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common-logic's Issues

Signature morphisms

In Colore there are axiomatizations for recurring strucures. E.g., there is an axiomatization of partial order.In order to reuse these axioms, e.g., in the axiomatization of "smaller than" it is important to be able to rename the names in the axiomatization. This would involve some signature mapping.

Comments on bindings in XCL

Defect Nos.: 19

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document: p.65 C.2 3.1.5

Nature of Defect: The abstract syntax metamodel does not support a
Binding having comment associated with it (nor does
CLIF), however XCL allows a element to
contain zero, one or more comments. This would
appear to prevent XCL being syntactically fully

Proposed Solution: Either add support for comments being
associated with a Binding to the abstract
syntax metamodel and CLIF or remove
them from XCL.

Module syntax in XCL not in sync with abstract syntax

Defect Nos.: 18

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document: p.59-60

Nature of Defect: The content for a element is at variance
with the abstract syntax metamodel in that it allows
multiple elements.

Proposed Solution: Amend the content to be an optional
element and a element
containing the body of the module

Interpretation of Module Name

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.18, 1 para last sentence

Nature of Defect: Sentence seems to contradict the formal semantics

Proposed Solution: Replace “The module
name may be used to identify a common universe of
discourse associated with the dialect, or a local universe
of discourse special to the text in the module.” with "The
module name indicates a local universe of discourse
special to the text in the module, which can be asserted
to be equivalent to a common universe of discourse
associated with the dialect by sentences outside the

Shall or Will

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.7 - 5.1.1, 2 sentence

Nature of Defect: First sentence uses "shall", second sentence uses
"will". It is not clear if this indicates a difference of
sense. If it does, this difference should be clarified. If
it does not, a single term should be used

Proposed Solution:

Correction and completion of the XML syntax in 24707 Annex C

The XCL entries of the CL Defect Report
[1] give a very
incomplete picture of the problems with this first version of XCL (XCL1).

The additional serious XCL1 defects may be divided into two groups:

A. serious defects in the schema design
B. serious defects in the syntax design

A. The XCL1 DTD as published in the CL specification is not modular, and
so does not distinguish some subset of the syntax which could, in
principle, be exactly semantically conformant. All schema languages
allow such modularization, and we propose that the revised XCL schema be
divided into multiple parts, a core schema and one or more standard
extension modules. This is easily accomplished with Relax NG [2], and is also possible in XSD
and DTD.

There is in actuality no subset of XCL1 that is exactly semantically
conformant, so additional modifications, as described in part B, will be
necessary to create a core XCL2 syntax that is exactly semantically

There are certain features, such as typed literals, that are easily
implemented (syntactically) in XML and that would be useful to most
applications, but are not (yet) part of the abstract CL syntax. These
features would be implemented in the standard extension modules (with
semantics of typed literals according to the outcome of the parallel
discussion on this topic.)

Note: Let us emphasize the difference between such standard extensions
of the XCL syntax versus XCL extensions external to the CL standard that
might introduce, e.g., non-monotonic logic.

B. We found a basic flaw in the design of XCL1 consisting of the
introduction of elements for higher-level syntactic categories that
should instead be non-terminals that are not shown in XML-instance
serializations (such 'invisible' non-terminals are implemented as
entities in DTD, patterns in Relax NG and groups in XSD). This flaw is
repeated multiple places (, , ) and causes multiple

<text> - This element serves as a root element, and also for the
syntactic categories of named text and unnamed text. (We don't
distinguish commented text as a syntactic category, as just about
anything can have an attached comment.) The problems caused by this
overloading of are:

  1. Coupling of logical and physical structure. The root element has
    semantics as identifying a text rather than being purely a syntactic
    wrapper. Because only one root element is allowed in an XML file, this
    means a file is limited to holding one text. This restriction causes
    unnecessary coupling between the logical structure of texts and the
    physical structure of files, whereas it may be desirable to have
    multiple texts in a file. It would be better to have a purely syntactic
    root element (say ), and let elements such as be children of
    this root.
  2. Lack of Conformance. Named texts and unnamed texts have different
    syntactic patterns in CL.

Named texts cannot be nested within any other element, while unnamed
texts can be nested within other texts and modules. For conformance, it
is therefore necessary to have two different syntactic categories for
texts, and it would be best to indicate these categories explicitly by
the name of their elements. In XCL1, nesting of texts within other texts
and within modules is not implemented at all, and so XCL1 is not exactly
conformant as a CL dialect.

  1. Lack of Extensibility - languages which extend XCL to include
    things such as performatives for knowledge base management need
    clear syntactic categories at the upper level for encapsulating
    sets of phrases, which is not provided by XCL1.

