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ay-lottery's Introduction


简介: 1.抽奖效果组件: 有4个类型:1:翻牌 2:跑马灯 3:转盘 4: 刮一刮(文本) 5: 刮一刮(图片)6: 刮一刮(随便定义) 2.自定义主题色,和显示内容、背景色和背景图等,开箱即用


微信搜索“慢慢向好”小程序,可查看小程序效果,也可找客服反馈,相应问题。 “慢慢向好”小程序二维码


属性 类型 说明
type Number 1:翻牌 2:跑马灯 3:转盘 4: 刮一刮(文本) 5: 刮一刮(图片)6: 刮一刮(随便定义),默认1
list Array 控制多个时的传值,可控制图片路径,可文字
-- img 提示图片
-- name 名称
-- img_bg 背景图
width Number
height Number
themeColor String 主题色
seled_Color String 用于翻牌,选中背景渐变色1,默认#f43f3b
seled_t_Color String 用于翻牌,选中背景渐变色2,默认#98FB98
un_seled_Color String 用于翻牌,未选中背景渐变色1,默认#00BFFF
un_seled_t_Color String 用于翻牌,未选中背景渐变色2,默认#33CCCC
result_txt String 用于翻牌,翻出文字定义,默认结果
show_again boolean 用于翻牌,重新开始按钮是否显示,默认不显示
again_txt String 用于翻牌,重新开始按钮文字定义,默认重新开始
btn_Color String 用于翻牌,重新开始字体颜色,默认#ffffff
tips_init String 用于翻牌,翻牌提示文字定义,默认点击
no_z_init String 用于翻牌,未翻出文字定义,默认谢谢参与
bgColor String 用于跑马灯,背景色,默认#1E90FF
bg_sd_Color String 用于跑马灯,底部背景色,默认#4169E1
chance_num_init Number 用于转盘,剩余机会,默认5
stay_index Number 用于转盘,跑马灯,停留位置,默认1
@result function 用于转盘、跑马灯,完成回调事件
canvasId String 画布id
percentage Number 用于刮一刮,刮开百分之多少的时候开奖 ,默认45
touchSize Number 用于刮一刮,刮痕的宽度,默认20
fillColor String 用于刮一刮,未刮开图层时的填充色
watermark String 用于刮一刮,水印文字,默认“刮一刮”
watermarkColor String 用于刮一刮,水印文字颜色
watermarkSize Number 用于刮一刮,水印文字大小,默认14
title String 用于刮一刮,标题,默认:刮一刮开奖
titleColor String 用于刮一刮,标题颜色
titleSize Number 用于刮一刮,标题文字大小,默认24
disabled boolean 用于刮一刮,是否禁止刮卡
is_show boolean 用于刮一刮,防止画布画好前闪烁
result_img String 用于刮一刮,刮出图片的路径
result_txt String 用于刮一刮,刮出文字的文字
@complete function 用于刮一刮,刮卡完成回调事件
@init function 用于刮一刮,初始化完成回调事件
is_img_bg boolean 用于跑马灯,跑马灯启用图片背景
theme_img_bg String 用于跑马灯,背景图片
box_shadow_Color String 用于跑马灯,未选中的底部颜色
bg_img String 用于跑马灯,底部背景图片
seled_img String 用于翻牌,选中时背景图片
un_seled_img String 用于翻牌,未选中时背景图片
init_show boolean 用于刮一刮,重刮属性控制





下载源码解压,复制/components 下的组件至项目根目录的 /components 文件夹下


	<view class="content">

		<aylottery :type="1" themeColor="#33CCCC" btn_Color="#ffffff" seled_Color="#DB7093" seled_t_Color="#98FB98"
		 un_seled_Color="#00BFFF" un_seled_t_Color="#33CCCC" :result_txt="result_turn" @show="show_turn" @again="again_turn"
		 :show_again="true" again_txt="重新开始" :tips_init="tips_init_turn" :no_z_init="no_z_init_turn"></aylottery>

		<aylottery :type="2" :list="list" themeColor="#33CCCC" bgColor="#1E90FF" bg_sd_Color="#4169E1" @result="resultFun"

		<aylottery :type="2" :list="list" themeColor="#33CCCC" bgColor="#1E90FF" bg_sd_Color="#F4A460" @result="resultFun"
		 @toDetailPage="toDetailPage" theme_img_bg="" :is_img_bg="true" box_shadow_Color="#F0F8FF" bg_img=""

		<aylottery :type="3" :list="list_r" :height="600" :width="600" :chance_num_init="chance_num_init" @result="resultFun_chance"
		 @toDetailPage="toDetailPage" :stay_index="stay_index_r"></aylottery>

		<aylottery :type="4" canvasId="canvasId1" :height="200" :width="600" refs="card" style="margin: 20upx 40upx;"
		 @complete="seatShow" :disabled="false" title="刮文本" watermark="刮一刮" @init="init_blow" :is_show="is_show_blow"
		 :result_txt="result_blow" themeColor="#33CCCC" :txtFontSize="txtFontSize_blow" :txtColor="txtColor_blow">

		<aylottery :type="5" canvasId="canvasId2" :height="200" :width="600" refs="card" style="margin: 0 40upx;" @complete="seatShow"
		 :disabled="false" title="刮图片" watermark="刮一刮" @init="init_blow" :is_show="is_show_blow" :result_img="result_img_blow"></aylottery>

		<!-- <blowAny  canvasId="canvasId1" :height="200" :width="600" refs="card" style="margin: 0 40upx;"
		  @complete="seatShow" :disabled="false" title="刮文本" watermark="刮一刮" @init="init_blow">
		 	<view class="blow" v-if="is_show_blow" style="height:200rpx;width:600rpx;position: absolute;">
		 		<view class="box" :style="{background: themeColor }">
		 			<view class="result" :style="[{'font-size':txtFontSize_blow+'rpx'},{color: txtColor_blow }]">
		 </blowAny> -->

