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vim-codefmt's Introduction

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codefmt is a utility for syntax-aware code formatting. It contains several built-in formatters, and allows new formatters to be registered by other plugins.

For details, see the executable documentation in the vroom/ directory or the helpfiles in the doc/ directory. The helpfiles are also available via :help codefmt if codefmt is installed (and helptags have been generated).

Supported File-types


Use :FormatLines to format a range of lines or use :FormatCode to format the entire buffer. Use :NoAutoFormatBuffer to disable current buffer formatting.

Usage example


int foo(int * x) { return * x** x ; }

After running :FormatCode:

int foo(int* x) { return *x * *x; }


This example uses Vundle, whose plugin-adding command is Plugin.

" Add maktaba and codefmt to the runtimepath.
" (The latter must be installed before it can be used.)
Plugin 'google/vim-maktaba'
Plugin 'google/vim-codefmt'
" Also add Glaive, which is used to configure codefmt's maktaba flags. See
" `:help :Glaive` for usage.
Plugin 'google/vim-glaive'
" ...
call vundle#end()
" the glaive#Install() should go after the "call vundle#end()"
call glaive#Install()
" Optional: Enable codefmt's default mappings on the <Leader>= prefix.
Glaive codefmt plugin[mappings]
Glaive codefmt google_java_executable="java -jar /path/to/google-java-format-VERSION-all-deps.jar"

Make sure you have updated maktaba recently. Codefmt depends upon maktaba to register formatters.


Want to just sit back and let autoformat happen automatically? Add this to your vimrc (or any subset):

augroup autoformat_settings
  autocmd FileType bzl AutoFormatBuffer buildifier
  autocmd FileType c,cpp,proto,javascript,typescript,arduino AutoFormatBuffer clang-format
  autocmd FileType clojure AutoFormatBuffer cljstyle
  autocmd FileType dart AutoFormatBuffer dartfmt
  autocmd FileType elixir,eelixir,heex AutoFormatBuffer mixformat
  autocmd FileType fish AutoFormatBuffer fish_indent
  autocmd FileType gn AutoFormatBuffer gn
  autocmd FileType go AutoFormatBuffer gofmt
  autocmd FileType haskell AutoFormatBuffer ormolu
  " Alternative for web languages: prettier
  autocmd FileType html,css,sass,scss,less,json AutoFormatBuffer js-beautify
  autocmd FileType java AutoFormatBuffer google-java-format
  autocmd FileType jsonnet AutoFormatBuffer jsonnetfmt
  autocmd FileType julia AutoFormatBuffer JuliaFormatter
  autocmd FileType kotlin AutoFormatBuffer ktfmt
  autocmd FileType lua AutoFormatBuffer luaformatterfiveone
  autocmd FileType markdown AutoFormatBuffer prettier
  autocmd FileType ocaml AutoFormatBuffer ocamlformat
  autocmd FileType python AutoFormatBuffer yapf
  " Alternative: autocmd FileType python AutoFormatBuffer autopep8
  autocmd FileType ruby AutoFormatBuffer rubocop
  autocmd FileType rust AutoFormatBuffer rustfmt
  autocmd FileType swift AutoFormatBuffer swift-format
  autocmd FileType vue AutoFormatBuffer prettier
augroup END

Configuring formatters

Most formatters have some options available that can be configured via Glaive You can get a quick view of all codefmt flags by executing :Glaive codefmt, or start typing flag names and use tab completion. See :help Glaive for usage details.

Installing formatters

Codefmt defines several built-in formatters. The easiest way to see the list of available formatters is via tab completion: Type :FormatCode <TAB> in vim. Formatters that apply to the current filetype will be listed first.

To use a particular formatter, type :FormatCode FORMATTER-NAME. This will either format the current buffer using the selected formatter or show an error message with basic setup instructions for this formatter. Normally you will trigger formatters via key mappings and/or autocommand hooks. See vroom/main.vroom to learn more about formatting features, and see vroom/FORMATTER-NAME.vroom to learn more about usage for individual formatters.

Creating a New Formatter

Assume a filetype myft and a formatter called MyFormatter. Our detailed guide to creating a formatter lives here.

  • Create an issue for your new formatter and discuss!

