Giter Club home page Giter Club logo's Introduction

This is the iScsc website source code. This website is still under development


The tech stack I chose for this web application is MERN with:

  • MongoDB for the database
  • Express for the API
  • React for the frontend
  • Node.js for the backend

For more information, check this article. You can also watch this video if you want to get more familiar with the stack. If you're a true beginner, you can follow this Open Classroom course.

Table of contents

  1. Functionalities
  2. Deployment
    2.1 Setup the local MongoDB folder
    2.2 Development mode
    2.3 Production mode
  3. Repository structure
  4. Bugs and recommendations
  5. Upcoming work

1. Functionalities (toc)

The main functionalities of the website at the moment are creating, reading, and deleting posts on the blog section of the website. Posts are rendered in Markdown, with the Github Flavored Markdown, GFM. The authentication is now available. A user can sign up and log in with an email and a password. Some actions in the blog, like creating and deleting articles, need authentication. JWT and cookies allow the user to stay logged in.


You should be able to create your post in the /create-article route. Creating a post requires authentication.

Two writing options are available:

  • Writing the post directly inside the form inputs
  • Submitting a markdown file

For the first option, no editor is available at the moment on the website, so writing a post directly from the Textarea field might be harsh. That is why the second way is recommended. A template is available for the markdown file submission.

When creating a post, a preview is available on the right side of your browser. The author assigned to the article will be the name of the authenticated user.


Any article submitted by other users can be read through the /blog route.


You should be able to delete any article you created from the database.

Note: if you try to delete an article you did not write, it won't work but you won't receive any error message.

2. Deployment (toc)

You need to setup 3 things to run the website:

  • .env.* file
  • MongoDB host folder
  • start frontend, backend and database

For deployment, development and production modes are available

Notes for the iScsc members:

Send me a message, and I'll send you back an encrypted version of the official .env.production and .env.development files.

Here is a quick guide after cloning the repository:

2.1 Setup the local MongoDB folder (toc)

To make the database persistent through containers starting and stopping the database folder is shared with the host using a docker volume, you can see it in the docker compose files.

โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ IMPORTANT: the following script will give rwx permissions on the DB folder to the UID 1001 due to bitnami/mongodb image constraint (the Note under "Persisting your database"), if, on your systemn, it already exists and shouldn't have these access please consider modifying the image!

However because the bitnami/mongodb container is a non-root container we've got to setup the right permission on that folder.
To set it up just run


2.2 Development mode (toc)

You have two choices to run the development mode:

.env.development file

Before deploying the application, you need to set the environment variables.
From the root directory of the repository, do the following:

cp .env.example .env.development

After copying the example config of .env, you must fill in the missing information in this file. Check the example for more information.


Once your .env.development is ready, run

docker-compose --env-file .env.development --file docker-compose-dev.yml up -d --build

Make sure the docker daemon is running with systemctl status docker, or start it with systemctl start docker

The website is now up on $CLIENT_URL (specified in the .env.development file)

To see the running application, and check the logs use

docker ps
docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>

Finally, you can stop it with

docker-compose --env-file .env.development --file docker-compose-dev.yml down

Manually on host


From the root directory of the repository, do the following:

cd backend
npm install
npm run dev

You will need nodemon to run the backend. Use npm install -g nodemon to install it. Make sure you're supporting at least 2.0.20 with nodemon --version. Nodemon has been tested working fine with node 19.


From the root directory of the repository, do the following:

cd frontend
npm install
npm run start

Make sure you're using at least version 8.19.2 by checking npm --version, and update if needed with npm update.


Start a MongoDB either in a container and expose a port or directly on your host with the right port configured. Then setup properly the .env, it should work but this is untested.

2.3 Production mode (toc)

The production mode allows to deploy the application on the server. To use it, you will need:

  • docker
  • docker-compose

.env.production file

Before deploying the application, you need to set the environment variables as for development mode.

cp .env.example .env.production

SSL certification

To set up HTTPS, you will need valid SSL certificates. If you deploy the app for the first time, follow these instructions:

  • Comment or delete the whole server section about 443 in the nginx/nginx.conf.template file.
- server {
- listen 443 default_server ssl http2;
- ...
- }

This step is required because the certificates don't exist yet, so they cannot be loaded in the nginx configuration.

