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genieframeworkdemos's Issues

Tutorial IrisClusteringNewAPI not working with the latest GenieFramework

I've tried to run the Iris tutorial with the new API and simply instantiating packages as per Project.toml, but it fails.

How to reproduce? Simply instantiate based on Project.toml and run dashboard.jl.
If I use the provided Manifest.toml, it works but that's technically not for my system/platform.

Would it be possible to update the tutorial (I'm trying to read up on recent PRs) or set the appropriate compat entries in Project.toml?

On GenieFramework 1.13 (latest)

WARNING: both Html and Base export "div"; uses of it in module Stipple must be qualified

LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Vector{Any} at index [2]
[1] getindex(A::Vector{Any}, i1::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:924
[2] var"@out"(source::LineNumberNode, module::Module, expr::Any)
@ Stipple.ReactiveTools ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/pgem3/src/ReactiveTools.jl:300

I know it has worked in the past, so I tried to downgrade, but there are still errors, eg, GenieFramework 1.5-1.10 gives

LoadError: MethodError: no method matching on(::var"#33#34"{var"##Main_ReactiveModel!#314"}, ::typeof(vars))
Closest candidates are:
on(::Any, ::AbstractObservable; weak, priority, update) at ~/.julia/packages/Observables/PHGQ8/src/Observables.jl:356
on(::AbstractObservable, ::Function; weak) at ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/Stipple.jl:708
[1] GF_AUTO_HANDLERS(model::var"##Main_ReactiveModel!#314")
@ Main ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/ReactiveTools.jl:643
[2] |>(x::var"##Main_ReactiveModel!#314", f::typeof(GF_AUTO_HANDLERS))
@ Base ./operators.jl:911
[3] top-level scope
@ ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/ReactiveTools.jl:422
[4] eval
@ ./boot.jl:368 [inlined]
[5] (::var"#35#36")()
@ Main ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/ReactiveTools.jl:711
[6] #invokelatest#2
@ ./essentials.jl:729 [inlined]
[7] invokelatest
@ ./essentials.jl:726 [inlined]
[8] Page(route::String; view::String, model::var"#35#36", layout::String, context::Module, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Stipple.Pages ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/Pages.jl:56
[9] top-level scope
@ ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/Ird4L/src/ReactiveTools.jl:698

Associated Manifest.toml uses GenieFramework 1.0 which works.

My system:

I've tried on many GenieFramework/Stipple versions, incl. the latest

Julia Version 1.8.5
Commit 17cfb8e65ea (2023-01-08 06:45 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.5.0)
CPU: 8 × Apple M1 Pro
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
Threads: 6 on 6 virtual cores

Re-attach to running process, or kill process on page close

As it is now, when a background process is started like in the lorenz demo,
the process keeps running when the user closes the window or reloads. We have two choices:

  1. Kill the process on window close
  2. Keep it running and let the user re-attach to the running process

For 1 we'd need to send a kill signal to the running task. However, this is an issue in Stipple since having a reactive Taskvariable yields serialization errors. @hhaensel suggested we could modify the Genie serializer to fix this

For 2, we'd need to keep track of the user session and manually return the corresponding ReactiveModelon the route.

[SearchLight] - Can't edit primary key before saving

In the Database app, I have two objects and tables: Houses and Prediction. Every time I input a new House id in the text field, a new Prediction is created and added to the Predictions table.


I'm trying to set the id of the prediction to the id of the house. However, when I set this value either as an Int or as a DbId type

I'm getting an error:

[ Info: 2023-01-09 17:35:08 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" WHERE id == 15 ORDER BY ASC
__model__.prediction[] = Prediction
| KEY               | VALUE                   |
| error::Float64    | 0.14353387768486314     |
| id::DbId          | 15                      |
| price::Float64    | 18.056466122315136      |
| timestamp::String | 2023-01-09T17:35:08.773 |