  • Create a new file in autoload/codefmt/myformatter.vim See `autoload/codefmt/buildifier.vim for an example. This is where all the logic for formatting goes.

  • Register the formatter in plugin/register.vim with:

    call s:registry.AddExtension(codefmt#myformatter#GetFormatter())
  • Create a flag in instant/flags.vim

    " The path to the buildifier executable.
    call s:plugin.Flag('myformatter_executable', 'myformatter')
  • Create a vroom test named vroom/myformatter.vroom to ensure your formatter works properly.

  • Update the to mention your new filetype!

That's it! Of course, the complicated step is in the details of myformatter.vim.

// TODO(kashomon): Create a worked example formatter.

vim-codefmt's People


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vim-codefmt's Issues

Associate clang-format formatter with C and Obj-C

In clang-format's help, it calls itself "a tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code", but the current AppliesToBuffer check on the clang-format formatter only checks for cpp, proto, and javascript filetypes.

We should enable it as a default formatter for filetypes c, objc, and objcpp so that if people use :FormatCode on these filetypes with no explicit formatter, they will get code formatted with clang-format instead of seeing Not available. codefmt doesn't have a default formatter for this buffer.

codefmt shouldn't call FormatRanges with empty a:ranges

As noted in #48, we seem to have some cases where a formatter's FormatRanges() will be invoked with an empty a:ranges. Either that, or we're unnecessarily checking for emptiness in the clang-format formatter.

Unless I'm missing something, this doesn't seem like it's useful; the interface with formatters should say that this is impossible, and we should remove the checks we have.

Consider using -sort-includes for clang-format

I notice that clang-format has just added a -sort-includes option (presumably to what will become clang-format 3.8, but we should verify that); see

This is passed by default by clang-format's own example (Python-based) integration (which we don't use). We should work out whether include sorting (assuming you format that region) is something that makes sense to enable by default. (Yes?)

We probably want to wait until clang-format 3.8 is actually out before adding this, though.

codefmt CI tests should checkout a specific version of Maktaba

codefmt depends upon (and documents) a minimum version of Maktaba (currently 1.1; soon to be 1.9). The codefmt CI tests should check out that version, not HEAD, so that we can make sure that we can work with the version we've specified.

(Locally, codefmt will use whatever's available locally, which will probably be HEAD, so I don't think we'd be losing any test coverage by doing that.)

Unless anyone objects, I'd like to:

  • Push tags to vim-maktaba covering the releases we've made.
  • Change codefmt's .travis.yml to clone a named Maktaba release.

(I think it's okay to keep depending on Glaive HEAD, since that's not really undergoing much development, and is only needed for the tests.)

Add mechanism for chaining formatters

For some types of files you might want to run more than one formatter, for instance sort C++ includes (which clang-format doesn't handle) and then format with clang-format. Could codefmt support configuring a list of formatters instead of a single formatter? E.g.

AutoFormatBuffer sortincludes,clang-format
let b:codefmt_formatter = ['sortincludes', 'clang-format']

Error running: clang-format: Unknown command line argument '-sort-includes'

I try to use :FormatCode, it throws:

Error formatting file: ERROR(ShellError): Error running: clang-format -style file -assume-filename /Users/shiyang/test.c -lines 1:29 -cursor 134 -sort-includes
clang-format: Unknown command line argument '-sort-includes'.  Try: 'clang-format -help'
clang-format: Did you mean '-style'?

my clang-format version:

➜  ~  clang-format -version
clang-format version 3.8.0 (tags/google/testing/2015-07-31)

Instructions should specify that vundle#end() needs to come before commands

The instructions read:

" Add maktaba and codefmt to the runtimepath.
" (The latter must be installed before it can be used.)
Plugin 'google/vim-maktaba'
Plugin 'google/vim-codefmt'
" Also add Glaive, which is used to configure codefmt's maktaba flags. See
" `:help :Glaive` for usage.
Plugin 'google/vim-glaive'
call glaive#Install()
" Optional: Enable codefmt's default mappings on the <Leader>= prefix.
Glaive codefmt plugin[mappings]

I do not think this will work, unless we stick a call vundle#end() between the last Plugin line, and the call glaive#Install(). See chiphogg/vim-vtd#20 for an example of the problems this could cause. (The associated commit also gives an example of how to improve the instructions.)

