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1. What Is HubPress?

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HubPress is a web application that makes it easy for you to maintain a blog. It provides the following features:

  • WYSIWYG editor for writing blog posts.

  • Backed by the power of AsciiDoc markup for tight control of content presentation to your requirements.

  • Administration console to customise many aspect of your blog’s content.

  • Disqus integration for blog comments.

  • Google Analytics integration to track visitor activity.

  • A number of different themes shipped with the product, ready to use.

Hosting for your blog is provided by GitHub Pages.

Your help with improving every aspect of HubPress is greatly appreciated. Pull Requests are always welcome. See How do I contribute a PR on the HubPress Knowledgebase to learn more about contributing.

2. Browser compatibility

HubPress is compatible with Chrome Desktop, Firefox Desktop, and Chrome for Android.

3. Getting started

3.1. Fork the repository

Click the Fork icon Fork to create a copy of this repository within your GitHub account.

3.2. Configure the correct branch

The GitHub branch you select is important, and choosing the incorrect one will cause issues with logging onto HubPress for the first time.

Read the next two sections carefully before choosing which branch and config.json file to edit.

3.2.1. I am not using my GitHub Pages domain for any other project

If you are not using your Pages domain you can use it to quickly set up HubPress.

With this method, only a few steps are required to get HubPress deployed and ready for use.

If you are currently using your [username] GitHub Pages domain for another project, or if you want to use a custom domain name, skip to the next procedure for instructions.
  1. Rename your repository to <username>

  2. Set values in hubpress/config.json

    Edit config

    The following parameters are mandatory:

    • username, which is your GitHub user name. For example janesmith.

    • repositoryName, which is the new name of the repository fork using the pattern

  3. Commit the changes, and open the GitHub Pages domain:

  4. The following screen indicates you have correctly configured HubPress

    Install complete

3.2.2. I am using my GitHub Pages domain already, or I want to use a custom domain

If you want your blog to be available on a custom domain, or you are already using your GitHub Pages domain to host another project, some extra configuration is required.

You need to set your blog up on a sub-domain of your GitHub Pages site.

  1. In the repository settings, set the default branch to gh-pages:

    Settings gh-pages
  2. Switch your repository to the gh-pages branch.

    Install complete

  3. Set the required values in hubpress/config.json

    Edit config

    The following parameters are mandatory:

    • username, which is your GitHub user name. For example janesmith.

    • repositoryName, which is the new name of the repository fork. For example,

  4. Commit the changes, and open the GitHub Pages domain:<repositoryName>/.

  5. The following screen indicates you have correctly configured HubPress

    Install complete

4. Getting first-run help

If you can’t get past the login screen, re-read the instructions above. You most likely have configured the wrong branch and will need to fix this before you can begin using HubPress.

Misconfiguration is the most common issue for folks when trying to log onto HubPress for the first time.

If you have double-checked the setup procedure, you can move to the next step: support.

First check HubPress Knowledgebase and use the search function to see if your problem has already been documented as an article.

If your issue is not covered by the Knowledgebase, join HubPress Slack and report the issue in #general.

5. How do I start blogging?

Now you have successfully configured HubPress, you can customise it by adding social network information, experiment with different themes, and make your HubPress blog your own.

You can find out how to use HubPress by reading the HubPress Knowledgebase, which is hosted by the team at

6. The HubPress team

Code by Anthonny Quérouil (Twitter - @anthonny_q).

English docs by Jared Morgan (Twitter - @jaredmorgs).

Translations (Japanese) by:

7. Supporting the project

HubPress is powered by 🍺, ☕ and 🍕.

Use the donation options in the HubPress Settings menu to say thanks: we really appreciate it.'s People


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Can not Post Blog

When I try to save my first blog post entry, I see

screen shot 2015-02-09 at 7 45 49 pm
and my console looks like

screen shot 2015-02-09 at 7 45 59 pm

I am authenticated correctly and I am using Google Chrome as Browser
Let me know @anthonny

[UX] [Settings] How to set Logo and Cover Image

Logo and Cover Image

What I've done is created an /Images/ directory in my repo, and put the full URL to the image. For the record, it did have a /blob/ in the URL, but I stripped that out thinking it was the issue.

The problem is the images are not loading. I'm not sure whether it is just an issue with the URL or not.

Any ideas @anthonny?

Better workflow for making themes

Currently making themes for Hubpress is quite difficult process. It's not an easy task to setup the Hubpress from Git repository on a local machine and get everything working.

It could be done using a boilerplate template, which has tools to debug and build the theme.

Add support for pages

It would be great if HubPress supported static pages. This would make it ideal for hosting project pages on GitHub

published_date setting isn't working

I have tried using the
:published_date: 2010-01-31

but the post still shows the current date as the published setting. What could be wrong?


Add Search to Themes

It would nice to have a search text box with something like Google search for the blog.

