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msgpack4nim's Introduction


MessagePack implementation written in pure nim

why another implementation?

I am fully aware of another msgpack implementation written in nim. But I want something easier to use. Another motivation come from the nim language itself. The current version of nim compiler offer many improvements, including 'generics ' specialization. I found out nim compiler is smart enough to make serialization/deserialization to/from msgpack easy and convenient.

requirement: nim ver 1.16.0 or later

nimble license Github action


import msgpack4nim, streams

  #lets try with a rather complex object
  CustomType = object
    count: int
    content: seq[int]
    name: string
    ratio: float
    attr: array[0..5, int]
    ok: bool

proc initCustomType(): CustomType =
  result.count = -1
  result.content = @[1,2,3] = "custom"
  result.ratio = 1.0
  for i in 0..5: result.attr[i] = i
  result.ok = false

var x = initCustomType()
var s = MsgStream.init() # besides MsgStream, you can also use Nim StringStream or FileStream
s.pack(x) #here the magic happened

var ss = MsgStream.init(
var xx: CustomType
ss.unpack(xx) #and here too

assert xx == x
echo "OK ",

see? you only need to call 'pack' and 'unpack', and the compiler do the hard work for you. Very easy, convenient, and works well

if you think setting up a MsgStream too much for you, you can simply call pack(yourobject) and it will return a string containing msgpack data.

  var a = @[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
  var buf = pack(a)
  var aa: seq[int]
  unpack(buf, aa)
  assert a == aa

in case the compiler cannot decide how to serialize or deserialize your very very complex object, you can help it in easy way by defining your own handler pack_type/unpack_type

  #not really complex, just for example
  mycomplexobject = object
    a: someSimpleType
    b: someSimpleType

# help the compiler to decide
proc pack_type*(s: Stream, x: mycomplexobject) =
  s.pack(x.a) # let the compiler decide
  s.pack(x.b) # let the compiler decide

# help the compiler to decide
proc unpack_type*(s: Stream, x: var mycomplexobject) =

var s = MsgStream.init() # besides MsgStream, you can also use Nim StringStream or FileStream
var x: mycomplexobject
s.pack(x) #pack as usual

var ss = MsgStream.init(
ss.unpack(x) #unpack as usual

Data Conversion

nim msgpack JsonNode
int8/16/32/64 int8/16/32/64 JInt
uint8/16/32/64 uint8/16/32/64 JInt
true/false true/false JBool
nil nil JNull
procedural type ignored n/a
cstring ignored n/a
pointer ignored n/a
ptr see ref-types n/a
ref see ref-types n/a
circular ref see ref-types n/a
distinct types** converted to base type applicable base type
float32/64 float32/64 JFloat
string string8/16/32 JString
array/seq array JArray
set array JArray
range/subrange int8/16/32/64 JInt
enum int8/16/32/64 JInt
IntSet,Doubly/SinglyLinkedList* array JArray
Doubly/SinglyLinkedRing* array JArray
Queue,HashSet,OrderedSet* array JArray
Table,TableRef* map JObject
OrderedTable,OrderedTableRef* map JObject
StringTableRef* map JObject
CritBitTree[T]* map JObject
CritBitTree[void]* array JArray
object/tuple array/map JObject
  • (*) please import msgpakc4collection for Nim standard library collections, they are no longer part of codec core
  • (**) provide your own implementation if you want to override default behavior

distinct types

If distinct types encountered, it will be converted back to it's base type. If you don't like this behavior, since version 0.2.9 msgpack4nim allow you to override this default behavior by supplying your own implementation of pack_type and unpack_type.

import msgpack4nim, strutils

  Guid = distinct string

proc pack_type*(s: Stream, v: Guid) =

proc unpack_type*(s: Stream, v: var Guid) =
  let L = s.unpack_bin()
  v = Guid(s.readStr(L))

var b = Guid("AA")
var s = b.pack
echo s.tohex == "C4024141"
echo s.stringify == "BIN: 4141 "

var bb: Guid
check bb.string == b.string

object and tuple

object and tuple by default converted to msgpack array, however you can tell the compiler to convert it to map by supplying --define:msgpack_obj_to_map

nim c --define:msgpack_obj_to_map yourfile.nim

or --define:msgpack_obj_to_stream to convert object/tuple fields value into stream of msgpack objects

nim c --define:msgpack_obj_to_stream yourfile.nim

What this means? It means by default, each object/tuple will be converted to one msgpack array contains field(s) value only without their field(s) name.

