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designing-data-intensive-applications's Introduction

Designing Data Intensive Applications

Table of contents:

  1. Chapter 1: Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications
  2. Chapter 2: Data Models and Query Languages
  3. Chapter 3: Storage and Retrieval
  4. Chapter 4: Encoding and Evolution
  5. Chapter 5: Replication
  6. Chapter 6: Partitioning
  7. Chapter 7: Transactions
  8. Chapter 8: The Trouble with Distributed Systems
  9. Chapter 9: Consistency and Consensus
  10. Chapter 10: Batch Processing
  11. Chapter 11: Stream Processing
  12. Chapter 12: The Future of Data Systems

Chapter 1: Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications

Thinking About Data Systems

The three concerns that are important in most software systems are:

* Reliability: The system should continue to work correctly (even performant) even in the face of adversity 
* Scalability: Scalability is the term we use to describe a system's ability to cope with increased load
* Maintainability: Different people should be able to work productively on the system


The things that can go wrong are called faults, and systems that anticipate faults and can cope with them are called fault-tolerant or resilient, although it only makes sense to talk about tolerating certain types of faults. A fault is usually defined as one component of the system deviating from its spec, whereas a failure is when the system as a whole stops providing the required service to the user.

Hardware Faults

Typical approach to this problem is to add redundancy to the individual hardware components in order to reduce the failure rate of the system.

Human Errors

To alleviate this problem, design systems in a way that minimizes opportunities for error decouple the places where people make the most mistakes from the places where they can cause failures, test thoroughly at all levels, set up detailed and clear monitoring and implement good management practices and training.


Describing Load

Load can be described with a few numbers which we call load parameters (request per second, reads/writes ration, concurrent users...)

Describing Performance

Look at performance in two ways:

* When a load parameter changes, how is the performance affected?
* How much do you need to increase the resources to keep performance unchanged if you increase a load parameter?

Service level objectives (SLOs) and service level agreements (SLAs) are often defined through the performance percentiles around request time.

Approaches for Coping with Load

There is two ways to cope with increasing load: scaling up (more powerful machines) and scaling out (adding more nodes to the cluster).


Software can be designed in such a way that it minimizes maintenance pain. We will pay particular attention to three design principles for software systems:

* Operability: Make it easy for operations teams to keep the system running smoothly
* Simplicity: Make it easy for new engineers to understand the system, by removing as much complexity as possible from the system
* Evolvability: Make it easy for engineers to change the system in the future, adapting it for unanticipated use cases asrequirements change

Operability: Making Life Easy for Operations

An operations team typically is responsible for the monitorization of the service, tracking down the cause of problems, keeping the software and platforms updated, keeping tabs on how different systems affect each other, doing preventive work, setting best practices and tools, setting security, defining process and documenting all of the above. Good operability means making routine tasks easy, allowing the operations team to focus on other activities

Simplicity: Managing Complexity

Reducing complexity greatly improves the maintainability of software, and thus simplicity should be a key goal for the systems we build. Abstraction removes unnecesary complexity: it can hide a great deal of implementation detail behind a clean, simple-to-understand facade.

Evolvability: Making Change Easy

The ease with which you can modify a data system, and adapt it to changing requirements, is closely linked to its simplicity and its abstractions: simple and easy-to-understand systems are usually easier to modify than complex ones.

Chapter 2: Data Models and Query Languages

Relational Model Versus Document Model

In SQL data is organized into relations called tables, where each relation is an unordered collection of tuples (rows).

The Birth of NoSQL

The adoption of NoSQL databases is driven by:

* A need for greater scalability than RDBMS, including very large datasets or very high write throughput
* A widespread preference for free and open source software
* Specialized query operations that are not well supported by the relational model
* Frustration with the restrictiveness of relational schemas, desire for a more dynamic and expressive data model

The Object-Relational Mismatch

The impedance mismatch is the disconnection between the relational model and the object model, which can be partially solved by the ORM frameworks. Later versions of SQL support structured data types and XML within a single row. JSON format can partially solve the impedance mismatch, it has better locality than multi-table schema as the data is stored as a tree structure, but the lack of schema can be either an advantage or a disadvantage.

Many-to-One and Many-to-Many Relationships

Normalized data requires many-to-one relationships which doesn't fit very well in the document model: support for joins in this model is often weak and you may need to perform this join in application code.

Are Document Databases Repeating History?

The hierarchichal model (data is represented as a tree of records nested within records) has limitations that the relational and network model tries to solve.

The network model

Also named CODASYL model, is a generalization of the hierarchical model, although in this model, a record could have multiple parents. The links between records in the network model were not foreign keys, but pointers in a programming language (stored on disk). The only way of accessing a record was to follow a path (called access path) from a root record along these chains of links. A query in CODASYL was performed by moving a cursor through the database by iterating over lists of records and following access paths. If a record had multiple parents, the application code had to keep track of all the various relationships. This makes updates difficult and queries complicated to write.

The relational model

In a relational database, the query optimizer automatically decides which parts of the query to execute in which order, and which indexes to use. This model makes querying more efficient, but adds complexity on the code optimizer.

Comparison to document databases

Document databases are similar to the networking model in regards to storing nested records, but when it comes to representing many-to-one and many-to-many relation‐ships, relational and document databases references the joined table by a unique identifier, which is called a foreign key in the RBDMS and a document reference in the document model.

Relational Versus Document Databases Today

Which data model leads to simpler application code?

If the data in your application has a document-like structure (i.e., a tree of one-to-many relationships, where typically the entire tree is loaded at once), use a document model. The document model still needs to have access patterns for nested structures. If many-to-many relationships are needed, you are most likely to use a relational model. Usually highly interconnected data is more efficiently represented with the relational model and graph models.

Schema flexibility in the document model

No schema means that arbitrary keys and values can be added to a document, and when reading, clients have no guarantees as to what fields the documents may contain. Document databases has some kind of implicit schema, but it is not enforced by the database (schema-on-read). The schema-on-read approach is advantageous if the items in the collection don't all have the same structure, which could happen due to have different types of objects (and hence is not practical to put each type in its own table), or the structure of the table is determined by external systems.

Data locality for queries

If your application often needs to access an entire document, there is a performance advantage to this storage locality. The locality advantage only applies if you need large parts of the document at the same time. Updates usually requires to write the whole document (only modifications that don't change the encoded size of a document can easily be performed in place), it is generally recommended that you keep documents fairly small and avoid writes that increase the size of a document.

Convergence of document and relational databases

Most relational database systems has support for XML, including functions to make local modifications to XML documents and the ability to index and query inside XML documents (same applies to JSON). On the document database side support for relational-like joins (performing a client-side joins) have been added, although this is likely to be slower than a join performed in the database since it requires additional network round-trips and is less optimized.

Query Languages for Data

SQL is a declarative query language, whereas IMS and CODASYL queried the database using imperative code. The fact that SQL is more limited in functionality gives the database much more room for automatic optimizations. Declarative languages are easier to parallelize.

MapReduce Querying

MapReduce is neither a declarative query language nor a fully imperative query API, but somewhere in between: the logic of the query is expressed with snippets of code, which are called repeatedly by the processing framework. Some document databases like MongoDB supports a limited form of map reduce. The map and reduce functions are somewhat restricted in what they are allowed to do. They must be pure functions, which means they only use the data that is passed to them as input, they cannot perform additional database queries, and they must not have any side effects.

Graph-Like Data Models

A graph consists of vertices (also known as nodes or entities) and edges (also known as relationships or arcs). Many kinds of data can be modeled as a graph:

* Social graphs: Vertices are people, and edges indicate which people know each other
* The web graph: Vertices are web pages, and edges indicate HTML links to other pages
* Road or rail networks: Vertices are junctions, and edges represent the roads or railway lines between them

An equally powerful use of graphs is to provide a consistent way of storing completely different types of objects in a single datastore.

Property Graphs

In the property graph model, each vertex consists of:

* A unique identifier
* A set of outgoing edges
* A set of incoming edges
* A collection of properties (key-value pairs)

Each edge consists of:

* A unique identifier
* The vertex at which the edge starts (the tail vertex)
* The vertex at which the edge ends (the head vertex)
* A label to describe the kind of relationship between the two vertices
* A collection of properties (key-value pairs)

Modelling this into a relational model would be a two table model with:

CREATE TABLE vertices (vertex_id integer PRIMARYKEY,
    properties json);
CREATE TABLE edges (edge_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
    properties json,
    label text,
    tail_vertex integer REFERENCES vertices (vertex_id),
    head_vertex integer REFERENCES vertices (vertex_id));

Worth notice the many to many relationship established between the vertices through the edges, and how having labels for different kind of relationships allows for the storage of different kinds of information in a single graph. Graphs can be easily extended to accommodate changes in the application's data structures.

The Cypher Query Language

Cypher is a declarative query language for property graphs. The following example creates 3 vertices and two edges between them each one with the label 'WITHIN':

  (NAmerica:Location {name:'North America', type:'continent'}),
  (USA:Location      {name:'United States', type:'country'  }),
  (Idaho:Location    {name:'Idaho',         type:'state'    }),
  (Idaho) -[:WITHIN]->  (USA)  -[:WITHIN]-> (NAmerica)

Which allow us to traverse the graph to ask questions like "give me all the people that were born in Idaho". As it is a declarative query language, you don't need to specify execution details when writing the query (chosen by the query optimizer). An example of that type of query is:

(person) -[:BORN_IN]->  () -[:WITHIN*0..]-> (us:Location {name:'United States'}),
(person) -[:LIVES_IN]-> () -[:WITHIN*0..]-> (eu:Location {name:'Europe'}) RETURN

The -[:WITHIN*0..]-> expresses "follow a WITHIN edge, zero or more times." It is like the * operator in a regular expression. As suggested before, we can also query graph data by using SQL if we put it in a relational structure. Although in SQL you usually know in advance which joins you need in your query while in graph databases is not.

Triple-Stores and SPARQL

In a triple-store, all information is stored in the form of very simple three-part statements: (subject, predicate, object). The subject here is similar to a vertex in a graph, the object is either a primitive value (string, number) equivalent to the key and value of a property on the subject vertex, or another vertex in the graph (tail vertex).

The semantic web

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) was intended as a mechanism for different websites to publish data in a consistent format, allowing data from different websites to be automatically combined into a web of data—a kind of internet-wide "database of everything.". Triples can be a good internal data model to represent it.

The RDF data model

On the RDF data model, the subject, predicate, and object of a triple are often URIs (like instead of WITHIN). The reasoning behind this design is that you should be able to combine your data with someone else's data, and if they attach a different meaning to the word within or lives_in, you won't get a conflict because their predicates are different. Something like avoiding collisions by using different namespaces.

The SPARQL query language

SPARQL is a query language for triple-stores using the RDF data model (similar to Cypher):

PREFIX : <urn:example:>
SELECT ?personName WHERE {
  ?person :name ?personName.
  ?person :bornIn  / :within* / :name "United States".
  ?person :livesIn / :within* / :name "Europe".

Because RDF doesn't distinguish between properties and edges but just uses predicates for both, you can use the same syntax for matching properties.

The Foundation: Datalog

Datalog's data model is similar to the triple-store model. Instead of writing a triple as (subject, predicate, object), we write it as predicate (subject, object). In Datalog, we define rules that tell the database about new predicates. These predicates aren't triples stored in the database, but instead they are derived from data or from other rules. Rules can refer to other rules.

Chapter 3: Storage and Retrieval

Data Structures That Power Your Database

Many databases internally use a log, which is an append-only data file. In order to efficiently find the value for a particular key in the database, we need a different data structure: an index. If you want to search the same data in several different ways, you may need several different indexes on different parts of the data. There is an important trade-off in storage systems: well-chosen indexes speed up read queries, but every index slows down writes.

Hash Indexes

A simple possible strategy to implement indexes for key-value data is to keep an in-memory hash map where every key is mapped to a byte offset in the data file. Bitcask is a storage engine that does this, stores all the keys in memory and values are either in memory (cache) or on disk, only a disk seek has to be done to load a value. This is well suited for frequently updated keys. The log can be break into segments of certain size (segments are closed when they reach certain size), once a segment is closed, compaction (throwing away duplicate keys keeping the most up to date value) is performed and a new segment file is opened. After compaction, the segments can be merged if they are small enough (segments are not modified so they are written to a new file), this is done in the background by a separate thread. Some performance considerations are:

* File format: binary preferred
* Deleting records: a new append must be done to indicate the deletion and would be deleted on next merge
* Crash recovery: Data needs to be reloaded in memory which can take time if segments are large
* Partially written records: Checksums for records prevent corrupted parts of the logs being used
* Concurrency control: A common implementation is to have a single writer thread per segment

Append only allows for multiple concurrent reads, is usually faster and merging segments avoids data file fragmentation over time. Although it is limited by the memory and range queries are not efficient.

SSTables and LSM-Trees

If instead of having the key-value pairs in the log in the order they were written we have the keys sorted by keys, we have what is called a Sorted String Table (SSTable). Keys must appear only once within each merged segment file. This is beneficial due to:

* Merging files is simpler and efficient, mergesort algorithm (taking several segment and writting the lowest and most recent key to the 
  segment in each step) can be used
* No need for indexing all keys (you can jump to another close position and scan from there), sparse key indexes can be used
* Since read request needs to scan over several key-value pairs for request, it is possible to group and compress those records in a block 
  before writting it, which reduces I/O bandwidth 
Constructing and maintaining SSTables

Maintaining a sorted structure on disk is possible, but maintaining it in memory is much easier. The storage engine can work as follows:

* When a write comes in, add it to the in-memory balanced tree (called memtable)
* If memtable size > threshold, write it to disk, while this happens new writes are written to a new memtable instance
* On request, try to find the key in the memtable, if it fails go to the most recent disk segment, if it fails go to the second, and so on
* Run merging an compaction in the background regularly

The only problem with this is that it may lead to data lost if the server goes down and memtable has not been written to disk (which can be solved by appending to an unsorted separate log every write as it happens). This log can be discarded every time the memtable is written to disk.

Making an LSM-tree out of SSTables

Some key-value storage engines are designed to be embedded into other applications. This index structure is called Log-Structured Merge-Tree or LSM-Tree. A similar concept is used for full text search in Lucene.

Performance optimizations

the LSM-tree algorithm can be slow if the key does not exists (as it does a full scan). Storage engines often use Bloom filters, which are used to tell you if a key does not appear in the database. Other concerns are when and how the compaction happens, the algorithm used are size-tiered(newer and smaller SSTables are merged into older and larger ones), and leveled compaction (key range is split up into smaller SSTables and older data is moved into separate levels).


The most widely used indexing structure is the B-tree, which keep key-value pairs sorted by key, allowing for efficient key-value lookups and range queries. B-trees break the database down into fixed-size blocks or pages, traditionally 4 KB in size (sometimes bigger), and read or write one page at a time. Each page can be identified using an address or location, which allows one page to refer to another (similar to a pointer), but on disk instead of in memory and this structure can be used to construct a tree of pages. One page is designated as the root of the B-tree, which is used to start looking for a key. The page contains several keys and references to child pages. Each child is responsible for a continuous range of keys, and the keys between the references indicate where the boundaries between those ranges lie. A leaf page contains individual keys, which contains either the value for the key or the reference to the page where the value is. The number of references to child pages in one page of the B-tree is called the branching factor.

Making B-trees reliable

The basic write operation is to overwrite pages on disk. This can fail, for example if you split a page because an insertion caused it to be overfull, you need to write the two pages that were split, and also overwrite their parent page to update the references to the two child pages (can be solved partially by adding an append only write-ahead log named WAL). Pages has typically latches (lightweight locks), to deal with concurrency problems.

B-tree optimizations

Some optimizations can be:

* Use a copy-on-write scheme instead of WAL: A modified page is written to a different location, and a new version of the parent pages in the tree 
  is created, pointing at the new location
* Abreviatting the keys to save space, specially in interior pages which only needs to act as boundaries
* Many B-tree implementations therefore try to lay out the tree so that leaf pages appear in sequential order on disk
* Additional pointer to sibling pages might be added to speed scanning
* Fractal trees variants

Comparing B-Trees and LSM-Trees

LSM-trees are typically faster for writes, whereas B-trees are thought to be faster for reads, although you need to test systems with your particular workload in order to make a valid comparison.