  • (Re)Start the nginx container:
sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production up -d --build
  • Create the certificates with the certbot container:
sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production run --rm certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/certbot/ -d
  • Restore the original nginx/nginx.conf.template (with git restore nginx/nginx.conf.template for example)
  • Stop the nginx container:
sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production down

The certificates should have been generated in certbot/conf/live/

If you just want to renew existing certificates, use:

sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production run --rm certbot renew


Once everything is ready, run

sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production up -d --build

Make sure the docker daemon is running with systemctl status docker, or start it with systemctl start docker

Your application can now be started on $CLIENT_URL (specified in the .env.production file)

To see the running application, and check the logs, use

sudo docker ps
sudo docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>

Finally, you can stop the production mode with

sudo docker-compose --env-file .env.production down

3. Repository structure (toc)

Here is a list of the main folders/files of the repository.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ .env.development    *stores database credentials and required information for development mode deployment. Must be created*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ .env.production     *Same thing for production mode. Must be created*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ .env.example        *template for .env files*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ backend             *contains the server-side code and API*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile          *Dockerfile to build the backend container*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ controllers/        *useful js functions for each model*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ middleware/         *js functions that run between the frontend and backend*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ models/             *contains the database models*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ routes/             *routes and functions to executes for each model*
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ app.js              *main application for the backend*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ frontend
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ public              *automatically generated files and images that are publically available for the user*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile          *Dockerfile to build the frontend container*
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ src                 *source code of the website*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ components/         *source code of main components of the website*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ context/            *defines the context function to keep track of data with useReducer*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ hooks/              *defines the hooks that trigger the context functions*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ pages/              *source code of the pages of the website*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ App.js              *defines the routes of the application*
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ index.js            *main js application of the website*
โ”‚       โ””โ”€โ”€ index.css           *css styling file of the website*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ scripts
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€        *share a secret file to others with pgp keys*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ nginx               *reverse proxy server for the production mode*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile          *Dockerfile to build the nginx container*
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€        *script to generate the nginx conf from the template*
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ nginx.conf.template *template for the nginx conf, needs to be filled with env variables*
โ”œโ”€โ”€             *script used to bump version of frontend, backend, and whole website*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ docker-compose.yml  *docker compose config file to deploy the website in production mode*
โ”œโ”€โ”€ package.json        *contains the current version and information about the website*
โ””โ”€โ”€           *this file*

4. Bugs and recommendations (toc)

Because this website is still in development, do not hesitate to open an issue if you experience any trouble using it. Also, feel free to share your recommendations regarding the color scheme, routes, design, UX, etc...

5. Upcoming work (toc)

Here is a non-exhaustive list of incoming functionalities for the website:

  • User profile, with article management
  • Likes and comments
  • Main page
  • Calendar
  • News and events
  • Pictures, avatars for users
  • Search bar
  • Gallery with previous works, events
  • Videos integration
  • ...'s People


atxr avatar ctmbl avatar amtoine avatar vst11 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar gbrivady avatar laudut avatar mayank-jain-1 avatar olapom avatar sheikh-jamiralam avatar


Ashwin  avatar Dhruv Gupta avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Use `package-lock.json` of the repo

Currently, when building the website (both prod and dev mode), we are using npm install and regenerating a new package-lock.json.
There is no point of pushing the package-lock.json on the repo if we override them when building.
We should change all the occurrences of npm install by npm ci (clean install) which use the current package-lock.json instead of overriding it.
Hence, we can lock a version of a package we use if needed, and we won't have any version issue when building the app at different places.

Hardening article writing

The blog as it has been released on v0.1.0 seems really vulnerable to DB filling to me.

I didn't tried it but it shouldn't be impossible for anyone to write a simple python script submitting millions of new articles filling the iScsc database.
This also brought to my attention that at the moment nothing forbid a non iScsc member to create an account and write a blog... not that we want to be sectarian but that also means that anyone can write anything, potentially non-related subject or worse...

First of all we should at least add a Captcha or something to prevent a bot from being able to submit an article.
Additionally, I would like to let only iScsc member write article for the time being, for example with a iScsc badge added to the profile page, which would fit nicely I think to the v0.2.0
Later we should maybe add a review step from iScsc member for articles submitted by non-members, and limit pending articles to a reasonable number, once again to prevent DB filling.

