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Welcome to ExtendedXMLSerializer's GitHub repository. Here you will find a .NET serializer that:

  • Specializes in POCO-based object graph serialization
  • Features a powerful extension model
  • Operates in the tried-and-trusted dependable XML format. πŸ’–

"But why?"

The classic System.Xml.XmlSerializer poses some challenges:

  • Does not support properties that are defined with interface types
  • Does not support read-only collection properties (like Xaml does)
  • Does not support parameterized constructors (immutable objects)
  • Does not support private constructors
  • Does not support serialization of class with circular reference or class with interface property
  • If you want create custom serializer, your class must inherit from IXmlSerializable or ISerializable. This takes the "plain" out of POCO. 😁
  • No migration mechanism for XML based on older code model

ExtendedXmlSerializer addresses a lot of these problems and much much more!

  • Serializes and deserializes pretty much any POCO you throw at it*: class, struct, generics, primitives, generic List and Dictionary, Array, Enum and much much more! If you find a class that doesn't get serialized, let us know and we'll take a look at it.
  • Custom serializer registration by type or member
  • Serialization of references, handling circular references without endlessly looping
  • All configurations (migrations, custom serializer...) are outside the class and not coupled to attributes or messy, arcane conventions
  • Migrate old XML based on an older schema to a current schema
  • Property encryption
  • Support XmlElementAttribute, XmlRootAttribute, and XmlTypeAttribute for identity resolution
  • Additional attribute support: XmlIgnoreAttribute, XmlAttributeAttribute, and XmlEnumAttribute
  • Deserialization xml from classic XmlSerializer (mostly, details in FAQ)

(*Yes, this even -- and especially -- means classes with properties that have an interface property type!)

Supported platforms:


ExtendedXmlSerializer uses a ConfigurationContainer to store configurations and extensions. Once this container is configured as desired, call its Create method to create a serializer and serialize!

Example class:

class Subject {
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }

Configure, create, and serialize:

IExtendedXmlSerializer serializer = new ConfigurationContainer().UseAutoFormatting()
                                                                // Additional configurations...

var instance = new Subject {Message = "Hello World!", Number = 42};
var document = serializer.Serialize(new XmlWriterSettings {Indent = true},


(contents of the document variable above:)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Subject Number="42" Message="Hello World!" />

The above demonstrated code can be found in the form of a passing test within our test suite here.


From your favorite Package Manager Console:

Install-Package ExtendedXmlSerializer

Or if you are brave and want to try out our preview feed:

Install-Package ExtendedXmlSerializer -Source

Known Issues

While ExtendedXmlSerializer is very nice, it does have some known issues that have been identified by its owners. These issues are considered too significant to address and have been consolidated under a dedicated label for your review here:

known issue An identified defect, usually one that is significant and not easily fixed.

Please review these issues before submitting a new issue and/or trialing ExtendedXmlSerializer.

Additionally, please note that ExtendedXmlSerializer is now essentially in maintenance mode as of March 2020. We will continue to monitor for any major bugs, so feel free to post an issue if you find one. However, major tasks and/or feature requests and the like will be deferred to the community.

Featured Documentation

(Looking to upgrade from 1.x? We got you covered here.)

Want to Contribute?

We are a smaller project and are open to any contributions or questions. We do not have a formal code of conduct and would like to keep it that way.

Keep Calm and Code

If you view our FAQs and still have a question, open up a new issue! We'll do our best to meet you there with sample code to help get you on your way.

Notable Contributors


ExtendedXmlSerializer is proudly developed and maintained with ReSharper Ultimate.

home's People


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home's Issues

Manipulate XML-Tags

Hey Wojtpl2,

very nice Feature!!!! Thx, but how can i manipulate the generated XML-Tags and XML-Attribute?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Definitions type="BPMN2.Definitions">

i want to generate this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Definitions id="text">

with e.g. [XmlElement("Exports")] or [XmlAttribute("id")]

Can u help me? THX!

NullReferenceException of ExtendedXmlSerializer.Deserialize()

I'm trying to Deserialize the following XML which was produced by ExtendedXmlSerializer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<DiskSpace type="ImageMenu.PreflightChecks.DiskSpace">
		<Name>Disk 0 Size Check</Name>

Yet I immediately get a NullReferenceException.