Create codefmt usage screencast for

Lots of vim plugins have fancy screencasts (animated GIFs) in the showcasing plugin features. The codefmt plugin has several useful features that would make a nice screencast.

We should create a screencast and embed it in our If we could also include a keyboard monitor in the screencast, that would help show off all the handy mappings.

Consider reverting b2277e9 due to performance impact

In b2277e9, @Kashomon split out all the plugins into different files, which is great for readability, but not so great for loading time.

Locally, my vim startup time (measured using time vim -c ':quit') increases from about 875ms to 935ms as a result of this change (+60ms mean, 95%CI +24ms to +94ms, N=13).

60ms isn't much, but I'm not sure it's really worthwhile?

Switch from codefmtlib to maktaba#extension

Maktaba now has a built-in maktaba#extension# mechanism that's designed to replace codefmtlib and similar plugins. We should switch codefmt to use it and deprecate the codefmtlib repo.

yapf code formatting deletes file if it does not parse

If you have a file that does not parse correctly by Python, yapf returns an error, and does not print anything to stdout. codefmt reads the stdout from yapf, and replaces the vim buffer with it, which means that a file with the below contents (note the missing end quote)

print 'hello

will be emptied when codefmt is run.

vroom tests fail if clang-format and gofmt aren't installed on host

Even though the tests stub out the actual system calls to clang-format and gofmt, they're not completely hermetic because they depend on whether 'clang-format' and 'gofmt' are actual executables on the path on the host where the tests are being run.

This causes vroom failures like

FAILED on line 030: Multiple failures:
Unexpected message:
Not available. codefmt doesn't have a default formatter for this buffer.

Expected system call not received.

Got no chance to inject response: 
 EXPECT:    clang-format -style file -assume-filename .* .*2>.* (regex mode)
 STDOUT:    void f() {
          int i;
          SomeFunction(parameter,  // comment


Not available. codefmt doesn't have a default formatter for this buffer.

Failed command on line 030:

Queued system controls are:
 EXPECT:    clang-format -style file -assume-filename .* .*2>.* (regex mode)
 STDOUT:    void f() {
          int i;
          SomeFunction(parameter,  // comment

No system calls received. Perhaps your --shell is broken?

Last few commands (most recent last) were:
:let g:repo = fnamemodify($VROOMFILE, ':p:h:h')<CR>
:execute 'source' g:repo . '/bootstrap.vim'<CR>
:call maktaba#syscall#SetUsableShellRegex('\v<shell\.vroomfaker$')<CR>
:filetype plugin on<CR>
:let g:repeat_calls = []<CR>
:function FakeRepeat(...)<CR>  call add(g:repeat_calls, a:000)<CR><CR>
:call maktaba#test#Override('repeat#set', 'FakeRepeat')<CR>
:silent file<CR>
:set filetype=cpp<CR>
ivoid f() {int i; SomeFunction(parameter,// comment<CR>i);}<ESC>

There's no way to actually stub out executable() calls in vroom, so we'll either need to provide some override to actually change the plugin behavior for testing or monkey patch the IsAvailable() function on the formatters we're testing.

gofmt formatter doesn't clear quickfix list when all errors are fixed

(Forwarding a report from someone else)

I am using the codefmt plugin for Go, by including:

Glug codefmt gofmt_executable="goimports"
Glug codefmt-google
autocmd FileType go AutoFormatBuffer gofmt

And it looks like it doesn't clear the quick fix list when all errors are fixed. E.g.:
I have 3 errors, and if I save, the quick fix window shows the three of them.
If I fix 1, and save, the quick fix window correctly shows only two of them.
If now I fix the 2 remaining ones, and save, the quick fix window doesn't update at all.

It looks like we only call "setqflist" in the case of errors:
but never clear it if there are no errors.

Error installing codefmtlib


I am getting this error while trying to do use :FormatCode in my C++ code.

ERROR(NotFound): Library "codefmtlib" could not be installed, because there are no library installers registered with maktaba

Here's my vimrc

set nocompatible
filetype off

" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()

Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'google/vim-maktaba'
Plugin 'google/vim-glaive'

Plugin 'google/vim-codefmtlib'
Plugin 'google/vim-codefmt'

call vundle#end()

" Now we can turn our filetype functionality back on
filetype plugin indent on

Can someone please help me identify the issue.

