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caddy-reauth's Introduction


Another authentication plugin for CaddyServer (v1)

For CaddyServer V2 Please caddy2-reauth



Provides a common basis for various and multiple authentication systems. This came to be as we wanted to dynamically authenticate our docker registry against gitlab-ci and avoid storing credentials in gitlab while still permitting users to log in with their own credentials.

Supported backends

The following backends are supported.

With more to come...

Supported failure handlers

The following failure handlers are supported.


The core of the plugin supports the following arguments:

Parameter-Name Description
path the path to protect, may be repeated but be aware of strange interactions with except (required)
except sub path to permit unrestricted access to (optional, can be repeated)
failure what to do on failure (see failure handlers, default is HTTPBasic)


	reauth {
		path /
		except /public
		except /not_so_secret

Along with these two arguments you are required to specify at least one backend.

Spaces in configuration

Through experimentation by @mh720 (Mike Holloway) it has been discovered that if you need spaces in your configuration that the best bet is to use unicode escaping.

For example:


I imagine this would allow you to escape any character you need this way including quotes.



This is the simplest plugin, taking just a list of username=password[,username=password].


	simple user1=password1,user2=password2


Authentication against an upstream http server by performing a http basic authenticated request and checking the response for a http 200 OK status code. Anything other than a 200 OK status code will result in a failure to authenticate.

Parameters for this backend:

Parameter-Name Description
url http/https url to call
skipverify true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)
follow follow redirects (disabled by default as redirecting to a login page might cause a 200)
cookies true to pass cookies to the upstream server
match used with follow, match string against the redirect url, if found then not logged in


	upstream url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s
  upstream url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s,follow=true,match=login


Authentication with Refresh Token against configurable endpoints with response caching and cache entry expiration times. If failure conditions in the configuration file are met a 401 is returned otherwise result will be successful. This module is designed to be used with the caddy-secrets plugin, a yaml file with a reauth object with an endpoints array will hold configurations for endpoints and how they work together for auth service.

Parameters for this backend:

Parameter-Name Description
url http/https url to call
skipverify true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)
follow follow redirects (disabled by default as redirecting to a login page might cause a 200)
cookies true to pass cookies to the upstream server
limit int to set response size limit for endpoint requests (default 1000)
lifetime time interval that a file cached by this module will remain valid (default 3 hours)
cleaninterval time interval to clean cache of expired entries (default 1 second)


  • Caddyfile
	refresh url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s,lifetime=3h,cleaninterval=1s,limit=1000
  • Secrets file
  client_authorization: 1                             # authorization flag (required) - 0/1 whether to check for Authorization header, 2 will throw 500 if missing
                                                          Authorization access token stored in 'ResultsMap' under 'client_token' key
  endpoints                                           # endpoints array (required)
    - name: refresh                                   # endpoint of name 'refresh' (required)
      url: null                                       
      path: "/access_token"
      method: POST                                    # auth request method (required) - at the moment only POST and GET are handled (value must be in caps)
      data:                                           # data array (required)
        - key: grant_type
          value: refresh_token
        - key: refresh_token                          # object with 'refresh_token' key (required)
          value: <refresh token to get access token>  # value (required) - holds actual refresh token to request access token with
      cachekey: refresh_token
        - key: Content-Type
          value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      skipverify: true
      cookies: true
      responsekey: jwt_token
        - validation: equality                        # there are 3 types of validation, 'equality' will have auth fail if
          key: message                                # response body value under failure object key equality failure object value
          value: Forbidden
          valuemessage: false
          message: "Refresh access token failed"
                                                      # access token is stored in 'ResultsMap' under 'refresh' key
    - name: security_context                          # endpoint responses get stored in 'ResultsMap' under the name of the endpoint
      url:              # url value should be set if endpoint uses different url than one in Caddyfile
      path: "/security_context"                       # path is concatenated after url for request 
      method: GET                                     # request method, GET will put data params in query, POST will encode form
      data:                                           # data needed for request
        - key: access_token
          value: "{client_token}"                     # surrounding keys with {}'s will have them replaced by values in 'ResultsMap'
      cachekey: client_token                          # cache entry key
      headers:                                        # keys and values to set on endpoint request headers
        - key: Authorization                          
          value: "Bearer {refresh}"                   # surrounding keys with {}'s will have them replaced by values in 'ResultsMap' 
      skipverify: true                                # whether endpoint request should use Caddyfile skipverify configuration
      cookies: true                                   # whether endpoint request should use Caddyfile cookies configuration
      responsekey: null                               # if set, the key will be used to pull value from endpoint response
        - validation: presence                        # 'presence' validation will have auth fail if response body has failure object key
          key: error
          value: ~
          valuemessage: true                          # if valuemessage bool is true, response object value under failure object key
          message: "Security context error: "             is concatenated to failure message
        - validataion: status                         # 'status' validation will have auth fail if endpoint response status
          key: ~                                          matches failure object value
          value: 401
          valuemessage: false
          message: "Security context unauthorized"
  resultkey: security_context                         # last endpoint response stored in 'ResultsMap' is passed down caddy filter chain
                                                          in a query param with the key named after 'resultkey' value


