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grunt-jasmine-node's Introduction


A grunt.js task to run your jasmine feature suite using jasmine-node.

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-jasmine-node

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js grunt file:

  jasmine_node: {
    options: {
      forceExit: true,
      match: '.',
      matchall: false,
      extensions: 'js',
      specNameMatcher: 'spec'
    all: ['spec/']


grunt.registerTask('default', 'jasmine_node');


Help us squash them by submitting an issue that describes how you encountered it; please be as specific as possible including operating system, node, grunt, and grunt-jasmine-node versions.

Release History

see GitHub Repository.


Copyright (c) 2012 "s9tpepper" Omar Gonzalez & contributors. Licensed under the MIT license.

grunt-jasmine-node's People


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grunt-jasmine-node's Issues

Error using jUnit options

Grunt file configuration:

        jasmine_node: {
            options: {
                jUnit: {
                    report: true,
                    savePath : './build/reports/jasmine',
                    useDotNotation: true,
                    consolidate: true
            all: ['spec/']
    grunt.registerTask('integrationtest', ['jasmine_node']);


Getting this error running the integration tests:

Failed to execute "jasmine.executeSpecsInFolder": TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at Object.jasmine.executeSpecsInFolder (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/index.js:100:28)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/tasks/jasmine-node-task.js:96:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js:264:15)
    at Object.thisTask.fn (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js:82:16)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:301:30)
    at Task.runTaskFn (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:251:24)
    at Task.<anonymous> (/Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:300:12)
    at /Users/foo/git/ETLaaS/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:227:11
    at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:463:13)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:499:11)

Setting report to false allows the tests to run.

Is there a possible configuration problem my end?

includeStackTrace option doesn't seem to cause any effect

I'm trying to override the includeStackTrace default which I assume has the same effect as the --noStack argument. For some reason setting it doesn't seem to have any effect. I see jasmine-node is using the option:

I'm new to grunt, am I misunderstanding the proper way to configure the task?

jasmine_node: {
  options: {
    includeStackTrace: false
  all: ['spec/']

Fatal error: setTimeout is not defined

I get this error when attempting to call a function in my code with a setTimeout in it. I'd paste the function, but it's just a dumb function with a setTimeout and all the test does is call said function. Perhaps this is a problem in jasmine_node that has since been fixed in a newer version?

Jasmine 2.0 with jasmine-node2.0

Hi! I know you asked for this a long time ago, and I've finally implemented it. You can now require jasmine-node (2.0) like require('jasmine-node'), it gives you the default options object and the run function. Just populate the defaults object as desired and then pass it to run. Currently this branch is in develop, it's named Jasmine2.0. If you have any time to test it out/update your grunt module to work with it, i'd much appreciate it.

Specs never found

Given the following structure


In spec/someSpec.js , I have :

var assert = require("assert");
describe('something', function(){
    it('should do stuff', function(){
        assert.equal(0, 42);

And my Gruntfile has this config for jasmine_node :

      jasmine_node : {
          test : {
              options : {
                  forceExit: true,
                  match: '.',
                  matchall: false,
                  extensions: 'js',
                  specNameMatcher: 'spec',
              all : ["spec/"]

Tests are never run :

grunt jasmine_node:test

Running "jasmine_node:test" (jasmine_node) task
util.print: Use console.log instead
undefinedutil.print: Use console.log instead

Finished in 0.001 secondsutil.print: Use console.log instead

util.print: Use console.log instead
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures
util.print: Use console.log instead

util.print: Use console.log instead

Done, without errors.

I'm obviously missing something huge, but I can't figure out what...

Make it work with Grunt 4.x

Currently this is not running with grunt 4.x.

It keeps telling me:

Warning: Task "jasmine_node" not found. Used --force, continuing.

autotest option is not repsected

I am trying to add the autotest option to the definition of my jasmine_node task and it is not being respected. When I make a change and save the tests I'm currently working on they do not rerun.

My task definition is pretty simple:

jasmine_node: {
    projectRoot: './test/jasmine/',
    requirejs: false,
    forceExit: true,
    autotest: true

I see that autotest is located in the source (tasks/jasmine-node-task.js) but it looks like nothing is ever done with that option.

I would be willing to put together a fix for this if you would like, as it would speed up my teams development quite a bit.

Let me know/if there's anything I'm missing or doing wrong here. Thanks!

Cannot override default jasmine timeout when using grunt runner

In my spec helper, I have changed the default timeout to 10 seconds using:

jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 10 *1000

This works fine when run through the jasmine-node timeout. However, when I use the grunt plugin, it goes back to the standard 5 seconds default.

I am using node 0.10.29, grunt 0.4.5, jasmine-node 1.14.3, grunt-jasmine-node 0.2.1

grunt not picking up jasmine test - 0 specs

Hello -

I am not sure if I am doing it right but when I run "grunt jasmine:test" I get ..