Add a profile page for authenticated users (v0.2.0)

Now that the v0.0.1 has been release, I would like to work on the profile page of each user.

Indeed, I want to move the management of the blogs writen by users to this profile page. Hence, the root page of the blog will just show the articles, whereas users would be able to create, modify and delete posts on their profile page.

This issue will propose some changes regarding the article management on the profile pages.

Here is an unordered list of the new features:

  • Create a new page in the frontend to display and edit user information - frontend
  • Add article management page: users can see, edit and delete their own article from here - frontend
  • Extend API to modify user information - backend
  • Extend API to modify articles - backend
  • Add new user information like avatar, short bio - backend/database

Automation and enhancement of the dev workflow

In this issue, I would like to highlight the fact that the workflow of this project is not automated yet, and that a lot of tasks are still done by hand. To cite some of them:

  • Sharing of .env in a secure way to authorized developers (cf #29)
  • Deployement of the website (cf #20)
  • Test integration (cf #11)
  • #64

Moreover, we can imagine a deployment of the website soon and this will induce a major change on the dev workflow. For example, developers mustn't play anymore with the official database used for the deployed version.

In order to avoid these issues, I would like to propose some basic scripts to make the development process easier. A first PR with some changes in how to deploy the website for dev purpose will be open soon.

Vulnerability against CSRF

I was just wondering, is the website vulnerable to CSRF?

Does this attack scenario would work:

  • make sure the author of a targeted article is logged on
  • send him a crafted URL requesting the deletion of his article OR a URL to complete the article writing form
  • make him click on the link

Nothing is done in the source code to protect the blog against these attacks but maybe the framework used do it already?

Another minor question, how long is the website cookie valid?

Security issue on #2

I recently discovered a bug in the app related with #2
I didn't deepen, but after a successful authentication, the backend sends back to client a token, with username, email and JWT
{"email":"[email protected]","username":"HelloWorld","token":"F4KEJWT.NOTREAL.TEST"}
Of course, you can control the value of this token inside you browser and modify the email, and username.

I don't think there is any security implications at the moment, but I wanted to highlight it somewhere.
If somebody wants to test what can be done with this, are propose a correction to avoid future bugs, let me know.

Error message when signing up with duplicate username is not clean

This message appears when trying to Sign Up with a username (or email) that already exists in the database.
Screenshot 2022-09-26 09:56:45
We could replace it with a more User Friendly message

Steps to reproduce:

  • click Sign Up
  • fill with a junk email address: "[email protected]"
  • fill with YOUR username
  • fill with a valid password like: "Aaaaaa1!"
  • click submit

This is absolutely the same with the email address

Add proper logger and logging to the website

Linked to #10

The goal is to add a proper logger and logging in the whole code, instead of using on console.log.
We must add a proper logger object with:

  • timestamp information
  • separate loggers for different part of the code
  • logging to different outputs (stdout and log files) allowing to properly separate log types
  • log levels
  • ...please add what I forgot!

I heard of signale-logger and winston but I don't know which is best!

Go back button in the browser does not work for the login page

When clicking on the Go back button in the browser (Firefox) in the login page, the page remains the same.

Steps to reproduce :

  • "Write my own article" (you must be logged off your account)
  • click on the Go back button in your browser

This does not happen when I click on the blog title in the same situation.

Browser used: Mozilla Firefox 106.0.5

MongoDB container can't be reach and isn't persistent

2 flaws were introduced by #92 (that should have been detected in review ooops):

  • the database isn't persistent: the wrong folder is mount
    we use a bitnami/mongodb image and according to the documentation the
    volume to mount is /bitnami/mongodb not /data/db
  • the backend can't reach the DB if DB_PORT != 27017 which kind of destroy the interest of having a config var...

I found a solution to both of these problems in the documentation linked above (the right volume to mount and the MONGODB_EXTRA_FLAGS var to declare the right port) and I'll soon open a PR

Additionally the image 4.4 is quite old... we should agree on a newer version, I don't like using latest (but I'll use it if you have good arguments)
@atxr @amtoine

Unhandled Error when trying to upload an article that is too big

Trying to upload an article that is too big causes an error in the backend; I produced this error by trying to upload a 64ko file as a markdown article.

