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React Formio

A React library for rendering out forms based on the platform.

Example Application

To see an example application of how to implement all the components and modules in this library, see



@formio/react can be used on the server, or bundled for the client using an npm-compatible packaging system such as Browserify or webpack.

npm install @formio/react --save
npm install @formio/js --save // Install @formio/js since it is a peerDependency



The form component is the primary component of the system. It is what takes the form definition (json) and renders the form into html. There are multiple ways to send the form definition to the Form component. The two main ways are to either pass the src prop which will make a request for the form definition or to pass a pre-loaded form prop with the form definition you specify and an optional url prop.

The src prop is a url to the form definition, usually a server. When using the src prop the form will automatically submit the data to this url as well.

The form prop accepts a pre-loaded json form definition. Pair this optionally with a url prop to the location of the form. This is used for file upload, oauth and other components or actions that need to know where the server is.


Name Type Default Description
src url The url of the form definition. This is commonly from a server. When using src, the form will automatically submit the data to that url as well.
url url The url of the form definition. This is used for file upload, oauth and other components or actions that need to know where the server is. The form will not be loaded from this url and the submission will not be saved here either. Use this in connection with form .
form object Instead of loading a form from the src url, you can preload the form definition and pass it in with the form prop. You should also set url if you are using any advanced components like file upload or oauth.
submission object Submission data to fill the form. You can either load a previous submission or create a submission with some pre-filled data. If you do not provide a submissions the form will initialize an empty submission using default values from the form.
options object An options object that can pass options to the formio.js Form that is rendered. You can set options such as readOnly, noAlerts or hide. There are many options to be found in the formio.js library.

Event Props

You can respond to various events in the form. Simply pass in a prop with a function for one of these events.

Name Parameters Description
onSubmit submission: object When the submit button is pressed and the submission has started. If src is not provided, this will be the final submit event.
onSubmitDone submission: object When the submission has successfully been made to the server. This will only fire if src is set.
onChange submission: object, submission.changed: object of what changed, submission.isValid: boolean - if the submission passes validations. A value in the submission has changed.
onError errors: array or string or boolean Called when an error occurs during submission such as a validation issue.
onRender Triggers when the form is finished rendering.
onCustomEvent { type: string - event type, component: object - triggering component, data: object - data for component, event: string - raw event } Event that is triggered from a button configured with "Event" type.
onPrevPage { page: integer - new page number, submission: object - submission data } Triggered for wizards when "Previous" button is pressed.
onNextPage { page: integer - new page number, submission: object - submission data } Triggered for wizards when "Next" button is pressed.
formReady formInstance: Webform/Wizard - form class instance Called when the form gets ready state.


Give Form a src property and render:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Form } from '@formio/react';
	<Form src="" onSubmit={console.log} />,


The FormBuilder class can be used to embed a form builder directly in your react application. Please note that you'll need to include the CSS for the form builder from formio.js as well.

import { FormBuilder } from '@formio/react';

Without Components:

<FormBuilder form={[]} />

With Components:

		display: 'form',
		components: [
				label: 'Email',
				tableView: true,
				key: 'email',
				type: 'email',
				input: true,
				label: 'Password',
				tableView: false,
				key: 'password',
				type: 'password',
				input: true,
				protected: true,

Please note that the FormBuilder component does not load and save from/to a url. You must handle the form definition loading and saving yourself or use the FormEdit component.


Name Type Default Description
form object This is the form definition object. It should at least have a display property set to form, wizard or pdf.
options object an options object that can pass options to the formio.js Form that is rendered. There are many options to be found in the formio.js library.

Event Props

Name Parameters Description
onChange schema: object Triggered any time the form definition changes.
onEditComponent component: object Triggered when the component settings dialog is opened.
onSaveComponent component: object Triggered when the component settings dialog is saved and closed.
onCancelComponent component: object Triggered when the component settings dialog is cancelled.
onDeleteComponent component: object Triggered when a component is removed from the form.
onUpdateComponent component: object Triggered when a component is added or moved in the form.


