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tsc-watch's Issues


Hi, please add a compatible OSS license, thanks!

Output colors is not same as tsc --watch

This seems like a nice lib and I will give it a try :-).

I'm using vscode integrated terminal with solarized light settings. The colors of the output is not the same of regular tsc --watch and tsc-watch, see below. The colors output by tsc-watch is very hard to read with my settings.

$ yarn tsc --watch


$ yarn tsc-watch


typescript should be a peerDependency

This is related to #28. That one was closed when the author saw that yarn was giving tsc-watch its own private copy of typescript (of a different version).

However, yarn's choice to do so was valid (and npm may do the same thing), as tsc-watch declares a direct dependency on typescript.

peerDependencies is a better model for what tsc-watch is trying to do -- i.e., "I will take the copy of typescript that you've already installed, and run it for you".



I observe the ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED error happening from time to time, which abruptly quits my watch script leaving all spawned child processes active. (using tsc-watch v2.1.1)

Do you have any ideas to why that may be happening?

Error [ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED]: Channel closed
    at (internal/child_process.js:644:16)
    at Object.Signal.send.process.send.function.e [as send] (~/app/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:77:64)
    at Object.emitSuccess (~/app/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:80:12)
    at killProcesses.then (~/app/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:64:16)
    at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:77:7)

That's my watch script:


In windows there are to many empty line in the console output. This can be fixed by replacing the manipulate function in stdout-manipulator.js to this:

function manipulate(buffer) {
const lines = buffer
.filter(a => a.length > 0)
.map(a => a.replace(tscUsageSyntaxRegex, newAdditionToSyntax));

return lines;

output before:

Web Server is running
09:37:14 - Starting compilation in watch mode...

09:37:15 - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
Running webpack...
Webpack done!

output after changing the code:

Web Server is running
09:44:17 - Starting compilation in watch mode...
09:44:18 - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
Running webpack...
Webpack done!

Hoop you can change that in a future release.

1.0.27 -> 1.0.28 regression

Looks like something broke in 1.0.28.

Look at:

if (fullCommand) {
const parts = stringArgv(fullCommand);
const exec = parts[0];
const args = parts.splice(1);
return spawn(exec, parts, {
stdio: 'inherit'

I think you either want:

    const args = parts.splice(0, 1);
    return spawn(exec, parts, {


    const args = parts.slice(1);
    return spawn(exec, args, {

1.0.8 breaks flag usage on onSuccess

Previously with v1.0.7, the following command would work:

tsc-watch --onSuccess \"node -r dotenv/config dist/index.js\"

As of 1.0.8 it fails with the following error message:

yarn dev v0.27.5
$ tsc-watch --onSuccess "node -r dotenv/config dist/index.js"
env: node\r: No such file or directory
error Command failed with exit code 127.

Formatting of terminal output is not ideal

A few minor issues with the formatting of the terminal output :-)

After initial build:

  • Only the [ is colored. It would be better to color the whole line, except for the gray timestamp.


After rebuilding:

  • Two line breaks and a separator line is added. This might make sense when history is preserved, but when it clears the console before each build, it just seems weird and noisy.
  • Again, only the [ is colored.
  • A single line break before and after the errors would improve readability.


I'm on macOS by the way.

Feature request: Support multiple tsconfig.json files

My application is a monorepo with multiple packages where each package have it's own tsconfig.json. I would like to restart my server on a change to any of the packages. So for example I want to to this:

tsc-watch -p ./packages/foo-server -p ./packages/foo-utils --onSuccess 'node ./packages/foo-server/lib/server.js' -

So the request is to support multiple instances of the -p. The regular tsc --watch only supports one instance.

Send signal on reload

Is there way to send signal into process when code has been updatet? Something like:

tsc-watch --onFirstSuccess "node ./dist/main.js" --onSuccess SIGINT

how to exclude folders ?

I am using tsc watch with nrest js application and i have a module which uploads a file. However when i upload a file, tsc watch restarts the nestjs application

tsc-watch client fails

Client fails on unresolved path:
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/#USER/$PROJECT_ROOT/lib/tsc-watch.js'

Custom compiler support

The tsc-watch i awesome but has a hard-written compiler name:
File lib/tsc-watch.js Line 129:
const bin = require.resolve('typescript/bin/tsc');

but there are other compilers compatible with typescript for example ntypescript, ttypescript.

Webpack plugin - awesome-typescript-loader allows you to choose a compiler by an optional parameter:
--compiler (string) (default='typescript')

Could you have parameterized tsc-watch in a similar way?

Release tagging


I was wondering if it would be possible to tag releases? I wanted to peek at a diff between two old versions was bummed to see only a single tagged release.

Future versions were tagged that would be helpful going forward, but I think it might not be too difficult to tag old releases assuming your changelog commits are accurate.

Since I can't propose tags via the PR process, a contributor would have to check out each of the dozen version refs from the changelog and run git tag 1.x.x and then push tags. It's PITA but it's 5mins for much better transparency.

