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tech-and-venture-capital-toolkit's Introduction

Tech and Venture Capital Toolkit

Photo Credit: Scott Liddell

A ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ curated list of high quality resources (mostly free) made with ❤️ by Kati Michel. See also...

Table of Content

Project Management Tools and Software Engineering

Operations, Changement Management, Program Management. Project Management

Project Management

Project Management Associations, Certifications, Frameworks

Project Management BOKs


Project Management- Obvious Software

Project Management- Less Obvious Software

Agile and Waterfall Project Management Methodologies

Scrum Software Developmet, Sprints

Agile Project Management Tools

Software Project Management

Software Prototyping


Documents and Improvement

Project Documents





Supply Chain

Business Process

Flow Chart

Improvement Schools of Thought

Software Engineering and Testing

Software Engineering/Development

Programming and Paradigm

Software Release Life Cycle

Software Testing



DevOps- General

Trac Project Management and DB (Used with, Phabricator


GitLab (See also Project Management and Docker)

Startup Engineering MOOC



Digital Agencies and Code Philosophies

Digital Agency Playbook, Blog, Styleguide, Templates

A Successful Git Branching Model

Code Review (See also Project Management)

12 Factor App


The Distributed Developer Stack Field Guide

Research and Design Sprint Basics


User Centered Design, User Experience, Usability


Persuasive Technology

Agile Sprints

Google and Google Ventures, Thoughtbot, Dockyard, Hanno, Gamestorming, IDEO, Nesta DIY, Nielson Norman and Various: See

Programming Learning Tools

Creativity and Tools

Programming Groups

Guides for Development

Programming and Math Learning Tools (See also MOOCs)

Fave Pluralsight Authors


Free Code Camp (CSS (Bootstrap), HTML, JavaScript)

JavaScript Scene, Eric Elliot: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Other

Programming Books

Math and General Knowledge

Robotics and/or Geared toward Kids

Live Coding

Twitch Creative- Accounts

Text Editor and Code Demonstration

Programming Documentation and Standards

Documentation- General

Documentation- Mozilla


Better Reference than W3C

Free Software Foundation

GNU Software and Manuals

KDE (See also KHTML)

Programming Language Style Guides

GitHub StyleGuides

Mozilla Coding Style Guide

Styleguides- Various

GitHub HTML and CSS Styleguides

Google Styleguides

JavaScript Styleguide

PHP Styleguides

Ruby Styleguide

Objective C Styleguide

Swift Styleguide


Computer Basics


Keyboard Layout

Wikipedia Portals

History of Technology and Computer Science

Computer Scientists

Famous Literature

Great Unsolved Problems in Computer Science

Computing Classification

Computer Classes and Sizes

Smartphones (See also Mobile)

Microprocessor, CPU and Instruction Set


Preethi Kasireddy: How The Web Works

Client Server

Internet Service Provider

Port and Host


Domain Name


TCP-IP and OSI Protocols



File Types and Extensions

32 Bit vs. 64 Bit

Naming Conventions

Local Terms



Miscellaneous Vocab

Line Endings

Method Resolution Order

Singly Linked Linear Lists vs. Other Lists

Bracket Notation and Zero-Based Numbering

Strong and Weak Typing

Chomsky Hierarchy and Automata

Anywhere on Earth

Command Line and Shell

See also Bash and PowerShell
Names for command line: prompt, console, terminal, shell, bash; .bashrc, .bash_profile


Comparison of File Systems

Unix Shell and File system

POSIX (Compatible with Unix)

The Linux Documentation Project

Linux- More Resources

Linux- Ubuntu (Debian)

Ubuntu Terminal, Command Line, and Aptget

Command Line


Comparison of Command Shells

SS64 (Command Line Reference (CMD, PowerShell, Bash, OS X, Access, VB Script, Oracle, SQL Server, CSS, Convert MB/GB))

Mac OS X- Terminal, Bash (Unix)

Shell and Bash Builtins


Notable Terminology

cURL and Wget

Nano and Pico

Windows- PowerShell

Emacs and Vim (Text Editors)

Emacs for Mac or Linux

Zsh (Bash Alternative)

Brackets (a.k.a. Edge Code)

More Shell/Text Editors (See also Visual Studio and XCode)

Less Common

TextWrangler (Recommended for Hard to Edit Files)


EditorConfig (tabs versus spaces, ect) .editorconfig

Unix Shell (See also Unix)

