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xdp_sockstress_mitigation's Introduction

University of Thessaly, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Nikitopoulos Georgios - Author

  • Christos D. Antonopoulos - Supervisor

A project report submitted for the class of HY401 Special Topics


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks pose a threat to any online service across all industries. These attacks exhaust the resources that would otherwise serve legitimate users by leveraging the power of many compromised devices (botnet), thus making it unavailable for common users. In 2018 there were several attacks at 1.3 TBps and one measured at 1.7 TBps with targets ranging from Github to small organizations being affected by test attacks. This suggests that there is a big need for robust and efficient defense mechanisms that mitigate such attacks. The option used in this project is the eXpress Data Path, a programmable network data path in the Linux Kernel that processes packets in the lowest point of the network stack, which is what enables it to be advertised as a high performance solution. The method of attack utilized in this project is Sockstress, a very powerful TCP socket stress framework that was first demonstrated in 2008. Various options of attack by Sockstress will be described and outlined. Each attack mode will be mitigated by making additions in our XDP/eBPF program. When writing C programs for BPF, there are a couple of pitfalls to be aware of, compared to usual application development with C. Such pitfalls are encountered and the workarounds are documented. A single-host testing environment is created that is designed to be very easily deployable to a multi-host network that would, in further work, enable us to make more realistic measurements across different hardware.


A big thank you to GRNET and Dimitris Mitropoulos for providing the subject of this project as well as the infrastructure that was required.

System Setup

The system chosen for the development of this implementation is a virtual machine hosted in GRNET’s (Greek NREN) clouding platform okeanos-knossos. The virtual machine was updated to Linux Kernel 4.18 in order to be able to be compatible with XDP (support available since Linux Kernel Version 4.8, generic mode available since 4.12 and virtio_net drivers since 4.10) and JIT compiling (since version 4.18 for x86_32 architectures). Further information on the features supported regarding XDP, eBPF and JIT in each version of the Linux Kernel can be found in

Zero-copy Networking, eBPF and Just-In-Time compilation

Kernel bypass is the technique we use in order to skip the kernel’s networking layer and do all the packet processing from user-space. By doing this we avoid overhead introduced by the Kernel which is accumulative as the attack loads increase. This is the technique that leaders of the industry in DDoS mitigation were utilizing in the past (before XDP was introduced).

This technique gave way to a new scheme which operates in the opposite way by moving user-space programs (filters usually) into the kernel’s realm. This results in great packet-processing speedups because it allows us to filter packets as soon as they reach the Network Interface Card (NIC) and is possible with the use of eBPF programs (extended Berkeley Packet Filtering). BPF utilizes bytecode which is translated into native code for the architecture using a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that does this in real time. This type of technique is also called Zero-Copy Networking due to avoiding double copies of the same packet between Kernel and user-space by utilizing shared memory and therefore avoiding significant performance overheads.

Since BPF programs run inside the Kernel, they have to be limited in order to be safe to run so that they do not affect the system’s stability. This is achieved by a verifier that checks for backward jumps and therefore ensuring termination. This means that BPF programs are not Turing-Complete and that we have to mind this limitation.

Building BPF programs outside of the Kernel Tree

In order to build XDP/eBPF we use Clang and llvm. The version of Clang that supports XDP/eBPF is >= 3.4.0 and the version of llvm is >= 3.7.1. In order to figure out the versions of Clang and llvm currently on someones system one can run:

llc --version

Listing 1.1: Command code for llc version

In our system this command outputs LLVM version 6.0.0

The Clang version is retrieved by running

clang --version

Listing 1.2 Command code for clang version

In our system this command outputs clang version 6.0.0-1ubuntu2.

In order to make a program that uses XDP one needs to make two have two files containing code, one for kernel-space and one for user-space. Usually if the latter is named filename.c then the former is named filename_kern.c. BPF programs need to be compiled against the right headers that contain the BPF definitions. In order to simplify the process I copied bpf_helpers.c, a header file in the kernel source that contains convenience functions, in the project directory. Next there was a need for a Makefile that contained all the include paths of our programs as well as the flags needed by gcc and clang in order to compile XDP/BPF programs.


Listing 1.3: Include paths for Makefile

The path for the Linux Kernel source is located at /usr/src/linux-source-4.18.0/. The paths that start with the CLANG keyword are used to compile the kernel-space programs and the paths that start with GDB are used in order to compile the user-space programs.

