Giter Club home page Giter Club logo's Introduction



  • Version 2.10.x


The project

Minimal Requirements

Hard- and Software (TODO: Windows, Linux requirements):

  • Apple Intel-based Mac, OSX 10.5.8, 1 GB RAM, 128 Mb VRAM
  • Windows XP, Vista
  • Linux Debian/Ubuntu, tested also for Fedora/Gentoo

Development requirements:


From source

cd src/ qmake make


FGX is a qt-based c++ launcher for FlightGear. There is more than one launcher around for FlightGear like FGrun or others, intention for FGX was mainly to have fast and small launcher for OSX, starting the real and only free and Open Source Flight Simulator FlightGear within 5 seconds (also development versions and nightly builds). Since it makes no sense to have such a launcher only for one platform using qt, it became cross-platform and could be used also with Debian and Win.

The FGX project was started early 2011 by Yves Sablonier in Swiss Mountains, peering to another project started once by Pedro. Bright Pedro in Wales (there are mountains too) was enough of a git to go and check it out, then code a load of patches to its current state and do all needed changes, to get more stable code. Yves Sablonier tried to step down, but Pedro still needs him for issue tracking, polish, to get a good logo, and maybe once for good manuals and documentation. So Yves Sablonier did not step down, but he is always one step behind ...

June 2011 Geoff McLane joined the project and started to extend debugging and logging tools and created a non-database fallback for the xml parsing of aircraft and airport data. In general he brings a lot more style to the code everywhere. He writes proper and important helpers for FGx, like zlib integration or log utilities.


All the code is under GPLv2 or later. LICENSE.txt and README.txt have to be included with every distribution. Please don't bootleg, make loads of copies and flog them around. Do what you want and what GPL allows you. The logo FGx logo is trademarked and patented under the creative commons and owned by Yves Sablonier, Zurich (unfortunately GPL does not cover free and open source artwork, that's why Yves choose CC, until someone explains him how to protect free artwork under GPL).


  • Yves Sablonier (CH), flightgear [at] sablonier dot ch
    • Project Lead, Code Facility Services, GUI Design and Features
  • Pete Morgan (UK) pete [at] freeflightsim dot org
    • Coding lead, Developer and Programmer, Application Design
  • Geoff McLane (F) ubuntu [at]
    • Senior Developer, Analyst, Reviewer, Engineer and Programmer

Some included code in FGx comes from other GPL sources, like zlib from Jean-Loup Gailly/Mark Adler. We try to pay attribution everywhere, you will find such notes directly in the source files or documentation.

Other Notices

FlightGear is a free and open source Flight Simulator, available under GPLv2 or later here: < or here:> Qt Open Source Edition is under Qt GNU GPL v. 3.0 Version


First I send my BIG THANKS to Pete, who decided to contribute and who is responsible that FGx improves fast since early 2011. Second my thanks goes to Geoff McLane who brings a lot more style into the code with his analyses, proposals and new code.

And third thanks goes to ALL the FlightGear developers and associated projects. Without all this developers, programmers and users it would never be possible to have a cool, free, open source Flight Simulator available. Special thanks from Yves goes to Martin Spott, James Turner and Frederic Bouvier.

(Beware of FlightGear versions where you have to pay for, original FlightGear is FREE, has a huge community, a living forum and wiki. We guess you will never get a better version than the original.)


Please start with reading section WARRANTY of GPLv2 or later licence you get with this software.

FGx Links

Source, main Git Repository:

Issue tracker, tasks:

(Closed) Developer Group:

Personal Developer Sites:

FlightGear Links

FlightGear Wiki Central:

FlightGear Source, Development Site:

FlightGear Forum (User and Development Forums):'s People


geoffmcl avatar theo-armour avatar


 avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

2016-07-01 ~ Get Elevations Update Plane, VNLK R1



๐Ÿ”— Get Elevations Update Plane

  • WIP - allows you to verify elevations files
  • Reads text file of elevations.
  • Updates plane vertices
<iframe src= width=100% height=500px ></iframe>

See also VNLK R1

  • Almost but not quite there
  • Notice the rivers running on the sides of mountains
  • Appears to be about half a tile off

Built using Google Maps API Elevations for Tiles

  • The main workhorse
  • In process of becoming increasingly automated and easier to use
  • May be used for a wide variety of applications

Update ~ 2016-04-25 ~ FlightPath R8


A gentle move forward. But the whole effect is beginning to take shape nicely.

