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getopt-php's Issues

Allow option of permitting extra command line options that haven't been defined in Getopt

If I parse command line options and one of the options haven't been defined in Getopt (by doing addOption), there's an error because of the undefined option. I'd like to use Getopt in some code where the expected command-line options are defined dynamically and not always known up front. It would be great to have an option that allows for extra options on the command-line that haven't been defined. Such an option could be passed in when instantiating the Getopt object.

required operands and help.

When adding a required operand to a command it is impossible to get help for the command because of the error:
Operand NAME is required.


$cmd = new MyCommand();
$getopt->addCommand( $cmd);

// In class MyCommand:

class MyCommand extends Command
     public function __construct() {
         parent::__construct('command',[ $this, 'handle'] );

to reproduce:

./myapp command --help

Missing psr-0 in composer.json in tag 1.0.0

In HEAD composer.json contains a psr-0 autoload reference that is needed to the package to work when installing in composer. However, the only tagged version: 1.0.0 does not have this entry in composer.json.

Could you please tag the current HEAD as 1.0.1 or similar?

Being able to pass options after operands

I am not sure which is the POSIX standard:

command operand --help: --help parsed as option

It would be good if the above example could work.

It is not that hard to implement it, however the CommandLineParser must loop through all the provided options. I can send a PR for it.

But I would like to know whether not supporting this is a decision made or just implemented this way.

Describe new features for version 3.2

For version 3.2 we added translations for errors with the new translator. Describe how they can customize the translations and change the language now and how to use the translation service for custom messages.

In version 3.2 we also added custom validation messages and callbacks to retrieve the custom validation message. This has to be described as well.

  1. Update translation documentation
  2. Add custom validation message documentation

getopt-php should implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate

Getopt-php syntax can be improved for some real world cases. It can be be more flexible and provide a bit of syntactic sugar to their users.

How to show help?
$operands = $opt->getOptions();
if (empty($operands)) {

//can be with \Countable
if (count($opt) == 0) {
How to get values?
$queueCount = $opt->getOption('q');
//can be with \ArrayAccess
$queueCount = $opt['q'];
How to iterate throw all values?
foreach ($opt->getOptions() as $k => $v) {
//can be with \IteratorAggregate or \Traversable
foreach ($opt as $k => $v) {

Don't throw for unknown operands

Currently GetOpt::getOperand('operand') throws. This is problematic when you use commands and don't know if the operand is given or not. Like GetOpt::getOption('option') it should return null when the option does not exist.

PHP Fatal error when pass Option without value


I don't know if there'is a bug, or a concept of library.

When run a comand line of my app, with a option without value I get a exception instead a help message.

command.php --type value       #ok
command.php                          #any value show help of getOpt
command.php --type               #error
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'Option 'type' must have a value' in /Volumes/iDatos/abkrim/ownCloudTDC/tamainut/desarrollo/cprsync/vendor/ulrichsg/getopt-php/src/Ulrichsg/Getopt/CommandLineParser.php:155

my code

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
            (new Option('t', 'type',Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT))
                ->setDescription('full|acct Type backup full->all accounts  acct only account'),
            (new Option('u', 'user', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT))
                ->setDescription('Put user account for backup'),
            new Option(null, 'help'),
            new Option(null, 'version')
        try {
            $getopt->parse();   //<<<< BREAK HERE
            if ($getopt['version']) {
                echo "cprsyncbackup.php vAlfa\n";
            if ($getopt['help']) {
                echo $getopt->getHelpText();
           if (($getopt['type'] != 'acct') && ($getopt['type'] != 'full')) {
                echo "Hola\n";
                echo $getopt->getHelpText();
            // Here future code for verify user on value "user"
             * @todo verify user 
            // error handling and --help functionalitie
       } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
            echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
            echo $getopt->getHelpText();

        return $getopt;

Best regards

Arguments should not require a space before the value

Traditional getopt usage (across most languages, not just PHP's native implementation) doesn't require a space between short arguments and their values. This library does, which is inconsistent with expected behavior.

