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insomnia-documenter's Issues

cannot access insomnia,json

Hello, i am having a problem when running the documentation at localhost the page telling me that "It looks like it's not possible to retrieve the contents of the API documentation at the moment. ". The console browser give me this :

I also have tried to generate documentation (with the very same steps) on another project and it was perfectly fine.

Change <!-- RESPONSE --> to // RESPONSE inside a code block comment

There is a problem when documenting an example response.

Actually works like:

<!-- RESPONSE -->
... data

But the problem with that is looks ugly and not readable in Insomina Docs tab, without format.

I suggest change it to:

    ... data

all inside a codeblock.

In that form the markdown format preserves in the Insomnia doc tab and will still appear at the right panel as response example in the generated documentation.

Run-in-insomnia button

First, I just want to say that this project is awesome! It's so cool to see things like this start to come out of the community 🥳

Was taking a look at the demo you have up and thought it might be cool to include a "Run in Insomnia" button. Feel free to ignore this suggestion if you don't think it's a good fit.

CORS error, when running from file.

The demo seems nice, but when I'm trying to run by clicking index.html I get Cross Origin Request Block, cause file:///insomnia.json isn't on the same origin as the .js file.

To be honest, cause I want it to run in production, I put it to our Apache server and there I got
SyntaxError: "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data".
Tried to use the Release downloaded from GitHub, the NPX package and also the Global installed NPM package.
üdvözlet, BP-ről, remélem minél hamarabb futhat ez a csodás tool prod-ban nálunk is, keep it up :)

Rewrite it in Vue

I plan on rewriting the project in Vue, since I find it a lot more mature and usable than Svelte. Sure, Svelte is nice and all, but removing abstractions like this is what actually makes it less fun and more awkward to use as a framework. It would also be nice to see which one would actually do better in terms of performance.

Of course, the old Svelte version will be available in a separate branch.

Github Pages Deployment steps

Hey, I am trying to deploy my documentation through GitHub pages, and am confused about how to do it. I think we could add more elaborate steps in the documentation about this. It'll be really helpful, as in my deployment it just shows a blank page,

Add support for nested environment variables

First of all, good job on this tool but I am currently using a nested environment variables structure for an API I am developing but the merging always conflicts with the base settings for endpoint...You can check it out here:

Base Settings:

  "base": "http://fanfaro.test/api"

Folder Settings (e.g auth):

  "base": "{{ base }}/auth"

Insomnia Documenter Output:


Expected Output:


This works fine in the Insomnia app.

Convert to Insomnia Plugin

Good job so on this tool but since Insomnia now supports plugin, I feel the CLI can be converted to a plugin and now this opens the door to many possibilities e.g fixing #4 , #14 would not be an issue.

Response data using "function to perform" options

Hello, excellent tool, I have a question.
it is possible to create the response example, using the tag options "function to perform"


action to perform

and with the following options
option tag

but when generating the documentation, it appears as follows
response doc page

Thank you!.
my apologies for the horrible english translation 😞

Insomnia Rest 7.1.1
[email protected]

Add description for a FOLDER. Is that possible?

Through the "Docs" tab we can document the methods, but it would be really cool if we could put a description in a folder that contains several methods.

For example, if my workspace is divided in 3 folders:

  • Admin
  • Client
  • Auth

When I click on Admin option, from left menu, is there any way to add a description like image shows?
Captura de Tela 2020-09-04 às 19 37 43

Example response not working

The example response is not show on the right panel:


Response language tag:

  "ok": true,
  "data": [
      "name": "Insomnia",
      "description": "REST client for humans"
      "name": "Insomnia Documenter",
      "description": "Documentation generator for Insomnia"

FormatEnv function throws an error when url for some requests are empty

I had a request without an endpoint when served using vercel it throws an error
Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 12 25 41 AM

I looked at the codebase on GitHub and realized formatEnv in Request.svelte was looking up request.url and in one of my API request i had an empty URL input

Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 12 38 53 AM

I believe there should be a better way for handling null values for looking up environment variables.

i'll creeate a PR suggesting a fix for this

Error displaying app

Error in console:

main.js:35 TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null
    at Re (formatEnv.js:2)
    at content.js:89
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at ze.headers (content.js:86)
    at Ye (Request.svelte:103)
    at at (Request.svelte:102)
    at ne (index.mjs:1287)
    at new ot (Request.svelte:81)
    at (Rows.svelte:16)
    at ft (Rows.svelte:12)

Website deployed with github-actions on
App tag is replaced with GH actions

I had the same on my computer when localhost

Insomnia export is a v4 json export

View Response Data in Documentation?

Hi, first of all this is a beautiful application so thank you for making it!

I just wanted to know if there was a way to view the response data in the documentation, for example what an example response would be.

What would be the best method to include that in the API doc be?

Thank you!

Cannot use Insomnia Tags

Hello. First of all, Thanks For So Best App!!!)))

When i use Insomnia Tags for fill response body or query params (with JsonPath from another request), I get a tag flag as string
like a

### Пример ответ
<!-- RESPONSE -->
{% response 'raw', 'req_6f556f2bae314b9591e79fdcbce9754c', '', 'always', 60 %}

Tag Screen
Tag Screen

Result Screen

Is it possible to fix this???

Option to not include cookies in documentation

My Insomnia export includes a session cookie which is not important and is confusing my users. Would it be possible for an option to be added where all cookies are ignored when generating the documentation?

Query and header documentation

Insomnia allows to include description for query parameters and headers. I think it would be great if those were documented too.


Python request display

The payload is really weird to say the least:

import requests

url = 'http:///api/v1.0.1/dialog/say/'
headers = {
    "auth": ""
payload = '-----011000010111000001101001\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"text\"\n\nI'm speaking through the API\n-----011000010111000001101001\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"siteId\"\n\ndefault

response = requests.request('POST', url, data=payload, headers=headers)

This is on rendered pages when selecting python. Funny part is that it was also on Postman bug tracker

Example response not parsed

Example responses are not parsed despite being wrapped between <!-- RESPONSE --> and <!-- ENDRESPONSE --> tags.

unable to read insomnia.json

I have an insomnia.json file, its about 3198 lines long. Is there a limit to the size of the json file? I tested with 2 other json exports from the same Insomnia and they had no issues displaying.


[Bug] Enviroments render error

Hi, Enviroment {{host}} in url and {{AuthInternal}} in headers didn't rendered correctly.

This is the data I exported.

  "_type": "export",
  "__export_format": 4,
  "__export_date": "2020-01-20T05:54:54.582Z",
  "__export_source": "",
  "resources": [
      "_id": "req_d724d8db1e384ed3b364832f34bdb411",
      "authentication": {
        "disabled": true,
        "token": "",
        "type": "bearer"
      "body": {
        "mimeType": "application/json",
        "text": "{\n\t\"symbol\": \"\",\n\t\"ipo_name\": [\"TX-002-IPO\"],\n\t\"page\": 1,\n\t\"per_page\": 10,\n\t\"start_date\": \"2020-01-01\",\n\t\"end_date\": \"2020-02-01\"\n}"
      "created": 1576052448832,
      "description": "",
      "headers": [
          "description": "",
          "disabled": false,
          "id": "pair_003121b0bf4c487880ceba2082aacc1a",
          "name": "Authorization",
          "value": "{{ AuthInternal  }}"
      "isPrivate": false,
      "metaSortKey": -1575341882669.5,
      "method": "GET",
      "modified": 1579254584984,
      "name": "ipo search",
      "parameters": [],
      "parentId": "wrk_c933e28b674d44549e567514ef217307",
      "settingDisableRenderRequestBody": false,
      "settingEncodeUrl": true,
      "settingFollowRedirects": "global",
      "settingRebuildPath": true,
      "settingSendCookies": true,
      "settingStoreCookies": true,
      "url": "{{ host  }}/internal/api/v1/ipo/search?ipo_name=01911-IPO",
      "_type": "request"
      "_id": "wrk_c933e28b674d44549e567514ef217307",
      "created": 1575340895113,
      "description": "",
      "modified": 1579082458535,
      "name": "Customer",
      "parentId": null,
      "_type": "workspace"
      "_id": "env_3bfa825369fc4f65bd77f0e7265b40d5",
      "color": null,
      "created": 1575965028661,
      "data": {
        "AuthH5": "Bearer 1111",
        "AuthInternal": "Bearer 2222",
        "AuthInternalBos": "Basic 3333",
        "host": ""
      "dataPropertyOrder": {
        "&": [
      "isPrivate": false,
      "metaSortKey": 1,
      "modified": 1579497604088,
      "name": "StagingGZ",
      "parentId": "env_8dd061095c33eafccd1c8a21521cfe0a8cba7f30",
      "_type": "environment"

