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core-animated-pages's Issues

google-map element in hidden state

Recently I had a problem with using google-map element inside core-animated-pages. I have layout like this:

<section is="list">
<section id="details">

Initially #list is selected, but when I select #details, map shows up in weird state.
screen shot 2014-07-15 at 19 01 38
I suspect that it's because map element renders when its parent has set display: none;
If I change

::content > *:not(.core-selected):not([animate]) {
  display: none !important;


::content > *:not(.core-selected):not([animate]) {
   visibility: hidden !important;

in core-animated-pages.css, then everything is ok.
What's the best approach to fix this?

Core-animated-pages and multiline paper-inputs

Multiline paper-inputs do not render correctly when inside a section for a core-animated-page.

<core-animated-pages selectedindex="0"> <paper-input label="label" multiline></paper-input> </core-animated-pages>

This will show a paper-input tag that has the line for the input above the label, rather than beneath it.

typing something into the paper-input and deleting it will fixes the markup, however.

core-animated-pages demo is broken due to Polymer/Platform API mismatch

On my webserver, I downloaded a fresh version of Polymer from bowerarchiver, and the core-animated-pages demo is throwing the following error whenever I click on the page to start the transition:

Exception caught during observer callback: TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at core-animated-pages.Polymer.selectedItemChanged (http://localhost:8080/components/core-animated-pages/core-animated-pages.html:425:17)
    at core-animated-pages.g.invokeMethod (http://localhost:8080/components/polymer/polymer.js:13:25932)
    at core-animated-pages.g.notifyPropertyChanges (http://localhost:8080/components/polymer/polymer.js:13:24037)
    at Object.x.report_ (http://localhost:8080/components/polymer/polymer.js:12:18266)
    at Object.S.check_ (http://localhost:8080/components/polymer/polymer.js:12:22604)
    at c (http://localhost:8080/components/polymer/polymer.js:12:12173) 

Looks like this is related to the commit which replaced Platform API with Polymer API.

If I replace all instances of Polymer.flush() with Platform.flush(), the demo works again.

"selected" attribute not published

The selected attribute works fine for setting the page, but afterwards, the current selected is not published back to attribute value. E.g. it never changes from the initial value:

<core-animated-pages transitions="slide-from-right" selected="2">

Is there a reason why not?

(BTW, I've seen this lack of publishing values back attribute with some of other elements as well, and wondering if I'm overestimating their importance - to me they are vital part the element's API, and seem much preferred to listening for custom events, etc.)

Switching the selected index while the previous transition is still in progress is broken

  1. Use a CSS-based transition with a sufficiently long transition time, say 1 second.
  2. Change the selected index, and the animation starts.
  3. Within the 1 second of the transition, change the selected index back to the original index.

Expected: The previous transition force-finishes early, and the new one starts.
Actual: The first transition does not finish early, and the new property gets applied in such a way that it does not cause a transition at all. The transitionend event is not fired, so the transition does not finish until the 5-second timeout.

Note that if this is the intended behavior, then we should expose complete() as a public function so that clients can force-complete the previous animation if necessary.

working transitions

All the transitions do work? Because i have tried only hero,cross-fade and slide-from-right work

hero-transition -> core-header-panel with mode="cover" fails

It seems that a hero-transition from one animated page to one with a <core-header-panel mode="cover"> breaks the panel/toolbar.

I am able to reproduce the behavior with something like this:

<core-animated-pages id="controller" selected="{{selected}}" transitions="hero-transition">

    <div class="container" hero-p>
      <div class="card" hero-id="hero" hero on-tap="{{transition}}">
        <div class="card-top" style="background:#000;" hero hero-id="bad">
        <div class="card-bottom">
          <div class="card-title">
          <div class="card-subtitle">

    <core-header-panel mode="cover">
      <core-toolbar id="core_toolbar" class="tall" hero hero-id="hero">

        <paper-icon-button icon="arrow-back" on-tap="{{transition}}"></paper-icon-button>
        <div flex>HELLO WORLD</div>
        <paper-icon-button icon="more-vert"></paper-icon-button>
      <section layout vertical fullbleed>
        <h1 style="color: #fff;" hero hero-id="bad">SAMPLE CONTENT</h1>


Here are some basic styles, perhaps something is conflicting, I don't know:

       core-animated-pages {
        height: 100%;

      .container {
        position: absolute;
        top: 275px;
        left: 0px;
        right: 0px;
        text-align: center;

      .card {
        display: inline-block;
        position: relative;
        border-radius: 3px;
        margin: 4px;
        overflow: hidden;
        text-align: start;
        background-color: #fff;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);

      .card-top {
        width: 200px;
        height: 200px;
        text-align: center;

      .card-bottom {
        padding: 8px;
        line-height: 1.5;

      .card-title {
        font-weight: bold;

      core-header-panel {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;

      core-toolbar {
        color: #fff;
        background-color: #009688;

Note: only when mode="cover" does this seem to fail, i.e. mode="tall" is fine.