If you specify that the object/tuple will be converted to msgpack map, then each object/tuple will be converted to one msgpack map contains key-value pairs. The key will be field name, and the value will be field value.

If you specify that the object/tuple will be converted to msgpack stream, then each object/tuple will be converted into one or more msgpack's type for each object's field and then the resulted stream will be concatenated to the msgpack stream buffer.

Which one should I use?

Usually, other msgpack libraries out there convert object/tuple/record/struct or whatever structured data supported by the language into msgpack array, but always make sure to consult the documentation first. If both of the serializer and deserializer agreed to one convention, then usually there will be no problem. No matter which library/language you use, you can exchange msgpack data among them.

since version 0.2.4, you can set encoding mode at runtime to choose which encoding you would like to perform

note: the runtime encoding mode only available if you use MsgStream, otherwise only compile time flag available

mode msgpack_obj_to_map msgpack_obj_to_array msgpack_obj_to_stream default
MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_DEFAULT map array stream array
MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_ARRAY array array array array
MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_MAP map map map map
MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_STREAM stream stream stream stream


ref something :

  • if ref value is nil, it will be packed into msgpack nil, and when unpacked, you will get nil too
  • if ref value not nil, it will be dereferenced e.g. pack(val[]) or unpack(val[])
  • ref subject to some restriction. see restriction below
  • ptr will be treated like ref during pack
  • unpacking ptr will invoke alloc, so you must dealloc it

circular reference: altough detecting circular reference is not too difficult(using set of pointers), the current implementation does not provide circular reference detection. If you pack something contains circular reference, you know something bad will happened

Restriction: For objects their type is not serialized. This means essentially that it does not work if the object has some other runtime type than its compiletime type:

import streams, msgpack4nim

  TA = object of RootObj
  TB = object of TA
    f: int

  a: ref TA
  b: ref TB

a = b

echo stringify(pack(a))
#produces "[ ]" or "{ }"
#not "[ 0 ]" or '{ "f" : 0 }'


these types will be ignored:

  • procedural type
  • cstring(it is not safe to assume it always terminated by null)
  • pointer

these types cannot be automatically pack/unpacked:

  • void (will cause compile time error)

however, you can provide your own handler for cstring and pointer

Gotchas: because data conversion did not preserve original data types(only partial preservation), the following code is perfectly valid and will raise no exception

import msgpack4nim, streams, tables, sets, strtabs

  Horse = object
    legs: int
    foals: seq[string]
    attr: Table[string, string]

  Cat = object
    legs: uint8
    kittens: HashSet[string]
    traits: StringTableRef

proc initHorse(): Horse =
  result.legs = 4
  result.foals = @["jilly", "colt"]
  result.attr = initTable[string, string]()
  result.attr["color"] = "black"
  result.attr["speed"] = "120mph"

var stallion = initHorse()
var tom: Cat

var buf = pack(stallion) #pack a Horse here
unpack(buf, tom)
#abracadabra, it will unpack into a Cat

echo "legs: ", $tom.legs
echo "kittens: ", $tom.kittens
echo "traits: ", $tom.traits

another gotcha:

    KAB = object of RootObj
      aaa: int
      bbb: int

    KCD = object of KAB
      ccc: int
      ddd: int

    KEF = object of KCD
      eee: int
      fff: int

  var kk = KEF()
  echo stringify(pack(kk))
  # will produce "{ "eee" : 0, "fff" : 0, "ccc" : 0, "ddd" : 0, "aaa" : 0, "bbb" : 0 }"
  # not "{ "aaa" : 0, "bbb" : 0, "ccc" : 0, "ddd" : 0, "eee" : 0, "fff" : 0 }"

bin and ext format

this implementation provide function to encode/decode msgpack bin/ext format header, but for the body, you must write it yourself or read it yourself to/from the Stream

  • proc pack_bin*(s: Stream, len: int)
  • proc pack_ext*(s: Stream, len: int, exttype: int8)
  • proc unpack_bin*(s: Stream): int
  • proc unpack_ext*(s: Stream): tuple[exttype:uint8, len: int]
import streams, msgpack4nim

const exttype0 = 0

var s = MsgStream.init()
var body = "this is the body"

s.pack_ext(body.len, exttype0)