Advantages of LSM-trees

A B-tree index must write every piece of data at least twice: once to the write-ahead log, and once to the tree page itself. Log-structured indexes also rewrite data multiple times due to repeated compaction and merging of SSTables. This multiple write is called write amplification, LSM-trees are typically able to sustain higher write throughput than B-trees, partly because they sometimes have lower write amplification. LSM-trees can be compressed better, and thus often produce smaller files on disk than B-trees.

Downsides of LSM-trees

A downside of log-structured storage is that the compaction process can sometimes interfere with the performance of ongoing reads and writes. Also, the disk's finite write bandwidth needs to be shared between the initial write (logging and flushing a memtable to disk) and the compaction threads running in the background, the bigger the database gets, the more disk bandwidth is required for compaction.
In B-trees, each key exists in exactly one place in the index, whereas a log-structured storage engine may have multiple copies of the same key in different segments (advantage on strong transactional storages).

Other Indexing Structures

Aside of the key-value (like PK for a RDBMS or a document ID for a document database...), there are other structures like FK or secondary indexes. The main difference between the primary and secondary indexes is that in a secondary index, the indexed values are not necessarily unique; that is, there might be many rows (documents, vertices) under the same index entry.

Storing values within the index

The value that a key points to, can be one of two things: it could be the actual row, or it could be a reference to the row stored elsewhere (the place where rows are stored is known as a heap file and it stores unordered data). The heap file avoids duplicating data when multiple secondary indexes are present: each index just references a location in the heap file, and the actual data is kept in one place. In some cases, it can be desirable to store the indexed row directly within an index, known as a clustered index (storing all row data within the index). Covering index or index with included columns stores some of a table's columns within the index, and some are references to other locations.

Multi-column indexes

Multi-dimensional indexes are a more general way of querying several columns at once, the most common being the concatenated index, which combines several fields into one key by appending one column to another.

Full-text search and fuzzy indexes

Full-text search engines commonly allow a search for one word to be expanded to include synonyms of the word, to ignore grammatical variations of words, and to search for occurrences of words near each other in the same document, and support various other features that depend on linguistic analysis of the text.

Keeping everything in memory

Many datasets are simply not that big, so it's quite feasible to keep them entirely in memory, potentially distributed across several machines. When an in-memory database is restarted, it needs to reload its state, either from disk or over the network from a replica. The performance advantage of in-memory databases is due to not having to deal with overheads of encoding in-memory data structures in a form that can be written to disk.

Transaction Processing or Analytics?

A transaction in DBs is a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit. The typical access pattern became known as online transaction processing (OLTP) and usually involves a small number of records per query, fetched by key. A different access pattern is used for analytics, usually an analytic query needs to scan over a huge number of records, only reading a few columns per record, and calculates aggregate statistics. The pattern for analytics is called online analytic processing (OLAP).

Data Warehousing

A data warehouse is a database that analysts can query without affecting OLTP operations, it contains a read-only copy of the data in all the various OLTP systems in a company or organization. Data is extracted from OLTP databases (using periodic data dump or a continuous stream of updates), transformed into an analysis-friendly schema, cleaned up, and then loaded into the data warehouse. This is known as Extract–Transform–Load (ETL). Data warehouses and a relational OLTP database both have a SQL query interface but they are optimized for very different query patterns.

Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics

The star schema or dimensional modeling is usually the formula used in analytics. It contains a fact table to which dimension tables (which stores events) points to. The event tables represents an event that occurred at a particular time. Facts are captured as individual events, because this allows maximum flexibility of analysis later. Some of the columns in the fact table are attributes and others are foreign key references to the dimension tables. As each row in the fact table represents an event, the dimensions represent the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the event. A variation of this template is known as the snowflake schema, where dimensions are further broken down into subdimensions. Typical data warehouse tables are often very wide: fact tables often have several hundred columns.

Column-Oriented Storage

A typical data warehouse query usually accesses 4 or 5 columns at one time (SELECT * ... is not usually required for analytics). In most OLTP databases, storage is laid out in a row-oriented fashion: all the values from one row of a table are stored next to each other. In column-oriented storage, stores all the values from each column together, the column-oriented storage layout relies on each column file containing the rows in the same order.

Column Compression

Column-oriented storage often lends itself very well to compression. One technique that is particularly effective in data warehouses is bitmap encoding (often, the number of distinct values in a column is small compared to the number of rows).

Sort Order in Column Storage

In a column store it usually doesn't make a difference the order of the data (it is the insertion order), but we can impose an order. The administrator of the database can choose the columns by which the table should be sorted, which is usually dependent on the query pattern most commonly used (i.e. by date and by country). This can help with compression of columns

Several different sort orders

Different queries benefit from different sort orders, storing the same data sorted in several different ways is sometimes used. Having multiple sort orders in a column-oriented store is similar to multiple secondary indexes in a row-oriented store, although row-oriented store keeps every row in one place (in the heap file or a clustered index), and secondary indexes just contain pointers to the matching rows.

Writing to Column-Oriented Storage

An update-in-place approach, like B-trees use, is not possible with compressed columns. If you wanted to insert a row in the middle of a sorted table, you would most likely have to rewrite all the column files. As rows are identified by their position within a column, the insertion has to update all columns consistently. An option is to use LSM-trees. All writes first go to an in-memory store, where they are added to a sorted structure and prepared for writing to disk. It doesn't matter whether the in-memory store is row-oriented or column-oriented. When enough writes have accumulated, they are merged with the column files on disk and written t o new files in bulk. Queries need to examine both the column data on disk and the recent writes in memory, and combine the two (done by the query optimizer).

Aggregation: Data Cubes and Materialized Views

Data warehouse queries often involve an aggregate function (SUM, AVG...), which if they are used often, might have sense to cache the results of such functions. One way of creating such a cache is a materialized view: similar to virtual views (data as result of a query), but written to disk. When the underlying data changes, a materialized view needs to be updated, because it is a denormalized copy of the data. A common special case of a materialized view is known as a data cube or OLAP cube which is a grid of aggregates grouped by different dimensions. In these cubes, performance is gain at the cost of flexibility in querying (therefore this type of aggregation is often limited to some particular queries).

Chapter 4: Encoding and Evolution

Formats for Encoding Data

Programs usually work with data in (at least) two different representations:

* In memory: optimized for efficient access and manipulation by the CPU (lists, hashmaps, sets...)
* Encoded in a particular sequence of bytes: There are no pointers (woldn't make sense), JSON, text...

The translation from the in-memory representation to a byte sequence is called encoding, and the reverse is called decoding.

Language-Specific Formats

Many libraries came with a built-in support for in-memory encoding-decoding, but at the cost of:

* Often, the encoding is tied to a particular programming language
* In order to restore data in the same object types, the decoding process needs to be able to instantiate arbitrary classes, which might lead 
  to security vulnerabilities
* Versioning data can be a source of problems
* CPU efficiency can be a source of performance problems

JSON, XML, and Binary Variants

JSON, XML, and CSV are textual formats, that comes with some remarkable problems:

* Lot of ambiguity around the encoding of numbers: XML doesn't distinguish between strings containing numbers and numbers, and JSON can't 
  specify the precission of numbers
* JSON and XML have good support for Unicode character strings, but they don't support binary strings. These strings are usually encoded using 
  Base64, which increases the data size
* There is optional schema support for XML and JSON, but it is complicated to implement
* CSV does not have any schema, up to the application to interpret the data. Additions are complicated to handle 
Binary encoding

Data encoding matters for very big datasets due to performance reasons. Binary encoding of JSON or XML exists, although the gains are not very big in terms of space, so might not worth the loss of human readability.

Thrift and Protocol Buffers

Both Thrift and Protocol Buffers require a schema for any data that is encoded. Thrift and Protocol Buffers each come with a code generation tool that takes a schema definition, and produces classes that implement the schema in various programming languages. Thrift has two different binary encoding formats, called BinaryProtocol and CompactProtocol. In the thrift binary protocol, the data contains type, length of data, the data itself, and field tags (instead of field names), which are numbers identified the field names in the schema definition (like aliases). In the thrift compact protocol, the field type and tag numbers are combined in one, and fields are encoded using variable length integers (the top bytes are used to indicate whether there are still more bytes to come). Protocol Buffers is very similar to Thrift's CompactProtocol.

Field tags and schema evolution

In Thrift and protocol buffers each field is identified by its tag number and annotated with a datatype, if a field value is not set, it is simply omitted from the encoded record. You can change the name of a field in the schema, but you cannot change a field's tag. You can add new fields to the schema, provided that you give each field a new tag number (Old code would skip a field if it has a tag that doesn't recognize). For backwards compatibility, if a new field is added, can't be made mandatory as it would invalidate the old schemas (or have a default value).

Datatypes and schema evolution

In data type changes, there is a risk that values will lose precision or get truncated.


Avro also uses a schema to specify the structure of the data being encoded. It has two schema languages: one (Avro IDL) intended for human editing, and one (based on JSON) that is more easily machine-readable. Values are concatenated together, to parse the binary data, you go through the fields in the order that they appear in the schema and use the schema to tell the datatype of each field (schema mismatch would result in invalid data read).

The writer's schema and the reader's schema

With Avro, when an application wants to encode some data, it encodes the data using whatever version of the schema it knows about which might be compiled into the application. This is known as the writer's schema. On data decoding, it needs the data to be in some schema, known as reader's schema, which don't have to be the same than the writer's schema (but needs to be compatible). The Avro library resolves the differences by looking at the writer's schema and the reader's schema side by side and translating the data from the writer's schema into the reader's schema.

Schema evolution rules

You may only add or remove a field that has a default value. In Avro, if you want to allow a field to be null, you have to use a union type: union { null, long, string } field; indicates that field can be a number, or a string, or null. Changing the datatype of a field is possible, provided that Avro can convert the type.

But what is the writer's schema?

The schema of an Avro file can't be included in every record, therefore:

* Large file with lots of records: Usually the schema is at the beginning of the file. Avro specifies a file format (object container file) to do 
* Database with individually written records: different records may be written at different points in time using different writer's schemas. A 
  version number indicating the schema is included at the beginning of each record
* Sending records over a network connection: Two endpoints in a communication can negotiate the schema version on connection setup (like in 
  the Avro RPC protocol)
Dynamically generated schemas

Avro doesn't contain tag numbers like in Protocol Buffers, and Thrift which is friendlier to the dynamically generated schemas, with Thrift or Protocol Buffers, the field tags would likely have to be assigned by hand every time the schema changes (from DB columns to field tags).

Code generation and dynamically typed languages

Protocol Buffers and Thrift allows efficient in-memory structures to be used for decoded data after a schema has been defined. There is no point on doing this for dynamically typed languages. Avro provided optional code generation for statically typed languages.

The Merits of Schemas

Binary encodings based on schemas have a number of nice properties:

* They can be much more compact than the various “binary JSON” variants, as they can omit field names
* The schema is a valuable form of documentation, which is always up to date
* Keeping a database of schemas allows you to check forward and backward compatibility of schema changes
* Code generation from the schema enables type checking at compile time

Modes of Dataflow

Compatibility is a relationship between one process that encodes the data, and another process that decodes it.

Dataflow Through Databases

In an environment where the application is changing, it is likely that some processes accessing the database will be running newer code, and some will be running older code, therefore forward compatibility is also often required for databases. Older clients usually left newly added fields untouched.

Different values written at different times

When you deploy a new version of your application, you may entirely replace the old version with the new version which is not true of database contents, this observation is sometimes summed up as data outlives code. Rewriting data into a new schema is certainly possible, but it's an expensive thing to do on a large dataset, simple schema changes, such as adding a new column with a null default value are supported in most relational databases.

Archival Storage

While archiving, the data dump will typically be encoded using the latest schema, even if the original encoding in the source database contained a mixture of schema versions from different eras.

Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC

When you have processes that need to communicate over a network, the most common arrangement is to have two roles: clients and servers. The servers expose an API over the network, and the clients make requests to that API (known as service). In some ways, services are similar to databases: they typically allow clients to submit and query data. As the queries a client can do are limited by the API, the services can impose fine-grained restrictions to what a client can do. A key design goal of a service-oriented/microservices architecture is to make the application easier to change and maintain by making services independently deployable and evolvable.

Web Services

When HTTP is used as the underlying protocol for talking to the service, it is called a web service. There are two popular approaches:

* REST: emphasizes simple data formats, using URLs for identifying resources and using HTTP features for cache control, authentication, and 
  content type negotiation
* SOAP: XML-based protocol for making network API requests, the API of a SOAP web service is described using an XML-based language called the 
  Web Services Description Language, or WSDL
The problems with remote procedure calls (RPCs)

The remote procedure call (RPC) model tries to make a request to a remote network service look the same as calling a function or method in your programming language, within the same process. A network request is very different from a local function call:

* Local calls are predictable (either succeeds or not), remote calls are not because involves factors out of our control like network problems
* Local calls returns a result, an exception or never returns (infinite loop). A network call might return nothing due to timeouts, not 
  knowing what happened in the other end
* Retrying a call might lead to unexpected results for non idempotent calls if the bit lost was the response from the server
* Response time in local calls are almost always the same, a network call adds latency to it
* You can pass references in a local call (pointers), all parameters needs to be encoded in the network call
* Client and services might be implemented using different languages, with potential data type impedance
Current directions for RPC

The new generation of RPC frameworks is more explicit about the fact that a remote request is different from a local function call, including futures to encapsulate asynchronous calls, or streams, which are a series of requests and responses over time. REST seems to be the predominant style for public APIs.

Data encoding and evolution for RPC

Regarding evolvability, it is reasonable to assume that all the servers will be updated first, and all the clients second. Thus, you only need backward compatibility on requests, and forward compatibility on responses. Compatibility needs to be maintained for a long time, perhaps indefinitely. For RESTful APIs, common approaches are to use a version number in the URL or in the HTTP Accept header.

Message-Passing Dataflow

Asynchronous message-passing systems are similar to RPC in that a client's request is delivered to another process with low latency and similar to databases in that the message is not sent via a direct network connection, but goes via an intermediary called a message broker, which stores the message temporarily. This brings some advantages:

* It can act as a buffer if the recipient is unavailable or overloaded, improving system reliability
* It can automatically redeliver messages to a process that has crashed, preventing messages from being lost
* It avoids the sender needing to know the IP address and port number of the recipient
* It allows one message to be sent to several recipients.
* It logically decouples the sender from the recipient. 

The sender doesn't usually expect to receive a reply.

Message Brokers

Message brokers are used as follows: one process sends a message to a named queue or topic, and the broker ensures that the message is delivered to one or more consumers of or subscribers to that queue or topic. A consumer may itself publish messages to another topic or to a reply queue that is consumed by the sender of the original message. Message brokers typically don't enforce any particular data model

Distributed actor frameworks

The actor model is a programming model for concurrency in a single process. The logic is encapsulated in the actors, which might have some local non-shared state, and communicates with other actors by sending and receiving asynchronous messages, with message delivery not guaranteed. A distributed actor framework essentially integrates a message broker, and the actor programming model into a single framework.

Chapter 5: Replication

If your dataset can fit in a single machine, all of the difficulty in replication lies in handling changes to replicated data.

Leaders and Followers

The replicas of datastores needs to be updated to stay in sync with the latest data. The most common solution for this is called leader-based replication:

1. One replica is the leader (master or primary), which receives client request and writes new data to local storage
2. The rest of replicas (followers, read replicas, slaves or secondaries), receives the data change from the 
leader as part of a replication log or change stream and updates their local copy of the data by applying the 
writes in order
3. A client can then query the leader or the replicas, although writes are only accepted in the leader

This architecture is used in RDBMS (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL...) and NoSQL DB (MongoDB, Espresso...) and even message brokers (Kafka, RabbitMQ)

Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Replication

Replication can happen synchronously or asynchronously (often configurable in RDBMS). In synchronous replication the leader waits until the follower have confirmed the write before reporting success to the client and before making the write visible to other clients (guarantee of availability if the leader fails at the cost of latency), in asynchronous replication, the leader sends the write to the replica and does not wait (leading to potential data lost). Usually for sync replication, at least one follower needs to be in sync (this is called semi-synchronous replication).

