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tern-closure's Issues

Issues with JSDoc types missing braces.

The Closure compiler apparently accepts JSDoc like this:

 * Immutable empty node list.
 * @constructor
 * @extends goog.ds.BasicNodeList
goog.ds.EmptyNodeList = function() {

Example taken from the annotation documentation

goog.ds.BasicNodeList is not contained in braces.

Doctrine doesn't seem to like this, and does not populate the type field for that extends tag.

Stop depending on Node as the environment

tern-closure should not work only when run under Node. It should run anywhere that Tern can. In particular, it should run in the browser.

On some level, this probably just involves wrapping each module in an IIFE with a bit of boilerplate like Tern. However, it might also motivate some code re-organization.


We should provide an easy way to jump to an overriden method from the overriding method.

Though we could add this as a new type of request, it would be much better to do it in a client-independent manner. The easiest way to do this would probably be to catch go-to-definition calls in @override annotations, much like we want to within type strings (#28).

A definition request with a location inside an @override tag would return the definition location of the method up the prototype chain of the class.

Verbose option to enable debug logging

tern-closure should take a 'deubg' or 'verbose' option, defaulting to match the Tern server option.

Finders should also get this option (defaulting to match the tern-closure setting).

Record type support


/** @type {{prop1: Prop1Type, prop2: Prop2Type}} */
var recordTypeExpr;
recordTypeExpr; //: {prop1: Prop1Type, prop2: Prop2Type}

grep finder does not handle multiline goog.provide statments

In the case of deep namespaces and long class names, goog.provide statements are sometimes broken across lines:


The grep finder currently just drops these. Addressing this issue across all platforms (without introducing a dependency on less-common options or utilities) would be difficult, so this will likely be left unfixed.

The upcoming native Node search finder (#5) should handle this case.

Support varargs


/** @param {...ParamType} var_args */
var fnVarArgs = function(var_args) {
  arguments; //: [ParamType]
  var_args; //: ...ParamType
fnVarArgs; //: fn(var_args: ...ParamType)

This will always be a bit of a hack because we'd have to apply the varargs type to the entire arguments variable, but it would be serviceable.

Stop depending on dev Doctrine

Currently, we depend on latest version of Doctrine at HEAD (see package.json). We should probably depend on some version number instead.

This is because we rely on the fix to an issue parsing access tags with types, and the fix is not yet in a published release.

@Constellation, do you know when you plan to publish a new release of Doctrine?

Function type expression support


/** @type {function(ParamType): ReturnType} */
var fnTypeExpr;
fnTypeExpr; //: function(ParamType) -> ReturnType

Note that Tern normally outputs parameter names in its type strings, and parameter names are generally not included in function type expressions. We may end up needing to invent names (a, b, etc).

Support generics

The Closure compiler supports generics, like

 * @constructor
 * @template T
Foo = function() { ... };

A good experience with generics might require support for casting (#12), but we might get things working decently without it.

At a minimum, we should stop trying and failing to find and import the files providing template types.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null

was trying to parse this file:

and got an error that was not very descriptive

it would be nice if it would tell what line of the input file it failed at

$ /c/nodejs/node_modules/tern/bin/condense --name "sqljs-substring" --plugin /c/Users/Sean/s/eclipse-luna/eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64/eclipse/plugins/tern.core_ --def helpers.json sql.js/coffee/api.js > sqljs-substring.json
                    if (isParamTitle(this._title) && {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
    at TagParser.parseName (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\doctrine\doctrine.js:1761:68)
    at TagParser.parse (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\doctrine\doctrine.js:1976:34)
    at parseTag (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\doctrine\doctrine.js:1999:27)
    at Object.parse (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\doctrine\doctrine.js:2071:23)
    at Comment.parse (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\lib\comment.js:40:26)
    at interpretComments (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:209:11)
    at walk.simple.AssignmentExpression (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:172:7)
    at c (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:30:18)
    at Object.skipThrough (C:\nodejs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:163:39)
    at c (C:\Users\Sean\s\eclipse-luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\tern.core_0.6.0.201409182110\node_modules\tern\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:29:17)

Minimal requirements loading

Currently, we try to load files for all the referenced types in all the files we process, including those that we are loading automatically from other files. This means that for anything other than smallish projects, we just keep loading files until Tern's dependency budget system cuts us off.

This is a problem because many of the loaded files are not actually necessary for understanding the current file. By loading unnecessary files, we are bloating memory consumption and slowing things down. We could even end up consuming the dependency budget on unneeded files and preventing the processing of something that actually matters.

It seems like we should only need to load:

  1. goog.require classes in the current file.
  2. Types referenced in type annotations in the current file.
  3. Any types we could obtain from the above types (return types of their methods).
    • Recurse.
  4. Superclasses of all of the above.
    • Recurse

Include condensed type definition file of Closure library

We should include a JSON type definition file for the contents of the Closure library, and optionally load that definition according to a configuration setting.

The file could be rather large - it's possible we would need to settle for a subset, or break up the library into chunks.

There could be some trickiness to encoding all the type information we are interested in, since some aspects of the Closure type system (inheritance, unions, etc) are not explicitly supported as part of Tern.