Authenticate against Gitlab as the gitlab-ci-user for the purposes of letting the gitlab-ci access otherwise protected resources without storing credentials in gitlab or gitlab-ci.yml. Works basically like the [Upstream]#upstream backend except the username you provide is the project path

Parameters for this backend:

Parameter-Name Description
url http/https url to call
skipverify true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)


	gitlabci url=,skipverify=true,timeout=5s

Example of logging in via gitlab-ci.yml

	docker login -u "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" -p "$CI_BUILD_TOKEN"


Authenticate against a specified LDAP server - for example a Microsoft AD server.

Parameters for this backend:

Parameter-Name Description
url url, required - i.e. ldap://
tls should StartTLS be used? (default false)
username (read-only) bind username - i.e. ldap-auth
password the password for the bind username
insecure true to ignore TLS errors (optional, false by default)
timeout request timeout (optional 1m by default, go duration syntax is supported)
base Search base, for example "OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com"
filter Filter the users, eg "(&(memberOf=CN=group,OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"
principal_suffix suffix to append to usernames (eg:
pool_size size of the connection pool, default is 10


	ldap url=ldap://,timeout=5s,base="OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com",filter="(&(memberOf=CN=group,OU=Users,OU=Company,DC=example,DC=com)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"

Failure handlers


This is the default failure handler and is by default configured to send the requested host as the realm

Parameters for this handler:

Parameter-Name Description
realm name of the realm to authenticate against - defaults to host


	failure  basicauth


Redirect the user, perhaps to a login page?

Parameters for this handler:

Parameter-Name Description
target target url for the redirection, supports {uri} for redirection (required)
code the http status code to use, defaults to 302


	failure redirect,code=303

Example with uri

	failure redirect target=/auth?redir={uri},code=303


Simplest possible failure handler, return http status $code

Parameters for this handler:

Parameter-Name Description
code the http status code to use, defaults to 401


	failure status code=418


Modularise the failure handlers...

Other notes

caddy-reauth's People


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caddy-reauth's Issues

Build error (bigcache)


It seems that I cannot build caddy-reauth anymore due to the following error:

freman/caddy-reauth/backends/refresh/auth.go:393:23: undefined: bigcache.EntryNotFoundError

Did some dependency change?


wrong number of arguments for ldap

I am attempting LDAP configuration.

My config looks similar to this one.

reauth {
    path /
    ldap {"host":"","port":636,"ldaps":true,"tls":false,"timeout":"5s","bindUsername":"xxx","bindPassword":"xxx","base":"ou=Users,o=xxx,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com","filter":"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"}

When validating the config, I get:

# caddy -validate -conf /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
2019/11/11 09:47:56 wrong number of arguments for ldap:   [{"host":"" ...