Integrated Development Environment

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Emoji and Other Funny Keyboard Shortcode




Bytcote versus Unicode

HTML5 Charactersets

Char Sets

Alt Codes- PC

Dot Files

See also Startup Engineering MOOC

Hidden File and Hidden Directory Wikipedia


Dot Files

Git and Markdown

Concurrent Version System

Git Origin


Learn X in Y Minutes Git

Git- Official Learning Resources

Git Cheat Sheets and Tutorials

GitHub- Main

Git Ignore and Licenses

Ribbons, Buttons, Octicons, Shields

GitHub Services Integration

GitHub Business

GitHub Organizations


GitHub- More

GitHub- Trending

GitHub- How To

Dear GitHub and Thank You GitHub

GitHub Shop



Atlassian: Bitbucket and SourceTree

More GitHub Alternatives

Types of Licenses

Operating System, Browser, Layout Engine

Operating Systems

Web Browser

Web Browser and JavaScript Engines (See also JavaScript)- General


Unix and Linux General


Linux- Ubuntu (Debian)

Linux- Ubuntu Dual Boot

Ubuntu- + Programs

Linux- Other Popular Distributions

Mojombo Chromebook Recommendation

Chromebook Ubuntu Installation

Apple General

Apple Posters of Ago

Apple El Capitan

Apple- Utilities

Apple Presentation and Design (See also Keynotopia)

Apple MacBook Air

Apple- Refurbished, Clearance, Reuse, Recycling

Virtual Box and Vagrant (See also: VMware, Vagrant, VirtualBox)

Apple- Windows (See also: VMware, Vagrant, VirtualBox)

Apple- Support

Mac Update

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Development Environment and Programming

Apple Developer

Mac OS X

Safari, WebKit, and WebKit Parts (Browser, Layout Engine)

Mac OS X- Architecture

Apple iOS


Mac OS X Directory Strucure and Listing Applications

Apple Developer Program Membership

Apple Developer and Open Source

Apple Developer Helpers

App Store Submission

Apple- More

Apple- Kits

Apple- Dash

Google Developer

Google (Chromium, Chrome, Blink, V8) (See also Google Developers)

Chrome (Browser, Layout Engine)

Opera (Also Blink)


Google Developers- General

Google Developers- Code

Google Developers- Web

Chrome Extensions

Microsoft Developer


Internet Explorer and Trident (Browser, Layout Engine)

Edge and EdgeHTML (Browser, Layout Engine)

Windows SSH and Telnet Client

Linux Feeling- on Windows

Mozilla Developer

Mozilla (Browser, Layout Engine)

Firefox Add-Ons

Developer Tools

Safari Developer Tools

Google Developers- Google Chrome Doc

Google Developers- Canary Chrome

Google Developers- Google Chrome Tools

Google Chrome Doc Archive

Mozilla Developer Tools

Microsoft Developer Tools

Testing and Performance

Device Testing

Speed and Performance

Mobile and Web Analytics, Error Reporting, Logging, Instrumentation

A/B Testing

App Invites or Beta Testing


W3 Validators


Microsoft Inclusion Approach

Photosensitive Epilepsy

Social Graph and Webmaster

Graph and Schema- General (See also Facebook Open Graph and W3C Semantic Extractor)

Open Search


Web Analytics

Facebook Developers

Google Webmaster and Analytics (Web)

Google Rich Snippets

Google Mobile Analytics and Firebase

Google Tag Manager

Google Custom Search Engine

Google Analytics Alternative

Twitter Developer

Yahoo and Bing- Developer, Webmaster

Firefox SEO (See also Mozilla)

Sharing Buttons

Social Media

Facebook Tools

Google Ads

Google Monetization


Twitter Analytics, Ads, Marketing

Yahoo and Bing- Ads

YouTube (Google)

Net Promoter

Engineering Blogs and Designer, Developer Conferences, Design Systems


List of Engineering Blogs

Individual Engineering Blogs


Developer Surveys

Company Design

Designer/Developer Conferences

Salesforce Lightning Design System


Microsoft Design

IBM Design Language

Watson Design Guide

Facebook and Google Design and Development Approaches



Google Material Design (See also Facebook React)

Bootstrap Material Design

Polymer (See also Facebook React)

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP HTML)

Progressive Web Apps

Design Thinking

Design- General

Responsive Design (See also Media Queries Examples)

