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vapour's Issues

clarify names

clarify the old sql behaviour, we can remove the warning when FID gets inserted

dimXY is wrong for L1b

Using this file NSS.GHRR.ND.D94182.S1520.E1650.B1625960.GC

I get RasterXSize of 51, which is the standard pixel count of the GCPs, not the XSize which is 409.

Use poDataSet->GetRasterXSize() rather than the size of the first band ...

CRAN plan

I think we've learnt enough to put out a bare bones release. The key C++ functionality to wrap is these, either as slightly overlapping implementations or as building blocks:

  • open and read from data source (return a minimal summary)
  • execute SQL against data source, or pass in an index for features to read
  • read the attributes only
  • read the geometry only (in an optional format)
  • read the geometry bounds only

Focus on just these features as a minimal core since we can build higher-level collections and descriptions of multiple data sources from these components

These functions

  • vapour_read_attributes - a list of column vectors
  • vapour_read_geometry - a list of native blobs
  • vapour_read_geometry_text - a vector of JSON, WKT, KML, or GML
  • vapour_read_extent - a list of extent vectors

Each function is standalone, opening and closing the data source, defaulting to the 0-th layer and only accepting a layer index, optionally executing a SQL string, and ignoring the layer index if sql is given.

add limit_n helpers

Read n attribute rows, or n geometries in sequence and add helper for "has geometry".

## this can't work yet because of the fid_select sleight of hand, 
## so needs to catch that issue earlier and return infor
vapour_has_geometry <- function(dsource, layer = 0L) {
  ## convert from character layer to integer if required
  if (!is.numeric(layer)) layer <- index_layer(dsource, layer)
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT Geom FROM %s LIMIT %i", 
                 vapour_layer_names(dsource)[layer + 1], 
  err <- try(vapour_read_geometry(dsource, layer = layer, sql = sql), silent = TRUE)
  !inherits(err, "try-error")

#' Read n features from a layer. 
#' Uses OGRSQL, which could be fragile depending on the layer name quoting required. 
#' @inheritParams vapour_read_attributes
vapour_read_limit_n <- function(dsource, layer = 0L, limit = 1L) {
  ## convert from character layer to integer if required
  if (!is.numeric(layer)) layer <- index_layer(dsource, layer)
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %i", 
                 vapour_layer_names(dsource)[layer + 1], 
                         sql = sql), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

file <- ""
mvfile <- system.file(file.path("extdata/tab", file), package="vapour")


sql/layer simplification?

Fooling around with this got me thinking:

conn <- dplyr::src_sqlite(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package = "sf"))$con
st_read(conn, query = "SELECT geom AS geometry  FROM 'nc.gpkg'")

## otherwise 
dplyr::src_sqlite(conn, "nc.gpkg")

Because, why not try executing the layer argument as SQL if it's not an existing layer in the DSN?

All the functions have layer , sql arguments except for vapour_layer_names which only has sql, so I think this can work. Logic is

  • is it a number? (is it within range of the number of layers, watch out for factors)
  • is it an existing layer? (ignore case)
  • does it start with "SELECT " - we are read-only

complete deprecation of vapour_read_geometry_cpp

Even though message is "vapour_read_feature_what is deprecated. Use 'vapour_read_geometry_cpp' instead", my previous concerns still abide that enabling direct calls to _cpp fns ought not be done. I'm not sure which should be deprecated here, but something, right?

get control points

Add to the vapour_raster_info output, for use in targetting scenes in L1B.

count geometries

To replace the geometry part of #35

  • write fun like vapour_read_geometry_cpp to simply count the non-null geometries, and record the total count
  • include a stop_if_any_valid and stop_if_any_null option
  • wrap this to provide various metrics

demand-detail plot

This is a raw example using raster_io to read just the level-of-detail required for a requested plot.

