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binlex's Introduction


A Genetic Binary Trait Lexer Library and Utility

The purpose of binlex is to extract basic blocks and functions as traits from binaries for malware research, hunting and detection.

Most projects attempting this use Python to generate traits, but it is very slow.

The design philosophy behind binlex is it to keep it simple and extendable.

The simple command-line interface allows malware researchers and analysts to hunt traits across hundreds or thousands of potentially similar malware saving time and money in production environments.

While the C++ API allows developers to get creative with their own detection solutions, completely unencumbered by license limitations.

To help combat malware, we firmly commit our work to the public domain for the greater good of the world.

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Introduction Video

Introduction Video

Get slides here.

Use Cases

  • YARA Signature Creation/Automation
  • Identifying Code-Reuse
  • Threat Hunting
  • Building Goodware Trait Corpus
  • Building Malware Trait Corpus
  • Genetic Programming
  • Machine Learning Malware Detection



To get started you will need the following dependencies for binlex.

sudo apt install -y git build-essential \
                    libcapstone-dev libssl-dev \
                    cmake make parallel \
                    doxygen git-lfs rpm liblief-dev
                    python3 python3-dev
git clone --recursive
cd binlex/

Please note that binlex requires cmake >= 3.5 and make >= 4.2.1.

Once you have installed, cloned and changed your directory to the project directory, we can continue with installation.

From Source:

If you want to compile and install via make install run the following commands:

make threads=4
sudo make install

# Test your installation
binlex -m elf:x86 -i tests/elf/elf.x86

Binary Releases:

See the releases page.

If you need the bleeding edge binaries you can download them from our AppVeyor CI/CD here.

Please note, edge binaries are subject to bugs, if you encounter one, please let us know!

Test Files:

  • To download all the test samples do the command git lfs fetch
  • ZIP files in the tests/ directory can then be extracted using the password infected

Building Packages:

Additionally, another option is to build Debian binary packages for and install those.

To build packages use cpack, which comes with cmake.

make threads=4
make pkg  # builds binary packages
make dist # builds source packages
sudo apt install ./build/binlex_1.1.1_amd64.deb
binlex -m elf:x86 -i tests/elf/elf.x86

You will then be provided with .deb, .rpm and .tar.gz packages for binlex.

Building Python Bindings:

To get started using pybinlex:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -v -e .
>>> import pybinlex

If you wish to compile the bindings with cmake:

make threads=4 args="-DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=true"

For building with cmake, some installations may require you to override the python version:

make threads=4 args="-DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=true -DPYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION=3.8"

Please note, we use pybind11 and support for python3.9 is experimental.

Examples of how to use pybinlex can be found in

Building the Database:

You can create a mongodb database for binlex very easily.

When your binlex database is created it will add the default collections default, malware and goodware.

# Install Docker Dependencies
sudo apt install -y docker-compose

# Install MongoDB CLI Tools
sudo apt install ./mongodb-database-tools-ubuntu2004-x86_64-100.5.1.deb

# Install MongoDB Compass
sudo apt install ./mongodb-compass_1.29.6_amd64.deb

# Add user to docker group for non-root docker (requires login/logout)
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
sudo systemctl enable docker

# Build the Database
make database admin_user=admin admin_pass=changeme user=binlex pass=changeme

# Start the Database
make database-start

# Stop the Database
make database-stop

Your connection string per user in this case would be:

To administrate the database connect to mongo-express at, with the username admin and the password you setup.

Adding traits into your database is just as simple as piping your binlex output to the utility mongoimport.

# Example Trait Collection into Database
binlex -m pe:x86 -i tests/pe/pe.emotet.x86 -t 4 --corpus malware.emotet | mongoimport --db binlex -c malware -u binlex -p changeme --authenticationDatabase binlex

We recommend using collections as your main corpus name, so for example the corpus malware.emotet would go in the malware collection.

By default, binlex will use the corpus name default, which means you will in this case use the collection default.

Using the default corpus and collection is a great playground to store traits for initial analysis, while the malware and goodware corpus a great for long-term and confident storage of traits.

If you have a team of malware analysts you may need to add additional databases and users.

For that purpose you will need to create new users with the admin account and read MongoDB's user and roles management docs here.