Here's my code:

    public class DiskSpace : IPreflightCheck
                public uint MinimumMb { get; set; }
        public uint RecommendedMb { get; set; }
        public ushort DiskNumber { get; set; }

        public DiskSpace(ushort diskNumber, uint minimumMb, uint recommendedMb)
            DiskNumber = diskNumber;
            MinimumMb = minimumMb;
            RecommendedMb = recommendedMb;

            Name = $"Disk {DiskNumber} Size Check";

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public PreflightCheckStatus Status { get; private set; }

        public string Message { get; private set; } = "";

        public PreflightCheckStatus Validate()

    public interface IPreflightCheck
        string Name { get; }

        PreflightCheckStatus Status { get; }

        string Message { get; }

        PreflightCheckStatus Validate();

    var diskSpace = new DiskSpace(0, 20 * 1024, 40 * 1024);
    var t = new ExtendedXmlSerializer();
    var xml = t.Serialize(diskSpace);
    var co = t.Deserialize<DiskSpace>(xml);

Any ideas what the problem might be? I'm using version 1.5

Add Configuration API

ExtendedXmlSerializer should have a configuration API that allows users to setup the configuration of the serializer and then instantiate it accordingly. From #20 (comment):

//Without configuratino
var serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer();
// with configuration
var serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer(config);
// or from configuration
var serializer= config.CreateSerializer();
In configuration you will be able to configure all settings:

for example:

ExtendedXmlSerializer.Initialize(cfg =>{


Attached Properties Extension

The hits continue along here. On the heels of markup extension support, I am going to attempt to add attached properties support, but make them a bit more powerful/flexible than System.Xaml and Xamarin.Forms xaml reader and make it so that it works on POCOs. System.Xaml and Xamarin.Forms have their own "bindable objects" that are coupled to this feature. The idea here is that you should be able to attach a property to any POCO and have it serialize/deserialize.

This is my weekend project. Let's see how I do. :)

Suggestion: Introduce ExtendedXmlSerializer Namespace

I hate to suggest this, but it's worth exploring. The XML emitted by EXS is quite pretty. Although, it does suffer from what I feel/believe is non-compliant XML, or rather XML that does not conform to a valid schema.

In particular, all of the properties that it emits are done in the default namespace, which does conflict with the content it is trying to serialize. It works for EXS, but another serializer would break reading it (I think).

It would be nice/ideal to introduce an exs (or xxs? or xs?) namespace that these attributes use.

So for example this:

    type="ExtendedXmlSerialization.Test.TestObject.TestClassWithReadOnlyCollectionProperty" />

... would become this:

    exs:type="ExtendedXmlSerialization.Test.TestObject.TestClassWithReadOnlyCollectionProperty" />

Consideration: Moving v1 to Legacy Namespace

I should have asked this a long time ago. :P

I have encountered a lot of friction in the v2 design with having to account for v1/legacy functionality. In fact a lot of my time has been spent having to account for both it and v2 vision. This has proved quite challenging and time-intensive.

So the thought occurs to me... how open would you be to simply moving all current components to a Legacy folder (much like what I did in the performance testing project) and deprecate the public components? Some thoughts around this:

  1. This gives the project insurance in case they really want v1 functionality while still being able to try v2 (and not have to lock to a particular version).
  2. Simplify project. Right now there is a lot of code in the project (maybe too much!) and a lot of it is due to having to consider both v1 and v2 scenarios.
  3. This is a breaking change, though. :( Users will upgrade to v2, and their code will not compile if they have made use of ISerializationToolsFactory at all. They will have to update their references from ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer to ExtendedXmlSerialization.Legacy.ExtendedXmlSerializer (or ``ExtendedXmlSerialization.Legacy.LegacyExtendedXmlSerializer` if we wish).

The last point is why I haven't brought it up until now. As a general, wise rule, breaking changes should be avoided if at all possible, but I am thinking since this project only has 18 stars at the moment, maybe it's something to do before it gets 18,000? :)

Definitely open to thoughts on this!

