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ogre's build succeeds even when some of the required dependencies are not met (e.g. freeimage) (ros-pkg ticket #4324)

Yesterdaym I installed ROS svn on my laptop and played some bag files provided to me and visualized the data on rviz.
First time user, fresh instalation, everything worked perfectly. Bravo ROS team !

That was done on a Ubuntu 9.10 32bits setup.

Today I tried to do the same thing on a Fedora 13 64bits. I got everything to compile and run as expected. However I get a runtime crash of rviz.

As soon as I add a camera display I get the following crash:

[FATAL] [1280846447.149778457]: ASSERTION FAILED
file = /users/visics/rbenenso/code/references/ros/pkgs/visualization/rviz/src/rviz/displays_panel.cpp
line = 474
cond = it != display_map_.end()

Any idea of what is going on ?

Thanks for ROS and let us keep the reproducible robotics research moving forward !

trac data:

ogre_tools fails to build with Boost 1.46.1 (ros-pkg ticket #4924)

Gives the following error:

[ 89%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/bin/stl_to_mesh.dir/src/stl_to_mesh/stl_to_mesh.o
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre_tools/src/stl_to_mesh/stl_to_mesh.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char*_)':
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre_tools/src/stl_to_mesh/stl_to_mesh.cpp:104:67: error: no match for 'operator+' in
'std::operator+(const std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>&, const CharT) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits,
_Alloc = std::allocator](%28%28const char*%29"/"%29) + boost::filesystem3::path::filename() const()'

Breaks due to the new API, see

Patch attached.

trac data:

Plugin_CgProgramManager not found in ogre package deb (ros-pkg ticket #5059)

I'm getting the following error when trying to run the diamondback version of rviz installed from debs on my home machine:

[ERROR] [1310591517.976549166]: Caught exception while loading: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library Plugin_CgProgramManager. System Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-visualization-common-1.4.1/debian/ros-diamondback-visualization-common/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-1/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 91)

All I did was an apt-get install of visualization. Is there something that I'm missing? The CTurtle version of rviz works just fine on this machine.

trac data:

Ogre ROS pkg, OS X x64_86 Patch (ros-pkg ticket #4788)

I have managed to get ROS's ogre package to compile on OS X, which lets ogre_tools compile and gets rviz a little closer to compiling.

I used the patch on this orgre forum post and modified a few lines in it:

I attached an ogre pkg patch that adds this modified patch for ogre and adds it to the tarball_patches in the make file for the ROS package.

I have not tested this patch on linux, or actually using rviz, so I don't know if it has any adverse effects. I will follow up post about the linking error I am getting with rviz soon.

trac data:

rxbag can't plot sensor_msgs/Image (ros-pkg ticket #4532)

It complains of a missing header field:
watts@ckb:/u/ve/data/binpick/50$ rxbag corn_holder.bag
Error notifying listener <class 'rxbag_plugins.image_view.ImageView'>: '_sensor_msgs__Image' object has no attribute 'header'
Error notifying listener <class 'rxbag_plugins.image_view.ImageView'>: '_sensor_msgs__Image' object has no attribute 'header'

I added a print statement to print the image message, it doesn't look like its going through ("IMAGE MSG:" above).

rosbag info seems to like this bag file:
path: corn_holder.bag
version: 2.0
duration: 11:06s (666s)
start: Oct 13 2010 22:56:59.70 (1287035819.70)
end: Oct 13 2010 23:08:05.85 (1287036485.85)
size: 1.1 GB
messages: 44054
compression: none [381/381 chunks]
types: dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage/PanTiltStamped [a3f5136442fde435cbd84e5a0577ff74]
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo [1b5cf7f984c229b6141ceb3a955aa18f]
sensor_msgs/Image [060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743]
tf/tfMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
topics: /dp_ptu47/pan_tilt_status_stamped 12287 msgs @ 20.8 Hz : dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage/PanTiltStamped
/narrow_stereo/left/camera_info 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
/narrow_stereo/left/image_raw 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/Image
/narrow_stereo/right/camera_info 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
/narrow_stereo/right/image_raw 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/Image
/narrow_stereo_textured/left/camera_info 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
/narrow_stereo_textured/left/image_raw 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/Image
/narrow_stereo_textured/right/camera_info 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
/narrow_stereo_textured/right/image_raw 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/Image
/prosilica/camera_info 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
/prosilica/image_raw 188 msgs @ 0.3 Hz : sensor_msgs/Image
/tf 29887 msgs @ 50.6 Hz : tf/tfMessage


trac data:

Requirement for nvidia-cg-toolkit in ogre prevents installation on ARMHF (ros-pkg ticket #5490)

Trying to install ROS Fuerte on Debian Wheezy ARMHF architecture(Raspberry Pi). So far the biggest problem is the fact that OGRE makefile expects nvidia-cg-toolkit to be installed. And there is no nvidia-cg-toolkit for ARMHF. Any way of taking the dependency out?
I tried deleting the nvidia dependencies from the manifest.xml file , and added an "exit 0" to the script avoided nvidia toolkit detection now the error is : BUILD FAILED:, buildfailure logs attached
If you need more info let me know!

trac data:

ogre_tools needs to set some osx cocoa specific parameters (ros-pkg ticket #5153)

When using the wxCocoa support with Ogre on OSX, you need to specify a few parameters for the window handles to be properly cast.

