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node-openid's Introduction

OpenID for Node.js

OpenID for Node.js is (yes, you guessed it) an OpenID implementation for Node.js.

Highlights and features include:

  • Full OpenID 1.0/1.1/2.0 compliant Relying Party (client) implementation
  • Very simple API
  • Simple extension points for association state


The library can be reviewed and retrieved from GitHub.


If you use npm, simply do npm install openid.

Otherwise, you can grab the code from GitHub.


Here's a very simple server using OpenID for Node.js for authentication:

var openid = require('openid');
var url = require('url');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var relyingParty = new openid.RelyingParty(
    '', // Verification URL (yours)
    null, // Realm (optional, specifies realm for OpenID authentication)
    false, // Use stateless verification
    false, // Strict mode
    []); // List of extensions to enable and include

var server = require('http').createServer(
    function(req, res)
        var parsedUrl = url.parse(req.url);
        if(parsedUrl.pathname == '/authenticate')
          // User supplied identifier
          var query = querystring.parse(parsedUrl.query);
          var identifier = query.openid_identifier;

          // Resolve identifier, associate, and build authentication URL
          relyingParty.authenticate(identifier, false, function(error, authUrl)
                if (error)
                  res.end('Authentication failed: ' + error.message);
                else if (!authUrl)
                  res.end('Authentication failed');
                  res.writeHead(302, { Location: authUrl });
        else if(parsedUrl.pathname == '/verify')
            // Verify identity assertion
            // NOTE: Passing just the URL is also possible
            relyingParty.verifyAssertion(req, function(error, result)
              res.end(!error && result.authenticated 
                  ? 'Success :)'
                  : 'Failure :(');
            // Deliver an OpenID form on all other URLs
            res.end('<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>'
                + '<form method="get" action="/authenticate">'
                + '<p>Login using OpenID</p>'
                + '<input name="openid_identifier" />'
                + '<input type="submit" value="Login" />'
                + '</form></body></html>');

A more elaborate example including extensions can be found in sample.js in the GitHub repository.

Supported Extensions

This library comes with built-in support for the following OpenID extensions:

  • The Simple Registration (SREG) 1.1 extension is implemented as openid.SimpleRegistration.
  • The Attribute Exchange (AX) 1.0 extension is implemented as openid.AttributeExchange.
  • The OAuth 1.0 extension is implemented as openid.OAuthHybrid.
  • The User Interface 1.0 extension is implemented as openid.UserInterface.
  • The Provider Authentication Policy Extension 1.0 (PAPE) is implemented as openid.pape.

Storing association state

To provide a way to save/load association state, you need to mix-in two functions in the openid module:

  • saveAssociation(provider, type, handle, secret, expiry_time_in_seconds, callback) is called when a new association is established during authentication. The callback should be called with any error as its first argument (or null if no error occured).
  • loadAssociation(handle, callback) is used to retrieve the association identified by handle when verification happens. The callback should be called with any error as its first argument (and null as the second argument), or an object with the keys provider, type, secret if the association was loaded successfully.

The openid module includes default implementations for these functions using a simple object to store the associations in-memory.

Caching discovered information

The verification of a positive assertion (i.e. an authenticated user) can be sped up significantly by avoiding the need for additional provider discoveries when possible. In order to achieve, this speed-up, node-openid needs to cache its discovered providers. You can mix-in two functions to override the default cache, which is an in-memory cache utilizing a simple object store:

  • saveDiscoveredInformation(key, provider, callback) is used when saving a discovered provider. The following behavior is required:

    • The key parameter should be uses as a key for storing the provider - it will be used as the lookup key when loading the provider. (Currently, the key is either a claimed identifier or an OP-local identifier, depending on the OpenID context.)
    • When saving fails for some reason, callback(error) is called with error being an error object specifying what failed.
    • When saving succeeds, callback(null) is called.
  • loadDiscoveredInformation(key, callback) is used to load any previously discovered information about the provider for an identifier. The following behavior is required:

    • When no provider is found for the identifier, callback(null, null) is called (i.e. it is not an error to not have any data to return).
    • When loading fails for some reason, callback(error, null) is called with error being an error string specifying why loading failed.
    • When loading succeeds, callback(null, provider) is called with the exact provider object that was previously stored using saveDiscoveredInformation.

