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notistack's Issues

0.3.8 Uncaught error

0.3.8 throws error: react-dom.development.js:55 Uncaught Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.
after enqueueSnackbar call

Children can't be passed in EnqueueSnackbar options

Expected Behavior

The documentation here suggests that it should be possible to use any of the ReactMui Snackbar props. So I would expect this:

messages.forEach(({ message }) => this.props.enqueueSnackbar(message, { children: 'Foo' }));

To result in each message containing the text 'Foo'.

Current Behavior

I see the message instead of 'Foo'

Steps to Reproduce



Your Environment

Tech Version
Notistack v0.3.7

Getting error objects are not valid as a React child

Bug using Redux example with Material UI

     <Provider store={store}>
                    vertical: 'top',
                    horizontal: 'right',
                         <Route path="/login" component={LoginPage} />
                         <PrivateRoute path="/" component={Dashboard} />

Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {adapter, transformRequest, transformResponse, timeout, xsrfCookieName, xsrfHeaderName, maxContentLength, validateStatus, headers, method, url, data}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
in span (created by SnackbarItem)
in div (created by SnackbarContent)
in div (created by Typography)
in Typography (created by WithStyles(Typography))
in WithStyles(Typography) (created by Paper)
in Paper (created by WithStyles(Paper))
in WithStyles(Paper) (created by SnackbarContent)
in SnackbarContent (created by WithStyles(SnackbarContent))
in WithStyles(SnackbarContent) (created by SnackbarItem)
in Transition (created by Slide)
in EventListener (created by Slide)
in Slide (created by WithTheme(Slide))
in WithTheme(Slide) (created by TransitionComponent)
in TransitionComponent (created by Snackbar)
in div (created by Snackbar)
in EventListener (created by ClickAwayListener)
in ClickAwayListener (created by Snackbar)
in Snackbar (created by WithStyles(Snackbar))
in WithStyles(Snackbar) (created by SnackbarItem)
in RootRef (created by SnackbarItem)
in SnackbarItem (created by WithStyles(SnackbarItem))
in WithStyles(SnackbarItem) (created by SnackbarProvider)
in SnackbarProvider (at index.js:28)
in Provider (at index.js:27)

Application is working fine when I don't use Notifier component

Tech Version
Notistack 0.4.2
React 16.4.2
Browser Chrome
material-ui/core 1.5.1

how to compose on functional components (without export default)

I have components which exports multi functions , i tried many ways to compose this on them but non worked , if anyone can help will appreciate that.
here is sample of my code (there are x3 like this one)

export const login = creds => {
  return async () => {
    const firebase = getFirebase();
    try {
      await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(, creds.password);
catch (error) {

how can make enqueueSnackbar works here ?

When using "rtl", the icon needs margin left

Hi, thank you for this great library,

I am trying to use it in a project which has right-to-left direction, the result is that the icon is very close to the text.
Is it possible to change the margin of the icon when it is "rtl" ?


Thank you very much

Upgrade to new material-ui version

Hi, just a question, do you plan to upgrade this library to new version of material-ui? Using this with material-ui 3.x causes nasty warning due to new naming of typography variants.
screenshot from 2018-10-19 15-29-00

enqueueSnackbar multiple times ignores maxSnack

Expected Behavior

I'm using CustomEvents to determine when to show the snackbar. On the home page I have some temp methods to test using this library.

The provider in App.tsx: <SnackbarProvider maxSnack={3} anchorOrigin={snackbarOrigin}>...

I have a HoC using withSnackbar(Component) with the following event handler:

private handleDidHappen = (event: CustomEvent<IGlobalAlertEvent>) => {
	const detail: IGlobalAlertEvent = event.detail;
	const message: string = `${detail.title} ${detail.message}`;
	const options: OptionsObject = {
		variant: detail.variant,
		autoHideDuration: detail.autoHideMs

	this.props.enqueueSnackbar(message, options);

On the home page I have 5 buttons that fire off events that get picked up by that HoC (Test All, Test Info, Test Warning, Test Error, Test Success). The single event buttons work as I would expect when I randomly click them several times. I expected clicking the "Test All" button would show 3, then show the 4th when the first one auto-hides.

Current Behavior

If I click the "All Alerts" button, which instantly fires 4 events, I'm seeing all 4 snackbar items show at the same time, then all disappear at the same time.

Steps to Reproduce

Set the provider max to 3, then make a click event that runs enqueueSnackbar 4+ times in a row with no pause in between.