Coming up next: a code cleanup and more control over camera placement


FGx FlightPath


  • Loads and displays a 3D model of a Cessna C172P
  • Reads 3D terrain data from a file and displays a 3D mesh
  • Requests a Google map static bitmap and displays the result as a texture on the mesh
  • Reads flightpath data from a CSV file
  • Draws a red 3D flightpath from the data
  • Simulates the motion of an aircraft following the path
  • Buttons allow toggling between camera following aircraft and world camera
  • Supports the normal Three.js rotate, zoom and pan features


  • Flightmap scaling and positioning is still by eye

Change Log


  • FGx FlightPath R8 361 lines of code
  • Loads and displays Cessna C172P data from Three.js JSON file
  • Aircraft follows flight path continuously
  • Simple camera follow / camera world toggle - with buttons
  • Camera helper is displayed
  • Ground can be displayed as wireframe

Adding a new FlightPath

New Flightpaths

This addresses #22, a little...

This is a great demonstration of rendering a flight track in 3D... thank you Theo... it is beautiful...

I now have two more interesting flightpaths to add, VNLK and VHSK, and only ask what files you need added to do this...

At this point I have recorded the FGFS flights in csv, which has many, many values, but 3 of which can be easily extracted - namely lat, lon, alt - which can be presented in any form possible... What do you need? What is the best?

One of the many values included is the exact model orientation... roll, pitch, ... at present this seems calculate for track turns, descending, ascending... but these model values are included in the raw recorded csv file... not yet used...

In examining the last FGx FlightPath R13, it is near perfect... really thanks... it is like a real time video of a sim flight... that is the aim...

So I guess I seek the API to add other flights... some simple menu selection... to switch flightpath viewed...

Minor Feature Requests:

  1. The model be at least 75% smaller... the wing of the model must not cut through moutains it flies near...
  2. Auto-rotate defaults OFF. There is enough visual stimulus, without adding more...

But even without those requests, what should I upload to add these two new exciting, mountainous, FlightPaths?

Encoded binary paths anyone?



These scripts load a CSV file with 800+ points - but only display a simple rectangle to indicate min and max latitude and longitude

The reason is that the GooGle Maps API supports URS up to 2048 characters - which is not enough to contain all the points.

But it would be nice to show the full path detail. And this may be doable by encoding the paths


What do you think? Is this something you could take a look at?

Move to freeFlightSim?


Two Questions:

  1. Should I create a GitHub Pages repo and copy the relevant FGx files over to there - and then continue my current efforts there?
  2. Can we use the FGx pilots cap logo over there as well?

Update ~ 2016-04-28 ~ jsZip Test R1



My guess is that files being sent out by GitHub are automatically gzipped.

What this test seems to be saying is that the fastest thing i to do nothing and just let the server/browser take care of things.

It also shows that the slow start to FlightPath has little to do with downloading the elevations file.

We will have to look elsewhere for the causes...

jsZip Test R1


  • Opens, reads and displays text files
  • Saves opened to to a zip file
  • Opens zip file using file dialog, unzips and displays text
  • Opens zip file from an URL and displays results and times
  • Opens text file from an URL and displays results and times


Loading text file directly looks like being faster than downloading and unzipping - even on first run.
Once data is in cache, text dominates overwhelmingly.

Use of issues, and tag, releases

@theo-armour, wow, what an interesting use of issues ;=))

So what are you doing... each improvement, addition, change, ... the final html is a new issue?

And with that new version, a new 2D image added... lots to follow...

No problem... so this is an issue, what is an issue here?