Design Publications

Portfolio and Community Websites

KPCB and John Maeda Design in Tech Report

Pretotyping and Prototyping



Device Mockups

Device Popularity Stats

Prototyping Software- Keynotopia

Prototyping Software- Keynotopia- Tutorials

Prototyping Software- Keynote- Docs

Prototyping Software- Others

Quickie Websites

Quickie Mobile Apps

Turn Key Websites



Color Model

Design Teardowns and Style Tiles

Typographic Scale and Vertical Rhythm

Web-Safe Fonts

Fonts (See also Google Apps)

Fallback Font



Adobe (See also Edge Code and Brackets)

Photo Editing (See also Adobe)

Photo Placeholders

Free Photos


Full Page Screen Shots

Photo Enhancement


Themes and Static Site Generators

Theme Marketplace

Good, Basic Templates, Themes

Good, Basic Templates, Themes- Skel

Static Site Generators and CMS (See also Jekyll)

Static Web Publishing

Favicon, Sitemap, robots.txt, humans.txt



Easy App Installation

Front-End Development

Web General (See also JavaScript)



W3C HTML Standards

HTML and CSS Tutorials- General

HTML and CSS Tutorials- Mozilla

HTML5 and CSS3- Info and Tutorials

CSS Zen Garden

Responsive Design Examples


Bootstrap, Font Awesome

Other Kickstarters

Multi-Device Layout Patterns

Responsiveness- and Media Queries

CSS Helpers

Compilation Resources (See also Gulp)

CSS Reset (HTML5 Compatibility Check/Normalization)

HTML5 and CSS3 Cheat Sheets

Vendor-prefixed CSS Property Overview

Cross Browser and Sniffing

Browser Object Model (BOM) and Document Object Model (DOM) (See also JavaScript)




JavaScript Books and Tutorials

JavaScript Tutorials- Mozilla


ECMAScript and ES6, ES7 Forthcoming

JavaScript Event Keycodes

AJAX, jQuery, JSON



jQuery Extras

Another JavaScript Library


JavaScript Ecosystem

DOM (Document Object Model) (JavaScript, async, AJAX) Node.js (Node.js, npm, nvm) Packages and collaboration: (npm, GitHub) Frameworks (React, Angular, Ember, Backbone) Other jQuery, Underscore, Lodash Types of JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES2015, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ClojureScript, Babel, transpiling, compiling, MDN reference) Modules (AMD, commonJS modules, ES6 modules) Build Tools (hot reloading, sourcemap) Testing (Mocha, Jasmine, Chai, Tape, Karma, Selenium, phantomjs)

JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript Tools


Node.js Launch and Ryan Dahl

Node Forks (IO.js merged with Node again)

Node Version Manager

Node.js Package Managers (npm (build-step))

Lesser Used Package Managers (Bower, JSPM, Jam, volo)

Check Update

Security Scanning (checking all the packages for any known vulnerabilities)


Testing (Mocha, Jasmine (assertion library built in), Tape, Karma, QUnit, AVA, Jest (wrapper over Jasmine))

Helper libraries (JSDOM, Cheerio)

Assertion Libraries (Chai (most popular), should.js, expect)

Express (based on Sinatra), Hapi, Koa (React Stack)

Bundling (Browserify, Webpack (built in web server), Rollup, JSPM (also package manager))

Linting (JSLint (opinionated, old-school), JSHint (improvement on JSLint), ESLint (by far most popular))

Transpiling (Babel (React Stack), TypeScript (superset of JavaScript, enhancements/opinionated), Elm)

TodoMVC (See also JavaScript)

MVCs General, Backbone, Ember

Extension Languages

Angular (React Stack)

Facebook- React (JavaScript)

React Relay (React Stack)

React Bootstrap (React Stack)

React-Router (React Stack)

Facebook- React Native (React Stack)


Ionic Framework (React Stack)

Flux (React Stack)

Redux (React Stack)

Other React Stack Helpers (See also ESLint and JSX)

Node Add-ons

Yo/Yeoman (Bower, Grunt)

Other JavaScript Helpers


JavaScript Presentations Frameworks

Back-End Programming Languages, MVCs

Programming Languages

Scripting and MVCs

Miscellaneous Programming Languages

Golang, otherwise known as "Go"