Setting Up New Followers

The process of setting up a new follower looks like this:

1. Take a consistent snapshot of the leader's database at some point in time
2. Copy the snapshot to the new follower node
3. After the copy, request all the changes since the snapshot was taken (snapshot is associated with an exact 
position on the replication log)
4. One the follower has copied all the changes we say it has caught up

Handling Node Outages

Follower failure: Catch-up recovery

The follower gets the last transaction it has processed and request to the leader all the changes since then. After the caught up, it can continue receiving a stream of data changes as before.

Leader failure: Failover

One of the followers needs to be promoted to be the new leader, clients needs to send the writes to it and the other followers need to start consuming data changes from it. This process is called failover. An automatic failover steps are:

1. Determining that the leader has failed: Most of systems use a timeout, if a node does not reply in X seconds, 
then it is assumed to be dead
2. Elect a new leader: Either by election or be appointed by a previously elected controller node
3. Reconfiguring the system to use the new leader: Clients needs to send request to the new leader, if the old 
leader comes back, he might still thinks it is the leader

Things that can go wrong:

* In async replication, the new leader might not be up to date with all the writes. If the old leader comes back,
 those not sync writes are usually discarded
* Discarded writes are problematic for outsiders to the system, and a potential source of problems
* In fault scenarios, two nodes might believe they are the leaders (this is called split brain), both accepting 
writes, leading to inconsistency
* Choosing the right timeout is problematic as it is a trade-off between availability and unnecessary failovers
Implementation of Replication Logs

There are several leader-based replication methods:

Statement-based replication

The leader logs every write request (statement) that it executes and sends that statement log to its followers. It is now being replaced due to:

* If there is a call to a non-deterministic function like NOW() or RAND(), which would generate unsync data
* If statements use an autoincrementing column or they depend on existing data, the statements needs to be 
executed in order
* Statements with side effects might result in different results in the replicas
Write-ahead log (WAL) shipping

Either for log structured storage engines or for B-trees, the log is an append-only sequence of bytes containing all writes to the DB. This log can be used to create another replica. The main disadvantage is that the log describes the data on a very low level: a WAL contains details of which bytes were changed in which disk blocks, leading to problems with version upgrading.

Logical (row-based) log replication

An alternative is to use different log formats for replication and for the storage engine, which allows the replication log to be decoupled from the storage engine internals (this is called logical log). This log:

* For an inserted row, the log contains the new values of all columns
* For a deleted row, the log contains enough information to uniquely identify the row that was deleted (PK or
all columns need to be logged)
* For an updated row, the log contains enough information to uniquely identify the updated row (same than before)

Logical log replication is decoupled from the underlying database software, and it is easier for an external application to parse.

Trigger-based replication

Replication might be needed to be moved up to the application layer. There are tools to make this like Oracle GoldenGate but there are other features to do this: triggers and stored procedures. A trigger lets you register custom application code that is automatically executed when a data change occurs in a database system, but is more limited and prone to bugs.

Problems with Replication Lag

For workloads that consist of mostly reads and only a small percentage of writes create many followers, and distribute the read requests across those followers. This approach only realistically works with asynchronous replication, but reads from asynchronous followers, may see outdated information if the follower has fallen behind. If you stop writing to the database and wait a while, the followers will eventually catch up and become consistent with the leader (known as eventual consistency). The delay between a write happening on the leader and being reflected on a follower (the _ replication lag_), can cause problems if the lag is big.

Reading Your Own Writes

When a user needs to submit data and see the results, read-after-write consistency is needed, also known as read-your-writes consistency. This guarantees that if the user reloads the page, they will always see any updates they submitted themselves, but makes no promises about other users. There are various possible techniques:

* When reading something the user has modified, read it from the leader if possible, if not from one follower. 
There should be a way to query certain type of information from the leader: i.e. the user profile
* If most of things in the application are editable, you can select to read stuff that has been write since a 
period of time (i.e. one minute) from the leader
* The client can remember the timestamp of its most recent write, the system can ensure that the replica serving
 any reads for that user reflects updates at least until that timestamp (can be a logic timestamp, like an offset)
* If the replicas are splitted across datacenters, requests that needs to be served by the leader must be routed 
to the datacenter that contains the leader

If the user access the application from many devices, you need cross-device read-after-write consistency, consider:

* Metadata needs to be centralized if the timestamp is used to retrieve the updates (clocks of the devices might 
* For distributed replicas, we can't assume that requests would be routed to the same datacenter (devices 
might be in different networks), you need to ensure this programatically.
Monotonic Reads

When a user makes several reads from different replicas, user might see things moving backward in time. Monotonic reads guarantees that this doesn't happen by making sure that each user always makes their reads from the same replica.

Consistent Prefix Reads

If a user querys a replica that is far behind the leader, he might get information from a more updated one, making it looks like he received the answer before the query. Consistent prefix reads guarantees that if a sequence of writes happens in a certain order, then anyone reading those writes will see them appear in the same order. However, in many distribute systems different partitions operate independently, so there is no global ordering of writes. One solution is to make sure that any writes that are causally related to each other are written to the same partition.

Solutions for Replication Lag

Transactions exists in databases to provide stronger guarantees so that the application can be simpler, but this is easer to achieve in single node system than in distributed ones.

Multi-Leader Replication

Leader-based application are limited by the fact that there is a single leader. In multi-leader configuration (or master–master or active/active replication), each leader simultaneously acts as a follower to the other leaders.

Use Cases for Multi-Leader Replication

This configuration rarely makes sense within a single datacenter, but it might make sense in certain situations:

Multi-datacenter operation

In a multi-leader configuration, you can have a leader in each datacenter: each datacenter's leader replicates its changes to the leaders in other datacenters. Single-leader and multi-leader configurations in multidatacenter deployment differs in:

* Performance: In single-leader configuration every write must go over the internet to the datacenter with the 
leader, adding latency. In multi-leader configuration, every write can be processed in the local datacenter and
is replicated asynchronously to the other datacenters, hidding the write lag to the final users
* Tolerance of datacenter outages: Promoting a leader in a different datacenter has to happen in single leader 
configuration, in multi leader configuration, each datacenter can continue operating independently
* Tolerance of network problems: multi leader configuration handles better network problems

Multi-leadership is usually implemented with external tools, and one of the issues is that it has to solve the problem of concurrent writing to the same data in different datacenters. Other problems that might arise are autoincrementing keys, triggers, and integrity constraints.

Clients with offline operation

In the case where you need changes made by an application (possibly in multiple devices) when being offline, and you need the changes to be on sync in every device next time the device gets a connection, usually a local database that acts as a leader is maintain, and then a multi-leader replication process happens when the connection is established (each device is a datacenter).

Collaborative editing

In Real-time collaborative editing (like in Google docs), you need to guarantee no editing conflicts, so a lock on the document must be obtained first, other users have to wait to get the lock to make modifications on the document. This collaboration model is equivalent to single-leader replication with transactions on the leader. For faster collaboration, you may want to make the unit of change very small (e.g., a single keystroke) and avoid locking.

Handling Write Conflicts

Synchronous versus asynchronous conflict detection

In a multi-leader setup, conflicts are detected asynchronously unless you make it synchronous by waiting for the rest of the leader replicas to write the data, but this adds lag.

Conflict avoidance

If the application can ensure that all writes for a particular record go through the same leader, then conflicts cannot occur. Sometimes you might want to change the designated leader for a record, so conflict avoidance breaks down, and you have to deal with the possibility of concurrent writes on different leaders.

Converging toward a consistent state

In a single-leader database, if there are several updates to the same field, the last write determines the final value of the field. In multi-leader writes, the order of writes is not defined from datacenter to datacenter, thus conflicts must be solver in a convergent way. Possible solutions are:

* Give each write a unique ID, pick the write with the highest ID as the winner, and throw away the other writes.
 (last write wins or LWW). This approach is prone to data loss
* Give each replica a unique ID, and let writes that originated at a higher-numbered replica always take 
precedence over writes that originated at a lower-numbered replica
* Somehow merge the values together (application logic)
* Record the conflict in an explicit data structure that preserves all information, and write application code 
 that resolves the conflict at some later time.
Custom conflict resolution logic

Two approaches:

* On write : Conflict handler is called as soon as the database system detects a conflict.
* On read: When a conflict is detected, all the conflicting writes are stored. The next time the data is read, 
these multiple versions of the data are returned to the application. The application may prompt the user or
automatically resolve the conflict, and write the result back to the database

Each conflict is considered separately for conflict resolution even if they are in the same transaction.

Multi-Leader Replication Topologies

A replication topology describes the communication paths along which writes are propagated from one node to another. With two leaders, each write from one leader has to be replicated to the other. With more than two, there are various options:

* All to all: Most common, every leader sents its writes to every other leader
* Circular: Each node receives and sends writes from and to a single node, making a ring (MySQL uses this)
* Star topology: One designated root node forwards writes to all of the other nodes (can be generalized to a tree)

To prevent infinite replication loos in star and circular topologies, each node is given a unique identifier, and in the replication log, each write is tagged with the identifiers of all the nodes it has passed through. In these topologies, if a node fails can cause problem to other nodes, although the topology can be reconfigured to ignore the failed node. All to all topologies can have problems with the different speed of the network links, therefore some writes may overtake others. To order write events correctly, version vectors can be used.

Leaderless Replication

Some data storage systems abandons the concept of a leader and allows replicas to directly accept writes from clients. In some implementations, the client directly sends its writes to several replicas, in others, a coordinator node does this on behalf of the client, that coordinator does not enforce a particular ordering of writes.

Writing to the Database When a Node Is Down

In a leaderless configuration, failover does not exist (client might choose to ignore a failure in writing to a replica). The client send read request to several nodes in parallel to avoid getting stale values in case a replica couldn't get a write in the past. Version numbers are used to determine which value is newer.

Read repair and anti-entropy

The replication scheme should ensure that eventually all the data is copied to every replica:

* Read repair: The client detect stale values and writes back the newer value to that replica
* Anti-entropy process: A background process constantly looks for differences in replicas and copies missing data
Quorums for reading and writing

If there are n replicas (usually an odd number), every write must be confirmed by w nodes to be considered successful, and we must query at least r nodes for each read. As long as w + r > n, we expect to get an up-to-date value when reading, because at least one of the r nodes we're reading from must be up to date. Reads and writes that follows this rule are called quorum reads and writes:

* If w < n, we can still process writes if a node is unavailable
* If r < n, we can still process reads if a node is unavailable
* If fewer than the required w or r nodes are available, writes or reads return an error

Limitations of Quorum Consistency

w and r might be set to smaller numbers, so that w + r ≤ n: You are more likely to read stale values, but this allows lower latency and higher availability. Even with w + r > n, there are edge cases where stale values are returned:

* In sloppy quorums, w writes may end up on different nodes than the r reads, there is no guarantee of overlap
* If two writes occur concurrently (not clear which happened first), the only option is to merge the concurrent 
writes. If a winner is picked based on a timestamp (LWW), writes can be lost due to clock skew
* If a write happens concurrently with a read, the write may be reflected on only some of the replicas
* If a write succeeded on some replicas but failed on others and overall succeeded on fewer than w replicas, it 
is not rolled back on the replicas where it succeeded. This means that if a write was reported as failed, 
subsequent reads may or may not return the value from that write
* If a node carrying a new value fails, and its data is restored from a replica carrying an old value, the 
number of replicas storing the new value may fall below w, breaking the quorum condition.
* Unlucky timing can cause stale values to be read

Due to all of the above, stronger guarantees generally require transactions or consensus.

Monitoring staleness

For leader-based replication, writes are applied to the leader and to followers in the same order, and each node has a position in the replication log. By subtracting a follower's current position from the leader's current position, you can measure the amount of replication lag. In systems with leaderless replication, if the database only uses read repair (no anti-entropy), there is no limit to how old a value might be.

Sloppy Quorums and Hinted Handoff

Databases with leader‐less replication are appealing for use cases that require high availability and low latency, and that can tolerate occasional stale reads. In a large cluster it's likely that a client can connect to some database nodes during a network interruption, just not to the nodes that it needs to assemble a quorum for a particular value. In that case, database designers face a trade-off:

* Is it better to return errors to all requests for which we cannot reach a quorum of w or r nodes
* It accepts writes anyway, and write them to some nodes that are reachable but aren't among the n nodes
 on which the value usually lives

The latter is called sloppy quorum, once the network interruption is fixed, any writes that one node temporarily accepted on behalf of another node are sent to the appropriate “home” nodes (called hinted handoff). A sloppy quorum is only an assurance of durability, namely that the data is stored on w nodes somewhere. There is no guarantee that a read of r nodes will see it until the hinted handoff has completed.

Multi-datacenter operation

Leaderless replication is also suitable for multi-datacenter operation, with replication between database clusters happening asynchronously in the background, in a style that is similar to multi-leader replication.

Detecting Concurrent Writes

Events may arrive in a different order at different nodes, due to variable network delays and partial failures in multi-leader replication, read repair or hinted handoff. Several approaches exist for achieving eventual convergence

Last write wins (discarding concurrent writes)

Newer values replaces older ones in each replica, therefore a way of unambiguously determining which write is more recent is needed. LWW can be used but is tricky cause even if they were reported as successful to the client (because they were written to w replicas), only one will survive and the others will be discarded silently. The only safe way of using a database with LWW is to ensure that a key is only written once and treated as immutable, avoiding any concurrent updates to the same key (i.e. giving each write operation a unique key).

The “happens-before” relationship and concurrency

A value B is causally dependent on value A if B depends on A and should therefore happen after. In the other hand we say that two operations are concurrent if neither happens before the other. A mechanism should exist to determine concurrency: two operations concurrent if they are both unaware of each other, regardless of the physical time.

Capturing the happens-before relationship

In order to determine if a concurrent write has happened, we can use the following algorithm:

* The server maintains a version number for every key, increments it every time that key is written, and stores 
the new value along with the value written
* When a client reads a key, the server returns all values that have not been over‐written, as well as the 
latest version number. A client must read a key before writing
* When a client writes a key, it must include the version number from the prior read, and it must merge together 
all values that it received in the prior read
* When the server receives a write with a particular version number, it can over‐write all values with that 
version number or below, but it must keep all values with a higher version number
Merging concurrently written values

The previous algorithm ensures that no data is silently dropped, but adds complexity in the clients which has to merge written values. These values are sometimes called siblings. Merging values has similarities with multi-leader write merging, and can be done with LWW, or using the union of the two writes which can lead to problems in case of removing elements. For that purpose, usually a marker of deletion (called tombstone) with the version number is stored.

Version vectors

If more replicas without leader where added to the previous scenario, we need to use a version number per replica and per key, the collection of version numbers from all the replicas is called a version vector, and allows the database to distinguish between overwrites and concurrent writes.

Chapter 6: Partitioning

Partitions are like a small databases, but supports operations that touch multiple partitions at the same time. Partitioning is usually combined with replication so that copies of each partition are stored on multiple nodes.

Partitioning of Key-Value Data

Our goal with partitioning is to spread the data and the query load evenly across nodes (if the partitioning is unfair so that some partitions have more data or queries than others, we call it skewed). The simplest approach for avoiding hot spots would be to assign records to nodes randomly.

Partitioning by Key Range

Partitions are assigned (manually or automatically) as a continuous range of keys (like a dictionary index). Ranges need not to be evenly spaced if the data is not evenly distributed. This approach is used by MongoDB, BigTable, HBase... Keys can be ordered within partitions. This approach can lead to hotspots

Partitioning by Hash of Key

A hash function is used to determine the partition for a given key. The hash function need not be cryptographically strong, you can assign each partition a range of hashes, and every key whose hash falls within a partition's range will be stored in that partition. A table in Cassandra can be declared with a compound primary key consisting of several columns. Only the first part of that key is hashed to determine the partition, but the other columns are used as a concatenated index for sorting the data in Cassandra's SSTables

Skewed Workloads and Relieving Hot Spots

In the extreme case where all reads and writes are for the same key, you still end up with all requests being routed to the same partition (for example a celebrity twitter account). A common technique to solve this is if one key is known to be very hot, a simple technique is to add a random number to the beginning or end of the key. Extra work would have to be done around combining those keys and keeping track which keys were splitted in that way.