Running "jasmine:test" (jasmine) task
Testing jasmine specs via phantom

0 specs in 0.058s.

0 failures
Here is the snippet of the specs file

jasmine : {
    test: {
        src : ['public/javascripts/**/*.js'],
        options : {
            specs : 'spec/client/**/*.js'
            , vendor: [
                , 'public/vendor/jasmine-jquery.js'
                , 'public/vendor/dust-core-1.2.3.min.js'
                , 'node_modules/requirejs/require.js'
                , 'vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js'
            , junit: {
                path: "./build/reports/jasmine/"
                , consolidate: true
            , template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul')
            , templateOptions: {
                coverage: 'public/coverage/client/coverage.json'
                , report:   'public/coverage/client'

Here are the contents of spec file ..

$ cat spec/client/loginfb1Spec.js

require(['request'], function(request){
describe('HTTP request', function () {
it('responds with an "Example" page', function (done) {
request('http://localhost:3000', function (err, response, body) {
runs(function () {

Couple of observations:

I see that the _SpecRunner.html gets created during the run time but looks like it gets deleted.
If my intentionally make a mistake on the spec file, it seem to pick that up and error out. Does this means that the spec file is being considered but not processed when it is right?

"Warning: Cannot call method 'splitArgs' of undefined" when running other tasks after `jasmine_node`

Assume I have these dev dependencies in the package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "grunt": "~0.4.1",
    "grunt-cli": "~0.1.9",
    "grunt-contrib-coffee": "~0.7.0",
    "grunt-jasmine-node": "~0.1.0"

And that the Gruntfile.js looks like this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    coffee: {
      build: {
        files: {
          'destination.js': ''
    jasmine_node: {
      extensions: 'coffee'


  grunt.registerTask('default', ['jasmine_node', 'coffee']);

When running grunt, the jasmine_node task is executed, but even if the tests pass, the grunt command shows a warning (see below) and the coffee task is never run.

# ...
224 tests, 367 assertions, 0 failures

Warning: Cannot call method 'splitArgs' of undefined Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

However, if the jasmine_node task is added last, the grunt command does not fail:

# ...
224 tests, 367 assertions, 0 failures

Done, without errors.

Note that my configuration for jasmine node is very small, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with my current configuration, grunt-jasmine-node or with grunt itself.

It is also worth noting that any other tasks that I put in the array other than the jasmine_node task seem to run just fine (no warnings/errors in the output) no matter the order in which they are specified.

Any ideas?

Tests are run twice

My extremely simple specs folder containg a single test with a single assertion is ran twice. The jasmine_node object is simply {specFolders: ['specs']}, though I've used a number of additional but equally unhelpful options in an attempt to fix it.

Any ideas?

i wanna know how to specify the tests folder.

it seems that the 'all' option is to set the folder that contains tests, but whatever i set, it runs all my tests not only in the folder defined in 'all' but it searched all folders to find everything which has filename with 'spec' and with extension 'js'...

RequireJS config

Hi, is there a way to set the requireJsSetup property for jasmine-node?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'result' of undefined in grunt watch

Hello! I have a problem with grunt watch and grunt-jasmine-node.
When I run grunt watch and change some files first run grunt-jasmine-node is ok, but
second fails with error 'TypeError'.

Any suggestions?



        jasmine_node: {
            projectRoot: './test'
        watch: {
            files: '<config:lint.files>',
            tasks: 'jasmine_node'


Running "watch" task
if (!process.listeners('uncaughtException').length) throw e;
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'result' of undefined
  at Object.jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter.buildMessagesFromResults_ (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/reporter.js:241:25)
  at Object.jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter.buildMessagesFromResults_ (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/reporter.js:253:14)
  at Object.jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter.reportRunnerResults (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/reporter.js:217:12)
  at null.reportRunnerResults (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:1788:39)
  at jasmine.Runner.finishCallback (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2160:21)
  at null.onComplete (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2144:10)
  at jasmine.Queue.next_ (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2106:14)
  at onComplete (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2092:18)
  at jasmine.Suite.finish (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2478:5)
at null.onComplete (/home/{project}/node_modules/grunt-jasmine-node/node_modules/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/jasmine-1.3.1.js:2522:10)

Tests files locate in './test' directory:


Error in Readme

I think the initConfig is wrong in the Readme. Instead of:

  jasmine_node: {
    specNameMatcher: "./spec", // load only specs containing specNameMatcher
    projectRoot: ".",

We should have:

  jasmine_node: {
    options: {
      specNameMatcher: "./spec", // load only specs containing specNameMatcher
      projectRoot: ".",

I have tried without the options attr and it didn't work.


