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fhirserver's Issues

Possible Validation error

I was trying to create an appointment with a reason of :

i.e. no coding, but the server rejected it. Is this because the binding strength is ‘required’ so a code is also, or a validation error?

Various query errors and other things


Windows 10 - 64bit
Delphi 10 Seatle Update 1
MSSQL 2014 Express
FHIR 1.0.30 - DSTU2

Commandline : -debug -password g -ini C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Components\fhirserver_build\fhir.ini -remount -tests -xindex -xloinc "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Components\fhirserver_build\Data" -load "C:\Program Files\FHIRServer\spec\" -mafile "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Components\fhirserver_build\Data\mafile.CSV"

I've run into a few things while trying to set up FHIR from scratch :

In procedure TFHIRDatabaseInstaller.CreateResourceSearchEntries;
The first query has a ) missplaced in the middle of the query. It should probably be at the end.

In procedure TFHIRDatabaseInstaller.DoPostTransactionInstall;
I can't get the second query to work. I had to comment it out to proceed. MSSQL is complaining about a Full-Text thingy not working on this table. Really not sure.

In procedure TUcumServices.SetCommonUnits(vs: TFHIRValueSet);
It should be checked if FCommonUnits is assigned before freeing it. Got access violations there and couldn't continue. When i uncommented it ( bad idea :D ), i get the second error.



Snapshot generator - extension magic

Presenting a differential with an extension with a name alone results in a snapshot without a sliced extension element. Posting:
<StructureDefinition xmlns=""> <url value="" /> <name value="Test-Patient" /> <fhirVersion value="1.0.2" /> <kind value="resource" /> <base value="" /> <differential> <element> <path value="Patient.extension" /> <name value="Text-Ext" /> <type> <code value="Extension" /> <profile value="" /> </type> </element> </differential> </StructureDefinition>

results in a snapshot with no Patient.extension element that includes a <slicing> tag.

Not validating StructureDefinition

Try this:

GET /StructureDefinition/Basic
remove the id from the resource
POST /StructureDefinition

error: (sample)

"issue": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content telecom",
"location": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content telecom",
"location": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content identity",
"location": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content uri",
"location": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content name",
"location": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content identity",
"location": [
"extension": [

Unable to resolve local reference to resource urn:uuid:...

When posting a bundle with a DocumentReference, I am using UUIDs in the reference pointing to another bundle entry like so:

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... ... ... ...

But I'm getting an error stating "Unable to resolve local reference to resource urn:uuid:cfe781a4-7dc0-4897-8b59-4e27cb3c1a5d". Per our discussion at the connectathon,

I think that error is incorrect, and that UUID references are legal.

Resource with extension being rejected

the following resource is being rejected by a POST to

"resourceType": "Patient",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2015-04-20T15:35:37+12:00",
"profile": [
"text": {
"status": "generated",
"div": "

"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCodeableConcept": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "1001",
"display": "Adventist"
"text": "Adventist"
error is: "details": "Required attribute 'url' is missing.\r\n",
"location": [
"line 13, Col 13"
looks OK to me…

Bundle rejected on /Bundle endpoint, accepted when sent to base

When posting an example document bundle (see to, the bundle is rejected with lots of errors.
Posting the same bundle to results in a 202 Accepted, which is not one of the listed responses for a POST.
I had expected to see errors on both posts or no errors at all, in stead of mixed results.

json validation expects extension to be in the right place...

The following resources fails validation with an 'Unexpected error' (and no others):

If the extension is moved above the subject, then the other errors appear (missing code etc. )

"resourceType": "Observation",
"meta": {
"profile": [
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/1843164",
"display": "John Doe"
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueInteger": "12"

notepad++ plugin doesn't handle split-window session properly

If you've got notepad++ split into two panes, and the a document in the right-hand pane has focus, Change Format (for example) operates on whatever document is in the left-hand pane; alt-tabbing back to notepad++, the right-side document still has the input focus, so it doesn't seem to be a case of losing the input focus by going to the FHIR toolbox screen.

Access violation with invalid enumeration

The following resource causes an access violation (note the invalid value for gender)
{"resourceType":"Patient","name":[{"family":["smith"],"given":["john"],"text":"john smith"}],"gender":"m","birthDate":"2015-09-11"}

Snapshot not navigating across bases/types

Post to StructureDefinition/$snapshot

<StructureDefinition xmlns="">
   <url value="" />
    <name value="DAF-Patient-Test" />
    <fhirVersion value="1.0.2" />
    <kind value="resource" />
    <base value="" />
            <path value="Patient.extension.valueCodeableConcept" />
            <name value="ethnicity.valueCodeableConcept" />
            <label value="Test for valueCodeableConcept within extension." />

and note that the label change does not appear in the snapshot.