All of the CLANG files are combined in the CFLAGS variable, all the GDB flags are combined in the GDB_FLAGS variable, LIBFLAGS is the LIBBPF variable with the -l appended and IFLAGS is:


Listing 1.4: IFLAGS for Makefile

So the command that builds the kernel program is:
clang  -nostdinc -isystem $(CFLAGS) -include $(IFLAGS)\
    -D__KERNEL__ -D__BPF_TRACING__ -Wno-unused-value -Wno-pointer-sign \
    -D__TARGET_ARCH_x86 -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types \
    -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end \
    -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-tautological-compare \
    -Wno-unknown-warning-option  \
    -O2 -emit-llvm -c xdp_kern.c -o -| llc -march=bpf -filetype=obj -o xdp_kern.o

Listing 1.5: Clang command for Makefile

and the commands that build the user-space program are:
gcc -Wp,-MD,.xdp_user.o.d -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -std=gnu89 $(GDB_FLAGS) -c -o xdp_user.o xdp_user.c
gcc  -o xdp xdp_user.o  /usr/src/linux-source-4.18.0/linux-source-4.18.0/tools/lib/bpf/libbpf.a -lelf

Listing 1.6: gdb commands for Makefile


Sockstress is a Denial of Service tool developed by Jack C. Louis (Outpost 24) that is used to attack systems in the internet over TCP. What is interesting about Sockstress is the fact it usually utilizes the resources (RAM) of the victim’s systems in such a way that it causes them to crash and renders them unable to shutdown in a normal way. The victim would then have to do a hard reboot of the system to recover it. Unfortunately the author of this attack died in a tragic fire in 2009 leaving many details about the attack unpublished. As such, the Denial of Service mechanism of action is still unknown and experts are advising to treat this as a typical DoS attack and block the responsible IP address.

DoS Process

In order to perform a successful Sockstress attack the attacker would have to firewall his source IP addresses in order to prevent his own OS from interfering with his own attack, as there will be incoming packets with a RST flag and the attacker’s kernel will reset the sockets. One of the authors of Sockstress (Robert E. Lee) has documented a case of accidentally DoSing one’s self by using this local firewall method and thus an alternate method of attack vector protection is used.

iptables -A OUTPUT -p TCP --tcp-flags rst rst -d <insert victim's ip address> -j DROP

Listing 2.1: iptables command for local firewall


This alternate method is implemented by a tool called FantaIP in the source code created by the original creators of Sockstress. FantaIP essentially creates spoofed IP addresses (“phantom” IP addresses, hence the name fantaIP) and it does that by generating ARP replies when the target sends ARP requests trying to find the spoofed addresses. There were many failed attempts on building FantaIP for Ubuntu 18.04 as well as many reported cases of individuals characterizing it unusable for modern operating systems (FantaIP works on old versions of Slackware). Therefore there was a need to write a tool that would implement the same functionality and this simple Python script that utilizes Scapy does that.

#This code is a modified version of Sam Browne's tool 
import sys
from scapy.all import *

def findARP(p):
  op = p.sprintf("%ARP.op%")
  if op == "who-has":
    pdst = p.sprintf("%ARP.pdst%")
    len = pdst.__len__()
    if len > 11:                       
      if  "192.168.1." in pdst and pdst != "":
        print "first if detected"
        psrc = p.sprintf("%ARP.psrc%")
        print "ARP detected: ", op, " ", pdst, " tell ", psrc
        B = ARP()
        B.op = "is-at"
        B.pdst = psrc
        B.psrc = pdst
        B.hwsrc = "34:02:86:6f:2d:df"  # MAC Address of Attacker
        B.hwdst = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
        print "Sending ", B.summary()

Listing 2.2: Python script for ARP spoofing


There are several implementations of Sockstress on the internet the most popular one being’s Sockstress implementation which is limited to Sockstress’s most basic usage which is basically described in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Sockstress Basic Sequence

What Sockstress does in this mode is send a SYN packet to the victim’s IP address with window size 59395 and as it receives the ACK reply from the target it sends back a TCP ACK packet with zero window length. This mode of attack is referred to by the Wikipedia Article on Sockstress as Zero window connection stress.

