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hybridtree's Introduction

Copyright 1999, The University of California at Irvine


This software implements the hybrid tree index structure 
as described in [1]. This distribution of the software contains 
a total of 26 files: 

(1) 12 .C files (HTree.C, Node.C, DataNode.C, 
OFNode.C, MONode.C, HTreeSearch.C, HTreeRangeSearch.C, 
MultiPointQuery.C, Point.C, Rect.C, HTreeTest.C, GenSearchTest.C)

(2) 10 .h files (decl.h, HTree.h, Node.h, DataNode.h, 
OFNode.h, MONode.h, Query.h, MultiPointQuery.h,
Point.h, Rect.h)

(3) a makefile

(4) this file (the README)

(5) 1 data file "CH.16d.asc" (16-d color histogram, 68041 points) and 
1 query file "CH.16d.Query" (250 queries, a random sample of "CH.16d.asc"). 
(The format of the data file is explained under "Building a hybrid tree from scratch". 
The query file has the same format.)

The source code of the hybrid tree lies in the
files HTree.C, Node.C, DataNode.C, OFNode.C, MONode.C, 
HTreeSearch.C, HTreeRangeSearch.C and MultiPointQuery.C 
(decl.h, HTree.h, Node.h, DataNode.h, 
OFNode.h, MONode.h, Query.h, MultiPointQuery.h 
are the corresponding header files). The files
Point.C and Rect.C (Point.h, Rect.h are the header files)
implement point and rectangle classes.
The files HTreeTest.C and GenSearchTest.C are the test programs.
We have tried this code only on the SUN Sparc platform (running Solaris 2.6) 
and with gcc-2.8.1 compiler.


Before we explain how to do perform the 
various operations on the hybrid tree so
that you can write your own application program,
we will explain how to compile and run the included
test program "HTreeTest.C". To compile the code 
(with HTreeTest.C), run "make". 

COMPILE TIME PARAMETERS (specified in decl.h)
Before we explain how to run the program,
we describe the parameters that need to be specified
at compile time (they are in decl.h). The two main 
compile-time parameters are the page size
and the dimensionality of the data. These 2 parameters 
are the first 2 constants defined in decl.h.

#define PGSIZE  4096
#define NUMDIMS  16            /* number of dimensions */

You do not need to change them for running the test program
on the included dataset (CH.16d.asc) because the dimensionality
is 16 (but you can change the pagesize if you want). 
But to run in on some dataset with a different dimensionality, you 
will have to change the constant and recompile. 


Constructing the tree from the dataset

To build a hybrid tree from scratch, run
"HTreeTest 0 CH.16d.asc HTdump.color".
The above command will construct a hybrid tree from the 
data file "CH.16d.asc" (the format of the data file is explained 
under "Building a hybrid tree from scratch") and dump it into a file 
"HTdump.color" (binary file).

You should get an output like this:

inserted 0 points 
inserted 1000 points 
inserted 2000 points 
inserted 3000 points 
inserted 4000 points 
inserted 61000 points 
inserted 62000 points 
inserted 63000 points 
inserted 64000 points 
inserted 65000 points 
inserted 66000 points 
inserted 67000 points 
inserted 68000 points 
total inserts = 68041 
Took approx. 35 seconds
dumped 1879 nodes on disk 
Took approx. 35 seconds

Running the queries
To run some queries (250 queries) stored in the CH.16d.Query,
run "HTreeTest 1 HTdump.color CH.16d.Query".
The above command will load the hybrid tree
from the file "HTdump.color" (into which it was
dumped after construction) and run the queries
one after another and print out some statistics 
(e.g., average disk accesses, average CPU time etc.).
Currently, all the queries are 10-nearest neighbor queries with 
L2 distance function (see the discussion on "Searching the hybrid tree" below
and lines 100-120 in HTreeTest.C). To run some other 
type of query (e.g., range query), you need to modify the
test program based on the discussion in "Searching the hybrid tree".