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FormBuilder } from '@formio/react';
		form={{ display: 'form' }}
		onChange={(schema) => console.log(schema)}


The Errors component can be used to print out errors that can be generated within an application. It can handle many types of errors that are generated by the actions.


Name Type Default Description
errors any null If null is passed, the component is not rendered. Otherwise it will render the errors. There are various formats (including an array of errors) that can be passed in.
type string 'danger' The bootstrap alert type to render the container.

Event Props



The FormEdit component wraps the FormBuilder component and adds the title, display, name and path fields at the top along with a save button.


Name Type Default Description
form object {display: 'form' | 'wizard'} The form definition of the exiting form that is to be modified.
options object {} The options to be passed to FormBuilder.
saveText string '' The string that will be displayed in the save-button.

Event Props

Name Parameters Description
saveForm form Called when the save button is pressed. Will pass the form definition to the callback.


The FormGrid component can be used to render a list of forms with buttons to edit, view, delete, etc on each row.


Name Type Default Description
forms array of forms [] A list of forms to be rendered in the grid.
perms object {view: true, edit: true, data: true, delete: true} Whether or not to display buttons on the grid.
query object {} A query filter for passing to getForms when fetching forms.
getForms function () => {} A function to trigger getting a new set of forms. Should accept the page number and filter query object as parameters.

Event Props

Name Parameters Description
onAction form: object, action: string Called when the user clicks on a button on a row of the form.


The submisison grid will render a list of submissions and allow clicking on one row to select it.


Name Type Default Description
submissions array of submissions [] A list of submissions to be rendered in the grid.
query object {} A query filter for passing to getForms when fetching submissions.
form object {} The form definition for the submissions. This is used to render the submissions.
getSubmissions function () => {} A function to trigger getting a new set of submissions. Should accept the page number and filter query object as parameters.

Event Props

Name Parameters Description
onAction submission: object, action: string Called when the user clicks on a button on a row of the submission.


Modules contain Redux actions, reducers, constants and selectors to simplify the API requests made for forms. Reducers, actions and selectors all have names. This provides namespaces so the same actions and reducers can be re-used within the same redux state.


The root module is the container for things shared by other modules such as the selectRoot selector.


Name Parameters Description
selectRoot name: string, state: object Returns the state for a namespace.
selectError name: string, state: object Returns any errors for a namespace.
selectIsActive name: string, state: object Returns isActive state for a namespace.


The auth module is designed to make it easier to login, register and authenticate users within react using the login system.


Name Parameters Description
auth config: object Mounts the user and access information to the state tree. Config is not currently used but is a placeholder to make it consistent to the other reducers.


Name Parameters Description
initAuth This is usually used at the start of an app code. It will check the localStorage for an existing user token and if found, log them in and fetch the needed information about the user.
setUser user: object When a user logs in, this will set the user and fetch the access information for that user. The user object is usually a submission from the login or register form.
logout This action will reset everything to the default state, including removing any localStorage information.


The form module is for interacting with a single form.


Name Parameters Description
form config: object Mounts the form to the state tree. The config object should contain a name property defining a unique name for the redux state.


Name Parameters Description
getForm name: string, id: string, done: function Fetch a form from the server. If no id is provided, the name is used as the path. The done callback will be called when the action is complete. The first parameter is any errors and the second is the form definition.
saveForm name: string, form: object, done: function Save a form to the server. It will use the _id property on the form to save it if it exists. Otherwise it will create a new form. The done callback will be called when the action is complete. The first parameter is any errors and the second is the form definition.
deleteForm name: string, id: string, done: function Delete the form on the server with the id.
resetForm Reset this reducer back to its initial state. This is automatically called after delete but can be called other times as well.


Name Parameters Description
selectForm name: string, state: object Select the form definition from the state.


The forms module handles multiple forms like a list of forms.