There are however many more attack scenarios that are not covered by the aforementioned implementation of Sockstress. Such attack scenarios are:

  • TCP small window

  • TCP Segment Hole

  • TCP REQ FIN pause

  • TCP activate reno pressure

as well as the aforementioned Zero window connection one. An implementation that implements these functions can be found in Pekka Pietikäinen repository which is 6 years old. The age of this repository imposed problems on its installation in Ubuntu 18.04 which is a modern version of Linux. In order to make it work the pcap.h header file in /usr/include/pcap had to be modified with these added definitions:

#define TH_FIN 0x01
#define TH_SYN 0x02
#define TH_RST 0x04
#define TH_PSH 0x08
#define TH_ACK 0x10
#define TH_URG 0x20
#define TH_ECE 0x40 
#define TH_CWR 0x80  

Listing 2.3: Added defines for pcap.h

Running attacks

All the attacks described in this section are ran by the source code in Pekka Pietikäinen repository with super user priviledges due to Sockstress’s need of raw socket usage.

Zero Window Connection Attack

The Zero Window Connection Attack packet sequence is described in Figure 2.1. This attack is started with this command:

sudo ./sockstress -A -c-1 -d <insert victim ip> -m-1 -Mz -p22,80 -r300 -s192.168.1.128/25 -vv

Listing 2.4: Command code for Zero Window Connection Attack

A Zero Window attack makes the victim system to continually ask the attacker system in order to figure out when it can send data (due to the protocol it needs to know when the zero window opens). This of course keeps connections open and wastes the victim’s system resources. Note that the SYN Cookies do not protect the machine from the attack as the connections from the adversaries are in a SYN\_RECV state. This was tested by enabling the SYN Cookies protection by appending this line at /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

Listing 2.5: Line that enables SYN Cookies

then running a SYN Flood attack with hping with this command
sudo hping3 -i u1 -S -p 80 <insert victim IP here> 

Listing 2.6: Command that SYN Floods

in order to see that no connections were being made by running
sudo netstat -tn

Listing 2.7: netstat command

While on the other hand the sockstress attack created SYN\_RECV connections on the victim machine. The output of the same netstat command at this time yielded a number of connections of this form:

Figure 2.2: SYN_RECV list output

TCP Small Window Stress Attack

The small window attack works by setting the window size to a small number such as 4 during the TCP handshake and then sending a payload such an HTTP GET request. This creates an open TCP connection in which all the responses from the payload request are all split into tiny chunks and therefore wasting system resources. Figure 2.3 shows this exact functionality in a port 80 attack (HTTP). An attack at say port 22 (SSH) would contain the SSH analogue of this payload.

Figure 2.3: Sockstress small window size attack sequence

This attack is very different from the Zero Window Connection attack as it sets the window size in the TCP options field of the packet by changing the window scale factor instead of the window size TCP header field and thus requires a different method of mitigation.

This attack version can be run with this command:

sudo ./sockstress -A -c-1 -d <insert victim IP> -m-1 -Mw -p22,80 -r300 -s192.168.1.64 -vv

Listing 2.8: Command code for Small Window Connection Attack

It should be noted that when the victim is under attack the netstat command at Listing 2.7 outputs a list of ESTABLISHED connections of this form:

Figure 2.4: ESTABLISHED connection, netstat

TCP Segment Hole Attack

In this attack upon the 3-way handshake the SYN packet is setting the window-size to 4 bytes long and during the last ACK the attacker sends 4 bytes followed by a packet that Zeros the window as we can see in Figure 2.5. This attack is verified to be increasing the memory usage of the system unlike the other attacks by using htop on the victim’s machine and observing the spike during the attack.

Figure 2.5: Segment Hole packet sequence

This attack was performed with this command:

sudo ./sockstress -A -c-1 -d <insert victim ip> -m-1 -Ms -p22 -r300 -s<insert source IP> -vv

Listing 2.9: Command code for Segment Hole Attack

It also seams to be leaving the connections at a mix of SYS_RECV, ESTABLISHED, and FIN_WAIT1 states as shown by the output of the command at Listing 2.7 in Figure 2.6

Figure 2.6: SYS_RECV, ESTABLISHED and FIN_WAIT1 states, Segment Hole Attack

REQ FIN Pause Stress

In order to make this attack work there was a need to raise an HTTP server in our victim machine. This was achieved by running this command in the directory that we wanted to serve:

sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

Listing 2.10: Command for HTTP Server

Then the attack was run by doing:

sudo ./sockstress -A -c-1 -d -m-1 -MS -p80 -r10 -s192.168.1.64 -vv

Listing 2.11: Command for REQ FIN Attack

In this attack a connection is first started with the victim followed by a PSH packet that contains an HTTP GET request of the page. Then after the Server replies an ACK packet with Zero Window Length is sent by the Attacker. This exact packet sequence is shown in Figure 2.7

Figure 2.7: REQ FIN Attack Packet sequence, where Green is the attacker IP and Red is the victim IP

This makes the victim machine have sockets left in the FIN_WAIT1 state as shown in Figure 2.8
After enough sockets left in this state the Server cannot communicate TCP properly.