This patch defaults the macAPI to cocoa and the macAPICocoaUseNSView to true when WX_COCOA is defined.

This has been tested and works on OS X 10.7 Lion. I have not yet tested this on Linux, but it shouldn't make a difference since WX_COCOA shouldn't be defined on Linux.

Also, there was a random ROS_INFO("move") in there...

trac data:

Ogre won't build because of missing nVidia libraries (ros-pkg ticket #4057)

I ran rosdep install ogre, and it failed to build on PRK. I was building ogre only because is was a dependency of pr2_self_test.

checking for FreeImage_Load in -lfreeimage... yes
configure: Freeimage is being built, disabling check for DevIL.
checking for cgCreateProgram in -lCg... no
configure: error:
* You do not have the nVidia Cg libraries installed. *
* Go to *
* (Click on Cg_Linux.tar.gz). *
* You can disable the building of Cg support by providing *
* --disable-cg to this configure script but this is highly *
* discouraged as this breaks many of the examples. *
make[1]: *** [build/ogre-v1-6-3/Makefile] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/pr/1/wgtest/ros/stacks/visualization_common/ogre'
make: *** [ogre] Error 2

I made sure to use the --rosdep-install option, and I "make wipe"'d the ogre directory.

I'm using visualization common 1.1.0

To duplicate:

  • Log in to PRK as wgtest
  • rosmake pr2_self_test or roscd ogre; make

trac data:

OGRE fails to properly detect the Cg plugin on OS X in the Makefile (ros-pkg ticket #5132)

If you build OGRE on OS X properly the build will still fail with this error:

macbook-di-luca:ogre luca$ rosmake --rosdep-install --pre-clean
[ rosmake ] No package specified. Building ['ogre']
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['ogre']
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory/Users/luca/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110825-111203
[ rosmake ] Expanded args ['ogre'] to:
[ rosmake ] Generating Install Script using rosdep then executing. This may take a minute, you will be prompted for permissions. . .
Failed to find rosdep nvidia-cg for package ogre on OS:macports version:macports
WARNING: Rosdeps [u'nvidia-cg'] could not be resolved
rosdep executing this script:
set -o errexit

No packages to install

[ rosmake ] rosdep successfully installed all system dependencies
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> ogre [ make clean ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< ogre [PASS] [ 54.18 seconds ]
[ rosmake ] Starting >>> tools/rospack
[ rosmake ] Finished <<< tools/rospack
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> ogre [ make ]
[ rosmake ] Last 40 linesre: 928.2 sec ] [ 1 Active 0/1 Complete ]
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderMaterialSerializerListener.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderProgramProcessor.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderCGProgramProcessor.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderCGProgramWriter.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderGLSLProgramProcessor.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderGLSLProgramWriter.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderProgramWriterManager.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderHLSLProgramProcessor.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderHLSLProgramWriter.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/ExampleApplication.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/ExampleFrameListener.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/ExampleLoadingBar.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/FileSystemLayer.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/OgreStaticPluginLoader.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/Sample.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/SampleContext.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/SamplePlugin.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/SdkCameraMan.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/SdkSample.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/include/OGRE/SdkTrays.h
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/bin/OgreXMLConverter
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/bin/OgreMeshUpgrader
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/FindOIS.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/FindOGRE.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/FindPkgMacros.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/PreprocessorUtils.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/OgreConfigTargets.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/OgreGetVersion.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/OgreFindFrameworks.cmake
-- Installing: /Users/luca/Software/ros/diamondback/visualization_common/ogre/ogre/CMake/FindIOKit.cmake
Showing first 200 notices only


rm -rf ogre/lib/Ogre.framework
mv ogre/lib/RelWithDebInfo/Ogre.framework ogre/lib
touch installed_osx
BUILD FAILED: not created. Is nvidia-cg-toolkit installed?
[ rosmake ] Output from build of package ogre written to: [ 1 Active 0/1 Complete ]
[ rosmake ] /Users/luca/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110825-111203/ogre/build_output.log
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< ogre [FAIL] [ 928.19 seconds ]
[ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package ogre.
[ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete.
[ rosmake ] Results:
[ rosmake ] Cleaned 1 packages.
[ rosmake ] Built 1 packages with 1 failures.
[ rosmake ] Summary output to directory
[ rosmake ] /Users/luca/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110825-111203
Borrowed from Luca's question on

The make file needs to be updated to check for a dylib in a different path on OS X.

