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hebcal's Introduction

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A perpetual Jewish Calendar

by Danny Sadinoff (portions by Michael J. Radwin)


Hebcal is a program which prints out the days in the Jewish calendar for a given Gregorian year. Hebcal is fairly flexible in terms of which events in the Jewish calendar it displays. Each of the following can be individualy turned on or off:

  • The Hebrew date
  • Jewish Holidays (including Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom HaShoah etc.)
  • The weekly Sedrah
  • The day of the week
  • The days of the Omer


usage: hebcal [options] [[ month [ day ]] year | YYYY-MM-DD ]
       hebcal help
       hebcal info
       hebcal cities
       hebcal warranty
       hebcal copying

Hebcal prints out Hebrew calendars one solar year at a time. By specifying month, day, or year, output can be limited to a particular month or date in a particular year.

Note that year is usually a four-digit integer, so 92 is during the Roman period, not the late twentieth century. If the Hebrew dates option (-H) is turned on, this number represents the Jewish calendar year.

month is a number from 1..12, or the name of a Jewish calendar month. day is a number from 1..31.

A single day may also be specified as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 date format).

For example, the command hebcal 10 1992 will print out the holidays occurring in October of 1992 C.E., while the command hebcal Tish 5752 will print dates of interest in the month of Tishrei in Jewish calendar year 5752.

If no year is specified, hebcal will print to stdout the dates of the Jewish holidays in the current secular year.

For example, hebcal -ho will just print out the days of the omer for the current year.


General options

Option Description
--help Show help text
--version Show version number

Input Options

Option Description
-H, --hebrew-date Use Hebrew date ranges - only needed when e.g. hebcal -H 5373
-I, --infile INFILE Get non-yahrtzeit Hebrew user events from specified file. The format is: mmm dd string, Where mmm is a Hebrew month name.
-t, --today Only output for today's date
-T, --today-brief Print today's pertinent information, no Gregorian date.
-X, --exit-if-chag Exit silently with non-zero status if today is Shabbat or Chag; exit with 0 status if today is chol.
-Y, --yahrtzeit YAHRTZEIT Get yahrtzeit dates from specified file. The format is: mm dd yyyy string. The first three fields specify a Gregorian date.

Output Options

Option Description
-8 Use UTF-8 Hebrew (alias for --lang=he).
-a, --ashkenazi Use Ashkenazi Hebrew transliterations (alias for --lang=ashkenazi).
--chag-only Output only Chag and Erev Chag events (when melakha/labor is prohibited)
-d, --add-hebrew-dates print the Hebrew date for the entire date range.
-D, --add-hebrew-dates-for-events print the Hebrew date for dates with some events
-e, --euro-dates Output "European" dates -- DD.MM.YYYY format.
-E, --24hour Output 24-hour times (e.g. 18:37 instead of 6:37).
-F, --daf-yomi Output the Daf Yomi (Bavli) for the entire date range.
-g, --iso-8601 Output ISO 8601 dates -- YYYY-MM-DD (this overrides -y)
-h, --no-holidays Suppress default holidays.
-i, --israeli Use Israeli holiday and sedra schedule.
--lang LANG Use ISO 639-1 LANG code (one of ashkenazi, ashkenazi_litvish, ashkenazi_poylish, ashkenazi_romanian, ashkenazi_standard, de, es, fi, fr, he, hu, pl, ro, ru, uk)
--mevarchim Include Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh.
--mishna-yomi Output the Mishna Yomi for the entire date range.
-M, --molad Print the molad on shabbat mevorchim.
--nach-yomi Output the Nach Yomi for the entire date range.
--no-mf Suppress minor fast days.
--no-modern Suppress modern Israeli holidays.
--no-special Suppress Special Shabbatot.
-o, --omer Add days of the omer.
-O, --sunrise-and-sunset Output sunrise and sunset times every day.
-r, --tabs Tab delineated format.
-s, --sedrot Add weekly sedrot on Saturday.
--schottenstein Use Schottenstein edition of Yerushalmi Yomi
-S, --daily-sedra Print sedrah of the week on all calendar days.
--verbose Verbose mode, currently used only for --exit-if-chag
-w, --weekday Add day of the week.
-W, --abbreviated Weekly view. Omer, dafyomi, and non-date-specific zemanim are shown once a week, on the day which corresponds to the first day in the range.
-x, --no-rosh-chodesh Suppress Rosh Chodesh.
-y, --year-abbrev Print only last two digits of year.
--years N Generate events for N years (default 1)
--yerushalmi Output the Yerushalmi Yomi for the entire date range.
--ykk Include Yom Kippur Katan, minor day of atonement occurring monthly on the day preceding each Rosh Chodesh