Aliase for type parameters

I use my xml file as configuration file for the end user.
It would be great if I could specify aliases for types.
So that the user could do sth like

        <AlbedoColor type="Color">

Instead of

        <AlbedoColor type="OpenTK.Graphics.Color4">

Improve Performance of version 2

The new v2 infrastructure is in place but it is nearly twice as slow as v1. The goal/expectation/requirement is to preserve the magic speed that made v1 so cool. Should be around the same or maybe 10us differential.

V2: Enable Ability to Flush Cached Values

via #35, we should implement a way to enable the user to flush out cached values stored in memory if they make use of cfg.EnableValueOptimizations(bool). Something to the effect of:

var aware = serializer as IValueOptimizationAware;

NullReferenceException in ExtendedXmlSerializer

I get a NullReferenceException with this code:

var xml = ResourceManager.GetString($"Scenes/{ name }.xml");
var serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer(); // also tried with new SimpleSerializationToolsFactory() as parameter
var scene = serializer.Deserialize<Scene>(xml);

This is the exception:

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
  Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.ReadXml(XElement currentNode, TypeDefinition type, Object instance)

This is my xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Scene xmlns="BrokenEngine.Scene">
    <Description>A simple test scene just to test stuff...</Description>
      <Name>My First Material</Name>
      <Properties type="BrokenEngine.Materials.BlinnPhongMaterial">

var xml is just the string read directly from the .xml file using File.ReadAllText. It's not null.
What's wrong with my code? I'm using the newest version from NuGet.

I noticed that it does work if I removed the this part:

<Properties type="BrokenEngine.Materials.BlinnPhongMaterial">

But it seems like it can find the type, because if I remove the namespace it tells me that it can't find the type.

Better Error Messages

Right now if I get an error it could take me hours to figure out its cause.
E.g. messages like "{"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: method"}" or just a plain "System.NullReferenceException" are not very helpfull.

JSON Formatting Support

OK we've come this far. Can't turn back now. πŸ˜„

The idea is to provide an extension that will allow documents to format and serialize as a JSON document. I am not sure how involved this will be, but I am giving myself a week. I don't want/expect it to be 100% fidelity with the likes of JSON.NET, but more like a proof-of-concept to show off the power/flexibility of the extension model.

Serialization class that inherits from IList, ICollection with additional properties

Hello again!

In the last few days I worked very intensive with XML serializing. For my Tests I used the default XmlSerializer and the ExtendedXmlSerialize to be able to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both. By my Tests I noticed two issues of the ExtendedXmlSerializer, which I want to tell you.

  1. when a class derives from Collections, the ExtendedXmlSerializer is not able to serialize it. Then a NullReferences Exception will be thrown.

Example class:
public class ListOfTest : List
public string name { get; set; }

The default XmlSerializer can do this, but there are also some Problems with it:
-) List only works when T is not an Interface
-) only the List get serialized and deserialized, all other Properties don't. (from example the property "name" would not get serialized)

  1. if a Property has the Datatype "object" the ExtendedXmlSerializer serialize it, but is not able to deserialize it. After deserializing the XML all Properties which have the Datatype "object", would have the string "System.Object" as value.

public class Test
public object testProperty { get; set; }

Test t = new Test() { testProperty = 1234; }
Test t2 = new Test() { testProperty = "name"; }

Xml-Output would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

TestData after deserialize:
t.testProperty == "System.Object";
t2.testProperty == "System.Object";

I hope this information will help you by bugfixing and by upgrading the ExtendedXmlSerializer.

Serialization Problem


I want to deserialize a xml file into a class (Scene.cs) containing this variable:
public List<GameObject> SceneGraph { get; set; }
This is the GameObject class: I'm trying to serialize this class:

My xml file currently looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Scene xmlns="BrokenEngine.Scene">
    <GameObject type="BrokenEngine.GameObject">
      <Name>Super Cool GameObject</Name>
      <Position type="OpenTK.Vector3">

I've already added a public, parameterless constructor.
I get the following error: {"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: method"}
What do I do wrong?