Golang, Users

Golang Installation

Golang- Frameworks

Java- General

Ruby and Jekyll


Ruby- Installation and Control

Ruby- Documentation

Ruby- Tutorials

Ruby- Executable Specification

Rails- Preferred Templates and Documents


Jekyll Admin/CMS



PHP- Version Control and Frameworks

PHP- Tutorials

PHP- Laravel- Preferred Templates and Documents

PHP- Twitter OAuth

PHP/node.js- WordPress- Com, Calypso

PHP- WordPress Installation and Migration

PHP/node.js- WordPress- Org

PHP- WordPress- Developer Resource

WordPress Theme Development (not "Using Themes")

WordPress Template Hierarchy

WordPress Page Templates

WordPress Themes

WordPress Theme Helpers

WordPress Themes

WordPress- Helpers

WP eCommerce

WP Special Plugins

WP Engine

WordPress Development

WordPress Translation

Wikitech Development

.NET, ASP, Visual Studio, WebMatrix

JavaScript- Microsoft

Web Development- Microsoft

Microsoft General Resources

Microsoft Special Deals

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Microsoft Library

Visual Studio

Xamarin (Visual Studio Community Mobile Development Partner)




.NET Fiddle


ASP.NET- General


Installing ASP.NET


W3Schools ASP.NET

ASP.NET Tutorials

ASP.NET- Yeoman Generator

ASP.NET- Boilerplate

.NET and ASP.NET- Docker

Azure (See also Apache and SQL)





.NET Platform as a Service

WebMatrix (Website builder and code editor)

Python and Django Toolkit

Python General

Python (See also Data Science)


Python Authorities


Virtual Environment


Python and Django Users, Jobs, News

The Top-Starred Python GitHub Devs, Orgs, and Repos to Follow (All-Time and Trending)

Consulting Forms

Python- Django- Sites

Python- Django- Major Organizations and Projects that Use Django (Excluding Templates)

Python- Python and Django People and Jobs

Python- Django Community

Python- Django- News

Python and Django Playbooks and Styleguides

Python- Playbooks

Python- Playbooks

Python- Django- Project Stucture

Python- PEP

Python- Style Guides

Python- Kenneth Reitz Contributor's Guide and Style Guides

Django General

Python- Django

Python- Django- Resources

Python and Django Contributing

Python- Users and Members

Python Mentors

Python- Django- Roadmaps

Python- Django- Code of Conduct and Contributing

Python- Django- Forums and Lists

Python- Django- Slack

Python and Django Support Groups

Django Girls- Events and Cities

Django Girls- Help

Python and Django Books and Tutorials

Python- Django- Official Tutorial

Python- Django- Dedicated Websites

Python- Django- Tutorials Lists

Python- Django- Django Girls (Python- Django)

Python- Django Carrots (Inspired Django Girls Tutorial)

Python- Django- Hello Web App

Python- Django- Books and Tutorials (excluding Django Girls and Hello Web App)

Python- Condensed Learning Resources

Python- Books and Tutorials

Python- O'Reilly Test-Driven Development with Python and Selenium

Python and Django Packages and Snippets

Python- Packages/Libraries

Python and Django- Creating Packages

Python and Django- Wheel (versus Egg!)

Python- Django- Packages and Snippets (Unofficial)

Python and Django Templates and Microframeworks

Python- Microframeworks and Template Engines

Python- Django- Pinax

Python- Django- Cookiecutter (See also Packages)

Python and Django Deployment

Python- Django- Git and Deployment

Python- PEP 3333 (Python Web Server Gateway Interface)

Python- Django- Django Girls Deployment (Heroku and Python Anywhere)

Dedicated Python Hosting

Lincoln Loop Stack

High Performance Django Stack

Load Balancer- Open Source (preferred- Varnish)

  • HAProxy
  • Nginx
  • Varnish

Load Balancer- Commercial

  • Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
  • Rackspace Clould Load Balancer

Web Accelerator- Open Source (preferred- Varnish)

  • Varnish
  • Nginx + Memcached

Web Accelerator- Commercial

  • Fastly
  • Cloudflare

App Server (preferred- uWSGI)

  • uWSGI
  • Gunicorn
  • Apache


  • Memcached
  • Redis


  • Postgres
  • MySQL/MariaDB

Python and Django Common Deployment Tools

Python- Psycopg (Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL adapter for the Python programming language.)

