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cw-injective's Introduction

Injective Cosmwasm

This repository contains packages and examples for how to use CosmWasm with Injective.


These packages can be used to integrate CosmWasm and Injective.

Package Description
injective-cosmwasm Package for Injective-specific queries and messages.
injective-math Math utility library including custom FPDecimal type.
injective-protobuf Rust protobuf files generation for Injective messages.
injective-std Injective's proto-generated types and helpers built using Buf. Enables interaction with both custom and standard modules.

Example Contracts

These contracts can be used as examples for CosmWasm and Injective.

Contract Description
dummy A simply template for starting a new contract.
atomic-order-example Example contract on how to do atomic market orders on Injective incl handling the response.
swap-contract More complex atomic swaps over multiple market hops.


Environment Setup

  • Rust v1.69.0
  • wasm32-unknown-unknown target
  • Docker
  1. Install rustup
  2. Run the following
rustup default 1.69.0
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  1. Make sure Docker is installed on your machine

Unit / Integration Test

Each contract contains Rust unit tests embedded within the contract source directories. You can run

cargo unit-test


Go to the contract directory and run

After making sure tests pass, you can compile each contract with the following

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm
sha256sum target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/<CONTRACT_NAME>.wasm


For production builds, run the following:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

This performs several optimizations which can significantly reduce the final size of the contract binaries, which will be available inside the artifacts/ directory.


Make sure you run rustfmt before creating a PR to the repo.

To run rustfmt,

cargo fmt


You should run clippy also. This is a lint tool for Rust. It suggests more efficient/readable code. You can see the clippy document for more information.


cargo clippy -- -D warnings


Developers are strongly encouraged to write unit tests for new code, and to submit new unit tests for old code. Unit tests can be compiled and run with: cargo test --all. For more details, please reference Unit Tests.

cw-injective's People


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cw-injective's Issues

[FPDecimal] Handling sdk.Dec <nil> case

The Cosmos-SDK's empty sdk.Dec (e.g. sdk.Dec{}) string form is represented as "<nil>" (proof below).

However, FPDecimals' from_str method won't be able to convert this value.

/// Converts the decimal string to a FPDecimal
/// Possible inputs: "1.23", "1", "000012", "1.123000000"
/// Disallowed: "", ".23"
/// This never performs any kind of rounding.
/// More than 18 fractional digits, even zeros, result in an error.
fn from_str(input: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let sign = if input.starts_with('-') { 0 } else { 1 };
let parts: Vec<&str> = input.trim_start_matches('-').split('.').collect();
match parts.len() {
1 => {
let integer = U256::from_dec_str(parts[0]).map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Error parsing integer"))?;
Ok(FPDecimal {
num: integer * FPDecimal::ONE.num,
2 => {
let integer = U256::from_dec_str(parts[0]).map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Error parsing integer"))?;
let fraction = U256::from_dec_str(parts[1]).map_err(|_| StdError::generic_err("Error parsing fraction"))?;
let exp = FPDecimal::DIGITS
.ok_or_else(|| StdError::generic_err(format!("Cannot parse more than {} fractional digits", FPDecimal::DIGITS)))?;
Ok(FPDecimal {
num: integer * FPDecimal::ONE.num + fraction * U256::exp10(exp),
_ => Err(StdError::generic_err("Unexpected number of dots")),
//Ok(FPDecimal {num: num * FPDecimal::ONE.num, sign: sign})

Should we handle this case? If so, how? @DrunkRandomWalker @gorgos


type Dec struct {
	i *big.Int

func (d Dec) String() string {
	if d.i == nil {
		return d.i.String()

and big.Int's String method is simply

// String returns the decimal representation of x as generated by
// x.Text(10).
func (x *Int) String() string {
	return x.Text(10)

// Text returns the string representation of x in the given base.
// Base must be between 2 and 62, inclusive. The result uses the
// lower-case letters 'a' to 'z' for digit values 10 to 35, and
// the upper-case letters 'A' to 'Z' for digit values 36 to 61.
// No prefix (such as "0x") is added to the string. If x is a nil
// pointer it returns "<nil>".
func (x *Int) Text(base int) string {
	if x == nil {
		return "<nil>"
	return string(x.abs.itoa(x.neg, base))

Update to Prost 0.12

The new Name trait in prost 0.12 brings a lot more ease of use for consumers. Would love to see these deps updated.