JSON.parse SyntaxError since 0.4.4

Hello there!

The generator since version 0.4.4 is throwing error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 2764 with the insomnia.json file below (though it import correctly in Insomnia app and also works in version 0.4.3):

{"_type":"export","__export_format":4,"__export_date":"2021-01-19T08:26:15.602Z","__export_source":"","resources":[{"_id":"req_d3a7868acd2d4c2baa1808ea1efc49d4","parentId":"fld_99f32bcae3c34cb7b995f62366560549","modified":1611044671451,"created":1611044671451,"url":"{{ base_url }}/surveys","name":"GetSurveys","description":"","method":"GET","body":{},"parameters":[],"headers":[{"name":"Admin-Token","value":"{{ administrator.token }}","description":"","id":"pair_d76b9d0a0156442aa58bf141cab64bc2"}],"authentication":{},"metaSortKey":-1606833245833,"isPrivate":false,"settingStoreCookies":true,"settingSendCookies":true,"settingDisableRenderRequestBody":false,"settingEncodeUrl":true,"settingRebuildPath":true,"settingFollowRedirects":"global","_type":"request"},{"_id":"fld_99f32bcae3c34cb7b995f62366560549","parentId":"fld_4fd02f68cf00457f950610a091b0c7d3","modified":1606836884702,"created":1606832899101,"name":"Surveys","description":"","environment":{},"environmentPropertyOrder":null,"metaSortKey":-999999975,"_type":"request_group"},{"_id":"fld_4fd02f68cf00457f950610a091b0c7d3","parentId":"wrk_a58dbb58449f43928aebb88192101a91","modified":1606836830731,"created":1606836830720,"name":"Administration","description":"","environment":{},"environmentPropertyOrder":null,"metaSortKey":-1000000000,"_type":"request_group"},{"_id":"wrk_a58dbb58449f43928aebb88192101a91","parentId":null,"modified":1606832665458,"created":1606832590082,"name":"Survey","description":"","scope":null,"_type":"workspace"},{"_id":"req_e033048f93b84135b613c1c9bb911e24","parentId":"fld_16e8e4700e63418ba935eff07b06d9b4","modified":1608309726232,"created":1606833746449,"url":"{{ base_url }}/{surveyId}/pages","name":"GetPages","description":"","method":"GET","body":{},"parameters":[],"headers":[{"name":"Admin-Token","value":"{{ administrator.token }}","description":"","id":"pair_aac4458f06db41858bf2119caa73b16f"}],"authentication":{},"metaSortKey":-1606833746449,"isPrivate":false,"settingStoreCookies":true,"settingSendCookies":true,"settingDisableRenderRequestBody":false,"settingEncodeUrl":true,"settingRebuildPath":true,"settingFollowRedirects":"global","_type":"request"},{"_id":"fld_16e8e4700e63418ba935eff07b06d9b4","parentId":"fld_4fd02f68cf00457f950610a091b0c7d3","modified":1606836878158,"created":1606833742115,"name":"Pages","description":"","environment":{},"environmentPropertyOrder":null,"metaSortKey":-1000000025,"_type":"request_group"},{"_id":"req_1126487208be4840aa158e73d0c2c58e","parentId":"fld_653a28282362407bb92d5dbf6ea2d172","modified":1611044697399,"created":1611044697399,"url":"{{ base_url }}/administrator/session","name":"CreateSession","description":"","method":"POST","body":{"mimeType":"application/json","text":"{\n\t\"username\": \"{{ administrator.userame }}\",\n\t\"password\": \"{{ administrator.password }}\"\n}"},"parameters":[],"headers":[{"name":"Content-Type","value":"application/json","id":"pair_730eb2bcd7524a4192df6536e82e5518"}],"authentication":{},"metaSortKey":-1606835358452,"isPrivate":false,"settingStoreCookies":true,"settingSendCookies":true,"settingDisableRenderRequestBody":false,"settingEncodeUrl":true,"settingRebuildPath":true,"settingFollowRedirects":"global","_type":"request"},{"_id":"fld_653a28282362407bb92d5dbf6ea2d172","parentId":"fld_4fd02f68cf00457f950610a091b0c7d3","modified":1606836872222,"created":1606836790274,"name":"Session","description":"","environment":{},"environmentPropertyOrder":null,"metaSortKey":-1000000075,"_type":"request_group"},{"_id":"env_800ccb2e8347e5b93c470fb4e3762c9fbfd3242e","parentId":"wrk_a58dbb58449f43928aebb88192101a91","modified":1606858393882,"created":1606832590172,"name":"Base 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Insomnia Plugin issue: devhammed/insomnia-plugin-documenter#3

