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cli's Issues

Minimum node version not enforced

I see that the cli requires node 14+ currently. Its great that it's documented in multiple places, but it's easy to enforce and provide a meaningful error message.

I'll submit a PR.

Error when syncing folder with symlink

Creating a hyperdrive which contains a soft link returns an error.

mkdir -p a/b
touch a/file.txt
(cd a/b; ln -s ../file.txt)
hyp sync a
# Syncing...
# Comparing...
# Error: Aborting file-tree comparison, a symlink or hardlink loop was detected at /b/file.txt

However it works when using a differently named symlink.

mkdir -p a/b
touch a/file.txt
(cd a/b; ln -s ../file.txt file2.txt)
hyp sync a
# Syncing...
# Synced

--only/--quiet/… option for hyp create

For use in shell scripts or to pipe hyp’s output into other commands, it would be practical to have an option to only get the address of the created drive/bee from hyp create. Example output, currently:

> hyp create drive
Drive Created: hyper://87f05a94b1916674fb00d4cf4da0ed3ae9d9491ebd706afbb01e2a83332f4a4e
Seeding hyperdrive

The line containing the address appears to be output via stderr, not stdout, so currently some juggling like this is required to read only the hyper://… address:

hyp create drive 2>&1 | grep -oE "hyper://\w+"

An -o/--only option (like grep) or -q/--quiet option (like many tools) that makes hyp output only the hyper://… url could be helpful.

Error: Block not available from peers

hyp sync hyper://e498a28a5755d724143c170cb454340873ebbc7a7e7e938d392d883f566ca86e
Hyperspace daemon started
Mirroring daemon started
Error: Block not available from peers

i ran hyp seed on my server and on my local i ran above command it throws me the error

no-live vs. exit

In our user experience research with the dat cli, we found that --exit was more immediately intuitive than --live=false, seems like that crept in again with the hyp cli!

installing cli by pnpm raises warning


I installed with pnpm install -g @hyperspace/cli and get that in the output:

 WARN  deprecated [email protected]: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead
 WARN  deprecated [email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info.

Error messages on drives that are not seeded

I receive strange errors in 'hyp info' command on hyperdrives that are inaccessible / not seeded well.

Error: Block not available from peers
at Object.decode (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/@hyperspace/rpc/index.js:11:17)
at RPC._onmessage (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:113:33)
at Parser._nextState (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:127:14)
at Parser._readMessage (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:54:19)
at Parser.recv (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:35:44)
at RPC._write (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:170:22)
at WritableState.update (/usr/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:168:14)

IMHO unavailability of a hyperdrive should be considered and treated as normal situation. I would expect information in 'hyp info' like this:

06e4fa..ff (hyperdrive): 0 connected | [↓0 B/s ↑0 B/s] - Not seeding, drive data inaccessible/incomplete

Error: spawn UNKNOWN

I installed hyp and tried to use ls command from the README:

hyp ls hyper://515bbbc1db2139ef27b6c45dfa418c8be6a1dec16823ea7cb9e61af8d060049e/


Other commands don't work either:



Node version: v14.15.2
Bash version: GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)

Error: spawn UNKNOWN

When downloading via npm on Windows 10 and Node 14.5.0, I get the error: Error: spawn UNKNOWN for a lot of commands that I try.

> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN

I've attached a minimally-trimmed log of my installation and usage below (click to expand):

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Install the latest PowerShell for new features and improvements!

PS C:\Users\jemma> node
Welcome to Node.js v14.5.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
PS C:\Users\jemma> npm install -g @hyperspace/cli
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead

> [email protected] install C:\Users\jemma\scoop\apps\nvm\current\nodejs\nodejs\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\fd-lock
> node-gyp-build

> [email protected] install C:\Users\jemma\scoop\apps\nvm\current\nodejs\nodejs\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\sodium-native
> node-gyp-build "node preinstall.js" "node postinstall.js"

> [email protected] install C:\Users\jemma\scoop\apps\nvm\current\nodejs\nodejs\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\utp-native
> node-gyp-build

> [email protected] install C:\Users\jemma\scoop\apps\nvm\current\nodejs\nodejs\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\leveldown
> node-gyp-build

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@~2.1.2 (node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\chokidar\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

+ @hyperspace/[email protected]
added 278 packages from 185 contributors in 50.725s
PS C:\Users\jemma> hyp

Usage: hyp <command> [opts...]