Figure 2.8: REQ FIN Attack FIN_WAIT1 States, where Green is the attacker IP and Red is the victim IP

TCP Activate Reno Pressure

This attack works by activating a congestion control algorithm called TCP Reno and thus putting load into the victim’s machine. TCP Reno is activated when 3 duplicate ACKs are received. It does that by creating a connection with the victim’s machine, then it sends the TCP payload (HTTP GET request) followed by 3 duplicate ACK packets. Then it sends Zero Window packets. This functionality is shown in Figure 2.9. All the sockets have ESTABLISHED connections in this attack

Figure 2.9: Activate Reno Attack Packet Sequence, where Green is the attacker IP and Red is the victim IP

XDP Mitigation

All of the afformentioned attacks have one thing in common. The small window size packet at the beginning of the TCP Handshake. The only difference is between the Zero Window Attack and the rest of them which is due to the fact that the Zero Window Connection attack sets the window size in the TCP Header field of the packet instead of changing the window scale factor in the TCP Options field and thus it requires a different method of filtering.

Userspace part: xdp_user.c

The userspace part of the code is kept simple. What this module does is essentially call the kernel-space module (achieved by the bpf_prog_load_xattr and bpf_set_link_xdp_fd function calls in lines 30 and 40 in Listing 3.1 ) and set the mode of XDP to SKB mode(in line 28, Listing 3.1). SKB is a driver independent mode that allows XDP to process packets after socket buffer and direct memory allocation is completed. This makes a larger number of instructions to be run before the XDP drop and thus is not ideal in our case where we want as little overhead as possible but it is chosen due to the fact that testing and developing can be done without worrying about the hardware or the drivers.

#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <linux/if_link.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "bpf_util.h"
#include "bpf/libbpf.h"
#include "bpf/bpf.h"

static int ifindex;
static __u32 xdp_flags;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    struct bpf_prog_load_attr prog_load_attr = {
        .prog_type  = BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP,

    int prog_fd;
    struct bpf_object *obj;
    char filename[256];
    ifindex = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s_kern.o", basename(argv[0]));

    prog_load_attr.file = filename;
    //prog_load_attr.ifindex = ifindex;
    xdp_flags |= XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE;

    if(bpf_prog_load_xattr(&prog_load_attr, &obj, &prog_fd)){
        printf("[-] Error loading object");
        return 1;

        printf("[-] Error loading file\n");
        return 1;
    if(bpf_set_link_xdp_fd(ifindex, prog_fd, xdp_flags) < 0){
        printf("[-] Set link xdp fd failed\n");
        return 1;
    return 0;

Listing 3.1: Userspace code xdp_user.c

Code sections 1-9 are library includes, line 24 sets the filename of the kernel-space program to xdp\_kern.c, lines 35-39 is the file descriptor error check and another error check is performed at line 40 where the kernel-space program is called.

Kernel-space part: xdp_kern.c

This part essentially does all the profiling and the dropping of the packets. The SEC() macro (in line 51 of Listing 3.3) uses the __attribute__ directive for the gnu compiler to create a code segment called xdp. The output of command in Listing 3.2 is shown in Figure 3.1 and it verifies the creation of the code segment named xdp.

llvm-objdump -h xdp_kern.o

Listing 3.2: Command for objdump

Figure 3.1: objdump code segments output

The binary containing the eBPF program is the xdp\_kern.o file and it is a normal ELF binary, it can be inspected with tools like *llvm-objdump* and *elftools*. A bpf instruction is 8 bytes long, by this information and by looking at the size at Figure 3.1 we can derive that this program contains 812 bpf instructions. This information is important due to the fact that the verifier mentioned in the first chapter checks requires for all eBPF programs to have less than 4096 instructions so that by design all programs terminate quickly.

Function decap_ipv4 (called in line 69 of Listing 3.3) essentially extracts the protocol from the header and returns it in the ipproto variable. It is then checked at line 76 on if it is ICMP (Ping packet) and the packet is dropped if that is true. This functionality was implemented as a quick check mechanism to verify that the bpf program was running from the victim machine with a quick failed ping on the interface of the attacker machine.