BTW this template no longer exists?

This should be pretty easy to reproduce, but I can create a codesandbox if needed.


The reason I'm testing this scenario: I was using a custom mobx store to do what this library does, but wanted to try this out. Since this is used when API calls error (among other things), there are times where you might have several events fire in rapid succession.

Your Environment

Project is based on create-react-app using TypeScript. Running on Windows 10, vscode. Everything is current version.

| Tech | Version |

"dependencies": {
	"@material-ui/core": "^3.6.1",
	"@material-ui/icons": "^3.0.1",
	"axios": "^0.18.0",
	"date-fns": "^1.29.0",
	"mobx": "^5.6.0",
	"mobx-react": "^5.4.2",
	"mobx-react-router": "^4.0.5",
	"notistack": "^0.4.0",
	"oidc-client": "^1.5.4",
	"query-string": "^6.2.0",
	"ramda": "^0.26.1",
	"react": "^16.6.3",
	"react-dom": "^16.6.3",
	"react-json-view": "^1.19.1",
	"react-router-dom": "^4.3.1",
	"react-scripts-ts": "3.1.0",
	"validator": "^10.9.0",
	"typescript": "^3.2.1"

Allow for multiline snackbar messages

Currently SnackBar notifications are expected to be a very specific height causing SnackBars with multiline messages to stack on top of each other, I would like for variable heights to be accounted for or would like to have access to the TransitionProps and level prop of the SnackBarItem to customize this.


It would be great if there would be a CHANGELOG to see whats new :)

Love this extension <3

Material UI v3.2.0 warnings

If you run this on material UI 3.2.0 which introduced the new typography v2 you get a certain error.


But even after I enable nextStyling in the theme I get nesting warning because the package is then trying to render a <div> inside a <p> tag.

Warning after enabling the new typography


Upgrading to v3.2 should fix this, or we may explicitly make that p tag heading or div, not much work if you want I may make a PR

Return (event, reason) in onClose callback

onClose callback only return (key) at the moment, but it will be very useful if the original (event, reason) are also returned.
The benefits being that passing the (event, reason) in the custom onClose callback is like below

  1. knows the exact reason about the closing.
  2. The material-ui only has two reasons at the moment, but it could have more reasons in the future
  3. With event parameter, we can identify where the notification is from, therefore knows which case is this closing about. Say I have a single global (centra) notification component (say named NOTIFIER) with notistack, any component (say 30 components) in the application may fire a notification through NOTIFIER with their own action. And I may have another global component to post-process when user clicks the notification action. With the event parameter, we can identify the case (or another word which origin component) where this notification was fired.

some discussion has gone through this in Allow "onClose" and "onExited" callbacks. The changes to the code as mentioned by @iamhosseindhv looks good

if (reason === 'clickaway') return;
if (singleOnClose) singleOnClose(event, reason, key);
onClose(event, reason, key);

(and event will get passed to onExited callback as well)

multiple snackbars at once

First, thanks for this project ๐Ÿ˜

I want show multiple flash messages on page load, but I can't do that. (Maybe because notistack uses new Date().getTime() for its component's key prop?)

// This code shows only the last flash message.
componentDidMount() {
  const { enqueueSnackbar, flashes } = this.props
  flashes.forEach(flash => {

I found a workaround for this, but I think this is a little hacky.

componentDidMount() {
  const { enqueueSnackbar, flashes } = this.props
  setTimeout(() => {
    flashes.forEach(flash => {

Do you have any plan to support such a case?

Directly import SnackBarItem


I am not sure if I am opening this issue simply because I don't understand how imports work with npm packages.

I would like to reuse the SnackBarItem internally used by notistack, so I have uniformity across a "static" SnackBarContent displayed within a Material UI Dialog, and the other notistack SnackBar notifications in my app.

Is this already possible? Or does SnackBarItem need to be added to the top-level index.js in src for this to work?

Add ability to programmatically change snackbar distance from borders

Hi, I want to suggest a feature that would be extremely useful when you have a FAB and you want to avoid displaying snackbars over it.
It would consist of a function provided by withSnackbar() HOC that gives the ability to set the distance in px of the snackbars stack from the top/bottom border (an example of usage could be this.props.setVerticalDistanceFromBorder(8)), and maybe another one that resets this setting (e.g. this.props.resetVerticalDistanceFromBorder()).
I think that the developer should be given the ability to change it at any time because some views may have FABs and other may not. And if other snackbars are displayed while a new distance is set through this function, they should move up/down accordingly.
If some help is needed for the implementation of this feature, count me in. I need it for a school project, but I'm sure that it will be useful to other people too.