Patch is attached.

trac data:

visualization_common/rosdep.yaml patch to enable building rviz on Fedora 12 (ros-pkg ticket #4098)

The attached patch, in combination with the one already attached to, allows rosdep to resolve the dependencies of rviz on Fedora 12.

Note that, due to its non-free status, Cg isn't part of the official Fedora repositories. I've had to enable the rpmfusion-nonfree repository to work around this.



trac data:

Updated version of Ogre3d for better OS X support (ros-pkg ticket #5142)

I have changed the ogre version to 1.7.3 from 1.7.1 in ogre ROS pkg. This version has better OS X x86_64 support, and seems to incorporate the patches in the ogre pkg, but this needs confirming. This version builds better on OS X, but I have to disable building the tools, because of a build error there, but I think that is ok as ROS doesn't use those tools to my knowledge (Looking for input there).

Attached patch is for visualization_common-1.6.0.

trac data:

ogre_tools, gold (ros-pkg ticket #3376)

Patch to make ogre_tools compile with ld gold

Index: CMakeLists.txt

--- CMakeLists.txt (revision 26110)
+++ CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@

rosbuild_add_executable(bin/stl_to_mesh src/stl_to_mesh/stl_to_mesh.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(bin/stl_to_mesh ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_NAME})
+target_link_libraries(bin/stl_to_mesh ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_NAME} X11)
rosbuild_link_boost(bin/stl_to_mesh filesystem system)

rosbuild_add_gtest_future(test/utest test/utest.cpp)

trac data:

include stdint.h in ogre_tools/stl_loader.h (ros-pkg ticket #2952)

to build with gcc 4.4, stdint.h needs to be included in ogre_tools/stl_loader.h. Patch:

[mquigley@codebot4 ogre_tools]$ svn diff

Index: src/ogre_tools/stl_loader.h

--- src/ogre_tools/stl_loader.h (revision 24553)
+++ src/ogre_tools/stl_loader.h (working copy)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <OGRE/OgreMesh.h>

+#include <stdint.h>

namespace ogre_tools

trac data:

nvidia-cg-toolkit package does not get installed reliably during debbuilds (ros-pkg ticket #5068)

Bug #5059 (Plugin_CgProgramManager not found in ogre package deb) was caused by the debian package nvidia-cg-toolkit not reliably installing, even when apt-get install returns success.

That bug was closed because we pushed out some successful builds, but we need to beef up the build so it does not randomly fail.

Only affects Lucid. Later versions of nvidia-cg-toolkit work differently and don't fail.

Proposed solution: copy the relevant files into the visualization_common stack and have the visualization_common/ogre/Makefile force them to be installed if they aren't already.

trac data:

Orge + Boost Upgrade == Bad (ros-pkg ticket #3335)

I built and ran gazebo and RViz on my home PC, running Karmic. It all went fine, ogre built, boost ran, etc. However, boost was recently upgraded (in apt) to version 1.38. This caused everything to stop working, because none of boost libraries (whose names include the version number), could be found. As a result, I had to do a make clean and make in every ogre package in the tree. It seems like the ros ogre package does not detect library changes and rebuild appropriately.

trac data:

python_qt_bindings gives misleading error message if import of a Qt binding sub-module failes (ros-pkg ticket #5431)

I.e. when staring rosgui and the package python-qt4-gl is not installed, it fails with the error message:
Could not find Qt binding (looked for "pyqt, pyside")
even though python-qt4 is installed and only a sub-module is missing.
It would be much more helpful to collect and display all the actual import error that were produced in the 'pyqt' and 'pyside' functions.

trac data:

rviz Deb package install crashes after latest update (ros-pkg ticket #5060)

After updating to latest deb packages (2011-Jul-13) I am no longer able to run rviz because of the following error:

rosrun rviz rviz Failed to initialize Ogre: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library Plugin_CgProgramManager. System Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-visualization-common-1.4.1/debian/ros-diamondback-visualization-common/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-1/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 91) [ERROR] [1310593564.582738972]: Caught exception while loading: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library Plugin_CgProgramManager. System Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-visualization-common-1.4.1/debian/ros-diamondback-visualization-common/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-1/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 91)

Removal and reinstall of ros-diamondback-visualization and ros-diamondback-visualization-common do not fix the issue.

The same problem can be seen reported here:

a similar issue was reported here in the past where a wipe and rebuild was the solution:

My suspicion is that this issue cropped up when the package was built and was pushed out to the repos

trac data:

Non-existing directories in manifest's cflags export (ros-pkg ticket #4706)

See #ros3217

visualization_msgs exports cpp flags in its manifest to directories which don't exist anymore. (Just tested against the latest cturtle release) The no-longer necessary export flags create lots of warning when building dependant packages e.g. in the Eclipse IDE.

"roswtf --all" lists all affected packages.

trac data:

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