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beatsabersongbrowser's Issues

Changing settings breaks Song Browser

When you delete a song, the song gets deleted, but you stay in the yes or no screen and have to reboot the game.

If you change a setting in the settings menu, song browser stops working and have to Ctrl+R for it to work again.

random song button doesn't actually select the song

When selecting the random song button, the song list appears to scroll to the position of the randomly selected song; but no song is actually selected (and thus, no preview plays, and the user has know way of knowing which song was randomly selected).

Using song browser version 3.0.2.

Favorites issues


If we click a few and then view favorites it shows. But when you go back to main menu or restart the game they dont show anymore.

If it helps, here's all the plugins I have enabled:
BeatSaberCustomUI.dll (1.3.9)
BS_Utils.dll (1.2.1)
CountersPlus.dll (1.5.1)
HitScoreVisualizer.dll (2.1.6)
NotesLeftCounter.dll (1.1.0)
Perfect Display.dll (1.5.1)
ScoreSaber.dll (2.1.1)
SongBrowserPlugin.dll (3.0.3)
SongLoaderPlugin.dll (6.8.0)

Thank you for all your work.

(NB : sorry for the double message)

Rare issue where Beat Saber takes all the RAM due to a missing file (SongBrowserPluginFavorites.json)

Just had quite an exotic issue, where Beat Saber grabbed 6GB of RAM due to NullReferenceExceptions thrown by Unity.

Here is a part of the (110MB) log that looks relevant to the issue and leads me to think SongBrowser is the culprit:

[INFO @ 21:15:30 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info] Settings loaded, sorting mode is: PlayCount
[INFO @ 21:15:30 | _] SongBrowser Plugin Loaded()
[INFO @ 21:15:30 | _] [GameplayModifiersPlus] Changed Value
[INFO @ 21:15:30 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info] Downloading scrapped data...
[INFO @ 21:15:30 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info] Attempting to download:
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] Song Loader [WARN]: Couldn't find or parse difficulty json E:/Steam/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/CustomSongs/BackStreet Boys - Everybody/Easy.json
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] Song Loader [WARN]: Couldn't find or parse difficulty json E:/Steam/steamapps/common/Beat Saber/CustomSongs/Without You/ExpertPlus.json
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] Song Loader [INFO]: Loaded 200 new songs in 2 seconds
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Matching songs for all playlists!
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Started matching songs for playlist "Song Browser Favorites"...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Matched all songs for playlist "Song Browser Favorites"! Time: 0,02s
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info][BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Started matching songs fo Determining song r playlist "The 100K Contest"...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] download time and determining mappings took 13ms
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Matched all songs for playlist "The 100K Contest"! Time: 0,00s
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Warning] Score saber data is not ready yet...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15] SongBrowser UI crashed trying to update the internal song lists: -System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException-Could not find a part of the path "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Playlists\SongBrowserPluginFavorites.json".
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x00164] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.IO.FileOptions options, System.String msgPath, System.Boolean bFromProxy, System.Boolean useLongPath, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00000] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,string,bool,bool,bool)
