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tsrandomizer's Issues

[FREQ] Skip the intro

Going through the intro with every new seed is tedious. It should be fairly easy to add an option that starts you in the first room in Lake Desolation, with whatever you would've been given in the intro (it's always one orb and one necklace anyway).

Feature request: Option to show breakable walls

This feature would provide an option to make it so that breakable walls always have the visual indicator as if the oculus ring were equipped. This could be useful for players who have a difficult time remembering the locations of breakable walls, but don't want to have to use the button on the map that shows available checks. I'd make the PR myself, but I wasn't able to figure out where to add it based on reading the existing code.

Feature Request: Personal options for cosmetics

When picking up the brooches, it'd be nice if a player could set options for their game to disable their use. For example, If you disable the Eternal Brooch, Lunais's appearance doesn't change when she gets it. This shouldn't be a flag or affect the item pool, but simply be configurable per player.

As this is purely cosmetic in nature, I understand if it's a low priority.

Unbeatable seed

Seed: 53B4BE932A, randomizer v0.9.11, TS version 1.032

No source of fire, can't stop time to use enemies as stepping stones, no high-jumping relics, and no time gate access. I've tried everything I can think of except farming the Cheveur Tank to see what it drops.

Instant Crash

I updated the randomizer, and now it crashes after pressing a button on the opening screen (where it says "press START to..."). I don't have Archipelago installed. Full crash log:

Timespinner Version: 1.033, TsRandomizer Version:
Level: 0, Room: 0, Seed:

Exception: Method not found: 'Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers.ArchipelagoSocketHelper Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.ArchipelagoSession.get_Socket()'.
at TsRandomizer.Archipelago.Client.Disconnect()
at TsRandomizer.Screens.MainMenuScreen.Initialize(ItemLocationMap itemLocationMap, GCM gameContentManager)
at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.DetectNewScreens()
at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Timespinner.TimespinnerGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
at TsRandomizer.Program.<>c.b__7_0()
at TsRandomizer.Program.WithExceptionLogging(Action action)

Feature: Quick-fill seed flags

I'd like to suggest something for rolling new seeds with specific flags:

  • Input the flag string (say 1CBF89 for the current tournament's flags)
  • Hit "New"
  • A new seed is generated with the flags represented by the flag string (1234[...]1CBF89)

If the flag string is too short (I'm not sure if it's six or eight chars), front-fill with zeroes (so it would become 001CBF89 if it needs to be eight chars).

Using X on the map screen leaves a permanent change

v0.9.12, seed independent

If you press X on the (Select) map screen, rooms with items will never lose their orangeness, even after you obtain the items. Orange squares show up on the in-game minimap too.

Seeds on nightmare lv1 crash the game

Just getting started with this rando and first thing I noticed is that every difficulty loads fine except for nightmare lv1 which instantly kicks you out of the game when picking that option. The error in the log is this:

Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at TsRandomizer.Extensions.Dynamic.<>c.b__5_0(Object a) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Extensions\ReflectExtensions.cs:line 77
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Buffer1..ctor(IEnumerable1 source) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)
at TsRandomizer.Extensions.Dynamic.TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, Object[] args, Object& result) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Extensions\ReflectExtensions.cs:line 76
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , Object , Object )
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecuteVoid3[T0,T1,T2](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
at TsRandomizer.Screens.GameDifficultyMenuScreen.b__10_0(PlayerIndex p) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Screens\GameDifficultyMenuScreen.cs:line 67
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Action`1 , Object )
at TsRandomizer.Screens.Menu.MenuEntry.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.b__0(Object o, EventArgs args) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Screens\Menu\MenuEntry.cs:line 73
at Timespinner.GameStateManagement.MenuEntry.OnSelectEntry(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
at Timespinner.GameStateManagement.MenuEntryCollection.SelectEntry(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
at Timespinner.GameStateManagement.Screens.BaseClasses.Menu.MenuScreen.HandleInput(InputState input)
at Timespinner.GameStateManagement.ScreenManager.ScreenManager.UpdateScreens(GameTime gameTime)
at Timespinner.GameStateManagement.ScreenManager.ScreenManager.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.Update(GameTime gameTime) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Screens\ScreenManager.cs:line 64
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Timespinner.TimespinnerGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
at TsRandomizer.Program.<>c.b__7_0() in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Program.cs:line 88
at TsRandomizer.Program.WithExceptionLogging(Action action) in E:\TimeSpinnerModding\TsRanomizer\TsRandomizer\Program.cs:line 99

[Archipelago] Yas queen chest contains plasma orb

Archipelago Seed: mZB20dsVTo-Vny-lUI9pCQ

I had accessibility set to Locations, so I would expect to be able to access the plasma orb in order to open the door to this room.