Outstanding issues, that I see -

  • real data - delayed, waiting cfm of circuit to use... can not guess this...
  • transform that data, where each wpt is dist from last, to set exact speed of model...
  • default mode, the model does some odd twists on turns, maybe need roll change...
  • Camera Follow mode is close to perfect ;=)) thanks for R5...
  • Camera angle should be 360 degrees, going around the ac
  • Camera World seems to be a wing-man, holding off to the left, hmmmm?
  • If Camera World is a true wing-man, the camera switches to his/her view.
  • add 3D DEM terrain - getting sick of green squares...
  • add 3D POI, in this case, like castle, and freeway intersection, visual turn clues
  • and more to make this a real sim PPL circuit view...

If you add a tag, like $ git tag R5, and $ git push --tags, that forever records that moment in git history, and allow a git users to, at any time, recover that version... review it... set up to run it... etc...

So my idea, in git at least, is that there is absolutely no necessity to create a new html file name, folders, for the latest... just roll on modifying the last... and push, maybe add comment...

But that is all stupid style... I also have no problem with a new link that points to new R???, or a link to point to that...

This has progressed massively... thanks Theo for your web 3D perspective...

If you want to view the real thing, then found this video, Tecnam P96. Is a runway 35, left, 500 foot circuit, and shows the importance of visual, on ground, clues, and all-around-vision... note frequent left-right quick looks, for orientation..

Onwards, to the better... ;=)) in what ever forum style...

2016-06-28 ~ Flightpath2 R1




Started fresh from scratch so new name: Flightpath2

3D view should be folded into Flightpath2 very soon.

Getting the map - in tile map projection - to scale correctly to the flight path looks like it's going to be a really tricky problem

FGx FlightPath2

Change Log

2016-06-28 ~ R2

  • Rename to Flightpath2
  • Add GitHUB API get file names
  • Add multiple tile map
  • Add select map type
  • Add menu info items

2016-06-28 ~ R1

Update ~ 2016-05-05 ~ FlightPath R13



The release increase the density of the ground mesh from 512x512 to 1024.

The increase in mesh resolution does not seem make a noticeable, visible difference in the rendering of the terrain. Probably, we were already at the the best resolution - which is about one data point ever 19 meters. Given that 1024x1024 is about as dense as we can go given current technology, it may be advantageous to use the extra vertices to cover a broader coverage of terrain. This possibility will be investigated in a future release.

FGx FlightPath R13

  • Increases number of vertices in ground mesh from 512x512 to 1024x1024
  • Reduces load time by going from PlaneGeometry to PlaneBufferGeometry

Is FGx Moribund? If so, what to do?

Part 1 of a response to #32

..., FGx is nearly dead:

And until, as discussed in The Future - Dream, to me there is nothing really to promote with this yet... it > is still a WIP... we need to offer a 3D flight playback service, or something...

It seems to me that FGx currently offers actually quite a bit:

  • Click on 'First Person Controller' to fly the aircraft

And now we have all the bits in


What we don't have are any strategies for collaboration and promotion. We've never figured out ways to build upon each others skills and knowledge.

Either we should consider turning off the lights at FGx or we have to start building up some discussion and strategies for making FGx useful.

This is absolutely perfect for the first time user - a quick overview, 1-by-1, just by scrolling - certainly beats the menu approach
But par contra is absolutely bad for the repeat user, who I am sure would like the simpler verbal only menu approach, that loads instantly, simply as a quick link to some sub-project you are following...

You did not look very closely at:

I would embed an image but I said I wouldn't. ;-)

In the top right hand corner there is a text menu under the heading of 'Contents' that enable you to jump directly to any and all of the scripts. This menu was expressly designed to give the repeat user quick access.

The interesting question here though is why would there be any repeat users? Once you've seen all the scripts, why do you need to return? How can you tell if there is anything new or of any interest?

The other dilemma is that pages like these take a long time to build.

I think if we are to attract visitors we need a home page that has

  • 3D graphics you can interact with
  • Quick access to the latest happenings
  • And a menu system that brings the good stuff to you

So I think using the GitHub API to grab data on users and orgs at run time is an interesting route to follow as in this WIP:

I am still thinking about how to embed iframes with 3D as part of this.