If you remove the content from the second page's <section> it doesn't have any issues.

Also, this seems to be the most broken on chrome, firefox sort of obscures the bar it seems like, but I didn't test extensively.

I came across this issue because I had a centered <img> with about 200x200 dims which I wanted to cover the center of the toolbar on transition, but after transition, the toolbar would disappear. After some experimentation, seems to be for any content below the <core-toolbar>.

Polymer is awesome, keep up the good work!

ability to prevent background section to disepear

When you change the .card height in chrome console you will see that the small card tiles in the background hiding behind the big card, suddenly disappear completely when the animation is done.

Is there a way to tell a hero transition to not remove the parent section? Or a way to make the parent section disappear but gradually?

In this case it is ok because you don't see them disappear but when the background has a number of small cards that do not fit behind the large card it would look way better if they just stay in the background.


hero transition is lost in Chrome ShadowDOM

if hero hero-id elements are on different levels of ShadowDOM, transition fails in Chrome (while works fine in Firefox Developer edition). Not sure if it is element's issue, Chrome issue, or behavior by design.

core-animated-pages : Selected variables return the wrong data

When using the core-animated-pages as core-selector with a core-menu, the bind variable "selected" works great, but the selectedModel and selectedIndex both have an issue. They both return the data of the last selected object instead of the current.

I took some captures, hope can help.

output code
output generated
can be notice that the INDEX is 0 and the OBJECT.uid too, they both point to the last state instead as the current, and the with the Selected are both at the right state.

"slide-from-right" animation does reset scroll position

Hi, I am having a problem replicating "native" behaviour when transitioning between windows (this is mostly relevant to mobile displays with limited screen real-estate).

For example, I would like a "slide-from-right" animation to display the new page with a scroll position at the top of the page, regardless of what scroll position the preceding page had. At the same time I would like to show the previous page in its original scroll position when transitioning back. This seems to be how native apps behave in my experience, where scroll position of pages do not influence each other.

Currently when I am scrolled on the origin page, the same scroll position is shown on the transitioned page. When the new page does not require scrolling (as it is shorter than the preceding page), then a gap at the bottom of the page is shown, until the animation ends whereby it "jumps" into position at scrollTop.

I hope my explanation is clear. I am unsure if this is the intended behaviour and if there is any way to make it more "native"? As a workaround I am using the below hack, which resets the scroll position to top, but of course it is not a smooth transition and when navigating back the position is lost.

document.querySelector('#mainContainer').scroller.scrollTop = 0;

Animation issue when including cross-fade and cross-fade-all

There doesn't seem to be any documentation on when to use cross-fade and cross-fade-all.

If I set up my core-animated-pages with transitions="hero-transition cross-fade slide-down slide-up" and then specify some cross-fade and slide-down animations they don't seem to animate correctly.

<div cross-fade>
        <core-toolbar slide-down cross-fade>Demo</core-toolbar>
        <p>Demo page!</p>

if I change the core-animated-pages transition to cross-fade-all then it seems to work, but this then causes tile-cascade animations not to work correctly.

Can any one shed some light?

polymer core-animated-pages missing content attribute

Right now I do somthing like this

    <core-drawer-panel responsiveWidth="5000px"> //<= My Hack

                <my-form drawer iDB="{{iDB}}" iLoad="{{iLoad}}"></my-form>

                <core-scroll-header-panel main fit noDissolve keepCondensedHeader condenses>

                    <core-toolbar layout horizontal class="tall" on-tap="{{home}}">

                        <core-icon-button id="drawerButton" icon="shopping-cart" on-tap="{{drawer}}"></core-icon-button>

                        <paper-tabs class="blue bottom fit" selected="{{activePage}}">
                            <paper-tab>about us</paper-tab>
                            <paper-tab>the beanies</paper-tab>
                            <paper-tab>the people</paper-tab>


                     <core-animated-pages fit content transitions="slide-from-right" selected="{{activePage}}" style="margin-top:192px;"> // <= My other hack


Can core-animated-pages make a content attribute so I can use it outside the core-scroll-header-panel and define where the pages are?


Transitions seem faster or slower in certain cases

When using core-animated-pages and changing selected to a higher page number the transitions seem normal. When changing from page 1 to 0 the animations seem twice as fast.

How is the best way to show this?

Animated pages with different url?

So far core-animated-pages deals with content within a single url, but is there anything that can do these smooth transitions between urls? Users can really benefit from deep-linked URLs in more complex SPA's, but it'd be great to give them that without having to present them with a flash of white in between pages.

Chrome Dev Summit 2014 website for example:

lastSelected is always undefined

Applies whether or not valueattr is set.

selectedItem and selectedItemChanged methods declare "old" as a parameter, but I don't see any calls modified to pass this argument.

Exception when setting `selected` to invalid value, or removing all children

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to remove the children of a core-animated-pages, an exception is thrown. This is the same behavior as when "selected" is set to an invalid value like -1 or undefined. I don't see this behavior in core-selector itself, though.

