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ci_edit's Introduction

What is ci_edit

ci_edit is a text editor. It can help you view or edit text files.

ci_edit runs in the command line (also called the terminal). To start using ci_edit, download ci_edit and open (execute)

What ci_edit can do for you

Many other command line text editors require learning a different set of mouse and keyboard commands. Many of us use a graphical editor (GUI) that supports a common set of commands like ctrl+q to quit (that is, hold the control key and press Q). Here are a few common commands:

  • ctrl+q to quit the program
  • ctrl+s to save the file
  • ctrl+z undo
  • ctrl+x cut
  • ctrl+c copy
  • ctrl+v paste

There are more, but you probably get the idea. These common controls are not common in command line editors.

So, what if you'd like to edit a file in the terminal window but don't want to recall how to save or quit in an unfamiliar editor? This is where ci_edit shines, because ci_edit does support those familiar key sequences. You already know how to save in ci_edit, it's ctrl+s. Simple.

This version of ci_edit still doesn't have all the intended features, but it's a start. It's has the necessary features of a basic text editor and a few fancy extras. Those fancy extras stay out of your way until you want them.

How to stay in touch

To get news about new features, please join

If you have a question (i.e. "how do I..."), please post it here

Have you found a case where ci_edit misbehaves, please let us know by describing what happened here

For those interested in contributing new features or steering the future direction of ci_edit, join us on

Installation (Linux / Mac OS)

  • Execute the install script with root privileges. Either change directory cd to the downloaded directory (or local repository): ci_edit, or use the path to the installation file (i.e. ./[PATH_TO_FILE]/
$ sudo ./
  • Note: This script creates a copy of the repository in the directory /opt/ci_edit/; the update, overwrites that copy. Then a symbolic link is created in the directory /usr/local/bin/, which is generally designated for user programs not managed by the distribution package manager


  • This command opens the text editor from any directory. The execution command for the editor can be specified by user choice during installation or manually.
$ we
  • To edit a file (such as by name:
$ we

What you can do for ci_edit

The help we now need is finding out what puts users off; what causes someone who tries the editor to stop using it. We intend to address those issues so that more users are happy users for a longer time.

Features of ci_edit

Stand out features

  • nested grammars
    • A source file being edited may start in one grammar such as HTML and contain nested JavaScript or CSS. ci_edit will highlight each grammar for each separate language.
  • terminal mouse support and GUI shortcuts by default (enabled out-of-the-box).
  • open the file you meant
    • If a given path doesn't exist, ci_edit will try to estimate "what you meant". This allows for opening a file path by copy/pasting output from other tools without needing to touch up the path.
      • This is disabled by passing a line number parameter, such as +1 (which opens the file to the first line).
    • A path such as a/foo/ can open foo/
      • Why: git diff may add a/ or b/ prefixes to files in diff output.
    • A path such as foo/ can open foo/ to line number 421
      • Why: some compiler or log output us a : notation to refer to specific lines.

Uncommon features

Some other editors provide these features, but not all of them.

  • file path tab-completion
    • i.e. when opening files
  • written in Python
    • No Python experience is required. Being written in Python means that many users will be able to review the code.
    • Python 3.7+ and Python 2.7+ are supported.
    • Python 2 support may be phased out in favor of focusing on Python 3 features. If you'd prefer that Python 2 support continue, please comment on #205
  • saved undo/redo
    • Open a file and undo prior edits of that document
  • runs on nCurses
    • This means that it can use used in the terminal window just like vim, emacs, and pine.
  • sensible save and quit
    • Using GUI editor keyboard short-cuts: ctrl+s and ctrl+q respectively.

Common features

We should expect these features from a text editor.

  • cut/copy/paste
    • Using common GUI editor keyboard short-cuts: ctrl+x, ctrl+c, and ctrl+v!
  • syntax highlighting
    • keywords an such are displayed in different colors.
  • find within text
    • Regular expression search forward and backward.
  • line numbers
    • Shown on the left side.
  • go to line with ctrl+g
    • Jump to a line number or the top, bottom, or middle of the document
  • unlimited undo/redo
    • Or at least within the limits of disk space to page to
  • selection modes
    • select by line, word, character, select all, or rectangle (block) selection
  • brace matching
    • Place the cursor on a brace, bracket, or parenthesis and the pair of characters are highlighted.
  • mouse support
    • Yes, in the terminal
    • click to place the cursor
    • double click to select by word
    • triple click to select by line
    • shift+click to extend selection
    • alt+click for rectangular (block) selection
  • pipe to editor
    • Send the output from another program directly into the editor without the need for a temporary file
  • strips/trims trailing white-space on each line
    • Each time the file is saved
  • resume at last edit position
    • The cursor location is stored within ~/.ci_edit/
  • search and replace
    • Control the scope of the replacement with the current selection
  • execute sub-processes
    • Either with or without a sub-shell; including piping between to, from, and between sub-processes
  • filter text through other tools
    • Send selected text through a sub-process and capture the output into the current document.
  • spell check
    • ultra-fast spell checking. English and coding word dictionaries included.
  • built-in filters
    • Sort selected lines
    • regex text substitution, such as s/dogs/cats/ replaces the text "dogs" with the text "cats".