Name Parameters Description
forms config: object Mounts the forms to the state tree. The config object should contain a name property defining a unique name for the redux state. The config object can also contain a query property which is added to all requests for forms. For example: {tags: 'common'} would limit the lists of forms to only forms tagged with 'common'.


Name Parameters Description
getForms name: string, page: integer, params: object Fetch a list of forms from the server. params is a query object to filter the forms.
resetForms Reset this reducer back to its initial state. This is automatically called after delete but can be called other times as well.


Name Parameters Description
selectForms name: string, state: object Select the list of forms from the state.


The submission module is for interacting with a single submission.


Name Parameters Description
submission config: object Mounts the submission to the state tree. The config object should contain a name property defining a unique name for the redux state.


Name Parameters Description
getSubmission name: string, id: string, formId: string, done: function Fetch a submission from the server. The done callback will be called when the action is complete. The first parameter is any errors and the second is the submission.
saveSubmission name: string, submission: object, formId: string, done: function Save a submission to the server. It will use the _id property on the submission to save it if it exists. Otherwise it will create a new submission. The done callback will be called when the action is complete. The first parameter is any errors and the second is the submission.
deleteSubmission name: string, id: string, formId: string, done: function Delete the submission on the server with the id.
resetSubmission Reset this reducer back to its initial state. This is automatically called after delete but can be called other times as well.


Name Parameters Description
selectSubmission name: string, state: object Select the submission data from the state.


The submissions module handles multiple submissions within a form, like for a list of submissions.


Name Parameters Description
submissions config: object Mounts the submissions to the state tree. The config object should contain a name property defining a unique name for the redux state.


Name Parameters Description
getSubmissions name: string, page: integer, params: object, formId: string Fetch a list of submissions from the server. params is a query object to filter the submissions.
resetSubmissions Reset this reducer back to its initial state. This is automatically called after delete but can be called other times as well.


Name Parameters Description
selectSubmissions name: string, state: object Select the list of submissions from the state.


Released under the MIT License.

react's People


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react's Issues

Address component don't call google maps api

Hi guys!

I am doing some tests with formio libraries. So far I was able to encapsulate the ngFormBuilder inside a react component for a react application and I am using react-formio to render the forms from the json schemas.

I noticed that the address component is not making calls to the google maps api. It is working on ngFormio though... I Download both of the examples and ran then locally.

I also noticed that the doSearch method inside the address component is responsible for the api call but it is not being called anywhere as it can be seen here:


Will this feature be implemented anytime soon? Would it be ok to submit a pull request?


custom action url setted in the client

Hi, right now we are exploring the possibility to add into our app, but we need to set the form endpoint dynamically (based on some id) within out client side application, and we were wondering if it is posible set the form endpoint or action in the client side app using this library?

Select Component - Cannot update during an existing state transition

A Select component using CUSTOM data + RefreshOn Anychange (data) fails with error

setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within `render` or another component's constructor). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to `componentWillMount`.

Reproduction : Using an existing form

  1. Create Select component
  2. Set Data source of Select component as Custom.
  3. Fill data source with values=[{ label: '1', name:'one'}]
  4. Refresh React page that points to the said form and type anything on the form.

Form initial data

Hello, is there a way to initialize a form with a JSON data object?
I would like to do something like this:
<Form form={schema} data={initialData} />

Thanks in advance,


input-group on wrapping every component

I'm having this issue where every component in the form is getting the input-group class, and that class is just for elements with prefix or sufix (or both), and when using bootstrap, the style is messed up.