Consider a more imperative formatter API

Formatters right now take a range and modify the buffer as a side-effect, e.g.

function someformatter.FormatRange(startline, endline) abort
  let l:lines = getline(1, line('$'))
  let l:result = maktaba#syscall#Create(…).WithStdin(join(l:lines, "\n")).Call()
  call maktaba#buffer#Overwrite(1, line('$'), split(l:result.stdout, "\n"))

codefmt itself has very little insight into what the formatter is doing, and the amount of boilerplate is also a little annoying. Things can get weird if e.g. FormatRange is called multiple times to process multiple ranges, especially with formatters that try to populate errors into the quickfix list.

A different approach would be to pass a codefmt handle and implement formatter operations in terms of that handle, like

  • formattable.GetLines([start], [end])
  • formattable.SetLines({lines})
  • formattable.SetLines({start}, {end}, {lines})
  • formattable.SetCursor({row}, {col})
  • formattable.AddError({error}, [row], [col])

A simple formatter would look like

function someformatter.FormatRange(startline, endline, formattable) abort
  let l:input = join(a:formattable.GetLines(), "\n")
  let l:result = maktaba#syscall#Create(…).WithStdin(l:input).Call()
  call a:formattable.SetLines(l:result.stdout)

Some advantages are that it can make some formatting operations more convenient and anti-patterns like overwriting files on disk less natural. If we run into wonkiness as we enable fancy features like format-changed-lines-on-save (multiple ranges), it could help solve issues like that, too.

Support clang-format -cursor option to preserve cursor position while formatting

Newer versions of clang-format support a -cursor=<uint> option to precisely maintain cursor position from before formatting and output a JSON structure as the first line of output indicating the final cursor position after formatting.

We should add support to codefmt to hook into this mechanism and precisely preserve the cursor position when formatting with clang-format. If lots of users are still using an older clang-format version that doesn't accept the -cursor flag, we could have a flag to control whether to use the cursor preservation and/or detect support by reading the version number from clang-format --version.

Add more examples of autocmds and NoAutoFormatBuffer to help

Would be nice to have some practical examples in the docs of how to:

  • Auto-format some filetype excluding certain paths.
  • Configure default formatter by filetype w/o enabling auto-format.
  • Auto-format w/ different formatters at different paths.
  • Auto-format but manually disable in some buffers with :NoAutoFormatBuffer.

Registering external formatters immediately after load breaks codefmt

In autoload/codefmt, we have:

let s:plugin = maktaba#plugin#Get('codefmt')
let s:plugin_root = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h:h')
let s:registry = s:plugin.GetExtensionRegistry()

call s:registry.SetValidator('codefmt#EnsureFormatter')

If the first time we enter this, we already have extensions registered for codefmt, then the call to SetValidator() will end up executing codefmt#EnsureFormatter. But that function doesn't yet exist, and codefmt's autoload hasn't yet finished loading, so we'll load it again, and try to loop forever:

Vim(call):E132: Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'

In practice, you can trigger this by installing codefmt, adding an extension via Maktaba, and then running (e.g.) :FormatCode, which triggers the autoload.

The simple solution is to move the SetValidator() call down to after where EnsureFormatter() has been defined (and remove s:plugin_root, which is unused). However, I wonder whether we should instead call SetValidator() from instant/register.vim or similar? It seems odd that we'd defer setting up the validator until the first call to a codefmt# function.

(This also means that the default formatters won't be registered until that first call, though that's not actually observable, since they're always lower-priority that ones added externally.)

Repeat behavior is unexpected and, well, annoying

Say you have :AutoFormatBuffer enabled and you're editing file. Then you change a line, save it, because why not. You then go to another line and hit . to replay that change, it reformats the code.
In my opinion it's pretty clear that the behavior is weird in this situation. I honestly don't see when having code formatting be something that is repeatable via . is useful but I'd be interested to hear the reasoning behind it.

I'd send a PR removing that or making it configurable, but I though I'd open a conversation first.
What do y'all think?