DeserializeFromFile and SerializeToFile

Would it be possible to have methods that accept a path to a file in order to serialize/deserialize to/from the file directly, or alternatively passing a Stream as a parameter...

It seems natural to me to have this on something that does serialization :)

Consider Rename

So, this is a personal pet peeve, and I would totally understand not doing this, but I hate the word Config and like seeing it typed out as Configuration (like App instead of Application seems lazy).

I understand ExtendedXmlSerializerConfiguration seems a little lengthy though... so maybe ExtendedXmlConfiguration ?

No worries if you don't like it, but thought I would ask!

Ensure Classes Are Internal

As per #69, ensure that only ConfigurationAPI and its products/dependencies are public, and everything else is internal for v2.

Make XML pretty

By default XmlSerializer outputs indented XML, but ExtendedXmlSerializer does not.

Can you either provide a way to configure the output or match the default output of XmlSerializer?

Or both...

Reference with list

In V2 list with reference object works differently.

You can see ExtendedXmlSerializer.Tests.Legacy.SerializationReferenceTest.SerializationListWithReference.

It is list with elements what have reference to other elements. Eg. First element has reference to other element in list.

Upgrade to VS2017

This should be the very very very last thing that we do.

Have you installed VS2017 yet? I have not, and I have not seen very many positive things said about it. Since its launch it has increased by 2,000 problems:

I know that ReSharper 2017.1 is due to release next week or the week after. They are already working on a VS2017 Update. Ideally we could upgrade when both of those are released.

FWIW, I am thinking "v2.0" milestone as "feature complete" and then "v2.1" will be all the fixings like documentation and website. I will update them accordingly.

Doc public API

We have to add xml comment to public API.
For all classes, functions and properites.

After that we will generate api doc. This comments are shown in intellisense in VisualStudio.

NuGet package with A strongly-named assembly (Signed packages)

Result Message:
Test method XXX.Tests.Config.ConfigTests.TestSolutionSerialization threw exception:
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'ExtendedXmlSerializer, Version=, > Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)

Performance Issues

Well, double whammy. While implementing the feature for #56, I found out two issues.

  1. We have a performance creep between 4f01584 and the current commit (b61e399). Here is the performance from the first:
                            Method |       Mean |    StdDev |
---------------------------------- |----------- |---------- |
   SerializationClassWithPrimitive | 34.9980 us | 0.0149 us |
 DeserializationClassWithPrimitive | 44.8417 us | 0.0299 us |

And here it is currently:

                            Method |       Mean |    StdDev |
---------------------------------- |----------- |---------- |
   SerializationClassWithPrimitive | 37.0960 us | 0.0456 us |
 DeserializationClassWithPrimitive | 48.5083 us | 0.0949 us |

I took some time to see where it could be taking place, but could not see anything obvious. I did find one area that I fixed, but it is still too slow. To be honest, I am a little burnt out on fixing the performance, so I am definitely open to any assistance here. It has easily consumed 40% of my time on this project, if not more.

  1. Secondly -- and probably worse -- it appears that the way in which we were testing the original XmlSerializer was not accurate. I have updated the tests so that they are doing the same thing as how we are testing v2 (using XmlWriter/Reader directly), and here are the new results:
                            Method |       Mean |    StdDev |
---------------------------------- |----------- |---------- |
   SerializationClassWithPrimitive | 40.8919 us | 0.2061 us |
 DeserializationClassWithPrimitive | 57.7255 us | 0.0529 us |

This is from ~62/60 on my machine. So, a considerable jump.

Just so you know, I start a new work project on April 3rd, so I will not be able to help out here much after that. I hope to have all the outstanding issues complete by then. Although I am not so sure about this one. If you want to help out and look at this issue, please feel free to do so.

Attribute order

Hey Wojtpl2,

your Project is really nice and useful, but what I need to do is to define the order of the Attributes in the XML. You wrote that the ExtendedXmlSerializer 1.4.0 support "XmlElement", so I try [XmlElement(Order = 1)], but it doesn't work for me.
Is there any other way to define the order of the Attributes?
Now the order of the Attributes is the order how the Properties are defined in the C# class.

how it works now:
C# class
class Test{
string B {get; set;}
string A {get; set;}
XML Output:

What I would like to do:
C# class
class Test{
[XmlElement(Order = 2)]
string B {get; set;}
[XmlElement(Order = 1)]
string A {get; set;}
XML Output:

Thank you in advance for your answer!