<phrase> - This element is completely unnecessary. Instead, "phrase"
should be a (serialization-)invisible non-terminal which is a choice
among the non-terminals for sentence, unnamed text, module and
importation. Problems caused by this include:

  1. Redundancy - Unnecessary elements make the syntax more verbose
    and cumbersome than necessary.
  2. Lack of Conformance. In XCL1, the content model of is a
    sentence with optional comments. This is not in agreement with the
    CL abstract syntax, where a phrase can be other things besides a
    sentence, and there is no "commented phrase" specified in the
    abstract syntax.
  3. Lack of Extensibility - Extensions may want to introduce other
    kinds of phrases, e.g. defeasible rules, reaction rules, metalogical
    statements. Without a "phrase" non-terminal, it is not possible to
    extend the schema in this way.

<term> - In XCL1, this element is used to denote names of all kinds and
also functional terms. Instead, "term" should be an invisible
non-terminal which is a choice among non-terminals for the syntactic
categories name and functional term, resp. The syntactic category "name"
could be further expanded in extensions to cover both interpretable and
fixed-interpretation names. Problems caused by this overloading of

  1. Schema Inadequacy - the exclusion list of a module should contain
    only a list of names, but in XCL1 may contain functional terms, e.g.
       <function><term name="a"/></function>
       <term name="b"/>
  1. Syntactic Disconnect - for quantifier bindings, a new element was
    invented to avoid repeating the Schema Inadequacy problem of the
    previous item, that is allowing a quantifier binding to be a
    functional term.

This creates a syntactic disconnect between the binding and the terms in
the quantified sentence. For example, we must make "x" both a and
a when we state

  <var name="x"/>
  <atomic><relation><term name="x"/></relation></atomic>
  1. Semantic Ambiguity - Few schema languages allow a choice between
    attributes and content (Relax NG is one, but not XSD or DTD), so in
    order for to serve double-duty for names and functional
    terms, it is allowed to have both a name attribute and the child
    element structure of functional terms. This introduces semantic
    ambiguity- when both occur, which takes precedence?
<term name="x">
  <function><term name="P"/></function>
  <term name="y"/>
  1. Lack of Extensibility. Fixed-interpretation names should not be
    allowed in quantifier bindings, and there is no clear mechanism for
    extending the syntax to implement this properly. Other sorts of
    terms may be desired (IKL's "that", reifications, frame terms). A
    proper implementation would give these terms their own elements, and
    add them to the choices for the invisible "term" non-terminal.
    Because there is no invisible "term" non-terminal in XCL1, this
    method of extension is not available.

In comparison, the invisible "sentence" non-terminal introduces
extensibility, so extensions can increase the choices for "sentence" to
include, say, weak negation, modal sentences, fuzzy sentences, ...

To correct these and other defects, modifications including, but not
limited to, the following are proposed:

Elements to be deleted from the core XCL syntax without replacement

  • <phrase>
  • <relation>
  • <function>
  • <quantification>
  • <boolean>
  • <role>
  • <guard>

Attributes to be deleted from the core XCL syntax without replacement

  • @dialect (may be implemented in external extensions, but processors
    would need to validate embedded syntax somehow)
  • @logicalFormOf (may be implemented in external extensions)
  • @syntaxType (may be implemented in external extensions)
  • @xml:id ( removes the ambiguity of the module name, also allows
    external extensions to add an attribute of type xs:ID with the name
    and semantics of their choice, including the convention whereby the
    value is used to construct an IRI.

Note: contrary to the statement in Annex C, it is never acceptable for a
base IRI to be "arbitrary". If relative references are used, then the
base IRI should be explicitly specified. Otherwise the text violates the
Common Logic "means the same everywhere on the network" principle.)

Elements that need to be split:

  • <text>
  • <term>

Element to be added:

  • a root element
  • an element for sequence markers

Content model changes

  • unless the abstract syntax is modified to allow multiple comments,
    restrict embedded comments to at most one per element, and to be not
    allowed on names except when they appear as terms
  • content model of functional terms modified to allow nullary functions
  • introduce a non-terminal for term sequence, to accommodate sequence
  • only one exclude element allowed per module
  • remove the erroneous <relation> choice from the "atom" non-terminal

Additional errors in the DTD

p. 54 There is inconsistency in the public identifiers declared for the
DTD and the documentation.

This DTD has the following formal public identifiers:

"ISO/IEC 24707:2006//DTD XML Common Logic (XCL) 1.0//EN"

"-// XML Common Logic (XCL) 1.0//EN"

The DTD may be invoked by one of the following declarations:

    "ISO/IEC 24707:2006//DTD XCL Markup Language//EN">

    "-// XML Common Logic (XCL) 1.0//EN"

We have already recommended that the syntax be specified in Relax NG and
in XSD automatically derived from the Relax NG, not in DTD, so this
defect would be irrelevant.