LDAP authentication crash

Using the LDAP backend on one proof-of-concept HTTP request works, but as soon as I protect a real-world web application with multiple resources accessed at the same time, there is crash:

04/Jul/2018:16:37:09 +0000 [ERROR 500 /lib/jquery-2.2.4.min.js] bind with "uid=jbq,ou=Users,o=xxx,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com": unable to read LDAP response packet: unexpected EOF - - [04/Jul/2018:16:37:09 +0000] "GET /lib/jquery-2.2.4.min.js HTTP/1.1" 500 26
04/Jul/2018:16:37:09 +0000 [PANIC /css/bootstrap-toggle-2.2.2.min.css] /go/src/ - runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference - - [04/Jul/2018:16:37:09 +0000] "GET /css/bootstrap-toggle-2.2.2.min.css HTTP/1.1" 500 26

Looks like the LDAP backend is not able to handle multiple requests at the same time.

Allow local clients to ignore upstream parameter and continue as normal

I like using my domain for shorthand within my network (plex.[domain].com) rather than type out IPs when configuring clients that interconnect so that changes in address structure don't break configurations.

Is there a way to allow a client to access the proxy even if the upstream check fails? {
        reauth {
                path /
                ignore localclients #or something
                failure redirect target=
                upstream url=,cookies=true
        proxy / { transparent websocket }

Using reauth with proxy

I'm trying to serve an application via proxy (in this case Kibana, but similar usecase is Django, Flask, or Rails. I'm relatively new to Caddy, so I could have some basic misunderstanding of the config as well.

I have static files stored under /srv/app/static that I would like protected by a reauth upstream authorization. To the user, it would appear that all the pages are protected by the application's login screen. Since it's all hosted on the same host endpoint, auth cookies will be passed, etcd.

Here's my current config (I'm running this in docker): {
    proxy / kibana:5601 {
        except /app/static

    reauth {
        path /app/static
        upstream url=http://kibana:5601/app/kibana,cookies=true
        failure redirect target=/login?next={uri}

    root /srv
    log stdout
    errors stdout

When I browse to localhost:2015, Kibana correctly picks up the request via the proxy block above. When I am not authenticated, I get redirected to the Kibana login page (/login?next=%2F). However, when I browse to localhost:2015/app/static, I get a status 500. I can see in the logs that Kibana is in fact receiving the auth request from Caddy.

proxy_1          | 22/May/2019:14:39:47 +0000 [ERROR 500 /app/static/] Get /login?next=%2Fapp%2Fkibana: follow redirects disabled
proxy_1          | - - [22/May/2019:14:39:47 +0000] "GET /app/static/ HTTP/1.1" 500 26
kibana_1         | {"type":"response","@timestamp":"2019-05-22T14:39:47Z","tags":[],"pid":1,"method":"get","statusCode":302,"req":{"url":"/app/kibana","method":"get","headers":{"host":"kibana:5601","user-agent":"Go-http-client/1.1","accept-encoding":"gzip"},"remoteAddress":"","userAgent":""},"res":{"statusCode":302,"responseTime":5,"contentLength":9},"message":"GET /app/kibana 302 5ms - 9.0B"}

However, if I am already authenticated to Kibana, it places a cookie called sid (by default).

I saw the error follow redirects disabled in the unauthenticated example, and so I thought maybe I need to apply redirects to the upstream backend. The problem here is that Kibana provides a redirect 302, and the login page /login sends a 200.

What am I doing wrong and/or how can I get more info?

Side note, my first attempt to do this was the following. I kept getting the 500 and was getting frustrated thinking I was doing something wrong. After doing the analysis above, I think the logic is effectively the same. The config below is nicer since I don't have to create an arbitrary dir structure in the root to support the URI subpath. {
    proxy / kibana:5601 {
        except /app/static
   log stdout
   errors stdout
} {
    reauth {
        path /app/static
        upstream url=http://kibana:5601/app/kibana,cookies=true
        failure redirect target=/login?next={uri}

    root /srv
    log stdout
    errors stdout

Invalid Credentials - ldap username with CN

I am setting the value of username in LDAP configuration as user's CN. There are a number of systems (e.g. Grafana, Apache Airflow) requiring a CN, as opposed to samAccountName


In the error log, I see the username being truncated:

bind with "username=\"CN=WebAdmin": LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials": 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042F, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580

Is it a feature request?

cookie based auth on subdomain

It's me again from #1

I have been using your plugin successfully for sub directories as we discussed. Now i would like to tyr to apply it to a subdomain and the syntax is kicking my butt.

this is what i have currently. Have tried it a few different ways but the below is the longest form of what was attempted so everything is there. I know if just going to be a syntax error, just don't know what it might be. {

	proxy / {
	proxy /auth-admin
	proxy /auth-user
	reauth {
		path /
		failure redirect target=
		upstream url=,cookies=true

edit* when i click on the link it always redirects no matter what. If i pull the reauth block though it loads as expected.