Options related to candle-lighting times

Option Description
-b, --candle-mins mins Set candle-lighting to occur this many minutes before sundown. Default 18 if unspecified (default 40 for Jerusalem, 30 for Haifa, 30 for Zichron Ya'akov).
-c, --candlelighting Print candlelighting times.
-C, --city city Set latitude, longitude, and timezone according to specified city. This option implies the -c option.
--geo LATITUDE,LONGITUDE Set location for solar calculations to decimal values LATITUDE and LONGITUDE. Negative longitudes are WEST of the Prime Meridian.
-G, --havdalah-deg DEGREES Set Havdalah to occur this many degrees below the horizon
-l, --latitude XX,YY Set the latitude for solar calculations to XX degrees and YY minutes. Negative values are south. Deprecated: use --geo instead.
-L, --longitude XX,YY Set the longitude for solar calculations to XX degrees and YY minutes. Negative values are EAST. The -l and -L switches must both be used, or not at all. These switches override the -C (localize to city) switch. Deprecated: use --geo instead.
-m, --havdalah-mins MINS Set havdalah to occur this many minutes after sundown
-z, --timezone timezone Use specified timezone, overriding the -C (localize to city) switch. For correct DST rules, use a full timezone name (such as America/New_York) instead of a timezone abbreviation (such as EST)
-Z, --zmanim Add zemanim (Alot HaShachar; Misheyakir; Kriat Shema, sof zeman; Tefilah, sof zeman; Chatzot hayom; Mincha Gedolah; Mincha Ketanah; Plag HaMincha; Tzait HaKochavim)

Candle-lighting and fast start/end times

Hebcal’s candlelighting times are only approximations. If you ever have any doubts about its times, consult your local halachic authority. If you enter geographic coordinates above the arctic circle or antarctic circle, the times are guaranteed to be wrong.

In addition to candle-lighting on Erev Shabbat and Chag, the -c switch also generates Havdalah and fast start/end times.

By default, candle-lighting times are 18 minutes before sunset (see -b option above for exceptions).

Chanukah candle-lighting times are at bein hashmashos (13.5 minutes before a solar depression of 7.083 degrees) on weekdays. Chanukah candles are lit just before Shabbat candles on Friday, and immediately after Havdalah on Saturday night.

Havdalah time defaults to 72 minutes after sunset (Rabbeinu Tam). Adjust with the -m (minutes) option or with -G (havdalah degrees below horizon).

Minor fasts begin in the morning at alot haShachar (solar depression 16.1 degrees) and conclude at tzeit for 3 medium sized stars (solar depression 7.083 degrees). Major fasts (Yom Kippur and Tish'a B'Av) begin just before sunset (at regular candle-lighting time) and conclude at Havdalah time.

Hebcal contains a small database of cities with their associated geographic information and time-zone information. Run hebcal cities to print a list of cities supported by the -C city flag.

If your city is NOT on the list, then in order to customize hebcal to your city, you will need to pass it the latitude, longitude, and timezone (see the manual).

Suppose you live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Your latitude is 44.0181, and your longitude is -88.6353. You are in timezone America/Chicago. We'll round the geographic coordinates to the nearest minute.