<!ENTITY % URI.datatype "CDATA" >

This allows any string for some attributes such as @href, but the
attribute value should be limited to the lexical space of the IRI
datatype. In Relax NG this would be corrected as follows:

URI.datatype = xsd:anyURI

Summary: It would not be feasible to make even a modest subset of the
proposed changes to the specification by piecemeal corrections of the
published DTD. We propose that the entire Annex C be rewritten.
Nevertheless, we feel that the proposed modifications to schema and
syntax design can be made without being overly burdensome to existing
users for the following reasons.

  • The first goal of the XCL syntax revision is to remove non-conformant
    constructs from the language. Existing implementations that are
    consistent with the CL abstract syntax should already have
    disallowed or ignored these.
  • Further, we propose adding some constructs that were omitted in XCL1
    in order to bring XCL2 up to full conformance. If existing
    implementations do not want to take advantage of these new
    constructs, they can use a similar subset of the syntax that they
    are using now by making simple deletions from the schema.

CGIF grammar redundancy

Defect Nos.: 21

Submitter: John Sowa

References in Document: p.48 B.3.4

Nature of Defect: eitherOr ="[",[comment] ?cm?,"Either",[":"],
{[comment], nestedOrs} ?ors?, [endComment] ?ecm?, "]";

Proposed Solution: Remove "{" and "}" in 2nd line to read:
[comment], nestedOrs ?ors?,
[endComment] ?ecm?, "]";

Remove restriction on irregular sentences in extensions

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.16, 2nd para, 4th sentence

Nature of Defect: The qualification "... but shall not use irregular
sentence forms to represent content that is
expressible in Common Logic text." is unnecessary
and potentially harmful to interoperability under
certain conditions. It is not mentioned in section 7
defining conformity, so it may be left over from an
earlier version by mistake.

Proposed Solution: Replace “, but shall not use irregular
sentence forms to represent content that is
expressible in Common Logic text.” With

Inconsistency between Definitions 3.12 and 3.22 for "individual" and "term"

Section 3, page 4.

The current language is:

one element of the universe of discourse
NOTE The universe of discourse is the set of all individuals.

3.22 term
〈Common Logic〉 expression which denotes an individual, consisting of either a name or, recursively, a function term applied to a sequence of arguments, which are themselves terms

This is not consistent with the definition of interpretations in 6.2 where the universe of discourse may be a proper subset of the universe of reference.

3.22 term
〈Common Logic〉 expression which denotes an element of the universe of reference, consisting of either a name or, recursively, a function term applied to a sequence of arguments, which are themselves terms

Guarded Quantifiers

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.31

Nature of Defect: The ordering of the names X1 ... Xn is not specified, and
there is no natural way to specify it. Hence this 'mapping' is
undefined, and hence the CLIF semantics is undefined, for
the guarded quantifier construction.
Solution is to remove the 'guarded quantifier' construction
from the CLIF specification in Appendix A. This solution
was arrived at by a clear consensus among the technical
committee which designed the specification. The guarded
quantifier construction is currently the subject of on-going
research, is not required by the main CL spec and has not
been implemented or used by any known CLIF project.

Proposed Solution:
(a) Delete lines 4 and 5 from table A.2 on page 31
(b) In A 2.3.8, page 29: remove the words "and may be guarded;"
(c) In A 2.3.8, page 29: remove the option “[ interpretablename ]” from the first production
(d) In A.1, page 24: remove item 11.

Named sentences

Provide a possibility to name sentences. This is essential for keeping the overview when using a theorem prover with large theories.

Less Complete

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.21 – 7.1.2 last sentence of para “Semantic extensions shall…”

Nature of Defect: “less complete” is ambiguous and misleading

Proposed Solution: Replace “may be less complete” with “may be incomplete”

Ambiguous production rule in CLIF grammar (A.2.3.11 Phrase)

phrase = sentence | module | (open, 'cl:imports' , interpretablename , close) | (open,
'cl:comment', quotedstring, cltext, close);
cltext = { phrase } ;
namedtext = open, 'cl:text' interpretablename, text, close ;
cltext = module | namedtext | text ;

cltext occurs twice on the left side. The last line is probably right, and refers to the root of the grammar. (But see #40 for a new proposal to have documents at the root.)

But the first occurrence of cltext should be

text = { phrase }

(Thanks to Sören Schulze for spotting this problem!)

In phrase, the ambiguos cltext occurs on the right side. The thing that is commented upon should most likely be a list of phrases; therefore we suggest the following as a revision of the first line:

phrase = sentence | module | (open, 'cl:imports' , interpretablename , close) | (open,
'cl:comment', quotedstring, text, close);

There is one more occurrence of the ambiguous cltext in the standard, in A.2.3.10 Module:

module = open, 'cl:module' , interpretablename , [open, 'cl:excludes' , {name} , close ] , cltext, close;

We are quite sure that this should rather be

module = open, 'cl:module' , interpretablename , [open, 'cl:excludes' , {name} , close ] , text, close;

as it does not make sense that a module, which has a name, contains texts having different, possibly unrelated names.