The preview worked fine, but pressing the "Add article" button creates the following error (see end of message) in the backend.
From the user's perspective, nothing happened as no new article is created, and no error is reported.


  • OS: Windows 10
  • npm version: 8.19.1
  • node version: 18.9.1

Error message:

PayloadTooLargeError: request entity too large
    at readStream (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\raw-body\index.js:156:17)
    at getRawBody (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\raw-body\index.js:109:12)
    at read (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\body-parser\lib\read.js:79:3)
    at jsonParser (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\body-parser\lib\types\json.js:135:5)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
    at trim_prefix (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:328:13)
    at C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:286:9
    at Function.process_params (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:346:12)
    at next (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:280:10)
    at expressInit (C:\Users\*****\Documents\repo\site\backend\node_modules\express\lib\middleware\init.js:40:5)

Add link to GitHub repo on the home page

I'd like to see the GitHub logo with a link to the repo right next to the iScsc title on the home (currently /blog) page
iscsc wbesite

This should be quite simple as it is only frontend side, I'll then assign the good first issue label ๐Ÿ‘
Tell me what you think of the idea!

Refactor the website backend to a python `flask` backend

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things we must implement:
(heavily based on the current expressJS backend, some things might become useless or implemented differently with flask)

  • #110
  • Implement a UserController
  • #108
  • #111
    The controllers might embed this object
  • #109
  • Write pytest test suite and a corresponding github Action

Allow article to be set to `private`


Right now, when creating an article it is directly published and there isn't any step between.


In multiple situations this could upset the user:

  • I start writing a blog and don't have time to finish it --> I'd need a "Draft" state
  • I'd like to "hide" temporarily my blog post because I need to edit it --> I'd need a "Draft" or "Paused" or "Private" state
  • I no longer want to publicly own this article but I'd like to keep it for my own use for a moment (or indefinitely this could be debated) --> I'd need a "Private" state

Solution I'd like

We should change the article storage scheme to add at list one of the state I introduced above.
We should filter the list of article shown on the main page to show only:

  • "Public" articles
  • "<other state>" and owned by the logged user

The state of such articles should be clearly displayed with a colored tag near its name for example, maybe with the mention "only you can see this".
The user should find (ofc) these articles on its future profile page introduced by #12

Last point

I'd like to add this issue to the 0.2.0 milestone!

Ask for user confirmation on article deletion

Pretty clear, when clicking the Delete button on a blog post I owned, no confirmation is asked, and I'm pretty sure that in the backend it is suppressed rather than archived so we should definitely add a confirmation pop up! (even a basic one)

EDIT: PS: the same remark applies for the Add article button when writing one!

Security enhancement: use non-root containers for nginx/frontend/backend


#20 and #34 introduced containerization in production mode, #86 will extend it to development mode.
However the processes are run as root in the containers, one could argue that even if an attacker manages to exploit the website and get a shell (it would then be a root shell) they would still be in the container, so separated from the actual server.
But what if they manages to docker escape? or what if they simply installs parasite processes, for example to spy on users or exploit our server computation resources? One could theoretically could do that from within the container.
This issue arises to me when working on the mongodb image/container for #95 and I read this:
comparison from bitnami about root/non-root containers.

Anyway running containers as root is still a bad habit.


Run an exposed to the internet process as root is a bad security habit, even in a container.


We should refactor both dev and production mode (meaning environment so Dockerfiles and docker-compose files) to run processes as unprivileged users.
We could let the development environment as is but in order to detect bugs as early as possible, development and production environment (as well as test env) should be as similar as possible. So I'd prefer to refactor both!

We could encounter issues with mounted volume.

Error HTTP Headers already set

Recently, @ctmbl noticed in the backend logs this error:

Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:393:5)
    at ServerResponse.setHeader (node:_http_outgoing:644:11)
    at ServerResponse.header (/backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:794:10)
    at ServerResponse.send (/backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:174:12)
    at ServerResponse.json (/backend/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:278:15)
    at getByAuthor (/backend/controllers/articleController.js:23:21)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {

Workflow and versioning for `bug-fix` and security patch

    This PR also arises an important question: in such cases where we found a vulnerability and want to patch it, shouldn't we release a `v0.1.1` rapidly to patch the vulnerability on the real website or should we wait for `v0.2.0`.

