error found)

$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'bootstrap'...
remote: Counting objects: 27194, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9689/9689), done.
remote: Total 27194 (delta 19032), reused 25184 (delta 17319)
Receiving objects: 100% (27194/27194), 17.61 MiB | 595 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (19032/19032), done.

$ cd bootstrap/
$ make

Building Bootstrap...

Running JSHint on javascript... ✔ Done
Compiling LESS with Recess... ✔ Done
Compiling documentation... ✔ Done
Error parsing arguments in: docs/assets/js/bootstrap.js
make: *** [build] Error 1

file upload button is not aligned

I have copied and pasted the example code as follows.

<div class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-provides="fileupload">
        <div class="input-append">
            <div class="uneditable-input span3"></div>
            <span class="btn btn-file">
                <span class="fileupload-new">Select file</span>
                <span class="fileupload-exists">Change</span>
                <input type="file">
            <a href="#" class="btn fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload">Remove</a>

the result is that button is extra wide and extra high then what's represented on the website. If I remove

 <div class="input-append">  

then it works fine.

Javascript errors after minification due to missing semicolons

Using the engine in, if you try to compress the Javascript in bootstrap.js you'll get "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token !" in 3 places. This is because the syntax


will fail to parse. Simple solution, add semicolons before the "!". Patch is at

file upload update

Updating an image attachment , I am using an edit form w fileupload-exists and the current existing image

%div.fileupload.fileupload-exists{:'data-provides' => "fileupload"}
            = image_tag @craftwork.image_url
    %span.fileupload-exists= "Change"

I can select a new image to replace the current one ... but what if I want to cancel this selection and reset back to the current image
Currently, I guess it's not possible to display a 'reset' button.... and rest on the client ,would it be a nice feature ?

I hacked it, adding myself a 'reset button' with an Ajax call to the server to reset the fiel upload widget ..

btw : I there a way to detect when the fileupload-preview image changed ( when upload is completed) to display the 'reset' button when upload is completed . I currently display it when user click on 'change' button ...

bootstrap-fileupload.js > Cancel in upload dialog (windows 7) clears previous file pointer

After having selected a file in the upload dialog, the "Select file" button changes to read "Change". So, user clicks "Change", but then decides the original is fine, and clicks "cancel" in the dialog window. The text for the original selection remains in the input area. User clicks "Upload", thinking the original selection remains intact, but in-fact it has been cleared.

  1. Click "Select File"
  2. Choose a file and click OK
  3. Click "Change"
  4. Click "Cancel"
  5. Click "Upload"

The "file" var is defined in the scope of the change event (line 59). There should probably be another variable that acts as a cache for this one, so that the old pointer can be retrieved in this case.

fileupload used in edit operations


am trying to use fileupload for edit operations whereby am retrieving images from backend to be displayed in edit mode.

I tried to follow instructions on manual, it says i must replace fileupload-new class with fileupload-exists which I did.

I do get the edit mode UI, with Change and Remove buttons. but the image from server is not rendered, actually am not sure where should I have it render the url of the current image?

file-preview and file icon do not show

This may not a bug, but you may help me with it a little bit.

I am using the example code of file upload and after uploading a file, I couldn't see the file icon and the file name in the uneditable-input area.

Any suggestions?


Is the Fileupload not working in Safari?

File Upload on IE9

Browser: IE9
OS: Windows 7

  1. Pick a File (Selected File Name in input text)
  2. Remove (get removed)

so far so good

  1. Pick file again


New file should be in input text


Nothing happens

Input mask for IP

Add something like this:
<input type="text" data-mask="" />
in bootstrap-inputmask.js.
So you can`t enter in input numbers bigger then "255"

Input Mask Error

When using Bootstrap 2.1.1 in conjunction with the bootstrap-inputmask plugin (ver j1), data-masks that contain numbers fail.

For example, if you are trying to format a zip-code field, this command will fail...
input type="text" placeholder="Zip" name="zip" data-mask="99999"

However, this command will not fail (inserted random space at end):
input type="text" placeholder="Zip" name="zip" data-mask="99999 "

These commands, curiously, will not fail either:
input type="text" placeholder="Zip" name="zip" data-mask="(99999)"
input type="text" placeholder="Zip" name="zip" data-mask="aaaaa"

jasny rowlink support for dynamically drawn tables

I am trying to combine using the DataTables jQuery plugin with the jasny rowlink extension to Boostrap. The fastest way is to, after the table is drawn, use the rowlink method:


It works well for the first page. However, when you page to the next set of rows, rowlink no longer works. I was able to work around it by using an callback DataTables provides on every redraw of a table:

DataTableData.fnDrawCallback = function(oSettings){
    // these next two do rowlink stuff...

But I recognize it is a kludge that is trusting that the rowlink functionality will continue to execute the if clause this code:

$.fn.rowlink = function (options) {
    return this.each(function () {
    var $this = $(this)
    , data = $'rowlink')
    if (!data) $'rowlink', (data = new Rowlink(this, options)))

Perhaps an option can be added to rowlink() to tell it to ignore if the previous data exists or not (overwriting it)?