(also reported by Pat Hayes)

Mathematical Structure

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.13 - 6.2 1st sentence

Nature of Defect: the phrase "mathematical structures" is potentially
misleading as it can be construed as being contrasted with
other 'kinds' of structure. The qualifier "mathematical" is
not necessary to the sense of the sentence, so should be

Proposed Solution: Delete “mathematical”

CL Identifiers

References in Document: pp.8, 9, 11, 13, 16, Sections, 4, 5, 7, 6.1.2, 6.2, 6.3.1

Nature of defect:

Summary: The abstract syntax does not address the case where the syntax has a method for distinguishing identifiers and syntactically constraining these names from occurring bound in a quantified sentence. Further, the standard does not specifically state that all dialects must disallow identifiers being bound in a quantified sentence.

Discussion: A CL dialect that supports named texts, modules and importations, as is required for full conformance, must have rigid identifiers that are used for the names of texts, modules, vocabularies, and in importations.

Recall from the CL Standard, rigid identifiers (if there are any) are always names, but not all names are rigid identifiers. In several places, the Standard also uses "identifier", without the qualifier "rigid", to mean "rigid identifiers". Thus, in CL all identifiers are rigid identifiers, and from this point on I'll use "identifier" to mean rigid identifier.

Identifiers should not be used as freely as other names. In particular, it is not appropriate for an identifier to occur bound in a quantified sentence [1].

Aside from quantifier bindings, an identifier may be used anywhere other names are used (predicate, operator, term, exclusion set), and its denotation is a member of the domain of discourse unless excluded within a module (or used as a non-discourse name in a segregated dialect.) Identifiers as terms, operators and predicates are especially useful if vocabularies are derived from imported OWL ontologies or RDF graphs, which use IRIs for the names of classes, properties and individuals.

Further, extensions may use identifiers in other ways, e.g. to label and import or clone fragments of texts, such as sentences or terms, and to reference externally-defined datatype definitions, external annotations, "built-in" functions, and so on.

The reason for the restriction against identifiers occurring bound in a quantified sentence can be demonstrated with CLIF. CLIF does not distinguish syntactically between identifiers and other interpretable names, so the following text is syntactically legal according to the grammar.

(cl-text "" (= a b))
(forall ("") (P ""))

The semantics (say for an interpretation I) takes an unexpected turn with this text however, because the quantification requires us to consider any interpretation J where the denotation of "" "might" differ from that of I. However, all available (either CL or CLIF) interpretations give the same meaning to "" because it is an identifier, so the text is true exactly when

The only way around this for CLIF is to simply declare that identifiers must not be bound in a quantified sentence, even though the grammar allows it. For this to be possible, fixing the subset of names which are identifiers must be a part of the specification of the vocabulary. However, this is not currently stated in the CL abstract semantics.

Other dialects may choose to take a different approach (from CLIF) on identifiers. Although there has not been much enthusiasm for complicating the abstract syntax by specifying details about particular identifier systems, such as IRIs, there is no reason a particular dialect could not include such details. In particular, XML has built-in capabilities for handling IRIs syntactically, and it is reasonable, if not expected, that an XML-based Common Logic dialect should incorporate both the lexical restrictions of IRIs for identifiers, and syntactic constraints that prevent identifiers occurring bound in a quantified sentence.

The abstract syntax and semantics could be modified to allow dialects that make a syntactic distinction between identifiers and other names to be considered exactly semantically conformant, without requiring this for all dialects.

Solution proposed by the submitter:

Original: ( A piece of text shall optionally be identified by a name.

Proposal ( A piece of text shall optionally be identified by an identifier. All identifiers are names.

Original ( A module consists of a name, an optional set of names called the exclusion set, ...

Proposal ( A module consists of an identifier, an optional set of names called the exclusion set, ...

Original ( An importation contains a name ...

Proposal ( An importation contains an identifier ...

Original ( A quantified sentence has (i) a type, called a quantifier, (ii) a finite, nonrepeating sequence of names and sequence markers called the binding sequence, each element of which is called a binding of the quantified sentence, and (iii) a sentence called the body of the quantified sentence.

Proposal ( A quantified sentence has (i) a type, called a quantifier, (ii) a finite, nonrepeating sequence of names and sequence markers called the binding sequence, each element of which is called a binding of the quantified sentence, and (iii) a sentence called the body of the quantified sentence. A binding must not be an identifier.

