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greuh_liberation.altis's Issues

Prisoner leave group when entering vehicle

seems to be new in 0.919

Faron602: ok bram found a bug, when we tell prisoners to get in truck they get in and then leave the group
Faron602: hi bram the prisoner system must be bugged, you capture he joins group but when you tell them to get into vehicle they get in then instantly leave group

Only admin can repackage FOB

Seems like with permissions system enabled, only logged in admin can repackage FOB.
Will be nice to have separate permission for FOB management.

EDEN 3D editor

Convert please to 3D version!
I have tried - i have errors with the zeus

Unit spawn incorrectly if map is 'without water'

Hi Zbug,

As you know i'm porting liberation to other maps. but i found that on the maps where there is no surrounding water. allot of the ai don't spawn in the circles.
i saw a smoke stack at the bottom left corner of the map and see that the units spawn there before they are moved. problem is that they spawn so fast in the same spot that they 'explode'. (see screenshots)
(but next weird thing is that the ones that survive only 20% actually gets relocated to to the sector)
(0.912. see githubs on my profile. link to logs a the bottem here)

I see that all maps have a Green sphere at the bottom left corner. (also altis.) and based on the code i assume you create them there and then relocated them. i'l need a different way of spawning them in for non island maps.

From esseker after battle group spawn:

Takistan when attacking a radiotower:
Takistan attacking major city
On Esseker attacking a radio tower
i saw the dot also on Altis

Log Files:

recruit AI

when I recruit AI and then die, I have no more control over the troops

Static defenses

Add static weapons to the important resource sectors. Like Factories and Military Bases, maybe Radio Towers too.


What will happen if N of elite vehicles is more than number of military bases?
Thought i might port that to some other map (maybe Cherno and Takistan), but they surely lack amount of military bases.

Question on the scripts.

@GreuhZbug Hello, so I have been working ALLOT over the past few days with this mission, and have been attempting to reverse engineer it to make use of some more advanced AI spawn scripts.

Is there any way you could make some time to discuss with me how your scripts work, and more importantly why you chose the given methods.

I couldn't find any link to your arma clan, and am unsure if you still play arma.

add my steam @ loneangelic or better yet, join my clans TS and get ahold of me, J. Terry. - TFV

Add default permissions set

Instead of all permissions being false when a player joins the first time, could you make it possible for the server owner to decide which are true or not by default?

Error in expression

Error in expression <

_base_tick_period = _base_tick_period / GRLIB_resources_multiplier;

if ( _bas>
17:47:01 Error position: </ GRLIB_resources_multiplier;

if ( _bas>
17:47:01 Error Zero divisor

Day/Night Duration

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

while {true} do
if (daytime >= 20 || daytime < 6) then // after 8pm and before 6am time multiplier changes
setTimeMultiplier 36 // faster night cycle
setTimeMultiplier 16 // faster day cycle

uiSleep 30;


Unable to capture if last enemy in circle is vehicle

i have had this problem now for the 3rd time, i'm unable to capture a territory even when everything is destroyed/killed.
but every time the last thing to destroy was a vehicle. so i think that could be the source.
(note that i was alone, so that might also be the problem)

version: 0.90 (vanilla)

i have no screenshots of first occurence

2nd occurrence. the only enemy was an ifrit inside, this is from just after destroying it.

3rd occurrence. lots of enemy, last an ifrit. destroyed it, not captured

i just thought i should let you know by posting this.

Thanks. keep up the good work ;)

Virtual Arsenal Classes, Blacklisting, Whitelisting

Would be possible for you to add next:

  • restrict gear arrays by roles (mg, at/aa, sniper, sq/tl/com, marksman)
  • blacklist certain gear array so it won't appear in VA

It's a nightmare to see machinegunner-thermaloptic-antitank-medic-ghillie players running around. :)

Wrong defenition

Currently you have this: if ( isNil "pilot_classname" ) then { crewman_classname = "B_Helipilot_F" };

If is empty pilot_classname, then you set crewman_classname instead of pilot_classname ;)

Respawn in water

After death I respawn very often in water. Sometimes more than 10 times. Sometimes it is working immediatly.
FAR is off, ACE enabled.