Expected/traditional behavior:

$ php ngo.php -a -bb -c
    [a] => 
    [b] => b
    [c] => 

$ cat ngo.php 

Actual result:

$ php go.php -a -bb -c
Option 'b' must have a value
$ cat go.php 
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$g = new Ulrichsg\Getopt\Getopt('ab:c::');
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

(I'll take a stab at a PR to fix this as well)

Multiple operands return null while options return empty array

snippet from a psy shell:

>>> GetOpt\Operand::create('test', GetOpt\Operand::MULTIPLE)->getValue()
=> null
>>> GetOpt\Option::create('t', 'test', GetOpt\GetOpt::MULTIPLE_ARGUMENT)->getValue()
=> []

I would say it is a bug but maybe someone has a different meaning?

Does this support positional arguments?

Sorry for creating an issue for this, but I can't see any reference to positional arguments in the documentation. Positional arguments are those without a leading dash (-), which are identified by the position, or order, in which they appear rather than by name. Are positional arguments supported by some mechanism?

Make a composer package?

I'm using this class in one of my projects (Bob) and it would simplify my dependency handling
even more when I could use Getopt via Composer, a new package manager for PHP.

Refactor codebase

With the latest influx of features, and the continuing interest in further development, the current code structure does not cut it anymore. As of v1.3.0, the Getopt.php file measures 560 lines, its longest method (parse()) alone is over 80 lines long - not counting the docblock. It needs to be split up into more manageable units.

Allow custom validation messages

Currently the message is always 'Option \'%s\' has an invalid value'. It would be helpful to have more descriptive messages. You can have this already in custom validation functions, but it's not possible for php functions. The proposal was to pass a second variable for validation.

Example for custom validation:

$option = Option::create('u', 'user')
  ->setValidation(function ($value) {
    if (!DI::em()->fetch('User', $value)) {
      throw new Invalid(sprintf('User %s not found', $value));
    return true;

Example using php functions (new feature):

$option = Option::create('a', 'alpha')
  ->setValidation('is_numeric', 'Alpha has to be numeric');

Parameter aggregation


I would love to have an option where parameters would be aggregated.
For example:

php script.php --client blub --domain --domain

Getting the parameter domain then would result in an array containing both domain values.
domain should be defined to be a multi value parameter, of course.

This project can do something like that - just for orientation.

remove support for php 5.3

I know some years ago php 5.3 was alive but even the latest debian stable has now php 7 and I'm wondering if we still need php 5.3 support.

php 5.3 is not supported by zend since almost 3 years. it's not only about short array syntax and using $this in a closure. there is also no callable type for parameters.

the nicest would be to ask everyone who is using this lib but I don't see a way for this. from packagist statistics it looks like 5.3 is still supported by a lot of packages but almost no one is using it:

@ulrichsg what do you think?

Allow option have a default value

It is very necessary thing. This is syntactic sugar, but allows you to write less the same type of code. The simplest example:

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    array('t', 'threads', Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'Specify calculation max theread count')

$threads = $getopt->getOption('t') ?: 1;
//more elegant way

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    array('t', 'threads', Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'Specify calculation max theread count', 1)

$threads = $getopt->getOption('t');

the count method returns the wrong value

The count method should return the count of options given in the command line. But it actually gives the count of options with short and long name. This differs also from the count of the ArrayIterator.

To reproduce:

$getopt = new Getopt([
  new Option('a', 'alpha'),
  new Option('b', 'beta'),


$count = $getopt->count(); // this should be 2 but it is 4
$iterator = $getopt->getIterator();

var_dump($count === $iterator->count());

Console scenario

I am currently working on a console application and it works like the following:

  • The application loads some default option into the Getopt class.
  • Runs parse and checks if help or version option is passed.
  • If not, it looks for the desired command based on the first operand (if any).
  • Then the command adds it's own option definitions
  • The command gets run

My problem is that if a command defines some options then it simply fails because when parse is called they are not defined yet. I saw some PRs/issues for explicit options. Will it solve it solve my problem?