Failing to Build

This plugin is failing to build on the v1.0.4 download page: Can you take a look and see why?

I tried to build manually, I use Windows so I downloaded Go for Windows 64bit. Perhaps I didn't get the go file right... It downloads the package, but doesn't spit out a useful error message. This output is after successfully building caddy without reauth. I just added the "" to the import directive and ran go install again.

C:\Users\xxxxx\go\src\caddy>go install
go: finding latest
go: extracting v0.0.0-20191025011741-deaa60e56872
# caddy
.\caddy.go:5:2: imported and not used: "" as reauth

Contents of caddy.go

package main

import (
	// plug in plugins here, for example:
	// _ "import/path/here"

func main() {
	// optional: disable telemetry
	// caddymain.EnableTelemetry = false

[ldap] Trying to log in without password yields error 500

Maybe related to #19

The browser now correctly asks for a new password if it is wrong or the user does not exist.

The only times it now yields an 500 (without change to rectify the situation) is when you enter a user that exists and enter no password.


Caddy's import path has changed

Caddy's import path (and Go module name) has changed from


Unfortunately, Go modules are not yet mature enough to handle a change like this (see - "haven't implemented that part yet" but high on priority list for Go 1.14) which caught me off-guard. Using Go module's replace feature didn't act the way I expected, either. Caddy now fails to build with plugins until they update their import paths.

I've hacked a fix into the build server, so downloading Caddy with your plugin from our website should continue working without any changes on your part, for now. However, please take a moment and update your import paths, and do a new deploy on the website, because the workaround involves ignoring module checksums and performing a delicate recursive search-and-replace.

I'm terribly sorry about this. I did a number of tests and dry-runs to ensure the change would be smooth, but apparently some unknown combination of GOPATH, Go modules' lack of maturity, and other hidden variables in the system or environment must have covered up something I missed.

This bash script should make it easy (run it from your project's top-level directory):

find . -name '*.go' | while read -r f; do
	sed -i.bak 's/\/mholt\/caddy/\/caddyserver\/caddy/g' $f && rm $f.bak

We use this script in the build server as part of the temporary workaround.

Let me know if you have any questions! Sorry again for the inconvenience.


Would it maybe be possible to authenticate against an LDAP source?

First Question! Local PHP Auth

I am trying to use your plugin to authenticate against Organizr. The linked example is NGINX but i have been using Caddy so i posted on their community and was directed to your plug in.

So I have tried a few different ways so far.

I have tried reauth inside and outside of the proxy for /sonarr.

This is the segments of my caddy file regarding reauth

proxy /auth-admin /Organizr/auth.php?admin

reauth {
	path /sonarr
	upstream url=

proxy /sonarr {          #

i have tried to do the url a few different ways as well as tried to just give reauth a relative path directly to the relevant php file. If i could just point to path=/Organizr/auth.php?admin instead of url= i might be able to get it going but don't know if that's a thing.

What i'm getting now is an http auth pop up but since i have not set a simple= statement there is no valid user=pass that will work.

any recommendations on how to get the plugin to point to the correct place and get the expected returns?

Error specifying LDAP timeout

Hi, I try to setup reauth with LDAP backend following the example at:

I can't figure out how to specify the LDAP timeout, the example mentions "timeout":"5s" but this value is not recognized.

Here is my Caddyfile:


log stdout

errors stdout

reauth {
    path /
    ldap {"host":"","port":636,"ldaps":true,"tls":false,"timeout":"5s","bindUsername":"xxx","bindPassword":"xxx","base":"ou=Users,o=xxx,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com","filter":"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"}

Here is the caddy error log:

2018/07/04 12:24:23 json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field LDAP.timeout of type time.Duration for ldap (/etc/Caddyfile:11)

Support placeholders in failure redirect

Hey there,

I'm using reauth with a custom LDAP authenticator.