#the same goes to bin format

var ss = MsgStream.init(
#unpack_ext return tuple[exttype:uint8, len: int]
let (extype, extlen) = ss.unpack_ext()
var extbody = ss.readStr(extlen)

assert extbody == body

let binlen = ss.unpack_bin()
var binbody = ss.readStr(binlen)

assert binbody == body


you can convert msgpack data to readable string using stringify function

    Horse = object
      legs: int
      speed: int
      color: string
      name: string

  var cc = Horse(legs:4, speed:150, color:"black", name:"stallion")
  var zz = pack(cc)
  echo stringify(zz)

the result will be:

[ 4, 150, "black", "stallion" ]

msgpack_obj_to_map defined:
{ "legs" : 4, "speed" : 150, "color" : "black", "name" : "stallion" }

msgpack_obj_to_stream defined:
4 150 "black" "stallion"


toAny takes a string of msgpack data or a stream, then it will produce msgAny which you can interrogate of it's type and value during runtime by accessing it's member kind

toAny recognize all valid msgpack message and translate it into a group of types:

msgMap, msgArray, msgString, msgBool,
msgBin, msgExt, msgFloat32, msgFloat64,
msgInt, msgUint, msgNull

for example, msg is a msgpack data with content [1, "hello", {"a": "b"}], you can interrogate it like this:

var a = msg.toAny()
assert a.kind == msgArray
assert a.arrayVal[0].kind == msgInt
assert a.arrayVal[0].intVal == 1
assert a.arrayVal[1].kind == msgString
assert a.arrayVal[1].stringVal == "hello"
assert a.arrayVal[2].kind == msgMap
var c = a[2]
assert c[anyString("a")] == anyString("b")

since version 0.2.1, toAny was put into separate module msgpack2any, it has functionality similar with json, with support of msgpack bin and ext natively

msgpack2any also support pretty printing similar with json pretty printing.

Primary usage for msgpack2any is to provide higher level API while dynamically querying underlying msgpack data at runtime. Currently, msgpack2any decode all msgpack stream at once. There are room for improvements such as progressive decoding at runtime, or selective decoding at runtime. Both of this improvements are not implemented, yet they are important for applications that need for finer control over decoding step.


Start version 0.2.0, msgpack4nim receive additional family member, msgpack2json module. It consists of toJsonNode and fromJsonNode to interact with stdlib's json module.

Installation via nimble

nimble install msgpack4nim

Implementation specific

If an object can be represented in multiple possible output formats, serializers SHOULD use the format which represents the data in the smallest number of bytes.

According to the spec, the serializer should use smallest number of bytes, and this behavior is implemented in msgpack4nim. Therefore, some valid encoding would never produced by msgpack4nim.

For example: although 0xcdff00 and 0xceff000000 encoding is valid according to the spec which is decoded into positive integer 255, msgpack4nim never produce it, because the internal algorithm will select the smallest number of bytes needed, which is 0xccff.

However, if msgpack4nim received encoded streams from other msgpack library contains those longer than needed sequence, as long as it conforms to the spec, msgpack4nim will happily decoded it and convert it to the destination storage(variable) type.

Other msgpack library who consume msgpack4nim stream, will also decode it properly, although they might not produce smallest number of bytes required.

enjoy it, happy nim-ing

msgpack4nim's People


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msgpack4nim's Issues

Can't use `pack` from inside a template in another module without import msgpack4nim



import msgpack4nim

template f* =
  discard pack(1)


import y 



/home/user/programming/nim/x.nim(3, 2) template/generic instantiation of `f` from here
/home/user/programming/nim/y.nim(4, 15) template/generic instantiation of `pack` from here
/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-#head/msgpack4nim.nim(1207, 4) template/generic instantiation of `pack` from here
/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-#head/msgpack4nim.nim(1202, 79) template/generic instantiation of `undistinct_pack` from here
/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-#head/msgpack4nim.nim(174, 37) Error: undeclared identifier: 'pack_type'

Package 'msgpack4nim' has an incorrect structure

When I try to install msgpack4nim, I get the following warning. I wanted to open an issue to track this issue.

