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garfield's Introduction

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Garfield: Genetic Association by Random Forest and InterpretivE Logic Decisions


Conventional genetic association analysis often assumes a single causal factor underlying each locus in an additive manner. While this simplifies modeling and aids in findings (a lot), it may not capture the true complexity of genetic architecture. Garfield integrates variable selection through random forest and interpretation via logic gates, with the goal to identify heterogeneity or other interactions involving multiple variants.

Table of Contents


Before installation, make sure Perl, R, and Plink, v1.9 have been already installed and added to $PATH. Check by which perl, which R, and which plink, and the specific paths should be correctly returned.

Download and install locally

git clone [email protected]:heroalone/Garfield.git
cd Garfield
perl; source ~/.bashrc

Type which Garfield and the path should be returned; otherwise, run below manually:

export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:$currentdir/lib" >> ~/.bashrc;
export PATH="$PATH:$currentdir" >> ~/.bashrc;
source ~/.bashrc


The following dependencies are required and will be installed:

Perl modules (perl ≥ 5 should always work, while v5.32.1 is used in the present study):
  - [Pod::Usage](
  - [Getopt::Long::Subcommand](
  - [Parallel::ForkManager](

R packages (R ≥ 3.1 should work, while v3.5.1 is used in the present study):
  - [genio](
  - [ranger](
  - [logicFS](

Test the success of installation

Garfield Gene --genotype ./example/test.genotype \
--trait ./example/test.trait.txt \
--bed ./example/test.geneAnno.bed \
--extension 20000 \
--outdir ./test \
--temporary ./tmp \
--prefix test \
--threads 1

You should got the message below and two files in the test folder: "Garfield.bestDNF.test.txt" and bash"Garfield.Geno.test.tped".

DONE! running time:  x wallclock secs ( x usr x sys +  x cusr  x csys =  x CPU)
  /\_/\    ~~~ MEOW ~~~
 ( o.o )
  > ^ <

and to see detailed help info at any time: Garfield -h or Garfield Gene -h.

Preparation of Input Files

Phenotype [--trait|-t <file>]

The phenotype input is a 3-column space-delimited file: FAM_ID, IND_ID, and phenotype_values

111 111 0
222 222 1
333 333 0

Note: The program by default treats negative values as missing ("NA") and corresponding samples are removed in further analysis, which can be retaind with --keep_negative 0.

It is highly recommended to remove all missing phenotypes in advance and it is necessarily to maintain sample order between genotype and phenotype files.

Genotype [--genotype|-g <file>]

The genotype should be in PLINK binary format: file.bed, file.bim and file.fam. You can easily convert other formats into it, for example from VCF:

plink --vcf input.vcf.gz \
--keep sample_overlap_with_trait.txt \
--indiv-sort file test_trait.txt \
--maf 0.02 --make-bed \
--out prefix_output
  • --vcf : filename of input vcf
  • --keep : only keep listed samples in the given file, with family IDs in the first column and within-family IDs in the second column
  • --indiv-sort: specify how samples should be sorted in the genotype, here the 'file' mode is used to take the order in the specify file "test_trait.txt". For other modes please see here.
  • --maf : filters out all variants with minor allele frequency below this provided threshold, default 0.01
  • --out : specify the prefix for the output file. Here the output will be prefix_output.bed, prefix_output.bim, and prefix_output.fam. see more options in plink docs.

Note: Missing genotypes are disallowed (in both random forest and logic regression analyses), please use various imputation methods in advance to make 100% genotyping rates. See Beagle used in our study. It's also suggested to filter out genotypes with high initial missing rates after the imputation, since the accuracy rates of which are generally not very high.

Other input files required by specific mode(s)

BED (Browser Extensible Data) file

--bed <file.bed> : Not to be confused with plink genotype bed file. The BED file here contains coordinates of each gene, with the first four columns as [chrom start end gene_id]. Chrom IDs (1 or chr1, etc) must match genotype file.

fai index or genome file

--faidx <file.fai> : The .fai (fasta index) or .genome file contains coordinates for each chromosome, with the first two columns as [chrom length].