Raw content data support.

Insomnia-documenter is a greate tool.

When I deploy the web page to the public network. I realize that the "insomnia.json" file authorization is a big problem. In my app, only allow logged users to access files.

So, is there any plan to support reading raw data? Like:

<div id="app" data-raw="{"_type":"export","__export_format":4,"__export_date":"2021-08-19T ...."></div>

Thanks very much.

Environment not working

I just discovered this documenter and I love it, but I have a problem with my environment's variables. Look at my generated documentation:

It is not taking the value of my variable. Insomnia does it with no problem. Is this a bug? I was thinking it may is because of the introduction of the underscore and dot before the variable in insomnia:

Originally posted by @AxelLR992 in #48

Demo Page 404 on

I would like to see how does insomnia-documenter exports but the demo at the isn't working.

Handle Parameters section with POST and PATCH methods

It would be great to be able to display the parameters UI section for POST and PATCH query as you are currently doing with GET query. The idea would be to specify the mandatory and optional parameters with a short description.

Capture d’écran 2020-09-30 à 10 45 45

I know there is no direct way to handle this with Insomnia but maybe using a similar pattern than the response query in the docs tab ?

specify RESPONSE codes

To document example response, we rely with the tags:

<! --RESPONSE -->

However, we may add specific responses, like 200 response, 401 response, 404 response.

Is it possible to add custom tags like:

Error in export Json V4

main.js:35 SyntaxError: Unexpected token q in JSON at position 10
at JSON.parse ()
at Re.__parseJSON (content.js:14)
at Re.parse (content.js:50)
at qe.body (content.js:110)
at Ye (Request.svelte:106)
at rt (Request.svelte:105)
at ne (index.mjs:1287)
at new it (Request.svelte:80)
at (Rows.svelte:16)
at gt (Rows.svelte:12)

Display info.description

Hi everyone!

Before anything else ¡Thank u very much 4 this beatiful app!

Now i'm adding description under the info section. But when i try to insomnia documenter i'm only getting the requests. I'm not able to see the servers, info ands schemas section. Is there any setup i should do?

Here is how it looks in my local insomnia

Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-01 a la(s) 13 00 09

And this is the result after insominia-documenter
Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-01 a la(s) 13 00 28

How can i get the servers, info and schemas sections?

thanks 4 the support.