Python- Django- Environmental Variables

Python- Django- Random SECRET_KEY

Python- Django- Debug Toolbar

Python- Django- Debug Toolbar

Python- Unipath

Python- Django- Static File Serving

Python- Django- Static Storage

CGI and WSGI (Web Server API)

Werkzeug (Flexible WSGI) (Security Flaw)

More WSGI (See also Apache)

Gunicorn (Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX)

Waitress (Production-Quality Pure-Python WSGI Server)

Python- Django- DJ Static, DJ Database URL

Python- Django and Celery (Asynchronicity) (Also Example code)

Python- Django- BCrypt (Not just for Django)

Python- Fabric

Python and Django Testing and Automation

Test-Driven Development with Python

pytest and Nose (Unit Test Extension)


Tox (Automation)

Python and Django Useful Tools

Python- Django Extensions

Python- Django- Migrations

Python- Django- Rest Framework (Including Authentication and Generic Views)

Python- Django- Alternative Rest Framework

Python- Django- Rest Framework (Serialization/Deserialization)

Python- Django- Records, Requests

Python- Django- Channels

Python- Django- Python Social Auth

Python- Django- Python Social Auth

Python- Django- Search

Python- Imaging Library (Pillow) and ImageKit

Python- Django- Tagging

Python- Django- Forms

Automated Dependency Management

Python- Django- TinyMCE

Python and Django CMS

Python- Django-MPTT (Modified Pre-Order Traversal Tree)

Python- Django-Treebeard (Modified Pre-Order Traversal Tree)

Python- Django- CMS, E-Commerce

Python- Django- Wagtail (Recommended)

Python- Django- Other CMS and E-Commerce Options

Python and Django Geo

Python- Django- Rest Framework GIS

Python- Python/Django- Internationalization and Localization, Translation


PostGIS (Spatial Database Extender for PostgreSQL)

SpatiaLite (Spatial Database Extender for SQLite)

Python and Django Unique

Python- Conda and Miniconda (See also Data Science)

Python- Mobile

Python- Twython

Python- Django- Everything

Python- Django- Cmatrix

Python and Django Conferences and Mentors

Python and Django Conferences

Python and Django Conferences- Proposal Examples

Python and Django Conferences- Speaker Mentors

DjangoCon Organizers


DjangoCon Talk Ideas

Lacey Williams Henschel- PyLadies Remote: Your First Conference Proposal!

Web Host Newsletters



Consoles: Developer

Consoles: Webmaster and Analytics

Domains, DNS, SSL


Domain Names

Domize, DNSimple, Heroku

Heroku SSL Endpoint, SSL Self Certification, Custom Domains



Internet Performance Management


Malware and Encryption

Deployment and Cloud

Cloud Computing- General

Private Cloud/Virtual Private Server

IaaS- General and Alternatives to AWS

PaaS- General and Alternatives to Heroku (including Google App Engine)

SaaS- General and Alternatives to GoogleApps


Amazon Web Services

AWS- Developer and Documentation

AWS- Regions, Instances, Getting Started, EC2/CLI/Linux Reference

AWS- Pricing

AWS- Websites, Mobile, Social

AWS- Elastic Beanstalk and S3

AWS- SES and SNS (Including Worldwide SMS)

AWS- Lambda (See also Google Cloud Functions)


Heroku- General

Heroku- Pricing and App Limits

Heroku- Dynos

Heroku- Deployment

Heroku- Elements Marketplace

Heroku- App Architecture

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean (VPS)

Digital Ocean + Dokku/Deis (Alternative to AWS + Heroku)

Google Cloud

Google Cloud, App Engine

Google Cloud Functions (See also Amazon Web Services- Lambda)

Deployment and Git Integration

Heroku Multiple Environments and Site Staging

AWS Deployment/Staging- Virtual Private Networks

GitHub, Heroku, AWS SSH and SSH Keys

Heroku Secure Key

Google Cloud, App Engine and GitHub

Heroku Git Integration

Git Cloning Existing Heroku Applications

Ubuntu (Debian) Deployment

Deployment and Cloud by Language

JavaScript- Amazon

Node.js- Heroku

Node.js- Heroku and Docker

Node.js- Google Cloud

Node.js- Amazon

Python- Heroku

Python- Amazon

Python- Django- Heroku Deployment (URL:

Python- Django- AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment

Python- Django- Digital Ocean Deployment (See also Docker)