Error installing react-formio

I am giving this command npm install react-formio but I get this warning and the form is not able to render

Critical dependencies:
1:479-486 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results.
@ ./
/react-formio/dist/build/Formio.js 1:479-486

onFormLoad event does not work


The "onFormLoad" event is not firing. Here is how i use the "Formio" react component:

<Formio submission={this.state.entityDetailViewModel.get('entityObject').toJSON()} form={JSON.parse(this.state.entityDetailViewModel.get('form'))} onFormSubmit={this.onFormSubmit} />

Children with the same key bug

Hi, i'm using this library but i'm getting this error describe above
captura de pantalla 2016-06-30 a las 5 07 47 p m
captura de pantalla 2016-07-01 a las 9 12 56 a m

this is the JSON that is generating:

   "title":"Register Pacient Form",
         "content":"Pacient Registration Form",
                           "placeholder":"Today's Date",
                           "label":"Today's Date",

               "placeholder":"Patient Name",
               "label":"Patient Name",
                           "placeholder":"Social Security Number",
                           "label":"Social Security Number",
                                       "placeholder":"Date of Birth",
                                       "label":"Date of Birth",
                                       "label":"Apartment Number",
                                       "placeholder":"Apartment Number",

         "legend":"Patient's basic information",
         "customClass":"button button--default",









react-widgets styles

Hey, one last thing (Hopefully), how do i add the styles for the react widgets components, is there an easy way, what would be the steps there?

Issue with reduxRouter

I was attempting to compile with browserify a run this on the client side. The compilation goes fine, but when I attempt to render the component I get this error:

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactRouter.propTypes.routerContext')
    (anonymous function) (application.js:100423)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:18648)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:18668)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:17687)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:18013)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:17633)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:1:307)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:11)
    (anonymous function) (application.js:46)
    s (application.js:1:259)
    e (application.js:1:427)
    Global Code (application.js:1:444)

Dynamic form creation

I want to build a quiz-maker app in which users create dynamic forms instead of developers.

Is this feasible using formio?

_this2.builder.destroy() is not a function

I use FormBuilder, as:

render() {
      return (
        <div id="content" className="app-content" role="main">
          <div className="wrapper-md">
              form={{ display: 'form' }}
              onChange={(schema) => this.onChangeFormBuilder(schema)}

When I move to another component, it has error:

screen shot 2018-05-18 at 10 48 13 am

How can I fixed it ?

Please guide me how to implement this on my react project


Can you please guide me how to implement this on my react project, I'm confused as its mentioned only few lines to get a formbuilder, but i need to customize the whole components inside project and react-app-starterkit isn't working as its trowing module not found error.

Thanks in Advance

Server side rendering

When trying to import react-formio:
import Formio from 'react-formio';

following error occures:

ReferenceError: self is not defined
at C:\Users\kala\workspace\react_fullstack\node_modules\formiojs\node_modules\whatwg-fetch\fetch.js:4:7
at Object. (C:\Users\kala\workspace\react_fullstack\node_modules\formiojs\node_modules\whatwg-fetch\fetch.js:330:3)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
at Object. (C:\Users\kala\workspace\react_fullstack\node_modules\formiojs\src\formio.js:9:1)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
at Object. (C:\Users\kala\workspace\react_fullstack\node_modules\react-formio\lib\Formio.js:4:16)

React and webpack warnings

hi, i'm working with this library in a webpack application, but i'm getting these warnings:

Warning: React.__spread is deprecated and should not be used. Use Object.assign directly or another helper function with similar semantics. You may be seeing this warning due to your compiler. See for more details.

also i'm getting this in webpack:

WARNING in ./~/react-formio/dist/Formio.js
Critical dependencies: This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results.
@ ./~/react-formio/dist/Formio.js 343:501-508

Al so, when using a date component in, the react component associated with the date component does not have any styles.

Survey component has a bug

Survey component is allowing you to mark many options on the same row.


It is currently trying to access a property from a variable that should be an object though it is actually a string...

This was tested on the project.

Is this bug known? Is this fix on the roadmap? I might be of some help, maybe even submit a Pull Request.