General Commands:

  hyp info [urls...] - Show information about one (or more) hypers.
  hyp seed {urls...} - Download and make hyper data available to the network.
  hyp unseed {urls...} - Stop making hyper data available to the network.
  hyp create {drive|bee} - Create a new hyperdrive or hyperbee.

Hyperdrive Commands:

  hyp drive ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive mkdir {url} - Create a new directory at the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive rmdir {url} - Remove a directory at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive cat {url} - Output the content of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive put {url} [content] - Write a file at the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive rm {url} - Remove a file or (if --recursive) a folder at the given hyperdrive URL.

ves. Can optionally "commit" the difference.
  hyp drive sync {source_path_or_url} [target_path_or_url] - Continuously sync changes between two folders in your local filesystem or in hyperdrives.

  hyp drive http {url} - Host a hyperdrive as using HTTP on the localhost.

Hyperbee Commands:

  hyp bee ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee get {url} - Get the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee put {url} [value] - Set the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee del {url} - Delete an entry of the given hyperbee URL.

Daemon Commands:

  hyp daemon status - Check the status of the hyperspace daemon.
  hyp daemon stop - Stop the hyperspace and mirroring daemons if active.


  hyp sync -> hyp drive sync
  hyp diff -> hyp drive diff
  hyp ls -> hyp drive ls
  hyp cat -> hyp drive cat
  hyp put -> hyp drive put

  Learn more at

PS C:\Users\jemma> hyp daemon status
Hyperspace v1.13.0
Your address: (Hole-punchable)
PS C:\Users\jemma> mkdir ManyDrives

    Directory: C:\Users\jemma

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        12/11/2020  12:06 PM                ManyDrives

PS C:\Users\jemma> cd .\ManyDrives\
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp

Usage: hyp <command> [opts...]

General Commands:

  hyp info [urls...] - Show information about one (or more) hypers.
  hyp seed {urls...} - Download and make hyper data available to the network.
  hyp unseed {urls...} - Stop making hyper data available to the network.

Hyperdrive Commands:
  hyp drive ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive mkdir {url} - Create a new directory at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive cat {url} - Output the content of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive put {url} [content] - Write a file at the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive rm {url} - Remove a file or (if --recursive) a folder at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive diff {source_path_or_url} {target_path_or_url} - Compare two folders in your local filesystem or in hyperdrives. Can optionally "commit" the difference.
  hyp drive sync {source_path_or_url} [target_path_or_url] - Continuously sync changes between two folders in your local filesystem or in hyperdrives.

Hyperbee Commands:
  hyp bee ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee get {url} - Get the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee put {url} [value] - Set the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.

Daemon Commands:
  hyp daemon status - Check the status of the hyperspace daemon.
  hyp daemon stop - Stop the hyperspace and mirroring daemons if active.

  hyp sync -> hyp drive sync
  hyp ls -> hyp drive ls
  hyp cat -> hyp drive cat
  hyp put -> hyp drive put

  Learn more at

PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/ blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> mkdir blog

    Directory: C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        12/11/2020  12:07 PM                blog

PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/ blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e2^W^W^C
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp drive sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp drive sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/ blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> rmdir blog
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp drive sync hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/ blog
Mirroring daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp

Usage: hyp <command> [opts...]

General Commands:

  hyp info [urls...] - Show information about one (or more) hypers.
  hyp seed {urls...} - Download and make hyper data available to the network.
  hyp unseed {urls...} - Stop making hyper data available to the network.

Hyperdrive Commands:
  hyp drive ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive mkdir {url} - Create a new directory at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive cat {url} - Output the content of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive put {url} [content] - Write a file at the given hyperdrive URL.

 the difference.