#' Plot GDAL matrix.
#' Plot a matrix directly read via GDAL to match the current device size.
#' The data is read in at the resolution required by the current device, assuming it's a single
#' panel.  TODO: read off the space to plot into from the device, and
#' read only that window from the source at the right resolution.
#' @param filename source
#' @param add add to the plot
#' @importFrom vapour raster_io raster_info
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## this file takes 5s to read in total from NetCDF, 24 seconds via GDAL
#' filename <- "/rdsi/PRIVATE/raad/data_local/"
#' #filename <- raadtools::topofile()
#' #filename <- "D:/data/topography/etopo2/subset.tif"
#' library(vapour)
#' ## read in to match the device and it's quicker
#' plot_raster(filename)
#' #zoom(wrld_simpl, new = FALSE)
#' #plot_raster(filename, ext = spex::spex(), add = T, col = rainbow(100))
#' #maps::map(add = TRUE)
#' ## library(sf); plot(st_transform(sst_c, 4326), add = T)
#' ##for (i in sample(seq_len(nrow(wrld_simpl)))) {plot_raster(filename, ext = raster::extent(wrld_simpl[i, ])); plot(wrld_simpl[i, ], add = TRUE)}
plot_raster <- function(filename, add = FALSE, ext = NULL, cols = NULL) {
  ri <- vapour::raster_info(filename)
  xlim <- ri$geotransform[1]
  xlim <- c(xlim[1], xlim[1] + ri$dimXY[1] * ri$geotransform[2])
  ylim <- ri$geotransform[4]
  ylim <- c(ylim[1] + ri$dimXY[2] * ri$geotransform[6], ylim)
  flip <- function(x) x[,ncol(x):1]
  brks <- seq(ri$minmax[1], ri$minmax[2], length = 100)
  cols <- if (is.null(cols))  viridis::viridis(99) else  colorRampPalette(cols)(length(brks)-1)

  dv <- dev.size("px")
  rlocal <- raster::raster(raster::extent(xlim, ylim), nrow= ri$dimXY[2], ncol = ri$dimXY[1])
  window <- c(0, 0, ri$dimXY)
  if (!is.null(ext)) {
    ## this index is Y-up
    index  <- spex:::as_double(tabularaster::index_extent(rlocal, ext))
    indexYdown <- c(index[1:2], nrow(rlocal) - index[4:3])
    window <- c(indexYdown[1], indexYdown[3],
                indexYdown[2] - indexYdown[1], indexYdown[4] - indexYdown[3])
    rlocal <- raster::crop(rlocal, ext, snap = "out")

  z <- flip(matrix(raster_io(filename, c(window, dv[1], dv[2])), dv[1]))

  dim(rlocal) <- rev(dim(z))
  l <- list(x = raster::xFromCol(rlocal),
            y = rev(raster::yFromRow(rlocal)),
            z = z)
  if(!add && dev.cur() == 1) {
    add <- TRUE
    par(mar = rep(0, 4))
    plot(xlim, ylim, type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

  image(l, useRaster = TRUE,
        col = cols, breaks = brks, add = add)


interface for gdalwarp with -geoloc

This works great for L1B, which has in-built geolocation arrays that present as GCPs:

## local stere projection grid overlapping  near Mawson station
## GCdata/NSS.GHRR.ND.D94182.S1520.E1650.B1625960.GC

## template %s are input and output
gdalwarp %s %s -geoloc -r bilinear \
-te -1157398.178974 -1276821.259254 1158383.248024 \ 1277541.239696 -tr 1000 1000 \
 -t_srs '+proj=stere +lon_0=64.000000 +lat_0=-66.000000 +lat_ts=-71 +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'

Wrap the logic up to call GDAL directly on the file, extract the geoloc and apply the warping based on a raster input grid.

Bonus points:

  • detect that there's no overlap
  • figure out the Snyder satellite projection params and use as the target rather than an input
  • input a longlat bbox and generate the image for a local area in longlat
  • optionally clean up the extent to be whole grain on a given res
  • allow band selection

barebones shared dataset

Use rgdal2 as a basic model, though there's no need for the rgdal2.h templating now with XPtr.

Also these:


// HELP: I can't see how to XPtr<T> this function so that I can re-use it in another
// function, is the XPtr<GDALDataset> somehow special or is it that I have to declare
// that template more broadly (how?)

// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP vapour_GDAL_open(CharacterVector filename,
                      LogicalVector readonly) {

  GDALAccess access = readonly ? GA_ReadOnly : GA_Update;
  //poDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( filename[0], GA_ReadOnly );
  XPtr<GDALDataset>  gdaldataset((GDALDataset *)GDALOpen(filename[0], access));
  return gdaldataset;

hellish bug

The read_geometry_text examples include a direct path to inst/filename.something, and I think this causes a total lock up in RStudio - I've had to soft reboot each time with check, and just running examples.

Don't do that in examples ...

OGRSQL examples

Various things to explore, discuss ...

mvfile <- system.file(file.path("extdata/tab", file), package="vapour")
layer <- gsub(".tab$", "", basename(mvfile))
## get the number of features by FID (DISTINCT should be redundant here)
vapour_read_attributes(mvfile, sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FID) AS nfeatures FROM %s", layer))

## note how TAB is 1-based 
vapour_read_attributes(mvfile, sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM %s WHERE FID < 2", layer))
#[1] 1

## but SHP is 0-based
shp <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")
vapour_read_attributes(shp, sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM %s WHERE FID < 2", "nc"))
#[1] 2

resample options args

Process the input resample arg to be lowercase for comparison, so that we can have "Gauss" or "gauss", and "Cubicspline" or "CubicSpline"

Error reading over symlink

Do you have any idea why vapour (and gdalUtils) fails to read from a symlink but system("ogrinfo") and sf::st_layers works?