Partitioning and Secondary Indexes

A secondary index usually doesn't identify a record uniquely but rather is a way of searching for occurrences of a particular value. The problem with secondary indexes is that they don't map neatly to partitions.

Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Document

If you have a list of documents distributed in partitions representing cars, and you want to allow users of that database to search for things like color or brand, each partition would have to have secondary indexes to map this features, covering only the cars in that partition. To do CRUD over a document, you have to interact with a single partition. A document-partitioned index is also known as a local index. Care has to be taken to avoid putting all potential documents that would be returned in a query (such as all the red cars) in a single partition. Querys are sent to every partition and combined back (known as scatter/gather), and they are prone to tail latency.

Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Term

We can also construct a global index that covers data in all partitions (namely term index). A global index must also be partitioned, but it can be partitioned differently from the primary key index: the term we're looking for determines the partition of the index, we can partition the index by the term itself, or using a hash of the term. It is more efficient than the scatter/gather approach as only one partition is queried, the downside of a global index is that writes are slower and more complicated (a write on a document needs to modify several partitions of the indexes). Updates in secondary indexes are usually asynchronous for this reason.

Rebalancing Partitions

The process of moving load from one node in the cluster to another is called rebalancing. Rebalancing should at least:

* Distribute the data load fairly between the nodes in the cluster
* While rebalancing is happening, the database should continue accepting reads and writes
* No more data than necessary should be moved between nodes

Strategies for Rebalancing

How not to do it: hash mod N

The problem with the mod N approach is that if the number of nodes N changes, most of the keys will need to be moved from one node to another.

Fixed number of partitions

A simple solution is to create more partitions than nodes, so if new nodes are added, whole partitions can be moved to that node, more powerful nodes can get more partitions to get more load. In this configuration, the number of partitions is usually fixed when the database is first set up and not changed afterward. It is hard to get the number of partitions right for very variable datasets.

Dynamic partitioning

Fixed partition number is not the most indicate solution for key range partitioning, therefore they usually allocate partitions dynamically: When a partition grows to exceed a configured size, it is split into two partitions so that approximately half of the data ends up on each side of the split (similar to a B tree). An empty database starts with a single partition,so all writes have to be processed by a single node while the other nodes sit idle until the dataset is first split. Some databases allow an initial set of partitions to be configured on an empty database (_ pre-splitting_). But pre-splitting requires that you already know what the key distribution is going to look like.

Partitioning proportionally to nodes

Both in fixed and dynamic partitioning, the number of partitions is independent of the number of nodes in the cluster. Another approach is to make the number of partitions proportional to the number of nodes, this is to have a fixed number of partitions per node. When a new node joins the cluster, it randomly chooses a fixed number of existing partitions to split, and then takes ownership of one half of each of those split partitions while leaving the other half of each partition in place. Picking partition boundaries randomly requires that hash-based partitioning is used.

Operations: Automatic or Manual Rebalancing

Fully automated rebalancing require less operational work to do for normal maintenance but it can be unpredictable. Such automation can be dangerous in combination with automatic failure detection.

Request Routing

As partitions are rebalanced, the assignment of partitions to nodes changes and request have to be issued to the new holders of partitions (This is an instance of a more general problem called service discovery). There are different approaches to the problem:

* Allow clients to contact any node, if the node has the partitions it responds to the query otherwise it 
provides the address to the node
* Send all requests from clients to a routing tier first (load balancer), which replies with the address of the node
* Require that clients be aware of the partitioning and the assignment of partitions to nodes

Many distributed data systems rely on a separate coordination service such as ZooKeeper to keep track of this cluster metadata, which maintains the authoritative mapping of partitions to nodes. Other approaches use a gossip protocol among the nodes to disseminate any changes in cluster state.

Parallel Query Execution

Massively parallel processing (MPP) relational database products,relies on query optimizer to break query complexty into a number of execution stages and partitions, many of which can be executed in parallel on different nodes of the database cluster.

Chapter 7: Transactions

A transaction is a way for an application to group several reads and writes together into a logical unit. Either the entire transaction succeeds ( commit) or it fails (abort, rollback).

The Slippery Concept of a Transaction

The Meaning of ACID

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. Systems that do not meet the ACID criteria are sometimes called BASE, which stands for Basically Available, Soft state, and Eventual consistency.


Refers to something that cannot be broken down into smaller parts. If the writes are grouped together into an atomic transaction, and the transaction cannot be completed (committed) due to a fault, then the transaction is aborted and the database must discard or undo any writes it has made so far in that transaction.


Consistency ensures that you have certain statements about your data (invariants) that must always be true. Some specific invariants that can be checked by the database are using foreign key constraints or uniqueness constraints.


Isolation means that concurrently executing transactions are isolated from each other. The database ensures that when the transactions have committed, the result is the same as if they had run serially.


Durability is the promise that once a transaction has committed successfully, any data it has written will not be forgotten, even if there is a hardware fault or the database crashes.

Single-Object and Multi-Object Operations

Multi-object transactions require a way of determining which read and write operations belong to the same transaction. Everything between a BEGIN TRANSACTION and a COMMIT statement is considered to be part of the same transaction.

Single-object writes

Atomicity can be implemented using a log for crash recovery and isolation using a lock on each object.

The need for multi-object transactions

Many distributed datastores have abandoned multi-object transactions because they are difficult to implement across partitions, and they can get in the way in some scenarios where very high availability or performance is required. But multi-objects makes total sense in updating rows it FK, several documents in a denormalized document database or databases with secondary indexes on value changes.

Handling errors and aborts

ACID transactions can be retried if aborted, but in leaderless replication it follows the best effort which can be translated as "I do as much as I can, but on error I won't undo something done". Retrying a failed transaction is not perfect, it can lead to duplicates if the transaction succeeded and there were a network problem, can make things worst if it was due to an overloaded node, can be pointless if it was not a transient error like a deadlock, can have side effects even if it is aborted (like sending an email).

Weak Isolation Levels

If two transactions don't touch the same data, they can safely be run in parallel, because neither depends on the other. Serializable isolation means that the database guarantees that transactions have the same effect as if they ran serially but this has a performance cost, therefore some systems offers a weaker form of isolation.

Read Committed

This level of isolation makes two guarantees:

1. When reading from the database, you will only see data that has been committed (no dirty reads)
2. When writing to the database, you will only overwrite data that has been committed (no dirty writes)

Dirty read refers to the act of reading an uncommitted transaction, which should be prevented if the transaction happens at read committed. If two transactions concurrently try to update the same object in a database, with the earlier write being part of a transaction that has not yet committed, if the later write overwrites an uncommitted value we call this a dirty write. Read committed does not prevent the race condition between two counter increments. Databases prevent dirty writes by using row-level locks: when a transaction wants to modify a particular object (row or document), it must first acquire a lock on that object and hold it until the transaction is committed. To prevent dirty reds, instead of acquiring the lock on the object which would slow down the reads on long running writes, while the transaction is ongoing any other transactions that read the object are simply given the old value.

Snapshot Isolation and Repeatable Read

nonrepeatable read or read skew is a temporary inconsistency in a DB due to unfortunate timing during a read operation. It is acceptable on Read Committed, but might not be if:

* Backups: if a backup that takes some time is performed, and meanwhile writes happens, some part of the backup 
would end up with outdated data
* Analytic queries and integrity checks: On queries that scans large parts of the database, the query is likely 
to observe parts of the database at different points in time

The solution to this problem is Snapshot Isolation, which guarantees that the transaction sees all the data that was committed in the database at the start of the transaction.

Implementing snapshot isolation

Implementations of snapshot isolation typically use write locks to prevent dirty writes, reads do not require any locks. From a performance point of view, a key principle of snapshot isolation is readers never block writers, and viceversa. The database must potentially keep several different committed versions of an object, this technique is known as multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Each transaction has an always increasing transaction ID that is used for recovering, writing or deleting purposes.

Visibility rules for observing a consistent snapshot

Transaction IDs are used to decide which objects it can see and which are invisible.

1. At the start of each transaction, the database makes a list of all the other transactions in progress. Any 
writes that those transactions have made are ignored, even if the transactions subsequently commit
2. Any writes made by aborted transactions are ignored
3. Any writes made by transactions with a later transaction ID are ignored, regardless of whether those 
transactions have committed
4. All other writes are visible to the application's queries

A transaction is visible if at the time when the reader's transaction started, the transaction that created the object had already committed or the object is not marked for deletion (the transaction that requested deletion had not yet committed at the time when the reader's transaction started).

Indexes and snapshot isolation

Several implementations to solve this problem exists, from indexes simply point to all versions of an object to B-trees and use an append-only/copy-on-write variant that does not overwrite pages of the tree when they are updated.

Preventing Lost Updates

Aside of the dirty write case, other problems might arise on concurrent writes. The lost update problem can occur if an application reads some value from the database, modifies it, and writes back the modified value.

Atomic write operations

Many databases provide atomic update operations, which remove the need to implement read-modify-write cycles in application code, in situations where atomic operations can be used, they are usually the best choice. Atomic operations are usually implemented by taking an exclusive lock on the object when it is read so that no other transaction can read it until the update has been applied (called cursor stability), other option is to force all atomic operations to be executed on a single thread.

Explicit locking

If the database's built-in atomic operations don't provide the necessary functionality, is for the application to explicitly lock objects that are going to be updated. This is done by:

--FOR UPDATE indicates that the database should take a lock on all rows returned by this query.
SELECT * FROM figures WHERE name = 'robot' AND game_id = 222 FOR UPDATE; 
UPDATE figures SET position = 'c4' WHERE id = 1234;

Some DBs offers compare-and-set operations to avoid lost updates by allowing an update to happen only if the value has not changed since you last read it.

Conflict resolution and replication

For multi-leader or leaderless replication, the locks and compare-and-set techniques are not valid cause there is several copies of the data distributed in several machines. A common approach is to allow concurrent writes to create several conflicting versions of a value (siblings) and merge it with special data structures or application code. Last write wins (LWW) conflict resolution method is prone to lost updates

Write Skew and Phantoms

There are more race conditions apart of the dirty writes and lost updates. If there are two concurrent writes that check on a condition (for example a minimum number doctors on a call shift) in a database that has snapshot isolation it can happen that the condition for an update is meet given the snapshot value, but then after both writes are committed the condition is not valid anymore. This anomaly is called write skew.

Characterizing write skew

In a write skew, the two transactions are updating two different objects and it is a generalization of the lost update problem: two transactions read the same objects, and then update some of those objects (if they update the same object, you get a dirty write or lost update anomaly). Write skews can't be prevented wit atomic writes, automatic detection of lost updates, using DB constrains (because several objects needs to be checked). They are usually prevented with serializable isolation level or by locking the rows the transaction depends on:

SELECT * FROM doctors WHERE on_call = true AND shift_id = 1234 FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE doctors SET on_call = false WHERE name = 'Alice' AND shift_id = 1234;
Phantoms causing write skew

The usual pattern for write skew is as follows:

1. A SELECT query checks whether some requirement is satisfied by searching for rows that match a search condition 
2. Depending on the result of the first query, the application code decides how to continue
3. If the condition is met, the application makes a write to the db and commits the transaction
4. The effect of this write changes the precondition of the decision of step 2

The problem is that if the query in step 1 doesn't return any rows cause we are checking for the absence of them, SELECT FOR UPDATE can't attach locks to anything (calling phantoms).

Materializing conflicts

A possible solution to avoid phantoms we can artificially introduce a lock object into the database. For example create a table with all possible combinations that can appear (for example rooms and slots) and make a select for update on those rows (this is called materializing conflicts).


The different scenarios covered before shows how difficult is to account of all the possibilities that might produce a race condition, therefore the usual recommendation has been to use the serializable isolation, which is considered the strongest isolation level. It guarantees that even though transactions may execute in parallel, the end result is the same as if they had executed one at a time, serially, without any concurrency. This is achieved through one of these techniques:

* Literally executing transactions in a serial order
* Two-phase locking
* Optimistic concurrency control techniques such as serializable snapshot isolation

Actual Serial Execution

The simplest solution to this problem is to execute only one transaction at a time, in serial order, on a single thread. This is now possible cause with increase and cheaper RAM memory you can have the whole dataset in memory and OLTP transactions are usually short and only make a small number of reads and writes.

Encapsulating transactions in stored procedures

If a transaction flow for an application depends on a input to progress depending on certain conditions, the data base needs to support a potentially huge number of concurrent transactions, most of them idle. An interactive style of application (sending request back and forth depending on the answer of the previous query), it not feasible for single threaded solutions unless the entire transaction is processed at once in a stored procedure.

Pros and cons of stored procedures

Stored procedures are vendor dependant (PL/SQL, T-SQL, PL/pgSQL), difficult to manage (debugging, code checking, deploying...) and are performance sensitive (since is a sink for a lof of applications).


For applications with high write throughput, the single-threaded transaction processor can become a serious bottleneck. Partition the dataset can be an option to scale, but the database must coordinate the transactions, making the cross-partition speed slower due to the necessary overhead, and it is very dataset dependant.

Summary of serial execution

Transactions must be small and fast, limited active dataset that can fit in memory, write throughput must be low, cross-partition transactions are possible but there is a hard limit to the extent to which they can be used.

Two-Phase Locking (2PL)

Two-phase allows several transactions to concurrently read the same object as long as nobody is writing to it, but as soon as anyone wants to write an object, exclusive access is required. Writers don't just block other writers they also block readers and vice versa.

Implementation of two-phase locking

The blocking of readers and writers is implemented by a having a lock on each object in the database. The lock can either be in shared mode or in exclusive mode:

* If a transaction wants to read an object, it must acquire the lock in shared mode. Several transactions can hold 
the lock in shared mode simultaneously, but if another transaction has an exclusive lock on the object, these 
transactions must wait
* If a transaction wants to write to an object, it must acquire the lock in exclusive mode. No other 
transaction may hold the lock at the same time
* If a transaction first reads and then writes an object, it may upgrade its shared lock to an exclusive lock. The 
upgrade works the same as getting an exclusive lock directly
* After a transaction has acquired the lock, it must continue to hold the lock until the end of the transaction. 
This is where the name “two-phase” comes from: the first phase (while the transaction is executing) is when the
locks are acquired, and the second phase (at the end of the transaction) is when all the locks are released

The database automatically detects deadlocks between transactions and aborts one of them so that the others can make progress. The aborted transaction needs to be retried by the application.

Performance of two-phase locking

Performance is much worst in 2PL than in weak isolation, mostly due to reduce concurrency. If one transaction has to wait on another(s), there is no limit on how long it may have to wait. Deadlocks can be frequent also.

Predicate locks

Predicate locks (like the ones described in the phantoms), are acquired as follows in 2PL:

* A transaction that wants to read objects matching a condition must acquire a shared mode on the conditions of the 
query (not the resulting rows)
* A transaction that wants to insert or modify an object must check if either the old or the new value matches 
any existing predicate lock before.

Predicate lock applies even to objects that do not yet exist in the database (hence the lock in the condition itself).

Index-range locks

Due to performance reasons, many 2PL databases implements index-range locking. Which are like a broader case of predicate locking. Instead of looking object room 1 between 1 and 3pm, you lock on room 1 for all times. An approximation of the search condition would be attached to one of the search indexes

Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI)

2PL don't perform well and serial execution don't scale well, serializable snapshot isolation (SSI) provides full serializability, but has only a small performance penalty compared to snapshot isolation.

Pessimistic versus optimistic concurrency control

SSI is an optimistic concurrency control technique, wich doesn't block any object and allows transactions to continue, only when a transaction wants to commit, the database checks whether anything bad happened, only transactions that executed serializably are allowed to commit. This performs badly if many transactions trying to access the same objects, but then to perform better in if there is enough spare capacity.