Hyperbee Commands:
  hyp bee ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee put {url} [value] - Set the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee del {url} - Delete an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
Daemon Commands:

  hyp daemon stop - Stop the hyperspace and mirroring daemons if active.

  hyp diff -> hyp drive diff
  hyp ls -> hyp drive ls
  hyp put -> hyp drive put

Mirroring daemon started
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp seed hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon stop
mirroring daemon stopped
hyperspace daemon is running. Attempting to stop...
hyperspace daemon stopped
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon
Invalid command: daemon
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon status
Daemon not active
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp seed hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp info
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon status
Daemon not active
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync blog hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp create drive
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp cat hyper://515bbbc1db2139ef27b6c45dfa418c8be6a1dec16823ea7cb9e61af8d060049e/file.txt
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> node --version
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp cat hyper://515bbbc1db2139ef27b6c45dfa418c8be6a1dec16823ea7cb9e61af8d060049e/file.txt
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp sync blog hyper://b282d5efe484143816362d33b3f9b3ea45ecfb8a6ada97e278fdfdc6a725e22f/
Hyperspace daemon started
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon status
Daemon not active
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon start
Invalid command: daemon
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp daemon seed
Invalid command: daemon
PS C:\Users\jemma\ManyDrives> hyp

Usage: hyp <command> [opts...]

General Commands:

  hyp info [urls...] - Show information about one (or more) hypers.
  hyp seed {urls...} - Download and make hyper data available to the network.
  hyp unseed {urls...} - Stop making hyper data available to the network.
  hyp create {drive|bee} - Create a new hyperdrive or hyperbee.

Hyperdrive Commands:

  hyp drive ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive mkdir {url} - Create a new directory at the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive rmdir {url} - Remove a directory at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive cat {url} - Output the content of the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive put {url} [content] - Write a file at the given hyperdrive URL.
  hyp drive rm {url} - Remove a file or (if --recursive) a folder at the given hyperdrive URL.

  hyp drive diff {source_path_or_url} {target_path_or_url} - Compare two folders in your local filesystem or in hyperdrives. Can optionally "commit" the difference.
  hyp drive sync {source_path_or_url} [target_path_or_url] - Continuously sync changes between two folders in your local filesystem or in hyperdrives.

  hyp drive http {url} - Host a hyperdrive as using HTTP on the localhost.

Hyperbee Commands:

  hyp bee ls {url} - List the entries of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee get {url} - Get the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee put {url} [value] - Set the value of an entry of the given hyperbee URL.
  hyp bee del {url} - Delete an entry of the given hyperbee URL.

Daemon Commands:

  hyp daemon status - Check the status of the hyperspace daemon.
  hyp daemon stop - Stop the hyperspace and mirroring daemons if active.


  hyp sync -> hyp drive sync
  hyp diff -> hyp drive diff
  hyp ls -> hyp drive ls
  hyp cat -> hyp drive cat
  hyp put -> hyp drive put

  Learn more at

Confused by `hyp drive rm hyper://...` - Cannot delete synced drive.

Examples from a computer where I synced to (ie source is on the other computer).

hyp drive rm hyper://...
Accessing network...
Error: Cannot delete the root folder

hyp drive rm -r hyper://...
Accessing network...
Error: Cannot delete the root folder

hyp drive rmdir hyper://...
Accessing network...
Error: Cannot delete the root folder

hyp drive rmdir -r hyper://...
Error: URL is required

I want to delete this drive from this computer but it seems that I cannot. What should I do?

I'm curious to know where the drive is located on the filesystem (here macOS)?