In the case we want to release v0.1.1 should we:

  • A: merge this PR in main and release previously merged PRs (from v0.1.0) with it
  • B: merge on a specific branch (let's say released) which is based on v0.1.0 and then merge release into main?

Following git log --oneline ... format:

* (main, v0.1.1) this PR
* commit
* commit
* (v0.1.0) Bump to version 0.1.0


* (main) Merged with `released`
* | commit
* | commit
| * (released, v0.1.1) this PR
* (v0.1.0) Bump to version 0.1.0

Originally posted by @ctmbl in #51 (comment)

add a CI to check the format of the code

cc/ @atxr

about the question in #78 and the change request in #81.

@atxr, could you add a very simple CI in .github/workflows/ to format check the format of the code base with prettier? ๐Ÿ˜‹

EDIT: the CI should fail if the format is not good. the CI should not try to commit on top of a PR branch if the format is bad.

Add a mean to review and comment blog posts

Currently blocked by #12


There is no mean, at the time, to review blog posts, for example to fix typos, add/ask for additional information or warn about dead links.
We should also be able to report blog posts.

Some Solutions

Here is a list (from the simplest to the most complex ones) of solutions I imagined:

  • a simple comment section below the post (this is for another issue but the author could be notified)
  • a mean to send private messages to/email the author, with or without some embedding to highlight/show the diff one would like
  • a more complex workflow where, after submitting a post an author, the post is in Review state (analogous to #75) and the author must wait for, designated or not, reviewers approval (same as GitHub PRs or Root-Me solution submitting)
  • some other I didn't think of ??

Create a test set for the website frontend/backend

#1 and #2 introduce the first website.
And finding the first bugs should make us think about creating testing procedures and/or automatic tests.

The goal is to at least make a list of test procedures to be able to check that main features still work fine after each PR.
We could also implement regression tests.
The ultimate goal would of course to have a test pipeline using GitHub actions but let's start with the basis.


  • I don't know any test framework for Node/react etc
  • I don't have experience in these framework neither...
  • what should be tested? How to evaluate tests coverage?
  • Should we test the backend and frontend separated, together or both?

improve the CLI of `gpg-share` with user, help and check flags

as introduced in #29, a new script has been added to the source to easily share the environment secrets with other developers using pgp keys and archives.

the current script

the script is used as follows:

bash> ./scripts/ <file-to-share> <user1> <user2> ...

or, when multi-words users have to be used or to save the list of people in a file

bash> USER_FILE="users.txt" ./scripts/ <file-to-share>

with the following users

# users.txt
first user
last user

this is arguably not the best experience...

idea of feature

during the review of #29, an idea has been introduced: using flags

  • a --user (-u) flag to add one user from the standard input
  • a --users (-U) flag to add additional users from a file

this will lead to the following usage:

# users.txt
additional user
bash> ./scripts/ -u "first user" -u "user" -u "last one" -U users.txt


bash> ./scripts/ \
    -u "first user" \
    -u "user" \
    -u "last one" \
    -U users.txt

much better isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‹

we could also add --help (-h) to see the help of the script and why not --check-keyring (-k) to check to keyring of the user calling the script and make sure everything is ok ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Add containerization in development mode

#20 added containerization to deploy the website in production mode.

I would like to extend it to development mode in order to:

  • not mess with the host (developer)'s environment
  • solve env issues for Windows developer
  • homogenize modes
  • create a single script to run either development or production mode, transparently for the user
  • solve potential version/environment problem for developer working on different machines

Would be nice to have feedback on this!

I'm currently working on so I'm assigning it to myself

Add node and npm version

Currently, the documentation doesn't mention the node and npm version used.
We should add the following information in the repo:

  • node 19
  • npm 8.19.2

Opening an article in a new tab or window displays a blank page

Title is self explanatory. Right-click -> "Open in a new tab/window" displays a blank page instead of the article.
Issue happens on both Chrome Version 105/106 and Firefox Version 105 on Windows 10.