Python- Django- OpenShift Deployment

PHP- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started

PHP- Heroku and Docker

PHP- Amazon

PHP/WordPress- Amazon

PHP/WordPress- Google Cloud

Ruby- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started

Ruby- Heroku and Docker

Ruby- Amazon

Ruby on Rails- Amazon

Go- Heroku Buildpacks and Getting Started

.NET and ASP.Net- Heroku

.NET- Amazon

Servers, Databases, Architectures


Client and Server-Side


Stanford Open Classroom- Introduction to Databases

Types of Databases



Software Stacks

Distributed and Parallel Computing

Apache, SQL, Nginx

See also Azure

Apache (See also mod_wsgi)

Virtual Hosting, VHosts, Apache




PostgreSQL (ORDBMS, written in C, OS- Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD)

Postgrest (PostgreSQL API)


MySQL (RDBMS, written in C and C++, OS- Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD)

Sequel Pro (Recommended and MAMP bundled)

MySQL, PHP, and WordPress Admin

MAMP and WampServer (See also PHP)

Nginx (High-Performance HTTP Server, Reverse Proxy, IMAP/POP3 Proxy Server/Versus Unix Socket)

Dev Ops Tools

See also Django

Container Intro

Docker (See also Kubernetes)

Bitnami Stacksmith

Heroku- Docker

GitLab- Docker


VMware, Vagrant, VirtualBox

Ansible (Automation and Configuration Management)

Salt (Automation and Configuration Management)

Python- Django- Salt


Puppet Labs

More Back-end

Developer Playground/IDE (Similar to Fiddle)

Cross Platform Dev Environment

Content Delivery Network


Workflow Automation


Web Accelerator

Continuous Integration, Jenkins CI, Travis CI, and Other Tools

Web Cache, Web Accelerator, Proxy Server, Reverse Proxy




CouchDB (Document-based)


Real Time Application Frameworks


Testing Frameworks

Event Tracking

Typeahead and Awesomeplete




Common MEAN Back-end Tools



MEAN (Mongoose, Express, Angular, Node)

MongoDB (Document-based)

MongoDB- Drivers and Natives

Mongoose, Mongoid, Moped, Mongomapper

Software Manuals and Documentation

Write the Docs (Conference and Community)





GitHub Wiki



Read the Docs

Python- Django-Sphinxdoc

API Docs (see also Python- Django- Rest Framework Swagger)

Open Source Management and Programming Tiers

Open Source Management, Codes of Conduct, Roadmaps

Bus Factor

Open Source Hosting

Easy (Static/Client-Side) to Difficult (Dynamic/Server-Side)

Make What You Can Complete- Example of Using Notepad as CSS and Rendering in Browser)

Learn Git/GitHub

Make Something Static/Client-Side- HTML (Can Use GitHub Browser)

Make Something Static- Jekyll (Can Use Git Bash)

Make Something Dynamic/Server-Side- Can Store Code on GitHub, but Host Elsewhere (Heroku, AWS, Digital Ocean)

  • Python, Ruby, Node.js, PHP (Dynamic and require hosting such as Heroku or AWS)

Start contributing to open source

  • Seek out mentor(s) (some frameworks such as Django have mentor lists)
  • Follow community members and projects (for instance, on Twitter) and look for opportunities
  • Look for guides in repos that explain how to contribute
  • Do a GitHub search such as "pull requests welcome"

Look for First-Timers Info

Example First-Timers Info

Example Help Tweets


See also: React-Native and Ionic

Mobile- General

Mobile Phones- General

Embedded Operating Systems


Android Learning Materials


Golang Mobile




Tools (Parse is Going Bye-Bye)

Deep Linking


Internet of Things (including payments)

Internet of Things- Geo-fencing



Apple- Major Swift References

Apple- Cocoa

Apple- Package and Dependency Managers

Apple Developer Docs- Conceptual

Apple Developer Docs Navigation

Xcode References

Video Gaming and Virtual Reality

Learning Resources


Tilt Brush




Data Science

Data Monetization

Data Scientists

Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Stanford)

Mining Massive Datasets (Stanford)

Data Science Websites

Analyst Group Resources

Data Styleguide GitHub


Data Science Learning Programs

Roadmaps and Cheat Sheets



Linear/Regression (Supervised Learning)