But the main thing is finding ways informing visitors about WIP without users actually having to do anything.

So part of the answer to the first part of this message is:

The code you are having fun writing should auto-magically do the marketing and promoting for you.

Am I being understandable here?


Elevation data for FGx Flight Paths

Update 2016-07-12

New Link

Get Elevations


This message is in reply to your FGx Google Groups message

This is if nothing else because GitHub issues allows you to paste in screen grabs - and it uses Markdown, which I am getting to like.

Compare and contrast:

Screen capture using PNG USGS 1 Second Viewer 3D unFlatland R1 - centered on vicinity of San Francisco Bay Bridge on ramp


Screen capture using data obtained by Google Maps API Elevations for Tiles - with San Francisco Telegraph hill at top right

The two images above compare 3D plots created from USGS 1 second data and from current Google Maps API data.

The data for the former took hours to source, download, manipulate, commit and upload. The data for the latter was comparatively easy to acquire.

The results speak for themselves.

More in response to you email is the following. And is what I think can go in the read me:

Terrain elevation data is a complex topic with a voluminous pedigree. The FGx mission is to help access be faster, cheaper smarter

See also: Digital elevation model.

The bullet points include:

  • Supply elevation data for the entire globe
    • Including bathymetric (ocean) data
    • At the most accurate resolution currently available
    • Including data with accuracy of 60cm or less when available
    • Including data being averaged appropriately for every zoom level
      • Not picking random points and hoping the points are close to the average
      • Not using image-processing algorithms that may or may not generate correct interpolations
  • Make the elevation data accessible via a web browser connected to the internet
    • No downloading and saving. It just works
    • No translations necessary
    • No programs to install and run in order to complete the process
  • Your choice of data
    • Select any latitude and longitude
    • Select zoom level and number of tiles
    • Select number of samples per side
    • Take as much or as little data as needed
  • Eschew data updating and maintenance, file uploads, gargantuan data repos
    • No need to access multiple weird server setups to obtain data files
    • No need to check if data sources has been updated, moved or discontinued
    • No need to modify data, deal with big/little-endian issues, shift byte size or whatever
  • Data is available from source and goes straight to user
    • No need for 'middleware' data stores
    • No need for shared data repositories
    • No hassling with git add, commit and push for data files
    • No dealing with GitHub usage rate limits, repo size limits and file limits
  • Coding skills needed are beginner level
    • All algorithms very basic JavaScript
    • Relevant code is a few hundred lines
    • May be assimilated by a new user in less than and hour
    • Fork or download the HTML file and it just runs
      • No jQuery, Node or any other dependencies apart from Google Maps API

I would be pleased to hear what bits are unclear or too much of a jump here.

So the DEM data we have already - as you point out - is cool. But the 1 second data is only available for a tiny portion of the globe and is above sea level only.The 3 second data is available for the globe but sucks for rendering areas smaller than a 100x100 or so kilometers.

We need more, newer and better.

Google Maps API Elevations for Tiles

Click on 'Get Elevations'

Explaining what's happening is as important as making what's happening. Thank you for pushing for the rationale behind the actions.


Use of Images in GitHub Issues


In this message!topic/fgx-project/5-JRYBpakxY

Geoff: you raise a lot of interesting questions regarding the use of images in GitHub issues. All your points are valid and worth addressing.

Note: I won't be able to address all the points in one message. And none of the messages in this thread will have images. ;-)

From my point of view, FGx is nearly dead:

There's not much happening here. And nobody does any promoting of what's here elsewhere in FG circles.

It would be easy to do what I am doing elsewhere, but it is nice to have a focus om aspects of flying and access to Pete and Geoff's experience.

Also I kind of suck at doing promoting and blogging and the like.

So the idea came to me to use the things I normally do like writing to change logs, explaining things as a way of creating a marketing or promoting things without too much effort.

You can see some of the results here:

Theo Armour
Geoff McLane
Pedro Morgan

I am in the process of building a similar work for GitHub organizations. It would be great to build something like this for FGx

A different way of promoting what an organization is doing is available here;

Scroll down and you will see lots of use of 3D.