Exception caught during observer callback: TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined
    at core-animated-pages.Polymer.applySelection
    at core-animated-pages.Polymer.mixin.selectedItemChanged
    at Object.Observer.report_
    at Object.createObject.check_

Is there any recourse or is core-animated-pages always supposed to have at least one page? I'm writing a component where pages can be added and removed dynamically.

Performance of page switching (including crashes, specific case)

So, I feel a bit bad about opening a bug about this, as I might just be doing something wrong implementation wise, but as I am unable to find a better place to ask/check I will be posting here and technically speaking it is an issue.

I build a fairly simple application using Polymer and a <core-animated-pages> for the main page switching. When switching from the main menu to another page the performance is fine (though slow-ish), however switching back again (a simple cross fade) will often crash mobile chrome and hang for a bit on desktop chrome. Inspecting memory there is no memory spike or anything like that that I could notice, so I am a bit at a loss what's happening here (+ I am far from an expert on inspecting these kind of problems).

Either way, normally I would try building a minimal test case, but in this case I will just link to the entire application as that's probably easier and the application is simple enough that that should pose no problem: . The device where chrome is consistently crashing is a LG G3.

Polymer core-animated-pages crash during transition resizing


As the title says, I have 5 pages, the first 3's heights are scrollable while the last 2 pages are at their fixed height.

The last 2 pages will crash whenever I selected the tab they're on. One thing I notice is that if I set both pages' height to a fair amount of scrollable height, it will not crash, but that wont solve the problem as I need to make it fixed.

I already tried setting them to position:fixed; & overflow-y:hidden; . The same thing will occur. Crashed.

Obviously the reason behind this is because the resizing between the transitions.

Does anyone has any idea why? and how to fix it? Really need your help.

ps: crash on cordova running on android 4.4


Hello! I have tried to reproduce demo examples of animated-pages but i have encountered problems.

  1. If i use same code from on of the examples (copying totally it), i have no transitions (i have tried with with simple.html and news.html)
  2. If i start an http-server in components/core-animated-pages and open demo.html, when i click on a link the demo chosen is broken.

Which is the problem???

Hero animation incorrectly sets transform on IE

Setting transition to null sets a property value of 'null' on IE. Avoid this by setting it to empty string.. Also, we're setting transform to 'none' specifically when I think we can just set it to empty string.

on-core-animated-pages-transition-prepare not firing/

Morris.js chart doesn't display properly within Polymer core-animated-pages > section > core-animated-pages > section > card > div.

It works fine if I resize the window, the chart just displays weird when it's first injected into the page. I'm guessing it's not grabbing the right div dimensions.

So I've been trying to use core-animated-pages-transition-prepare. I've attempted the following:

<core-animated-pages id="form1" on-core-animated-pages-transition-prepare="onPrepare();" selected="0" transitions="slide-from-right" cross-fade>     

var form1 = document.getElementById("form1");
function onPrepare() {
        if (form1.selected==6) {
        } ...etc

I've also tried things like:

document.getElementById("form1").addEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-prepare', function() {     


document.getElementById("form1").on('core-animated-pages-transition-prepare', function() {     

Initializing a google map on on-core-animated-pages-transition-prepare callback causes slide-from-right to fail

But this effect only happens going forward. The transition works correctly moving backwards, presumably because the google map already exists and doesn't need initialization. hero, cross-fade, and slide-up transitions are unaffected.

Also, in case anyone is wondering why the google map init has to happen during the callback, see #10.

Applying the map init on core-animated-pages-transition-end works.
Applying the map init on a timeout for core-animated-pages-transition-prepare also works.

Transition does not work on Firefox.

On firefox does not work. Transitioning from first to second page is immediate, while transitioning from second to first page is delayed and after a while again with no transition it is showed.

Custom duration/delay

In order to create choreograph interactions, the used should be able to specify custom delays and durations associated to the respective animation.

Currently there is no way of doing that, All delays and duration are specified globally in CoreStyle.g.transitions

A nice way of doing that would be declarative:

  <section id="first">
    <div scale-up scale-up-delay=".5s">I should have a delay of .5s</div>
    <div scale-up scale-up-delay="1s">I should have a delay of 1s</div>

  <section id="second" layout horizontal>

Thank you.

hero-transition: find hero elements in nested shadow DOMs

As of now hero-transition only works with a max of ONE level of nested shadow DOM.

The following naive solution works for me in Chrome 36 (supporting /deep/):

    findAllInShadows: function(node, selector) {
      if (hasShadowDOMPolyfill) {
        var nodes = node.querySelectorAll(selector).array();
        var shadowNodes = Platform.queryAllShadows(node, selector, true);
        return nodes.concat(shadowNodes);
      } else {
-        return node.querySelectorAll(selector).array().concat(node.shadowRoot ? node.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(selector).array() : []);
+        return node.querySelectorAll(selector).array().concat(node.querySelectorAll('* /deep/ ' + selector).array());

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