Adjust the optics slightly

"ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;
"ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.88, 0.88, 0, [0.2, 0.29, 0.4, -0.1], [1, 1, 1, 1.5], [0.25, 0.19, 0.19, 0.0]];
"ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 1;

Error position: <_nextvehicle;

Error Undefined variable in expression: _nextvehicle
16:51:03 File mpmissions__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\server\game\save_manager.sqf, line 215
16:51:03 Error in expression < _nextbase;
_assigned_vehicles pushback nextvehicle;
16:51:03 Error position: <nextvehicle;


Bonjour , je ne c' est pas si sa fait parti du jeux ou c' est un bug ?? quand on a libèrè un village le cercle devient bleu mais le petit carré RESTE ROUGE

VER 90.5

Save location / How to share save?

Greetings! Not exactly an "Issue", but rather a question and I'm not quite sure where else to ask it. So my group of friends have been playing Liberation for about the past month, and it's been great and I can not thank the development team enough for making it so good!
However, the friend who always hosted the server (locally, not a dedicated one) has not had much time lately to play, so we were wandering whether he could transfer his save to us.
At first glance, we thought that the save would most likely be here
C:\users\<name>\Documents\Arma 3\Saved\mpmissions, or
C:\users\<name>\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<profilename>\Saved\mpmissions
, and indeed if either of the folders existed, there would be another 2 folders inside, "co40_liberation.Altis" as well as "greuh_liberation.Altis", however these folders were empty.
So, since in your Armaholic post you mention

Also you should know that the savegame is stored in your Arma profile (along with the BIS arsenal loadouts for example), so removing or wiping your profile will delete your savegame.

So, shouldn't it be saved where I mentioned? If not, where is the actual savegame located?
I should also mention that I'm quite new to Arma 3 so maybe this is really obvious, but not really to me so any help would be really appreciated!

Militia Loadouts

What's with the loadouts folder for FIA? Is there something wrong with the vanilla ones? If I wanted to use custom resistance troops, are these loadouts going to be applied to them? What if I am using custom resistance troops alongside RHS mod, are those units going to have RHS rifles instead of those that are designated in their mod config?

There's also an issue when server is running RHS mod and player connects without it, he's not going to hear any gunshots and see any rifles in the hands from the FIA because mission applied RHS loadouts to their units.

Error in expression configFile / 'cfgVehicles' / _classtotes

I now have the original Fils:

Error in expression <
isClass ( configFile / 'cfgVehicles' / _classtotest );>
18:48:04 Error position: <_classtotest );>
18:48:04 Error Undefined variable in expression: _classtotest
18:48:04 File mpmissions__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\shared\functions\F_checkClass.sqf, line 2

RHS: Vehicles

Hello. I am a member of a gaming community that plays a lot of Liberation. We are Currently running both the Russian and US RHS packs and we would like to add more of the vehicles from the mod pack into the in game builds menu. I'd really appreciate any guidance that you could provide in this endeavor. Thanks a ton

Blurred picture after Halo

After a Halo, my screen is blurred. It seems just like I am jumping but the Halo is already over.
Happens without mods too.

Helis/planes seems to be really overpowered

...due to complete lack of AA CSAT units. In 5 days, i hasn't found a single CSAT unit with AA titan.
I'm not saying "spam them everywhere", but imho, there should be 1-2 AA soldiers per military base and enemy FOB. Otherwise (at least with FOB side OP) i can simply take even armed little bird, spam FOB with unguided rockets and in two runs FOB will be completely ruined and i can leave unharmed.
Same goes (mostly) for military bases, you can fly around with 'hog and wipe it completely without any harm.
On the other side, towns often have ZSUs which is nice and makes CAS much more interesting.

HALO jump and permissions

Hi, you have a problem with your HALO jump and the air vehicle permission. In the vehicle_permission.sqf file you should change it to:

if ( (vehicle player ) isKindOf "Air" && ( driver (vehicle player ) == player || (vehicle player ) turretUnit [0] == player ) && !((vehicle player ) isKindOf "ParachuteBase") ) then {

Plus, it fixes players being kicked of the turret position when they don't have permission to use Air vehicles. It can make players being killed in middle air when they try to move to a turret. The script now only looks for the pilot and copilot positions.

PS: I have a heavly modified version of your mission, made to be compatible with ACE. I have been following the development of this mission and updating my modified version every time you commit something. That's why I detected the error. Keep up the excelent work! I'm in love with this mission.

HALO Cooldown timer

Will you add HALO cooldown parameter? Mobile Respawn becomes useless then when you can do HALO jump everywhere at anytime.