Errors getting dumped during "hyp info --live"

This error will dump into the CLI output and make everything ugly:

Error: Block not available from peers
    at Object.decode (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/@hyperspace/rpc/index.js:11:17)
    at RPC._onmessage (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:113:33)
    at Parser._nextState (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:127:14)
    at Parser._readMessage (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:54:19)
    at Parser.recv (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:35:44)
    at RPC._write (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:170:22)
    at WritableState.update (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:168:14)
    at updateWriteNT (/Users/paulfrazee/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:479:6)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:21) {
  code: '',
  errno: 0,
  details: ''

--yes option for scripted use

For example, to run hyp sync in a cron job once every hour, it would help if hyp skips checking for confirmation (currently it asks Begin sync? [y/N]). Several command line tools have a -y/--yes or similar option to always assume the answer is yes. Could hyp get this too?

Bee not seeding via CLI

Running hyp seed hyper://<bee address> results in a message that says Seeding <bee address>, but running hyp info after that still results in the bee "Not seeding and not online" and others are unable to seed or access the bee.


Alternatively, if I run a Node server locally that serves a hyperbee (built using this tutorial from Paul Frazee) others are able to seed/access that same bee. After running a hyp info here while the server is running, the CLI says "Not seeding but online (announcing)". But again, they can actually seed and access the bee.


Since the bee is able to be accessed when the Node server is running, but not when trying to seed it manually from the CLI, I'm assuming there's an issue with the CLI and seeding bees. I am new to Hypercore in general, so perhaps it's user error, but I thought I'd surface this in case it's not.

hyp output to stdout

It would be great to redirect hyp text output to stdout, so that it would be redirected into file, filtered through pipe with grep, etc.

Error on bee create

C:\Users\abusn>hyp create bee
Bee Created: hyper://1a516a871719c7e9162368be8e945a47d60df42929f6027aff62493942f36e84
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: key is required
    at Object.encodingLength (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\hyperspace-mirroring-service\rpc\messages.js:52:34)
    at Parser.send (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\arpeecee\parser.js:138:24)
    at RPC._push (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\arpeecee\index.js:159:25)    at RPC._request (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\arpeecee\index.js:203:10)
    at Method.request (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\arpeecee\index.js:247:29)
    at HRPCServiceMirror.mirror (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\hyperspace-mirroring-service\rpc\index.js:63:25)
    at HyperspaceMirroringClient.mirror (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\hyperspace-mirroring-service\client.js:57:32)
    at command (file:///C:/Users/abusn/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/lib/commands/create.js:25:32)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
    at async Object.obj.command (file:///C:/Users/abusn/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/bin/hyp.js:101:7)
Emitted 'error' event on HRPCSession instance at:
    at RPC.<anonymous> (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\hyperspace-mirroring-service\rpc\index.js:117:101)
    at RPC.emit (events.js:327:22)
    at WritableState.afterDestroy (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\streamx\index.js:439:19)
    at RPC._destroy (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\arpeecee\index.js:190:5)
    at WritableState.updateNonPrimary (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\streamx\index.js:187:16)
    at WritableState.update (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\streamx\index.js:172:70)
    at updateWriteNT (C:\Users\abusn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@hyperspace\cli\node_modules\streamx\index.js:479:6)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:79:21)

Unable to run with `npx`


I'm trying to run hyp via npx but it fails with a syntax error. Perhaps I'm missing something?

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 17 25 10

Daemon not detected when directly started from hyperspace

When I start hypercore with hyperspace --storage $STORAGE --host $HOST --port $PORT, then run:

❯ ps -aux | rg hyp
jrestivo 1067902  0.1  0.0 635796 54572 ?        SLsl 11:08   0:00 /nix/store/5kkjf5wvfvclqj76k9f69c95gw5mfbhc-nodejs-14.17.4/bin/node /nix/store/if04chi2qyhxr5mvifmq9wfhswydj3ms-hyperspace/bin/hyperspace --storage ~/.hyperspace --host hyperspace --port 0
jrestivo 1069029  0.0  0.0   9644  6232 pts/11   S+   11:11   0:00 rg hyp
flakes [$!+?]
❯ hyp info
The daemon is not active. Please run:

  hyp daemon start
❯ hyp daemon status
Hyperspace v3.19.0
Hyperspace API v1.15.1
Your address:  (Not Hole-punchable)

This is preventing me from using any of the hyp commands. Any advice? Both hyp info and hyp daemon start connect to the daemon, as it prints out:

Remote client opened
Remote client closed

Cannot use full path for HYPERSPACE_SOCKET

My expectation is hyperspace's socket env variable defines where the socket is created. However when the full path is defined, they command freezes when trying to start the daemon.