Does not support React 16

Expected result
component Formio for react should run fine on react 16

Actual result
Formio relies on createClass not present in react 16, impossible to embed the forms generated in a new React 16 app.

onElementRender incorrect documentation

Looks like the onElementRender callback takes two parameters: the Form.IO instance and the element. Also, the documentation should state that the onElementRender handler must return the element to render (if it does not return anything, the form does not render).

Tab support ??

Goo days, there wiil be a support of tabs ??
The modules are very functional, but has no support of Tabs, it hard to use form builder with no tabs in every version react,ng2, and angularjs

Multiple forms?

I have problems integrating multiple forms on one page. I have different

s, 2 of them fetch the same source. I do not submit the form, because data should not leave the browser but be processed locally inside the browser. The code looks something like this:

<Form key={somekey1}
                  onChange={(s) => this.onChange(s,'mainform')} />

<Form key={somekey2}
                  onChange={(s) => this.onChange(s,'addform1')} />

<Form key={somekey3}
                  onChange={(s) => this.onChange(s,'addform2')} />

Are multiple forms on the same page supported anyway?


Unable to convert form io language


I am trying to change one language to another language using option field in the Form io with particular data. onclicking the button am trying to change hindi language to malayalam. But Formio component is not rendering

Problem : Unable to change the language.

Node version : v10.3.0
Npm : 6.1.0
Form io : 1.17.1

import * as axios from "axios";
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Form } from "react-formio";
import { routes } from "../urls";

class MyForm extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      form: undefined,
      admin: true,
      opts: {
        readOnly: false,
        language: "fr",
        i18n: {
          en: {
            Email: "ईमेल",
            Number: "संख्या",
            Submit: "जमा करें"
          fr: {
            Email: "ഇമെയിൽ",
            Number: "സംഖ്യ",
            Submit: "Submit"
    this.handleSubmitFunction = this.handleSubmitFunction.bind(this);
    this.convertLanguage = this.convertLanguage.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {
    let components = {
      components: [
          unique: false,
          suffix: "",
          conditional: {
            show: "",
            when: null,
            eq: ""
          hidden: false,
          clearOnHide: true,
          defaultValue: "",
          tableView: true,
          label: "Email",
          protected: false,
          placeholder: "",
          properties: {
            "": ""
          kickbox: {
            enabled: false
          type: "email",
          hideLabel: false,
          prefix: "",
          tags: ["admin"],
          input: true,
          persistent: true,
          inputType: "email",
          key: "email",
          labelPosition: "top"
          suffix: "",
          properties: {
            "": ""
          hidden: false,
          lockKey: true,
          clearOnHide: true,
          defaultValue: "",
          validate: {
            step: "any",
            integer: "",
            multiple: "",
            required: false,
            max: "",
            min: "",
            custom: ""
          tableView: true,
          label: "Number",
          protected: false,
          placeholder: "",
          conditional: {
            show: "",
            when: null,
            eq: ""
          type: "number",
          hideLabel: false,
          prefix: "",
          tags: ["print", "admin"],
          input: true,
          persistent: true,
          inputType: "number",
          key: "number",
          labelPosition: "top"
          type: "button",
          label: "submit",
          action: "submit",
          theme: "primary"
    this.setState({ form: components });

  convertLanguage(e) {
    var form = { ...this.state.form };
    form.language = "en";

    var opts = { ...this.state.opts };
    opts.language = "en";
    this.setState({ form });

  render() {
      return (
export default MyFrom;

Edge delete globalObject[safeGlobalName]; issue

Hey, I'm hoping someone is about to help me on an issue i'm seeing in microsoft edge.

I included formio react and setup a form and it works a treat everywhere except edge (even IE11)

This issue is causing the client site to render a white page with no errors in the console. However the below is what the dev environment gives me.


I would really appreciate a quick response if at all possible


FormBuilder is reset when change state ?