Pass values by reference for FPDecimal methods, and associate functions

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, JsonSchema)]
pub struct FPDecimal {
    #[schemars(with = "String")]
    pub num: U256,
    pub sign: i8,

FPDecimal implemented Copy trait, parameter in associated functions in below are passed parameters by value. So values are copied, I think we are safe to pass parameters by reference, and copy when it is necessary.

pub fn _int(x: FPDecimal) -> FPDecimal {
let x1 = x.num;
let x1_1 = x1 / FPDecimal::ONE.num;
let x_final = x1_1 * FPDecimal::ONE.num;
FPDecimal { num: x_final, sign: x.sign }

pub fn _fraction(x: FPDecimal) -> FPDecimal {
let x1 = x.num;
FPDecimal {
num: x1 - FPDecimal::_int(x).num,
sign: x.sign,

injective-math 0.2.1 including random

fix is to do the following in cargo.toml
primitive-types = {version= "0.12.2" ,default-features = false}
to injective-math's cargo.toml.

I found that primitive-types was including 'random', and causing wasm-bindgen to be included in smart contracts (and failing to store on injective-888).

Add multi markets info query

All the query in this enum is single market query, I suggest we also add multi-market query.

A user case would be Spot-Perp arbritage on ETH/USDT Perp, and WETH/USDT market.

pub enum InjectiveQuery {
// SubaccountDeposit will return the subaccount deposits for a given subaccount_id and denom
SubaccountDeposit {
subaccount_id: String,
denom: String,
SpotMarket {
market_id: String,
TraderSpotOrders {
market_id: String,
subaccount_id: String,
// DerivativeMarket will return the derivative market for a given id
DerivativeMarket {
market_id: String,
SubaccountPositions {
subaccount_id: String,
SubaccountEffectivePositionInMarket {
market_id: String,
subaccount_id: String,
TraderDerivativeOrders {
market_id: String,
subaccount_id: String,
PerpetualMarketInfo {
market_id: String,
PerpetualMarketFunding {
market_id: String,
DerivativeMarketVolatility {
market_id: String,
from: i64,
only_trade_history: bool,
SpotMarketVolatility {
market_id: String,
from: i64,

add spot market structs to

pub enum InjectiveQuery {
    // Missing fields 
    SpotMarket {
        market_id: String,
    TraderSpotOrders {
        market_id: String,
        subaccount_id: String,
    SpotMarketInfo {
        market_id: String,

[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct SpotLimitOrder {
    pub order_info: OrderInfo,
    pub order_type: i32,
    pub fillable: FPDecimal,
    pub trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
    pub order_hash: String,

impl SpotLimitOrder {
    pub fn new(
        fillable: FPDecimal,
        order_hash: String,
        trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
        order_type: i32,
        order_info: OrderInfo,
    ) -> SpotLimitOrder {
        SpotLimitOrder {

[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct SpotMarketOrder {
    pub order_info: OrderInfo,
    pub order_type: i32,
    pub fillable: FPDecimal,
    pub trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
    pub order_hash: String,

impl SpotMarketOrder {
    pub fn new(
        fillable: FPDecimal,
        order_hash: String,
        trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
        order_type: i32,
        order_info: OrderInfo,
    ) -> SpotLimitOrder {
        SpotLimitOrder {