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00067] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, System.Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks) [0x0000d] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path) [0x00000] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(string)
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at System.IO.File.ReadAllText (System.String path) [0x00000] in <d7ac571ca2d04b2f981d0d886fa067cf>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at SongBrowser.DataAccess.Playlist.LoadPlaylist (System.String path) [0x00000] in <ac5e0b6aa24c4002af4ec9111ccb3efa>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at SongBrowser.SongBrowserModel.UpdateLevelRecords () [0x0029c] in <ac5e0b6aa24c4002af4ec9111ccb3efa>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _]   at SongBrowser.UI.SongBrowserUI.UpdateLevelDataModel () [0x0004b] in <ac5e0b6aa24c4002af4ec9111ccb3efa>:0 
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info] Refreshing the song list view.
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [Particle Overdrive // DEBUG] Found new ParticleSystem!
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [Particle Overdrive // DEBUG] Found new DitheringUpdater!
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [Particle Overdrive // DEBUG] Noise texture unset, caching original value...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Started matching songs for playlist "Song Browser Favorites"...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Matched all songs for playlist "Song Browser Favorites"! Time: 0,00s
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Started matching songs for playlist "The 100K Contest"...
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Matched all songs for playlist "The 100K Contest"! Time: 0,00s
[INFO @ 21:15:31 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Updating level packs... New level packs count: 8
[INFO @ 21:15:32 | _] [SongBrowser @ 21:15 - Info] Success downloading ScoreSaber data!
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] TubeBloomPrePassLight.Refresh () (at <3bbd4a8f8d124eb89e87345113375e7e>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] TubeBloomPrePassLight.OnEnable () (at <3bbd4a8f8d124eb89e87345113375e7e>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] MeshBloomPrePassLight.OnEnable () (at <f699036047c14c76bc1a743a856428ee>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] CustomUI.Utilities.ReflectionUtil:CopyComponent(Behaviour, Type, Type, GameObject)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] CustomFloorPlugin.TubeLight:Awake()
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.GameObject:SetActive()
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] CustomFloorPlugin.PlatformManager:ChangeToPlatform(Int32, Boolean)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] CustomFloorPlugin.<>c:<HandleMenuSceneLoadedFresh>b__4_1(TableView, Int32)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] CustomUI.BeatSaber.CustomListViewController:_customListTableView_didSelectRowEvent(TableView, Int32)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableView:DidSelectCellWithIdx(Int32)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableView:CellSelectionStateDidChange(TableCell)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableCell:ChangeSelection(Boolean, TransitionType, Boolean, Boolean)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableCell:set_selected(Boolean)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableCell:InternalToggle()
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] HMUI.TableCell:OnPointerClick(PointerEventData)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] VRUIControls.VRInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData)
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] VRUIControls.VRInputModule:Process()
[CRITICAL @ 21:15:38 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update()