Fig. 4 p. 11 (UML diagram) p. 11. The class box labeled "Name" should be labeled instead as "Non-Identifier Name".

Section 6.2, p. 13
Original: The vocabulary of a Common Logic text is the set of names and sequence markers which occur in the text. In a segregated dialect, the names in vocabularies are partitioned into discourse names and non-discourse names.

Proposal: The vocabulary of a Common Logic text is the set of names and sequence markers which occur in the text. In all dialects, the names are partitioned into identifier and non-identifier names. In a segregated dialect, the names in vocabularies are also partitioned into discourse names and non-discourse names; identifiers may be either discourse or non-discourse.

Section 6.2, p. 14
Original: An interpretation J of V is an S-variant of I if it is exactly like I except that intJ and seqJ might differ with intI and seqI on what they assign to the members of S.

Proposal: An interpretation J of V is an S-variant of I if it is exactly like I except that intJ and seqJ might differ with intI and seqI on what they assign to the non-identifier members of S.

Section 6.3 p. 16
Original This section applies only to dialects which support importations and/or named texts.

Proposal This section applies only to dialects which support importations and/or named texts and/or modules.

(Insertion between para. 2 and 3 in Section 6.3.1, p. 16)
Particular dialects may, but are not required to, introduce means to designate which names are identifiers, e.g. through naming conventions, punctuation or declaration. All dialects must disallow identifiers occurring bound in a quantified sentence; however, a Common Logic dialect is not required to provide sufficient syntactic constraints to guarantee that identifiers are not bound in a quantified sentence in any syntactically legal text of the dialect.

Related Issues:

  • Allowing external comments to be referenced with identifiers, which has been mentioned on the mailing list although I couldn't find it in the mailing list archives.
  • Introducing fixed-interpretation names into the vocabulary, as in the parallel discussion on the mailing list [2]. Fixed-interpretation (or interpreted) names also cannot occur bound in a quantified sentence, in which case bindings must be restricted to non-identifier interpretable names, and S-variants may differ in what they assign to non-identifier interpretable names.
  • The modification of the module syntax to allow separate identifiers for the module and the module vocabulary.


The CL standard mentions identifiers and identification in several places.

p.8 ... A piece of text shall optionally be identified by a name. An importation contains a name. The intention is that the name identifies a piece of Common Logic content represented externally to the text, and the importation re-asserts that content in the text. The notion of identification is discussed more fully in clause 6.3.1 below.

UML diagrams: Figures 1, 3

p. 12 Dialects intended for transmission of content on a network should not impose arbitrary or unnecessary restrictions on the form of names, and shall provide for certain names to be used as identifiers of Common Logic texts; that is, character strings used as identifiers in a dialect shall be parseable as Common Logic names in that dialect. Dialects intended for use on the Web should allow Universal Resource Identifiers, International Resource Identifiers and URI references to be used as names [2] [4].

p. 13 A dialect may impose particular semantic conditions on some categories of names, and apply syntactic constraints to limit where such names occur in expressions. For example, the CLIF syntax treats numerals as having a fixed denotation, and prohibits their use as identifiers.

p. 16 ... a name used to identify a phrase in Common Logic is understood to be a globally rigid identifier of that text as written (see next section), so that the same name shall not be used to refer to a different text, even if the texts have the same meaning.

Names used to name texts on a network are understood to be rigid and to be global in scope, so that the name can be used to identify the thing named – in this case, the Common Logic text – across the entire communication network. (See [8] for more full discussion.) A name which is globally attached to its denotation in this way is an identifier, and is typically associated with a system of conventions and protocols which govern the use of such names to identify, locate and transmit pieces of information across the network on which the dialect is used. While the details of such conventions are beyond the scope of this International Standard, we can summarize their effect by saying that the act of publishing a named Common Logic text is intended to establish the name as a rigid identifier of the text, and Common Logic acknowledges this by requiring that all interpretations shall conform to such conventions when they apply to the network situation in which the publication takes place.

and Section 6.3 in general.

p. 29 (Annex A) Any name assigned to a named text or a module, and any name occurring inside an importation, shall be a network identifier. For Web applications at the time of writing, it should be an IRI

Network identifiers of CL documents (and of texts inside them)

#40 introduced the notion of a CL document. Documents are commonly retrievable in a network (e.g. downloadable from a IRI if that IRI is a URL) and therefore, quite naturally, have network identifiers.

To avoid confusion and redundancy, we suggest that this name defines the base IRI (in terms of RFC 3986/3987) of the CL document, and that all relative IRIs used for names inside this document are to be interpreted relatively to that base. (Note that so far the "foo" in (cl-text foo) has not been interpretable as an IRI, as the base wasn't defined!)

Suppose there is a document (the issue of whether this can be a file foo.clif is separate and purely technical; doesn't have to be discussed here).