Thanks in advance!

On Windows, running tsc-watch uses 50%-60% of CPU

When running tsc-watch, on my Windows machine, the CPU usage for the Node.js process alone spikes to 50%-60%. With the other apps that I have running on my laptop, it basically spikes the total CPU usage to 100%.

This is how tsc-watch is being invoked:

./node_modules/.bin/tsc-watch --onSuccess node build/server.js

Is it correct to assume that the constant checking for file changes is what is causing the CPU usage spike?

Is there a polling option to configure how often tsc-watch checks for changes, or other way to resolve this issue?


Please export a tsc-watch/client class


Currently tsc-watch/client exports a singleton. It makes it impossible to run multiple tsc-watch side by side. This is especially critical in the workspace configuration. Would it be possible to export the class itself instead of an instance?

Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line

I'm trying to use tsc-watch to compile a specific subdirectory with its own tsconfig.json and then run a compiled file in node but I'm getting that error.

My start script is
"tsc-watch -p ./server onSuccess \"cross-env NODE_ENV=development node dist/server/server.js\""

./server has a server.ts, a tsconfig.json and a bunch of other folders and ts files.

So how can I use tsc-watch to compile a specific directory with its tsconfig.json if I cannot make use of the -p option?

No restarts after changes.

After updating to 1.0.29, I'm not getting any recompiles when I change files, even if I run something short-lived, as below:

tsc-watch --preserveWatchOutput --onSuccess 'echo hello'

tsc-watch does not quit on CTRL+C

tsc-watch does not seem to properly quit on ctrl+c. then at some point if I change some file, it randomly prints stuff like this to console:

1:16:00 PM - File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...
1:16:00 PM - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
Error [ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED]: Channel closed
    at (internal/child_process.js:678:16)
    at Object.Signal.send (~/gui/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:81:64)
    at Object.emitSuccess (~/gui/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:84:12)
    at ~/gui/node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:68:16
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:89:5)

Running tsc-watch programmatically by creating an instance of TscWatchClient.

You think I need to kill it manually on exit? i.e:

process.on('SIGINT', () => {

Upgrade `ps-tree` dependency due to npm dependency attack


An attacker gained control of the event-stream repository and injected malicious code. This package must be upgraded to the latest version of ps-tree to remove the malicious code.

The latest version of this package installs flatmap-stream thanks to this dependency chain ps-tree 1.1.0 > event-stream 3.3.6 > flatmap-stream 0.1.1.

This attack was a targetted attack at anyone who was using the copay-dash package, and would attempt to steal your BTC or BCH wallet keys.

Run server on both onSuccess and onFailure

When running the onFailure process the onSuccess run previously doesn't get closed and vice versa.

The use case is I want to always run same node server on either success or failure, and apparently, the process is not killed.


One problem is this doesn't kill the old process it ran, so if you start a node server it will just start more, not terminating the old ones

[Typescript version 2.7.2] onSuccess and onFailure callbacks do not seem to work

In my package.json I have the following script defined:

"scripts": {
  "build": "cd someSubFolder && tsc-watch --onSuccess \"echo Success\" --onFailure \"echo Failure\""

When I run npm run build the TypeScript compilation seems to work along with the watch mode, however none of the two callbacks gets fired. What am I missing?

I am using typescript 2.7.2 and tsc-watch 2.2.1

handle sigterm

I suggest adding the following line to tsc-watch :

process.on('SIGTERM', () => tscProcess.kill(0));

Starting with 1.1.35, hangs after compilation but before onSuccess runs

tsc-watch --onSuccess "./scripts/" --onFailure "echo 'Beep! Compilation Failed'"


[3:40:54 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode...
[3:41:05 PM] Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
+ ./scripts/
Local redis port 9089
+ migrate_cmd='node ./dist/src/migrate.js'
+ '[' -z '' ']'


[3:48:22 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode...
[3:48:32 PM] Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.

[hangs indefinitely, and server never starts]


Windows newline issue

I'm trying to use this module, but it's giving the error described here: ifrost/afterwriting-labs#69

My temporary work around is to run

dos2unix node_modules/tsc-watch/tsc-watch.js

As a permanent fix can you republish with core.autocrlf = false as described above?

onSuccess does not seem to handle two commands accordingly

I have yarn commands like so...

    "copy-dangling": "copyfiles -u 1 src/**/*.json src/**/*.pug src/**/*.sql dist/",
    "dev": "yarn clean-dist && tsc-watch --onSuccess \"yarn copy-dangling && node --require dotenv/config dist/index.js\"",

because the onSuccess is running multiple commands, it seems to incorrectly parse out the ampersands && and turns it into something like this:

copyfiles -u 1 src/**/*.json src/**/*.pug src/**/*.sql dist/ '&&' node --require dotenv/config dist/index.js

(notice the quotes around the ampersands)

v1.0.19 Needs a revert :X

Since upgrading from v1.0.18 to v1.0.19 I've noticed two things.