		<!-- <blowAny  canvasId="canvasId2" :height="200" :width="600" refs="card" style="margin: 0 40upx;" @complete="seatShow"
		  :disabled="false" title="刮图片" watermark="刮一刮" @init="init_blow">
		 	<view style="position: absolute;" v-if="is_show_blow" >
		 			<image style="height:200rpx;width:600rpx;"  :src="result_img_blow"></image>
		 </blowAny> -->

		<aylottery :type="6" canvasId="canvasId3" :height="200" :width="600" refs="card" style="margin: 40upx;" @complete="seatShow"
		 :disabled="false" title="刮自定义" watermark="刮一刮" @init="init_blow">
			<view style="position: absolute;" v-if="is_show_blow">

				<view style="margin: 40upx;">




	import aylottery from '@/components/ay-lottery/ay-lottery.vue';
	export default {
		components: {

		data() {
			return {
				result_img_blow: '',
				is_show_blow: false, //防止画布画好前闪烁
				themeColor: '#33CCCC',
				txtFontSize_blow: 50,
				txtColor_blow: '#FFFFFF',

				stay_index_m : 1 ,//跑马灯
				stay_index_r_init: 4,
				stay_index_r: 1,
				stay_index_m_init : 4,
				tips_init_turn: '点击',
				no_z_init_turn: '点击',
				result_turn: '',
				result_blow: '谢谢参与',
				chance_num_init: 6,
				list: [{
					img: "",
					name: "不要指望他",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "你在开玩笑么?",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "可怕",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {

					img: "",
					name: "可能",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "不用担心",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "答案就在你身边",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "大胆一点",
					img_bg: "",
				}, {
					img: "",
					name: "好运将会降临",
					img_bg: "",
				list_r: [{
						index: 0,
						name: '1次机会',
						isAward: true,
						val: 1,
						type: 1,

						img: '',
						index: 1,
						name: '谢谢参与',
						isAward: false,
						type: 0,
						img: '',

						index: 2,
						name: '会特别顺利',
						val: 2,
						isAward: true,
						type: 2,
						img: '',

						index: 3,
						name: '谢谢参与',
						isAward: false,
						type: 0,
						img: '',
						index: 4,
						name: '2次机会',
						val: 2,
						isAward: true,
						type: 1,

						img: '',
						index: 5,
						name: '谢谢参与',
						isAward: false,
						type: 0,
						img: '',

						index: 6,
						name: '4次机会',
						val: 4,
						isAward: true,
						type: 1,

						img: '',
						index: 7,
						name: '谢谢参与',
						isAward: false,
						type: 0,
						img: '',
						index: 8,
						name: '会付出代价',
						val: 5,
						isAward: true,
						type: 2,
						img: '',
						index: 9,
						name: '谢谢参与',
						isAward: false,
						type: 0,
						img: '',
		onLoad() {
			let that = this;

		onShow() {

		onReady: function() {
			let that = this;

			//#ifndef MP-WEIXIN
			setTimeout(function() {
			}, 50)
			// #endif

		methods: {
			init_blow() {
				this.is_show_blow = true;
			reset: function() {

			seatShow: function() {

			toDetailPage(e) {
				let list = e.list;
				let idx = e.curIndex;
				let list_img = [];
				let item = e.item;

				list.forEach(item => {
				if (list_img && list_img.length > 0) {
						current: list_img[idx], //  传 Number H5端出现不兼容
						urls: list_img,
						indicator: "number",
						loop: true,

			again_turn(e) {
				let that = this;
				that.result_turn = '';
				that.no_z_init_turn = that.tips_init_turn;
			show_turn(e) {
				let that = this;
				if (e.result == 1) {

					that.result_turn = that.getShowTxt();
				} else {
					that.no_z_init_turn = '谢谢参与';

			getShowTxt() {
				let that = this;
				let num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); //可均衡获取0到9的随机整数
				let legth = that.list.length || 0;
				let index = num < legth ? num : (legth - 1);
				return that.list[index].name || '哈哈'
			resultFun(e) {
				let that = this;
				let item = e.item;
				let list = e.list;
				this.msg_modal("抽中了" +, '恭喜您')
				that.stay_index_m = Math.round(Math.random() * (list.length - 1)); //随机数
			resultFun_chance(e) {
				let that = this;

				let item = e.item;
				let index = e.curIndex;
				let list = e.list;

				that.stay_index_r = Math.round(Math.random() * (list.length - 1)); //随机数

				if (e.isAward) {
					this.msg_modal('获得' + (, '恭喜')
					let type = item.type;
					if (type == 1) {
						that.chance_num_init += item.val;
			async loadData() {
				let that = this;

					title: '加载中',
					mask: true,

				that.result_blow = that.getShowTxt();
				that.result_blow = that.getShowTxt();


				that.stay_index_r = that.stay_index_r_init;
				that.stay_index_m = that.stay_index_m_init;
				that.isLoaded = true;

			msg_modal(content, title = '温馨提示') {
				if (Boolean(content) === false) {
					title: title,
					content: content,
					confirmText: '确定',
					showCancel: false,
					confirmColor: '#33CCCC',
					success(res) {
						if (res.confirm) {



<style lang="scss">
	// 刮自定义
	.blow {

		background-size: contain;
		margin: 0rpx auto;
		box-sizing: border-box;
		position: relative;
		overflow: hidden;

		.box {
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			// background: #aaaa7f;
			border-radius: 10rpx;
			position: relative;
			overflow: hidden;

			.result {
				height: 100%;
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;
				// font-size: 50rpx;
				// color: #FFFFFF;



	.box {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		width: 100%;




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