We propose:

If this document contains an unnamed text (as defined in #40), we implicitly assume that this text has a name: the network identifier = base IRI of the document. This still allows for purely unnamed texts: They can still be created on the fly, in memory, without the notion of an enclosing document.

If this document contains named texts, their names (and likewise any other network identifiers in the document) are to be resolved against the base IRI.

This is particularly compatible with the COLORE practice of having files named foo (actually foo.clif) that contain a single named text

(cl-text foo)

Taking "foo" as an IRI relative to the base, it refers to "the file foo in the current directory" (sloppily spoken), whose only CL text is exactly this text.

Beyond the COLORE practice, it is possible to have documents that contain multiple named texts, e.g.

(cl-text foo)
(cl-text bar)

This is not compatible with linked data practice, a practical way of distributing ontologies on the Internet, which recommends identifying things by those IRIs=URLs from which a description of these things can be downloaded.

Therefore, in the case of multiple texts in a document, we suggest having them as fragments of that document, i.e. .../document#foo, .../document#bar, written as

(cl-text #foo)
(cl-text #bar)

Once we get to namespace prefixes (quite soon, as a new issue), it will be possible to abbreviate this and get rid of writing the hash.

CGIF grammar consistency

Defect Nos.: 22

Submitter: John Sowa

References in Document: p. 44 B.2.11 p. 50 B.3.8

Nature of Defect: The colon that separates the type field
from the referent field of a concept node is
usually optional. But in the definition of the
category text, it is required.There would be no
ambiguity if it were optional, and I suggest that
the two grammar rules for text should contain
brackets around ":" .

Making the colon optional does not correct any
technical error, but it makes the grammar more
consistent by allowing colons to be optional in
all concept nodes that have a type label.

Proposed Solution:
B.2.11 text

The first line of the grammar rule should be

text = "[", [comment],
"Proposition", [":"], [CGname], CG,

B.3.8 text

The second line of the translation rule should be

text = "[", [comment] ?cm?,
"Proposition", [":"], [CGname] ?n?,

Restriction of Interpretation Clarification

Reference in Document: p.14, 5th paragraph (Section 6.2)

Nature of Defect: mention of "universe" without qualification "of reference"

Proposed Solution: Replace
"If E is a subset of UD_I, then the restriction of I to E is an
interpretation K of the same vocabulary and over the
same universe and with int_K = int_I and seq_K = seq_I,
but where UD_K = E, rel_K(v) is the restriction of rel_I(v) to E*
and fun_K(v) is the restriction of fun_I(v) to E*->E, for all v in the vocabulary of I."


"If E is a subset of UD_I, then the restriction of I to E is an
interpretation K of the same vocabulary and over the
same universe of reference (UR_K = UR_I)
and with int_K = int_I and seq_K = seq_I,
but where UD_K = E, rel_K(v) is the restriction of rel_I(v) to E*
and fun_K(v) is the restriction of fun_I(v) to E*->E, for all v in the vocabulary of I."

Discussion: this clarification has bearing on Issues #24, #25 and #35. This passage indicates that even unsegregated dialects (those that do not have a syntax for functions and relations separate from that of individuals) inherently have the concept of segregated interpretations (interpretations whose universe of discourse is a proper subset of the universe of reference) if they adopt the CL abstract semantics.

Sequence markers missing from XCL

Defect Nos.: 16

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document: Annex C

Nature of Defect: Annex C makes no mention of how to represent sequence markers


XCL Comments

Defect Nos.: 20

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document:

Nature of Defect: XCL allows a element to contain multiple
elements. This conflicts with the
CommentedTerm construct in the abstract syntax
which allows for a single character string to be
associated with the Term being commented. One
can argue that the abstract syntax allows
CommentedTerms to be nested, however there is no
indication of how multiple elements
would map to implicit nested Commented Terms.


Text to be deleted in WD 6.1.4

"A dialect may require some names to be syntactic non-discourse names, which are understood to never denote entities in the universe of discourse. This requirement may be imposed, for example, by partitioning the vocabulary or by requiring names that occur in certain syntactic positions to be non-discourse. A dialect with syntactic non-discourse names is called segregated. In segregated dialects, names which are not non-discourse names are called discourse names.
A segregated dialect shall provide sufficient syntactic constraints to guarantee that in any syntactically legal text of the dialect:
Every name shall be classified as either discourse or as non-discourse;
No name shall be classified as both discourse and non-discourse;
No non-discourse name shall be an argument of an atom or functional term.
No non-discourse name shall be bound in a quantified sentence.
As the presence of non-discourse names affects the semantics, special conditions apply to segregated dialects.
A dialect which is not segregated is called non-segregated.