The game is installed at E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\. For an unknown reason, it tried to load the favorites at D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Playlists\SongBrowserPluginFavorites.json, a different drive.

If required, I will try to upload the entire log file although it's mostly unity with more than 100K NullRefs.

[5.3.0] Plugin not loading


the current version (5.3.0) is not loading for me, downgrading to 5.2.0 works.

The plugin is installed via ModAssistant and appears in the ingame BSIPA modlist but is not actually activated/loaded.

In the logs I found this, i guess this is the cause, but I don't know if this is a general problem or my installation is broken somehow.

[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on SongDataCore: Incorrect number of parameters
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser: 
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser: 
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Song Browser: 
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on Song Browser: Incorrect number of parameters
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader: 
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader: 
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] BeatSaver Downloader: 
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader/Features] Feature not valid on BeatSaver Downloader: Incorrect number of parameters
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Config] Loading file G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Custom UI.json
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader] Mod ScoreSaber developed for game version 1.0.0, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Config] Loading file G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\BSIPA Mod List.json
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library CommonMark, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=001ef8810438905d
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file CommonMark.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file CommonMark. as G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\CommonMark.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | BSIPA Mod List/MarkDown] Starting to load resources
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Compressing log file G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\BSIPA Mod List\MarkDown\2019.
[WARNING @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Loader] Mod Song Refresh Button developed for game version 0.13.2, so it may not work properly.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/Config] Loading file G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\Song Refresh Button.json
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Compressing log file G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Logs\BSIPA Mod List\2019.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library INIFileParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79af7b307b65cf3c
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file INIFileParser.
[DEBUG @ 22:06:48 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Found file INIFileParser. as G:\Programme\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Libs\INIFileParser.
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Beat Saber
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Running on Unity 2018.3.10f1
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Game version 1.1.0
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Loading plugins from Plugins and found 17
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] SongCore (SongCore): 2.0.11
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Custom UI (CustomUI): 1.5.11
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] SongDataCore (SongDataCore): 1.1.0
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Song Browser (SongBrowser): 5.3.0
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Custom Avatars (Custom Avatars): 4.7.3
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] BeatSaberTweaks (BeatSaberTweaks): 4.4.4
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] BS_Utils (BS Utils): 1.3.6
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] BeatSaver Downloader (BeatSaverDownloader): 4.3.0
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Beat Saber IPA (BSIPA): 3.12.22
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] INI Parser (Ini Parser): 2.5.5
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] ScoreSaber (ScoreSaber): 2.1.8
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] BSIPA Mod List (BSIPA Mod List): 1.2.5
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Harmony (Harmony): 1.2.1
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Song Refresh Button (): 1.0.4
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] -----------------------------
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Custom Colors: 1.15.1
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] Custom Sabers: 2.9.1
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] MappingExtensions: 1.2.3
[INFO @ 22:06:48 | IPA] -----------------------------
[DEBUG @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file IllusionPlugin.
[CRITICAL @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null found
[DEBUG @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Resolving library IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[DEBUG @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] Looking for file IllusionPlugin.
[CRITICAL @ 22:06:49 | IPA/LibraryLoader] No library IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null found
[ERROR @ 22:06:49 | IPA] Song Browser: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[ERROR @ 22:06:49 | IPA] File name: 'IllusionPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
[ERROR @ 22:06:49 | IPA]   at SongBrowser.Plugin.OnApplicationStart () [0x00006] in <dab005f881b54b28a598528470c4fa21>:0 
[ERROR @ 22:06:49 | IPA]   at IPA.Loader.Composite.CompositeBSPlugin+<>c.<OnApplicationStart>b__3_0 (IPA.Loader.PluginLoader+PluginInfo plugin) [0x00006] in <34a700a0d3854de2963fe8845db23cee>:0 
[ERROR @ 22:06:49 | IPA]   at IPA.Loader.Composite.CompositeBSPlugin.Invoke (IPA.Loader.Composite.CompositeBSPlugin+CompositeCall callback) [0x0001d] in <34a700a0d3854de2963fe8845db23cee>:0

Performance Points not showing up

Having this issue since last week. PP aren't displayed like usual (for all the songs).


I tried to reinstall Score Saber, SongBrowser/Loader as well. Also reinstalling Windows. It has no effect. Any ideas why?

Sorting option doesn't seem to work

If I click on one of the playlists above the song selection, the songs don't get sorted differently. Also the playlist doesn't change until I back out of the song selection and go back in, so there is no visible change when clicking on one of the playlists above the songs

Not saving favorites

I had stopped using BeatSaberSongBrowser for a while due to the compatibility issues with the BeatSaverDownloader and RandomSong plugins. Started using it again with the latest version and favorites aren't working.

The favorites I had before I started using the plugin are still there, and when I add a favorite, it'll get added to the favorites list in game, but once I close the game everything I added to the list gets removed.

To try troubleshooting I deleted my old song_browser_settings.xml and favoriteSongs.cfg and started the game again. I added a few favorites, then switched to the desktop with the game still running, checked the .cfg file and the ones I added were there. Thought it was working now, so I added all my favorites again, closed the game, and the .cfg file is now empty.

So favorites are being added while I'm in game, but for some reason it doesn't get saved when the game is closed.

If it helps, here's all the plugins I have enabled:

Random sort refreshes too often

After initially selecting random sort, the random list is generated. However, this list gets randomized automatically after a song is completed. The expectation would be the random list would the same until random is pressed again.

Sort by latest played

My roommate was asking about a song I played last night, could you sort by most recently played?

All custom songs have infinite spinner icon

I get an infinite spinner icon every other BeatSaber launch. Sometimes Custom Levels shows up fine, sometimes it fails to load. I've tried reinstalling all plugins, removing all levels and deleting UserData. Maybe a concurrency issue?