Gene set file

--geneset <gene.set> : Tab-delimited text file listing two or more gene IDs per row that will be analyzed together.

variant list (e.g. GWAS peaks)

--INDpeak <gwaspeak.list> : A list of one-column markers, which should be present in the genotype .bim file.


Additional parameters in addition to above inputs:

  • --extension|-e <int> : Extension of intervals for each flanking of gene. [Default: 50000]

  • --outdir|-o <string> : Specify the directory of outputs. [Default: ./]

  • --prefix|-p <string> : Specify the prefix of output pseudo-genotypes. [Default: genotype_phenotype_subcommand]

  • --temporary|-tmp <string> : Specify the temporary directory for intermediate processing. [Default: ./tmp]

  • --threads|-@ <int> : Specify the threads that can be used. [Default: 1]

  • --window|-w <int> : Window size of each sliding window. [Default: 50000]

  • --step|-s <int> : Step size of each sliding window. [Default: 25000]

  • --INDpeak <gwaspeak.list> : A list of markers, only one column and the name should be present in the genotype .bim file.

  • --rmLD2peak|-rm <float> : Variants that show LD r2 above this level with that of the provided variant list are excluded. [Default: 0.3]

  • --LDprune_rsq|-prune <float> : Variant pruning is applied based on the given LD r2 threshold here (and the --indep-pairwise 10 3 r2 in plink with be applied); set to 1 to cancel this pruning process. [Default: 0.9]

  • --keep_negative|-keep : Taking negative trait values as missing, o(zero) ==> no, 1 ==> yes [Default: 1].

  • --help|-h : Show detailed documentation locally, which can be run with Garfield --help or Garfield <subcomand> --help.

Usage & Examples

Garfield includes 4 subcommands:

Gene (based on genes, each with extending 20Kb flanking regions)


Garfield Gene --genotype ./example/test.genotype \
--trait ./example/test.trait.txt \
--bed ./example/test.geneAnno.bed \
--extension 20000 \
--outdir ./test \
--temporary ./tmp \
--prefix test \
--threads 1

Window (based on sliding windows, with window size of 50Kb and step 20Kb)

Garfield Window --genotype input \
--trait phenotype.txt \
--outdir output \
--temporary ./tmp \
--prefix window.trait.test \
--threads 5 \
--faidx fasta.fai \
--window 50000 \
--step 20000

GeneSet (based on gene sets, each gene extended flanking 20Kb)

Garfield GeneSet --genotype input \
--trait phenotype.txt \
--outdir output \
--temporary ./tmp \
--prefix geneSet.trait.test \
--threads 2 \
--bed gene.bed \
--geneset genepairs.txt \
--extension 20000

Ghost (analyze potential synthetic association using genotype as phenotype for given variants)


Garfield Ghost --genotype ./example/test.human1000 \
--INDpeak ./example/test.peak.list \
--extension 100000 \
--rmLD2peak 0.3 \
--LDprune_rsq 0.9 \
--outdir output.gwas \
--temporary tmp.gwas \
--prefix test_SA \
--threads 1

Understanding of Outputs

Two outcomes produced from Garfield: the pseudo-genotypes Garfield.Geno.*.tped (plink transposed PED format) and Garfield.bestDNF.*.txt descrbing the disjunctive normal form (DNF) of each pseudo-genotype.

The DNF output

is a 3-column tab-delimited file: chrom, marker ID, and DNF. For example:

10  trait.10_17000_18000_10.17 rs22 & !rs66

This indicates the likely presence of heterogeneity between variants of rs22 and rs66. In this expression, the allele 1 of rs22 and the allele 0 of rs66 would lead to allele 1 in the pseudo-genotype, while all the other allelic combinations of rs22 and rs66 consist of allele 0 of the pseudo-genotype.

