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plsrbeta's Introduction


Partial Least Squares Regression for Beta Regression Models

Frédéric Bertrand and Myriam Maumy-Bertrand

Lifecycle: stable Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage CRAN status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads GitHub Repo stars DOI

The goal of plsRbeta is to provide Partial least squares Regression for (weighted) beta regression models (Bertrand 2013, and k-fold cross-validation of such models using various criteria. It allows for missing data in the explanatory variables. Bootstrap confidence intervals constructions are also available.

The package was accepted for presentation at the the useR! 2021 international conference. A technical note for the package was created and published on the website of the conference. It can be accessed here: It is not only an english translation of most of the contents of the original article that was published in French but it also contains the R code reproduce the two examples that were presented in the article.

This website and these examples were created by F. Bertrand and M. Maumy-Bertrand.


You can install the released version of plsRbeta from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of plsRbeta from github with:



Using a model matrix

Fit a plsRbeta model using a model matrix.

yGasolineYield <- GasolineYield$yield
XGasolineYield <- GasolineYield[,2:5]
modpls <- plsRbeta(yGasolineYield,XGasolineYield,nt=3,modele="pls-beta")
#> ____************************************************____
#> Model: pls-beta 
#> Link: logit 
#> Link.phi: 
#> Type: ML 
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X nor in Y____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> Number of required components:
#> [1] 3
#> Number of successfully computed components:
#> [1] 3
#> Coefficients:
#>                   [,1]
#> Intercept -3.324462301
#> gravity    0.001577508
#> pressure   0.072027686
#> temp10    -0.008398771
#> temp       0.010365973
#> Information criteria and Fit statistics:
#>                  AIC        BIC Chi2_Pearson_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0  -52.77074  -49.83927       30.72004
#> Nb_Comp_1 -112.87383 -108.47662       30.57369
#> Nb_Comp_2 -136.43184 -130.56889       30.97370
#> Nb_Comp_3 -139.08440 -131.75572       31.08224
#>                RSS_Y pseudo_R2_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0 0.35640772          NA        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 0.05211039   0.8498691 0.8537900
#> Nb_Comp_2 0.02290022   0.9256771 0.9357471
#> Nb_Comp_3 0.02022386   0.9385887 0.9432564

Additionnal values can be retrieved from the fitted model.

#>             Comp_ 1    Comp_ 2    Comp_ 3
#> gravity   0.4590380 -0.4538663 -2.5188256
#> pressure  0.6395524 -0.4733525  0.6488823
#> temp10   -0.5435643  0.5292108 -1.3295905
#> temp      0.5682795  0.5473174 -0.2156423
#>                   [,1]
#> Intercept -3.324462301
#> gravity    0.001577508
#> pressure   0.072027686
#> temp10    -0.008398771
#> temp       0.010365973
#>                   [,1]
#> Intercept -1.547207760
#> gravity    0.008889933
#> pressure   0.188700277
#> temp10    -0.315301400
#> temp       0.723088387
#>                  AIC        BIC Chi2_Pearson_Y      RSS_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0  -52.77074  -49.83927       30.72004 0.35640772
#> Nb_Comp_1 -112.87383 -108.47662       30.57369 0.05211039
#> Nb_Comp_2 -136.43184 -130.56889       30.97370 0.02290022
#> Nb_Comp_3 -139.08440 -131.75572       31.08224 0.02022386
#>           pseudo_R2_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0          NA        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1   0.8498691 0.8537900
#> Nb_Comp_2   0.9256771 0.9357471
#> Nb_Comp_3   0.9385887 0.9432564
#>   gravity  pressure    temp10      temp 
#>  2.049533  1.686655 -1.371820 -1.821977

###Formula support

Fit a plsRbeta model using formula support.

modpls <- plsRbeta(yield~.,data=GasolineYield,nt=3,modele="pls-beta", verbose=FALSE)
#> Number of required components:
#> [1] 3
#> Number of successfully computed components:
#> [1] 3
#> Coefficients:
#>                    [,1]
#> Intercept -4.1210566077
#> gravity    0.0157208676
#> pressure   0.0305159627
#> temp10    -0.0074167766
#> temp       0.0108057945
#> batch1     0.0910284843
#> batch2     0.1398537354
#> batch3     0.2287070465
#> batch4    -0.0008124326
#> batch5     0.1018679027
#> batch6     0.1147971957
#> batch7    -0.1005469609
#> batch8    -0.0447907428
#> batch9    -0.0706292318
#> batch10   -0.1984703429
#> Information criteria and Fit statistics:
#>                  AIC        BIC Chi2_Pearson_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0  -52.77074  -49.83927       30.72004
#> Nb_Comp_1  -87.96104  -83.56383       31.31448
#> Nb_Comp_2 -114.10269 -108.23975       33.06807
#> Nb_Comp_3 -152.71170 -145.38302       30.69727
#>                RSS_Y pseudo_R2_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0 0.35640772          NA        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 0.11172576   0.6879757 0.6865226
#> Nb_Comp_2 0.04650238   0.8671800 0.8695248
#> Nb_Comp_3 0.01138837   0.9526757 0.9680468

Additionnal values can be retrieved from the fitted model.