It seems to stem from
[CRITICAL @ 23:01:41 | UnityEngine] CustomPreviewBeatmapLevel+d__57.MoveNext () (at <26ec787945bf43e5aae4af5dd3394845>:0)

Full log files:


I have played 150+ songs and marked the best as favorites. I would like to share this with other users. An easy way to do that would be to use a playlist. BeatDrop can create playlists, but BeatDrop doesn't see the song browser favorites, making it tedious to recreate the playlist. Maybe the song browser could store favorites in a playlist instead of song_browser_settings.xml? It could just overwrite a playlist file when favorites are saved. I wouldn't mind if it saved them in both places.

The above would be sufficient for my needs, but it would also be super cool to be able to browse, create, and edit playlists in the song browser!

Short freeze / game lock after song ends

In the new 2.3.0-RC1 release I noticed the issue that the game freezes for a short period after a song ends. I assume this is caused by the plugin fetching the song PP and stars again (at least this message is displayed at the bottom of the screen). I don't think this is necessary to run after every song. Or maybe make it asynchronous so it doesn't lock up the game.

Play count sorting is broken

With latest beatsaber 12p1 sort by playcount is not working. It seems equivalent to PP sort. On beta 11.0 beat saber branch and corresponding modinstaller plugin pkayocunt sorting does work,

Sort by PP is strange

When sorting by PP a bunch of songs show up that;

  1. Share the same name as a ranked song
  2. Show as a '?' as PP value when they are actually ranked
  3. Aren't even ranked at all, nor share the same name, but display with a PP value

My song folders are all versioned, so I don't see why it would be working incorrectly. This may be the same bug I experienced with a previous version.

Delete Song Issue loading songs.

The Delete Song Yes / No buttons did not work. Loading songs also takes a long time to load. I have to click around the buttons for it to finally work.

Could you also add back the up / down vote of songs.

I'm using an Oculus Rift,

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

Filter breaking the songlist on return to main menu

Steps to reproduce:

  • Use search to filter your custom songs
  • return to the main menu
  • if you go back to custom songs and remove the filter the songs which did not apply to the filter do not return

This sometimes is combined with new songs downloaded ingame not appearing immediatly.

Playlist sorting breaks OST Vol 1 and 2

I went out of my way to try breaking this one, but I managed to replicate it consistently.

  1. Select a playlist
  2. With the songs still sorted by playlist, click on OST Vol 1 or 2
  3. Enter a song and return to the menu
  4. The other OST volume continues to show the filtered custom songs, even after deselecting the playlist view. Extras and DLC content tabs appear to be unaffected.

Duplicate songs

Not sure if this is a bug in the browser or in the custom song plugin, but there are songs that show up as duplicates. When you try to delete one, the other one becomes inactive as well.

Feature request: Remember last selected song pack

As stated in the title, this would be an awesome feature. I've already written some code to scroll to the custom song pack in SyncSaber, here's a link for reference:

It seems the ScrollToCellWithIndex function is actually broken for horizontal TableViews, though, so I've just simulated scrolling to the pack with the page buttons for now (I'm pretty sure this is a bug in vanilla beat saber).

PP values are not up to date.

Noticed this after downloading the Top 200 PP playlist in-game and sorting by PP descending. Many songs appear as having no PP and are just shown in alphabetical order beneath the original songs (for example Daisuki, Evolution). I believe my CustomsSongs sub-directories are all versioned correctly (BeatSaber_Install/CustomSongs/###-###/SongName).

It looks like the scraped ScoreSaber file might be incomplete and missing a few songs (including the song mentioned above, Daisuki Evolution).

Any chance this file is easy to update?

False PP Values being assigned

When sorting via PP, a number of different versions of Freedom Dive will appear at the top. Of course, only one of them is ranked, but each of them display the same PP value when clicked on.