The .tped genotype file

2N+4 space-delimited, where N represents the sample size. Each row is for one variant, with the first four fields [chrom, marker_ID, genetic position (cM, mark 0 if unknown), genomic/physical coordinate], and the following each two fields are genotypes for each sample listed in the .tfam file. The genomic positions are all 1 by default, you can modify it by one of the marker or the start of each gene/window. Here's an example for two variants in four samples:

10 trait.10_17000_18000_10.17 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
10 trait.10_18000_19000_10.18 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

The .tfam file must be accompanied by this .tped, please copy and replace the raw .fam/.tfam file with the same base name as .tped, this can only happen when the sample order is identical between genotype and phenotype files. Then this genotype can be used directly in association mapping, or loaded into plink with --tfile, to caculate the LD with other variants and so forth.

association mapping with EMMAX

emmax -t BASE_of_tped \
-k file_of_kinship \
-c file_of_pca \
-p file_of_trait \
-o prefix_of_output \
-d 3

How to cite

A paper describing the current study is under preparation.

Warranty and License

Please acknowledge and agree that the software is provided AS IS without warranty.

Garfield is released under the GPLv3 license. See the separate license file for details. Briefly, it allows copying and distribution with attribution and requiring derivative works also be open source.


Feedbacks, comments, issues or ideas to improve Garfield are highly welcome. Several ways to contribute:


For questions or comments, please contact Dr. Haijun Liu: [email protected] I'm also excited to hear about any new findings you may have using this software, DO let me know!

Submit Issues

You can report any problems, bugs or feature requests on GitHub issues.

Contribute Code

Contribute code by forkingand submitting a pull request. Any contributions, large or small, are greatly appreciated. You may also reach out to be added as a collaborator.

Spread the Word

Support the project by telling others, and consider citing our upcoming paper or mentioning Garfield in your publications and presentations.

Q & A

  • I'm sure all the perl modules are installed sucessfully, but still got Can't locate *.pm in @INC error.

    We tried to add the module PATH into your system, obvioursly it's failed, please try to:

    1. add use lib '/path/to/your/module/directory'; into Garfield file under use strict;;
    2. add the path into @INC with echo 'export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/path/to/Garfield/lib' >> ~/.bashrc and source ~/.bashrc ;
    3. or simply to run it by specifying the library path with -I parameter, try: perl -I /path/to/Garfield/lib /path/to/Garfield/Garfiled Gene -h

garfield's People


heroalone avatar



garfield's Issues

problems with install

No instances of Garfield to run after install,

even that it reports that all dependencies are correctly installed , dont manage to call Garfield from the path.

i am running R 4.4 so I had to install logicFS via

still sending error below.

do you have a docker container by any chance?

use cpanm at: /usr/local/bin/cpanm

Usage: cpanm [options] Module [...]

Try cpanm --help or man cpanm for more options.
sh: 2: --local-lib=~/perl5: not found
Perl module Benchmark is already installed.
Perl module FindBin is already installed.
Perl module File::Spec is already installed.
Perl module Pod::Usage is already installed.
Perl module Getopt::Long::Subcommand is already installed.
Perl module Fcntl is already installed.
Perl module Parallel::ForkManager is already installed.
Rscript found in the PATH.
Installing R libraries
'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
'help("repositories", package = "BiocManager")' for details.
Replacement repositories:
Bioconductor version 3.20 (BiocManager 1.30.23), R 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
Old packages: 'codetools', 'lattice', 'MASS', 'Matrix', 'mgcv', 'nlme',
'spatial', 'survival'
Warning message:
package(s) not installed when version(s) same as or greater than current; use
force = TRUE to re-install: 'logicFS'
Required R packages have been successfully installed!

All dependencies have been satisfied.
Now you can take Garfield on your journey!

██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗███████╗██╗ ██████╗
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/_/\ ~~~ MEOW ~~~
( o.o )

^ <

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