 Installing msgpack4nim@>= 0.2.2
Downloading using git
   Warning: Package 'msgpack4nim' has an incorrect structure. The top level of the package source directory should contain at most one module, named 'msgpack4nim.nim', but a file named 'msgpack4collection.nim' was found. This will be an error in the future.
      Hint: If this is the primary source file in the package, rename it to 'msgpack4nim.nim'. If it's a source file required by the main module, or if it is one of several modules exposed by 'msgpack4nim', then move it into a 'msgpack4nim/' subdirectory. If it's a test file or otherwise not required to build the the package 'msgpack4nim.nim', prevent its installation by adding `skipFiles = @["msgpack4collection.nim"]` to the .nimble file. See for more info.
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
 Installing [email protected]
   Success: msgpack4nim installed successfully.

fails on object variants

msgpack.nim(505, 6) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'pack_imp_int8'

nim 0.11.3 nimble 0.6.0

NodeKind = enum # the different node types
nkInt, #a leaf with an integer value
nkFloat, #a leaf with a float value
nkString, #a leaf with a string value
nkAdd, #an addition
nkSub, #a subtraction
nkIf #an if statement
Node = ref NodeObj
NodeObj = object
case kind: NodeKind # the kind field is the discriminator
of nkInt: intVal: int
of nkFloat: floatVal: float
of nkString: strVal: string
of nkAdd, nkSub:
leftOp, rightOp: Node
of nkIf:
condition, thenPart, elsePart: Node

aUnion = Node(kind:nkInt, intVal:22)

var file = newFileStream("msg.pack", fmReadWrite)


Custom pack_type handlers for distinct types

The current method for always falling back to the undistinct base type does not allow implementing custom packing for distinct types. For example, something like this:

  Guid = distinct string
proc pack_type*[ByteStream](s: ByteStream, v: Guid) =
var b: Guid = Guid("AA")

var s = b.pack
echo s.tohex
echo s.stringify

I'm pretty new to Nim, and not proficient enough in macro-land, but would it be possible to check at compile time if there is a matching pack function for a type to use, and only fall back to the base type if not?


Defining pack_type and unpack_type for templated type does not call the specialized version

If I want to do the following :
proc pack_type*[ByteStream](s: ByteStream, x: Tensor[int64])= #...
proc pack_type*[ByteStream](s: ByteStream, x: Tensor[int64])= #...

I would like to be able to do the following :
proc pack_type*[ByteStream, T: SomeFloat|SomeInteger](s: ByteStream, x: Tensor[T])= #...

But the specialized version I define is not called when I use pack(...). Same issue with unpack

Error: undeclared field: 'data'

import tables, msgpack4nim
  SomeTable* = Table[string, string]

proc newSomeTable*(): SomeTable =
  result = initTable[string, string]()

var freshSomeTable = newSomeTable()
unpack("", freshSomeTable) # crash 18.1  

# Fails with:
# msgpackbug.nim(9, 7) template/generic instantiation from here
# /home/david/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.2.5/msgpack4nim.nim(1042, 4) template/generic instantiation from here
# /home/david/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.2.5/msgpack4nim.nim(1032, 59) template/generic instantiation from here
# /home/david/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.2.5/msgpack4nim.nim(936, 22) Error: undeclared field: 'data'

Unable to create helper proc

Hi, I've been trying to create a simple proc that uses MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_MAP as the default, much like the current implementation of pack. However, it seems that creating this helper proc and importing it from somewhere else makes it fail with undeclared identifier: 'pack_type'.

Here's a minimal example:


import msgpack4nim

proc mapPack*[T](val: T): string =
  var s = MsgStream.init(sizeof(T), MSGPACK_OBJ_TO_MAP)

when isMainModule:
  echo mapPack("s")
file: main.nim

import util

echo mapPack("s")

If run nim c -r util.nim, it works. But when running nim c -r main.nim, it complains that pack_type is undeclared when used in undistinct_pack.

I tried replicating it with simple template, but my skills with macro/template is still too green to understand why this is happening, so I wasn't able to create a minimal examples without msgpack.

Any insights?

objects and maps

-d:msgpack_obj_to_map is not an option for libraries which are using msgpack4nim. Can we establish a stricter correspondence between objects/tuples/maps/arrays and remove the possibility to tweak it by -d flag? Currently there's no way of producing or reading a map without the flag.

One option would be to support JsonNode for pack/unpack.
Another option would be to make objects correspond to maps, and tuples correspond to lists.

outputStream(p: Process) in osproc in standard library cannot call peekChar

I tried to send a command to neovim and receive a response using msgpack-rpc.
I added * to proc stringify[ByteStream](s: ByteStream, zz: ByteStream) in msgpack4nim.nim and tried to output stringified response from neovim to stdout.
But I got runtime error as Stream returned from proc outputStream(p: Process): Stream doesn't have peekDataImpl on windows.