Change admin URL

Tags relevant: enhancement, minor

The title explains this well, but if it was possible to change the admin URL it might prevent Hubpress users from some attacks, which would use the default /hubpress URL.

tags link to 404

Tags added to posts are shown but links to the github 404 page.

Can't close the last toast message

In administration, I can't close the last toast message.

When I edit a blog post, the eye button to show the rendering of my blog post is hidden. It's a little bit annoying.

Error Occured on Publishing and saving

when i want to post the first time, just after i wrote down everything and intended to save and publish at that time error occured.

saving error -> an error occures see your console [remote save]

publishing error -> an error occures see your console [publishing]

any idea why?

Cannot login

screen shot 2015-02-09 at 17 06 31

I have 2 factor authentication enabled so after the first failure, I tried to make a token myself but it does not seem to work.

Any ideas?

Adding a ghost theme...

I'm wondering how you implement a Ghost theme in hubpress. I chose a theme: "Casper", download it, unzip it and then I put it in the folder: / Next I tried to apply it from the hubpress admin panel but It wasn't replacing my current theme which is casper with cactus, I looked in the console and saw a 404 error at theme.json, I created a theme.json file for the new theme (cactus).Next I saw again a 404 error to partials/loop.hbs so I removed it. Now I am at this stage:


  "files": {
    "comments": "partials/comments.hbs",
    "excerpts": "partials/excerpts.hbs",
    "index-meta": "partials/index-meta.hbs",
    "post-meta": "partials/post-meta.hbs",
    "share": "partials/share.hbs",
    "default": "default.hbs",
    "index": "index.hbs",
    "author": "author.hbs",
    "post": "post.hbs",
    "page": "page.hbs",
    "tag": "tag.hbs"

But hubpress isn't applying it cause:

Can someone translate to me what this error means?

how to delete post

I rm the post, but the hubpress dash still show the index and the post.

[Bug][UX] Switching Between Chrome Android Tabs Deletes Cached Setting Data

I've been switching between Chrome tabs copying links to populate the Social Media links.

When I returned to the HubPress Settings page, which was open between tab switching, the page refreshed, and the already entered info was all erased.

Using some lateral thinking, I tapped the Chrome back button and then reloaded the Settings page. The cached data returned and I was able to continue.

Is this a caching issue (like a timeout issue) on the settings config page?

Is there a way to pause the timer if the tab loses focus?

As a new user (who kind of knows that this type of stuff happens) it took me by surprise. I can guarantee that non-geek bloggers will freak out if they see this.

Could you put some sort of toast message that displays the editing time remaining?

Unauthorized access when posting & saving settings

Using a repository of a organization, where I have ownership, doesn't allow for POSTing content to Github—e.g. posting blog posts & saving settings.

I'll get the following output in console:

 PostsActionCreators - remoteSave
app.js:247 PostsActionCreators - remoteSave e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d
app.js:4824 SettingsStores - dispatcher
app.js:4825 SettingsStores - dispatcher Object {type: "REMOTESAVE_POST", id: "e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d"}
app.js:4434 AuthStores - dispatcher
app.js:4435 AuthStores - dispatcher Object {type: "REMOTESAVE_POST", id: "e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d"}
app.js:4892 ThemeStores - dispatcher
app.js:4893 ThemeStores - dispatcher Object {type: "REMOTESAVE_POST", id: "e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d"}
app.js:4579 PostsStores - dispatcher
app.js:4580 PostsStores - dispatcher Object {type: "REMOTESAVE_POST", id: "e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d"}
app.js:4321 AppStores - dispatcher
app.js:4322 AppStores - dispatcher Object {type: "REMOTESAVE_POST", id: "e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d"}
app.js:3929 PostsServices - remoteSave
app.js:3930 PostsServices - remoteSave e8496f95-eb3a-4bd5-9484-76ea708d5d3d GET 401 (Unauthorized)
app.js:310 PostsActionIDBCreators - receiveRemoteSave
app.js:311 PostsActionIDBCreators - receiveRemoteSave Object {message: Object}
app.js:4824 SettingsStores - dispatcher
app.js:4825 SettingsStores - dispatcher Object {type: "RECEIVE_REMOTESAVE", post: undefined, message: Object}
app.js:4434 AuthStores - dispatcher
app.js:4435 AuthStores - dispatcher Object {type: "RECEIVE_REMOTESAVE", post: undefined, message: Object}
app.js:4892 ThemeStores - dispatcher
app.js:4893 ThemeStores - dispatcher Object {type: "RECEIVE_REMOTESAVE", post: undefined, message: Object}
app.js:4579 PostsStores - dispatcher
app.js:4580 PostsStores - dispatcher Object {type: "RECEIVE_REMOTESAVE", post: undefined, message: Object}

I have registred and logged in with this account (fnky), which wasn't an issue.