You should get an output like this:

Number of empty nodes = 0 
Loaded 1879 nodes from disk 
Loaded 68041 objects from disk 
Took approx. 2 seconds
Query 1: 10 
disk acc = 5 time = 0.008223 

Query 2: 10 
disk acc = 3 time = 0.004518 

Query 3: 10 
disk acc = 57 time = 0.062877 

Query 4: 10 
disk acc = 12 time = 0.009754 

Query 5: 10 
disk acc = 31 time = 0.025896 

Query 6: 10 
disk acc = 12 time = 0.012305 
Query 241: 10 
disk acc = 36 time = 0.032513 

Query 242: 10 
disk acc = 68 time = 0.051635 

Query 243: 10 
disk acc = 31 time = 0.023012 

Query 244: 10 
disk acc = 48 time = 0.033600 

Query 245: 10 
disk acc = 176 time = 0.127336 

Query 246: 10 
disk acc = 23 time = 0.019883 

Query 247: 10 
disk acc = 97 time = 0.063216 

Query 248: 10 
disk acc = 14 time = 0.015109 

Query 249: 10 
disk acc = 27 time = 0.030441 

Query 250: 10 
disk acc = 63 time = 0.054714 

Average disk access at level 0 = 10.000000 
Average disk access at level 1 = 52.459999 
Average disk access at level 2 = 7.756000 
Average disk access at level 3 = 1.000000 
Average disk access (total) = 61.215996 
Average time taken for 1st iter : 0.043191 seconds


Explanation of the output

For each query, the test program HTreeTest.C prints out the number 
of objects retrieved (10 objects retrieved for all queries since all
the queries were 10-NN queries), the number of disk accesses 
(i.e. the number of nodes of the hybrid tree visited, e.g.,
63 for Query 250) and the CPU time it took
to execute the query.

At the end of the run, we print out the statistics averaged
over all the queries. The "Average disk access at level 0"
is the average number of objects retrieved (these are
NOT index node accesses and hence do not count in the total
index node accesses printed as "Average disk access (total)").
The index node accesses start from level 1 i.e.
the "Average disk access at level 1" is the average 
number of leaf level nodes accessed, the "Average disk 
access at level 2" is the average number of nodes accessed 
at the level just above the leaf level and so on. 
Note the average disk access at the highest level
("Average disk access at level 3" in this case) should 
always be 1.00 since there is only one node at the highest
level (the root node) and all queries access that one node.
The "Average disk access (total)" is the average number of 
the index nodes visited (summed across all levels). It is the sum of 
disk accesses at all levels STARTING FROM level 1 (level 0 is NOT counted 
because it is the number of objects retrieved and not number of index nodes 
visited). In this case, "Average disk access (total)" is the sum of
average disk access at level 1,2 and 3 
( 52.459999 + 7.756000 + 1.000000 = 61.215996).
"Average time taken for 1st iter" is the average CPU time it took
to execute each query.

How to perform various operations on the hybrid tree

We will now explain how to do perform the various operations 
on the hybrid tree so that you can write your own application 
program or modify the existing test program HTreeTest.C 
(or GenSearchTest.C) to suit your needs. You can use the 
test program HTreeTest.C as you are reading this to serve 
as an example.

Building a hybrid tree from scratch
There are 2 options:

1. You can read the data points one by one from the 
data file and insert them into the hybrid tree.
To read a data point, you can use the Read function of 
the Point class:

int Point::Read(FILE *fp, int *id)   (see Point.C)

File pointer fp must point to a beginning of a data record in the data file
where a data record looks like this:
<id-of-the-point>  <position-of-point-along-dim1> .... 
<position-of-point-along-dimk> \newline
id-of-the-point is of type int, rest is of type float.
The id argument would contain the id-of-the-point.

Or you can write you own function to read the point
and construct the point object (especially if 
the format of the data file is different from above).

To insert the point into the hybrid tree, see the function
to insert a point into the hybrid tree, explained below.

2. If your data file has the following format -- each
data point is one line and the data point is described
as <id-of-the-point>  <position-of-point-along-dim1> .... 
<position-of-point-along-dimk> -- you can pass the 
name of the file to the hybrid tree constructor along
with the maximum number of objects you want to be inserted:

HTree::HTree(char *datafile, int max_inserts) (see HTree.C)

The first max_inserts objects in the file would be inserted.
An example of such a file is CH.16d.asc (containing
16-d color histograms). 