In order to get candlelighting times for the current year, you would type

hebcal -ch --geo 44.0181,-88.6353 -z America/Chicago

The geographic and time information necessary to calculate sundown times can come to hebcal any of three ways:

  1. The default: the system manager sets a default city ("New York") when the program is compiled.
  2. Hebcal looks in the environment variable HEBCAL_CITY for the name of a city in hebcal’s database, and if it finds one, hebcal will make that the new default city.
  3. 1 and 2 may be overridden by command line arguments, including those specified in the HEBCAL_OPTS environment variable. The most natural way to do this is to use the −C city command. This will localize hebcal to city. A list of the cities hebcal knows about can be obtained by typing hebcal cities at the command prompt. If the city you want isn’t on that list, you can directly control hebcal’s geographic information with the --geo (or −l and −L) and −z switches.

For a status report on customizations, type hebcal info at the command prompt.


Hebcal uses two environment variables:

Hebcal uses this value as the default city for sunset calculations. A list of available cities is available with from hebcal with the command: hebcal cities
The value of this variable is automatically processed as if it were typed at the command line before any other actual command-line arguments.


Every time hebcal is run, it checks this variable. If it is non-empty, the arguments in that variable are read as though they were typed at the command line before the ones you actually type.

So you might set HEBCAL_OPTS to be

--geo 44.0181,-88.6353 -z America/Chicago

and if you type hebcal -ch hebcal will think you typed hebcal --geo 44.0181,-88.6353 -z America/Chicago -ch

For information on setting environment variables, consult your local guru.


Danny Sadinoff

With contributions from

  • Michael J. Radwin
  • Eyal Schachter (JavaScript port)
  • Aaron Peromsik (Daf Yomi, experimental zmanim feature)
  • Ben Sandler (Molad and daily Sunrise/Sunset features)

See Also

calendar(1), emacs(1), hcal(1), hdate(1), omer(1), remind(1), rise(1)

The latest version of the code will be available from

The original motivation for the algorithms in this program was the Tur Shulchan Aruch.

For version 3, much of the program was rewritten using Emacs 19’s calendar routines by Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz. Their program is extremely clear and provides many instructive examples of fine calendar code in emacs-LISP.

For version 4, candle-lighting times were rewritting using Derick Rethans's timelib.

Version 5 was ported from C to Go.

A well written treatment of the Jewish calendar for the layman can be found in Understanding the Jewish Calendar by Rabbi Nathan Bushwick. A more complete bibliography on the topic can be found there, as well as in the Encyclopedia Judaica entry on the calendar.


hebcal help
Prints a shorter version of this manpage, with comments on each option.
hebcal info
Prints the version number and default values of the program.
hebcal cities
Prints a list of cities which hebcal knows about, suitable as arguments to the −C city option.
hebcal copying
Prints the GNU license, with information about copying the program. See below.
hebcal warranty
Tells you how there’s NO WARRANTY for hebcal.


This is just a program I wrote during summer school and while avoiding my senior project. It should not be invested with any sort of halachic authority.


Hebrew dates are only valid before sundown on that secular date. An option to control this will be added in a later release.

When using the legacy -L flag, negative longitudes are EAST of Greenwich.

Some combinations of options produce weird results, e.g. hebcal -dH nisan 5744 hebcal -dH 5744 This comes into play when you use the HEBCAL_OPTS environment variable.

The sunup/sundown routines aren’t accurate enough. If you enter geographic coordinates above the arctic circle or antarctic circle, the times are guaranteed to be wrong.

Hebcal only translates between the Gregorian calendar and the Jewish calendar. It does not take into account a correction of eleven days that was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII known as the Gregorian Reformation. Wednesday, 2 September 1752 was followed by Thursday, 14 September 1752.

This means that the results will be at least partly useless where and when the Gregorian calendar was not used, e.g. before the 1752 in Britain and before circa 1918 in Russia. See "Gregorian calendar" on Wikipedia for a splendid chart depicting when the changeover from the Julian to the Gregorian calendars occurred in various places.

Build & Install

To build hebcal from the source repository, you'll need the following:

  • Go version 1.13 or higher
  • GNU make v3.79 or later

Once you have those, you can prepare the build environment as follows:

make clean all


Copyright (C) 1994-2011 Danny Sadinoff

Portions Copyright (c) 2011-2022 Michael J. Radwin. All Rights Reserved.

Hebcal is distributed under the GNU Public License. The program and its source code may be freely distributed. For details, see the file COPYING in the distribution.