Decisions based on an outdated premise

On decisions based on the output of a query on SSI, the transaction is taking an action based on a premise (a fact that was true at the beginning of the transaction. To be safe, the database needs to assume that any change in the query result (the premise) means that writes in that transaction may be invalid.

Detecting stale multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) reads

When a transaction reads from a consistent snapshot in an MVCC database, it ignores writes that were made by any other transactions that hadn't yet committed at the time when the snapshot was taken. When the transaction wants to commit, the database checks whether any of the ignored writes have now been committed. If so, the transaction must be aborted.

Detecting writes that affect prior reads

Another case to consider is when another transaction modifies data after it has been read. When a transaction writes to the database, it must look in the indexes for any other transactions that have recently read the affected data. This process is similar to acquiring a write lock on the affected key range, but rather than blocking until the readers have committed, the lock acts as a tripwire: it simply notifies the transactions that the data they read may no longer be up to date.

Performance of serializable snapshot isolation

SSI is very appealing for read-heavy workloads, SSI is less sensitive to slow transactions than 2PL or serial execution.

Chapter 8: The Trouble with Distributed Systems

Faults and Partial Failures

A failure in a distributed system is usually non-deterministic, resulting in partial failures.

Cloud Computing and Supercomputing

Supercomputers usually behaves like a big machine with specialized hardware, usually shares the same network and if a fail occurs they are usually shut down for mainteinance. Clod computing is different because the nodes are built from commodity machines, can't go offline because they usually provide high availability services. We need to assume that software is likely to fail and we should still provide a reliable service in that scenario (Building a Reliable System from Unreliable Components).

Unreliable Networks

Shared nothing architectures where machines are connected using internet and each machines has their own memory and disc are the most common way of building systems. In such systems if a sender sends a message the problems are indistinguishable from asynchronous network problems, and the usual approach is to raise a timeout (which doesn't mean that the operation didn't went through).

Network Faults in Practice

There is no way around a network fault, whichever the reason is, you do need to know how your software reacts to network problems and ensure that the system can recover from them.

Detecting Faults

Even if your system can handle network failure like not routing to a dead node or electing a new leader in case of replicated systems, there is still uncertainty on how much data the failing node actually processed: if you want to be sure that a request was successful, you need a positive response from the application itself.

Timeouts and Unbounded Delays

Setting the appropriate timeouts can be problematic, if a node has simply slow down, then declared it dead might result on performing the same operation twice. Asynchronous networks have unbounded delays. That is, they try to deliver packets as quickly as possible, but there is no upper limit on the time it may take for a packet to arrive.

Network congestion and queueing

Network congestion slows down the rate of package sending. This can happen due to several reasons like multiple nodes trying to use the same communication link at the same time, if destination machine has all CPU cores busy (the package will be queued), round robin of CPU cycles in virtualized environments, the TCP own flow control (congestion avoidance or backpressure)... In public clouds, resource utilization and network delays can be highly variable specially in noisy clusters. In that case the timeout is usually chosen experimentally. Even more, timeouts can be configured dinamically by measuring response times and adjusting it automatically (jitter).

Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Networks

In Synchronous networks like the telephone, the bandwidth is reserved and a circuit is established, guaranteeing almost no delay. The packets of a TCP connection in the other hand, opportunistically use whatever network bandwidth is available, but no network is used if a TCP link is idle, this is because they are optimized for bursty traffic.

Unreliable Clocks

In a distributed system, time is a tricky business, because communication is not instantaneous, each machine on the network has its own clock, which is an actual hardware device. The most commonly used mechanism to synchronize clocks is the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Monotonic Versus Time-of-Day Clocks

Modern computers have at least two different kinds of clocks: a time-of-day clock and a monotonic clock.

* A time-of-day clock returns the current date and time according to some calendar, they are usually synchronized 
with NTP which can result in odd time back travels if they are far away from the NTP server
* A monotonic clock is suitable for measuring a duration, they are guaranteed to always move forward, but the 
absolute value of the clock is meaningless. NTP may adjust the frequency at which the monotonic clock moves forward, 
but cannot cause the monotonic clock to jump forward or backward

In a distributed system, using a monotonic clock for measuring elapsed time (e.g., timeouts) is usually fine, because it doesn't assume any synchronization between different nodes' clocks and is not sensitive to slight inaccuracies of measurement.

Clock Synchronization and Accuracy

The Time of day clock needs to be synchronized with the NTP server, a computer might reject this synchronization if the clock is too far away from the NTP server. More problems can arise if the firewall does not allow this synchronization to happen or if there is network delays, leap seconds can mess up timing assumptions in systems. It is possible to achieve a more accurate synchronization using precision time protocol (PTP).

Relying on Synchronized Clocks

If you use software that requires synchronized clocks, it is essential that you also carefully monitor the clock offsets between all the machines.

Timestamps for ordering events

If two nodes are not synchronized, the events they generate (for example a counter increment), can lead to incorrectly ordering them, which might cause a drop of a value if the strategy followed is a LRW. logical clocks, which are based on incrementing counters rather than an oscillating quartz crystal, are a safer for ordering events.

Clock readings have a confidence interval

Even if a clock has a lot of resolution (even nanoseconds), its accuracy depends on variable drift, reading a clock is more like a range of times, within a confidence interval.

Synchronized clocks for global snapshots

Snapshot isolation allows read-only transactions to see the database in a consistent state at a particular point in time, without locking and interfering with read-write transactions. A monotonically increasing transaction ID is the usual approach to do this, but in a distributed database this requires coordination. If we have two confidence intervals, each consisting of an earliest and latest possible timestamp, and those two intervals do not overlap, then B definitely happened after A. Only if the intervals overlap are we unsure in which order A and B happened.

Process Pauses

In an scenario of a single leader partition where a node needs to know if it is still a leader to accept writes, a lease (a lock with a timeout) can be granted, the node accepts writes until the lease is expired and needs to be renewed. This scenario can be problematic if the expiry date on the lease is compared with the internal clock value. In these situations, a process pause can mess up the clock checking, for example a pause after checking if the lease is valid and before accepting the write. This pause can be due to garbage collection, process pause in virtualized environments, I/O pause, disks swaps... A node in a distributed system must assume that its execution can be paused for a significant length of time at any point, even in the middle of a function.

Response time guarantees

The pauses described before can be eliminated on hard real-time systems like airplane control systems, those in were if no response is given in a certain amount of time, it can provoke a system failure. This is achieved through real-time operating system (RTOS) which allows processes to be scheduled with a guaranteed allocation of CPU time in specified intervals is needed. These systems are limited to critical software cases due to cost.

Limiting the impact of garbage collection

An emerging idea is to treat GC pauses like brief planned outages of a node, and to let other nodes handle requests from clients while one node is collecting its garbage. If the runtime can warn the application that a node soon requires a GC pause, the application can stop sending new requests to that node, wait for it to finish processing outstanding requests, or planned restart of process (and thus cleaning of long live objects) can be scheduled.

Knowledge, Truth, and Lies

A node in the network can only make guesses based on the messages it receives (or doesn't receive) via the network. A node can only find out what state another node is in by exchanging messages with it. If a remote node doesn't respond, there is no way of knowing what state it is in. In a distributed system, we can state the assumptions we are making about the behavior (the system model) and design the actual system in such a way that it meets those assumptions.

The Truth Is Defined by the Majority

If a node can receive messages but can't send them, or after a long GC pause, it can be declared dead, thus we shouldn't rely on single node, but in a quorum of nodes. A majority has to take the decision, to avoid conflicts.

The leader and the lock

Frequently, a system requires there to be only one of some thing (single node processing write requests, or hold a lock). Implementing this in a distributed system requires care an quorum.

Fencing tokens

When using a lock or lease to protect access to some resource, we need to ensure that a node that is under a false belief of being “the chosen one” cannot disrupt the rest of the system. A simple technique that achieves this goal is called fencing. A fencing token is given every time a lock is granted (an increasing number), which is included on the write requests. If a write request is processed by the storage system, it will reject writes with a lower token number.

Byzantine Faults

If a node deliberately wanted to subvert the system's guarantees, it can do so by sending messages with a fake fencing token. A Byzantine fault occurs when a node claim to have received a particular message when in fact it didn't and systems can be Byzantine fault-tolerant. Most Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithms require a supermajority of more than two-thirds of the nodes to be functioning correctly.

Weak forms of lying

It can be worth adding mechanisms to software that guard against weak forms of “lying” like invalid messages due to hardware issues, software bugs, and misconfiguration. This usually includes checksums, input sanitization, or multiserver configuration to determine quorums.

System Model and Reality

Algorithms need to be written in a way that does not depend too heavily on the details of the hardware and software configuration on which they are run. With regard to timing assumptions, three system models are in common use:

* Synchronous model: assumes bounded network delay, bounded process pau‐ ses, and bounded clock error
* Partially synchronous model: assumes that systems behaves like a synchronous system most of the time
* Asynchronous model: an algorithm is not allowed to make any timing assumptions (it does not even have a clock)

The three most common system models for nodes are:

* Crash-stop faults: an algorithm may assume that a node can fail in only one way, namely by crashing
* Crash-recovery faults: nodes may crash at any moment, and perhaps start responding again after some unknown time. 
Nodes are assumed to have stable storage that is preserved across crashes, in-memory state is assumed to be lost
* Byzantine (arbitrary) faults: Nodes may do absolutely anything, including trying to trick and deceive other nodes

For modeling real systems, the partially synchronous model with crash-recovery is generally the most useful model.

Correctness of an algorithm

To define what it means for an algorithm to be correct, we can describe its properties. An algorithm is correct in some system model if it always satisfies its properties in all situations that we assume may occur in that system model.

Safety and liveness

The properties mentioned before can be of two types:

* safety: defined as nothing bad happens, if they are violated we can point at a particular point in time at 
which it was broken (i.e. uniqueness), the violation can't be undone as the damage is already done
* liveness: defined as something good eventually happens, they may not hold at some point in time (i.e. server 

For distributed algorithms, it is common to require that safety properties always hold, in all possible situations of a system model while with liveness properties we are allowed to make caveats.

Mapping system models to the real world

The system model is a simplified abstraction of reality, a real implementation may still have to include code to handle the case where something happens that was assumed to be impossible. Theoretical analysis and empirical testing are equally important.

Chapter 9: Consistency and Consensus

The best way of building fault-tolerant systems is to find some general-purpose abstractions with useful guarantees, one of the most useful ones is _ consensus_.

Consistency Guarantees

Most replicated databases provide at least eventual consistency (also named convergence), which means that if you stop writing to the database and wait for some unspecified length of time, then eventually all read requests will return the same value. This is a weak for of guarantee, systems with stronger guarantees may have worse performance or be less fault-tolerant than systems with weaker guarantees.


The idea behind linearizability ( or atomic consistency, strong consistency, immediate consistency, or external consistency) is that the database gives the illusion that there is only one replica so the client would have the same view of the data. This means guaranteeing that the value read is the most recent, up-to-date value, and doesn't come from a stale cache or replica.

What Makes a System Linearizable?

In a linearizable system we imagine that there must be some point in time (between the start and end of the write operation) at which the value written atomically flips from one value to another. Thus, if one client's read returns the new value, all subsequent reads must also return the new value, even if the write operation has not yet completed. Once a new value has been written or read, all subsequent reads see the value that was written, until it is overwritten again.

Relying on Linearizability

* Locking and leader election: A system that uses single-leader replication needs to ensure that there is indeed 
only one leader, not several (split brain). This can be implemented with locks, every node that starts up tries 
to acquire the lock, and the one that succeeds becomes the leader
* Constraints and uniqueness guarantees: If you want to enforce the uniqueness constraint as the data is written, 
you need linearizability
* Cross-channel timing dependencies: If a system needs two different communication channels to do some task (like
 a background resizing process that needs to read from an external storage), you need linearizability 

Implementing Linearizable Systems

The most common approach to making a system fault-tolerant is to use replication. But if we compare whether they can be made linearizable:

* Single-leader replication (potentially linearizable): Using the leader for reads relies on the assumption that 
you know for sure who the leader is (not guaranteed with asynchronous replication)
* Consensus algorithms (linearizable): these protocols contain measures to prevent split brain and stale replicas
* Multi-leader replication (not linearizable): because concurrently process writes on multiple nodes and 
asynchronously replicate them to other nodes
* Leaderless replication (probably not linearizable): Depending on the exact configuration of the quorums, and 
depending on how you define strong consistency, linearizability might be broken
Linearizability and quorums

It is possible to make Dynamo-style quorums linearizable at the cost of reduced performance: a reader must perform read repair synchronously, before returning results to the application, and a writer must read the latest state of a quorum of nodes before sending its writes. It is safest to assume that a leaderless system with Dynamo-style replication does not provide linearizability.

The Cost of Linearizability

Consider what happens if there is a network interruption between the two datacenters. With a multi-leader database, each datacenter can continue operating normally: since writes from one datacenter are asynchronously replicated to the other, the writes are simply queued up and exchanged when network connectivity is restored. If single-leader replication is used,any writes and any linearizable reads must be sent to the leader, for any clients connected to a follower datacenter, those read and write requests must be sent synchronously over the network to the leader datacenter.

The CAP theorem

Important considerations:

* If your application requires linearizability, and some replicas are disconnected from the other replicas due 
to a network problem, then some replicas cannot process requests while they are disconnected
* If your application does not require linearizability, then it can be written in a way that each replica can 
process requests independently, even if it is disconnected from other replicas

The CAP theorem only considers one consistency model (linearizability) and one kind of fault (network partitions or nodes that are alive but disconnected from each other), so it has little practical value for designing systems.

Linearizability and network delays

Even in multi core CPUs, reads are not guaranteed to get the value written by another core thread, since there are intermediate caches and buffers. In this case, the reason for dropping linearizability is performance, not fault tolerance, which is applicable to other databases. Weaker consistency models can be much faster than linear ones.

Ordering Guarantees

Linearizability requires some guarantee of ordering, there are deep connections between ordering, linearizability, and consensus.

Ordering and Causality

Order preserves causality, some examples of casuality are:

* Causal dependency between the question and the answer (prefix reads)
* A row should exists to be able to modify it (read overtake)
* A happened before relationship is another expression of causality (concurrent write detection)
* In snapshot isolation, transaction reads from a consistent snapshot. Reading stale data violates casuality
* Write skew between transactions, serializable snapshot isolation detects write skew by track‐ ing the causal 
dependencies between transactions

The chains of causally dependent operations define the causal order in the system, what happened before what. If a system obeys the ordering imposed by causality, we say that it is causally consistent.

The causal order is not a total order

A total order allows any two elements to be compared (i.e natural numbers). The difference between a total order and a partial order is reflected in different database consistency models:

* Linearizability: There is a total order of operations, we can always say which operation happened first
* Causality: Two events are ordered if they are causally related, but they are incomparable if they are 
concurrent. Casualty defines a partial order (some elements are incomparable)

According to this definition, there are no concurrent operations in a linearizable datastore.

Linearizability is stronger than causal consistency

Linearizability implies causality: any system that is linearizable will preserve causality correctly. Linearizability is not the only way of preserving causality, causal consistency is the strongest possible consistency model that does not slow down due to network delays, and remains available in the face of network failures.

Capturing causal dependencies

In order to maintain causality, you need to know which operation happened before which other operation. Causal consistency techniques are similar to the ones for detecting concurrent writes, but it needs to track causal dependencies across the entire database, not just for a single key. Hence these databases needs to know which version of the data was read by the application.

Sequence Number Ordering

Sequence numbers helps to guarantee casuality and keep tracks of dependencies. Timestamps for these numbers can come from a logical clock, which is an algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers to identify operations, typically using counters that are incremented for every operation. In a database with single-leader replication, the replication log defines a total order of write operations that is consistent with causality.