It took me a long time of reading the source code of this plugin and node-jasmine to try and understand what was wrong with my grunt config options. I have a pretty standard suite of tests(all written in CoffeeScript and couldn't get things to work to save my life. I finally got my configuration to work with the following(using load-grunt-config):

'use strict'

module.exports =
  projectRoot: 'spec'
  forceExit: true
  useCoffee: true
  extensions: 'coffee'

This config doesn't do exactly what I want but I was happy to get it to finally work at all. It would be very helpful if the documentation for this project were much more verbose so that I didn't have to do so much reading to get a simple config object to look right. I'd be happy to help with this documentation bit I need a bit of help getting started at least.

createSpyObj and createSpy functions don't work

I tried adding a single line to the existing sample spec at line 13

var spyObj = createSpyObj();

This throws error

Message: ReferenceError: createSpyObj is not defined

spyOn works; just spy creation functions don't work.

Grunt exits abruptly with "teamcity: true" option

If I invoke the jasmine_node task with the "teamcity" option set to true, I see Teamcity-friendly console output for the task, but Grunt stops executing abruptly after the jasmine_node task completes. There is no error output, even on verbose mode.

I've distilled the problem down to a simple Grunt project and package.json. I can reproduce the problem on both OS X & CentOS. Here's my Gruntfile:

'use strict';

module.exports = function (grunt) {


    clean: {
        all: ['.tmp']

    // Tests for server-side node components
    jasmine_node: {
        specFolders: ["./spec" ],
        projectRoot: "./app",
        // if 'deploy.project' is given, the build is running in TeamCity
        teamcity: !!grunt.option('deploy.project'),
        forceExit: true,
        jUnit: {
           report: false,
           savePath : "./reports/",
            useDotNotation: true,
            consolidate: true

  grunt.registerTask('default', [

And my package.json:

    "name": "grunt_bug",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "dependencies": {},
    "devDependencies": {
        "grunt": "~0.4.0",
        "grunt-jasmine-node": "~0.1.0",
        "grunt-contrib-clean": "0.4.0"
    "engines": {
        "node": ">=0.8.0"

I expect that running 'grunt' executes the tasks clean, jasmine_node and clean again, in that order. This is exactly what happens if I invoke grunt without my 'deploy.project' option to enable teamcity reporting:

Running "clean:all" (clean) task

Running "jasmine_node" task

main.calculate(a, b)
    adds two numbers: a & b

Finished in 0.005 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures

Running "clean:all" (clean) task

Done, without errors.


If I invoke it with 'deploy.project' however, It runs the first 'clean' and jasmine_node, but grunt exits before executing the second 'clean' and completing the build.

$grunt --deploy.project=Foo
Running "clean:all" (clean) task

Running "jasmine_node" task
##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='main.calculate(a, b)']
##teamcity[testStarted name='adds two numbers: a & b' captureStandardOutput='true']
##teamcity[testFinished name='adds two numbers: a & b']
##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='main.calculate(a, b)']


I would expect it to execute all three tasks. I spent some time looking at the jasmine-reporters code for the Teamcity reporter, but I cannot understand why this is happening.

`asyncSpecDone()` and `done()` are not defined

In trying to get jasmine-node working with grunt for e2e tests, I keep getting Fatal error: undefined is not a function. when trying to write "node-style tests".

Output from the following tests returns Fatal error: asyncSpecDone is not defined

it 'should pass', () ->
  expect(1+2).toEqual 3

it 'shows async test', () ->
  setTimeout (->
    expect('second').toEqual 'second'
  ), 1
  expect('first').toEqual 'first'

it 'shows async test node-style', (done) ->
  setTimeout (->
    expect('second').toEqual 'second'
  ), 1
  expect('first').toEqual 'first'

How do I get grunt-jasmine-node to work with these tests? If it's not possible, how can these tests be updated to work with grunt-jasmine-node?

Parameters in grunt config file not passed to jasmine-node

I use RequireJs in jasmine-node and i get the following error when upgrading from 0.1 to 0.2:
[ReferenceError: requirejs is not defined]
Because the parameters in the Grunt config file are not passed, the retrieving of the config parameters is somehow broken (var options = this.options({ ... }))

Hide Stack Trace

Since jasmine-node 1.7, error stack trace can be suppressed with a --noStack flag. How can I pass this flag from inside grunt?

Cannot run coffeescript tests

Given the following task configuration
jasmine_node: {
specNameMatcher: "./specs", // load only specs containing specNameMatcher
projectRoot: ".",
requirejs: false,
forceExit: true,
jUnit: {
report: false,
savePath : "./build/reports/jasmine/",
useDotNotation: true,
consolidate: true

my specs inside /specs/*_/ are not executed.

specs failing to run exits task with exit code 0

The issue introduced by the jasmine reporters upgrade (#46) is compounded by the fact that that the failure of jasmine.executeSpecsInFolder is caught and simply logged, causing the task to exit with 0 when jasmine fails to run.

Specs failing to run due to the runner crashing should cause a build to fail.

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