Error in CLIF grammar (A.2.3.11 Phrase)

phrase = sentence | module | (open, 'cl:imports' , interpretablename , close) | (open,
'cl:comment', quotedstring, cltext, close);
cltext = { phrase } ;
namedtext = open, 'cl:text' interpretablename, text, close ;
cltext = module | namedtext | text ;

cltext occurs twice on the left side. The last line is probably right, and refers to the root of the grammar. (But see #40 for a new proposal to have documents at the root.)

But the first occurrence of cltext should be

text = { phrase }

(Thanks to Sören Schulze for spotting this problem!)

In phrase, the ambiguos cltext occurs on the right side. The thing that is commented upon should most likely be a list of phrases; therefore we suggest the following as a revision of the first line:

phrase = sentence | module | (open, 'cl:imports' , interpretablename , close) | (open,
'cl:comment', quotedstring, text, close);

There is one more occurrence of the ambiguous cltext in the standard, in A.2.3.10 Module:

module = open, 'cl:module' , interpretablename , [open, 'cl:excludes' , {name} , close ] , cltext, close;

We are quite sure that this should rather be

module = open, 'cl:module' , interpretablename , [open, 'cl:excludes' , {name} , close ] , text, close;

as it does not make sense that a module, which has a name, contains texts having different, possibly unrelated names.

Differ With

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.14 4th para, 2nd sentence

Nature of Defect:

Proposed Solution: Replace “differ with” using “differ from”

Biconditional vs. equivalence

After Tara's presentation on XCL2 we discussed a terminological question. In the XCL2 draft the boolean operator that is often written <--> is called "equivalence". I think we should strive for consistency across the CL standard and call it "biconditional". This would be consistent with the terminology in the 2007 version of the standard, and it matches the terminology that is used in the logic books that I am aware of. (Equivalence is usually defined as a relationship in the metalanguage.)

Introduce top-level notion of "CL document" (parent of "CL text")

In the network we are practically using, CL texts are not free-floating but occur in documents (think: files). We suggest that that top-level unit be called "CL document", and that the listing in A.2.3.11 be replaced with the following grammar:

cldocument = { namedtext } | text ;
namedtext = open, 'cl:text' interpretablename, text, close ;
text = { phrase }
phrase = ... (as discussed previously)

For phrase, please see #39.

The first rule is justified by the following consideration: When talking about network identifiers (i.e. IRIs) of texts inside documents (see #41 in a few minutes), it doesn't make sense to have, on top level of a document, named texts intermixed with unnamed texts, as it wouldn't be clear how to identify the unnamed stuff.

We don't need modules on cldocument level, as phrase = ... | module allows for having modules anyway.

'3.8' and 'dialect' on same line

Submitter: Pat Hayes

Reference in Document: p.3 - 3.8

Nature of Defect: '3.8' and 'dialect' on same line

Proposed Solution: '3.8' and 'dialect' should be on separate lines

Colon in CLIF reserved names

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: Annexes A and B

Nature of Defect: The CLIF syntax uses several reserved names with an
enclosed colon, such as "cl:imports". It has been pointed
out by commentators that this is likely to give rise to
clashes with a widely used XML convention called
Qnaming, whereby a 'root' URI is abbreviated by a short
prefix defined in the XML header, which is prefixed to a
local name separated by a colon, such as 'rdf:type' being
an abbreviation for the full URIreference
Solution: As this 'internal colon' convention serves no real
purpose, simply replace it with hyphen. This does not
change the language essentially and would require only
minimal changes to any extant CL parsers. Since these
'words' are reserved, it is better to not use up commonly
used words such as 'text' or 'comment', so rather than
eliminate the 'cl:' prefix entirely, we propose abbreviating
it without the comma, producing entirely artificial

Proposed Solution: Throughout Annexes A and B, make
the following textual substitutions:
'cl-module' for 'cl:module'
'cl-excludes' for 'cl:excludes'
'cl-imports' for 'cl:imports'
'cl-text' for 'cl:text'
'cl-comment' for 'cl:comment'
'cl-roleset' for 'roleset:'
These occur on pages 27 - 31, page
52 (table B.1, line E5, second part),
page 53, lines E12, E14, E17, E19,

Semantics of cl-module

The semantics of cl-module should be fixed, as described in the paper:
Fabian Neuhaus, Pat Hayes: Common Logic and the Horatio problem. Applied Ontology 7(2): 211-231 (2012)

Missing period

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.18 – 6.4 last sentence

Nature of Defect: Missing period

Proposed Solution: Replace “of the entailment” with “of the entailment.”

Specify media types for the different CL dialects

CL ontologies will be published increasingly on the Web. When publishing stuff on the Web, particularly when publishing ontologies in a linked data compliant way, it is good practice that the web server indicates, in the HTTP header, a media type for anything it makes available for download. (I can provide further reasons for this if desired.)