HYPERSPACE_SOCKET="/tmp/mysock" hyp daemon start
# Hyperspace daemon started
# [freezes]

"Unhandled 'error' event" when attempting to seed a hypercore which is neither drive nor bee

I believe this is either a bug or an incorrect error message, it depends on whether the client is supposed to be usable for sharing hypercores which are neither hyperdrives nor hyperbees.

When I try to seed a hypercore, I get the following error:

  hyp seed hyper://70e...6712/
        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
  Error: key is required
      at Object.encodingLength (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/hyperspace-mirroring-service/rpc/messages.js:52:34)
      at Parser.send (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/parser.js:138:24)
      at RPC._push (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:159:25)
      at RPC._request (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:203:10)
      at Method.request (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:247:29)
      at HRPCServiceMirror.mirror (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/hyperspace-mirroring-service/rpc/index.js:63:25)
      at HyperspaceMirroringClient.mirror (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/hyperspace-mirroring-service/client.js:57:32)
      at command (file:///.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/lib/commands/seed.js:32:29)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
      at async Object.obj.command (file:///.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/bin/hyp.js:108:7)
  Emitted 'error' event on HRPCSession instance at:
      at RPC.<anonymous> (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/hyperspace-mirroring-service/rpc/index.js:117:101)
      at RPC.emit (node:events:377:35)
      at WritableState.afterDestroy (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:439:19)
      at RPC._destroy (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/arpeecee/index.js:190:5)
      at WritableState.updateNonPrimary (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:187:16)
      at WritableState.update (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:172:70)
      at updateWriteNT (/.nvm/versions/node/v16.1.0/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/streamx/index.js:479:6)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

When I create a hyperdrive with hyp I can seed it without any issues.

Version info:
hyp --version 1.5.1

Running hyperspace/3.19.0 linux-x64 node-v16.1.0
Server is already running with the following status
API Version : 1.15.1
Holepunchable : true

Plugin support discussion

It might be nice to have a structure for adding plugins to the core hyp CLI tool.

This could have a couple of benefits:

  • Lower friction to try new plugins
  • Enabling user customization and development
  • Trialing features before getting into core

With a couple of corresponding cons:

  • Less guarantee of plugin "interoperability"
  • More confusing UX when multiple competing plugins exist
  • Plugins are often more likely to "bit-rot"

Questions to address:

  • How does a user discover a plugin?
  • How do you author a plugin?
  • How do you "set up" a plugin?
  • What level of integration is appropriate? A "looser" or more relaxed integration makes the plugin author do more work, while a "tighter" integration may constrain the plugins that are possible.

Info command

Takes a hyper key, tells you if the key's being seeded and other metadata

Feature Idea: Aliases

It'd be really handy if we could alias hyper URLs to some registry internal to hk to reduce typing. Something like...

hk alias bob hyper://
hk drive ls bob
hk drive cat bob/index.html

`hyp drive sync . -y` crashes with heap out of memory allocation failure

When I try to seed a directory with 99GB of data spread across 2.6 million files, I get a memory allocation error after 2 minutes:

peermaps@vmi595217:~/data/peermaps/edb$ time hyp drive sync . -y
Creating new hyperdrive...
Source: .
Target: hyper://a2f90b0157f7a9e810410e5480f40e345621002757fd1afeda31980c361dd9bc//

<--- Last few GCs --->
06[28308:0x60bc730]   130401 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 4096.2 (4102.0) -> 4095.5 (4103.3) MB, 4123.0 / 14.2 ms  (+ 0.0 ms in 16 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 4148 ms) (average mu = 0.061, current mu = 0.006[28308:0x60bc730]   133968 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 4096.5 (4102.3) -> 4095.9 (4103.5) MB, 3350.9 / 15.6 ms  (+ 175.9 ms in 16 steps since start of marking, biggest step 108.7 ms, walltime since start of marking 3567 ms) (average mu = 0.036, current mu = 0