UCUM fails to load in version 1.0.30

I got 1.0.30 to install OK, but when I execute FHIRServer.exe -debug (or -start) I get the attached bug. This is the DEBUG trace. Could be something to do with loading the UCUM XML file from the cache?? There is no ucum.cache file in the package but the is a ucum-essense.xml file. Is this a problem?


Valid (I think) Conformance rejected

"kind": "requirements",
"description": "The functionality of a Terminology server required by clinFhir",
"resourceType": "Conformance",
"date": "2015-09-01",
"fhirVersion": "1.0.0",
"acceptUnknown": "both",
"format": ["json"],
"rest": [{
"mode": "client",
"resource": [{
"type": "ValueSet",
"interaction": [
{"code": "read"},
{"code": "create"},
{"code": "update"}
"searchParam": [{
"name": "url",
"type": "uri"


Rejecting Condition resource that looks OK

Error "Unrecognized Content Code" at evidence...

"resourceType": "Condition",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2015-08-26T18:15:56+12:00"
"text": {
"status": "generated",
"div": "

code:Asthma finding (finding)
encounter:period:From2015-08-03 to 2015-08-05status:arrived
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "390798007",
"display": "Asthma finding (finding)"
"text": "Asthma finding (finding)"
"verificationStatus": "confirmed",
"encounter": {
"reference": "Encounter/1",
"display": "2015-08-03 -> 2015-08-05"
"evidence": [
"code": {
"text": "ASAs"
"code": {
"text": "asas"
"patient": {
"reference": "Patient/2",
"display": "Adam Everyman "

notepad++ plugin - bundle validation ends up with a schematron violation

Validating the attached file results in a schematron violation of bdl-7 FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId).

However, the fullUrls are unique. The bundle passes a validate when posted to the server (though the bundle also passes a validate when posted to the server if the fullUrls are the same; not sure why?)


Compiling on Delphi XE7

1 - IndySoap – we are using XE7, and the in the source folder only goes as far as XE3 – on copying one of the standard XE7 from the Indy files under program files Embarcadero helped. In case it helps I have attached the Xe7 and XE3 files so you can check these, the is the XE7 Indy version.

We are compiling for XE7, this introduces some compiler alterations in generics it seems:

2 - In unit AdvGenerics.pas

function TAdvEnumerable.ToArrayImpl(Count: Integer): TArray;
x: T;
// We assume our caller has passed correct Count
SetLength(Result, Count);
Count := 0;
for x in Self do
TObject(Result[Count]) := TAdvObject(x).Link; //####JKB – have to cast the result to TObject in XE7

procedure TAdvList.InsertRange(Index: Integer; const Values: array of T);
I: Integer;
if (Index < 0) or (Index > Count) then
raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.CreateRes(@SArgumentOutOfRange);

GrowCheck(Count + Length(Values));
if Index <> Count then
FArrayManager.Move(FItems, Index, Index + Length(Values), Count - Index);
FArrayManager.Finalize(FItems, Index, Length(Values));

for I := 0 to Length(Values) - 1 do
TObject(FItems[Index + I]) := TAdvObject(Values[I]).Link; // yes, here we link. This means that the user cannot construct an array of objects and link them assuming this will respect that
//####JKB have to cast the result to TObject in XE7

Inc(FCount, Length(Values));

for I := 0 to Length(Values) - 1 do
Notify(Values[I], cnAdded);

  1. TADVObject – Enumerator

3 -

procedure TFHIRRequest.LoadParams(form: TIdSoapMimeMessage);
[dcc32 Error] FHIRSupport.pas(798): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ParamName'

We suspect that this may be meant to be ID instead of ParamName, but it makes us suspect that there is a later version of IndySoap than we have been able to get from the net.

The Indy Soap version we have used was V2 R22 from

4 – Likely also not having the latest version of Indy Soap

procedure TFhirOperationManager.ExecuteQuestionnaireGeneration(request: TFHIRRequest; response : TFHIRResponse);
profile : TFHIRProfile;
op : TFhirOperationOutcome;
resourceKey : integer;
originalId, id, fid : String;
builder : TQuestionnaireBuilder;
questionnaire : TFHIRQuestionnaire;
NotFound(request, response);
if check(response, opAllowed(request.ResourceType, request.CommandType), 400, lang, StringFormat(GetFhirMessage('MSG_OP_NOT_ALLOWED', lang), [CODES_TFHIRCommandType[request.CommandType], CODES_TFHIRResourceType[request.ResourceType]])) then
if ( = '') or ((length( <= ID_LENGTH) and FindResource(frtProfile, request.Id, false, resourceKey, originalId, request, response, request.compartments)) then
profile := nil;
// first, we have to identify the value set.
id := request.Id;
if request.Id <> '' then // and it must exist, because of the check above
profile := GetProfileById(request, request.Id, request.baseUrl)
else if request.Parameters.VarExists('identifier') then
profile := GetProfileByURL(request.Parameters.getvar('identifier'), id)
else if (request.form <> nil) and request.form.hasParam('profile') then //####JKB hasParam undefined
profile := LoadFromFormParam(request.form.getparam('profile'), request.Lang) as TFhirProfile //####JKB getParam undefined
else if (request.Resource <> nil) and (request.Resource is TFhirProfile) then
profile := request.Resource.Link as TFhirProfile
raise Exception.Create('Unable to find profile to convert (not provided by id, identifier, or directly');