Noncausal sequence number generators

For non single-leader databases is a bit less clear how to generate these sequence numbers. There are several methods:

* Each node can generate its own independent set of sequence numbers
* You can attach a timestamp from a time-of-day clock to each operation (used in LWR)
* You can preallocate blocks of sequence numbers

These operations are more performant but the sequence numbers they generate are not consistent with causality.

Lamport timestamps

There is a simple method for generating sequence numbers that is consistent with causality, Called Lamport timestamp. The Lamport timestamp is simply a pair of operation counter and node identifier attached to the operation. This provides total ordering: if you have two timestamps, the one with a greater counter value is the greater timestamp and if the counter values are the same, the one with the greater node ID is the greater timestamp. This is consistent with casuality because every node and every client keeps track of the maximum counter value it has seen so far, and includes that maximum on every request. When a node receives a request or response with a maximum counter value greater than its own counter value, it immediately increases its own counter to that maximum.

Timestamp ordering is not sufficient

In the case where a node needs to make a decission on the moment, without gathering the results from other nodes to determine if it is possible (for example creation of a unique username), timestamp ordering is not sufficient, you also need to know when that order is finalized. This idea of knowing when your total order is finalized is known as total order broadcast.

Total Order Broadcast

Total order broadcast is a protocol for exchanging messages between nodes. It requires two safety properties:

* Reliable delivery: No messages are lost (if a message is delivered to one node, it is delivered to all nodes)
* Totally ordered delivery: Messages are delivered to every node in the same order
Using total order broadcast

Consensus services (ZooKeeper and etcd) implements total order broadcast. Total order broadcast is needed for database replication: if every message represents a write to the database, and every replica processes the same writes in the same order, then the replicas will remain consistent with each other (known as state machine replication). In total order broadcast the order is fixed at the time the messages are delivered, also useful for implementing a lock service that provides fencing tokens.

Implementing linearizable storage using total order broadcast

Total order broadcast is asynchronous: messages are guaranteed to be delivered reliably in a fixed order, but there is no guarantee about when a message will be delivered. Linearizability is a recency guarantee: a read is guaranteed to see the latest value written. You can build linearizable storage on top of total order broadcast, with the example of the unique username:

* Append a message to the log, tentatively indicating the username you want to claim
* Read the log, and wait for the message you appended to be delivered back to you
* Check for any messages claiming the username that you want. If the first message for your desired username is 
your own message, then you are successful (perhaps commmit it by appending another message to the log) and 
acknowledge it to the client

The procedure described provides sequential consistency, also known as timeline consistency, a slightly weaker guarantee than linearizability).

Implementing total order broadcast using linearizable storage

The easiest way to build total order broadcast using linearizable storage is to assume you have a linearizable register that stores an integer and that has an atomic increment-and-get operation. Alternatively, an atomic compare-and-set operation would also do the job.

Distributed Transactions and Consensus

The goal of consensus is simply to get sev‐ eral nodes to agree on something. Consensus is important in leader election or Atomic commit (in distributed transactions either all nodes commits or rolls back).

Atomic Commit and Two-Phase Commit (2PC)

From single-node to distributed atomic commit

On a single node, transaction commitment crucially depends on the order in which data is durably written to disk: first the data, then the commit record to indicate a successful transaction. In distributed transactions it is not sufficient to simply send a commit request to all of the nodes and independently commit the transaction on each one, as problems with communications, uniqueness of keys or even crashes might happen in any node making the transaction inconsistent.

Introduction to two-phase commit

Two-phase commit is an algorithm for achieving atomic transaction commit across multiple nodes. 2PC uses a component that does not normally appear in single-node transactions named coordinator or transaction manager. A 2PC
transaction begins with the application reading and writing data on multiple database nodes (called participants in the transaction). In phase 1, the coordinator sends a prepare request to each of the nodes, asking them whether they are able to commit: If all participants reply “yes”, the coordinator sends out a commit request in phase 2, and the commit actually takes place, if any of the participants replies “no” the coordinator sends an abort request to all nodes in phase 2.

A system of promises

To guarantee that the previous 2PC actually works, the process requires:

* When the application wants to begin a distributed transaction, it requests a transaction ID from the coordinator 
(globally unique)
* The application begins a single-node transaction on each of the participants with the transaction ID
* When the application is ready to commit, the coordinator sends a prepare request to all participants, tagged with 
the global transaction ID (or an abort request if any node fails)
* When a participant receives the prepare request, it makes sure that it can definitely commit the transaction 
under all circumstances. This includes writing all transaction data to disk, and checking for any conflicts or 
constraint violations. The participant surrenders the right to abort the transaction, but without committing it
* When the coordinator has received responses to all prepare requests, it makes a definitive decision. The 
coordinator must write that decision to its transaction log on disk (called the commit point)
* Once the coordinator's decision has been written to disk, the commit or abort request is sent to all 
participants. If this request fails or times out, the coordinator must retry forever until it succeed
Coordinator failure

If a participant has received a prepare request and voted “yes” it can no longer abort unilaterally a transaction. If the coordinator crashes or the network fails at this point, the participant can do nothing but wait (this state is called in doubt or uncertain). The only way 2PC can complete is by waiting for the coordinator to recover (polling other participants is not part of the protocol).

Distributed Transactions in Practice

Many cloud services choose not to implement distributed transactions due to the operational problems they engender. Two quite different types of distributed transactions are often conflated:

* Database-internal distributed transactions: all the nodes participating in the transaction are running the same
 database software
* Heterogeneous distributed transactions: the participants are two or more different technologies
Exactly-once message processing

Heterogeneous distributed transactions allow diverse systems to be integrated, a distributed transaction is only possible if all systems affected by the transaction are able to use the same atomic commit protocol. If all side effects of processing a message are rolled back on transaction abort, then the processing step can safely be retried as if nothing had happened.

XA transactions

X/Open XA (short for eXtended Architecture) is a standard for implementing two- phase commit across heterogeneous technologies (it is a C API for interfacing with a transaction coordinator). XA assumes that your application uses a network driver or client library to communicate with the participant databases or messaging services.

Holding locks while in doubt

Database transactions usually take a row-level exclusive lock on any rows they modify, to prevent dirty writes. The database cannot release those locks until the transaction commits or aborts.

Recovering from coordinator failure

In practice, orphaned in-doubt transactions (transactions for which the coordinator cannot decide the outcome for whatever reason) do occur, sitting forever in the database, holding locks and blocking other transactions. The only way out is for an administrator to manually decide whether to commit or roll back the transactions. Many XA implementations have an emergency escape hatch called heuristic decisions: allowing a participant to unilaterally decide to abort or commit an in-doubt transaction without a definitive decision from the coordinator.

Limitations of distributed transactions

XA transactions introduces major operational problems:

* If the coordinator is not replicated but runs only on a single machine, it is a single point of failure for the 
entire system
* Many server-side applications are developed in a stateless model, with all persistent state stored in a database, 
since the coordinator logs are required in order to recover in-doubt transactions after a crash, those application 
servers are no longer stateless.
* Since XA needs to be compatible with a wide range of data systems, it is necessarily a lowest common denominator
* Distributed transactions thus have a tendency of amplifying failures, if any part of the system is broken, the 
transaction also fails

Fault-Tolerant Consensus

A consensus algorithm must satisfy the following properties:

* Uniform agreement: No two nodes decide differently
* Integrity: No node decides twice
* Validity: If a node decides value v, then v was proposed by some node
* Termination: Every node that does not crash eventually decides some value

Here, termination is a liveness property, whereas the other three are safety properties (2PC does not meet the requirements for termination), although any consensus algorithm requires at least a majority of nodes to be functioning correctly in order to assure termination.

Consensus algorithms and total order broadcast

Most of consensus algorithms don't directly use the formal model described before. Instead, they decide on a sequence of values, which makes them total order broadcast algorithms. Total order broadcast is equivalent to repeated rounds of consensus.

Epoch numbering and quorums

As stated before, single-leader replication needs consensus to avoid the split-brain problem, but it seems that in order to elect a leader, we first need a leader (so we need to solve consensus). All of the consensus protocols discussed don't guarantee that the leader is unique. Instead, they can make a weaker guarantee: the protocols define an epoch number and guarantee that within each epoch, the leader is unique. If there is a conflict between two different leaders in two different epochs, then the leader with the higher epoch number prevails. For every decision that a leader wants to make, it must send the proposed value to the other nodes and wait for a quorum of nodes to respond in favor of the proposal.

Limitations of consensus

Consensus algorithms are not used everywhere, because the benefits come at the cost of performance (they are a kind of synchronous replication), always require a strict majority to operate, assume a fixed set of nodes that participate in voting (you can't just add or remove nodes), they generally rely on timeouts to detect failed nodes (producing false positive detections and affecting performance) and some consensus algorithms are particularly affected by network problems.

Membership and Coordination Services

Projects like ZooKeeper or etcd are often described as “distributed key-value stores”, holding small amounts of data that can fit entirely in memory, which is replicated across all the nodes using a fault-tolerant total order broadcast algorithm. Zookeeper provides features that are particularly useful when building distributed systems:

* Linearizable atomic operations: Using an atomic compare-and-set operation, you can implement a lock (usually 
implemented as a lease)
* Total ordering of operations: fencing tokens are needed to prevent clients from conflicting with each other in 
the case of a process pause. ZooKeeper provides this by totally ordering all operations and giving each 
operation a monotonically increasing transaction ID (zxid) and version number (cversion)
* Failure detection: Clients maintain a long-lived session on ZooKeeper servers, and the client and server 
periodically exchange heartbeats to check that the other node is still alive
* Change notifications: A client can read locks and values that were created by another client and watch them for
Service discovery

ZooKeeper, etcd, and Consul are also often used for service discovery—that is, to find out which IP address you need to connect to in order to reach a particular service. Although service discovery does not require consensus, leader election does. For this purpose, some consensus systems support read-only caching replicas. These replicas asynchronously receive the log of all decisions of the consensus algorithm, but do not actively participate in voting.

Membership services

Zookeeper and other similar systems can be seen as a membership service, which determines which nodes are currently active and live members of a cluster. If you couple failure detection with consensus, nodes can come to an agreement about which nodes should be considered alive or not.

Chapter 10: Batch Processing

We can distinguish three different types of systems:

 * Services (online systems): A service waits for a request or instruction from a client and sends a response back
 * Batch processing systems (offline systems): system takes a large amount of input data, process it, and 
 produces some output data
 * Stream processing systems (near-real-time systems): somewhere between online and offline/batch processing, 
 consumes inputs (events) and produces outputs shortly after the input is received

Batch Processing with Unix Tools

Simple Log Analysis

It is possible to build a custom log analysis program by using unix tools and chaining different operations together.

Chain of commands versus custom program

Instead of the chain of Unix commands, you could write similar things with other program languages, but there are differences in readibility and execution times (sorting versus in-memory aggregation of results).

Sorting versus in-memory aggregation

If a job's working set is larger than the available memory, the sorting approach has the advantage that it can make efficient use of disks, in a similar way to SSTables vs LSM-Trees.

The Unix Philosophy

The Unix philosophy is a set of design principles that became popular among the developers and users of Unix:

* Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh instead of adding new “features”
* Expect the output of every program to become the input to another. Don't clutter output with extraneous 
information. Avoid stringently columnar or binary input formats. Don't insist on interactive input
* Design and build software, even operating systems, to be tried early, ideally within weeks. Don't hesitate to 
throw away the clumsy parts and rebuild them
* Use tools in preference to unskilled help to lighten a programming task, even if you have to detour to build the
 tools and expect to throw some of them out after you've finished using them
A uniform interface

If you expect the output of one program to become the input to another program, a compatible interface must be set (a file in unix programs or more precisely a file descriptor). By convention, many (but not all) Unix programs treat this sequence of bytes as ASCII text.

Separation of logic and wiring

Unix tools is their use of standard input (stdin) and standard output (stdout) which defaults to keyboard and screen respectively. Separating the input/output wiring from the program logic makes it easier to compose small tools into bigger systems.

Transparency and experimentation

Key concepts of the unix programs:

* The input files to Unix commands are normally treated as immutable
* You can end the pipeline at any point, pipe the output into less, validate the output for debugging purposes
* You can write the output of one pipeline stage to a file and use that file as input to the next stage

The biggest limitation of Unix tools is that they run only on a single machine

MapReduce and Distributed Filesystems

MapReduce is a bit like unix tools, with some differences. In MR files are written once, in a sequential fashion. In MR read and write files happens on a distributed filesystem called HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), which is based on a share-nothing architecture. HDFS consists of a daemon process running on each machine, exposing a network service that allows other nodes to access files stored on that machine with a central server called the NameNode keeps track of which file blocks are stored on which machine.

MapReduce Job Execution

To create a MapReduce job, you need to implement two callback functions, the map‐ per and reducer:

* Mapper: called once for every input record, and its job is to extract the key and value from the input record
* Reducer:  takes the key-value pairs produced by the mappers, collects all the values belonging to the same 
key, and calls the reducer with an iterator over that collection of values

If you need a second sorting stage, you can use the output of a job as the input for another.

Distributed execution of MapReduce

Unlike Unix, MapReduce can parallelize a computation across many machines, without you having to write code to explicitly handle the parallelism. The MapReduce framework first copies the code to the appropriate machines if it is not already there, and then starts the map task passing one record at a time to the mapper callback. The output is a key-value pair and must be sorted in stages before the reduce phase. Each map task partitions its output by reducer, based on the hash of the key. Each of these partitions is written to a sorted file on the mapper's local disk. Whenever a mapper finishes reading its input file and writing its sorted output files, the MapReduce scheduler notifies the reducers that they can start fetching the output files from that mapper. The reducers connect to each of the mappers and download the files of sorted key-value pairs for their partition (this is known as the shuffle), merging the files from the mappers together preserving the order. The output records from the reducer are written to a file on the distributed filesystem.

MapReduce workflows

It is very common for MapReduce jobs to be chained together into workflows since the range of problems you can solve with a single MapReduce job is limited (this chaining is done implicitly by directory name). A batch job's output is only considered valid when the job has completed successfully.

Reduce-Side Joins and Grouping

When we talk about joins in the context of batch processing, we mean resolving all occurrences of some association within a dataset.

Example: analysis of user activity events

In order to achieve good throughput in a batch process, the computation must be (as much as possible) local to one machine. Making random-access requests over the network for every record you want to process is too slow.

Sort-merge joins

When the MapReduce framework partitions the mapper output by key and then sorts the key-value pairs, all record with the same ID become adjacent to each other in the reducer input. The reducer processes all of the records for a particular ID in one go, it only needs to keep one record in memory at any one time, and it never needs to make any requests over the network. This algorithm is known as a sort-merge join, since mapper output is sorted by key, and the reducers then merge together the sorted lists of records from both sides of the join.

Bringing related data together in the same place

One way of looking at this architecture is that mappers “send messages” to the reducers. MapReduce handles all network communication, it also shields the application code from having to worry about partial failures, it transparently retries failed tasks without affecting the application logic.

Handling skew

Keys with a disproportionately number of related records are known as linchpin objects or hot keys. A MapReduce job is only complete when all of its mappers and reducers have completed, jobs must wait for the slowest reducer to complete before they can start. Load (randomize the hot keys) should be distributed to avoid skewed jobs.

Map-Side Joins

In map-side joins, there are no reducers and no sorting. Mappers reads one input file block from the distributed filesystem and writes one output file to the filesystem.

Broadcast hash joins

When a large dataset is joined with a small dataset, the mapper loads the small dataset in memory and does the join by doing a lookup with the key on the hash table it uses to store the dataset. This is called a broadcast hash join. An alternative is to store the small join input in a read-only index on the local disk, without actually requiring the dataset to fit in memory.

Partitioned hash joins

If the inputs to the map-side join are partitioned in the same way, then the hash join approach can be applied to each partition independently. This approach only works if both of the join's inputs have the same number of partitions (known as bucketed map joins in Hive).

Map-side merge joins

If the input datasets are not only partitioned in the same way, but also sorted based on the same key, the mapper can perform the same merging operation that would normally be done by a reduce.