If you are going to use this program, please drop me a line. I'd like to know who you are, what version you're using, and how you're using hebcal, and anything else you'd like to tell me, so that I can adjust the program to meet users' needs.

I am NOT demanding payment for the use of my program, but writing this program DID take time. The "free" in the GNU public license refers to distribution, not necessarily payment. Feel free to send $10 or multiples of $18 or just a postcard to me at my US Mail address (email me for it).

  send email to:
  [email protected]

hebcal's People


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hebcal's Issues

Asara b'tevet is allowed on friday

Submitted by sadinoff on 2006-10-31 01:22:34

per Barak Greenfield, 10 Tevet is allowed to fall on friday.

From wikipedia:

�כיון שהו� חל בחורף בחצי הצפוני של כדור ה�רץ הו� יחסית קצר. כ�שר חל
עשרה בטבת בערב שבת (יו� שישי) �תעני� ב�ותו יו�, ל�רות שב�ופן כללי �סור
להכנס לתוך השבת בצו�, �כיון שנ��ר בפסוק ביחזק�ל בעצ� היו� הזה

No man file in 3.4 tarball

Submitted by yselkowitz on 2005-01-10 18:28:10

There's apparently supposed to be a hebcal.1 man file
in the 3.4 final source tarball, but AFAICS it's
missing, and make is complaining about it's absence.

clarify when gregorian starts.

Submitted by sadinoff on 2005-11-20 00:49:50

Stephen Weinstein points out that the 1752 dates on the
Gregorian initiation is incorrect in Russia.

The warning text should change to :

"Hebcal only translates between the Gregorian calendar
and the Jewish calendar. This means that the results
will be at least partly useless where and when the
gregorian calendar was not used, i.e. before the
1750's in western Europe and before circa 1918 in Russia."

Build issue with 3.4 beta2

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2004-07-15 08:26:26

I ran configure and then did a make. I got the following
error. I do have makeinfo on the FreeBSD 4.10 box that
I build on. It is in my path and in /usr/bin.

I attached my configure.log file as well.

NOTE: Pathnames was rooted and I replaced it with
$HOME for security reasons.

The Makefile in the doc directory has the following line
in it.

MAKEINFO = $(SHELL) /$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-3.4-
beta2/missing --run makeinfo

make all-recursive
Making all in tests
Making all in doc
cd . && /usr/local/bin/bash /$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-3.4-
beta2/missing --run makeinfo echo hebcal.texi | sed 's,.*/,,'
hebcal.texi:90: @include gpl.texi': No such file or directory. makeinfo: Removing output file/$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-
3.4-beta2/doc/' due to errors; use --force to
*** Error code 1

Stop in /$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-3.4-beta2/doc.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-3.4-beta2.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /$HOME/HebCal/hebcal-3.4-beta2.

Channukah spelled inconsistently

Submitted by mradwin on 2001-12-24 12:36:45

cosmetic: in some cases the holiday is spelled
Channukah and in other cases it is spelled Chanukah.

we should pick one spelling or the other (no strong
preference on my part)


Sunsets for non-Shabbos

Submitted by yudel on 2004-03-04 12:38:08

As just came up on, what time
does Taanit Esther end?

Sunset Calculation may be off for Chicago

Submitted by hillelm on 2006-10-20 11:31:59

I noticed that the sunset for today october 20, 2006
in Chicago is calculated to be 6:03. (CandleLighting=
5:45 (Sunset-18 minutes)

From the navy website:
bin/ .

It comes up as 6:02 p.m

You may want to look at your algorithm.