  1. The --onSuccess hook never gets called when a compilation error occurs. Maybe look up the noEmitOnError field in the project's tsconfig.json.
  2. You're toying with my console by modifying colors and such. lol I've been using this for so long now, that change is something I'm not used to and my reflexes immediately make me think there's an error. Kinda goes nicely with my tsc-wtf project.

Hope you're OK with hearing constructive criticism. I absolutely love the work you've done on this project and I use it every single day. Cheers mate! :D

node app not killed by killer.js

we are developing a nest app (inside a docker container). Everything works fine with tsc-watch but when code is being changed, dist is being rebuilt, the node process is not restarted.

The relevant code is package.json is

"scripts": {
    "start": "ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/main.ts",
    "start:dev": "tsc-watch -p --onSuccess 'node dist/main.js'",

we are using start:dev.

We have tracked down the problem to the killer.js source file issueing a SIGUSR2 signal to node. Our basic node app does not handle this signal so it just ignores the signal, and does not die.

Maybe it's because nest handles SIGUSR2 in its own way. We don't know.

We have solved the issue in two ways:

  1. changing killer.js (killer.js) to have let KILL_SIGNAL = 'SIGTERM';
  2. adding a process.on('SIGUSR2', () => { process.exit();}); to our main.ts app file.

Either way makes the tsc-watch work as expected

But we are wondering why you put SIGUSR instead of SIGTERM, or what are we missing, since nobody seems to have our problem.
Could you help us better understand the basic issue here? Thanks.

Anyway thanks for your work for the node community,

run without --watch

Hi there, im using this plugin to get the success callback and start my node server after the compiler is done. For dev its ok, because i need the --watch flag, but for building purposes, i dont need to watch, just need the success callback, would be great to have the option to disable --watch, do you plan to do that?

killer is not defined

I'm having this error:

  ReferenceError: killer is not defined
  at kill (node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/runner.js:20:20)
  at killProcesses (node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:24:21)
  at Socket.tscProcess.stdout.on.buffer (node_modules/tsc-watch/lib/tsc-watch.js:51:5)
  at Socket.emit (events.js:189:13)
  at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:284:12)
  at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:265:11)
  at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:220:10)
  at Pipe.onStreamRead [as onread] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:94:17)
  return Promise.all([killer(process), exitPromise]);

The file: tsc-watch/lib/runner.js
is missing this line, perhaps?

const killer = require('./killer')

Watch additional files.

It'd be great to be able to specify additional files, outside of those included by tsc that are watched by this process.

E.g., if I make changes to a .graphql file somewhere in my directory tree, I'd like to have the watch process restart node without having tsc try to compile the file.

I have a feeling this will require integrating the better part of nodemon in order to get queued file system events across OS platforms. Sorry, no pull request today. Just recording the feature request for now.

does this ignores my tsconfig.json file?

Not sure but when I use regular tsc compare to tsc-watch it compiles differently.

Also I have these:

"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true

When I run regular tsc it fails if it meets these rules but with tsc-watch it succeeds even with these rules which makes me assume that it's ignoring the tsconfig.json file

tsc-watch kills the spawned process on recompilation


I run tsc-watch with the following command:

tsc-watch --sourceMap --onFirstSuccess "node run-my-app-that-does-hot-reload.js"

Changing any file kills the node process. How do you circumvent this?

Workaround: Used a programmatic API via tsc-watch/client to prevent the node process from being killed

tsconfig.json path


Firstly, thanks for writing this package, it's been super useful!
I have a question, as it seems it's not been asked before, and I could not find anything about it in the docs:

Is it possible to set the path of the tsconfig.json ? For my build process needs I have to use a specific and I was looking at how to use ts-watch with this file instead of the default.

I see there is compiler option, but no option to set a custom tsconfig file. (-p flag to it)
Would this be feasible ?


Incorrect version of tsc used

I upgraded a project to typescript 2.9.1 and encountered a strange behavior. It seems tsc-watch is still using typescript 2.8.3 but I don't understand where it finds it. This is on Windows 10.

Some output:

$ tsc-watch --version
Version 2.6.2

$ tsc --version
Version 2.9.1

$ yarn tsc-watch --version
yarn run v1.7.0
$ C:\code\XXX\node_modules\.bin\tsc-watch --version
Version 2.8.3

$ yarn tsc --version
yarn run v1.7.0
$ C:\code\XXX\node_modules\.bin\tsc --version
Version 2.9.1

$ which tsc

$ /c/Users/jonkel.DIVID/AppData/Roaming/npm/tsc --version
Version 2.9.1

$ yarn which tsc
yarn run v1.7.0
$ C:\code\XXX\node_modules\.bin\which tsc

I'm trying to find out where tsc-watch is finding the old tsc binary. It seems it is not looking at the global path or at the path yarn sets.

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