MapReduce workflows with map-side joins

The output of a reduce-side join is partitioned and sorted by the join key, the output of a map-side join is partitioned and sorted in the same way as the large input (which is important when optimizing join strategies).

The Output of Batch Workflows

Building search indexes

A batch process is an effective way of building the indexes if you need to perform a full-text search over a fixed set of documents: the mappers partition the set of documents as needed, each reducer builds the index for its partition, and the index files are written to the distributed filesystem. Index are immutable, so a reprocess is needed if anyone changes (although incremental indexes can be build using segment files and compaction).

Key-value stores as batch process output

The output of a map reduce job is often some kind of database to be queried from a web application. Writing from the batch job directly to the database server, one record at a time is a bad idea because the time it takes to do the round network trip, the taks run in parallel can overwhelm the database and there might be partial results if a job fails. It is better to write the results to a file, and then load it using a bulk process.

Philosophy of batch process outputs

The handling of output from MapReduce jobs should not produce side effects. By treating inputs as immutable and avoiding side effects (such as writing to external data‐ bases), batch jobs achieve good performance and are easier to maintain.

Comparing Hadoop to Distributed Databases

The biggest difference is that MPP databases focus on parallel execution of analytic SQL queries on a cluster of machines, while the combination of MapReduce and a distributed filesystem provides something much more like a general-purpose operating system that can run arbitrary programs.

Diversity of storage

Databases require you to structure data according to a particular model, whereas files in a distributed filesystem are just byte sequences, which can be written using any data model and encoding. Hadoop has often been used for implementing ETL processes: data from transaction processing systems is dumped into the distributed filesystem in some raw form, and then MapReduce jobs are written to clean up that data, transform it into a relational form, and import it into an MPP data warehouse for analytic purposes.

Diversity of processing models

While MPP databases are monolithic, tightly integrated pieces of software providing very good performance on the types of queries for which it is designed, not all kinds of processing can be sensibly expressed as SQL queries. The Hadoop ecosystem includes both random-access OLTP databases such as HBase and MPP-style analytic databases such as Impala (appart of the MapReduce model).

Designing for frequent faults

MapReduce and MPPs differs also on the handling of faults and the use of memory and disk. Most MPP databases abort the entire query if a node crashes, and either let the user resubmit the query or automatically run it again. MPP databases also prefer to keep as much data as possible in memory. MapReduce is more appropriate for larger jobs that process so much data and run for such a long time that they are likely to experience at least one task failure along the way (rerunning the entire job due to a single task failure would be wasteful), this is designed in this way because the freedom to arbitrarily terminate processes enables better resource utilization in a computing cluster.

Beyond MapReduce

Various higher-level programming models were created as abstractions on top of MapReduce.

Materialization of Intermediate State

If the output of one job is only ever used as input to one other job, the files on the distributed filesystem are simply intermediate state. The process of writing out this intermediate state to files is called materialization. The downside of this approach is:

* A MapReduce job can only start when all tasks in the preceding jobs, whereas processes connected by a Unix pipe 
starts at the same time, with output being consumed as soon as it is produced. Skew tasks slows the whole processing
* Mappers are often redundant: they just read back the same file that was just written by a reducer, and 
 prepare it for the next stage of partitioning and sorting
* Storing intermediate state in a distributed filesystem means those files are replicated across several nodes
Dataflow engines

In order to fix these problems, several new execution engines for distributed batch computations were developed (Tez, Spark, Flink), and they handle an entire workflow as one job and are known as dataflow engines. These dataflow engines connects the different stages of a job through operators, they do so by:

* Repartition and sorting records by key, which enables sort-merge joins and grouping like in MapReduce
* Taking several inputs and partitioning them in the same way, but skiping the sorting.
* For broadcast hash joins, the same output from one operator can be sent to all partitions of the join operator

This model:

* Skips the sorting if it is not needed
* Removes work done by a mapper it it can be incorporated into the preceding reduce operator
* The scheduler has an overview of what data is required where, so it can make locality optimizations
* Saves HDFS I/O time if the intermediate data to be kept in memory or written to local disk
* Operators can start executing as soon as their input is ready
* Existing Java Virtual Machine (JVM) processes can be reused to run new operators
Fault tolerance

Materializing results makes fault tolerance fairly easy to implement. Spark, Flink, and Tez recomputes the intermediate state if the machine is lost ( the framework must keep track of how a given piece of data was computed). When recomputing data, it is important to know whether the computation is deterministic, which matters if some of the lost data has already been sent to downstream operators (in this case the downstream operator is killed also).

Graphs and Iterative Processing

Machine learning applications such as recommendation engines often needs to look at graph models in a batch processing context. This needs an iterative style that can't be implemented with MapReduce. This is usually done with an external scheduler that runs a batch process to calculate one step of the algorithm, then when the batch process completes the scheduler checks whether it has finished and rerun the batch again if not.

The Pregel processing model

The bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model of computation: one vertex can “send a message” to another vertex, and typically those messages are sent along the edges in a graph (Pregel model). In the Pregel model, a vertex remembers its state in memory from one iteration to the next, so the function only needs to process new incoming messages.

Fault tolerance

Pregel allows messages to be batched with less waiting for communication. Pregel model guarantees that all messages sent in one iteration are delivered in the next iteration, the prior iteration must completely finish, and all of its messages must be copied over the network, before the next one can start.

Parallel execution

A vertex does not need to know on which physical machine it is executing; when it sends messages to other vertices, it simply sends them to a vertex ID, so the framework may partition the graph in arbitrary ways. In practice, no attempt to group related vertices together is made, resulting in a lot of cross-machine communication overhead and big intermediate states.

High-Level APIs and Languages

The move toward declarative query languages

Hive, Spark, and Flink have cost-based query optimizers so the framework can analyze the properties of the join inputs and automatically decide which of the aforementioned join algorithms would be most suitable for the task at hand. If joins are specified in a declarative way, the application simply states which joins are required.

Chapter 11: Stream Processing

A “stream” refers to data that is incrementally made available over time.

Transmitting Event Streams

In a stream processing context, a record is more commonly known as an event: a small, self- contained, immutable object containing the details of something that happened at some point in time. An event is generated once by a _producer (or publisher or sender), and then potentially processed by multiple consumers (subscribers or recipients). In a streaming system, related events are usually grouped together into a topic or stream. When moving toward continual processing with low delays, polling becomes expensive if the datastore is not designed for this kind of usage. The more often you poll, the lower the percentage of requests that return new events, and thus the higher the overheads become. Instead, it is better for consumers to be notified when new events appear.

Messaging Systems

A messaging system allows multiple producer nodes to send messages to the same topic and allows multiple consumer nodes to receive messages in a topic (publish/subscribe model). Important considerations are:

* If the producers send messages faster than the consumers can process them, the system can either drop or buffer
 messages or apply backpresure (blocking the producer from sending more messages)
* If nodes crash or temporarily go offline, messages can be lost to achieve higher throughput and lower latency, 
or stored if there is some combination of writing to disk and/or replication
Direct messaging from producers to consumers

Direct messaging generally require the application code to be aware of the possibility of message loss, examples of direct messaging are UDP multicast in finance services, brokerless messaging libraries or consumer exposing HTTP or RPC request endpoints.

Message brokers

An alternative is to send messages via a message broker (also known as a message queue), which is a kind of database that is optimized for handling message streams. It runs as a server, with producers and consumers connecting to it as clients. These systems can more easily tolerate clients that come and go, and the question of durability is moved to the broker instead. They generally allow unbounded queueing and consumers are generally asynchronous.

Message brokers compared to databases

Some message brokers can even participate in two-phase commit protocols using XA or JTA, although as oppose to databases, these systems deletes successfully delivered messages, the working set is small, often support some way of subscribing to a subset of topics matching some pattern and do not support arbitrary queries but notify clients when data changes.

Multiple consumers

When multiple consumers read messages in the same topic, two main patterns of messaging are used:

* Load balancing: Each message is delivered to one of the consumers, so the consumers can share the work of 
processing the messages in the topic. Useful when the messages are expensive to process
* Fan-out: Each message is delivered to all of the consumersEach message is delivered to all of the consumers. 
Acknowledgments and redelivery

In order to ensure that the message is not lost, message brokers use acknowledgments. The broker assumes that the message was not processed if they don't receive this confirmation, and redelivers the message. Handling this case requires an atomic commit protocol, and wrong ordering of events can potentially happen in case of failure.

Partitioned Logs

In AMQP/JMS-style messaging approach, receiving a message is destructive if the acknowledgment causes it to be deleted from the broker, so you cannot run the same consumer again and expect to get the same result.

Using logs for message storage

In log message brokers, a producer sends a message by appending it to the end of the log, and a consumer receives messages by reading the log sequentially. Different partitions can then be hosted on different machines, making each partition a separate log that can be read and written independently from other partitions. Within each partition, the broker assigns a monotonically increasing sequence number, or offset, to every message, so messages within a partition are totally ordered. There is no ordering guarantee across different partitions.

Logs compared to traditional messaging

In these systems, the broker can assign entire partitions to nodes in the consumer group, each client then consumes all the messages in the partitions it has been assigned. This approach means that:

* The number of nodes sharing the work of consuming topics can be at most the number of log partitions in that topic
* If a single message is slow to process, it holds up the processing of subsequent messages in that partition

In situations where messages may be expensive to process and you want to parallelize processing on a message-by-message basis, and where message ordering is not so important, the JMS/AMQP style of message broker is preferable. In situations with high message throughput, where each message is fast to process and where message ordering is important, the log-based approach works very well.

Consumer offsets

The broker does not need to track acknowledgments for every single message since all messages with an offset less than a consumer's current offset have already been processed (similar to the log sequence number that in single-leader database replication).

Disk space usage

To reclaim disk space, the log is actually divided into segments, which are deleted depending on the retention policies.

Replaying old messages

In log-based message brokers, The only side effect of processing is that the consumer offset moves forward. But the offset is under the consumer's control, so it can easily be manipulated if necessary (useful for reprocessing purposes).

Databases and Streams

Keeping Systems in Sync

There is no single system that can satisfy data storage, querying, and processing needs. For replication, different approaches can be taken such as taking a full copy of a database, transforming it, and bulk-loading it, or by the use of dual writes (application code that explicitly writes to each of the systems when data changes). Dual writes can suffer from racing conditions thus requires additional concurrency detection mechanisms ( although it works for one replicated database with a single leader).

Change Data Capture

Many databases does not have a documented way of getting the log of changes written to them, which makes difficult to take all the changes made in a database and replicate them to a different storage technology such as a search index, cache, or data warehouse which is solved with change data capture (CDC) which is the process of observing all data changes written to a database and extracting them in a form in which they can be replicated to other systems.

Implementing change data capture

CDC makes one database the leader (the one from which the changes are captured), and turns the others into followers. A log-based message broker is well suited for transporting the change events from the source database, since it preserves the ordering of messages. Database triggers can be used to implement CDC, parsing the replication log can be a more robust, but it also comes with challenges, such as handling schema changes. CDC is usually asynchronous: the system of record database does not wait for the change to be applied to consumers before committing it.

Initial snapshot

If you don't have the entire log history, you need to start with a consistent snapshot, which must correspond to a known position or offset in the change log, so that you know at which point to start applying changes after the snapshot has been processed.

Log compaction

Systems with log compaction functionality, periodically looks for log records with the same key, throws away any duplicates, and keeps only the most recent update for each key. An update with a special null value (a tombstone) indicates that a key was deleted. The same idea can be applied in CDC.

Event Sourcing

Event sourcing involves storing all changes to the application state as a log of change events. In event sourcing, the application logic is explicitly built on the basis of immutable events that are written to an event log. Events are designed to reflect things that happened at the application level, rather than low-level state changes.

Deriving current state from the event log

An event log by itself is not very useful, because users generally expect to see the cur‐ rent state of a system, not the history of modifications. Like with change data capture, replaying the event log allows you to reconstruct the current state of the system. However, log compaction needs to be handled differently: in CDC an even is the entire new version of the record and log compaction can discard previous events for the same key. In event sourcing, an event typically expresses the intent of a user action, not the mechanics of the state update that occurred as a result of the action. In this case, later events typically do not override prior events, and so you need the full history of events to reconstruct the final state. Log compaction is not possible in the same way.

Commands and events

The event sourcing philosophy distinguish between events and commands. When a request from a user first arrives, it is initially a command: at this point it may still fail, for example because some integrity condition is violated. Applications must validate that it can execute the command. If it can, then it becomes an event, durable and immutable. At the point when the event is generated, it becomes a fact. A consumer of the event stream is not allowed to reject an event, any validation of a command needs to happen synchronously.

State, Streams, and Immutability

Mutable state and an append-only log of immutable events do not contradict each other. The log of all changes, the changelog, represents the evolution of state over time.

Advantages of immutable events

If you accidentally deploy buggy code that writes bad data to a database, with an append-only log of immutable events it is much easier to diagnose what happened and recover from the problem.

Deriving several views from the same event log

By separating mutable state from the immutable event log, you can derive several different read-oriented representations from the same log of events. Many of the complexities of schema design, indexing, and storage engines are the result of wanting to support certain query and access patterns, thus you gain a lot of flexibility by separating the form in which data is written from the form it is read. This is known as command query responsibility segregation (CQRS).

Concurrency control

Much of the need for multi-object transactions stems from a single user action requiring data to be changed in several different places. With event sourcing, you can design an event such that it is a self-contained description of a user action which requires only a single write in one place—namely appending the events to the log (made atomic).

Limitations of immutability

In some circumstances (data privacy regulations, sensitive information), it's not sufficient to delete information by appending another event to the log. Due to the replication of the data, deletion is more a matter of "making it harder to retrieve the data" than actually "making it impossible to retrieve the data."

Processing Streams

There are broadly three options to process streams:

* You can write events into a database, cache, or similar storage system, so they can be queried by other clients
* You can push the events to users in some way,  a human is the ultimate consumer of the stream
* You can process one or more input streams to produce one or more output streams

Uses of Stream Processing

Complex event processing

Complex event processing (CEP) is an approach for analyzing event streams, especially geared toward the kind of application that requires searching for certain event patterns. CEP systems often use a high-level declarative query language like SQL, which are submitted to a processing engine. When a match is found, the engine emits a complex event with the details of the event pattern that was detected.

Stream analytics

Analytics tends to be less interested in finding specific event sequences and is more oriented toward aggregations and statistical metrics over a large number of events which are usually computed over fixed time intervals (window).

Maintaining materialized views

Deriving an alternative view onto some dataset so that you can query it efficiently, and updating that view whenever the underlying data changes is called materializing views. Building the materialized view potentially requires all events over an arbitrary time period.

Search on streams

Sometimes there is a need to search for individual events based on complex criteria, such as full-text search queries. This is done by formulating a search query in advance, and then continually matching the stream of news items against this query: the queries are stored, and the documents run past the queries, like in CEP.

Reasoning About Time

Event time versus processing time

Stream processing algorithms need to be specifically written to accommodate timing and ordering issues, such as events originated in different servers or spikes while processing steady data.

Knowing when you're ready

A tricky problem when defining windows in terms of event time is that you can never be sure when you have received all of the events for a particular window, or whether there are some events still to come. You need to be able to handle straggler events that arrive after the window has already been declared complete. There is two ways to do this:

* Ignore the straggler events, You can track the number of dropped events as a metric, and raise alerts accordingly
* Publish a correction, an updated value for the window with stragglers included
Whose clock are you using, anyway?

Assigning timestamps to events is even more difficult when events can be buffered at several points in the system (like an app recording metrics offline to push them once is online again). To adjust for incorrect device clocks, one approach is to log three timestamps:

* The time at which the event occurred, according to the device clock
* The time at which the event was sent to the server, according to the device clock
* The time at which the event was received by the server, according to the server clock

By subtracting the second timestamp from the third, you can estimate the offset between the device clock and the server clock and apply that offset to the event timestamp to estimate the true time at which the event occurred.