Code Analysis

Part of our deployment readiness should be to ensure code adheres to a basic set of code analysis rules. I have a good set that I have landed on with my framework if that is a good starting point:

BTW, I broke up the remaining tasks into milestones and got rid of the v2 label. It's pretty cool. You can view and add issues directly to the milestone here:

Protobuf-style Constructor Support

As discussed in #54 (comment)

Protobuf has some cool functionality around this. I have been thinking a little about how we could do it here for EXS, and it might be challenging, but it still might be worth checking out.

Design Consideration: Read-only Properties

Another consideration is perhaps move to read-only properties for properties, and move initialization to constructors. For instance with SimpleSerializationToolsFactory making it look like this:

public class SimpleSerializationToolsFactory : ISerializationToolsFactory
    public SimpleSerializationToolsFactory(IEnumerable<IExtendedXmlSerializerConfig> configurations, IPropertyEncryption encryption)
        Configurations = new List<IExtendedXmlSerializerConfig>(configurations);
        EncryptionAlgorithm = encryption;

    public IList<IExtendedXmlSerializerConfig> Configurations { get; }
    public IPropertyEncryption EncryptionAlgorithm { get; }

    public IExtendedXmlSerializerConfig GetConfiguration(Type type)
        foreach (var migrationMap in Configurations)
            if (migrationMap.IsSatisfiedBy(type))
                return migrationMap;
        return null;

What this moves towards is immutability, which is automatically a thread-safe(r) design. Also note the use of IList rather than List, which will allow consumers to use any object that implements IList rather than being forced to use a specific implementation.

These of course would be breaking changes to the current code. You would have to Obsolete them and move users to the new classes.

Default Emit Behavior for v2

Another issue to be aware of that should be resolved for v2:

Currently default values for enumerations (the first value) are emitted.

So in the example of TestClassPrimitiveTypes, it currently expects this in the results:


When in fact that should not be emitted at all.

Properties set to null (or uninitialized) are not serialized

Using version 1.5.0 nuget package ExtendedXmlSerializer on .NET framework 4.6.1

When serializing a class that has properties that have either not been set or have a value set to null, the property does not appear in the serialized XML.

For simple values such as string, date time I would expect an empty node to be included in the serialized data.

Gist Sample

Markup Extensions :) :) :)

I have been thinking lately that I would be remiss to spend so much time and energy on this project and not enable markup extensions, my favorite feature from Xaml. This would in effect make EXS as a Xaml parser in addition to being a XML POCO parser.

This should be an extension, obviously. FWIW while I am not the happiest with the ConfigurationAPI (I'd rate it like 6/10), I am very happy with the ExtensionModelAPI (an 8 or 9 out of 10). Lots of cool stuff there and I think it's a great new way to look at serialization. πŸ‘

type="" is Emitted with References

In looking at some serialized examples, I see that the type attribute is emitted along with the ref attribute:

<ObjectA type="ExtendedXmlSerialization.Test.TestObject.TestClassReference" ref="1" />

Is this required? I am thinking it should be:

<ObjectA ref="1" />

... as once an object is in memory, the object type (or any data for that matter) is not necessary. I can look at a PR to fix this if needed.

Prerelease of ExtendedXmlSerializer

I have been mentioning this, but I wanted to ping and get this on the radar. How difficult would it be with the current setup to deploy a prerelease version of v2? I have been planning on looking into this when I get the chance, but the thought strikes me that if it is an easy thing to do based on current setup and configuration, why not do that instead? :)

API is not Thread-Safe

There appears to be some unsafe code lurking about. I have run tests and they will pass sometimes, but not others (usually just one). Running the failed test again passes successfully, so this is sign of a (unsafe) threading issue.