Suggestions - React Hook

Hi there, will you be updating the use of withSnackbar to react hook anytime soon? =)

const { useSnackbar } from 'notistack'

const [ enquerySnackbar ] = useSnackbar();

Typescript support

I saw that type definitions file was added, but a new version of notistack is not released yet, so the package cannot be used in Typescript environments yet.

New line in messege

is that possible to add a new line mark in the notistack messege text?
I tried '\n' and '
' in many variants but its always printed as writed. ๐Ÿ˜ข

withSnackbar not properly injecting props

Hey guys I'm trying to use snackbar with redux but when running any class with HOC withSnackbar, there are nothing coming from HOC props injection.

-- Even the example in the codesandbox, if you inspect the props, shouldn't be working. magic

Expected Behavior

Current Behavior

Steps to Reproduce



Your Environment

Tech Version
Notistack v1.?.?

Snackbar location

It would be nice if we could tell the provider where on the screen we want the snackbar to be placed (top right corner for instance).

Dismiss snackbars programmatically

Currently, the only way around closing a currently opened snackbar (with autoHideTimeout set to 999999999) is to call the function again setting the timeout to 0 but this creates a "flash" of the snackbar before immediately disappearing because what the function actually does is on every call it adds to the snackbar queue before removing it immediately. With "open: true" paced before passed in "...options" then at least we can pass in "open: false" which will create a new snackbar to the "queue" still (which is not ideal) but at least this way we can avoid the "flash". This is only useful in situations where you set the max snacks to 1 - for example to create permanent bar notification such as "You are currently offline" for PWA apps which then disappears when the user is back online by enqueing a new snackbar. This is not the ideal solution but changing the order props allows for this slightly better UX to avoid the flash.

The ideal solution however, would be that the "handleEnqueueSnackbar" function returns the queue id so that subsequent calls that pass in the queue ID can target that same snackbar in the queue and force life cycle changes of the underlying snackbar instead such as "open: false" (which can then remove it from the queue to - perhaps another option). For example the signature could be "handleEnqueueSnackbar(message, options. id = null){...}", ID is last so that it is still backwards compatible or make it a part of the options.

Note: the ID cannot be sequential (i.e. array position) so once the snackbar messages reaches 4 then the next message gets the ID 2 (array being 0 based) and of course the ID's for the previous snacks will change so ideally, if the enqueu method is called passing in an ID (perhaps a timestamp id) that no longer exists then simply null is returned and action ignored.

Redux compatibility

Hi, is there a method which can be used from the reducer to display messages.

Handler for removing snackbars programmatically

Right now I can't see a way to remove snackbar manually from parent component. It would be really useful sometimes, like when user did something which triggers error, but he has corrected it, so it would be nice to remove previous error snackbar.

how to compose on functional components (without export default)

I have components which exports multi functions , i tried many ways to compose this on them but non worked , if anyone can help will appreciate that.
here is sample of my code (there are x3 like this one)

export const login = creds => { return async () => { const firebase = getFirebase(); try { await firebase .auth() .signInWithEmailAndPassword(, creds.password); /* props.enqueueSnackbar('Login success', { variant: 'success', }); */ COMMENT } catch (error) { /* props.enqueueSnackbar('Login failed', { variant: 'error', }); */ COMMENT console.log(error); throw new SubmissionError({ _error: 'Login failed', }); } }; };

how can make enqueueSnackbar works here ?

Unmet peer dependency "prop-type" "classnames"

Expected Behavior

yarn gives no warning

Current Behavior

yarn gives two unmet peer dependency warning

Steps to Reproduce

yarn add notistack


I have a typescript project. I have no reason to add prop-types in mine.
I think prop-types and classnames should be dependencies and not peerDependencies.

Your Environment

Tech Version
Notistack v0.4.2

dismiss button

Thanks for the amazing feature.

One thing, I would like to dimiss the snack bar like in material-ui, action props




Can I accomplish this?

use closeSnackbar in SnackbarProvider

Is it possible to add the closeSnackbar function to the action of the Snackbar Provider so i don't have to do it for every individual instance?

For Example, I just tried the following,

return (
    autoHideDuration = {null}                                                                                                                            
    maxSnack = {3} 
    action = {[
      <IconButton key="close" color="inherit" onClick = {this.props.closeSnackbar(this)}><CloseIcon/></IconButton>
    <Login />

and i got an error saying that this.props.closeSnackbar is not a function.