Future features (the to do list)

  • bookmarks
  • find in files
    • Not just the current file, but search through files in a directory.
  • user customizable keywords
  • user customizable color scheme
  • build/error tracking
    • Capture the output from make and similar tools and integrate the results.
  • auto reload of modified files
    • Tell you when a file has changed on disk and offer to re-open it.
  • trace file
    • Monitor a file and continuously read in the new lines
  • jump to opposing brace
    • Move the cursor from here to there.
  • a lot more...
    • There are so many dreams for the future.



The world does need another text editor. (Or at least I think so).

There are other fine curses based editors. I found that I was often trying to tweak them to get just what I wanted. Almost as often, some aspect of those editors prevented that last little bit of customization. So writing a text editor should allow all the customization I like, right?

Writing a text editor is an interesting project. Give it a try sometime.


This is not an official Google product.

Copyright 2016 Google Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

ci_edit's People


aaxu avatar adamyi avatar alanyee avatar crabime avatar dschuyler avatar fsx950223 avatar gennad avatar johncoleman83 avatar kant avatar nthparameter avatar sauravchirania avatar


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ci_edit's Issues

can not run in osx

os version: OS X 10.11.4
After cloning this project, I met three question:

  1. First, ran this failed. Then checking this script file and echo SRC_PATH and APP_DIR, all return empty.
    and i changed such script file, here is change snippet which succeeded installing:
#Get current shell script directory name
SRC_PATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
# Grab the directory name.
  1. Second, there is not opt folder in os x and i made it manually, how about normal user? Should we make such directory while installing.

  2. Third, i wrote a random text file using we command. After adding a line and want to save it. while cmd + s seems not working. it always let me store in another folder like desktop i wander if you can change the logic and just store this file and quit like vim.

Cursor movement doesn't shift view right/left

Pressing END, HOME, CTRL_RIGHT, CTRL_LEFT, CTRL_SHIFT_LEFT, CTRL_SHIFT_RIGHT, CTRL_G to go to any line, doesn't actually shift the view to show the cursor. When the cursor goes out of bounds, it's appear in the bottom right of the program.

This also happens when scrollCol > 0 and you use backspace with cursorCol = scrollCol (meaning the cursor is at the first visible column of the text buffer and the view is shifted to the right). Backspacing will cause the cursor to enter the LineNumber's view.

Example here:
cursor bug

Scrolling up while cursor is on the message line or status line

This can be reproduced by the following steps:

  1. Start a new document
  2. Hold enter until you have enough lines to make the text buffer scroll up
  3. Scroll up and place the cursor back on the first line.
  4. Put your mouse over either the message line or status line
  5. Scroll up using the mouse wheel

Expected behavior: Text buffer scrolls down
Actual behavior: Text buffer scrolls up, cursor moves down and all text in between is highlighted.

Exception occurs when closing file.

This bug only sometimes happens, but it seems to be reproducible if you keep trying for a little while.


  • python (I don't think file matters, since it also happened when I tried using This error actually seems to occur more if no file is specified, so python
  • CTRL_Q


_curses.error: setupterm: could not find terminfo database

these days i have been always seeing ci_edit source code, everything is ok but i can not run it on pycharm. below is the error stacktrace when i ran Ci_program:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 71, in <module>
    globals = run_file(file, None, None)
  File "/Applications/", line 31, in run_file
    pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals)  # execute the script
  File "/Users/crabime/Development/PythonDevelopment/github/ci_edit/app/", line 611, in <module>
  File "/Users/crabime/Development/PythonDevelopment/github/ci_edit/app/", line 602, in run_ci
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/curses/", line 22, in wrapper
    stdscr = curses.initscr()
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/curses/", line 33, in initscr
_curses.error: setupterm: could not find terminfo database

I had tried these ways:

  • add TERM=xterm-256color and TERMINFO=/usr/share/terminfo/78 in path which located in ~/.bash_profile,that doesn't work, such error still appear
  • **add such environment variables into pycharm program run/debug configuration directly,**still doesn't work.

so far, i have tried all the way but still can not debug curses program. and here is the link to the question i putted forward in stackoverflow but still nobody knows,hope someone can save me out.