Proxy Support

node-openid makes HTTP and HTTPS requests during authentication. You can have these requests go through a proxy server, by using the following environment variables:

  • HTTP_PROXY_HOST and HTTP_PROXY_PORT control how http:// requests are sent
  • HTTPS_PROXY_HOST and HTTPS_PROXY_PORT control how https:// requests are sent


OpenID for Node.js is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for further details.

node-openid's People


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node-openid's Issues

Wordpress doesn't give claimedIdentifier

I am using the claimedIdentifier property of the result, to have a unique ID for my Accounts.
Wordpress is leaving "claimedIdentifier: undefined". In the request to my verify url there is only the property openid.identity set to the Identifier.
How about prefilling claimedIdentifier with this?

What I need is the unique openid-identifier in the result of the verifyAssertion-Method, where I get the Attributes from Attribute Exchange.

sample.js throws exception, stopping server on first bad openid


Thanks for posting this software. I had a small problem with sample.js; it crashes on the first bad openid.

To demonstrate: npm install openid; run "node ./sample.js" in linux with node 0.4.8, access server, enter a bad url as openid

What happens: exception thrown at line 76 res.end(error); server shuts down. I'm aware node.js does that on any uncaught exception.

What I expected to happen instead: receive an error message

Thoughts: line 76 has "res.end(error)"; http response code is set to 500. the variable error only occurs here and is not
otherwise defined in sample.js.

Bandaid: I changed error to 'error' and it doesn't throw exceptions any more. The error message, though, is just "error", doesn't report the 500 in google chrome. I'm not sure what openID should return on bad authentication. Is it 500?

Perhaps the admin using the sample.js is supposed to know to set error to something more reasonable, and the callback acts as a closure over it.

Make saveAssociation/loadAssociation functions asynchronous

I want to store my OpenID associations in a MongoDB. However, the driver I'm using is asynchronous, making it impossible for me to use it with the current version of node-openid.

I'm sure this isn't an isolated case, thus I suggest to make saveAssociation() and loadAssociation() asynchronous.

verification fails with OpenID 1.x

_verifyAssertionAgainstProvider() always checks params['openid.claimed_id'] even though the provider version is 1.x. I'm new to openid, but I think it's wrong. The claimed_id parameter only appears version 2.0.

https module missing[v0.2.6]

running sample.js I get https module missing. I am wondering how to fix this(v0.2.6 does not have https module).

alfred@alfred-laptop:~/node/test$ node -v
alfred@alfred-laptop:~/node/test$ npm -v

alfred@alfred-laptop:~/node/test$ node sample.js 

    throw e;
Error: Cannot find module 'https'
    at loadModule (node.js:275:15)
    at require (node.js:411:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/alfred/local/lib/node/.npm/openid/0.1.2/package/openid.js:35:13)
    at Module._compile (node.js:462:23)
    at Module._loadScriptSync (node.js:469:10)
    at Module.loadSync (node.js:338:12)
    at loadModule (node.js:283:14)
    at require (node.js:411:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/alfred/local/lib/node/openid/index.js:11:18)
    at Module._compile (node.js:462:23)

Thank you for the great library.

support for google apps hosted domains

Can this module be used to act as RP for a google apps hosted domain - i.e, Tying to implement "signin with google apps login"

I mean, meta-data and signing is outsourced to google apps as per

Stuck at this error during verifyAssertion phase.
"No OpenID provider was discovered for the asserted claimed identifier".
Is this because the hosted domain does not have host-meta file. Is it possible to fetch meta from the google?

I can work on it and submit a patch if this is indeed not supported yet.

Specifying<alias> ...

Not an bug or anything else, just in case if anyone wants to specify alias ( while doing attribute exchange, you can do some thing like

attribute_exchange_ext = new openid.AttributeExchange({})
attribute_exchange_ext.requestParams[''] = "";
attribute_exchange_ext.requestParams[''] = attributeExchange.requestParams[''] + ",custom_id";

"custom_id" is the alias you want to specify.