      if id <> '' then
        fid := request.baseUrl+'Profile/'+id+'/$questionnaire';
        questionnaire := FRepository.QuestionnaireCache.getQuestionnaire(frtProfile, id);
        fid := newGUIDUrn;
        questionnaire := nil;

        if questionnaire = nil then
          builder := TQuestionnaireBuilder.Create;
            builder.Profile :=;
            builder.OnExpand := FRepository.ExpandVS;
            builder.onLookupCode := FRepository.LookupCode;
            builder.Context := request.Link;
            builder.onLookupReference := LookupReference;
            builder.QuestionnaireId := fid;
            questionnaire := builder.questionnaire.Link;
            if id <> '' then
              FRepository.QuestionnaireCache.putQuestionnaire(frtProfile, id, questionnaire, builder.dependencies);
        response.HTTPCode := 200;
        response.Message := 'OK';
        response.Body := '';
        response.LastModifiedDate := now;
        response.ContentLocation := ''; // does not exist as returned
        response.Resource := questionnaire.Link;
    op := FRepository.validator.validateInstance(nil, response.Resource, 'Produce Questionnaire', nil);
      if (op.hasErrors) then
        response.HTTPCode := 500;
        response.Message := 'Questionnaire Generation Failed';
        response.Resource.xmlId := 'src';
        response.Resource :=;
TFHIRXhtmlComposer.Create('en').Compose(TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\q'+inttostr(iCount)+'.xml', fmCreate), response.Resource, true, nil);
AuditRest(request.session, request.ip, request.ResourceType,, response.versionId, request.CommandType, request.Provenance, request.OperationName, response.httpCode, '', response.message);

on e: exception do
AuditRest(request.session, request.ip, request.ResourceType,, response.versionId, request.CommandType, request.Provenance, request.OperationName, 500, '', e.message);

The errors from the compiler are
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(4200): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(4200): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(4201): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'getparam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5504): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5504): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5505): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'getparam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5682): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5682): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5683): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5683): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5687): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5732): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5732): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5733): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'getparam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5742): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5742): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5745): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'getParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5747): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'hasParam'
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5747): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
[dcc32 Error] FHIROperation.pas(5748): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'getParam'
[dcc32 Fatal Error] FHIRSubscriptionManager.pas(136): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'FHIROperation.pas'

5 - One of the other programmers here (Donald Hillier) is also having some issues with the JSON parser:

The inbuilt JSON parser in XE7 conflicts with the namespace of the Grieve parser – we have renamed your parser to ggjson to get around this (ie json functions with the same function names and incompatible parameters etc). We can give more detail about this if it helps.

SNOMED CT implicit ValueSets not working

A GET on URLs like:

results in:

