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react-native-twilio-chat's Introduction

React Native Twilio Chat

Build a Twilio-Powered Chat App Using React Native

Quickly get started with a Twilio Programmable Chat

Twilio Programmable Chat makes it easy for you to add chat features into your web and mobile apps without building or scaling a real-time chat backend. Chat has all the necessary APIs and features to integrate with your business logic to ensure you are in control.

I wanted to build a quick, full-featured chat feature for my React Native app. I managed to do it with Twilio Programmable Chat.

I searched the internet a lot to find the best way to use Twilio Programmable Chat with React Native. Unfortunately, I couldnā€™t find much. So I decided to write an article about it, hopefully saving others some time.

Setting up the Project

Install the repository:

git clone

After that, move it into the react-native-twilio-chat directory and run it from the terminal:

cd react-native-twilio-chat
npm run ios

Creating Our Server

Before we get started, We need to generate an access token to authorize the React Native app to communicate with the Programmable Twilio Chat. To set up our backend for Chat, weā€™ll need four values from our Twilio account. Weā€™ll store these in our .env file:

  • Service instance SIDā€”a service instance where all the data for our application is stored and scoped
  • Account SID ā€” your primary Twilio account identifier
  • API key ā€” used to authenticate
  • API secret ā€” used to authenticate

Now, if your account is ready, you can find your account SID on the Twilio Console. You should copy and paste it as the value TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID to the .env file.

Next, We need to generate an API key and API secret by navigating to Settings > API Keys > New API Key.

If you create these things successfully, letā€™s copy and paste the SID and secret as the values TWILIO_API_KEY and TWILIO_API_SECRET.

Last, we need to create a new Chat Service by navigating to All Products & Services > Programmable Chat > Services > Chat Services.

Letā€™s copy and paste the service SID as the value TWILIO_CHAT_SERVICE_SID.

Finally, our .env file should look like this:


When our .env is ready, we can create a simple server with a single GET route, /token/:identity. This route will request and return a token from TWILIO. Letā€™s install dependencies for our server:

yarn add express dotenv twilio

Create our server.js:


const Twilio = require('twilio');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();

const AccessToken = Twilio.jwt.AccessToken;
const ChatGrant = AccessToken.ChatGrant;

app.get('/token/:identity', (req, res) => {
  const identity = req.params.identity;
  const token = new AccessToken(

  token.identity = identity;
    new ChatGrant({
      serviceSid: process.env.TWILIO_CHAT_SERVICE_SID,

    identity: token.identity,
    jwt: token.toJwt(),

app.listen(3001, function () {
  console.log('Programmable Chat server running on port 3001!');

Thatā€™s it for our server. Now, We can run our server with the following command line:

node server.js

React Native Navigation

In order to show you the Twilio Programmable Chat in action, Iā€™m going to build a full-featured app on React Native. Our app will have four screens: WelcomeScreen, ChatListScreen, ChatRoomScreen, and ChatCreateScreen.

We need a router to navigate between screens in our React Native app. So Iā€™m going to use the react-native-navigation library. React Native Navigation provides 100% native-platform navigation on both iOS and Android. We should install it with the required packages:

yarn add @react-navigation/native react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view @react-navigation/stack

Welcome Screen

Weā€™ll start with the welcome screen. Letā€™s create welcome-screen.js and add the following code:

export function WelcomeScreen({ navigation }) {
  const [username, setUsername] = useState('');

  return (
    <View style={styles.screen}>
      <Image style={styles.logo} source={images.logo} />
      <Text style={styles.titleText}>Welcome to Twilio Chat</Text>
        onPress={() => navigation.navigate(, { username })}>
        <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Login</Text>

Weā€™ll use the username to generate the Twilio access token.

Chat-Create Screen

The next step is to create a chat client which is what we needed the token for. Iā€™m going to use twilio-chat to connect and work with the Twilio SDK. Letā€™s install and test it:

yarn add twilio-chat events

Then, weā€™ll create a getToken method for handling communication with our token server.

const getToken = (username) =>
  axios.get(`http://localhost:3001/token/${username}`).then((twilioUser) =>;

Now, we should create the Twilio Chat Client instance with a token by calling create(token). Also, we have two events to help manage our token expiration: tokenAboutToExpire and tokenExpired.