I put this information here because I don't know where to put it. Let me know if this information is redundant or it should go to somewhere else. Thanks!

Need tests for verification

I guess this is a bigger issue as it would require provider support to test against the library itself against provider.

Tests should include different auth scenarios as well as basic API testing: do extensions work correctly, is the identifier passed down to the caller and much more.

Allow passing of assertion data directly in verifyAssertion.

I'm using ExpressJS and the bodyParser middleware automatically parses the body. This means that I cannot simply pass the request to verifyAssertion as the app will hang because the request body has already been read.

I was wondering if we could allow passing the parsed params directly to verifyAssertion, or have the logic check to see if the request body is present. The most important thing is to obviously keep this module framework agnostic, but I'm hoping there is an elegant solution we can reach to this problem.


_resolveXri attempts to _get against google identity URL

this gets a 404 (since this isn't an actual url) which ultimately leads to a an empty providers array which results in 'No OpenID provider was discovered for the asserted claimed identifier'.

This use case worked in previous versions of node-openid

Heavy CPU usage in authentication

I'm seeing large CPU spikes when I call openid.authenticate(), one before the request is sent and one after the response is received.

This causes significant latency -- is this a known issue?

Query string parsing patch

Nice work on this module! Since HTTPS isn't working in Node.js v0.3.x yet, I'm still using v0.2.x and needed the query string parsing to follow the old conventions as well as the new. In case you're not familiar, in v0.2.x the query string parser actually parses on dots (.) to create a request object hierarchy (i.e. 'openid.invalidate_handle=foo' becomes {openid:{invalidate_handle:'foo'}} rather than {'openid.invalidate_handle':'foo'}).

The patch below adds a function that recursively searches the query object for the request key before failing.

Also, I noticed that one of the keys was referencing 'openid.claimed_identifier' rather than 'openid.claimed_id' which is what Google's OpenID implementation returns on successful authentication. I'm not sure if which is the expected behavior, but I couldn't find any documentation on 'openid.claimed_identifier', so I wondered if it might be a typo. You'll notice that the patch above also includes a fix for this.

Let me know if I need to submit the patch in another form. Thanks!

Incompatible with phpMyID provider?

When trying to authenticate with phpMyID (e.g., using sample.js, the authentication fails with the error: "Claimed identifier in assertion response does not match discovered claimed identifier". It looks like the openid.claimed_id parameter is not set in the callback. Is this a problem with phpMyID? Would it be safe to fall back to openid.identity when openid.claimed_id isn't set?

Here are the parameters that get passed via the callback:


Invalid signature

Thanks for this great piece of code.
We are using it for Msgboy. It works in most cases. Yet, sometimes, we can't authenticate a given user as

relyingParty.verifyAssertion(req, function(error, result) {
      ... yields error: { message: 'Invalid signature' }

Oddly enough it looks like when our users do retries, it sometimes work, but it can take up to 3 or 4 times (usually, the user will just surrender if that doesn't work at this point).

This is quite annoying, and we would love to find the reason as well as a fix. Any clue? Anything we could do to help fix that?

Add examples for the 5 most common providers

Even though node-openid makes authenticated pretty straight-forward, it might be nice to show specific examples with the most common providers. The top 5 that seem to be most common today are:

  1. Google
  2. Facebook (not actually OpenID; is there a simple way to integrate with their API?)
  3. Yahoo
  4. Twitter
  5. LinkedIn

I think that making it clear how to work with those providers specifically could greatly increase this module's usage and get people up and running more quickly. Naturally, this would not inhibit the use of other providers, and it would only help to pin down best practices.

Steam OpenID

I reported this issue a week ago to the passport-openid tracker, but the issue might stem from within node-openid itself and I've gotten no response on the passport-openid side, so figured I'd pass along the issue.

Here is what I'm getting passed back to me while using the Steam OpenID and I console log out the callback/next for authenticate. I've used Google OpenID and it is working fine.