  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=\"\"><p>Unable to find value set to expand (not provided by id, identifier, or directly</p></div>"
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "details": {
        "text": "Unable to find value set to expand (not provided by id, identifier, or directly"
      "diagnostics": "(0000000000EA3173){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000012A4173] FHIROperation.TFhirExpandValueSetOperation.Execute + $5E3\r\n(0000000000040E6B){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000000441E6B] System.SysUtils.RaiseExceptObject + $2B\r\n(000000000000FD96){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000000410D96] System.@RaiseAtExcept + $E6\r\n(000000000000FDEC){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000000410DEC] System.@RaiseExcept + $1C\r\n(0000000000EA3173){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000012A4173] FHIROperation.TFhirExpandValueSetOperation.Execute + $5E3\r\n(0000000000E96FDF){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000001297FDF] FHIROperation.TFhirOperationManager.ExecuteOperation + $9F\r\n(0000000000E7669E){FHIRServer.exe} [000000000127769E] FHIROperation.TFhirOperationManager.Execute + $21E\r\n(0000000000F30BB1){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000001331BB1] FHIRRestServer.TFhirWebServer.ProcessRequest + $181\r\n(0000000000F26D3C){FHIRServer.exe} [0000000001327D3C] FHIRRestServer.TFhirWebServer.HandleRequest + $E9C\r\n(0000000000F241F4){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000013251F4] FHIRRestServer.TFhirWebServer.PlainRequest + $574\r\n(0000000000CFD97C){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000010FE97C] IdCustomHTTPServer.TIdCustomHTTPServer.DoCommandGet + $1C\r\n(0000000000CFF3F5){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000011003F5] IdCustomHTTPServer.TIdCustomHTTPServer.DoExecute + $AC5\r\n(00000000002AD9FE){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000006AE9FE] IdContext.TIdContext.Run + $1E\r\n(00000000002ABA01){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000006ACA01] IdTask.TIdTask.DoRun + $11\r\n(00000000002AFBA4){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000006B0BA4] IdThread.TIdThreadWithTask.Run + $14\r\n(00000000002AEC2A){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000006AFC2A] IdThread.TIdThread.Execute + $EA\r\n(000000000011F2B3){FHIRServer.exe} [00000000005202B3] System.Classes.ThreadProc + $43\r\n(000000000001099B){FHIRServer.exe} [000000000041199B] System.ThreadWrapper + $3B\r\n(000000000001552D){kernel32.dll} [000000007707652D] BaseThreadInitThunk + $D\r\n(000000000002B521){ntdll.dll   } [00000000771AC521] RtlUserThreadStart + $21\r\n"

DSTU 2 (version 0.50) FHIR-Specification -- corrupted Zip file


Get the following error when unzipping the 0.50 spec:

Windows cannot open the folder. The compressed folder '' is invalid.

7zip partly extracts then hangs about midway. Other unzip programs crash like 7Zip.

I see your reference to building our own spec but looks a bit daunting.

Some folks on the Fhir chat log complain of the same problem but nobody has offered a solution. Not sure who is in charge of the download zips.

Thank you,


CSRF vulnerability on OAuth approval page

The "auth_choice" page can be invoked via HTTP GET as follows:

This means that my app can ask you to authorize access, and then repeatedly reload the approval URL above in a background tab; as soon as you sign in (and before you hit approve), the app will receive a fully-loaded authorization code.

The fix: CSRF token on the approval page.

ValueSet Expansion filtering

When performing a valueset expansion, exclude the definition sections of the results, and just return the expansion section.
(specifically excluding the define and compose sections)

FHIR notepad plugin croaked with latest Notepad update

After update to Notepad ++, no longer validating resources. gives error even on the example messages (used example to test below): " Error validating: This does not appear to be valid FHIR content"

tests also gives errors.


test message

Generated Narrative with Details

id: obs-407

identifier: obs-407

status: final

code: Bacteria susceptibility
(Details : {LOINC code "50545-3" := "50545-3", given as "Bacterial susceptibility panel in Isolate by Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)"})

Todd Lerr

effective: 12/5/2014

issued: 12/6/2014 3:42:15 PM

Blood sample

Valid (I think) MedicationOrder rejected

The following resource was rejected:

"resourceType": "MedicationOrder",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2015-08-27T15:49:29+12:00"
"text": {
"status": "generated",
"div": "

text:1 tab twice a day
"medicationReference": {
"reference": "Medication/1",
"display": "Medication"
"dosageInstruction": [
"text": "1 tab twice a day"
"patient": {
"reference": "Patient/2",
"display": "Adam Everyman "

with an issue:

"issue": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "InstanceValidator"
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"diagnostics": "Unrecognised Content text",
"location": [

notepad++ plugin - editing partially complete resources throws continual errors

If there's an xml file open containing, say, an Appointment, and it starts out valid
attempt to add a new tag, and after I hit <, a dialog box pops up saying "The text associated with this error code could not be found". Click ok, type a character, the dialog comes back up. This continues until the resource is at least well-formed.

Though when I just tried this and added an element named s with no value, I got an access violation from fhirnpp.dll.

It seems like something is continually parsing the document, but I haven't been able to find anything in the FHIR plugin that indicates that it might be doing this.

query for absolute resource reference

[21/12/15 8:35:30 am] David Hay 🔥: so I created an order reference on grahames server ( that has a subject reference to a patient on the api server.
[21/12/15 8:35:37 am] David Hay 🔥: how do I query on that?
[21/12/15 8:36:19 am] David Hay 🔥: “” complains that the subject content is invalid…

notepad++ plugin - Validating a transaction Bundle gives errors for resources with no id

When validating a transaction bundle with resources that are going to be created, the validator raises errors such as
error Bundle.entry.item(0).resource.Patient (@ line 6/ col 10) Resource has no id invalid

However, resources being created shouldn't have ids (or at least that's what the bundle-transaction example says).

Attached bundle can be used to replicate the issue.

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