Types of windows

Windows over time periods can be defined in several ways:

* Tumbling window: Windows has a fixed length, and every event belongs to exactly one window
* Hopping window: Windows with fixed length, but allows windows to overlap in order to provide some smoothing
* Sliding window: A sliding window contains all the events that occur within some interval of each other
* Session window: No fixed duration. Defined by grouping all events for the same user that occur closely in time,
 ending when the user has been inactive for some time

Stream Joins

Stream-stream join (window join)

Both input streams consist of activity events, and the join operator searches for related events that occur within some window of time.

Stream-table join (stream enrichment)

One input stream consists of activity events, while the other is a database change‐log. To perform this join, the stream process needs to look at one activity event at a time, look up the event's user ID in the database (which might be very slow). Another approach is to load a copy of the database into the stream processor so that it can be queried locally without a network round-trip. The problem is that the database is likely to change over time, so the stream processor's local copy of the database needs to be kept up to date (i.e. with CDC).

Table-table join (materialized view maintenance)

If you want to maintain a user's feed in a social media like in twitter, you need a timeline cache where events about other users are inserted, deleted and updated, for which you need streams of events for tweets (sending and deleting) and for follow relationships (follow/unfollow). Both input streams are database changelogs. In this case, every change on one side is joined with the latest state of the other side.

Time-dependence of joins

All previously described joins require the stream processor to maintain some state based on one join input, and query that state on messages from the other join input, and order here matters. If the ordering of events across streams is undetermined, the join becomes nondeterministic. This is known as a slowly changing dimension (SCD) in data warehousing and it is often addressed by using a unique identifier for a particular version of the joined record.

Fault Tolerance

Microbatching and checkpointing

One solution is to break the stream into small blocks, and treat each block like a miniature batch process (microbatching). This implicitly provides a tumbling window equal to the batch size, any jobs that require larger windows need to explicitly carry over state from one microbatch to the next. A variant approach is to periodically generate rolling checkpoints of state and write them to durable storage.

Atomic commit revisited

To give the appearance of exactly-once processing in the presence of faults, all outputs and side effects of processing an event take effect if and only if the processing is successful. These implementations do not attempt to provide transactions across heterogeneous technologies, but instead keep them internal by managing both state changes and messaging within the stream processing framework.


If an operation is not naturally idempotent, it can often be made idempotent with a bit of extra metadata. Idempotent operations can be an effective way of achieving exactly-once semantics with only a small overhead.

Rebuilding state after a failure

Any stream process that requires state must ensure that this state can be recovered after a failure. One option is to keep the state in a remote datastore and replicate it, or keep state local to the stream processor, and replicate it periodically for performance.

Chapter 12: The Future of Data Systems

Data Integration

In complex applications, data is often used in several different ways, there is unlikely to be one piece of software that is suitable for all the different circumstances.

Combining Specialized Tools by Deriving Data

As the number of different representations of the data increases, the integration problem becomes harder.

Reasoning about dataflows

If it is possible for you to funnel all user input through a single syste m that decides on an ordering for all writes, it becomes much easier to derive other representations of the data by processing the writes in the same order.

Derived data versus distributed transactions

In the absence of wides pread support for a good distributed transaction protocol, log-based derived data is the most promising approach for integrating different data systems.

The limits of total ordering

Constructing a totally ordered event log is feasible if the system is small enough, however, as they are scaled toward bigger and more complex workloads, limitations begin to emerge:

* Constructing a totally ordered log requires all events to pass through a single leader node that decides on the
 ordering. If the throughput of events is greater than a single machine can handle, you need to partition it. The 
 order of events in two different partitions is then ambiguous
* If the servers are spread across multiple geographically distributed datacenters, you typically have a separate 
leader in each datacenter. This implies an undefined ordering of events that originate in two different datacenters
* In microservices a common design choice is to deploy each service and its  durable state as an independent 
unit (non-shared). When two events originate in different services, there is no defined order for those events
* Some applications maintain client-side state that is updated immediately on user input, and even continue to 
work offline . With such applications, clients and servers are very likely to see events in different orders

Deciding on a total order of events is known as total order broadcast, which is equivalent to consensus which is usually designed for situations in which the throughput of one node is enough to process the entire stream of events.

Ordering events to capture causality

If there is no causal link between events, concurrent events can be ordered arbitrarily. Timing issues might arise if order is required:

* • Logical timestamps can provide total ordering without coordination, but require recipients to handle events 
that are delivered out of order, and they require additional metadata to be passed around.
* If you can log an event to record the state of the system that the user saw before making a decision, and give 
that event a unique identifier, then any later events can reference that ID in order to record the causal dependency
* Conflict resolution algorithms helps with processing events that are delivered in an unexpected order. They are
 useful for maintaining state, but they do not help if actions have external side effects

Batch and Stream Processing

The goal of data integration is to make sure that data ends up in the right form in all the right places. Batch and stream processors are the tools for achieving this goal.

Maintaining derived state

Batch processing encourages deterministic, pure functions whose output depends only on the input and which have no side effects other than the explicit outputs, treating inputs as immutable and outputs as append-only. Derived data systems could be maintained synchronously, but asynchrony makes systems based on event logs robust: it allows a fault in a part of the system to be contained locally, distributed transactions abort if any participant fails. A partitioned system with secondary indexes needs to send writes to multiple partitions or send reads to all partitions.

Reprocessing data for application evolution

Reprocessing existing data provides a good mechanism for maintaining a system, evolving it to support new features and changed requirements. Derived views allow gradual evolution, you can maintain the old schema and the new schema side by side as two independently derived views onto the same underlying data.

The lambda architecture

The core idea of the lambda architecture is that incoming data should be recorded by appending immutable events to an always-growing dataset. From these events, read-optimized views are derived. The lambda architecture proposes running two different systems in parallel: a batch processing system and a separate stream-processing system.

Unifying batch and stream processing

Unifying batch and stream processing in one system requires:

* The ability to replay historical events through the same processing engine handling the stream of recent events
* Exactly-once semantics for stream processors, discarding the partial output of any failed tasks
* Tools for windowing by event time. Processing time is meaningless when reprocessing historical events

Unbundling Databases

Unix and relational databases has different approaches for the information management problem. Unix presents programmers with a low-level hardware abstraction, relational databases uses a high-level abstraction that hides the complexities of data structures on disk. Unix developed pipes and files (sequences of bytes), DBs developed SQL and transactions.

Composing Data Storage Technologies

There are parallels between the features that are built into databases and the derived data systems that people are building with batch and stream processors.

Creating an index

Creating an index in a database is remarkably similar to setting up a new follower replica. When you run CREATE INDEX, the database reprocesses the existing dataset and derives the index as a new view onto the existing data.

The meta-database of everything

Batch and stream processors are like elaborate implementations of triggers, stored procedures, and materialized view maintenance routines. Different storage and processing tools can nevertheless be composed into a cohesive system:

* Federated databases (unifying reads): It is possible to provide a unified query interface to a wide variety of
underlying storage engines and processing methods—an approach known as a federated database or polystore
A federated query interface follows the relational tradition of a single integrated system with a high-level 
query language and elegant semantics, but a complicated implementation
* Unbundled databases (unifying writes): When we compose several storage systems, we need to ensure that all 
data changes ends in the right places, even in the face of faults. The unbundled approach follows the Unix 
tradition of small tools that do one thing well [22], that communicate through a uniform low-level API (pipes), 
and that can be composed using a higher-level language (the shell)
Making unbundling work

The traditional approach to synchronizing writes requires distributed transactions across heterogeneous storage systems but asynchronous event log with idempotent writes is a much more robust and practical approach. The big advantage of log-based integration is loose coupling between the various components, which manifests itself in two ways:

* Asynchronous event streams make the system as a whole more robust to outages or performance degradation of 
individual components
* Unbundling data systems allows different software components and services to be developed, improved, and 
maintained independently from each other by different teams
Unbundled versus integrated systems

Databases will still be important for particular workloads (query engines in MPP data warehouses), plus a single integrated software product may also be able to achieve better and more predictable performance on the kinds of workloads for which it is designed, compared to a system consisting of several tools that you have composed with application code. The goal of unbundling is not to compete with individual databases on performance for particular workloads; the goal is to allow you to combine several different data‐ bases in order to achieve good performance for a much wider range of workloads than is possible with a single piece of software.

What's missing?

We don't yet have the unbundled-database equivalent of the Unix shell: high-level language for composing storage and processing systems in a simple and declarative way.

Designing Applications Around Dataflow

Application code as a derivation function

When one dataset is derived from another, it goes through some kind of transformation function. The function that creates a derived dataset is not a standard cookie-cutter function like creating a secondary index, custom code is required to handle the application-specific aspects.

Separation of application code and state

It makes sense to have some parts of a system that specialize in durable data storage, and other parts that specialize in running application code. The database acts as a kind of mutable shared variable that can be accessed synchronously over the network. The application can read and update the variable, and the database takes care of making it durable, providing some concurrency control and fault tolerance.

Dataflow: Interplay between state changes and application code

Thinking about applications in terms of dataflow implies thinking much more about the interplay and collaboration between state, state changes, and code that processes them. Application code responds to state changes in one place by triggering state changes in another place, and we can use stream processing and messaging systems for this purpose:

* When maintaining derived data, the order of state changes is often important 
* Losing just a single message causes the derived dataset to go permanently out of sync with its data source
Stream processors and services

The currently trendy style of application development involves breaking down functionality into a set of services that communicate via synchronous network requests such as REST APIs. Composing stream operators into dataflow systems is similar to the microservices approach. However, the underlying communication mechanism is very different: one-directional, asynchronous message streams rather than synchronous request/response interactions.

Observing Derived State

A dataflow systems has a process for creating derived datasets and keeping them up to date called write path (precomputed). At the same time the read path is the process of serving users request you read from the derived dataset (only happens when someone asks for it). The write path is similar to eager evaluation, and the read path is similar to lazy evaluation.

Materialized views and caching

An option to have a balance between reducing indexes to speed up writes and maintain all possible search results to speed up reads is to precompute the search results for only a fixed set of the most common queries to serve them quickly without having to do a look up on the indexes. This would need to be updated when new documents appear that should be included in the results of one of the common queries. There is more work to do on the write path, by precomputing results, but it saves effort on the read path.

Stateful, offline-capable clients

Offline-first applications do as much as possible using a local database on the same device, without requiring an internet connection, and sync with remote servers in the background when a network connection is available. Think of the on-device state as a cache of state on the server.

Pushing state changes to clients

Traditionally, a browser only reads the data at one point in time, assuming that it is static. It does not subscribe to updates from the server. Server-sent events (EventSource API) and WebSockets provide communication channels by which a web browser can keep an open TCP connection to a server, and the server can actively push messages to the browser as long as it remains connected. This means pushing state changes all the way to client devices means extending the write path all the way to the end user.

End-to-end event streams

Some development tools alrea dy manage internal client-side state by subscribing to a stream of events representing user input or responses from a server, structured similarly to event sourcing. To extend the write path all the way to the end user, we will need to move away from request/response interaction and toward publish/subscribe dataflows.

Reads are events too

Some stream processor frameworks allows to query its state by outside clients, turning the stream processor itself into a kind of simple database. Usually, the writes to the store go through an event log, while reads are transient network requests that go directly to the nodes that store the data being queried, but it is also possible to represent read requests as streams of events, and send both the read events and the write events through a stream processor. Writing read events to durable storage enables better tracking of causal dependencies.

Multi-partition data processing

The effort of sending queries through a stream and collecting a stream of responses opens the possibility of distributed execution of complex queries that need to combine data from several partitions.

Aiming for Correctness

The End-to-End Argument for Databases

Just because an application uses a data system that provides compara tively strong safety properties, such as serializable transactions, that does not mean the application is guaranteed to be free from data loss or corruption.

Exactly-once execution of an operation

Processing twice a message is a form of data corruption, exactly-once me ans arranging the compu‐ tation such that the final effect is the same as if no faults had occurred, even if the operation actually was retried due to some fault.

Duplicate suppression

Two-phase commit protocols break the 1:1 mapping between a TCP connection and a transaction, and does not ensure that the transaction will only be executed once (for example if the user doesn't receive the confirmation of the transaction and retries even if this has succeeded).

Operation identifiers

To make the previous operation idempotent, you need to consider the end-to-end flow of the request (for example generating a unique operation ID).

The end-to-end argument

End-to-end argument states that a function can completely and correctly be implemented only with the knowledge and help of the application standing at the endpoints of the communication system, which includes checking the integrity of data.

Enforcing Constraints

Uniqueness constraints require consensus

In a distributed setting, enforcing a uniqueness constraint (or other constraints) requires consensus, which is usually achieved through making a single node the leader, although this can be scaled out by partitioning based on the value that needs to be unique. Asynchronous multi-master replication is ruled out, because it could hap‐ pen that different masters concurrently accept conflicting writes, to immediately reject any writes that would violate the constraint, synchronous coordination is unavoidable.

Uniqueness in log-based messaging

In the unbundled database approach with log-based messaging, we can enforce uniqueness constraints by having a stream processor consuming all the messages in a log partition sequentially on a single thread, which can unambiguously and deterministically decide which one of several conflicting operations came first. The fundamental principle is that any writes that may conflict are routed to the same partition and processed sequentially.

Multi-partition request processing

To ensure that an operation is executed atomically, while satisfying constraints when several partitions are involved, we can either do an atomic commit over all the partitions (traditional approach) or by first appending to a log partition based on the request ID so a stream processor can emit messages (including the request ID) to the appropriate partitions, and then another processor would consume those messages and apply the changes. In this case, if the second request crashes, it will process the request on resuming.

Timeliness and Integrity

consistency conflates two different requirements to be consider separately:

* Timeliness:  Ensuring that users observe the system in an up-to-date state. This inconsistency is temporary, 
and will eventually be resolved simply by waiting and trying again
* Integrity: Absence of corruption; i.e.,  no data loss, and no contradictory or false data. This inconsistency 
is permanent, waiting and trying again is not going to fix database corruption in most cases

Violations of timeliness are "eventual consistency," whereas violations of integrity are "perpetual inconsistency."

Correctness of dataflow systems

ACID transactions usually provide both timeliness and integrity guarantees. Event-based dataflow systems decouples timeliness and integrity. When processing event streams asynchronously, there is no guarantee of timeliness, but integrity is in fact central. In these systems integrity is achieved through:

* Representing the content of the write operation as a single message, which can easily be written atomically
* Deriving all other state updates from that single message using deterministic der‐ ivation functions
* Passing a client-generated request ID through all these levels of processing, enabling end-to-end duplicate 
suppression and idempotence
* Making messages immutable and allowing derived data to be reprocessed from time to time
Loosely interpreted constraints

Many real applications can actually get away with much weaker notions of uniqueness if it is actually acceptable to temporarily violate a constraint and fix it up later by apologizing. These applications do require integrity, but they don't require timeliness on the enforcement of the constraint.

Coordination-avoiding data systems

Given the previous two points, namely:

* Dataflow systems can maintain integrity guarantees on derived data without atomic commit, linearizability, or 
synchronous cross-partition coordination
* Strict uniqueness constraints require timeliness and coordination, many applications are actually fine with 
loose constraints that may be temporarily violated and fixed up later, as long as integrity is preserved throughout

A dataflow systems can provide the data management services for many applications without requiring coordination, while still giving strong integrity guarantees (coordination-avoiding).

Trust, but Verify

Don’t just blindly trust what they promise

Data corruption is inevitable sooner or later, checking the integrity of data is known as auditing (read an check).

Designing for auditability

Event-based systems provides better auditability: user input to the system is represented as a single immutable event, and any resulting state updates are derived from that event (deterministic and repeatable). Being explicit about dataflow, makes integrity checking much more feasible. For the event log, we can use hashes to check that the event storage has not been corrupted. For any derived state, we can rerun the batch and stream processors that derived it from the event log in order to check whether we get the same result.

The end-to-end argument again

We must check periodically the integrity of our data, which is best done in an end-to-end fashion.

Tools for auditable data systems

Cryptographic auditing and integrity checking often relies on Merkle trees, which are trees of hashes that can be used to efficiently prove that a record appears in some dataset. Certificate transparency is a security technology that relies on Merkle trees to check the val‐ idity of TLS/SSL certificates.

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