Function decap_tcp (called at line 82 of Listing 3.3] filters the Sockstress packets. In line 13 the tcp_header variable enables us to filter fields of the tcp header in line 20 where we check the case that the window size is zero and that the packet is an ACK packet (Zero Window Connection Attack case). In this case the packet is dropped with the XDP_DROP return in Line 21.

Lines 24-35 implement the filtering for the rest attack types. A finite loop is searching for the TCP option with the small window size. We do not know a priori the position of the TCP option but what we can know for sure is that it has a NOP operation TCP Option before the window size option and that is why we need a for loop that searches for it. Backward jumps are not permitted in BPF because the verifier checks for them as well (BPF is not Turing Complete because it needs to ensure a safe way for the kernel to run code without the risk of crashing). We can avoid backward jumps though by using the loop unroll directive for Clang.

#define KBUILD_MODNAME "bizd"

#include <uapi/linux/bpf.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>

#include "bpf_helpers.h"

static __always_inline
int decap_tcp(void *data, u64 l3_offset, void *data_end){
    struct tcphdr *tcp_header = data + l3_offset;
    u8 *nop_finder = data + l3_offset + sizeof(tcp_header);
    int i = 0;

    if(tcp_header + 1 > data_end)
        return XDP_ABORTED;
    if(tcp_header->window == 0 && tcp_header->ack == 1){
        return XDP_DROP;
    else if(tcp_header->syn == 1){
#pragma clang loop unroll(full)
        for(i = 0;i < 60; i++){
            if(nop_finder + 4 > data_end){
                return XDP_PASS;
            if(*nop_finder == 1){
                if(*(nop_finder+1) == 3 && *(nop_finder+2) == 3 && *(nop_finder+3) == 2){
                    return XDP_DROP;
        return XDP_PASS;

//Return protocol number
static __always_inline
int decap_ipv4(void *data, u64 l3_offset, void *data_end){
    struct iphdr *ipheader = data + l3_offset;

    if(ipheader + 1 > data_end)
        return 0;
    return ipheader->protocol;

int xdp_programme(struct xdp_md *ctx){
    void *data = (void *)(long)ctx->data;
    void *data_end = (void *)(long)ctx->data_end;
    struct ethhdr *eth_header = data;
    u16 h_proto;
    u32 ipproto;

    u64 l3_offset;

    l3_offset = sizeof(*eth_header);
    if(data + l3_offset > data_end){
        //Ethernet header offset is bigger than the
        //packet itself
        return XDP_DROP;
    h_proto = eth_header->h_proto;
    if(h_proto == htons(ETH_P_IP)){
        ipproto = decap_ipv4(data, l3_offset, data_end);

    if(ipproto == 0){
        return XDP_ABORTED;
    if(ipproto == IPPROTO_ICMP){
        return XDP_DROP;

    if(ipproto == IPPROTO_TCP){
        l3_offset = l3_offset + sizeof(struct iphdr);
        return decap_tcp(data, l3_offset, data_end);

    return XDP_PASS;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "MIT";

Listing 3.3: Code for xdp_kern.c

Lines 11 and 42 are function inlining directives that are necessary as there are no function calls in BPF. Lines 3-9 are kernel header file includes and Lines 18-19, 46-47 and 62-66 are necessary error checking code segments.

Testing Environment

A single-host virtual network testing environment was created with Docker compose that can be extended easily into a multi-host physical network. What would enable this extension is Docker Swarm, without the need of manually modifying the code for the attacks or the IP address of the target (as nodes have domain names), so that more realistic attack simulations can be performed over real networks in order to measure the performance of our XDP implementation. The yaml file in Listing 4.1 defines this network and the nodes can be built with two separate Dockerfiles one for the attackers and the other for the victim.

version: '2'
            context: .
            dockerfile: victim-dockerfile  
         - "800:80"
        restart: always
            context: .
            dockerfile: attacker-dockerfile
         - "801:80"
        restart: always

Listing 4.1: Code for docker-compose.yml

We can then add the commands and specify the images for the victim node and the attacker nodes in the victim-dockerfile and attacker-dockerfile respectively. One such dockerfile would have the form of Listing 4.2

FROM <Insert image type (Ubuntu 18.04 for the victim and alpine 3.4 for the attackers were used)>
ADD . /code
<Insert Commands in order to prepare each node for the test
(Compiling and triggering of XDP BPF program commands go here as well as Sockstress building and triggering)>

Listing 4.2: Code for <node-type>-dockerfile

xdp_sockstress_mitigation's People


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