Current OS version: OS X 10.11.4
System Platform: Darwin

LabeledLine color is wrong

I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the labels in labeled line didn't seem to have the right color IMO. They were using the default color, which is based on the color of the background of the terminal you are using. Thus, for the Ubuntu default terminal, the window would look something like this:


Some cursor movements will show the file as 'dirty'

If I open a large file and use ctrl+g, t (or b) to jump to the top or bottom of the file (with no other edits in the file), the file will be seen as dirty. Dirty meaning that the * is shown next to the file path and ctrl-q will prompt to ask about saving the modified file.

It looks like removing and self.redoIndex != len(self.redoChain) from the following code in app/ will fix the issue. I don't recall why that test is part of that if-statment.

aaxu@ do you recall?

    # When the redoChain is trimmed we may lose the saved at.
    # Trim only when there is a non-trivial action.
    if change[0] == 'm' and self.redoIndex != len(self.redoChain):
      newTrivialChange = True

Cursor Position incorrect when opening up a saved file.

When the cursor position is at the end of a line and you save and reopen the file, the cursor is moved to the 2nd to last position of the line. That is, if I type the word "RIGHT", save, and reopen the file, the cursor is at "RIGH|T" rather than "RIGHT|".

Making this a full system program

@dschuyler Do you think it'll soon be time to make a file, deploy the program to pip or something so we can install it as a program? Then we'll no longer have to start the program with python ./PATHNAME/ci_edit !

Just leaving this issue up here as a TODO for the future. It might be a better idea to get the color schemes, menus, and other minor things working before doing this.

'm' index error

Not sure of full repro steps. I need to follow up on this.

info 842 mouseRelease: mouse release 10 0
detail 355 undoOne: undo
detail 409 undoOne: undo move
error 534 wrapped_ci: Traceback (most recent call last):
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 529, in wrapped_ci
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 502, in run
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 97, in commandLoop
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 466, in refresh
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 767, in refresh
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 555, in onChange
if tb.isDirty():
error 534 wrapped_ci: File "/usr/local/google/home/dschuyler/github/ci_edit/app/", line 99, in isDirty
self.redoChain[self.redoIndex][0] == 'm') or
error 534 wrapped_ci: IndexError: list index out of range

Case insensitive Find

Should we make it a default that when you search for a string in the text editor, it's automatically case insensitive?

file can not save in osx

Here i changed a file under /opt folder and save it with control + s, but it's useless. maybe it's a protected file but if there are some hint about such unwritten condition will be nice. and cmd + s will store command line text. i made a screen snapshot but it seems github issue can not upload image..

Pasting from clipboard

Make terminal paste things from clipboard (that you copied outside of the program) be able to paste inside the program with CTRL+V, or the paste function.

Currently, things copied to clipboard can be pasted inside the program with CTRL+SHIFT+V which is how you typically paste in a terminal. However, the format may sometimes be incorrect. Also, it is not possible to copy something from the program to the clipboard and paste it outside of the program.

Bug: bookmarks may sometimes seem to be larger than they really are

If your cursor is at the beginning of a line (say line 4) and you perform SHIFT_UP to select previous lines, the created bookmark will include line 4. This means that you can remove the bookmark if your cursor is on line 4. I don't know if this should be a bug or a feature, but it may cause some confusion since there is no visual display that shows that this line is part of the bookmark.

I think it makes more sense if this is a bug? What are your thoughts?


Seems like a good feature to have for variable/function names. Maybe one that can be turned off/on.

Resizing terminal after starting the program

This just causes a whole bunch of errors. I'll try to list out each one.

  • Drag the window so that you make the height smaller. Then hold enter and the program will break once the cursor goes past the terminal screen.
  • Drag the window so that the width is smaller. This will cause a grey area to expand and block the text that is on the screen.
  • Increase the size of the window. The size of the window objects (like the text buffer, line numbers, etc) will not increase with the size of the window.

CTRL + SHIFT + UP error

There is an assertion error in doMoveLines inside the Mutator class. I think it's because the to variable is changed before the assertion checked, thus failing the assertion.

The error can be reproduced as follows:

  1. Start up the text editor with any document with more than 2 lines
  2. Make any selection such that the top of the selection is not on the very first line
  3. Perform CTRL + SHIFT + UP and the program will crash.