Basic Usage

binlex v1.1.1 - A Binary Genetic Traits Lexer
  -i  --input           input file              (required)
  -m  --mode            set mode                (required)
  -lm --list-modes      list modes
  -c  --corpus          corpus name             (optional)
  -t  --threads         number of threads       (optional)
  -tc --thread-cycles   thread wait cycles      (optional)
  -ts --thread-sleep    thread sleep in ms      (optional)
  -to --timeout         execution timeout in s  (optional)
  -h  --help            display help
  -o  --output          output file             (optional)
  -p  --pretty          pretty output           (optional)
  -v  --version         display version
Author: @c3rb3ru5d3d53c

Currently Supported Modes

  • elf:x86
  • elf:x86_64
  • pe:x86
  • pe:x86_64
  • raw:x86
  • raw:x86_64
  • raw:cil (experimental)

NOTE: The raw formats can be used on shellcode

Advanced Usage

If you are hunting using binlex you can use jq to your advantage for advanced searches.

binlex -m raw:x86 -i tests/raw/raw.x86 | jq -r 'select(.type == "block" and .size < 32 and .size > 0) | .bytes'
2c 20 c1 cf 0d 01 c7 49 75 ef
52 57 8b 52 10 8b 42 3c 01 d0 8b 40 78 85 c0 74 4c
01 d0 50 8b 58 20 8b 48 18 01 d3 85 c9 74 3c
49 8b 34 8b 01 d6 31 ff 31 c0 c1 cf 0d ac 01 c7 38 e0 75 f4
03 7d f8 3b 7d 24 75 e0
58 5f 5a 8b 12 e9 80 ff ff ff
ff 4e 08 75 ec
e8 67 00 00 00 6a 00 6a 04 56 57 68 02 d9 c8 5f ff d5 83 f8 00 7e 36
e9 9b ff ff ff
01 c3 29 c6 75 c1

Other queries you can do:

# Block traits with a size between 0 and 32 bytes
jq -r 'select(.type == "block" and .size < 32 and .size > 0)'
# Function traits with a cyclomatic complexity greater than 32 (maybe obfuscation)
jq -r 'select(.type == "function" and .cyclomatic_complexity > 32)'
# Traits where bytes have high entropy
jq -r 'select(.bytes_entropy > 7)'
# Output all trait strings only
jq -r '.trait'
# Output only trait hashes
jq -r '.trait_sha256'

If you output just traits you want to stdout you can do build a yara signature on the fly with the included tool blyara:

build/binlex -m raw:x86 -i tests/raw/raw.x86 | jq -r 'select(.size > 16 and .size < 32) | .trait' | build/blyara --name example_0 -m author example -m tlp white -c 1
rule example_0 {
        author = "example"
        tlp = "white"
        trait_0 = {52 57 8b 52 ?? 8b 42 ?? 01 d0 8b 40 ?? 85 c0 74 4c}
        trait_1 = {49 8b 34 8b 01 d6 31 ff 31 c0 c1 cf ?? ac 01 c7 38 e0 75 f4}
        trait_2 = {e8 67 00 00 00 6a 00 6a ?? 56 57 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? ff d5 83 f8 00 7e 36}
        1 of them

You can also use the switch --pretty to output json to identify more properies to query.

binlex -m pe:x86 -i tests/pe/pe.trickbot.x86 --pretty
    "average_instructions_per_block": 29,
    "blocks": 1,
    "bytes": "ae 32 c3 32 1a 33 25 34 85 39 ae 3b b4 3b c8 3b 35 3c 3a 3c 6b 3c 71 3c 85 3c aa 3d b0 3d 6a 3e a5 3e b8 3e fd 3e 38 3f 4b 3f 87 3f 00 20 00 00 58 00 00 00 4f 30 aa 30 01 31 1d 31 ac 31 d6 31 e5 31 f5 31 1c 32 31 32 75 34",
    "bytes_entropy": 5.070523738861084,
    "bytes_sha256": "67a966fe573ef678feaea6229271bb374304b418fe63f464b71af1fbe2a87f37",
    "cyclomatic_complexity": 3,
    "edges": 2,
    "instructions": 29,
    "offset": 11589,
    "size": 74,
    "trait": "ae 32 c3 32 1a 33 25 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3b b4 3b ?? ?? ?? ?? 3a 3c 6b 3c 71 3c 85 3c aa 3d b0 3d 6a 3e a5 3e b8 3e fd 3e 38 3f 4b 3f 87 3f 00 20 00 00 58 00 00 00 4f ?? aa 30 01 31 1d ?? ?? ?? ?? 31 e5 31 f5 31 1c 32 31 32 75 34",
    "trait_entropy": 4.9164042472839355,
    "trait_sha256": "a00fcb2b23a916192990665d8a5f53b2adfa74ec98991277e571542aee94c3a5",
    "type": "block"

If you have terabytes of executable files, we can leverage the power of parallel to generate traits for us.

make traits source=samples/malware/pe/x32/ dest=dist/ type=malware format=pe arch=x86 threads=4
make traits-combine source=dist/ dest=dist/ type=malware format=pe arch=x86 threads=4

It also allows you to name your type of dataset, i.e. goodware/malware/riskware/pua etc...

With binlex it is up to you to remove goodware traits from your extracted traits.

There have been many questions about removing "library code", there is a make target shown below to help you with this.

make traits-clean remove=goodware.traits source=sample.traits dest=malware.traits

With binlex the power is in your hands, "With great power comes great responsibility", it is up to you!