Also, I am curious if there are any way to remove operands (the command name) from the object. It seems that $operand is private so I hardly see a solution by extending the class.

Refactoring and feature ideas for version 2

First of all, thanks for this great open source library!
The current refactorings for the new version look promising and were really needed,
however I have some additional ideas:

  • Isolate arguments into their own class
    (gives more flexibility and allows for adding following features)
  • Argument validation (provide a function which validates the argument)
  • Defining operand arguments (define operands by position, last operand may be allowed to be repeated multiple times)
  • More specific exceptions (so we can catch different types of exceptions like UnknownOptionException to allow for custom error messages to be sent to the terminal)

Tell me what you think.
I have already implemented the first two and have made a pull request.
If you like (some of) these ideas, I will definitely contribute more in the near future.

Remove obsolete branches

I noticed there are several feature branches in the repo that have been merged to master, is there any particular reason for keeping them in ? If not, I would suggest deleting them

$ git branch --remote --merged master |grep -Ev "master|HEAD"

remove wrong versions

Hey Ulrich, sorry to bother you.

I have mistakenly released a tag 3.0.0-alpha.2 on master instead of branch 3.0. Because I'm not owner of the package on packagist I cant delete version. Can you please remove version 3.0-alpha.1 and 3.0.0-alpha.2 from packagist?


Explicit Options

I'd like to see a way to enable explicit options, meaning either option "x" can be passed as an option, but option "y" would not be allowed or vice-versa (with one possibly being the default).
A real-world example might be:
script.php --read myfile.txt
script.php --write myfile.txt "test data"
The idea is that both options cannot coexist ahd either an Exception would be thrown or it would default to one.
It could even be expanded to multiple arguments or operands.

Any thoughts?



According to and PHP 5.4 is dead since 2 years and 7 months and 5.5 since 1 year, 8 months.

Concerning 5.6 and 7.0, they only get security fixes and until the end of this year only.

At the same time, PHPUnit 4.8 is no longer supported, as for PHPUnit 5 for 2 months.
PHPUnit 6, which is the oldest version supported (for 1 year from now) only supports PHP >= 7.0

Maybe it could be worth considering dropping PHP 5.x versions and upgrading dependencies...?
A branch for a future version 4 release could be started, which would support PHP >= 7.1 (with PHPUnit 7 and PHP CS 3.2) ?
When possible, features could be backported to 3.x (for PHP 5.4 - 5.6), which branch would still be supported for a while, even when 4.0 will be released.

What do you think?

Note: I have some free time...

Improve 3.x backwards-incompatible changes documentation

Hello Thomas,

Today I went through the hoops of upgrading a couple of scripts relying on an older version of GetOpt.PHP for the first time.

It was not a very difficult task, but I think it would be nice to make things a bit more obvious and better documented for other users (currently, the only info I could find is a short note in the changelog, which is is not enough IMO and also not so easy to find).

I would suggest adding a note in the README file, linking to more details in the documentation.

For the record, here's a list of issues I faced and what I needed to change in my code to get things to work after updating composer.json and downloading the new version:

  • Change namespace references - replace Ulrichsg\Getopt -> GetOpt [changed in 50818ec]
  • Change base class name - replace Getopt -> GetOpt [changed in 0b98797]
  • Remove usage of setBanner() method - this has been replaced by the new Help templates, customize those as needed (see also #88)
  • Remove $padding argument in getHelpText() calls [changed in df81d0d]
  • Update text passed to setDescription() method - since the new help is automatically wrapping it now

Error with multiple required operands.