VRT sql problem

This isn't a vapour issue, but it'd be good to know what the solution is - some obscure escape syntax?

vrtemplate <- function() {
 <OGRVRTLayer name="nc.gpkg">

updateVRT <- function(dsn, sql) {
  sprintf(vrtemplate(), dsn, sql)
write_vrt_tmp <- function(x) {
  tmp <- sprintf("%s.vrt", tempfile())
  writeLines(x, tmp)

this works

f <- system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package = "sf")
## st_layers(f)
## must quote a layer name like "nc.gpkg"
tmp <- write_vrt_tmp(updateVRT(f, "SELECT * FROM 'nc.gpkg' WHERE AREA > 0.15"))
## this works
vapour_read_attributes(f, sql = "SELECT NAME FROM 'nc.gpkg' WHERE AREA < 0.15")

But, try < in VRT and fail

tmp <- write_vrt_tmp(updateVRT(f, "SELECT * FROM 'nc.gpkg' WHERE AREA < 0.15"))
#Cannot open data source /tmp/RtmpY5ksju/file614e257431d5.vrt
#Error in CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, as.character(options), quiet, type,  : 
#  Open failed.
#In addition: Warning message:
#In CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, as.character(options), quiet, type,  :
# GDAL Error 1: Line 3: Didn't find expected '=' for value of attribute '<'.

read extent behaviour for missing geometry

for a missing geometry, we get c(0, 0, 0, 0) but if all are missing we get a list of NULL

Can use this for summarizing the geometry-state, but the 0s should be NAs, or a NULL.

virtual file system

A VSIReadDirEx example thanks to @obrl-soil

u <- "/vsizip//vsicurl/"

[1] "radmap_v3_2015_filtered_dose"     "radmap_v3_2015_filtered_dose.ers"
[3] "radmap_v3_2015_filtered_dose.isi" "radmap_v3_2015_filtered_dose.txt"

Doc is here:

Discussed on twitter:

would be good to flesh this out a bit more, and get some functionality of in R.

some index-prototypes

first is a sp object with the spex bbox of every polygon

file <- (system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
file <- raadfiles:::get_raw_raad_filenames() %>%
  dplyr::filter(grepl("TASVEG", file, = TRUE))
file <- ".../"

read_extent <- function(x, layer = 1L, ...) {
  layers <- vapour::vapour_layer_names(x)
  if (is.numeric(layer)) one_layer <- layers[layer]
  if (is.character(layer)) one_layer <- layer
if (!one_layer %in% layers) warning("layer not found!")
  out <-, purrr::map(vapour::vapour_read_extent(x),
         ~spex::spex(raster::extent(.x), crs = "+init=epsg:4326")))
  out$dsn <- x
  fids <- as.integer(seq_len(dim(out)[1L]))
  out$sql <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE FID = %i", one_layer,
  out$fid <- fids
  out$layer <- one_layer
system.time(x <- read_extent(file))
# user   system  elapsed 
# 2283.033   29.665 2312.259 
# > pryr::object_size(x)
# 922 MB
# > length(x)
# [1] 463954

This is simplistic, but nice since we can use directly in mapedit and call back to the source to read in those geometries:

ind <- mapedit::selectFeatures(x)
y <- purrr::map(ind$sql, ~vapour::vapour_read_geometry(file, sql = .x))

The second is super fast, we get an sf POLYGON of every bounding box within seconds.

## vs 6seconds
system.time(e <- vapour_read_extent(file))
dummy <- sf::st_as_sfc(spex::spex(raster::extent(e[[1]]), crs = NA_character_))
f <- function(x) {out <- dummy; 
                  out[[1]][[1]] <- matrix(x[c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 
                                       3, 4, 4, 3, 3)], ncol = 2); 
                  attr(out, "bbox") <- structure(setNames(x[c(1, 3,2, 4)], c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")), class = "bbox")

## very fast to build the sf index to this huge GDB
bblist <-, purrr::map(e, f))

more raster info

  • include subdataset count and indication of which one was chosen (might not make sense given the sds wrapping?)
  • all the band metadata ...
  • existence of overviews
  • band type
  • RATs

default window?