There has been some interest in making IDA, Ghidra and Cutter plugins for binlex.

This is something that will be started soon.

This will be updated when they are ready to use.

General Usage Information:

Binlex is designed to do one thing and one thing only, extract genetic traits from executable code in files. This means it is up to you "the researcher" / "the data scientist" to determine which traits are good and which traits are bad. To accomplish this, you need to use your own fitness function. I encourage you to read about genetic programming to gain a better understanding of this in practice. Perhaps watching this introductory video will help your understanding.

Again, it's up to you to implement your own algorithms for detection based on the genetic traits you extract.

Trait Format

Traits will contain binary code represented in hexadecimal form and will use ?? as wild cards for memory operands or other operands subject to change.

They will also contain additional properties about the trait including its offset, edges, blocks, cyclomatic_complexity, average_instruction_per_block, bytes, trait, trait_sha256, bytes_sha256, trait_entropy, bytes_entropy, type, size, invalid_instructions and instructions.

    "average_instructions_per_block": 29,
    "blocks": 1,
    "bytes": "ae 32 c3 32 1a 33 25 34 85 39 ae 3b b4 3b c8 3b 35 3c 3a 3c 6b 3c 71 3c 85 3c aa 3d b0 3d 6a 3e a5 3e b8 3e fd 3e 38 3f 4b 3f 87 3f 00 20 00 00 58 00 00 00 4f 30 aa 30 01 31 1d 31 ac 31 d6 31 e5 31 f5 31 1c 32 31 32 75 34",
    "bytes_entropy": 5.070523738861084,
    "bytes_sha256": "67a966fe573ef678feaea6229271bb374304b418fe63f464b71af1fbe2a87f37",
    "cyclomatic_complexity": 3,
    "edges": 2,
    "instructions": 29,
    "offset": 11589,
    "size": 74,
    "trait": "ae 32 c3 32 1a 33 25 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3b b4 3b ?? ?? ?? ?? 3a 3c 6b 3c 71 3c 85 3c aa 3d b0 3d 6a 3e a5 3e b8 3e fd 3e 38 3f 4b 3f 87 3f 00 20 00 00 58 00 00 00 4f ?? aa 30 01 31 1d ?? ?? ?? ?? 31 e5 31 f5 31 1c 32 31 32 75 34",
    "trait_entropy": 4.9164042472839355,
    "trait_sha256": "a00fcb2b23a916192990665d8a5f53b2adfa74ec98991277e571542aee94c3a5",
    "type": "block"


Public documentation on binlex can be viewed here.

Building Docs

You can access the C++ API Documentation and everything else by building the documents using doxygen.

make docs threads=4

The documents will be available at build/docs/html/index.html.

C++ API Example Code

It couldn't be any easier to leverage binlex and its C++ API to build your own applications.

See example code below:

#include <binlex/pe.h>
#include <binlex/decompiler.h>

using namespace binlex;

int main(int argc, char **argv){
  Pe pe32;
  if (pe32.Setup(PE_MODE_X86) == false){
      return 1;
  if (pe32.ReadFile(argv[1]) == false){
      return 1;
  Decompiler decompiler;
  decompiler.Setup(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32);
  for (int i = 0; i < PE_MAX_SECTIONS; i++){
      if (pe32.sections[i].data != NULL){
          decompiler.x86_64(pe32.sections[i].data, pe32.sections[i].size, pe32.sections[i].offset, i);

We hope this encourages people to build their own detection solutions based on binary genetic traits.


  • If you are hunting be sure to use jq to improve your searches
  • Does not support PE files that are VB6 or .NET if you run against these you will get errors
  • Don't mix packed and unpacked malware or you will taint your dataset (seen this in academics all the time)
  • Verify the samples you are collecting into a group using skilled analysts
  • These traits are best used with a hybrid approach (supervised)

Example Fitness Model

Traits will be compared amongst their common malware family, any traits not common to all samples will be discarded.

Once completed, all remaining traits will be compared to traits from a goodware set, any traits that match the goodware set will be discarded.

To further differ the traits from other malware families, the remaining population will be compared to other malware families, any that match will be discarded.

The remaining population of traits will be unique to the malware family tested and not legitimate binaries or other malware families.

This fitness model allows for accurate classification of the tested malware family.

Future Work

  • Recursive Decompiler
  • Java Bytecode Support raw:jvm, java:jvm
  • Cutter, Ghidra and IDA Plugins
  • .NET support pe:cil and raw:cil
  • Mac-O Support macho:x86_64, macho:x86


If you wish to contribute to Binlex DM me on Twitter here.

You can also join our Discord here.

Currently looking for help on:

  • MacOS Developer (Parse Mach-O)
  • Plugin Developers (Python)

binlex's People


c3rb3ru5d3d53c avatar jbx81-1337 avatar jgru avatar mihino89 avatar



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