Maybe you can open the Yas queen room using the plasma spell? Where I was at, we didn't have the spell and the plasma orb was inside the room that needs the plasma orb.

This is a multiworld seed with Accessibility: Locations. Nothing in the room was blocking the run, but I didn't set accessibility to Minimal, so maybe this room needs logic.

Door to final boss in Pyramid would not open.

Seed # 68FC343300004000

I had the timespinner wheel, spindle, and all three gears and had broken time, but the final door wouldn't open. I tried disabling and re-enabling them in the relics menu, didn't work. Exited and re-loaded game, still locked out. (for the heck of it, I tried going back to the timespinner in the lab to see if I could fight the other boss and break time again, but that crashed the game)

I should also note, although this seed only had the "tournament" option enabled, I had early access to the pyramid. I've had 2-3 seeds like that recently, but this was the first I've those that I'd reached the end.

[Request] Reduce HP of target dummy in intro

Wondering if it would be possible for the target dummy in the intro to always have an HP of 1.

Would speed up that intro section a bit, especially for when you get a Minus orb.

Duplicates that should not exist

v0.0.9.5, seed 4540840D

In a single run I've gotten doubles of items that shouldn't have them -- two Jewelry Boxes, two Fire Orbs, familiar Kobo twice, possibly others.

leaving and re-entering Feline Sentry boss room without picking up reward creates a duplicate item

If you defeat the boss in the Feline Sentry room and leave without picking up the reward item, when you re-enter that room there will be two of the reward item.

If the reward item is one of the timespinner gears, picking up both gives you two successive gears. So if you have no gears, picking up the two will give you timespinner gear 1 and 2.

I don't know how this affects any other items or relics. I also don't know if this same thing happens in the boss rooms for Golden Idol or Varndagroth (haven't thought to check).

Tried NG+ and crashed on equipping orb

This is possibly normal, since NG+ with randomizer is probably not intended to function properly.

Basically I finished a seed and wanted to see what would happen on NG+.
I don't have the text seed but I can see the representation on my savefile: FirstSeed

I noticed that the game let me keep the jewel box and the orbs equipped at the time.
I still had orbs equipped but saw that my orb list was empty.
I dediced to unequip everything from the jewelbox, and equip only the orbs that would be given to me.
When I did, the game crashed.

This is the log: TsRandomizer 2021-03-20 15.21.txt

I tried with another seed and the game crashes again as soon as you equip the first orb you get.

I also saw that I still had necklaces and rings in my inventory.
I still had Talaria in my relics, and my pet list was empty but the game still had one equipped.

I just wanted to see if it was possible to NG+ through seeds and keep the character/orb levels through them.

I also understand that NG+ is most likely not intended to work with the randomizer, so it's OK if you don't intend to fix this.

Colorblind issue with map colors

Orange (available check) and Red (save point) are difficult to distinguish for colorblind players.
This particularly causes a problem when there is a lone check in an unvisited region of the map (see attached)

Seed 67EEC8890000: softlock in lake desolation

This is the same issue as #14 where, as far as I know, you are required to stop time in order to jump up to a ledge. Attached is the room in question. I would report these issues and ask questions via Discord, but the link in the README doesn't allow me in.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 5 48 00 AM

Getting quite a few unbeatable seeds?

I can't recall specific examples since I tend to delete them quickly, but there's only been one out of the last eight that I could even get out of Lake Desolation.