{ name: 'InternalOpenIDError',
     message: 'Failed to discover OP endpoint URL',
     openidError: { message: 'No usable providers found for the given identifier' } } }

Additionally, when I'm debugging I'm getting this error from within node-openid:

error: 'Associations not supported'
error_code: 'unsupported-type'
ns: ''

It is detecting the correct endpoint and while debugging using node-inspector node-openid's post never seems to complete, which maybe the root problem.


Doesn't work with gmail address


The exact example code you've provided in the README file fails for my gmail address. After inputting it into the text box and clicking submit, I'm successfully taken to the gmail auth page, where I'm asked if I want to provide access to "Localhost" (which I say yes to), then when I'm redirected back, I get "Failure :(".

Have you tested this with Gmail? authentication fails

myopenid works, but fails. Try to enter into the box - it doesn't reach the livejournal consent page. It says something like "discovery failed".

OpendId provider '' is not working

Using your own sample, I'm unable to use '' as a OpenId provider.

Some debugging seems to point to the fact that '' returns an HTTP400 to indicate an 'associate' error with error_code 'unsupported_type', instead of the HTTP200 which your code seems to expect. If I remove the 'statusCode != 200' check on line 707 of openid.js, I finally get the '' openid login page.

This stil does not solve the entire problem since '' calls the 'verification url' using a POST with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' instead of the params in de URL which your 'openid.verifyAssertion' seems to require. So openid.js throws an exception 'No signature in response', but the signature is there, only not in de URL.

ö in firstname causes "Invalid Signature"

When asking for a first name using "": "required" I get "Invalid Signature" back from _checkSignatureUsingAssociation. I'm using google as the OpenID provider, and the first name in the google profile is "Börje". "ö" as in ö using html entities :)

Changing the first name in google profiles to something with just A-Za-z I don't get the "Invalid Signature" error anymore.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug in node-openid?

Verification should return delegate id.

Using my delegate works fine, but verifyAssertion().identifier returns the id I delegate to:
IMO, the point of using a delegate is to be able to transparently switch the id behind the delegate without the relying party noticing.

I will work on this issue when I have time.

openid.authenticate() callback called twice.

Test method:

exports.testSetupAuthenticationWithMyOpenId = function(test)
    var called = 0;
    '', null, false, false, function(error, url)
      assert.ok(called == 0, "callback executed twice");
      assert.ok(url.indexOf('checkid_setup') !== -1);

Call stack:

AssertionError: callback executed twice
      at /home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/test/openid_integration_tests.js:36:12
      at successOrNext (/home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:764:18)
      at _requestAuthentication (/home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:863:3)
      at /home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:790:13
      at /home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:648:9
      at /home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:264:9
      at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/swatinem/Coding/Seiten/nodestuff/node-openid/openid.js:268:32)
      at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:81:20)
      at HTTPParser.onMessageComplete (http.js:133:23)
      at Socket.ondata (http.js:1221:22)

Not working with Wordpress

node-openid is not working with wordpress.
Debugged it, and found out the problem, but can't checkout and commit at the moment.
At line 358 in openid.js there is the Regular expression for the link-tag Wordpress is using.
The problem is wordpress uses ' instead of ". So the RegEx doesn't match and the lib fails to get the Information.
The Tags wordpress is sending are:

<link rel='openid.delegate' href='' />

The RegEx has to be fixed, I think after that wordpress will work!


Migrate code to v0.3

This includes:

  • Removing the params fix for 0.2
  • Adding node 0.3 as an engine requirement in package.json

Yadis OpenID endpoint discovery for doesn't work authentication doesn't work.

Here are my random thoughts (feel free to throw them away)

See seems to have chosen an obscure part of Yadis protocol for discovery: if you perform

wget -S --header "Accept: application/xrds+xml"

You get X-XRDS-Location response header (in addition to an idiotic response containing another set of headers in response body):


Yahoo Possible OpenId Issue

I am unsure if this issue is with Yahoo or with your Node OpenId framework. I have noticed in some senario's that Yahoo's authentication will fail. Please try the following:

Pre Test Steps:
Remove your openId Yahoo trust for the sample application
Log out of Yahoo

Run: node sample.js
On the Yahoo page, log in using your Yahoo account.
Received this error:
Authentication failed: Invalid association handle

Close the popup window.
From the sample.js page, try to log on again to Yahoo.
Received this response:

I have also noticed issues using Yahoo's alternative logins on the logon page (Facebook & Google). Can you please test those also?