Thank you in any case for a wonderful program and

Hillel Meyers
[email protected]

The following information is provided for Chicago,
Cook County, Illinois (longitude W87.7, latitude

Friday 20 October 2006 Central Daylight


Begin civil twilight 6:40 a.m.
Sunrise 7:09 a.m.
Sun transit 12:35 p.m.
Sunset 6:02 p.m.
End civil twilight 6:30 p.m.

special haftara/maftir

Submitted by mradwin on 2002-09-05 15:40:34

show special haftara/maftir on days like Shabbat
Shekalim on the sedrot web pages.

currently we're displaying this message:

NOTE: This site does not yet indicate special maftir or
haftarah when they occur. Always check a luach or
consult with your rabbi to determine if this Shabbat has
a special maftir and/or a special haftarah.

but of course it would be better if we actually got the
data (i'm typing it up in an XML file) incorporated into the
perl script that generates the full-kriyah/triennial web

Check the Mean anomaly math

Submitted by sadinoff on 2006-03-15 07:43:18

Need to find an authoritative source or checking
routine for zmanim.

I have schwartz's defn for mean anomaly as:

define M(x) (0.985600*x - 3.251)

and has:

   double M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;

which value is right for the subtrahend?

3.4beta2 configure does not add -lm

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2004-07-15 10:21:33

The math library is not included on link line for building
hebcal on FreeBSD 4.10 with gnu 2.95.4. The -lm is

Pesach Sheni (14 Iyar) not displayed

Submitted by wsherwin on 2007-04-26 20:46:20

Please add the display of Pesach Sheni (14 Iyar) to the program; as Tachnun is often omitted on this day, and it is not adjacent to any other special day, its absence has the potential to cause confusion...

Todah rabbah.

Shabbat Chazon, not Hazon

Submitted by sadinoff on 2007-04-18 05:30:09

In English that should be Shabbat Chazon, not "Hazon".
Thanks to Shifra & Michael for the report.

flag for time of sundown

Submitted by nobody on 2004-02-02 13:43:36

Would it be possible to add a flag that outputs the
daily calculated time of sundown and also to have a
flag to have it automatically show the new date post

Ability to include Erevs

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2002-02-15 20:47:25

It would be nice to be able to include the erevs for
holidays and Shabbat

make check fails (OS X Tiger)

Submitted by isoboroff on 2007-01-26 07:53:45

'make check' fails one test. I didn't look closely but I suspect that perhaps the test was not updated to match the Yom haZikaron update. This is version 3.7.

make check output:

$ make check
make all-recursive
Making all in tests
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. Making all in doc make[2]: Nothing to be done forall'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for all-am'. Making check in tests make sanity-check source='sanity-check.c' object='sanity-check.o' libtool=no \ depfile='.deps/sanity-check.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/sanity-check.TPo' \ depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ../depcomp \ gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I .. -g -O2 -ctest -f 'sanity-check.c' || echo './'`sanity-check.c
gcc -g -O2 -o sanity-check sanity-check.o ../common.o ../danlib.o ../error.o ../greg.o -lm
make check-TESTS
< 4/25/2004 Yom HaZikaron

< 4/26/2004 Yom HaAtzma'ut

4/26/2004 Yom HaZikaron
4/27/2004 Yom HaAtzma'ut
FAIL: hebcal-1

PASS: hebcal-2

1 of 2 tests failed

make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

refrigerator shabbos times

Submitted by mradwin on 2002-09-05 15:45:24

write a tool to generate a handy 1-page candlelighting
times chart for the entire year (to post on the refrigerator)

shouldn't be that hard. display in 2 columns with simply
the date and the time

OCT 4 - 6:16
OCT 11 - 6:07
OCT 18 - 5:58
OCT 25 - 5:50
NOV 1 - 4:43


Support Canadian postal codes

Submitted by mradwin on 2002-09-05 15:38:47

Support candle-lighting times by Canadian postal code.

Need a free (or cheap) source of data that maps postal
code to:

city name
province name
time zone
DST rule

Yahrzeit/Birthdays should be in Adar II

Submitted by mradwin on 2003-01-07 15:30:57

(originally reported by Shmuel Birnbaum
[email protected])

hebcal -Y calculates regular Adar yarhzeits as occurring
in Adar I on a leap year, which is incorrect according to
some sources.