Favorites and Sorting issues


Issue had started with favorites not being saved. Reinstalled mods, clean installed game, still the same issue. I would add a song as a favorite > favorite would be written to the .json in the playlists folder > In game still listed and showed 0 favorites.
It has now come to the point that any sorting (or I just didn't notice before) does not work. Below are the messages from --verbose regarding the SongBrowser.

Same issue occurs trying 3.0.5 and 3.0.4. Any ideas?

[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44 - Info] Determining song download time and determining mappings took 23ms
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44 - Info] Updating songs infos took 31ms
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44] SongBrowser UI crashed trying to update the internal song lists: -System.InvalidOperationException-Sequence contains no matching element
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] source, System.Func2[T,TResult] predicate) [0x00011] in <1b13ba6391c74847bbc3eddc86df7eee>:0
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] at SongBrowser.UI.SongBrowserUI.GetLevelPackByPackId (System.String levelPackId) [0x00024] in :0
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] at SongBrowser.UI.SongBrowserUI.UpdateLevelPackSelection () [0x000fe] in :0
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] at SongBrowser.UI.SongBrowserUI.UpdateLevelDataModel () [0x00056] in :0
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44 - Info] Refreshing the song list view.
[INFO @ 15:44:21 | _] [BeatSaverDownloader | LOG] Selected pack: Custom Maps
[CRITICAL @ 15:44:21 | UnityEngine] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[CRITICAL @ 15:44:21 | UnityEngine] CustomUI.Utilities.ReflectionUtil.GetPrivateField[T] (System.Object obj, System.String fieldName) (at <96cc36f4057440e49c8c3bc00a41dffb>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 15:44:21 | UnityEngine] BeatSaverDownloader.UI.SongListTweaks+d__40.MoveNext () (at <63c8152f948244ea95448606b7d330cd>:0)
[CRITICAL @ 15:44:21 | UnityEngine] UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <1e56ad9145b44dbfa81599f39af43dd3>:0)
[INFO @ 15:44:23 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44 - Info] Refreshing the song list view.
[INFO @ 15:44:24 | _] [SongBrowser @ 15:44 - Info] Refreshing the song list view.

Secondary Favorites, To-Do List, or Playlist functionality

I'd be interested to have two or more custom categories to save songs to.

I have songs that I like playing because they're fun, and I have ranked songs I'm grinding to complete. It would make things a fair bit easier if I could have a To-Do list of sorts for the songs I'm grinding for ranked without having to sort through the songs I'm saving to my favorites for fun.

The albums displayed at the bottom of the screen for playlists could be handy if there was a fast way to add songs to a custom playlist with that functionality. Having a few custom playlists like Favorites, Incomplete Unranked songs, Incomplete Ranked songs, and Ranked songs to improve scores on as examples.

I know there are a few playlists in game, but I haven't really seen a way to either make one, or (while in game) add songs to a playlist from the song itself, similar to marking a song as a favorite.

(5.2.2) Favorites not synchronising

I thought favorites weren't being added, but it seems they are but the SongBrowser favorites list isn't getting refreshed,

I tested by adding a song, looking at the favourites list, it wasn't there, I went back and saw the favourite button was back in a state of add, not remove, so I added again, and repeated one more time, it did not show up.

I then quit Beat Saber (rift S tracking camera issues), loaded beat saber again and checked the favorites, The song I was trying to add was there 3 times.

So it seems to work mostly but not update the playlist in game.

Search results missing

I've seen multiple reports of missing search results in the browser. I'm currently unable to reproduce the bug but I'm 100% sure it is there. Possible parameters for reproduction could be sorting by something and then searching.

I'm trying my best to further investigate, but I like to have more eyes on it.

Song list scroll position resetting

Every time I exit a song, it kicks me back to the song list starting at the top. I disabled this plugin and it stopped. I'm unsure if it's just thing plugin or an incompatibility with another plugin.
I'm going to update this once I narrow down where the incompatibility is.