The test program uses option 2 (see line 211 in HTreeTest.C)
to construct the tree. (So if you want to use HTreeTest.C for
some other data file, make sure that the data file has
the above format.)

Dumping the hybrid tree from memory to disk

void HTree::HTreeDump(char *dumpfile) (see HTree.C)

The tree will dumped in the (binary) file whose name is
passed as dumpfile. 

The test program uses the above function (see line 216 
in HTreeTest.C) to dump the tree to disk.

Loading the hybrid tree from disk to memory

HTree::HTree(char *dumpfile) (see HTree.C)

The tree will be loaded into memory from the file passed 
as argument (see line 226 in HTreeTest.C).
Hybrid tree uses an optimization called Encoded
Live Space (ELS) Optimization (see [1] for details).
The ELS is created during the loading process:
the search functions take advantage of the ELS
during search. When the tree is changed, the ELSs
would get invalidated -- which means the search
performance would deteriorate with time if you are
doing a lot of insertions and deletions in the tree.
In that case, you can recreate all the ELS using the function:

void HTree::ELS()  (see HTree.C)

and restore the performance from time to time.

If you do all the insertions initially (during the tree
construction phase) and then do only searches (as
in HTreeTest.C), then you would not need to recreate ELSs
as they would never get invalidated (since there
are no insertions after the tree has been loaded into memory
from the dumpfile which is when the ELSs were created).

Inserting a point into the hybrid tree

int HTree::Insert(Point *R, int Tid); (see HTree.C)

Inserts the point R with the id Tid into the hybrid tree.
Returns 1 if the tree increased in height (due to the root
split), returns 0 otherwise

Deleting a point from the hybrid tree

int HTree::Delete(Point *P, int Tid); (see HTree.C)

Deletes the point P with id Tid from  the hybrid tree.
Returns 0 if the deletion was successful, 1 otherwise.

Searching the hybrid tree

The only interface to searching the hybrid tree
is the Scan function:

int Scan(Query *query);

The query object has the following fields, you
need to fill up only the relevant fields
depending on the ``type'' of the query you are asking.
See function SearchTest in HTreeTest.C as an example. 
The queries in SearchTest are 10-nearest neighbor
queries with L2 distance function. To run some other
type of query (e.g., range query), you need to modify the
SearchTest function as explained here.

The fields are in the query object are:
(1)int type;                      
(2)MultiPointQuery startQuery;    
(3)Result *startResult
int feedback;
int getmore;
(4)int use_function;              
(5)float (* dist_func) (Point *, Point *);  
(6)int dist_metric;   // user can either specify a standard dist metric like L1, L2 or LMAX
                     // dist_metric would be used
(7) int k;             // the number of answers the user wants, for continue queries
                     // the number of additional answers she wants
(8)float range;       // for range queries, all answers within that range will be returned
(9)int max_returned;  // for range queries, the user wants at most these many answers
                     // to be returned so that the result buffer is not overwritten
(10)long *diskacc;     // statistic returned; the number of disk accesses
                     // to be used to do experiments for writing papers

(11)PQ *startQueue;               // contains the state for the first result

You can do 2 types of queries: range queries and k-NN queries.
Let me describe what you need to fill up for each of these
types one by one:

Range Queries
Let Q be a query.
1. Set Q.type to  Query::RANGEQUERY.

2. Set to 0. (since you are not using feedback)

3. Set Q.getmore to 0. (for range query, you get all the objects 
at once, so you can't do get more)

4. Set Q.startQuery to the multipoint query you want to ask.
A multipoint query contains the following fields (see [2] for details):
(i)   int numPoints;
(ii)  Point *querypoints;
(iii) float *weights;
It is a generalization of single point queries; so it
can used for single point queries as well.
Note that although the name is startQuery, it 
is the actual query. It has been so named keeping
the feedback environment in mind; otherwise, this
is the only query. You need to allocate 
memory to store the querypoints and weights.
For efficiency, you can preallocate some maximum amount of 
memory so that you don't have to allocate and deallocate for every query.

4. Set Q.startResult properly. The hybrid tree will populate
the startResult with the answers to the query.
startResult is a pointer to struct result defined as:
struct result
 int numObjects;      // number of objects returned as result
 struct ReturnedObj *objectList; // list of objects returned as result

struct ReturnedObj
 long id;             // id the object returned
 Point point;         // point corr. to the object returned
 float distance;      // distance from the query point, invalid for bounding box queries

Again, make sure you allocate objectList. For efficiency,
preallocate it.