Should peekDataImpl be implemented for proc outputStream(p: Process): Stream?
Or msgpack4nim should not use peek?

import osproc, streams
import msgpack4nim, macros

macro writeRPCReq[ByteStream](
                              s: ByteStream;
                              methodName: string;
                              id: int;
                              args: varargs[typed]) =
    argsLen = args.len.newLit
  result = quote do:
    `s`.pack_array 4
    `s`.pack_type 0
    `s`.pack_type `id`
    `s`.pack_type `methodName`
    `s`.pack_array `argsLen`
  for a in args:
    result.add newCall(bindSym"pack", s, a)

proc main =
    p = startProcess("nvim", args = ["--embed"], options = {poUsePath})
    inStrm = p.inputStream
    outStrm = p.outputStream
    stdoutStrm = stdout.newFileStream
  inStrm.writeRPCReq("nvim_command", 1, "echo $MYVIMRC")
  outStrm.stringify stdoutStrm.Stream


I don't know this code sends request message to neovim correctly.

Warnings when unpacking to an object with range properties

Warnings (that will eventually turn into errors) are raised when unpacking to an object that has properties which are ranges.

Here is my object and the type definition for its property:

    StreamId* = uint32 ## A stream ID
    NonBlankStreamId* = range[((StreamId) 1)..high(StreamId)] ## A non-blank stream ID
    CSendStreamData* = object
        ## Sent to convert the connection into a stream data input pipe.
        streamId*: NonBlankStreamId ## The stream to send data to

Unpacking it with the following code:


The compiler generates the following warning:

<home>/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.3.1/msgpack4nim.nim(1217, 9) Warning: Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized. This will become a compile time error in the future. [ProveInit]

While this doesn't stop the code from compiling (for now), it does show as an error in the VS Code extension and is annoying in that way. The main issue here is the implication that this code may not compile in later versions of Nim. I believe that if the data being unpacked violates the range, that it should raise a ObjectConversionDefect, since that would be consistent.

My nim -v output:

Nim Compiler Version 1.6.2 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2021-12-17
Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: 9084d9bc02bcd983b81a4c76a05f27b9ce2707dd
active boot switches: -d:release

Thanks! Other than this, your project has been working amazingly for me.

Unpack a seq of ref Object

Related to #65. Same issue with

proc unpack_type*[ByteStream, T](s: ByteStream, val: var seq[T]) =

Moving var x: T inside for loop will fix the problem.

My unittest

  Node = ref object
    nName: string
    nodes: seq[Node]

let main = Node(nName: "main")
main.nodes.add(Node(nName: "one"))
main.nodes.add(Node(nName: "two"))
main.nodes.add(Node(nName: "three"))
main.nodes.add(Node(nName: "four"))

var refNode: Node
var s = MsgStream.init()
unpack(, refNode)

check refNode.nName == "main"
var names: seq[string]
for sub in refNode.nodes:
  check sub.nName notin names
  names.add(sub.nName) # one, thwo, three, four

msgpack.nim compilation error

I am trying the compilation with Mingw64, the command
nim c -r test.nim
results the following error:
msgpack.nim(764, 24) template/generic instantiation from here
msgpack.nim(751, 12) Error: type mismatch: got (int64) but expected 'int'

Could you please check it.


msgpack_obj_to_map deserialisation doesn't work

Since the serialisation produces a map keyed by field name, I incorrectly assumed that deserialisation would work similarly and that field order would not matter.

Apparently that's not the case. The code here just assumes that the fields are in the same order (and that the number of fields is the same), which makes interop between a nim program and any other language difficult, because data produced in other programs needs to match the defined spec in the nim program.

Ideally the code there should be updated to first deserialise the map first, and then assign values to the object's fields based on the names in the map.

Nimble warnings

Warning: File inside package 'msgpack4nim' is outside of permitted namespace, should be named 'msgpack4nim.nim' but was named 'restriction_example.nim' instead. This will be an error in the future.

Hint: Rename this file to 'msgpack4nim.nim', move it into a 'msgpack4nim/' subdirectory, or prevent its installation by adding skipFiles = @["restriction_example.nim"] to the .nimble file. See for more info.

nimble build on a project that depends on this one gave me these warnings.