I would like to redirect the user to the URL they originally tried to access after the authentication.
The method I tried is to add the request URI to the redirect using a placeholder, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be supported by reauth.

This is what I'm trying to do:

reauth {
  path /
  except /auth
  failure redirect target=/auth/?redir={uri}
  upstream url=,cookies=true

Unfortunately, {uri} is not replaced by the value behind it but left as-is.
I'm open to alternative solutions of course :)

For clarification: The authenticator starts a PHP session, sets a server-side variable marking the session as authenticated and sets a cookie with the session ID. The upstream URL verifies the session and returns 200 when authenticated, 401 if not.

This works great, but a user accessing is redirected to /auth/, which doesn't know where the user originally tried to go.

Thanks for this really useful plugin!


unable to connect to Ldap

am trying to enable reauth to my existing application

Error: 06/Nov/2019:13:13:53 +0000 [ERROR 500 /login] Get http://localhost:5650: net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response "\x15\x03\x01\x00\x02\x02"

my Caddyfile {
tls /root/config/star_tajawal_io.crt /root/config/XXXX-io-sub-domain-private-key.pem
#basicauth / kibana-test kibana-test
jwt {
path /
redirect /login
reauth {
path /
upstream url=http://localhost:5650
ldap url=ldap://,timeout=5s,,password=xxxx,base="OU=Users,OU=tajawal,DC=tajawal,DC=io"
log stdout
errors visible

am running in container..

Logs from Caddy:

$ sudo docker-compose up
Starting caddy_kibana_test ... done
Attaching to caddy_kibana_test
caddy_kibana_test | 2019/11/06 13:13:47 [INFO] Successfully loaded TLS assets from /root/config/star_tajawal_io.crt and /root/config/xxxx-io-sub-domain-private-key.pem
caddy_kibana_test | Activating privacy features... done.
caddy_kibana_test | JWT middleware is initiated
caddy_kibana_test |
caddy_kibana_test | Serving HTTPS on port 5000
caddy_kibana_test |
caddy_kibana_test |
caddy_kibana_test | 2019/11/06 13:13:47 [INFO] Serving
caddy_kibana_test | 2019/11/06 13:13:47 [INFO][cache:0xc000186f00] Started certificate maintenance routine
caddy_kibana_test | 2019/11/06 13:13:47 [NOTICE] Sending telemetry: we were too early; waiting 19h27m31.015992392s before trying again
caddy_kibana_test | - - [06/Nov/2019:13:13:49 +0000] "GET /login HTTP/2.0" 500 172
caddy_kibana_test | - - [06/Nov/2019:13:13:49 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2.0" 500 178
caddy_kibana_test | 5.19

Please advise @freman

Not functioning as expected with Organizr

I'm sure that I just have something setup wrong, but can't figure out what that may be. I am using this to allow access to subdirectories through organizr but it seems to just be opening another instance of organizr instead of proxying to the correct subdirectory. If I disable the path for the subdirectory it loads as expected.

Everything is running in Docker.

This is what I'm experiencing

here's my Caddyfile

# Snippets
####### Snippet 1 #######
(mycommon) {
  ext .html .htm .php
  root /srv           # Change path syntax for your OS or your preferred location!
  header / {
    X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
    X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;"

####### Snippet 2 #######
(mylocations) {

   # This code allows your browser/server to look at Organizr and verify if the currently logged in user's status is 
   # admin, user, or neither. This is based on assigned group in Organizer's "Manage users" tab
   # Admin allows users to see Admin, User, and guest pages
   # User allows a user to see User and Guest pages. 
   # Guest pages should not be assigned to either of these options.
   # each page should only be present in ONE of the blocks if auth is required.

	proxy /auth-admin
	proxy /auth-user
   # this is where the protection happens. there is one call for users and one for admins
  reauth {
	path /sonarr
	path /radarr
	path /lidarr
	path /mylar
	path /lazy
	path /nzbget
	path /hydra2
	path /pihole
    # if someone is not authorized for a page, send them here instead of allowing them through to the intended page
	failure redirect target=
	# The above listed directories with be pretected from anyone not listed in Organizr as an Admin  
	upstream url=,cookies=true  
    # This bracket does the same as the above annotated bracket but the minimum required group is User
  reauth {
	path /tautulli
	failure redirect target=
	upstream url=,cookies=true

  proxy /organizr {			#
	without /organizr

  proxy /radarr {            #
  proxy /sonarr {          #

  proxy /lidarr {			#

  proxy /mylar {		#
    without /mylar
  proxy /lazy {            #
  proxy /nzbget {          #
    without /nzbget
  proxy /hydra2 {        #