Formatting *.BUILD files


I have *.BUILD files in my repository which are BUILD files implemented for dependencies to my bazel-built project (For example, jpeg.BUILD for building libjpeg). I have the following line set up in my vimrc:

augroup autoformat_settings
  autocmd FileType bzl AutoFormatBuffer buildifier
  " ...
augroup END

This works for formatting BUILD files, but if I have a file with the name following the *.BUILD convention for third party builds the file is not automatically formatted. Even more, if I run :FormatCode in the file, the following message is printed:

Not available, codefmt doesn't have a default formatter for this buffer.

I have to use :FormatCode buildifier directly for it to work.

How can I specify the default formatter for *.BUILD files?

Maktaba minimum version only enforced when using bootstrap.vim

We have some code to require a minimum maktaba version in bootstrap.vim, but if you're not using bootstrap.vim then you'll never get any warning that your maktaba version is too old. We should move that check somewhere it will get executed for all users. instant/flags.vim would probably be a good place.

Consider providing a standard way for formatters to report errors

Currently, if formatters want to report errors, they update the quickfix list directly. (As shipped, only the gofmt formatter does this, but it would also make sense for e.g. google-java-format, were we to add support for that.) It would be nice to make it easier for formatters to report errors.

Additionally, we have some questions around when formatters should clear the quickfix list (e.g. #58), and I'm not sure how stacked formatters (#44) would work if formatters were managing the quickfix list individually.

I've been wondering whether formatters could pass a structured error list to codefmt somehow, and then codefmt itself could be responsible for merging/populating/hiding the quickfix list as appropriate, consistently.

As a strawman, perhaps FormatRange() (etc) could return a list of (line, column, message)? (Or accept a callback instead, if that sounds like a restrictive API? Would the line numbers be relative to the start of the range, for range formatting?)

And/or, since most formatters can get errors by looking for "file:line:column: error" on stderr, it might even be work providing a helper that handled exactly that pattern directly.

Support passing `--srcdir` to goimports

When using goimports via our gofmt formatter as suggested in the docs, the goimports path-based inference doesn't work because we don't tell goimports about the path. It does support a --srcdir argument we could pass.

We'd have to make it conditional and detect basename(gofmt_executable) == 'goimports' or something like that because gofmt doesn't support any --srcdir arg.

Add formatter for Bazel BUILD files

Codefmt should have support for formatting Bazel BUILD files and *.bzl files if/when a tool for formatting Bazel files is publicly available.

Add example to override = mappings in codefmt docs

Some filetypes have terrible default indenting logic (using the = mapping) and also have a formatter fast enough and robust enough to drop in as the formatting implementation for the = mapping. You can do this by adding something like the following to your vimrc:

function s:AddCodefmtEqualMapping() abort
  " Replace all the various ={motion} keys to codefmt
  nnoremap <buffer> = :set opfunc=codefmt#FormatMap<CR>g@
  nnoremap <buffer> == :FormatLines<CR>
  vnoremap <buffer> = :FormatLines<CR>
augroup codefmt_equal
  autocmd FileType cpp,proto call s:AddCodefmtEqualMapping()
augroup END

We should add an example like this into the codefmt help and explain what to expect + caveats when you use it.

Allow configuring indent size, etc. for autopep8

autopep8 allows configuring the indent-size and max-line-length to use as well as listing error codes to be ignored like --ignore=E226,E302,E41. It's currently possible to configure those via pep8 config files by putting something like the following in ~/.config/pep8 or a per-project setup.cfg or tox.ini:

indent-size = 2
max-line-length = 100
ignore = E226,E302,E41

Config files work pretty well in most cases, but it still would be nice to be able to configure via vimscript for some cases. I'm thinking there should be a flag and/or buffer-local variable that can be used to pass config to autopep8.

In particular, since vim already has settings that correspond to indent size and max line length, it would be great to have an option to hook those up to automatically match vim's 'shiftwidth' and 'textwidth' settings, since I've already configured formatting settings once and shouldn't be forced to repeat myself.

Add maktaba logging for whenever codefmt modifies buffer

It would be useful to log an info message whenever codefmt triggers and modifies the buffer, especially for cases where it triggers automatically on save.

It should be possible to verify whether the buffer was actually changed by checking b:changedtick before and after running the formatter so we can avoid logging a message if the formatter had no effect.

Add formatter for Java

Codefmt should have support for formatting Java source code if/when a Java formatting tool exists.