Looking at Reingold & Dershowitz's "Calendrical
Calculations", it says, "The birthday of someone born in
Adar of an ordinary year or Adar II of a leap year is also
always in the last month of the year, be that Adar or
Adar II. Someone born on the thirtieth day of Cheshvan,
Kislev, or Adar I has his birthday postponed until the first
of the following month in years where that day does not
occur." (p. 111)

The rule for Yarzeit is different, however, according to
Reingold & Dershowitz:

"The customary anniversary date of a death is more
complicated and depends also on the character of the
year in which the first anniversary occurs. There are
several cases:

  • If the date of death is Cheshvan 30, the anniversary in
    general depends on the first anniversary; if that first
    anniversary was not Chesvan 30, use the day before
    Kislev 1.
  • If the date of death is Kislev 30, the anniverary in
    general again depeds on the first anniverary -- if that was
    not Kislev 30, use the day before Tevet 1.
  • If the date of death is Adar II, the anniversary is the
    same day in the last month of the Hebrew year (Adar or
    Adar II).
  • If the date of death is Adar I 30, the anniversary in a
    Hebrew year that is not a leap year (in which Adar only
    has 29 days) is the last day in Shevat.
  • In all other cases, use the normal (birthday) anniverary
    of the date of death." (p. 113)

And lastly

"There are minor variations in custom regarding the
anniversary date in some of these cases. For example,
Spanish and Portuguese Jews never observe the
anniversary in Adar I." (p. 114)

Selichot not listed

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2002-01-26 02:01:20

Selichot is not listed. The rule rule here is not
simply the shabbat on or before Rosh Hashanah

single-day holidays for Israelis

Submitted by sadinoff on 2002-09-05 12:00:12

Want to allow folks to live in Israel to use hebcal. This means not
emitting second days of Yomtov as appropriate

Triple Shushan Purim not represented.

Submitted by wsherwin on 2005-03-17 19:08:52

The date given for Shushan Purim this year is Sunday,
March 27, which corresponds to 16 Adar II. Since the
Megillah may not be read after 15 Adar (II) (Megillah
2a), this is not possible: in walled cities, Shushan
Purim would be observed on Friday, 14 Adar (II).
Similarly, if Purim falls on Shabbat, then un-walled
cities celebrate on 15 Adar (II). So, Shabbat should
be labeled as being a holiday (no Av HaRachamim or
Tzidkatcha), but both Purim and Shushan Purim fall on
Friday this year...

Ashkenazi spellings

Submitted by yselkowitz on 2005-02-24 09:30:57

In 3.4 I found a spelling mistake in the Askenazi form
of Purim Katan; it should be Koton (since it's with a
Tes). I also think Shabbos is more common than Shabbas
among Ashkenazis. I'm attaching a patch which changes
both of these. Thanks!

hebcal should warn or reject on bad -z input

Submitted by sadinoff on 2006-02-07 21:54:45

if the -z option has the same sign as the -L longitude
option, then badness ensues, and the candlelighting
times have negative values.

havdalah calculated from Friday

Submitted by sadinoff on 2001-08-20 08:30:16

[submitted by xxxx@yyyy ]

I'm very impressed with your hebcal website, and I'd
like to point out that the havdalah time computed by
your software should take into account the sunset time
of Saturday, and not of Friday. Since the sunset time
varies from Friday to Saturday, the Havdalah time is
not always 72 mins after sundown on Friday, for

If you could fix your software to incorporate this
change, perhaps the Havdalah time would be more

Distributed Windows Version 3.2 not 3.4

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2005-01-09 11:55:22

When I extracted the Windows 3.4 zip file and
ran "hebcal help" it showd version 3.2 and not version
3.4. I don't see how it could be version 3.2 unless the
Windows version was not rebuilt. The help output does
not match the source code.

Add Alarm notification to outlook export

Submitted by esafern on 2003-06-26 18:17:33


Love the functionality you've implemented!

I love the Outlook export you offer, especially the candle
lighting time.

I would love to have the option of specifying an export
for Outlook that enables the Outlook alarm to go off two
hours before candle lighting. That would encourage
me to get out of the office on time! :-)

The way outlook is set up, since the candle lighting
times are not the same each week (of course) it's not
considered a recurring event. So in order to turn on an
alarm, I would have to select each event seperately...