No refresh after delete

Version 2.4.4

How to reproduce:

  1. Open song list
  2. Delete first song (Song will still show after deletion with not audio preview and selecting it or trying to delete it results in a stuck-menu state)


  1. Delete a song that's not the first (song will be removed from the list)
  2. Go back to the main menu
  3. Navigate to song list (deleted songs still show up on the list)

No Scores

I was having issues with the latest install where the Score screen would not appear and no scores would be saved in either Solo or Party mode. My eliminating mods I determined that SongBrowser 3.0.4. is what caused this issue. Removing SongBrowser or downgrading to 3.0.3. fixes the issues.

Steps to Reproduce:
Tested on BS v0.13.1
Modded with ModSaber 1.4.7 prior to the takedown today
Have SongBrowser 3.0.4 installed
Beat any song in Solo or Party mode
Observe that no Score or Player Select screen appears
Observe no new entry in the score board
Check the LocalLeaderboards.dat to show that new scores are not recorded there either

Favorites issues


If we click a few and then view favorites it shows. But when you go back to main menu or restart the game they dont show anymore.

If it helps, here's all the plugins I have enabled:
BeatSaberCustomUI.dll (1.3.9)
BS_Utils.dll (1.2.1)
CountersPlus.dll (1.5.1)
HitScoreVisualizer.dll (2.1.6)
NotesLeftCounter.dll (1.1.0)
Perfect Display.dll (1.5.1)
ScoreSaber.dll (2.1.1)
SongBrowserPlugin.dll (3.0.3)
SongLoaderPlugin.dll (6.8.0)

Thank you for all your work.

The newest tab sorts songs incorrectly

The "newest" songs you install manually are sorted by "Date Modified" instead of "Date Created".
This means that whatever song was created first is put to the top of the list instead of the song you most recently added.
This is slightly annoying when trying to find the song I just installed and it would be nice to get this fixed, or atleast help me if I have went wrong somewhere

PP sorting is not available

In the past week, every time I opened BeatSaber, PP sorting could not be used. SongBrowser version is already 5.3.1.

I looked for the problem seems to be due to the slowness of the CDN loading song data in China?
I tried it, 1.2MB of JSON, and I didn't download it for an hour.

The download speed is about 600KB/h and the packet loss rate is over 50%.

But most CDNs or websites download speeds are normal, only this one CDN is so slow

Newest sorting breaks when copying/backup->restore custom songs


unfortunately SongBrowser currently seems to base its latest sorting on the attributes of the song folder. The relevant code should be at

This is not optimal because when copying folder structures on Windows it recreates the correct timestamps(Access,Modification,...) for files but not for folders.
So lets say you have backed up your songs and copied them to another drive, then reinstalled beatsaber and now you copy everything back. All the folders will have the current date/time and the files inside will still have their original timestamps(maybe except creation time). This means that sorting for newest is now broken.

I think it would be better to base the latest sorting on the timestamps of the info.json or info.dat file as those would be copied over.
I also know that this can be problematic because I guess it depends on the downloader if the timestamps inside the song archive get restored upon installation. This could lead to sorting issues in some cases but I think it would be still better than now.

Sort inversion not preserved

When coming back to the browser from the main menu or after completing a song, the song sort mode is correct, but the inversion is not preserved. For example, a player selects to sort by song names in descending order (Z to A). After a song is completed, the sort goes back to ascending order. My guess is the settings needs to save the last the InvertingResults flag as well as sort mode.

Cursor and song do not match after deleting a song

When you delete a song, sometimes the cursor moves to the song above the deleted song while the actual selected song (showing up on the right side, and playing if you select play) is the song that was below the deleted song. Thus the cursor and selected song do not match.

[Request] sort by friend leaderboard

Is there any way for us to get a sort by leaderboard amongs friends? i've got ppl who keep saying 'i beat you in one of the songs', but it is impossible to find the song they beat me in unless i get the name from them.

It would be awesome if we could hit the sort button and have all the songs we arent at the top on amongst friends show up.

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