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct TrimmedSpotLimitOrder {
    pub price: FPDecimal,
    pub quantity: FPDecimal,
    pub fillable: FPDecimal,
    pub isBuy: bool,
    pub order_hash: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct TraderSpotOrdersResponse {
    pub orders: Option<Vec<TrimmedSpotLimitOrder>>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct SpotMarket {
    pub ticker: String,
    pub oracle_base: String,
    pub oracle_quote: String,
    pub oracle_type: i32,
    pub oracle_scale_factor: u32,
    pub quote_denom: String,
    pub market_id: String,
    pub maker_fee_rate: FPDecimal,
    pub taker_fee_rate: FPDecimal,
    pub isPerpetual: bool, // this is from DerivativeMarket, not sure if this is necessary
    pub status: i32,
    pub min_price_tick_size: FPDecimal,
    pub min_quantity_tick_size: FPDecimal,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct DerivativeMarketOrder {
    pub order_info: OrderInfo,
    pub order_type: i32,
    pub margin: FPDecimal,
    pub fillable: FPDecimal,
    pub trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
    pub order_hash: String,

impl DerivativeMarketOrder {
    pub fn new(
        margin: FPDecimal,
        fillable: FPDecimal,
        order_hash: String,
        trigger_price: Option<FPDecimal>,
        order_type: i32,
        order_info: OrderInfo,
    ) -> DerivativeLimitOrder {
        DerivativeLimitOrder {
    pub fn is_reduce_only(&self) -> bool {

DerivativeMarketOrder is possible missing.

injective-protobuf isn't generating the types for all of the proto files

Perhaps there is a reason for this that I'm not aware of, but it seems injective-protobuf is not building all of the types defined in the .proto files. An example being EthAccount. This can be fixed by simply adding the paths to the missing proto files into the inputs in I would be happy to submit a PR for this if it will be accepted.

Create enums or aliases for chain enum types

We currently pass in i32 for chain enum types like the order type or cancellation strategy. Wonder if we instead could use a Rust enum type or use some kind of alias to actually know what the i32 stands for.

[Registry] Add index for is_executable contracts

Currently if there exist deactivated (not executable) contracts in the CONTRACTS map, query_active_contracts can return fewer contracts than the limit in the paginated query.

.filter(|item| {
if let Ok((_, contract)) = item {
} else {

We can use an IndexedMap to iterate solely over the executable contracts to resolve this issue.

injective-math 0.2.0 - unstable feature

when I try to use

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

it spits out issues about the use of is_some_and.

now version 0.14.0 of the workspace-optimizer doesn't fail.
but then it refuses to upload the wasm generated to injective-888

Create better conversions for FPDecimal and cosmwasm-std math types

An example would be From<Decimal256> for FPDecimal

pub fn into_fp_decimal(value: Decimal256) -> FPDecimal {
    let atomics = value.atomics().to_be_bytes();
    FPDecimal { num: atomics.into(), sign: 1 }

but there are many more. As well some conversions seem to be using implementations for Display which likely isn't best practice.

`injective-math`: does it need to require the `cosmwasm_1_x` features from `cosmwasm-std`?

I am working on a project that can use some of your utilities in injective-math for a multi chain contract, but some other cosmos based chains do not satisfy all the capabilities for cosmwasm-std. I am not seeing anywhere that injective-math needs to enable these cosmwasm features and am wondering if it's possible to produce a version that does not include the cosmwasm_1_* features seen here:

cosmwasm-std = { version = "1.5.0", features = [ "abort", "cosmwasm_1_2", "cosmwasm_1_3", "cosmwasm_1_4", "iterator", "stargate" ] }

Building injective-cosmwasm with `--release` fails

specifically the error is

error[E0432]: unresolved import `test_helpers::testing_helpers`
  --> /Users/ewoolsey/.cargo/registry/src/
51 | pub use test_helpers::testing_helpers::{
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ could not find `testing_helpers` in `test_helpers`

Implementation of Power functions

Can we please keep the power functions as simple as - a^(x) = e ^ (x * log (a)) - this might be slightly expensive (roughly 26 iterations from taylor ex + dunno if we're using karastuba-offman multiplication ) but we will get very stable results. We can further optimize both log and exp implementations - via bilinear transformations.

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