#>              Comp_ 1     Comp_ 2     Comp_ 3
#> gravity   0.37895923 -0.42864981  0.50983922
#> pressure  0.61533000 -0.41618828 -0.01737302
#> temp10   -0.50627633  0.47379983 -0.47750566
#> temp      0.30248369  0.60751756  0.28239621
#> batch1    0.50274128 -0.30221156 -0.25801764
#> batch2   -0.14241033 -0.13859422  0.80068659
#> batch3   -0.04388172 -0.17303214  0.48564161
#> batch4    0.11299471 -0.08302689  0.04755182
#> batch5    0.23341035  0.08396326 -0.51238456
#> batch6    0.07974302  0.07209943 -0.30710455
#> batch7   -0.37365392 -0.02133356  0.81852001
#> batch8   -0.12891598  0.16967195 -0.06904725
#> batch9   -0.02230288  0.19425476 -0.57189134
#> batch10  -0.25409429  0.28587553 -0.61277072
#>                    [,1]
#> Intercept -4.1210566077
#> gravity    0.0157208676
#> pressure   0.0305159627
#> temp10    -0.0074167766
#> temp       0.0108057945
#> batch1     0.0910284843
#> batch2     0.1398537354
#> batch3     0.2287070465
#> batch4    -0.0008124326
#> batch5     0.1018679027
#> batch6     0.1147971957
#> batch7    -0.1005469609
#> batch8    -0.0447907428
#> batch9    -0.0706292318
#> batch10   -0.1984703429
#>                    [,1]
#> Intercept -1.5526788976
#> gravity    0.0885938394
#> pressure   0.0799466278
#> temp10    -0.2784359925
#> temp       0.7537685874
#> batch1     0.0305865495
#> batch2     0.0414169259
#> batch3     0.0677303525
#> batch4    -0.0002729861
#> batch5     0.0301676274
#> batch6     0.0339965674
#> batch7    -0.0337848600
#> batch8    -0.0132645358
#> batch9    -0.0173701781
#> batch10   -0.0587759166
#>                  AIC        BIC Chi2_Pearson_Y      RSS_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0  -52.77074  -49.83927       30.72004 0.35640772
#> Nb_Comp_1  -87.96104  -83.56383       31.31448 0.11172576
#> Nb_Comp_2 -114.10269 -108.23975       33.06807 0.04650238
#> Nb_Comp_3 -152.71170 -145.38302       30.69727 0.01138837
#>           pseudo_R2_Y      R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0          NA        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1   0.6879757 0.6865226
#> Nb_Comp_2   0.8671800 0.8695248
#> Nb_Comp_3   0.9526757 0.9680468
#>    gravity   pressure     temp10       temp     batch1 
#>  2.0495333  1.6866554 -1.3718198 -1.8219769  2.6040833 
#>     batch2     batch3     batch4     batch5     batch6 
#> -0.3165683 -0.3165683 -0.3720119 -0.3165683 -0.3165683 
#>     batch7     batch8     batch9    batch10 
#> -0.3720119 -0.3165683 -0.2541325 -0.3165683

###Information criteria and cross validation

bbb <- PLS_beta_kfoldcv_formula(yield~.,data=GasolineYield,nt=3,modele="pls-beta",verbose=FALSE)
#> ____************************************************____
#> Model: pls-beta 
#> Link: logit 
#> Link.phi: 
#> Type: ML 
#> ____Component____ 1 ____
#> ____Component____ 2 ____
#> ____Component____ 3 ____
#> ____Predicting X without NA neither in X or Y____
#> ****________________________________________________****
#> NK: 1
#> [[1]]
#>                  AIC        BIC Q2Chisqcum_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0  -52.77074  -49.83927           NA
#> Nb_Comp_1  -87.96104  -83.56383    -1.121431
#> Nb_Comp_2 -114.10269 -108.23975    -5.291744
#> Nb_Comp_3 -152.71170 -145.38302   -11.583916
#>            limQ2 Q2Chisq_Y PREChi2_Pearson_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0     NA        NA                NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 0.0975 -1.121431          65.17044
#> Nb_Comp_2 0.0975 -1.965802          92.87255
#> Nb_Comp_3 0.0975 -1.000068          66.13838
#>           Chi2_Pearson_Y      RSS_Y pseudo_R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0       30.72004 0.35640772          NA
#> Nb_Comp_1       31.31448 0.11172576   0.6879757
#> Nb_Comp_2       33.06807 0.04650238   0.8671800
#> Nb_Comp_3       30.69727 0.01138837   0.9526757
#>                R2_Y
#> Nb_Comp_0        NA
#> Nb_Comp_1 0.6865226
#> Nb_Comp_2 0.8695248
#> Nb_Comp_3 0.9680468