Creating a single command with multiple required operands fails with error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Operand var is multiple - no more operands allowed' in /var/www/html/cmscli/vendor/ulrichsg/get


use \GetOpt\GetOpt;
use \GetOpt\Command;
use \GetOpt\Option;
use \GetOpt\Operand;

class testCommand extends Command
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct( 'test', [ $this, 'handle'] );
        $this->addOperand( new Operand( 'var', Operand::REQUIRED ) );
        $this->addOperand( new Operand( 'vaL', Operand::REQUIRED ) );

    public function handle()
} // class

$getopt = new GetOpt;
$getopt->addCommand( new testCommand );

if( $cmd = $getopt->getCommand() ) {
    die('command is '.$cmdd);

Command names cannot contain spaces

I'd like to query why command names cannot contain spaces. Currently I receive an error similar to the following:

InvalidArgumentException: Command name has to be an alphanumeric string not starting with dash, found 'import apps'

I want a command called import apps and another called import reviews. The thought occurs I could just create an import command with an operand that accepts either apps or reviews. The reason I cannot do this, however, is because each of those commands accept a different set of options. That is, since the commands do not share the same options they cannot be combined.

Is there any technical reason at all why a command could not contain a space character? If so, could such a restriction be lifted without too much effort?

setDefaultValue ignored on short option with OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT


There appears to be a small problem with optional arguments and default values.

Option::create('v', "verbose", GetOpt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT)
    ->setDescription("Set the verbosity of the job manager")

If I specify -v the default value is 1. If I specify --verbose I get "6" as loosely expected. If I specify -v4, I get the same result as --verbose.


$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    new Option(null, 'arg1', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),
    new Option(null, 'arg2', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),

I was expecting this to throw an exception if the argument is not found. Instead nothing happens.

setDescription() not defined


According your manual for set description for options:

new Option('h', 'help')->setDescription('Show help text')

But when use get a error and also my IDE phpStorm show me setDescription() undefined. But i see this public function on Option class.

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function setDescription() 

Code my test:

require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ulrichsg\Getopt\Getopt;
use Ulrichsg\Getopt\Option;
$getOpt = new Getopt(array(
    new Option('u', 'user', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),
    new Option('t', 'type_restore', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),
    new Option('d', 'rsync_delete'),
    new Option(null, 'help'),
    new Option(null, 'version')->setDescription('Show version')

Apreciate help

Incorrect usage example in advanced documentation

First of all... great library.

Too bad I just had to spent two hours trying to get the advanced example with member access on instantiation working.

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    new Option('o', 'option', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
        ->setDescription('Description of option')

I believe the second line should be:

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    (new Option('o', 'option', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT))
        ->setDescription('Description of option')


Single-argument addOption

Right now when calling addOption, you pass in as many arrays like this as you want:

    array('a', 'longoption', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT);

Or if you want to only have a long option you do: array(null, 'longoption', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT); Or if you want to only have a short option you do: array('a', null, Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT);

It would be nice to be able to have this instead:



The code would then delegate to the existing addOption passing the arguments as necessary. If it is one character then it's a short option, otherwise long option.

And the Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT could be omitted because it could be set to a user-configurable (in the Getopt constructor perhaps) default value if nothing is provided in addOption.

Would make the code that uses Getopt cleaner.

Targets vs. Operands

In a small CLI tool I've been working on, I've used these two concepts differently than currently in use in this library.

To me:

  • Targets are things passed in that are not prefixed with a hyphen, do not follow an open option, and have not come after a double hyphen with surrounding space.
  • Operands are everything that come after the first instance of a double hyphen.

Is this something you might consider? If so, I'd be happy to contribute code :)

Validation message


Found this great package out only yesterday and already love it.

I think it would be nice to allow custom validation error messages, instead of the standard "Operand %s has an invalid value", which does not really explain what is actually expected (especially in case of complex validations with closures).

The message could be provided as a second argument to Argument::setValidation() method and made available in Option::setValue() and Operand::setValue().

Behind the scene, a Validator object (instanciated in Argument::setValidation()) could hold the validation callback and the error message (which could be overridden in case of complex validation).

I may work on it if you're interested in adding this feature to a future release.

Localize error messages

While in the process of adapting one of my apps to make use of the new localized help in GetOpt 3.1, I noticed that GetOpt has several user-facing error messages which have not been localized. I would expect these strings to be translated as well, as they are part of the app's front-end.