Letā€™s create a twilio-service.js file to prevent the repeat initializing of the Twilio Chat Client across all screens. Weā€™ll create and store a single Twilio service client instance and use it on each screen.

import { Client } from 'twilio-chat';

export class TwilioService {
  static serviceInstance;
  static chatClient;

  // create a single service instance
  static getInstance() {
    if (!TwilioService.serviceInstance) {
      TwilioService.serviceInstance = new TwilioService();
    return TwilioService.serviceInstance;

  // use chat client if don't have instance, create a new chat client
  async getChatClient(twilioToken) {
    if (!TwilioService.chatClient && !twilioToken) {
      throw new Error('Twilio token is null or undefined');
    if (!TwilioService.chatClient && twilioToken) {
      return Client.create(twilioToken).then((client) => {
        TwilioService.chatClient = client;
        return TwilioService.chatClient;
    return Promise.resolve().then(() => TwilioService.chatClient);

  // manage our token expiration
  addTokenListener(getToken) {
    if (!TwilioService.chatClient) {
      throw new Error('Twilio client is null or undefined');
    TwilioService.chatClient.on('tokenAboutToExpire', () => {

    TwilioService.chatClient.on('tokenExpired', () => {
    return TwilioService.chatClient;
  // gracefully shutting down library instance.
  clientShutdown() {
    TwilioService.chatClient = null;

Last, Iā€™ll create chat-create-screen.js with the following code:

export function ChatCreateScreen() {
  const [channelName, setChannelName] = useState('');
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

  const onCreateOrJoin = () => {
      .then((client) =>
          .then((channel) => (channel.channelState.status !== 'joined' ? channel.join() : channel))
          .catch(() =>
            client.createChannel({ uniqueName: channelName, friendlyName: channelName }).then((channel) => channel.join()),
      .then(() => showMessage({ message: 'You have joined.' }))
      .catch((err) => showMessage({ message: err.message, type: 'danger' }))
      .finally(() => setLoading(false));

  return (
    <View style={styles.screen}>
      <Image style={styles.logo} source={images.message} />
        placeholder="Channel Name"
      <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={onCreateOrJoin}>
        <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Create Or Join</Text>
      {loading && <LoadingOverlay />}

Once the chat client is initialized, we can create a new chat channel with createChannel({ uniqueName, friendlyName }) or join an existing channel with the join() method. To join an existing channel, we have to get the channel from Twilio by using the getChannelByUniqueName() method and passing the room name to it.

If the channel doesnā€™t exist, an exception will be thrown. If it does exist, the method will return the channel resource, and from there, the channel can be joined.

Chat List Screen

Iā€™m going to show all of my subscribed channels on the ChatListScreen. As a user, I want to work with updated channels when I join or create a new channel on the CreateChannelScreen. Therefore, we need to store channels globally in Redux or React Context. Redux is too complicated for our simple app, so weā€™ll use React Context.

Letā€™s create our app-context.js with the following code:

import React, { useState, useContext, createContext } from 'react';

const defaultInitialState = { channels: [], updateChannels: () => {} };

const AppContext = createContext(defaultInitialState);

export function useApp() {
  return useContext(AppContext);

export function AppProvider({ children }) {
  const [channels, setChannels] = useState([]);

  return <AppContext.Provider value={{ channels, updateChannels: setChannels }}>{children}</AppContext.Provider>;

AppContext stores a list of channels and the updateChannels method. Hence we can get all of the channels:

const { channels, updateChannels } = useApp();

Now, our chat-list-screen.js:

export function ChatListScreen({ navigation, route }) {
  const { username } = route.params;
  const { channels, updateChannels } = useApp();
  const channelPaginator = useRef();

  useLayoutEffect(() => {
      headerRight: () => (
        <TouchableOpacity style={styles.addButton} onPress={() => navigation.navigate(}>
          <Text style={styles.addButtonText}>+</Text>
  }, [navigation]);

  const setChannelEvents = useCallback(
    (client) => {
      client.on('messageAdded', (message) => {
        updateChannels((prevChannels) =>
   === ? {, lastMessageTime: message.dateCreated } : channel,
      return client;

  const getSubscribedChannels = useCallback(
    (client) =>
      client.getSubscribedChannels().then((paginator) => {
        channelPaginator.current = paginator;
        const newChannels = TwilioService.getInstance().parseChannels(channelPaginator.current.items);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then((token) => TwilioService.getInstance().getChatClient(token))
      .then(() => TwilioService.getInstance().addTokenListener(getToken))
      .catch((err) => showMessage({ message: err.message, type: 'danger' }))
      .finally(() => setLoading(false));

    return () => TwilioService.getInstance().clientShutdown();
  }, [username, setChannelEvents, getSubscribedChannels]);

  return (
    <View style={styles.screen}>
        keyExtractor={(item) =>}
        renderItem={({ item }) => (
            onPress={() => navigation.navigate(, { channelId:, identity: username })}

First, we retrieve the token and create an instance of the Twilio Chat client. Then, we get the current list of all of our subscribed channels by using the getSubscribedChannels() method and storing them in the global React Context.

Twilio doesnā€™t give you the feature to sort the channel list based on a most recent message. Your best bet is loading all of the channels into an array and sorting them yourself.