V2 Deployment: Ensure Signed Package

While adding Sprache, we encountered a problem with signed assemblies, captured in sprache/Sprache#87. The thinking is that libraries by default should not be signed, but should instead also deploy a signed version using the convention .Signed. So in the case of EXS, this would be ExtendedXmlSerializer.Signed

New WebPage

Move from #20

It is great page On this page you can see comparison of static web generators. I think that or could be useful for us.
Then we can host this page as github pages.

I've checked hugo. It is very simple. I am able to create web for API like this: I think it is enough for us.
We can also create home page like this:

Jekyll is harder to configure than Hugo. I don't have enough time to learn it now.

We have to think about address of web page. If we use default address for this repository it will be look like: I've configured it.

If we want address
we must create new account on github, named ExtendedXmlSerializer and move this repository there.

We can also buy custom address and set it without moving repository. would be great.
But we don't have any budget πŸ˜‰

NuGet Error

FWIW, I tried installing alpha3 on a .NET 4.5.1 project and got the following:

This project is/was using the old Nuget (v2 -- packages.config), so I am not sure if that is supported or not.

Implicit Namespaces

As per #24, we want to make it so that we can describe a core set of namespaces/assemblies that are searched for type resolution. This should decrease emitted XML considerably, but also can lead to problems if there is more than one type with the same name in an assembly. This will be a very simple implementation with a "use at your own risk" expectation.


So I am looking at the Configuration API now. I think you mentioned you did this, but the Legacy configuration was moved from legacy into v2 root.

The point of Legacy was to have it there in case people wanted to migrate their XML from v1 to v2.

But now I am thinking, maybe we should have an ExtendedXmlSerializer.Legacy nuget for this.

So we can take the Legacy out, and put it in this new package, along with tests. It would help make it less confusing? What do you think?

Create .sln.DotSettings File (ReSharper)

These are personal preferences (and open to discussion, of course):

  • Use var instead of type
  • Prefer implicit modifier keywords (e.g. I prefer readonly int a vs. private readonly int)
  • Tabs
  • Remove this.

Basically the less code the better. :)

Properties of type IEnumerable<T> cause exceptions

If I have a property like this: public virtual IEnumerable<CswTestData> TestData => Monotonic.Concat(new CswTestData[] {Sweep}).Where(td => td != null);

it causes the Serialize method to fail, like this:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: method
   at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call(Expression instance, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable`1 arguments)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.ObjectAccessors.CreateMethodAddCollection(Type type, Type elementType)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.TypeDefinition..ctor(Type type)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.TypeDefinitionCache.<>c.<GetDefinition>b__3_0(Type t)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.GetValue(TKey key, CreateValueCallback createValueCallback)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.TypeDefinitionCache.GetDefinition(Type type)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.PropertieDefinition..ctor(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, String name)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.Cache.TypeDefinition.GetPropertieToSerialze()
   at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   at System.Lazy`1.get_Value()
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, Object o, TypeDefinition type, String name, Boolean writeReservedObject, Boolean forceSaveType)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.WriteXmlArray(Object o, XmlWriter writer, TypeDefinition def, String name, Boolean forceSaveType)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, Object o, TypeDefinition type, String name, Boolean writeReservedObject, Boolean forceSaveType)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, Object o, TypeDefinition type, String name, Boolean writeReservedObject, Boolean forceSaveType)
   at ExtendedXmlSerialization.ExtendedXmlSerializer.Serialize(Object o)

This happens because IEnumerable<T> is assumed to be a collection type, and thus it tries to find an Add method, which naturally returns null. This case isn't checked, which causes this error.

Two ways to fix this:

  • Use ICollection rather than IEnumerable as a collection base type. That way you know there must be an Add method - it's defined in the interface.
  • Check for the case where there is no Add method and do something sensible.

Version 2.0

Topics to version 2.0:

  • #6 Support XmlAttribute
  • #12 Suggestion: Introduce ExtendedXmlSerializer Namespace
  • #7 Serialization class that inherits from IList, ICollection with additional properties
  • #14 Support for byte[] property
  • Create configuration that works fine for inheritance in all situations.
  • Add the ability to changing name (order ...) to the configuration without XmlRoot, XmlElement and XmlAttribute.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.