  • nimble v0.8.2 compiled at 2017-01-09 23:41:29
  • Nim Compiler Version 0.16.0 (2017-01-09) [Linux: amd64]

unpack_enum_proxy error

Hello and thanks for developing msgpack4nim
While compiling code that packs an object containing an enum I got:

.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.1.6/msgpack.nim(1006, 14) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'unpack_enum_proxy'

line 1006 reads as:
n = s.unpack_enum_proxy(n)

Sounds related to #4

`ambiguous call` error when trying to pack an array of characters

import msgpack4nim, streams

var xs: array[160, char]

Error: ambiguous call; both msgpack4nim.pack_type(s: Stream, val: openarray[T])[declared in C:\Users\
mble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.1.7\msgpack4nim.nim(631, 5)] and msgpack4nim.pack_type(s: Stream, val: cstring)[declared in C:\Users\kamil.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.1.7\msgpack4nim.nim(1097
, 5)] match for: (Stream, array[0..159, char])

Performance decreased between `head` vs `v0.3.1`


I'm using your awesome package to pack/unpack big AST (ref nodes) in Bro package, a wip stylesheet language (alternative to SASSC / DartSass, SassJS.)

Unpacking 114mb with v0.3.1:

Unpacking the same file with #head version:

I'm using cpuTime() to get the numbers

Exception for int64 when a field is DateTime

When I try to unpack an object type that contains int64 types I get:

C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1201) unpack
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(938) unpack_type
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1201) unpack
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1085) unpack_type
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1201) unpack
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1085) unpack_type
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(1201) unpack
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(845) unpack_type
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(842) unpack_int_imp_select
C:\Users\user\.nimble\pkgs\msgpack4nim-0.3.1\msgpack4nim.nim(511) unpack_imp_int64
Error: unhandled exception: int64 [ObjectConversionDefect]

The object I'm packing/unpacking is a seq of an object type. This is to and from a FileStream.

Support unpacking object variants

Version: 0.2.9

Commit: 9c4bc6e66d5d193692be0e7c5605166dc61756dc

Object variants using standard idiom (with case) packs correctly, but fails to unpack.

Object variants with zero-initialized variables should unpack correctly

Steps to Replicate:

import streams, msgpack4nim

type MsgType* = enum

type Foo* = object
  name: string

type Bar* = object
  price: int

type FooBarMsg* = object
  case msgType*: MsgType
  of MSG_FOO:
    foo*: Foo
  of MSG_BAR:
    bar*: Bar

when isMainModule:
  var fooOriginal = Foo(name: "Baz")
  var barOriginal = Bar(price: 11)
  var outboundMsgFoo = FooBarMsg(
  msgType: MSG_FOO,
  foo: fooOriginal
  var outboundMsgBar = FooBarMsg(
  msgType: MSG_BAR,
  bar: barOriginal

  var sFoo = MsgStream.init()

  var sBar = MsgStream.init()

  var incomingFoo: FooBarMsg
  var sFooReception = MsgStream.init(
    echo "unpack error for foo"

  var incomingBar: FooBarMsg
  var sBarReception = MsgStream.init(
    echo "unpack error for bar"

Error: undeclared field: 'data'

After I update to the latest msgpack4nim (720f8bb):

falcon/rr_hctg_track.nim(414, 19) template/generic instantiation from here
../repos/msgpack4nim/msgpack4nim.nim(1069, 53) template/generic instantiation from here
../repos/msgpack4nim/msgpack4collection.nim(38, 4) template/generic instantiation from here
../repos/msgpack4nim/msgpack4nim.nim(681, 6) template/generic instantiation from here
../repos/msgpack4nim/msgpack4nim.nim(727, 32) Error: undeclared field: 'data'
          s.pack_type undistinct(field)
  3 import "../msgpack4nim/msgpack4nim.nim"
  4 import "../msgpack4nim/msgpack4collection.nim"
413   var msgss = msgpack4nim.MsgStream.init() #you can pass some buffer capacity here    sues/18
414   msgpack4nim.pack(msgss, rtn)
415   var ss = streams.newFileStream(fn_rtn, system.fmWrite)
416   defer: ss.close()
417   ss.write(

What do I need to change?

{.gcsafe.} pragma is broken with 0.4.0

Hey there,

Love the library, been using a heap!