Thanks and Yasher Koach,

Eric Safern

City problem after New York

Submitted by ted on 2011-08-02 08:08:58

hebcal version 3.9.1:
hebcal doesn't recognize cities after "New York" in the for loop in set_default_city, even with
--with-default-city="Winston-Salem NC" and having put "Winston-Salem NC" in cities.h.
This is true no matter whether the new city is inserted after or before "New York."

Changes to 3.4 beta2 INSTALL documentation

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2004-07-15 09:27:05

I would like to suggest that you add a note about
updating the CITY macro for the or file in the INSTALL file. I read the INSTALL
file and would have built the program without setting
the proper city.

The README file states to update the Makefile. Since
the Makefile is a built object, it probably should not be
modified becasue that change would be lost if the user
runs configure again.

want stronger output options

Submitted by sadinoff on 2004-07-18 10:06:55

iCal & vCal are obvious directions.
Also want the ability to do the right thing wrt
representing "Yom tov" vs "chol hamoed" vs "fast day"
vs "chol".

core dump on out-of-range input

Submitted by wildasin on 2002-10-31 14:04:11

hebcal help
Hebcal Version 3.3beta7 By Danny Sadinoff

uname -a
SunOS .com 5.8 Generic_108528-14 sun4u

hebcal 1 14 2332322
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Chanukah 7 Candles repeated twice

Submitted by nabramovitz on 2003-08-30 16:45:40

If you run hebcal 2002 you will get two lines with
Chanukah 7 Candles. If you run hebcal 12 2002 you
only get one line with Chanukah 7 Candles. It occurs
for other years as well. It was just the first one I

Making an Israeli version

Submitted by mradwin on 2001-12-24 12:31:51

  1. it's passively developed :) I have a steadily
    growing list of things to
    do, and patches. I hope to leverage the sourceforge
    site for letting other
    people play. Patches are welcome

  2. gettext sounds like overkill, but a legitimate
    possibility. The output
    is already pretty table-driven, so I don't think that
    adding another output
    style would be all that complex; no need to resort to
    a different paradigm
    entirely. But if you feel strongly about this
    implmeentation zei gezunt. I
    do so enjoy the prospect of having ashkenazis and
    sepharadit hebrew being
    assigned different ISO localization codes. :)

  3. No, there is currently no support for the israeli
    holiday scheme. By
    rights, the -i "israeli parshiot" mode ought to do
    this but doesn't. It
    would require an augmentation of the holiday data
    structures to represent
    this cleanly, or just apply a (slightly) different
    table for the Israeli

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavrie Philipson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sat, December 22, 2001 1:35 PM
To: Danny Sadinoff
Subject: hebcal: Making an Israeli version

Hi Danny,

First of all, let me thank you for hebcal. I've been
using it for quite
a while, and like it very much.

However, there are some changed I'd like to make for a
project I'm
doing. A few questions:

  1. Is hebcal still being actively developed or is it
    dormant? Do you
    still maintain it?
  2. I'd like to translate hebcal to use Hebrew
    character (i.e. not
    English transliteration). As I don't see any
    preparation of
    localization, I thought of using GNU gettext. Any
  3. Finally, is there some way to have the holidays
    appear according to
    the Israeli calendar (only one day instead of two days
    for most
    holidays)? If it exists, I must have overlooked it...



provide rationale behind the numbers

Submitted by sadinoff on 2005-09-04 06:45:52

e.g, where do you get your sunrise number from?

Sunrise and sunset. For computational purposes, sunrise
or sunset is defined to occur when the geometric zenith
distance of center of the Sun is 90.8333 degrees. That
is, the center of the Sun is geometrically 50
arcminutes below a horizontal plane. For an observer at
sea level with a level, unobstructed horizon, under
average atmospheric conditions, the upper limb of the
Sun will then appear to be tangent to the horizon. The
50-arcminute geometric depression of the Sun's center
used for the computations is obtained by adding the
average apparent radius of the Sun (16 arcminutes) to
the average amount of atmospheric refraction at the
horizon (34 arcminutes).

see also

Apparent sign reversed on Longitude

Submitted by th_nichols on 2004-03-11 15:07:20

Hebcal 3.2 seems to expect West longitidude as a
positive number. For example:
C:\Documents and Settings\tomn>hebcal -l 39,5 -L
105,1 -z -7 -Z usa 12 31 2004
12/31/2004 Fri, 19th of Tevet, 5765
12/31/2004 Fri, Candle lighting: 4:30

C:\Documents and Settings\tomn>hebcal -l 39,5 -L -
105,1 -z -7 -Z usa 12 31 2004
12/31/2004 Fri, 19th of Tevet, 5765
12/31/2004 Fri, Candle lighting: -9:-30

Note that entering it as a negative number results in
bad calndle lighting times.