Example, I have code:

class CreateForm extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
        components:  {},
        name:  '',

render () {
   return (
        <FormBuilder onChangeFormBuilder={this.onChangeFormBuilder} />

Anytime 'name' or 'components' was changed, FormBuilder is reset

File Upload Problem


Im using the localhost react-formio mode and i want to use the file upload on my form to upload pictures to localhost wisdom db.
So when i use the the interface of formio to add a picture,it works without problem,but when i try to use it on my react project the form does not appear and i got this error on my browser console:
capture d ecran 2016-01-26 a 13 11 23

Sorry for my bad english.

Grid Component for Form.IO React?

Does the React implementation support/provide a Grid component to view submisions the way that the AngularJS implementation does?

If so is there an example of how to specify/use this Grid component?

Select refreshOn not working

Hi, it seems like the refreshOn only works once.
I have a dropdown that loads from a URL and I have it set up with refreshOn to refresh when another dropdown changes.
This only happens once, when I change the second dropdown a second time it doesn't refresh anymore.

Any thoughts? maybe I'm missing a setting or something to refresh multiple times instead of one?

Thanks in advance,


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'routerContext' of undefined

Hi :) ,

I got that error when I installed react-formio:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'routerContext' of undefined"
The error is in webpack:///./~/redux-view/lib/ReduxView.js

My package.json dependencies are:
"dependencies": {
"react": "^15.3.2",
"react-dom": "^15.3.2",
"react-formio": "^0.10.11",
"react-redux": "^4.4.5",
"react-router": "^2.8.1",
"react-router-redux": "^4.0.6",
"redux": "^3.6.0"

And node version is v6.4.0


FormBuilder - Text area not working

Created an empty project using create-react-app, and added FormBuilder. Dragging Text Area throws this error:

utils.js:138 An error occured within custom function for wysiwyg TypeError: instance.wysiwygDefault is not a function

Sample code:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {FormBuilder} from 'react-formio';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
			form={{ display: 'form' }} 

export default App;

Changes in #92 took no effect

Hello again! Thx for replying to #93 and merging #92.
Unfortunately these changes took no effect because PR was merged after new lodash imports were created in code:(
i've prepared new PR #95 to fix this again.
I've also tried to add some linting rules like, to automatically prevent creating such imports in the future. But it looks like that eslint currently in broken state:( And it is not a part of the project build

Adapting to the latest version of react


I’m using for a project at work, and my team and I would like to keep using as well as being able to upgrade our react version.

I’m currently working on a POC to see what changes are necessary to make compatible. I’ll send a pull request as soon as I have something stable!

I didn't see any similar, ongoing projects, but please let me know if someone's currently working on the same subject. Thanks!

How to run whole project instead of single form.

ReactDOM.render(<Formio src=""></Formio> , document.getElementById('app') );

This only renders a single form.
Is there a way to redirect/navigate from one form to another in a react app?

Unresolved promises may be related to form not updating

We are seeing warnings from bluebird about: "a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it". We dove into the formio code a bit and it looks like the chained then() are missing returns in some cases possibly (createForm may be the main culprit, setSubmission). Then back up in react-formio, returning formio from the createForm then() before initializeFormio adds an additional then() seemed to remove the last warning. We are not familiar with the code obviously though.

The main issue though is that when we initially set the form through the form prop on the Formio component, it shows fine, but then if we assign a new form it doesn't show the updated form. If we assign a another new (3rd) form then the 2nd form shows up. Its like it ends up 1 form behind. We suspect this is related to the unresolved promises but not sure.

"Attempting to select choice already selected" in console when using Formio component

The project I'm working on is experiencing this warning. It doesn't seem to cause any actual problem except clogging up the console with warnings that don't contribute any useful information.


  • A select field with a default value

This could potentially be a problem in formio.js.