Create a docs page.

I can't contribute too much to the project due to experience but I could write documentation for it. I started a wiki however an actual docs page may be the better route to take.

[Bug] Disque commenting

I installed a Disque account and gave my config the short name. The comment box is correctly displaying on my post but it requires me to log in despite enabling guest comments. Additionally, if I do try to log in, either through fb or disque, it still won't let me comment.

Thanks for any help.

[Chrome][UX] Can't seem to clear the last toast message

Unclearable Toast Message

I can't seem to clear the toast message from the Settings console. I can clear all other toast messages bu this one. When I exit the settings menu, the toast remains.

Persistent Toast Message

This wasn't happening on Chrome Android last night.

Chrome Version 40.0.2214.91 (64-bit) is what I'm using (Fedora 21)

Themes not fully compatible

The post pages generated from the .adoc files are not really compatible with the Ghost themes.
The uno theme in particular is completely broken: I only get a full screen cover image with the title, with no links to the posts (Chrome 40).

I guess this comes from using themes from Ghost that expect markdown-generated html ?
Not sure if this is really an issue for hubpress to fix, but if it could somehow be completely compatible with the Ghost themes, that would be awesome

Related: Would it be possible to have a theme that renders post just like the editor preview? It looks great !

Synchronization Grammar Changes

On line 4306:

 content: "The synchronization is ended"

should probably say something like:

 content: "Synchronization is complete"

as it's more grammatically correct and better explains the action taking place.

rss feed

How do we setup the rss feed for the blog? I didn't see it in the documentation or the settings. Could it be set to feedburner?


Error when creating a new post

Remote save
An error has occurred, see your console for more informations.

Same error occurs when I click the console icon.

[Docs] Minor change to README.adoc

Hey there @anthonny

Just noticed a really small issue with the Own Domain/GH Pages instruction set.

Step 3 reuses the same image from the "untouched GitHub Pages" instructions, which shows the master branch. It should show the gh-pages branch in the screenshot.


I wanted to change this for you, but I'd have to re-checkout the repo, and make the minor change. Could I trouble you to take the screenshot and do the minor tweak. No extra words should be required. Just the screenshot.

It actually confused me not having the correct branch selected in the screenshot, so we should fix it.

(hah, "we" should fix it). ;)

Don't create CNAME file with undefined value

When you edit your settings and don't add a CNAME value, there is a new CNAME file on the repository with undefined value inside.

After that, for each build, github send a message :

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

Bad CNAME format: undefined

For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:

If you have any questions please contact us at

If you add a CNAME value and after remove this value, the file is deleted and a new save on settings don't create a new CNAME file.

the post title can not use chinese

if I set the post title to chinese, hubpress will generate ".html" , if post title is not chinese , that ok . pupress is great , I love it very much . But how can I sove this problem ?

[Enhancement] [Editor] Pop-out AsciiDoc Cheat Sheet

I was originally going to suggest putting in some snippet buttons into the UI, but what might be better would be to include a basic AsciiDoc CheatSheet directly in the app. Maybe pop it over the editor window so folks can look at the code view and copy paste the samples directly into their blog post.

Or even cooler would be to have a button beside each one that copied and pasted the code wherever the cursor was in the code view. 😄

Add GUI to add images

For now there's no way to add internal images to posts, so the web interface isn't really sufficient to really edit a blog (need to upload to github or from git).
A good old "upload file" dialog would be awesome.

Login screen isn't working

Hey! I've followed the instructions, but when I go to, I get a loading screen. It just keeps doing this. What did I do wrong?
screenshot 2015-02-12 at 5 51 28 pm

[Cross Device][UX] Refresh Issues with Settings When Connecting On Separate Devices

This morning, I've been doing most of my config on my Laptop.

Just out of curiosity, I logged back into my tablet instance, and noticed a bug.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log onto the PC and open settings
  2. Change the summary or something obvious.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Log onto tablet and open settings
  5. Observe results

Actual results

The settings you changed on the PC are not automatically synced when you first open the settings. You need to refresh the page to get the PC settings merged into the tablet settings.

Expected results

When you authenticate again and open settings, a refresh trigger is automatically called to get the latest info.

[Enhancement] Page creation

That could be really useful. You could add integrated pages (edited like blog entry) or additional links, pointing to other repos or inside the hubpress repo.

[Bug] Google Analytics not installed

Checking the index.html shows the script code at the bottom of the file. However according to Google Analytics sight, it has not been installed correctly.

Organization blogs?


I couldn't log in, and then, poking around in the console, I realized that the API is trying to hit


In my case, that doesn't work since the username is me and the repository lives under the organization.

If someone wanted to point me in a direction, I could add some code?


For now I'll leave it on my repo - but moving it to the organization, and letting others write to it, etc. would be mighty nice!

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