Converting to Static Site

How could I setup the generated Svelte site to support npm run build in order to output a pure static version of the documentation?

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected double-quoted property name at line 6 column 2 of the JSON data

Exported JSON

  "_type": "export",
  "__export_format": 4,
  "__export_date": "2020-07-13T16:39:23.109Z",
  "__export_source": "",
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      "body": {},
      "created": 1594656381351,
      "description": "Any microservice which docs with assets should send a message to this topic, to register as a asset processor\n",
      "headers": [],
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      "method": "HEAD",
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      "name": "insomniadocs.topic.asset-processor-registration",
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      "settingDisableRenderRequestBody": false,
      "settingEncodeUrl": true,
      "settingFollowRedirects": "global",
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      "scope": null,
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      "description": "the resizer micoservice add message to the topic, so the assets can be reloaded and the database can be updated",
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      "body": {
        "mimeType": "application/json",
        "text": "{\n\t\"path\": \"/s3/object/path\"\n}"
      "created": 1594650596567,
      "description": "Getting Signed URLs to access S3 objects\n\n<!--RESPONSE-->\n{\n  \"putUrl\": \"\",\n  \"getUrl\": \"\"\n}\n\n<!-- ENDRESPONSE -->\n\n\n",
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          "value": "application/json"
      "isPrivate": false,
      "metaSortKey": -1594650596567,
      "method": "POST",
      "modified": 1594650828482,
      "name": "Getting signed s3 urls",
      "parameters": [],
      "parentId": "fld_58892fc116be44e594eba7f82ad457dc",
      "settingDisableRenderRequestBody": false,
      "settingEncodeUrl": true,
      "settingFollowRedirects": "global",
      "settingRebuildPath": true,
      "settingSendCookies": true,
      "settingStoreCookies": true,
      "url": "",
      "_type": "request"
      "_id": "req_6a7c704040b24484ae677d17b7c01dc1",
      "authentication": {},
      "body": {},
      "created": 1594650501632,
      "description": "Heartbeat endpoint",
      "headers": [],
      "isPrivate": false,
      "metaSortKey": -1594650501632,
      "method": "GET",
      "modified": 1594650563341,
      "name": "Heartbeat",
      "parameters": [],
      "parentId": "fld_58892fc116be44e594eba7f82ad457dc",
      "settingDisableRenderRequestBody": false,
      "settingEncodeUrl": true,
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Complete error:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected double-quoted property name at line 6 column 2 of the JSON data
    __parseJSON golang.js:61
    parse index.js:24
    body content.js:6
    Ye Table.svelte:17
    nt Request.svelte:129
    ne index.mjs:1287
    at Request.svelte:40
    pt Group.svelte:13
    ht Rows.svelte:16
    gt Rows.svelte:16
    ne index.mjs:1287
    mt Rows.svelte:12
    dt Group.svelte:31
    ht Rows.svelte:16
    gt Rows.svelte:16
    ne index.mjs:1287
    mt Rows.svelte:12
    sn Select.svelte:453
    ne index.mjs:1287
    cn Content.svelte:9
    hn Content.svelte:36
    ne index.mjs:1287
    fn App.svelte:59
    app cuteConfig.js:62

How to deploy to github pages?

Hello. I have used this resource to deploy my insomnia workspaces many times in ZEIT easily using now command, as used in video tutorial. At this time, I'm trying to deploy the docs in gh-pages, but almost as expected, gh-pages services can't read cuz they don't have a server(I think...). How to deploy on gh-pages like in example in this repo? This reply would be a good information for future new users that's wanna do the same.

Screenshot from 2020-07-28 20-23-57

Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null

With the latest version, I currently get this error in my browser console.

bundle.js:6 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null
    at bundle.js:6
    at bundle.js:6
    at bundle.js:6

Could this be resolved?

Thanks again!

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