OP Endpoint Verification breaks when URI contains query string param

If the Endpoint URL contains a query string parameter (ex., the verification function _verifyAssertionAgainstProvider strips this query string from the op_endpoint response parameter but not from the original discovered URL before comparing the two. The result is that even if the two URL's originally matched, we get the following error:

OpenID provider endpoint in assertion response does not match discovered OpenID provider endpoint

Context: I am using Google's Federated Login with OpenID to provide SSO using our Google App account.

npm version still 0.1.1?

I noticed the final version on npm is still 0.1.1. When is it going to updated or am I doing something wrong. I guess install from tarball, but I was wondering.

npm ls | grep openid
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]       =alfredwesterveld active installed latest remote   Authenticate for Google OpenID    
[email protected]              =havard remote   OpenID 1.1/2.0 library for node.js    
[email protected]              =havard active installed latest remote   OpenID 1.1/2.0 library for node.js    
npm ok

Thank you

do not auto switch to openID 1.x

i have trouble with openid ver 1.x

510: if(providers == null)
but providers is empty array
510: if(providers == null || providers.length === 0)
seems to correct this..

Follow Node convention regarding callbacks?

Curious why the first value passed to the callbacks is the success value. Following the Node convention allows for compatibility with other libraries such as Promised-IO, which expect the first value to be an optional error.

Cannot use Google OpenID


I am trying to use Google's Federated Login feature to allow my users to log in through Google. However, whenever I try to use this module to make an authentication request to Google's endpoint ( the server hangs. None of the callbacks are ever called, and I never get a response back from Google. I have verified that I am able to get to other OpenID providers (specifically, LiveJournal is one I tested).

I am using Node version 0.4.8 and the current version of the module as installed by npm.

Thank you.

Wordpress gives 'Invalid association handle' when trying to verify.

The Error is: Invalid association handle
I get the Page of wordpress, where I can say, if I trust my Site, but then I get the error from relyingParty.verifyAssertion as callback.
Stepped through it with node-inspector and found that the error is thrown in _checkSignatureUsingAssociation.
The value of params['openid.assoc_handle'] is "{HMAC-SHA1}{4e295ff5}{Ag1CPg==}"
And this Association is not found.
Hope it helps to get Wordpress running.

node-openid crashes when trying to use

$node -v

$node openid.js 

  data = data.replace(/\n/g, '');
TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined
    at Object.parse (/home/alfred/local/lib/node/.npm/openid/0.1.0/package/lib/xrds.js:28:15)
    at _parseXrds (/home/alfred/local/lib/node/.npm/openid/0.1.0/package/openid.js:246:23)
    at /home/alfred/local/lib/node/.npm/openid/0.1.0/package/openid.js:390:20
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/alfred/local/lib/node/.npm/openid/0.1.0/package/openid.js:153:38)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events:48:20)
    at HTTPParser.onMessageComplete (http:107:23)
    at Client.onData [as ondata] (http:854:27)
    at IOWatcher.callback (net:494:29)
    at node.js:773:9

P.S: I got google openid working, but only when I did npm from the latest tarball.

myopenid and using version as openid.ns

Note, to use I had to work around issue 26 and that fix may be the cause of this issue.

It seems returns
version: '',

which messes things up when

if(version.indexOf('2.0') !== -1)
    params['openid.ns'] = version;

is set in _generateAssociationRequestParameters, resulting in a

error: 'Invalid OpenID Namespace u\'\'',

later on.

Setting openid.ns to "" works great, but I'm not familiar enough with the openid spec yet to boldly state that as a fix :).

Issue with node 0.4.0? on('end') not firing?

I'm having issues getting the sample working in node 0.4.0. Instead of going to the auth server it just sits there waiting for the connection to end. Node 0.4.0 changed the way http.request works but the old api should still work, i'm not sure why on('end') isn't firing.

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