Feature Suggestions/Requests: Additional Settings, Flags, and Enhancements

  • Start with Timespinner Wheel: Self-explanatory. Useful for beginners and those who want a guaranteed path out of Lake Desolation.
  • Require Spindle for Time Travel: The Twin Pyramid Keys do not unlock a warp in the Past until Lunais uses the Timespinner in Varndagray Metropolis. In an Inverted seed, simply collecting the Spindle unlocks a warp in the Present.
  • Selen Cannot Give Lightwall: Using the default settings, Lightwall on Selen's Heirloom is the logical path out of Lake Desolation more often than not. This may be either a Flag or always on.
  • Disable Quest Checks: Alternatively, if they are disabled by default, enable them.
  • Vanilla Alchemist: Collecting Orbs unlocks the respective Spell and Ring as in Vanilla. Selen will always give you a matching set of Orb, Necklace and Ring.
  • Random Alchemist: As above, but Ring and Necklace checks are random items.
    • Options for Alchemist Prices:
    • Vanilla: The Merchant Crow is guaranteed to sell Essence Crystals, Gold Rings, and Gold Necklaces.
    • Quick: Each Ring and Necklace check costs 750 Entropy (or a random amount) instead of Jewelery Parts.
    • Key: Jewelry Parts are considered Key Items. There is one of each in the game and they are not consumed when spent.
  • Equipment Balancing: Attempts to ensure you do not obtain overpowered equipment too early.
  • Open Timespinner: The Calibration Gears are not required to use the rebuilt Timespinner and access ???. They are, however, required to enter Sandman's chamber.
    • Open Pyramid: As above, but collecting the Twin Pyramid Keys will open the Great Pyramid instantly.
    • Open Sandman: As above, but the Calibration Gears are not required to beat the game.
  • Patricide: Defeating Emperor Vilete in the present opens the checks for both the Empire Orb and Eternal Brooch, and does not trigger an ending.
  • Meyef Counts As A Fire Source: Require players to take control of Meyef to burn vines.
  • Randomise Starting Partner: Alternative to "Start With Meyef".

Feel free to flag or reject each of these individually.

Refugee camp portal not working

So had a current issue with the Randomizer group im running with.

Attached is the current settings but the Refugee camp warp point is not currently working even though by default it should be working from future to past.

Had to unlock the twin keys in order to progress. and Due to the nature of the randomizer we had a infinite loop of locks that required me to go to the future and I could not.

Opening the Password menu crashes the game

Hi, I encountered a crash trying to enter the Password menu at the very start of the game.

I recognize that this is an edge case as passwords are not expected to be used during the randomizer, but I was just trying to enter the Kickstarter backer password to unlock the alternate familiar skins.

Would it be possible to either grey-out and disable the password menu, or to leave it enabled but fix the crash? (also if it's disabled rather than fixed, it would be a nice-to-have if the alternate familiar skins could be enabled via a different method, such as a flag on seed creation)

For reference, the code also includes Umbra orb and Merchant Crow familiar, so if a flag for the skins is possible that would be preferable so that those items can't be acquired early.

Crash log as follows.

Timespinner Version: 1.032, TsRandomizer Version:
Level: 0, Room: 3, Seed: 4BC2EF4201

Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at TsRandomizer.Screens.SeedSelection.SeedSelectionMenuScreen.Update(GameTime gameTime, InputState input)
   at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.UpdateScreens(GameTime gameTime)
   at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   at Timespinner.TimespinnerGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
   at TsRandomizer.Program.<>c.<StartTimeSpinner>b__5_0()
   at TsRandomizer.Program.WithExceptionLogging(Action action)

Tablet locked behind being able to read screens with the tablet..?

As the title says.
Seed: 77ABF1C30000108F
Timespinner version: v1.033
TsRandomizer version: v0.1.8.1

Library Library: V terminal 1 (War of the Sisters) [Tablet]
Makes it impossible to get..
The lab Lab: Left terminal (Biotechnology) [Succubus Hairpin -> Lightwall -> Celestial Sash]

Crash on new game

CTD before new game intro would have started.

Timespinner Version: 1.033, TsRandomizer Version:
Level: 0, Room: 0, Seed: 4BF2588E00001528

Exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Boolean' to type 'System.String'.
at TsRandomizer.Screens.GameplayScreen.Initialize(ItemLocationMap _, GCM gameContentManager)
at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.DetectNewScreens()
at TsRandomizer.Screens.ScreenManager.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Timespinner.TimespinnerGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
at TsRandomizer.Program.<>c.b__7_0()
at TsRandomizer.Program.WithExceptionLogging(Action action)

Update: It's apparently linked to the "Start with Meyef" option.

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