But when I set the positive number up in HEBCAL_OPTS
and then request Info, the results shows that I have
entered East longitude.

I'd expect to enter west longitude as a negative

This is a minor inconsistency, but when when you get to
low priorities, I'd make the info report consistent with
operation and possibly add a note to the manual that
west longidude is entered as a positive (or negative if
you change it) number.

If I've missed something, then sorry.


Incorrect weekly sedra displayed near Rosh Hashana

Submitted by gzaz on 2005-10-11 01:59:42

I noticed a bug with the weekly sedra feature last year
and forgot about it until it cropped up again during
the same time a year later. When "hebcal -hS'" is run
on a day in the beginning of the week just before Rosh
Hashana, it incorrectly shows "Parashat Bereshit".

core dump for 3787

Submitted by sadinoff on 2004-02-11 21:39:07

hebcal -H 3787 segfaults. Reported by mradwin.

option to include only Yomim Tovim

Submitted by mradwin on 2003-01-15 12:55:31

Steve Klein [email protected] writes:

I really like your hebcal website. I do have a
suggestion. For the interactive calendar, where it says:

Include events:
All default Holidays (What are the default Holidays?)

I would like an option to include only Yomim Tovim. I
could give that calendar to my boss & co-workers, and
they would know when I'll be out of the office.

I can't use the Default holidays because my fellow
employees don't know enough to understand that I work
on some Jewish holidays (Chanukah, Purim, etc.) but
not on others.

(Not to mention confusing holidays like Pesach, where I
take off the first two & last two days, and go in to work
on the four in the middle.)

I suspect there would be great demand for such a
feature. Is this do-able?

hebcal -esx displays Chanukah 7 twice

Submitted by flup on 2002-11-28 04:49:48


Using hebcal 3.3b7 with options -esx, I get the following output:

3.12.2002 Chanukah: 5 Candles
4.12.2002 Chanukah: 6 Candles
5.12.2002 Chanukah: 7 Candles
5.12.2002 Chanukah: 7 Candles
6.12.2002 Chanukah: 8 Candles

i.e. Chanukah 7 is appearing twice.

link to reform commentary on sedrot page

Submitted by mradwin on 2002-10-28 08:59:36

Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 18:01:47 +0800
From: Jonathan Hirshon [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], Diane Hirshon
[email protected],
Rabbi Magat [email protected]
Subject: Reform version of 1-click shabbat?

Mr. Radwin - my name is Jonathan Hirshon and I am the
Webmaster for - we are currently using
your superb one click
shabbat javascript on our shabbat page, but I did have a
question for you.

We are a reform congregation, and while I happen to
enjoy the conservative
commentary on the weekly Torah portion, many of our
members (as well as
myself) have voiced their thoughts on having a reform
version of this

Would it possible for you to create a version of the
javascript (or a link on
your page that the javascript currently points to) that
also points to - for those of us who
would like to have
the reform commentary as well?

Many thanks for your consideration and our thanks for
creating such a
wonderful resource for the Jewish community!

cheers, JH

email notifications on Friday

Submitted by nobody on 2002-10-21 17:40:44

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:34:00 -0400
From: Alex Brecher [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Great site!

Hi Michael,

I just wanted to thank you for your great site. I use my
treo-300 to
access shabbos lighting times every Friday.

I would suggest allowing users to select to receive email
on either Thursday OR Friday morning.

I own a web hosting company so if you ever need a web
host for the site
I'd be willing to host it free of charge.

Best regards,

Alex Brecher

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