<--- JS stacktrace --->

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: 0xa222f0 node::Abort() [hyp]
 2: 0x96411f node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [hyp]
 3: 0xb97f1e v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [hyp]
 4: 0xb98297 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [hyp]
 5: 0xd52fd5  [hyp]
 6: 0xd53b5f  [hyp]
 7: 0xd61beb v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [hyp]
 8: 0xd657ac v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawWithRetryOrFailSlowPath(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [hyp]
 9: 0xd33e5b v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, bool, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [hyp]
10: 0x107c5af v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [hyp]
11: 0x1423279  [hyp]

real    2m18.102s
user    4m57.573s
sys     1m21.883s

Watching htop the whole time, the highest I saw the memory usage go was up to 10% on this machine with 60GB of memory.

peermaps@vmi595217:~/data/peermaps/edb$ node -v
peermaps@vmi595217:~/data/peermaps/edb$ hyp --version

To reproduce, the data is also seeded to /ipfs/QmVCYUK51Miz4jEjJxCq3bA6dfq5FXD6s2EYp6LjHQhGmh

.datignore equivalent

Support for ignoring files and directories has been lost during the move from dat to hyper.

While there is support retained in Beaker browser, though that no longer uses .datignore it does retain a memory of what was ignore in a previous sync. Maybe this just needs a cli command to allow interaction with the ignore list for a hyperdrive, and for that list to be respected when running sync/diff.

Also see hyperspace-org/hyperdrive-service#7, and hypercore-protocol/hyperdrive-daemon#53

Syntax Error

I have installed, removed and reinstalled hyp and still getting same error. When installing, I receive several warnings about deprecated components. However it finishes install. Once I enter hyp daemon start or any other command beginning with hyp, I get the following. OS is KDE Neon 5.20.

import subcommand from 'subcommand'

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:723:23)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:12)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:623:3)```

Here are the warnings I get while installing.

```$ sudo npm install -g @hyperspace/cli
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: "Please update to latest v2.3 or v2.2"
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead
/usr/local/bin/hyp -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/bin/hyp.js

> [email protected] install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@hyperspace/cli/node_modules/fd-lock
> node-gyp-build```

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

hyp drive http default port clash with ipfs

ipfs uses 8080, so this is maybe not the best default port to use since the audience for ipfs and hyperdrive is very overlapping. 8080 is also a common port for local development.

Error while using `sync` to create a drive.

When I try to create a hyperdrive I get this error:

I don't now if it's an issue with hyperdrive itself, so I opened it here.
I'm running cmd as admin.
Os: windows 10 pro.

how to sync bee

hi here is my backend.js

const { Client } = require('hyperspace')
const HyperBee = require('hyperbee')
const { kvPairs : dictionaryPairs } = require('websters-english-dictionary')


async function start() {
const { corestore, replicate } = new Client()
const store = corestore()

const core = store.get({ name: 'dictionary' })

const db = new HyperBee(core, { keyEncoding: 'utf-8', valueEncoding: 'utf-8' })

const batch = db.batch()
for (const { key, value } of dictionaryPairs()) {
await batch.put(key, value)

await batch.flush()

//print bee key
console.log(' bee ', db.feed.key.toString('hex'))

// Now announce on hyp
await replicate(core)

when i am running this code its giving me a console a key on console :

I am seeding the above key as : hyp seed ba118da4eb768dde70d6c1e016ff5b26f3e97ef91ff097c9f21d7c4f8c4699e1

now on second server i am doing :: hyp sync ba118da4eb768dde70d6c1e016ff5b26f3e97ef91ff097c9f21d7c4f8c4699e1 ------ above line giving me error:
root@tower6:~# hyp sync ba118da4eb768dde70d6c1e016ff5b26f3e97ef91ff097c9f21d7c4f8c4699e1
Error: The hyper:// was expected to be a hyperdrive, got hyperbee

please help me how to seed and sync bee

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