In our embedded firmware, we've got some {.gcsafe.} procs that call out to unpack -- with v0.3.1 this worked no worries, but as of v0.4.0 (though the tag says v0.4.2 here on Github? I can't install it via Nimble though, only v0.4.0):

/root/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.4.0/msgpack4nim.nim(987, 6) Warning: 'skip_msg' is not GC-safe as it calls 'unpack_ext' [GcUnsafe2]
/root/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.4.0/msgpack4nim.nim(1022, 6) Warning: 'unpack_type' is not GC-safe as it calls 'skip_msg' [GcUnsafe2]
/root/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.4.0/msgpack4nim.nim(1167, 6) Warning: 'unpack' is not GC-safe as it calls 'unpack_type' [GcUnsafe2]
/root/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.4.0/msgpack4nim.nim(1174, 6) Warning: 'unpack' is not GC-safe as it calls 'unpack' [GcUnsafe2]
/workspaces/firmware/main/kernel/comms_thread.nim(85, 6) Error: 'auth' is not GC-safe as it calls 'unpack'

Any ideas with this one?

Packed tuples get corrupted when one of their fields is an int of 10 digits or more

import msgpack4nim

proc unpack[T](s: string, typ: typedesc[T]): T =
    s.unpack result

echo((-557853050, 0).pack.unpack((int, int)))
echo((-5578530500, 0).pack.unpack((int, int)))

echo((0, -557853050, 0).pack.unpack((int, int, int)))
echo((0, -5578530500, 0).pack.unpack((int, int, int)))

echo((0, -5578530500, 0, 0).pack.unpack((int, int, int, int)))

(Field0: -557853050, Field1: 0)
(Field0: -5578530500, Field1: -1283563204)
(Field0: 0, Field1: -557853050, Field2: 0)
(Field0: 0, Field1: -5578530500, Field2: -1283563204)
(Field0: 0, Field1: -5578530500, Field2: -1283563204, Field3: 0)

Need help in installation

I'm tring to run "make" command in /nim-falcon/repos/msgpack4nim/
But I get this error:

nim --threads:on --threadAnalysis:off --verbosity:2 -d:release  --tlsemulation:on --out:fc_rr_hctg_track2.exe c fc_rr_hctg_track2.nim
config/nim.cfg(42, 3) Hint: added path: '/rhome/fxie/.nimble/pkgs/' [Path]
config/nim.cfg(44, 5) Hint: added path: '/opt/nimble/pkgs/' [Path]
Hint: used config file '/bigdata/baolab/fxie/new2/nim/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: fc_rr_hctg_track2 [Processing]
Hint: rr_hctg_track [Processing]
Hint: msgpack4nim [Processing]
Hint: streams [Processing]
Hint: endians [Processing]
Hint: strutils [Processing]
Hint: parseutils [Processing]
Hint: math [Processing]
Hint: algorithm [Processing]
Hint: sequtils [Processing]
Hint: hashes [Processing]
Hint: tables [Processing]
Hint: intsets [Processing]
Hint: lists [Processing]
Hint: queues [Processing]
Hint: sets [Processing]
Hint: strtabs [Processing]
Hint: os [Processing]
Hint: times [Processing]
Hint: posix [Processing]
Hint: ospaths [Processing]
Hint: critbits [Processing]
Hint: macros [Processing]
/bigdata/baolab/fxie/new2/Falcon/FALCON-integrate/nim-falcon/repos/msgpack4nim/msgpack4nim.nim(49, 50) Error: type mismatch: got (uint16) but expected 'uint8'
make: *** [fc_rr_hctg_track2.exe] Error 1

My python version is python/2.7.13-venv.

What should I do to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot!

[Question] Reading from a file

I have some data stored as msgpack file in python. The file contains more than 250columns.

In order to read the file, do I need to create a type that holds the data? Is there a workaround for that? I mean, something that creates that type definition from the file structure.

Make MsgStream.writeData public, please

Unlike the regular Stream type, MsgStream does not have a public writeData method, so I/O functions like pack_type using a generic [ByteStream] will fail to compile when ByteStream is MsgStream.

There’s no efficient workaround for writing a buffer of binary data. The alternatives are to copy the buffer to a string first and call write(string), or to write the individual bytes as write(byte). The first allocates memory and the second is quite slow.

The generic write(MsgStream, T) seemed like it would work, but if I call it with a seq[byte] it ends up writing the pointer as 8 or 4 bytes, which is of course garbage.

Simply making the writeData method (at msgpack4nim.nim:69) public would resolve the problem.

(I’m not sure why MsgStream is an independent type and not an object of Stream? Inheriting from Stream would fix API incompatibilities and make your code smaller.)

unpack_items_imp uses same address

Unpacking a sequence of ref object in unpack_items_imp writes to same address.