And this is the thing: If you want to get people interested in 3D and animation and interaction, then showing text is a turn off. For good things to happen there has to be a regular progression of fresh graphics.

I'm not saying what I'm doing is the right way. I'm just investigating ways of being able to code faster miles an hour and in the process create its own promotion.

I am loving GitHub issues because:

  • Pasting in images just work
  • Posts can be edited
  • Markdown is supported
  • Emailing is taken care of
  • and @ work

  • Emojis work
  • You can set up groups
  • It's so close to the code it's discussing - much closer than Google Groups
  • and much more

But enough for now. More tomorrow.

I may not be doing things right, but the intention is to get FGx flying again - and hopefully with an auto-pilot for doing the marketing.

And, using one of my favorite Geoff expressions,

Bye for now...


Update ~ 2016-04-19 ~ FGx FlightPath R6



FGx FlightPath R6

  • 256 lines of code
  • Reads <LEIG-L1500-cooked-01.csv> flight path data
    • Draws the 3D flightpath as a red line
  • Loads the C172P aircraft model
    • Creates playback from positions and rotations
  • Updates camera, target and axes to position of first point in flightpath


  • Geoff adds data, utilities and <> read me file


  • Camera Follow is mostly broken
  • Display of aircraft has issues because model scaled down too much
    • May need to consider scaling up the whole exercise

Update ~ 2016-04-17 ~ FGx FlightPath R5



Moving right along...

๐Ÿ”— FGx FlightPath

  • R5
  • Add 'Camera Follow' and 'Camera World' buttons and associated code
    • Satisfies wish list item: A follow view mode where the camera is out the front of the model
  • Add 'Camera Angle' button
    • Limited to horizontal motion only

Update ~ 2016-04-26 ~ FlightPath R9



Chase cameras have more 'fun' aspects/angles than we want them to have. ;-)

But anyway, some questions:

  • Is 'chase camera' a good term or does FlightGear call it something else
  • The chase camera angle sliders are titled 'latitude' and 'longitude. Again, does FlightGear have a better/different way of titling these angles?

FGx FlightPath R9

  • 386 lines of code
  • Rename camera follow to camera chase
  • Add camera chase latitude and longitude sliders
  • Add code to update camera position upon slider updates
  • Code to update camera rotation has many issues ;-(
  • Add Auto-rotate check box and code
  • Add Flying check box and code


  • Flightmap scaling and positioning is still by eye
  • Too long a wait before things start appearing on screen
  • Chase camera rotation has many gimbal lock / where is up? issues
    • Try changing to cylindrical view?

Update ~ 2016-04-21 ~ Request Google Elevation Service

Request for 30 x 30 sample


Request Google Elevation Service R1


  • The idea is to get the data once from Google Maps, save it and be able to display it ever after
  • Because data is from Google it is likely to be the latest and most accurate data that is readily available
  • Gathering the data can take a number of minutes, so still not feasible to gather data at run-time

To display data see: Read Elevations Update Plane R1


  • Work-in-progress. Still very hard-wired. Not flexible
  • Given min and max lat and long, requests data from Google Maps Elevation Service
  • Parses returned JSON
  • Displays the elevations found
    • Draws bar on screen
  • Allows you to save elevation data to file
  • Number of segments per side is a variable you can edit in the source code


  • Still working on the minimum delay between requests in order to comply with Google usage limits
  • Much to learn in general

Road Map

  • Identify the scale of the map
  • Indicate typical resolution of the data
    • Appears to be ~19 meters for the current map
  • Add settings for any latitude and longitude
    • As well as length and width of area to be covered
  • Get up to ~1024 sample points per path
    • Aim toward suppling data for 1024x1024 segments in a Three.js Plane - about the maximum that display at an OK FPS using current technology
  • Save to binary data

Update ~ 2016-04-20 ~ Flight Path to 2D Map Texture



This is one of several side trajectories needed to complete FGx FlightPath.