Allow editing/refresh of preferences within editor

Right now, user prefs can be edited as json files in ~/.ci_edit/prefs/... (requiring reopening the editor).
Let's make those prefs editable and auto-refreshing from within the editor (without requiring reopening the editor).

Redo after save not working

in a file, type


then undo so that only A is shown
Press ctrl+y to redo

Problem: B does not reappear.

Saving a new file

This causes problems and can break future openings of ci_edit if you open up a new file and try to save. This is because self.fileEncoding is not initialized when you open a new file.

View doesn't move right when line gets too long.

When you're typing and the cursor goes past the width of the window, the view doesn't move along with the cursor, so you won't be able to see the cursor anymore. This does not happen if the cursor goes past the height of the window.

Error when saving. File gets corrupted.

Steps to reproduce

  • Create a new file, add characters so it has at least 1 character in the file and then save.
  • Re-open the file
  • Select all the characters in the file (CTRL_A by default)
  • Type anything to replace all the characters
  • Save -> This will cause an error message to appear saying that the file did not save properly.
  • Quit the program with CTRL_Q and press N to not save the file.
  • Reopen the file. You should now see a corrupted file. It may or may not even open in the program properly, or the offset/data in the file is different from expected.

CTRL_P not working as intended?

Is this a feature that has yet to be fully implemented? I see the groundwork laid out, but It doesn't seem to be functional (or I'm just using it wrong). What is InteractivePrediction supposed to do?

Bug: Stats line shown twice

When you drag the bottom of the terminal upward (must be done somewhat slowly) to make the window smaller, the stats line at the bottom gets shown twice.


Tab usage

I was thinking about how the tab key works and wanted your opinion on some things @dschuyler.

  • When the selection mode is none, should we just insert a tab and move the cursor to the end of it rather than indent the whole line and have the cursor at the beginning of the line?

  • When the selection mode is not none and we tab, should we keep the cursor at the current position or keep it moving to the beginning of the line?

  • Let's say that there is a colon and then a new line. The new line operator will put the cursor on an indented spot on the next line, a few spaces after the beginning of the previous line. Should we have tab jump to this position if the cursor is before this position?
    For example:

for x in lst:

If the cursor is in some position with an x, them jump to the vertical bar if a tab is inserted (all selection modes).

Program crashes on some (8 color) terminals

I traced this error to applyPalette in setUpPalette has a try-catch block where it's try block and the catch block currently do the same thing, causing the crash. This happens because some terminals only support 8 colors so curses.COLORS will return 8 instead of 256. However, the default palette assumes there are 256 colors. I think that we should have maybe a barebones 8-bit colored version of the program to support these types of terminals. I may see if I can figure out how to play around with the color schemes, but you probably are better at dealing with this than I am @dschuyler.

Feature: CTRL + L

I'd like to implement this shortcut to select the current line. Do you think that this is appropriate? It may take me a little while because I want to understand the code and structure of the program first.

Page up/down with selection mode

If you have text selected and you press page up/down, everything in between the old cursor position and the new one becomes selected. Is this a bug or a feature?

Undo into saved undo breaks redo chain

Ways to emulate this:

  • Copy anything into your clipboard.
  • Create a new file.
  • Paste consecutively three times
  • Save
  • Reopen file
  • Hold undo
  • Weird behaviors will happen. The best behavior I've seen is that the redo chain just stops allowing you to undo, even when there is supposed to be more stuff. (ie, doing the steps above should leave one copy paste in your program). The worst behavior I've seen is where the views all freeze. I think you can still exit with CTRL_Q + y/n, but the visible screen looks like it froze. Another behavior is where the screen looks frozen, but once u click the text buffer, changes get updated as if the screen refreshed.

Hard coded shortcut key values

I ran into some issues when testing out the program on various machines. On both my Arch Linux OS and Ubuntu 16.04 OS, the values for the shortcuts listed seem to differ per system. I have listed what I have gathered from testing below. All the ones listed are different from the ones currently in the code, the rest are the same.