If I am understanding correctly, rendering this Formio component results in a call to createForm inside of formio.js's formio.form.js. This code looks like the following:

  createForm(form) {
     * {@link BaseComponent.component}
    if (this.component) {
      this.component.components = form.components;
    else {
      this.component = form;
    return this.onFormBuild = this.render().then(() => {
      this.onFormBuild = null;
      (err) => this.formReadyReject(err)
      (err) => this.formReadyReject(err)

I think this.render() indirectly results in a call to setValue on the Select which is fine the first time since no value is selected yet. However in the callback for render there is also a call to this.setSubmission(this._submission) which also indirectly results in a call to setValue which is trying to set the selected value to something that was already selected when rendering which results in this warning showing up.

Any suggestions what the cleanest way to fix this could be? Is there anything else I should be checking?

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve, Please help me with this

formiojs v2.32.3, react-formio v2.1.1, node v8.11.4 and npm 5.6.0

Im getting following error when I execute npm run serve

ERROR in .//react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers/Login.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../components/Formio' in '/Users/activemac05/Desktop/main-project/react-app-starterkit/node_modules/react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers'
@ ./
/react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers/Login.js 11:14-51
@ .//react-formio/lib/modules/auth/routes.js
@ ./
@ ./src/app/auth/index.js
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client ./src/index

ERROR in .//react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers/Register.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../components/Formio' in '/Users/activemac05/Desktop/main-project/react-app-starterkit/node_modules/react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers'
@ ./
/react-formio/lib/modules/auth/containers/Register.js 11:14-51
@ .//react-formio/lib/modules/auth/routes.js
@ ./
@ ./src/app/auth/index.js
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client ./src/index

ERROR in .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/Edit.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../components/Formio' in '/Users/activemac05/Desktop/main-project/react-app-starterkit/node_modules/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers'
@ ./
/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/Edit.js 11:14-51
@ .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/routes.js
@ ./
@ ./src/app/resources/activity/index.js
@ ./src/app/resources/index.js
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client ./src/index

ERROR in .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/View.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../components/Formio' in '/Users/activemac05/Desktop/main-project/react-app-starterkit/node_modules/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers'
@ ./
/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/View.js 11:14-51
@ .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/routes.js
@ ./
@ ./src/app/resources/activity/index.js
@ ./src/app/resources/index.js
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client ./src/index

ERROR in .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/Create.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../components/Formio' in '/Users/activemac05/Desktop/main-project/react-app-starterkit/node_modules/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers'
@ ./
/react-formio/lib/modules/resource/containers/Create.js 11:14-51
@ .//react-formio/lib/modules/resource/routes.js
@ ./
@ ./src/app/resources/activity/index.js
@ ./src/app/resources/index.js
@ ./src/index.js
@ multi webpack/hot/dev-server webpack-hot-middleware/client ./src/index

Server side code fails with window undefined

When running the server side fails with following:

window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {

ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/formiojs/build/formio.pdf.js:182:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/formiojs/build/formio.full.js:11:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)

Select Components - Enable credentials on URL Option

Awesome jobs folks, I think it has a lot of potential as an enterprise tool.

The select component values can be retrieved from a URL, but credentials are not sent during the request and if the values are behind some authentication it fails.

Is it possible to enable a "Credentials" checkmark at the form/component level to enable the 'credentials' flag on the request?

Further in the future maybe an Authentication option to specify more properties.


Wizard Support?

How can I render a "wizard" with the React library? Thanks.

TypeError: _react2.default.createClass is not a function


22 |
23 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
24 |

25 | module.exports = _react2.default.createClass({
26 | displayName: 'Address',
27 | mixins: [_valueMixin2.default, _selectMixin2.default, _componentMixin2.default],
28 | getTextField: function getTextField() {

FormBuilder onChange stops triggering after 4 calls

Created an empty project using create-react-app, and added FormBuilder with a simple console.log event for schema changes. After 4 changes, the event stops triggering.
Sample code:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {FormBuilder} from 'react-formio';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
			form={{ display: 'form' }} 
			onChange={(schema) => console.log(schema)} />

export default App;

Missing dependencies

Build fails, these dependencies are seem to be missing:

"react-widgets" and "formiojs"

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