Should raster_io build the right default window?


  • build the window and print it out, but stop
  • allow a native = FALSE arg, if set to TRUE it reads the window (does it override the input window?)
  • allow a c(ox, oy, srcx, srcy) usage and set c(ox, oy, srcx, srcy, srcx, srcy) as a default helper
  • default to c(0, 0, srcx, srcy, 10, 10) ?

Currently window is not optional, it must be passed in. Probably best to write more functions that wrap raster_io, though it's likely most of them won't get used much. The extent, resolution, native, and max-size are the likely candidates

  • rio_dim - provide the entire window with a given dimension output
  • rio_ext - provide native data within an extent
  • rio_res - ??

MacOS test

I'm looking for assistance to see that install on MacOS will work.

If you have a chance to try installing vapour on Apple machines that would be really helpful, let me know how you go!

The sf package has the following prerequisites (and these would be more or less the same requirement for vapour):

brew unlink gdal
brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac && brew tap --repair
brew install proj
brew install geos

brew install gdal2 --with-armadillo --with-complete --with-libkml --with-unsupported
brew link --force gdal2

If that works, please try the following to install vapour:



The line brew install geos can probably be ignored.

examples of queries (for sf)


#[1] "Drawing Table" "Table"    

## this CRASHES R presumably because of "Geom (I)"? 
#vapour_read_attributes("ODBC:manifold8", sql = "SELECT * FROM [Drawing Table]")

## ok
 vapour_read_attributes("ODBC:manifold8", sql = "SELECT * FROM [Table]")
#[1] 1 4

#$`Column 2`
#[1] 2 3

now sf

Driver: ODBC 
Available layers:
     layer_name geometry_type features fields
1 Drawing Table                      0     15
2         Table                      0      2
Warning messages:
1: In CPL_get_layers(dsn, options, do_count) :
  GDAL Error 1: GetFeatureCount() failed on query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Drawing Table.
Unexpected token 'Drawing' at line 1.
2: In CPL_get_layers(dsn, options, do_count) :
  GDAL Error 1: GetFeatureCount() failed on query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table.
Unexpected token 'Table' at line 1.

read_sf("ODBC:manifold8", "Table")
Simple feature collection with 0 features and 2 fields
bbox:           xmin: NA ymin: NA xmax: NA ymax: NA
epsg (SRID):    NA
proj4string:    NA
# A tibble: 0 x 3
# ... with 3 variables: Column <int>, `Column 2` <int>, geometry <GEOMETRY>
Warning message:
In CPL_read_ogr(dsn, layer, query, as.character(options), quiet,  :
  GDAL Error 1: GetFeatureCount() failed on query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table.
Unexpected token 'Table' at line 1.

Install error: object 'f' not found

I'm having difficulty running install_github on master. During compilation I see:

** tests
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error in structure(list(source = x, info = raster_info(x)), class = "ssraster") :
object 'f' not found

match FID facility

We need to be able to loop over features and only keep those that match an input set of FIDS from vapour_read_names, alternatively a sequential integer set

Fixes for 0.2.0

Execution haltedchecking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'vapour_gdal_version'

Also OSM test fails on skip_n, spurious message needs more care

non-file sources

We need these to work


u <- ""

 u <- ""

rename raster_io

I think this name is a problem because vapour::raster_io is readonly (RasterIO is obvsly rw), and possible confusion with the rasterio python package.

vapour_read_* and raster_* is also a bit annoying, it's only because vapour started as being only about vector sources.

maybe we can do

  • vapour_sds_names (replace _sds_info, analogous to _layer_names)
  • vapour_read_raster (replace raster_io, analogous to _read_geometry) - or _read_band
  • vapour_raster_info (replace raster_info)

And then we also need a vapour_layer_info to complete the set, and this is how we'd get the CRS for the vector layer, the attribute names and types (good for DBI, and whatever other md is there).

Then we still have this annoying vapour_ prefix, but at least it's consistent and we can change simply.


This all has to be revisited

  • report on underlying type (not the R interpretation)
  • read long vectors
  • control over conversion to R

32-bit signed bound on 64-bit unsigned type

Please fix from CRAN

We see (gcc 8)

sds_io.cpp: In function ‘Rcpp::CharacterVector sds_info_cpp(const char*)’:
sds_io.cpp:48:28: warning: comparison of integer expressions of 
different signedness: ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} and ‘int’ 
      for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dscount; ii++) {
I don't see why you picked a 64-bit unsigned type with a 32-bit signed 
bound but if int does not suffice to enumerate them, this needs revision.

Follow-up Q: is this code copied from GDAL itself?

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