The interesting thing is that the Google Map APIs have been upgraded since we last had a look. Now a lot less work has to be done in order to display the desired map. Therefore it has taken quite a bit of work to figure out how much less work needs to be done.

There's another side trajectory today that was carried out over at Jaanga. The work product from that effort seems to be progressing well. With a bit of luck, that effort will come over here nicely and FGx will have some nice new 3D terrain capabilities.

The Jaanga effort is about capturing significant amounts of 3D elevation data from the Google Elevation API in near real time and being able to use that data to display 3D terrains. This would be a significant change from earlier efforts that are about creating static repositories on GitHub full of bitmaps.

Flight Path to 2D Map Texture


  • Given minimum and maximum latitude and longitude
    • Requests, receives. load and displays appropriate Google map
    • Draws polyline indicating latitudes and longitudes
    • Applies combined image to Three.js plane buffere geometry

Change Log


2016-07-10 ~ VNLK Flightpath R1



Now, can we get the terrain and the flight path in the right places and at the right scale

And we want to be able to zoom closer and not get all pixelated.

Here the interesting thing:

This script handles one flight path for one airport.

It may be a lot easier to build lots of individual scripts like this than to build a big script that handles many airports and many paths.

Full Screen: VNLK FlightPath

2016-07-10 ~ R1

  • First commit
  • Add Read Me

2016-07-26 ~ The effort continues

I'm still working on getting things back to the level of FGx FlightPath R13, but this time by algorithm rather than by eye. And, as you can see, it's taking time to do so,

There's been quite a bit of working on improving the elevations service. I would add links, but I'm also updating the menus. So I will wait until all the dust settles down before sharing

Another important aspect of the the project is all the different ways of handling the camera.

Here's a work in progress with four different methods of positioning the camera:

Update ~ 2016-07-12 ~ VNLK Flightpath R3



Nearly there. Still includes some of my idiosyncrasies.

Could be working more properly in next release

VNLK FlightPath

Change log 2016-07-12 ~ R3

  • Move all objects to their lat/lon and sizes in decimal.degrees ( ie 0.00001 range )
    • Replaces bringing everything to near the origin with sizes in the 1 to 100 range ( ie typical CAD/CAM thinking )
  • Detail the menu
  • Code cleanup
  • Displays three flightpaths

What's Next?


I'm seem to be finishing up another project I've been working on. Will send link when it's ready - it kind of relates to FGx.

When I do finish, what should I work on next? Any thoughts?

Also, how is work on the FGx launcher progressing? If anything is happening should I think about updating

Update ~ 2016-04-27 ~ FlightPath R10



The background is more colorful, the display shows some numbers

FGx FlightPath R10

  • 403 lines of code
  • Start to split chase camera into two parts: camera position and camera angle
  • Add simple flight data display
  • Add large green ground plane
  • Add blue fog


  • Aircraft rotations point to incorrect CSV fields
    • Also need to readjust initial aircraft settings to make the above easier to figure out which are the correct fields to use
  • Flightpath scaling and positioning is still by eye
  • Too long a wait before things start appearing on screen

2016-08-05 ~ FGx Crossfeed Dailies Replay R6


It still takes my breath away that a 30+ Mb CSV file can be downloaded and parsed, a 700 Kb bitmap downloaded, parsed and turned into a 2048 x 1024 3D mesh, and some dozens of aircraft path created in a matter of a few seconds.

Most of the problem is trying to convince your brain that loading time is not an issue any more.

FGx Globe Crossfeed Dailies Replay R6

Change Log ~ 2016-08-05 ~ R6

  • No more zombies just about
  • Needs to indicate where callsigns are warp speeding instead of flying
  • Needs to indicate which callsigns are not currently flying

Points of Interest


This is a continuation of:

#11 'Encoded binary paths anyone?'


#4 / Use of issues, and tag, releases

Let's start with some possibilities:

All the following have ad hoc titles. Please do suggest better titles. Ditto categories and their descriptions.