Redeployment Exit button

When you have activated redeployment menu and you change your mind, there's no exit/back button to leave the menu you always have to choose redeployment point.

Save Gear

Can you add some kind of automatic or manual save gear system, so there's no need to load VA loadout everytime when player respawns?

Commander Slot Whitelist

Instead of killing the unauthorized player in a commander slot use something like this below.

    if ( !( _tagmatch || _idmatch || _namematch ) ) then {
        titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"];
        hint "You are in a restricted slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 15 seconds!";
        sleep 5;
        hint "You are in a restricted slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 10 seconds!";
        sleep 5;
        hint "You are in a restricted slot! You will be kicked to the lobby in 5 seconds!";
        sleep 5;
        titleText ["", "BLACK IN"];
        failMission "end1";

This will make player's screen go dark with message showing in the right upper corner then after 15 seconds the "Mission Completed" window will open with option to go back to the lobby.


could you make it work without the ATLAS Mod?

Russian translate

Hi! I am made some russian translating for "liberation", look in the pull requests pls

FOB destruction seems to not handled properly

Long story short, i messed up with my plane and fired GBU-10 instead of GBU-12, so instead of precisely striking enemy tank near one of our FOBs i destroyed everything near it. Including our FOB. I'm a good pilot...
Well anyway. FOB was still available for redeploy. But there was no FOB, only big crater. As i stood in that crater (where was my precious FOB) i was able to perform usual FOB actions like build, arsenal and etc. I was even able to repackage it and redeploy. Seems like FOB attached to something else than FOB building?

Supspect behavior: Unitcap counter broken after some time?

while looking through the logs i saw this weird thing.
the unit cap seems to be passed. (see counter of excerpt below)
(AI leak?, racecondition?)

version 0.905

17:30:47 "Source: Server - Time: 31445 - FPS: 50.1567 - Total units: 86 - Hostile units: 37 - Local units: 74 - Vehicles: 150 - Unitcap: 160"
22:20:27 "Source: Server - Time: 48746.5 - FPS: 18.7573 - Total units: 221 - Hostile units: 175 - Local units: 201 - Vehicles: 325 - Unitcap: 160"
22:34:34 "Source: Server - Time: 49589.3 - FPS: 37.6471 - Total units: 220 - Hostile units: 176 - Local units: 202 - Vehicles: 323 - Unitcap: 160"
22:35:35 "Source: Server - Time: 49649.4 - FPS: 42.1053 - Total units: 211 - Hostile units: 167 - Local units: 193 - Vehicles: 317 - Unitcap: 160"

note these are excerpts from the log

== arma3server_50194.exe  -autoInit -mod=curator;mods\@ace;mods\@ASDG_JR;mods\@CBA_A3;mods\@task_force_radio;mods\@ShackTacUserInterface;mods\@RHSUSAF;mods\@RHSAFRF -name=DefaultServer -profiles=DefaultServer -config=DefaultServer\server.cfg -cfg=DefaultServer\basic.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=1 

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server
Exe timestamp: 2015/08/25 16:06:38
Current time:  2015/09/27 08:45:26

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.50.131969

(Yes, the heave Moding and modifications for ACE could also be the cause. but i'm submitting in so that it may help you on investigation the 'after 10hours crash' - issue)