###Bootstrap of the coefficients

Computing bootstrap distributions

GazYield.boot <- bootplsbeta(modpls, sim="ordinary", stype="i", R=250)

Boxplots of the bootstrap distributions


plot of chunk bootboxplots

Confidence intervals for the coefficients of the model based on the bootstrap distributions

#> Intercept -1.796887447 -1.298797470 -1.79109655
#> gravity    0.007803426  0.203529463 -0.03031919
#> pressure  -0.114413178  0.178241939 -0.10016933
#> temp10    -0.500300165 -0.196296503 -0.50450721
#> temp       0.634667387  0.964477695  0.64140043
#> batch1    -0.103808147  0.123669771 -0.09078670
#> batch2    -0.043844906  0.118181125 -0.05804124
#> batch3    -0.039650496  0.160223180 -0.02620071
#> batch4    -0.063189142  0.069329059 -0.05878901
#> batch5    -0.046868693  0.090317880 -0.04970864
#> batch6    -0.036189372  0.084497622 -0.04342852
#> batch7    -0.130445774  0.072421206 -0.10384760
#> batch8    -0.127087903  0.103619226 -0.09754607
#> batch9    -0.070998169  0.032240075 -0.06309787
#> batch10   -0.136043809  0.008565401 -0.14272981
#> Intercept -1.32785762 -1.77750018 -1.31426124 -1.75724986
#> gravity    0.19625824 -0.01907056  0.20750687  0.01728695
#> pressure   0.23040737 -0.07051412  0.26006259 -0.22781373
#> temp10    -0.21483215 -0.34203983 -0.05236477 -0.40987882
#> temp       0.99074204  0.51679514  0.86613674  0.62994281
#> batch1     0.14234706 -0.08117396  0.15195980 -0.14041823
#> batch2     0.12705691 -0.04422306  0.14087509 -0.05179246
#> batch3     0.19773676 -0.06227605  0.16166141 -0.08981571
#> batch4     0.09310470 -0.09365068  0.05824304 -0.09749153
#> batch5     0.08458056 -0.02424531  0.11004389 -0.09315423
#> batch6     0.10265439 -0.03466126  0.11142165 -0.04818180
#> batch7     0.10180298 -0.16937270  0.03627788 -0.25198453
#> batch8     0.14968985 -0.17621892  0.07101700 -0.21517753
#> batch9     0.04674180 -0.08148215  0.02835751 -0.12674384
#> batch10    0.01478130 -0.13233313  0.02517798 -0.15107466
#> Intercept -1.263641413
#> gravity    0.240794215
#> pressure   0.136939906
#> temp10    -0.175141922
#> temp       0.900503031
#> batch1     0.120479458
#> batch2     0.110789411
#> batch3     0.128573856
#> batch4     0.052650981
#> batch5     0.082446108
#> batch6     0.065003348
#> batch7     0.017661871
#> batch8     0.052435236
#> batch9     0.010888555
#> batch10    0.004957851
#> attr(,"typeBCa")
#> [1] TRUE

Plot of the confidence intervals for the coefficients of the model based on the bootstrap distributions


plot of chunk bootplotconfint

plsrbeta's People


fbertran avatar


Henning Teickner avatar  avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar



plsrbeta's Issues

predict function doesn't work for plsRbeta models

First off - thank you for creating such a useful package! I've been pulling my hair out trying to model a skewed percentage response variable using a number of collinear predictors and having come across your package, I think it might help solve my problems!

I'm running into an issue when trying to predict new values using a trained instance of a PLS_beta model, in which the predict function isn't set up to be applied to a 'plsRbetamodel' and when I try to make predictions using the underlying beta model stored as 'FinalModel' in my plsRbetamodel object, it just returns the predictions for the values I used to create the model. I know that the predict function is implemented for plsRglm models and I'm not sure if it's intentional that it hasn't been extended to plsRbeta models as well?

I understand I can probably take the outputs from the plsRbeta model and transform each of my predictors into component-space and use these within the underlying 'FinalModel' object, but this seems a bit clunky. Are there plans to extend the predict object to plsRbeta models in addition to just plsRglm?

Many thanks again for your great work on this!

Many thanks,

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