It's possible something hacky could be done to organize Java imports without any kind of full-fledged Java formatting tool.

Mechanism for passing arbitrary extra config to formatters

Lots of formatters have extra config users may want to pass, and creating a top-level flag for each one will get cumbersome. We should consider a generic mechanism for passing flags through to formatters.

Factors to consider:

  • These should be attached to the fine-grained formatter name, not the language, because we don't want to accidentally pass them to a different formatter that doesn't support them when the user switches formatter.
  • Some might conflict with default flags. For instance, a user might want to pass --type to js-beautify and find that it conflicts with the --type flag we already pass by default.
  • Most config would be per-path rather than global preferences. For instance, a user will want to configure an --aosp flag when working on Android Java, but then be surprised if it's applied to other Java code they're working on later.
  • If possible, these config options should live in some project-local config file like .clang-format or .editorconfig, not something codefmt-specific, and codefmt should just try to be smart about detecting and not conflicting with such config where appropriate.

Add option to touch only changed lines

It would be nice to have a mode to detect which lines you had touched in this editing session and only format those ranges.

We'd need a way to decide between this behavior and formatting the whole buffer. One option would be a new :FormatChangedLines and :AutoFormatChangedLines command that would work as variants of :FormatCode and :AutoFormatBuffer.

Exception when calling first time

steps to reproduce:

  1. open file in a suitable format
  2. call :FormatCode or :FormatLines on selection

it throws:

ERROR(NotFound): Library "codefmtlib" could not be installed, because there are no library installers registered with maktaba.
  1. call it again

it works as expected

vimdoc can't generate codefmtlib docs

If I try to generate the codefmtlib docs with vimdoc, I get an AssertionError about line length:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/vimdoc", line 5, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vimdoc/", line 19, in main
    Helpfile(module, docdir).Write()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vimdoc/", line 28, in Write
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vimdoc/", line 42, in WriteHeader
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/vimdoc/", line 172, in Print
    assert len(line) <= self.WIDTH

This is because the description field in addon-info.json is too long and triggers google/vimdoc#82. It's probably worth shortening up the description, regardless of what happens with the vimdoc bug, and leaving the detailed explanation for the intro section.

Allow configuring tools to inherit vim's indent and line length settings

Since vim already has settings that correspond to indent size and max line length, it would be great to have an option to hook those up to automatically match vim's 'shiftwidth' and 'textwidth' settings, since I've already configured formatting settings once and shouldn't be forced to repeat myself. There could be a single global setting to enable the feature and a buffer-local override so you could still work around corner cases.

The indent and line length settings will vary from formatter to formatter and support will need to be implemented per-formatter. It could either be explicitly part of the API or formatters could just check the relevant preferences and vim settings themselves in the formatter code.

Better instructions for writing a plugin with a custom formatter

Maybe I've missed it, but it's not obvious to me how to write a plugin that plays nice with vim-codefmt. We have a custom code formatter at work, and I'd really like to write a lightweight internal plugin that uses codefmt to do the heavy interface lifting.

Any tips?

Clean up codefmt vroom files

The codefmt vroom files are pretty good for test coverage right now but not very friendly and readable as "executable documentation". Compare to the glaive docs at as an A+ example. Improvements to consider:

  • Add more introductory text and a "table of contents" in main.vroom. Consider renaming to codefmt.vroom.
  • Split off a separate formatters.vroom file for testing the built-in formatters and consider using very simple dummy formatters in the other files.
  • Cut down on repetition. It's not easy right now to see at a glance what each executable section is testing/demonstrating for all of the verbose syntax.

maktaba#ensure#IsCallable and maktaba#value#IsEnum broken in Vim >= 7.4.1875, breaking Maktaba entirely

when I upgrade to vim 7.4.1910
the plugin throws exception

Error detected while processing function maktaba#flags#AddCallback[1]..maktaba#ensure#IsCallable:
line    9:
E605: Exception not caught: ERROR(BadValue): Dictionary with keys ['dict', 'func', 'Apply', 'Call', 'WithContext', 'arglist', 'WithArgs'] is not a maktaba function.
Error detected while processing function maktaba#plugin#Detect:
line    2:
E170: Missing :endfor

but vim 7.4.1864 did not

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