The following code should echo 2 3 5 but echos 5 5 5:

import msgpack4nim, streams
import msgpack4nim / msgpack4collection
import lists

type Element = ref object
  value: int

proc newElement(value: int): Element =
  result = new Element
  result.value = value

var elementList = initDoublyLinkedList[Element]()

var strm = MsgStream.init()

var sstrm = MsgStream.init(
var unpackedList: DoublyLinkedList[Element]

for e in unpackedList:
  echo e.value

Moving var x: T into the for loop in the unpack_items_imp template fixed the problem for me.

object variant unpack

import msgpack
  NodeKind = enum # the different node types
    nkInt, #a leaf with an integer value
    nkFloat, #a leaf with a float value
    nkString, #a leaf with a string value
    nkAdd, #an addition
    nkSub, #a subtraction
    nkIf #an if statement
  Node = ref NodeObj
  NodeObj = object
    case kind: NodeKind # the kind field is the discriminator
    of nkInt: intVal: int
    of nkFloat: floatVal: float
    of nkString: strVal: string
    of nkAdd, nkSub:
      leftOp, rightOp: Node
    of nkIf:
      condition, thenPart, elsePart: Node
  aUnion = Node(kind:nkInt, intVal:22)
  anotherUnion = Node(kind:nkInt, intVal:22)
  s = pack(aUnion)

unpack(s, anotherUnion)
echo anotherUnion
type mismatch: got (Stream, NodeKind)
but expected one of: 
msgpack.unpack(data: string, val: var T)
msgpack.unpack(s: Stream, val: var T)

Unpacking non-homogeneous lists

I am trying to use this library to communicate with a Python client. For reasons not under my control, the client serializes some nonhomogeneous lists, such as [1, "hello", {"a": "b"}].

Is there a way to use the library to deserialize this? I have been able to do this in other typed languages by unpacking into a sequence of yet-unkown types (for instance in Scala I deserialize a Seq[Any]), and then manually mapping by position and casting. It is not the cleanest approach, but it would be very useful for me to be able to do something like this

nimble install doesn't seem to work

Hi! Was about to play around with this but I've run into this bump in the road:

nimble install msgpack4nim

Downloading using git
Tip: 1 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
Error: Traceback (most recent call last)
... nimble.nim(1073) nimble
... nimble.nim(999) doAction
... nimble.nim(606) install
... nimble.nim(570) downloadPkg
... download.nim(199) doDownload
... download.nim(165) verifyClone
... packageparser.nim(325) getPkgInfo
... packageparser.nim(313) getPkgInfoFromFile
... packageparser.nim(307) readPackageInfo
... packageparser.nim(125) validatePackageInfo
... packageparser.nim(28) raiseNewValidationError
... The .nimble file name must match name specified inside /tmp/nimble_53350/githubcom_jangkomsgpack4nim/msgpack.nimble

Missing tests

I see no tests for pack_type/unpack_type.

I need to see those so I can understand what I'm doing wrong. I have this:

proc unpack_type*(ss: MsgStream, x: var str9) =
  var str: string
  copyMem(addr x[0], addr str[0], 9)

And I get this:

falcon/rr_hctg_track.nim(65, 5) Error: type mismatch: got <MsgStream, string>
but expected one of:
proc unpack[T](data: string; val: var T)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type: string
  but expression 'ss' is of type: MsgStream

It worked with older msgpack and nim-0.18.0. I have tried this:

-proc unpack_type*(ss: streams.Stream, x: var str9) =
+proc unpack_type*(ss: MsgStream, x: var str9) =
   var str: string
-  msgpack4nim.unpack(ss, str)
+  ss.unpack(str)
   copyMem(addr x[0], addr str[0], 9)

msgpack_obj_to_map deserialisation raises on first non-string value that is not present on obj

When deserializing a map that has an extra field to an obj, deserialization stops with ObjectConversionError when no field has the same name as key because it skips unpacking of value, and continues trying to unpack value to name (string).

proc unpack_type*[ByteStream; T: tuple|object](s: ByteStream, val: var T) =
  template dry_and_wet(): untyped =
    when defined(msgpack_obj_to_map):
      let len = s.unpack_map()
      var name: string
      for i in 0..len-1:
        unpack_proxy(name)  # Tries to unpack map value here if skipped value unpacking
        for field, value in fieldPairs(val):
          if field == name:
            unpack_proxy(value) # Skips this line if no match

Simply forcibly unpacking a value (and catching ObjectConversionError) is enough to make deserialization work, but it's an ugly hack (with exception raising). There should be a way to skip a value, no matter its type, and allow the map deserialization continue normally.

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