5. Are you going to provide your own distance function
or use one of the standard Lnorms (L1, L2 or Lmax)? If
you want to provide your own distance function, set
Q.use_function to 1 and Q.dist_func to the pointer to
your function. If you want to use L1, L2 or Lmax 
(all dimensions have weight 1.0, so not normalized i.e.
sum of weights != 1), set Q.use_function to 0 and
set Q.dist_metric to L1, L2 or LMAX.

6. Set Q.range to the range you want.

7. Set Q.max_returned to the max answers you want: this is used
to prevent accidental memory overwrite i.e. if you allocated space
for the result's  objectList to hold 5000 objects, 
you can put it here so that your objectList does not overflow.

8. Set Q.disk_acc appropriately. It is
an array of longs, it is filled up with the total number
of disk accesses incurred at each level during the 
search process: diskacc[0] will contain the total
number of objects seen (which is also returned by each of
the functions), diskacc[1] is the total number of leaf nodes
accessed during the search, diskacc[2] is the number of
nodes accessed of the next higher level and so on. 
Preallocate for efficiency.

Nearest neighbor (k-NN) queries 
(see function SearchTest in HTreeTest.C as an example)

1. Set Q.type to  Query::NNQUERY.
2. Set to 0. (since you are not using feedback)
3. Set Q.getmore to 0 if you are just starting, set it to 1
to continue to get some more answers.
4. Set Q.startQuery, Q.startResult, Q.use_function
and Q.dist_func/Q.dist_metric as described before.
5. Set Q.k to the number of top answers you want.
6. Set Q.disk_acc as discussed before.
7. Set Q.startQueue to a priority queue which
will be used to execute the query. Declare the
queue as PQ queue and set Q.startQueue=&queue.
Uses STL to implement the priority queue.

Bounding box queries

You can implement bounding box queries using the range query interface
(by using the center of the box as the query point and writing
your own distance function (weighted Lmax)). If you want to run
a bounding box query by passing the rectangle as a parameter, you
can use the function defined in HTreeRangeSearch.C. 

int HTree::Search(Rect *R, long *diskacc, Result *res, int max_returned)

Constants you may want to change

The only constants you may want to change is the page size
and the dimensionality of the data. These 2 constants
are the first 2 constants defined in decl.h.

#define PGSIZE  4096
#define NUMDIMS  16            /* number of dimensions */

You can change them and recompile. 



1. Generalized Search
Hybrid tree allows the user to define the criteria of
whether to explore a node or not (for range search) and/or
distance from internal nodes (for k-NN search)
(via the function: 
User_Overlap(Rect *rect, float *dist, int type_of_node)).
This feature is similar to the "Consistent" function of GiST.
The user can define separate criteria/distance computation
for leaf and internal nodes.  There is a test program
in the directory called "GenSearchTest.C" that shows
how to perform generalized search. But I have not integrated
it with the "Scan function interface" defined above yet 
(will do it soon, but till them it is invoked through a 
different interface as shown in "GenSearchTest.C").
For more detailed explanation, contact [email protected]

2.  Relevance Feedback
Hybrid tree supports efficient relevance feedback for k-NN
queries. For more information, see [2].
This feature is not present in this version of the code.
Send me email at [email protected] if you need the 
version with Relevance Feedback.


[1] @article{hybridtree,
author="K. Chakrabarti and S. Mehrotra",
title="The Hybrid Tree: An Index Structure for High Dimensional Feature Spaces",
journal="Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering",

[2] @article{qref-tr,
author="K. Chakrabarti, K.Porkaew, M. Ortega and S. Mehrotra",
title="Evaluating Refined Queries in Top-$k$ Retrieval Systems",
journal="Submitted for publication. Available online at",

For more info on hybrid tree, please see the paper:
K. Chakrabarti and S. Mehrotra, 
The Hybrid Tree: An Index Structure for High Dimensional Feature Spaces , 
1999 IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering , March 1999.

or contact [email protected] / [email protected]

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