1. Traffic Control Waypoints

There's a bunch of waypoint data here (perhaps in need of an update, but nevermind for now):

Whenever a new flightpath demo is being created, these above files can be searched and and data lying within a certain boundary could be extracted written to a small file just containing the local data.

The Flightpath script would open the extracted data file and display relevant data on 3D placards at the designated lat, lon and elevation. The display of these ( and any other placards ) could be toggled on and off.

2. Other Local Waypoints

Names of peaks, rivers, large buildings and other large things visible from the air would also be good things to indicate on the flightpath viz.

If the waypoint data happens to contain polyline or other geographic data then this could be embossed on the bitmap overlay or used to create a 3D mesh.

It may be possible to obtain some of this type of data from the Google Maps API - as well as from a number of GIS sources including FlightGear. These are all possibilities is to be explored.

Again the goal would be to create a data file - probably in roughly the same format as the waypoints files - with relevant and useful local data that can be quickly and easily loaded into the flightpath simulator.

3. Flight Instructions

These are the instructions a flight instructor might give. They could include preflight checklist items and instructions during the flight.

Very often such instructions are related to time and location, so it seems logical to embed these in the Flightpath CSV file

An alternative might be to put the instructions in a separate file but then the time stamps and or location of reach record would have to be coordinated

How is this as a starting point? Are the items well-defined? Are there other types or categories of geographic data that we should consider displaying?

Update ~ 2016-04-28 ~ FlightPath R11



What more needs to be done to the cameras to get them to a 'good enough for now' stage?

FGx FlightPath

  • Chase camera now has two sets of sliders - giving six degrees of freedom
    • One set for XYZ position
    • One set for XYZ rotation
    • Default set to inside cabin
  • Add vertex to data display

Update ~ 2016-04-15 ~ Fgx FlightPath R2


FGx FlightPath R2

@geoffmcl @pedromorgan

I'd like to start chatting using GitHub issues. Is this OK with you?

GitHub issues have tags and can be closed and use Markdown and do all sorts of other cool things

๐Ÿ”— FGx FlightPath


  • Reads flightpath data from a CSV file
  • Creates a spline from the data
  • Simulates the motion of an aircraft following the spline path


  • LookAt next point has gimbal lock issues


Keeping the same naming convention for time being on my side because I think it's nice for a newcomers to be able to look at a title and get an idea as to what the script does.

Feel free to fork and rename. ;-)


Can we talk about what would be the ideal data set?

To me, it might be

julian date, latitude, longitude, altitude, roll, pitch, yaw followed by details such as landing gear, flaps and any text notes as well.

Captured every second or sub-second? ASCII or Binary?

Does Flightgear have the ability to capture and export data like this? Or does the Crossfeed data contain these variables?

BTW, no need for speed or bearing etc as these can be calculated from the given data.

If you can send me any data like this, then I can make it fly. ;-)

Update ~ 2016-04-24 ~ FGx FlightPath R7



FGx FlightPath R7


  • Reads 3D terrain data from a file and displays a 3D mesh
  • Requests a Google map static bitmap and displays the result as a texture on the mesh
  • Reads flightpath data from a CSV file
  • Draws a green 3D flightpath from the data
  • Simulates the motion of an aircraft following the path << not in r7
  • Buttons allow toggling between camera following aircraft and world camera << not in r7
  • Supports the normal Three.js rotate, zoom and pan features


  • Placement of flightpath is bizarre
  • Flightmap scaling is still by eye
  • Camera Follow is mostly broken << not even r7
  • Display of aircraft has issues because model scaled down too much.
    • May need to consider scaling up the whole exercise

2016-07-29 ~ Landscapes are cool

_VNLK zoomed out_

VNLK zoomed in


If images are inserted to issues as IMG tags instead of Markdown format does this help @geoffmcl with his larges images in emails issues?

In any case, you will notice that the terrain is chill.

The links






In all cases, please update 'Map zoom level' to 14 or 15 in order to generate a higher quality overlay.

And, in most cases, you will have to reduce the vertical scale.

And, sorry Pete, you can still fly underground.

There's a ton of issues with each. No need to mention any of the many issues.

Just enjoy looking at the terrain!

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