  • OS: Windows 10
  • npm version: 8.19.1
  • node version: 18.9.1

make the README easier to read

the README is quite long now ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
i wanted to have a look, to remind me how to test the website locally but i have some trouble finding my way in it...

i think the README might benefit from one or more of the following

  • section numbers
  • some emojis around section titles
  • maybe a table content at the top?

cheers ๐Ÿ˜‹

Improve README instruction clarity

Thank you for your warm welcome :)
I have just sent a PR. I added section numbers and a table of contents. I also corrected some spelling and punctuation errors.
You asked about clarity, and I have a few suggestions.
First, I would suggest rephrasing a couple of sentences to make them sound more straightforward. For example, โ€œThe author assigned to the article will be the name of the authenticated user.โ€ could be put as โ€œYour username will appear as the author of the article.โ€
Second, I think the deployment section could be structured a bit better. Itโ€™s a list of steps, but when you scroll through it, it is not clear. You need to read the details to understand what the paragraph is about. My suggestions would be to: change heading titles to start with a verb, use numbered lists, put prerequisites before the task description, and remove quote formatting.
Below is an example of what I mean. As itโ€™s not what you asked, I created a separate branch in my forked repository to work on additional changes. For me, itโ€™s always an exercise. Later I can send another PR, and you can see if it is something youโ€™d like to apply.

2.2 Production mode

The production mode allows to deploy the application on the server. To use it, you will need:

  • docker
  • docker-compose

a) Set up environment variables(.env file)

Before deploying the application, you need to set the environment variables as for development mode.

  • From the root directory of the repository, do the following:
cp .env.example .env.production

b) Create SSL certificates

To set up HTTPS, you will need valid SSL certificates.

  • If you deploy the app for the first time, follow these instructions:
  1. Comment or delete the whole server section about 443 in the nginx/nginx.conf.template file.
- server {
- listen 443 default_server ssl http2;
- ...
- }

This step is required because the certificates don't exist yet, so they cannot be loaded in the nginx configuration.

Originally posted by @OlaPom in #79 (comment)


Currently the website is using HTTP because it was easier to setup at the beginning.
But for obvious security reason, HTTPS must be setup to encrypt the traffic.

scripts are a bit all over the place

#20, #27 and #29 introduced some scripts to the source, nginx/, and scripts/ respectively

i'm wondering if we could place them in a single location ๐Ÿค”


i think ./scripts/ would be the best seems trivial to move from the root to ./scripts/
i do not know if that's possible with nginx/, if not, that's ok ๐Ÿ˜‹

list the scripts

nushell> ls **/*.sh | get name
โ”‚ 0 โ”‚              โ”‚
โ”‚ 1 โ”‚ nginx/   โ”‚
โ”‚ 2 โ”‚ scripts/ โ”‚

Monitor and log website traffic

The #2 PR from @atxr has introduced User Authentication to our website: a mandatory feature to develop other services around the website. However this PR also brought many security concerns.. and we, as students, aren't fully capable of designing an entirely safe website, even a small one, despite all our interest towards cyber-security. At least that's what I think.

Even with our best effort we can't design a safe website.

I then want to propose a complementary solution, that I think is also widely used in the industry and is quite an interesting challenge.
Because we can't guarantee that the website is safe we could monitor the traffic and log it. That would allow to detect as early as possible breaking-in attempts.
I don't know what kind of security and monitoring the current website and framework offers (defense against brute-forcing, automatic log to a file etc) but I'm interested in looking deeper into the subject!

Frontend upgrade for better design

Currently, all the components on the website are designed with raw CSS.
This is not very efficient, and because none of us is a web designer, this is also hard to get a clean result.

Many "design libraries" exist to make this task easier. They propose some basic components, easy to use and customizable, to avoid starting from scratch the web design.
MUI is one of the most famous, and often used with React.
I would like to include it in the frontend to make this task easier.

Also, this is a great time to think about a new design for the website if needed.
By new design, I'm mostly thinking about a new color scheme/font, and a new layout for the website.
Feel free to propose your dream design! We could also organize a meeting to decide this together.

Import static images for blog post

Currently, if a user wants to create a blog post with images, they must use link to external images on the web.
There is no way to upload images to the server and link them in the blog post.

Few steps to tackle this:

  • Handle image upload in the backend. A solution could be to add a gallery section to each user, and to allow users to upload images.
  • Find a easy way to integrate image upload when uploading a md article.

Add new milestone for iScsc blog v0.0.2

I want to propose the next milestone for the website, and I wanted to discuss about it before creating it.