  • KEY_ALT_LEFT = 546
  • KEY_ALT_RIGHT = 561
  • KEY_CTRL_DOWN = 528
  • KEY_CTRL_LEFT = 548
  • KEY_CTRL_RIGHT = 563
  • KEY_CTRL_UP = 569
  • KEY_ALT_A = (97,). I had to find this key through another terminal in Arch. Read note below
  • KEY_ALT_B = (98,)
  • KEY_ALT_C = (99,)
  • KEY_ALT_S = (115,)

Ubuntu 16.04

  • KEY_ALT_LEFT = 543
  • KEY_ALT_RIGHT = 558
  • KEY_CTRL_DOWN = 525
  • KEY_CTRL_LEFT = 545
  • KEY_CTRL_RIGHT = 560
  • KEY_CTRL_UP = 566
  • KEY_ALT_A = (97,)
  • KEY_ALT_B = (98,)
  • KEY_ALT_C = (99,)
  • KEY_ALT_S = (115,)

NOTE: In some cases, I think the OS shortcuts and some terminal shortcuts take precedence over being inputs for the terminal. For example, on Ubuntu, my terminal can't detect CTRL+ALT+T because that is the OS shortcut to open a new terminal. In my case, specifically for Arch, I had to use another terminal because KEY_ALT_A opened up an option and thus couldn't be detected as an input. This case can be seen on both Arch Linux and Ubuntu when I try to use the KEY_SHIFT_F10 shortcut, which can't be detected since it pops up an option instead. In some other terminals, (I tested multiple in Arch Linux), the CTRL_SHIFT_* keys as well as a few others cannot be detected, but they didn't seem to be a shortcut for anything in particular. However, I don't think this note is a high priority matter since most of the important shortcuts seem to be detected with the default terminals.

Scrolling down

Scrolling down using the mouse wheel makes the window snap back to the cursor (if it is out of view) and does nothing if the cursor is in view.

Scrolling up works as intended.

Weird cursor behavior

I'm not really sure how to describe this, but I'll make a short gif here..

At the beginning, I'm demonstrating that the cursor is working as intended. However, after I insert a space after 'the', that brownish box appears and seems to follow my cursor. Near the end it also gets stuck near the 80 character line.

Bug: successfully removing a bookmark will display the wrong message.

If you remove a bookmark, the message displayed will always be "No bookmarks to remove."
This should be because the bookmarkRemove function does not return True/False properly and bookmarkCommand function in checks for this value in order to set the correct message.

Bug with Finding when there is only one line of text

If you have only one line of text and your cursor is at the end of the line, find will not work properly. Also, regardless of where your cursor is, if you keep pressing findNext, it will have weird behaviors like nothing will be highlighted.

Saving via interactive quit does not save

This can be reproduced by the following steps

  1. Start up the program with no file name
  2. Type anything in the text editor
  3. Enter interactive quit using CTRL + Q
  4. Press 'y' to save.
  5. Error message will appear and program will not exit.

Carriage returns undo and redo one at a time

Do you think it'll be better if we undo and redo new lines the same way we do mouse actions? That is, we return a new line character if we see one after a redo. However, we only redo 2 different types of actions at a time, so if the redo chain was something like (insert, mouse, newLines), we would only undo the newLines (until there are no more left), then the mouse action.

Program crashes on other systems.

I tried running the program on another system, and it seems to error out. The program is crashing because it's trying to import which doesn't exist anymore, but I'm not sure why it doesn't error on our current systems. Do you have any idea why this occurs?

Entire window is grey

The entire window starts out grey. Every character you type turns the grey spot into a black spot. This issue was caused after one of the recent commits to the master branch.


Redos not saved

The redoChain doesn't seem to be saved anywhere. I'm intending to handle this in #10 using cPickle.

Interactive find with selection mode

I have a couple questions regarding how we should design this function.
Currently, selected text prior to entering interactive find will be transformed into a single regex line. However, if the selected text contains more than one line, then the regex search will contain \n characters, but this will make it so that the search will not match to anything since we have a carriageReturn function that handles this. Not sure if there will be a easy way to handle this..

Another weird thing that I noticed is that if you copy and paste several lines into the search area, only the first line will be used for searching,

I also have a few ideas of how to make the interface better:

  • Have two mode, one for regex and one for standard search. If the program is in standard search, then do not convert the selected text to a regex line. If not, then convert.
  • Maybe make the window increase in lines (up to a certain point, say 5 lines) so the user can see a bit more if their search contains multiple lines.
  • Make cursor blink in the InteractiveFind window so it is clear that the user is editing the search when in InteractiveFind.

Let me know your thoughts on this and how you think we should re-design this to accommodate multiple lines or if it is even necessary sine it's not very common (at least from personal experience).

Multiple views of the same file

Someday I'd like to provide multiple views that look into the same file (TextBuffer).
This is similar to the split (either horizontal or vertical) that other editors provide.
We may want to provide for multiple views on the same screen looking at different files first (since that's expected to be an easier task).

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