Statistics- General



Common Probability Distributions and Tests

More Distributions, Logarithms, Transformations

More Tests

Standard Deviation, Error, Normalization, Standard Score

Confidence and Confidence Interval

Stochastic Calculus, Stochastic Neural Network, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)

The Science of Viral (See also Stochastic Calculus)

Artificial Intelligence- General

Data, Data Science, Big Data

Data Mining and Machine Learning- General


Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Bayesian (Supervised Learning)

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Recommendations and Filtering

Natural Language Processing- General

Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis- General

Web Crawling and Scraping

Graph and Tree Traversal

Statistical Packages

Facebook and Google Research

Open-Source Machine Learning and Infrastructure

Andrej Karpathy

Lambda Architecture

Hadoop, Hortonworks Sandbox, Cloudera

Hadoop and MapReduce/Elastic MapReduce (Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services)

Apache Shark and Spark

Apache Drill

Apache Mahout

Social Network Processing

Apache- More

Log Monitoring

Apache- Python

Cascading, Cascalog, Scala, Scalding

Hadoop, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch

Python- Package Platforms

Python- Statistics Stack- Documents and Galleries

Python- Statistics Stack- NumPy

Python- Statistics Stack- SciPy

Python- Statistics Stack- MatPlotLib

Python- Statistics Stack- MatPlotLib Reference

Python- Statistics Stack- iPython

Python- Statistics Stack- iPython Reference

Python- Statistics Stack- Pandas

Python- Statistics Stack- SymPy (Symbolic Mathematics)

Python- Statistics Stack- StatsModel

Python- Statistics Stack- GGPlot

Python- Statistics Stack- Scikit-Learn

Python- Statistics Stack- Scikit-Learn Reference

Python- Integration with Other Languages

Python- Deep Learning- PyLearn2, SKLearn-Theano, Theano

Python- Image Processing- Scikit-Image (See also Python Imaging Library)

Python- Natural Language Toolkit

Python- Web Crawling and Scraping

Python- Screen Scraping

Social Network Graphing (Gilad Lotan)

Python- Pickle/JSON

R Programming Language

Microsoft R

R Markdown



Analytics and Dashboards

RapidMiner (Open Source) and IBM SPSS and Kimono Labs

Unstructured Data and Data Structures- General



API Methods- Common


General Terminology



Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors

Tech Analysts, Thought Leaders

High Profile Developers

Schools of Thought


Inventors, Economists, Philosophers

Philosophers and Psychologists



Markets and Institutional Investing

Venture Frameworks and Theses

Investor Frameworks


VC Theory

Funding Options

Venture Capital and How Funding Works

Venture Capital Terminology- General

Venture Capital Terminology- Documents

Venture Capital Terminology- Funding Instruments

Venture Capital Terminology- Stock Classes

Venture Capital Terminology- Stock Options

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Pro Rata, Refusal, Pre-Emption, Redemption

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Senority

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Anti-Dilution

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Voting Rights

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Minority

Venture Capital Terminology- Rights- Activism



VC Firms, Accelerators, Resources


Lists of VC Firms and Accelerators

Angel Investors


VC Funds/Accelerators


Startup Studios


Accelerator, Angel, VC Firm Blogs and Learning Resources

Blogs and Whatnot

RFS, Trends, Emerging Technologies

VC Firm Numbers

VC Firm Portfolios and Anti-Portfolios


VC Firm Newsletters

VC Firm Demo Days

VC Firm Events

VC and Tech Videos and Podcasts

VC Firm Apps

VC Firm Alpha and Beta

Investors on GitHub


Federal Opportunities and Funding

Venture Analysis

Idea State Machine and Idea Maze


Notable Proposals and Pitch Decks

Pitch Deck Search

Notable Proposals and Pitch Decks


The Prince's Trust

Documents and Advice

A16Z Funding and Valuation Advice

Law and Transaction Services

VCs on Standard Docs and Terms

Standard Docs and Terms

Document Libraries- Free/Freemium

Document Libraries- Not Free/Freemium

Standard Docs- International

VC Firm Pitch Deck and Operational Report Templates

Term Sheets 101

Carried Interest 101

Document Web Services

Cap Table

Raising a Seed Round- The Spreadsheet

Equity Investment Simulation


Financial Ratio

A16Z Metrics

Bill Gurley on Conversion and LTV

Objectives and key Results (OKRs)


Pirate Metrics

Market, Business Models, Pricing, Product Tiers


Market Analysis

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.