Therefore I subscribed to the messageAdded event, which fires when a new message has been added to the channel on the server because I want to sort the channel list by the last-message time. So when someone messages via the chat, weā€™ll update the last-message time of the specific channel.

Chat Room Screen

Iā€™m going to use react-native-gifted-chat for creating a chat room of the channel. react-native-gifted-chat is the most complete and easy-to-use chat UI for React Native.

Letā€™s install it:

yarn add react-native-gifted-chat

First we have to get a Twilio Chat client or create one if one doesnā€™t exist. Then we need to get the specific channel using getChannelBySid(channelSid).

If we get the channel, we can get all of the messages from the channel by using the getMessages() method.

Also, Iā€™ll subscribe to the messageAdded event, which fires when a new message has been added to the channel and updates our chat.

Letā€™s create chat-room-screen.js:

export function ChatRoomScreen({ route }) {
  const { channelId, identity } = route.params;
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
  const chatClientChannel = useRef();
  const chatMessagesPaginator = useRef();

  const setChannelEvents = useCallback((channel) => {
    chatClientChannel.current = channel;
    chatClientChannel.current.on('messageAdded', (message) => {
      const newMessage = TwilioService.getInstance().parseMessage(message);
      const { giftedId } = message.attributes;
      if (giftedId) {
        setMessages((prevMessages) => => (m._id === giftedId ? newMessage : m)));
      } else {
        setMessages((prevMessages) => [newMessage, ...prevMessages]);
    return chatClientChannel.current;
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then((client) => client.getChannelBySid(channelId))
      .then((channel) => setChannelEvents(channel))
      .then((currentChannel) => currentChannel.getMessages())
      .then((paginator) => {
        chatMessagesPaginator.current = paginator;
        const newMessages = TwilioService.getInstance().parseMessages(paginator.items);
      .catch((err) => showMessage({ message: err.message, type: 'danger' }))
  }, [channelId, setChannelEvents]);

  const onSend = useCallback((newMessages = []) => {
    const attributes = { giftedId: newMessages[0]._id };
    setMessages((prevMessages) => GiftedChat.append(prevMessages, newMessages));
    chatClientChannel.current?.sendMessage(newMessages[0].text, attributes);
  }, []);
  return (
    <View style={styles.screen}>
        onSend={(messages) => onSend(messages)}
        user={{ _id: identity }}

I created a method called onSend(). This method will call the SDK method sendMessage() on the channel object and pass the message typed by your user to it.

Letā€™s Demo Our Twilio Chat App

Article on Medium

Build a Twilio-Powered Chat App Using React Native

How to contribute?

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Code šŸ¤“
  4. Test your changes
  5. Submit a PR!

react-native-twilio-chat's People


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react-native-twilio-chat's Issues

Image/attachment support

Hi there, we have implemented chat feature using this lib and is working fine. But I don't see there is any image/attachment support for this. When I upload image from web and check on mobile app, it simply returns "text": null. Let me know if its possible to get information of uploaded attachment

Login Showing Network Error

Hi ,First thanks alot for te guide.
I am facing problem when logging in .What should be the username and where can i define it.When logging in with random username it shows network Error
network error

The server is running already and the jwt token is returning a positive response.

Now I need your guide and help on i how can I login as user in this app.

Geting Network Error

When I enter the user name its redirects to my channel list but showing the msg network error and also channel is not created due to this issue.

Screenshot_2021-05-12-18-28-59-457_com react_native_twilio_chat

Edition For Peer to Peer Chats

Hi ,First Thanks for such an amazing work on Twilio. I am successfully ran your code on my PC but now i need some changes. I need to keep the peer to peer chats i.e chats between 2 people only.
Can you tell me how to proceed with is and where do i need changes

How to get media elements?

I have tried this code and i also done image upload feature,

Here is the messages data am getting:

createdAt: Thu Dec 23 2021 12:56:23 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {}
received: true
text: "Hai"
user: {_id: "Ghost", name: "Ghost"}
_id: '1'
createdAt: Thu Dec 23 2021 12:56:23 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {}
received: true
text: null
user: {_id: "Ghost", name: "Ghost"}
_id: '2'

the second object of _jd 2 contains media elements and i can see the media objects on console before parsing,

useEffect(() => {
        .then((client: any) => client.getChannelBySid(channelId))
        .then((channel: any) => setChannelEvents(channel))
        .then((currentChannel: any) => currentChannel.getMessages())
        .then((paginator: any) => {
          chatMessagesPaginator.current = paginator;
          const newMessages = TwilioService.getInstance().parseMessages(
          console.log(newMessages, "newMessages", paginator.items)
        .catch((err: any) =>
          showMessage({message: err.message, type: 'danger'}),
        .finally(() => setLoading(false));
    }, [channelId, setChannelEvents]);

in paginator.items i can see the type: 'media' and media url inside the state,

Is their any way to get media object along with messages

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