Sample code, defining an Option with required or validated arguments:

$opt = new \GetOpt\GetOpt([
	\GetOpt\Option::create('t', null, \GetOpt\GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
		->setValidation(function($arg) { return is_numeric($arg); })
try {
} catch (\GetOpt\ArgumentException $e) {
	echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Output, should be localized:

$ php test.php -z
Option 'z' is unknown

$ php test.php -t 
Option 't' must have a value

$ php test.php -t x
Option 't' has an invalid value

Options with empty string values ignored

I notice that an option with REQUIRED_ARGUMENT can be provided an empty string as a value, but when iterating over the options array this option is skipped. I believe this is because GetOpt ->getIterator() is only returning options where the value evaluates to a true boolean in PHP, and an empty string gets evaluated as false.

Is this intended behaviour? Should the test instead be changed to !is_null()?

Command options not shown in help output

Although a richly detailed output is displayed for global options, command options are completely omitted from the help text, making such options undiscoverable by the user using the help system! I propose the same level of detail be present in the help output for each command with options.

Thoughts on the new Help customization framework

In 3.0, the library allows 2 methods to customize the output of getHelpText:

  • via a class implementing GetOpt\HelpInterface, or
  • by writing custom template scripts, similar to those provided in resources/

I hope you won't mind my saying so, but I'm not very keen on the proposed approach, particularly the second one, and I think this should be improved. Here's a few issues I see:

  1. having to create up to 3 custom templates (even as copies of the provided ones) and maintain them is cumbersome
  2. there is some code and logic in the original templates which would be nice to be able to reuse as-is in custom ones
  3. Some of this logic is duplicated (e.g. the console width detection is both in options.php and commands.php
  4. let's say I want to keep the standard template, but localize the output; I can't do that easily because some strings are hardcoded

The custom Help class is better, but still does not allow easy reuse of code in the default templates.

A couple of suggestions for improvement:

  • instead of relying on standalone PHP scripts for templates and using output buffering to capture their output, let the setXxxTemplate() methods accept a callable instead, and put the contents of the script into methods of the Help class which will return a string instead of echoing.
  • extract duplicated code into helper methods, to be used as building bricks for the callable
  • provide a way to localize the output

Let me know your thoughts.

Getopt::getScriptName method

It would be useful to have this method in order to find out the script name outside of Getopt class. For example to be able to show the script version number (including script name) and without using $argv.

Release 3.0

Now there is an alpha release. Next is to update the docs and get some people testing the new features as well as the migration from version 2.x.

In this thread I want to save my thoughts to not forget the documentation... Please add your problems that you have with version 3 here. Either it is just a documentation problem or we can create another issue.

Thanks for your help!

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Improve documentation

The documentation has grown too large for the repo front page. Split it into multiple files and put it on Github Pages.

GetOpt::process($args) arguments do not apply to commands

So I am not sure how the handler is called. I looked through the code and I don't see it used anywhere.

    $opts = new GetOpt();
        Command::create("test", [$this, "callTest"])

If I run $opts->process(array("test")); my callback isn't fired. This is running inside of a composer script... not sure what is dependent on $argv or something else that isn't present in the script env.

The $opts->process(); works when run directly from a CLI script so there maybe some type of unsatisfied dependency. See above... There is no output or exception or error msg, it fails silently.

'0' is not possible as option value.

Getopt checks with empty if options are given. The empty construct returns true for the string "0", so Getopt fails with an exception "Option must have a value", although the value is given.

Operand validation

It is quite common that an operand is required in a cli application. Is it possible to provide operand validation as well?

I mean: check for having the required count of operands and optionally define them with names so operands can be retrieved by name and not number.

Customizable usage message / operand specification

For a CLI application with fixed set of operands it'd be useful if it was possible to describe them explicitly in "usage" message. I.e. instead of

Usage: copy [options] [operands]
  --overwrite             Overwrite existing file

I'd like to have a more meaningful message like

Usage: copy [options] <from> <to> [<optional-operand>]
  --overwrite             Overwrite existing file

In fact, this example brings the idea of operands specification alongside with the one for options. Like options, operands may also have names, be mandatory or optional and have default values.

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