[ Info: 2023-01-09 17:35:08 UPDATE predictions SET  "id" = '15', "price" = 18.056466122315136, "error" = 0.14353387768486314, "timestamp" = '2023-01-09T17:35:08.773' WHERE = '15' ; SELECT 15 AS LAST_INSERT_ID
[ Info: 2023-01-09 17:35:08 SELECT "predictions"."id" AS "predictions_id", "predictions"."price" AS "predictions_price", "predictions"."error" AS "predictions_error", "predictions"."timestamp" AS "predictions_timestamp" FROM "predictions" WHERE "id" = 15 ORDER BY ASC
┌ Error: 2023-01-09 17:35:08 Error attempting to invoke handler 3 for field Reactive{Int64}(Observable{Int64} with 3 listeners. Value:15, 1, false, false, "/Users/pere/genie/demos/GenieFrameworkDemos_NewAPI/Database/app.jl:19") with value 15
└ @ Stipple ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/AUtza/src/stipple/mutators.jl:33
┌ Error: 2023-01-09 17:35:08 SearchLight.Exceptions.UnretrievedModelException{DataType}(Prediction, 15, "UnretrievedModelException: the DataType data could not be retrieved for id 15. \nModel: \nPrediction")
└ @ Stipple ~/.julia/packages/Stipple/AUtza/src/stipple/mutators.jl:34

If I comment out that line it works, but the id assigned to the prediction is incremental. I could add a new column with the House id, but I wonder if it is possible to have the tables House and Predictions share their primary keys (some kind of relational key?)

CSVAnalysis is broken

The demo in CSVAnalysis is not working. When uploading a new dataset, it does not appear in the drop-down menu, and the new columns are not available.

StipplePlotlyExamples: Why project.toml contains url of packages of `aryan` user?

When downloaded and try to initialise the folder StipplePlotlyExamples, I can see this. Thanks for comments.

(StipplePlotlyExamples) pkg> st
Status `~/My Drive/Projects/GitHub_others/GenieFrameworkDemos_NewAPI-main/StipplePlotlyExamples/Project.toml`
 [a59fdf5c] GenieFramework v1.7.0 `C:\Users\aryan\.julia\dev\GenieFramework`
 [4acbeb90] Stipple v0.25.16 `C:\Users\aryan\.julia\dev\Stipple`
 [ec984513] StipplePlotly v0.13.2 `C:\Users\aryan\.julia\dev\StipplePlotly`
 [a3c5d34a] StippleUI v0.21.3 `C:\Users\aryan\.julia\dev\StippleUI`
Info Packages marked with  are not downloaded, use `instantiate` to download

Database demo stuck in a loop at 100% CPU usage

When starting the Database demo, it stops responding and the CPU usage goes to 100%. This happens even if the Genie server is not started. This is the output

julia> includet("app.jl")
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:16 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" ORDER BY ASC
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:21 Watching ["/Users/pere/genie/demos/GenieFrameworkDemos_NewAPI/Database"]
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:24 SELECT COUNT(*) AS __cid FROM "houses"
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:28 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" ORDER BY ASC
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:28 SELECT COUNT(*) AS __cid FROM "houses"
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:32 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" ORDER BY ASC
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:32 SELECT COUNT(*) AS __cid FROM "houses"
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:36 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" ORDER BY ASC
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:37 SELECT COUNT(*) AS __cid FROM "houses"
[ Info: 2023-03-28 18:44:38 SELECT "houses"."id" AS "houses_id", "houses"."CRIM" AS "houses_CRIM", "houses"."ZN" AS "houses_ZN", "houses"."INDUS" AS "houses_INDUS", "houses"."CHAS" AS "houses_CHAS", "houses"."NOX" AS "houses_NOX", "houses"."RM" AS "houses_RM", "houses"."AGE" AS "houses_AGE", "houses"."DIS" AS "houses_DIS", "houses"."RAD" AS "houses_RAD", "houses"."TAX" AS "houses_TAX", "houses"."PTRATIO" AS "houses_PTRATIO", "houses"."B" AS "houses_B", "houses"."LSTAT" AS "houses_LSTAT", "houses"."MEDV" AS "houses_MEDV" FROM "houses" ORDER BY ASC
Status `~/genie/demos/GenieFrameworkDemos_NewAPI/Database/Project.toml`
⌃ [fbb218c0] BSON v0.3.6
  [336ed68f] CSV v0.10.9
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.5.0
⌅ [55351af7] ExproniconLite v0.7.9
⌃ [587475ba] Flux v0.13.9
  [a59fdf5c] GenieFramework v1.13.0
⌃ [eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.7.7
  [21a827c4] SearchLightSQLite v2.2.1
  [9a3f8284] Random

unconnected clients lead to high CPU load

When clients lose the connection to their servers the reconnection procedure produces a high CPU load.
This happens for me, if a VPN server is stopped or the server needs to be restarted.
We should probably set a longer checking interval.

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