Create a private space for authenticated users on the blog website to manage published articles.
New features:

  • Personal space for each authenticated users
  • Management of posts (add, remove, edit)
  • Management of personal data (avatar, name, email, password)

Let me know what you think!

`npm run pretty` not supported on Windows

I installed prettier, and it works, but the rule doesnโ€™t. When I do npm run pretty in the main folder of the repo, I get this:

[email protected] pretty
npx prettier --write โ€˜**/*.{js,md,yml,css,html}โ€™ โ€˜!mongodb/**โ€™
[error] No files matching the pattern were found: โ€œโ€˜**/*.{js,md,yml,css,html}โ€™โ€.
[error] No files matching the pattern were found: โ€œโ€˜!mongodb/**โ€™โ€.

Iโ€™m on Windows. I googled this error, and it may have sth to do with the quotes.

I copied the readme file to another folder and was able to format it with prettier --write. I tried it on a copy for now, because I thought youโ€™d prefer people to run the script. Let me know if it makes any difference. If not, Iโ€™ll format the file and push it. Or let me know if I need to do anything to make the rule work on my computer.

Originally posted by @OlaPom in #96 (comment)

Automating updates of the repo structure

As you know, we keep track of the repo structure in the README, and it's a very useful feature for new developers on this project!
However, it's very boring to update it by hand at each PR.
I don't see any solution but I'm sure we can do something about this. At least but an alert or a github action that remind us to do it at each PR!

Very long words can go out of displayed boxes

See attached screenshot. Happens on article preview, main blog page, and when reading the details of an article.
Issue happens on Chrome version 105/106 and Firefox version 105 on Windows 10.

This is an aesthetic issue, and it is very unlikely to happen in a real world usecase, but it would be nice to fix it nonetheless.

Capture dโ€™รฉcran 2022-09-28 113055

`author`, `contributors` fields in `package.json`

Discussed in #52

Originally posted by ctmbl November 28, 2022
started here


Aha I'm totally fine about being the author of this repo, even if it's the whole club

Actually I was suggesting the opposite: as more contributors will add their work to the repo we could add their name to the contributor field as suggested by the documentation

Reviewing code is too long/difficult


Recently @atxr opened two amazing PR (#1 and #2) to deploy the first version of the iScsc blog.


The reviewing step is taking faaaaaaar too long (almost 1 month for me to review #1 maybe 15 days to merge it, same for #2).


I personally identified 3 root causes:

  • these PR are quite long (65 commits for #1 38 for #2 if I'm right) --> I hope this is because there are needed to write the blog structure
  • none of us are familiar with React neither are expert in JS or simply web coding --> we don't know were to start
  • we miss documentation, context and concrete facts to imagine the code we're reviewing in action and identify flaws


these solutions/advice are not addressed to @atxr but to any maintainer on this repo or even others

  • try as much as possible to write shorter PR, even if it means merging incomplete code like models and controllers which aren't useful at the time
  • better introduce the PR, especially because there are the first/they introduce new concepts/framework!! Try to explain them to us and maybe link images
  • actual commits are really good but try as much as possible (once again we're still noobs) to detailed your commit bodies that can be really helpful!
  • send links/documentation that address the PR to help us understanding it
  • and the MOST important. Reviewers: try to DO your JOB please. I'm the first to lack time and to take long to review code but reviewing is as boring and difficult as it is vital and encouraging for the developer.
    For the sake of developers motivation and this project future please review.

My real point:

First of all, the long reviewing time is an insidious flaw because it not only lower the maintainer motivation but also drive away the reviewers from their duty AND the project. Taking time to review delays a PR merging but also next features development! Please think about it, not reviewing code is killing the project!

Moreover when you're on the developer side it's so amazing and motivating to have feedback and review, we're all on both side so do it and others will!

However another problem arisen to me when reviewing @atxr PRs. #2 introduces user auth, and we can't even take the time to review this widely critical features, because we deeply miss the expertise to do it right. Let me write it straight. We are not able to develop and review really safe code because we aren't cyber-security experts.

Then what do we do? I'll open another Issue to discuss this deeply different problem.

I think that this Issue concerns everyone so here I go: @atxr @amtoine @J3y0 @Turtyo

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