CL doesn't specify media types for its dialects so far.

For comparison, consider, e.g., OWL, e.g.

The different serializations of OWL have the following media types:

  • OWL XML: application/owl+xml
  • Manchester: text/owl-manchester
    Additionally OWL can be serialized as RDF graphs, reusing the RDF media types.

I suggest we come up with something like

  • CLIF: text/clif
  • XCL: application/xcl+xml


The CL standard does not introduce any means to abbreviate long names, which frequently appear as identifiers (e.g. IRIs on the Web). A commonly-used approach for such abbreviation is to define prefixes, such as "pre" and to write a corresponding "prefixed name" as "pre:local". The expansion of the prefixed name to an unprefixed name typically involves concatenating the text associated with the prefix, often called the "namespace" with the local part of the name, sometimes with a particular character inserted in between.

a) Should the CL revision mention such namespace/prefixing mechanisms in the abstract syntax?
b) Should prefixing be introduced into any of the concrete dialects?
c) If so, what form should the namespace/prefixing mechanism take?

Circular Imports

The semantics of cl-imports needs to be clarified: are circular imports allowed? If yes, what is their semantics?

Import as child of text in XCL

Defect Nos.: 17

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document: p.59-60 C.2 2.2

Nature of Defect: The abstract syntax metamodel explicitly makes
importation a subtype of phrase, an importation may
therefore form part of a text. The XCL specification
does not allow an element as a child of the
top level element, it limits it to being a child of
a element. This would appear to prevent
XCL being syntactically fully conformant.

Proposed Solution: Allow elements within the content
of a element.

Structural Axioms

Informative Annex that includes the axiomatization of useful 'structural' axioms eg arity of relations, allDifferent, etc.. which are ontologically neutral

TBD in XCL Example

Defect Nos.: 13, 14, 15

Submitter: Chris Angus

References in Document: p.68 C.2 3.3 , p.68 C.2 3.3.2 , p.71 C.2 3.4.2

Nature of Defect: Examples includes ‘TBD’ in place of valid XCL
elements, thus they are neither correct XCL nor

Proposed Solution: Provide valid example of atomic sentence
element, or omit Example section

Structural Descriptive Names

Informative Annex that provides a reserved vocabulary for structural descriptive names (in the sense of Tarski)

CLIF comment punctuation

Defect Nos.: 23

Submitter: nicolas.f.rouque AT

References in Document: pp. 28-31

Nature of Defect:
CLIF semantics specifies no interpretation for
which are currently defined in terms of interpreted
names (quotedstring)
instead of interpretable names (enclosedname)

A.2.3.9 affects Table A.1, p.30, the unnamed entry
between E12 and E13 which
defines the interpretation for an expression of the

A sentence (cl:comment "string" P) is I(P)

This sentence expression is not syntactically valid
according to A.2.3.9:

commentsent = open, 'cl:comment', quotedstring ,
sentence , close ;

because A.2.2.2 and A.2.2.5 define, respectively:

stringquote = ''';
quotedstring = stringquote, { ... }, stringquote ;

A.2.3.11 affects Table A.1, p.31, the unnamed entry
between E14 and E17
which defines the interpretation for an expression of
the form:

A phrase (cl:comment "string") is: true

This sentence expression is not syntactically valid
according to A.2.3.11 for similar reason as above:

phrase = sentence | module | (open, 'cl:imports' ,
interpretablename ,
close) | (open, 'cl:comment', quotedstring, cltext,
close);syntax/semantic inconsistency for comment
sentences & comment
(see clause 10 in:
The syntax of commented sentences (A.2.3.9) and
phrases (A.2.3.11) are in conflict with the key
principle governing the non interpretation of
comments in CLIF semantics succinctly stated in
6.2, on p. 16:

Proposed Solution:
A.2.3.9: commentsent = open, 'cl:comment',
quotedstring , sentence , close ;

It should be changed to a definition that uses an
interpretable name

A.2.3.9: commentsent = open, 'cl:comment',
enclosedname , sentence , close ;

Similarly, A.2.3.11 is also inconsistent with the
principle stated in 6.2:

A.2.3.11: phrase = sentence | module | (open,
'cl:imports' ,
interpretablename ,
close) | (open, 'cl:comment', quotedstring,
cltext, close);

It too should be changed to a definition that
uses an interpretable name

A.2.3.11: phrase = sentence | module | (open,
'cl:imports' ,
interpretablename ,
close) | (open, 'cl:comment', enclosedname [
cltext ], close);

Boldface “shall”

Submitter: Pat Hayes

References in Document: p.20 – 6.6.1 last sentence

Nature of Defect:

Proposed Solution: Boldface “shall”

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