22:25:31 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_91) not found.
22:25:31 "Source: Server - Time: 49047.7 - FPS: 42.4403 - Total units: 222 - Hostile units: 178 - Local units: 204 - Vehicles: 329 - Unitcap: 160"
22:25:42 Server: Object 70:15 not found (message Type_119)
22:25:42 Server: Object 70:14 not found (message Type_119)
22:25:42 Server: Object 70:17 not found (message Type_119)
22:25:43 Error: Object(70 : 13) not found
22:25:43 Server: Object 70:7 not found (message Type_91)
22:25:43 Client: Object 70:13 (type Type_91) not found.
22:25:43 Client: Object 70:13 (type Type_400) not found.
22:25:43 Client: Object 70:13 (type Type_119) not found.
22:25:43 bipod_hide - unknown animation source hasBipod
22:25:43 bipod_unhide - unknown animation source hasBipod
22:25:43 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_91) not found.
22:25:46 Error: Object(52 : 94) not found
22:25:46 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_119) not found.
22:25:47 Error: Object(52 : 93) not found
22:25:47 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_119) not found.
22:25:53 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_91) not found.
22:25:53 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_91) not found.
22:25:55 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_90) not found.
22:25:58 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:13 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:13 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:13 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:16 Server: Object 53:72 not found (message Type_119)
22:26:16 Server: Object 53:71 not found (message Type_119)
22:26:16 Server: Object 53:74 not found (message Type_119)
22:26:17 Error: Object(53 : 70) not found
22:26:17 Client: Object 53:70 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:17 Client: Object 53:70 (type Type_400) not found.
22:26:17 Client: Object 53:70 (type Type_119) not found.
22:26:23 Error: Object(52 : 94) not found
22:26:23 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_119) not found.
22:26:25 Error: Object(52 : 93) not found
22:26:25 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_119) not found.
22:26:28 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:32 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_90) not found.
22:26:32 "Source: Server - Time: 49107.9 - FPS: 24.3161 - Total units: 222 - Hostile units: 178 - Local units: 204 - Vehicles: 326 - Unitcap: 160"
22:26:34 Client: Object 52:94 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:34 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:36 No shape for ammo type ACE_FlashlightProxy_White
22:26:43 Client: Object 49:195 (type Type_91) not found.
22:26:55 Client: Object 52:93 (type Type_91) not found.

Uncapturable area after attack battlegroup

Hi zbug,
on tmg server we had an occurrence of the infamous 'incapturable' area bug.
Version 0,909a


Server logs. and my client logs :

WHAT happend; (im doing detailled, just in case the detail is the key)

  • we just captured an area. with 1 prisoner.
  • a battlegroup spawned. shortly after
  • we went back to base.
  • we get message selakano airfield is under attack.
  • we stand chatting at fob main airfield.
  • we decided to go defend selekano airfield. we fly in and are there when the counter is down to 4 minutes. (we landed around 1km away on the west mounten.)
  • we destroy 4 vehicles. a couple of infintry left. but then we get the message 'you lost selekano airfield'.
  • couple of our human guys go on foot toward airfield. shoot the last guys. (i was still on the hill)
  • area not captured... see screenshot.

i hope this helps in narrowing the search for this illusive thingy

Static titan units leaving their position

...after loading game

  1. Spawn static AA turret with crew
  2. Place it somewhere
  3. Stop server
  4. Load server
  5. Unit left his static titan.

This only affects titans, not HMG/GMG

memory leak

Memory leak on clients from FAR revive, not only memory, but cpu usage, after revive always reduced fps

Halo jump creates duplicate backpacks

Small one.
when people halo jump there are backpacks 'left behind' . they are duplicates it seems
it's not very clean. would be nice if they are cleaned up.

(got this from DOBGB server)

Version: 0,909a

No server logs yet. (ill try to reproduce the issue on another server. Dogb does not capture server logs)


Laser designator batteries

Old BIS bug. When you have designator and respawn, you will spawn without batteries.
This is very annoying if you fly plane fully loaded with LGBs, and turns out none of your squadmates have batteries.
Something like this

if player hasWeapon "Laserdesignator" then {
  AddMagazine "Laserbatteries";

On respawn and take loadout function should probably fix the issue.

Random Patrols

Does Liberation have random patrols on the island? If not, would be possible for you to add them?
Jumping from objective to objective, especially with one unarmed vehicle, can be rather easy. Unless you make contact with random enemy patrol then that, jumping process, can be slowed down or eliminated.

They don't have to be infantry only. Sometimes patrols should spawn in with light vehicle only or medium armed vehicle only, but nothing to serious.

Also the parameters for random patrols would be appreciated too. Like enable or disable random patrols, distance they spawn from the players, difficulty or size of the random patrols, etc...

HALO action limitation

Currently, HALO jumps are available from three places: Base Chimera, FOBs and Mobile Respawn. Would you limit it only to the Base Chimera and FOBs?

Here's an idea. How about having airfields as a requirement for HALO. BLUFOR must have at least one captured airfield to be able to do HALO jumps. If there are no airfields on the BLUFOR side, jumps are not possible then.

Problem userconfig

I have the problem that the userconfig not recognized ( only in this mission )
8:09:47 Warning Message: Script userconfig\VCOM_AI\AISettingsV2.sqf not found

The AISettingsV2.sqf but in the folder available:

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