  #rewrite /ombi /ombi/
  proxy /ombi {            #
  proxy /tautulli {          # PARTIALLY WORKING
    without /tautulli
  proxy /pihole {        #
    without /pihole
	header_downstream X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
  proxy /portainer {            #
    without /portainer
  # The code below will proxy PHP requests
  fastcgi / php # php variant only
# web domain server block
#################################################################################### {
  tls [email protected]
  log /srv/logs/access.log {
	rotate_size 1          # Rotate after 1 MB
    rotate_age  7          # Keep log files for 7 days
    rotate_keep 2          # Keep at most 2 log files
  errors /srv/logs/errors.log {
	rotate_size 1          # Rotate after 1 MB
    rotate_age  7          # Keep log files for 7 days
    rotate_keep 2          # Keep at most 2 log files
  on startup php-fpm7 # php variant only

  redir 301 {
    if {path} is /              # Only redirect if the request is for the webroot
    /   # Replace with wherever you like
  import mycommon          # Import code snippet 1 defined above
  import mylocations       # Import code snippet 2 defined above	
# localhost or Machine server block
http://localhost {
  import mycommon          # Import code snippet 1 defined above
  import mylocations       # Import code snippet 2 defined above
# subdomains
#################################################################################### {

  tls [email protected]
  timeouts none
  # Separate log file for Plex server
  log /srv/logs/plexaccess.log {
    rotate_size 1          # Rotate after 1 MB
    rotate_age  7          # Keep log files for 7 days
    rotate_keep 2          # Keep at most 2 log files
  errors /srv/logs/plexerror.log {
    rotate_size 1          # Set max size 1 MB
    rotate_age  7          # Keep log files for 7 days
    rotate_keep 2          # Keep at most 2 log files
  proxy / {
} {

  tls [email protected]
  proxy / {
} has gone away

In file go.sum still require module from And I can't figure out it came from which dependency.
How can I fix this ?

[ldap] Trying to log in with unknown user yields error 500


I Configured reauth to use ldap with a group filter. As failure mechanism I use Basic Auth.

When I try to log in with a user that is not in the group, or a non-existing user, caddy now yields an error 500.

Due to the browser mechanics it stays that way until I clear all caches.

I Think it should yield a 401 so the user can try again.


Document use of spaces in LDAP parameters

Recently needed to filter using an LDAP OU= with a space in it. After some trial-and-error, it looks like c/c++/java escaping works here: OU=GROUP\u0020NAME

Please consider adding to the README if this is expected and/or supported.

Request placeholder in upstream

Hi, first of all, thanks for making this awesome plugins.

i would like to know if it is possible to include request placeholder in upstream url?

I would like to use it to protect my private docker registry using my private gitea. currently, i am able to permit only user of my gitea to access the private registry. But i would like to add additional access control, that is to make sure the user of the private registry are also the user or a member of an organization in gitea. e.g /v2/someuser/* in registry can only be accessed by user someuser or member of someuser (if someuser is an organization).

so i am thinking of passing the request path to the upstream uri, e.g. upstream url={path},

cannot filter with memberof.

It works when I set as this.I can login in.

ldap url=ldap://,timeout=5s,base="OU=XXXXXXXXXXX,OU=SGR_NJ,OU=XXX,DC=xxx,DC=com",username="CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=com",password="XXXXXXXXX",filter="(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"

but when I filter with group.

ldap url=ldap://,timeout=5s,base="OU=XXX,DC=xxx,DC=com",username="CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=xxx,DC=com",password="XXXXXXXXX",filter="(&(memberOf=CN=Bioinfo,OU=NAS,OU=Service,OU=XXX,DC=xxx,DC=com)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"

I cannot login anymore

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