Include Closure base.js definitions

While it may not make sense to condense the whole Closure library and include its definition (#23), we should at a minimum include definitions for things declared in Closure's base.js.

Aside from being commonly used, since there is no goog.provide('goog') or goog.require('goog'), the various goog.* methods and attributes are never loaded automatically.

Support goog.scope

goog.scope allows the aliasing of namespaces. We should handle type annotations with namespaces aliased by goog.scope.

Support autocompletion of names in comments

Given the number of times fully-qualified names are typically typed in JSDoc tags, it would be helpful if we could provide completions within comments.

This does not work currently, because Tern does not process the contents of comments. However, we can use Tern's completion hooks to provide our own completions (for names that we already know about for other reasons). See ternjs/tern@31f9282, and the similar issue for completions in goog.require #3.

tern-closure requires version of tern too old

The default installation instructions no longer work: tern is 0.11 as of late and tern-closure is still with 0.7 and the installation must be reverted and tailored to satisfy this.

typedef support


/** @typedef {{numProp: number}} */
var TypeDefType;
/** @type {TypeDefType} */
var typeDefVar;
typeDefVar; //: TypeDefType
typeDefVar.numProp; //: number

Only process JSDoc-form comments

The Tern comment-finding code looks for both
/** JSDoc comment form */
// Single line comment form

Since we assume comments without any type information are for methods without return or parameter values, this means statements like

// This is an assignment.
var a = b;

can end up with a being assigned the type fn()

Add an native Node search finder

Currently, the the only finder (grep) depends on the presence of platform-specific utilities (grep in *Nix, and soon findstr in Windows).

There should be a pure-Node finder, for maximum portability.

Interface multiple inheritance

The current implementation of inheritance doesn't support multiple inheritance at all, though multiple inheritance is possible for interfaces.

Flatten .tern-project options structure?

Currently, finder options have their own field:

  "plugins": {
    "doc_comment": false,
    "closure": {
      "finder": {
        "name": "grep",
        "options": {
          "dirs": [

It's a minor issue, but this adds extra depth to the options JSON and makes it more difficult for humans to edit.

It might be easier if the finder property was an object with all the finder options, like this:

  "plugins": {
    "doc_comment": false,
    "closure": {
      "finder": {
        "name": "grep",
        "dirs": [

A few 'options' would always be present, like name and possibly debug (#6).

Completion for object litteral

Even if tern doesn't support completion for object litteral (see issue 311), I create this issue because tern-closure needs that too.

For instance you can write this JS :

var newHeader = goog.dom.createDom('h1', {'style': 'background-color:#EEE'},
    'Hello world!');

It should be very cool if we can have completion like this :

var newHeader = goog.dom.createDom('h1', {'s // here Ctrl+Space shows 'style'

and :

var newHeader = goog.dom.createDom('h1', {'style': 'back // here Ctrl+Space shows background-color

Support optional argument types


/** @param {ParamType=} opt_param */
var fnOptParam = function(opt_param) {
  opt_param; //: ParamType=
fnOptParam; //: fn(opt_param: ParamType=)

Note: This is separate from nullability information.
The Tern doc_comment plugin modifies the displayed parameter names in order to surface this information. Ideally, it would be part of the type information attached to the parameter.

Support casting

We should add support for casting:

/** @type {Object} */
var genericObject;
var castObject = /** @type {CastClass} */ (genericObject);
castObject; //: CastClass

Right now, castObject has type {}.

This will be tricky, since it will definitely involve changing the way we attach JSDoc comments to AST nodes.

Support union types


/** @type {(MyClass|YourClass)} */
var union;
union; //: (MyClass|YourClass)

More importantly, we want proper autocompletion of properties on all types in the union.

tern-closure and atom-tern

So I tried to setup tern-closure in atom on top of the atom-tern.

Since there is no package available I npm install tern-closure in
This installs the tern-closure into

My tern-project looks like this:

"ecmaVersion": 6,
"libs": [
"loadEagerly": [
"plugins": {
"complete_strings": {},
"node": {},
"lint": {},
"angular": {},
"requirejs": {},
"es_modules": {},
"doc_comment": false,
"closure" : {}

However, immediately the errors are thrown:

C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:292 return node.right.body.scope.fnType; ^

TypeError: Cannot read property 'fnType' of undefined at getFnType (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:292:33) at interpretComments (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:216:18) at walk.simple.AssignmentExpression (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\closure.js:172:7) at c (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:30:18) at Object.skipThrough (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\acorn\dist\walk.js:168:3) at c (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:29:17) at Object.base.ExpressionStatement.base.ParenthesizedExpression (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\acorn\dist\walk.js:185:10) at c (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:29:17) at Object.exports.searchVisitor.walk.make.Statement (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\lib\infer.js:1929:7) at c (C:\Users\lvanwalstijn.atom\packages\atom-ternjs\node_modules\tern\node_modules\tern-closure\node_modules\acorn\util\walk.js:29:17)


tern exited with code: 1.
Restart the server via Packages -> Atom Ternjs -> Restart server

Any ideas?

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