Add option to persist a notification until dismissed

I would like to be able to have a notification persist, until manually dismissed by the user. I'm happy to work on this and create a PR, wanted to open an issue first to make sure this is a feature you'd be open to adding.

withSnackbar HOC re-rendering child unnecessarily

Expected Behavior

in withSnackbar.js, there should be some sort of shallow props checking so that it ensures that it is not unnecessarily re-rendering it's child component. I suppose the shallow prop check would just check whether it already has access to the notistack props?

Current Behavior

Because of the lamda functions below, the child component is getting re-rendered with every single update because of the functions are getting reinstantiated, regardless of the child component already having access to the notistack props.

        {handlePresentSnackbar => (
                {handleEnqueueSnackbar => (

Steps to Reproduce


It turns out this the bug that I found in my project wasn't actually caused by this, but I'm going to leave it open because having lamdas in render functions is inherently bad for performance and the above description still stands true.

React Unique key prop warning

I'm getting this warning with notistack where it complains about the key prop missing
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.
I tried to add it in options with
this.props.enqueueSnackbar('Done', { variant: 'success', key: 'random-string', }
but the key from options is not used

Error: enabling checkmark for use-emoji under Custom icon variant

Enabling the checkmark for "Use Emoji" under custom icon variant throws an error after clicking on one of the snackbars.

Expected Behavior

Expected to show a snackbar with custom emoji's for specific variant

Current Behavior

Throws an error for on enabling the checkbox before or after clicking the snackbar

Steps to Reproduce

Provide a link to a live example (you can use and an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug.
Include code to reproduce, if relevant (which it most likely is).

This template _may_ be a good starting point:

If YOU DO NOT take time to provide a reproduction, should the COMMUNITY take time to help you?


Your Environment

Tested this issue inside MacOS along with Ubuntu OS environment

screenshot from 2018-11-28 10 44 24

Release major version

In Semantic Versioning a 0.x.x version is a beta. I think this library is quite complete and should be release as a stable version 1.0.0. It can be now or after a few more PR.

This will give more confidence in its use.

New snackbar every render

The plugin is generating a new snackbar evry render that the component does, is it possible to detect if the the new is the same of the still active and just ignore, or is there a way to execute the onPresentSnackbar function from a function (from redux-saga, in my case)?

How to obtain the current number of snack?

I would like to make a Scroll to Top Button that always above all the snack-bars. Therefore, I need a way to know how many snackbar are currently stacked.

Expected Behavior

Should able to get snack from the consumer.

Current Behavior

unable to get snack from the consumer.

TypeScript support

It would be great to have d.ts files for this notistack. Did not find them in default @types repo, does have them already done by any chance?

I am on tight deadline right now so I just silenced all type warnings...

ContentProps not passed to material-ui component

I'm trying to style the snackbar, but passing something like this:
ContentProps: { classes: { root: classes.snackbarContent } }
inside the enqueueSnackbar method doesn't work.

Thank you for your help

Typescript compile errors

export default withSnackbar(Chat)

throws this error when compiled:
Type error: Argument of type 'typeof Chat' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentType<InjectedNotistackProps>'.

Tech Version
Notistack v0.4.2
React v16.7.0-alpha.2
@material-ui/core v3.7.1
typescript v3.2.2

Material-ui Typography deprecation warnings

Expected Behavior

No errors should show up.

Current Behavior

Material UI error about using deprecated typography variant is shown.

Tech Version
Notistack 0.3.7
React 16.5.1
Material UI 3.2.2
Browser Chrome

Customizing variant styles through theme file

Is there any way I can customize variant styles through Material UI's theme file.

You know something like this..

SnackbarItem: {
  variantError: {
    backgroundColor: 'red'
  variantWarning: {
    backgroundColor: 'orange'

Have a good day :)

Error in docs: failed to execute createElement, the tag name provided is invalid

When exploring the demo, if I have a snack showing with Use Emojis checked, the page crashes with the following:

main-96a58da2c9b74a445f7b.js:1 DOMException: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('โœ…') is not a valid name.
    at HTMLDocument.createElement (<anonymous>:1:1554)
    at Wr (
    at Di (
    at da (
    at ha (
    at va (
    at Ya (
    at $a (
    at Ga (
    at ru (

I'm running Chrome 70.0.3538.102.

Standard "this library looks awesome +1" P.S: this library looks awesome!

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