I imagine a lot of people would like to use this with dynamically produced tables...even DataTables specifically...and they may run into the same issue. I know there may be a better solution than what I have suggested.

File upload inline-block

Need to apply this to allow for error messages to be rendered on the right hand side:

.fileupload {
    display: inline-block;

Error border in file chooser

On a typical bootstrap submit, if an error occurs, the borders of whatever field is in red. This does not apply to the custom file uploader which makes it look out of place.

File upload works by double clicking IE +10

I am developing a project using Bootstrap in which I use file upload, all very well, but I have seen using IE10 not working properly, to load a file you have to double click.

Multiple fileuploads on a single page

Thanks for the plugin. If I have multiple fileupload divs on a single page, only the first one works for me somehow. Here's the html snippet

<label class="label-attach">Attach files or photos</label>

<div class="fields">
<div class="fileupload fileupload-exists" data-fileupload="file">
<input name="" value="" type="hidden">
<div style="line-height: 18px;" class="fileupload-preview uneditable-input">Admin.png</div>
<span class="btn btn-file">
    <span class="fileupload-new">Select file</span>
    <span class="fileupload-exists">Change</span>
<input id="feed_attachments_attributes_0_attachment" name="feed[attachments_attributes][0][attachment]" type="file">
<a href="#" class="btn fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload">Remove</a>
<div class="fields">
<div class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-fileupload="file">
<div style="line-height: 18px;" class="fileupload-preview uneditable-input"></div>
<span class="btn btn-file">
        <span class="fileupload-new">Select file</span>
    <span class="fileupload-exists">Change</span>
    <input id="feed_attachments_attributes_new_1339310815960_attachment" name="feed[attachments_attributes][new_1339310815960][attachment]" type="file">
<a href="#" class="btn fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload">Remove</a>

I am using it in my rails project if that helps.

Browser autocomplete fields with multiple input masks cause freezing issue

If I have more than one field using the input mask plugin, and I autofill the form, the form field focus starts rapidly and endlessly jumping between all of the masked fields on the form, selecting the full text in the input once focused. Attempting to focus another field while this happens does not break the loop, and it continues to change focus between fields. The only way to break the loop is to reload the page.

So far I have only been able to reproduce this in Chrome and Safari.

A temporary work around for the issue is to disable browser autocompletion on the data-mask fields to prevent the autocompletion from happening.

$('input[data-mask]').prop('autocomplete', 'off')

File Uploader doesn't work inside of a bootstrap modal

The file uploader doesn't seem to work inside the bootstrap modal. Instead it doesn't submit the file in POST.

  1. It works fine when I just use a regular inside the modal.
  2. It works fine when I put the file uploader code outside the modal.
  3. It doesn't work when I put the file uploader inside of a modal.

Remove button in FileUpload does not work with jQuery 1.9.0

Looks like Remove button functionality requires $.browser support, which was dropped in jQuery 1.9.0, that is why javascript error $.browser is not supported is thrown.
Here it is written, that it is removed from 1.9.0

line 103 in fileupload.js

    //ie8+ doesn't support changing the value of input with type=file so clone instead

jQuery is offering to replace $.browser with $.support, but at least here there's nothing about file upload value change support.

cannot customize plugin

in the customize page when selecting on jasny extension, the downloaded zip file would be corrupted

Span containing file upload name is not position correctly

The span is located to the right and below the text box where the text should be shown, which makes it invisible (FireBug to the rescue). Below is the code for the form, which looks OK, so I'm assuming some of my css is interfering with the span position, but I don't know how to fix it.

  <form action="/ldap_app_three/carpictures/add/1" id="CarpictureAddForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
<div style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST"/>
    <legend>Add Carpicture</legend>
    <input type="hidden" name="data[Carpicture][carmodel_id]" value="1" id="CarpictureCarmodelId"/> <div class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-provides="fileupload">
      <div class="input-append">
        <div class="uneditable-input span3"><i class="icon-file fileupload-exists"></i> 
          <span class="fileupload-preview"></span>
        <span class="btn btn-file">
          <span class="fileupload-new">Select File</span>
          <span class="fileupload-exists">Change</span>
          <input type="file" name="data[Carpicture][fileName]"  id="CarpictureFileName"/>       </span>
        <a href="#" class="btn fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload">Remove</a>
    <div class="submit"><input  class="btn" type="submit" value="Upload"/></div>  </fieldset>

Fileupload via javscript doesn't work

When i call the fileupload plugin nothing change. The element is not altered and there isn't new elements.

The plugin only works if i use the complete html.

Problem with tr comparison in jasny rowlink

In bootstrap-rowlink.js it has a function whose definition begins like this:

var Rowlink = function (element, options) {
    options = $.extend({}, $.fn.rowlink.defaults, options)
    var tr = element.nodeName == 'tr' ? $(element) : $(element).find('tr:has(td)')

It does not work on a Mac with Safari or Firefox because the element.nodeName is returned in upper case ('TR' instead of 'tr'). I hacked it to accept either, and it was fine. I have not checked any other browsers on a Mac.

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