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swe262p-programming-style's Introduction

SWE262P Programming Style Course

Running Environment

  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK).

  2. Install Apache Maven: Download and install Maven from the official website.

  3. Clone the project to your local machine

  4. run "mvn clean""mvn compile""mvn test"



The test checks if converting XML to JSON asynchronously works correctly. It ensures the output matches expected results when given specific XML input.


  • XML Input Preparation: We start with two XML strings, inputXML and expectedXML, to represent the data to convert and what we expect after conversion.

  • Callback Functions: We set up onSuccess and onFailure callbacks to handle the conversion outcome or any errors.

  • Asynchronous Conversion: We use the toJSONObject method with a StringReader for inputXML and callbacks, getting back a CompletableFuture<JSONObject> for later results.

  • Result Checking: After conversion completes, we compare the expected JSON with the actual one to verify the process worked correctly.


Using asynchronous programming makes the conversion process more efficient, allowing other tasks to run simultaneously. This method improves the application's overall responsiveness and capacity to handle operations without blocking.


    public void shouldReturnAsyncObject() {

        // Input XML string
        String inputXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
                "<library>\n" +
                "    <book id=\"bk001\">\n" +
                "        <author>Smith, John</author>\n" +
                "        <title>Java Fundamentals</title>\n" +
                "    </book>\n" +
                "    <book id=\"bk002\">\n" +
                "        <author>Doe, Jane</author>\n" +
                "        <title>Understanding Algorithms</title>\n" +
                "    </book>\n" +

        // Expected XML string to match against the result
        String expectedXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
                "<library>\n" +
                "    <book id=\"bk001\">\n" +
                "        <author>Smith, John</author>\n" +
                "        <title>Java Fundamentals</title>\n" +
                "    </book>\n" +
                "    <book id=\"bk002\">\n" +
                "        <author>Doe, Jane</author>\n" +
                "        <title>Understanding Algorithms</title>\n" +
                "    </book>\n" +

        // Prepare success and failure callback functions
        Consumer<JSONObject> onSuccess = (json) -> System.out.println("Success: " + json.toString());
        Consumer<Exception> onFailure = Throwable::printStackTrace;

        // Call the asynchronous toJSONObject method
        CompletableFuture<JSONObject> asyncResult = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(inputXML), onSuccess, onFailure);
        JSONObject expectedJSONObject = XML.toJSONObject(expectedXML);

        JSONObject actualJSONObject = null;
        try {
            // Wait for the asynchronous processing result
            actualJSONObject = asyncResult.get();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Assert that the actual JSON object is not null and equals the expected JSON object
        assertEquals(expectedJSONObject.toString(), actualJSONObject.toString());

Test Result

M5 unit test result M5 mvn test result



Create a method to convert JSON objects to streams. And the streams can be utilized to process the data.


  1. Create the JSONSpliterator class as an implementation of the Spliterator<JSONObject> interface.
  2. Implement tryAdvance method to iterate over keys and values, creating new JSON object and handling nested objects and arrays
  3. Implement toJSONObjectStream method to convert the JSON object into a Stream of JSON objects. The spliterator() method plays a key role in this process by providing a customized JSONSpliterator for the current JSON object, making the conversion into a Stream of JSONObjects possible.


Test Result

M4 mvn test result


    public void testStreamExtractTitles() { // extract all the String value of the "title"
        JSONObject obj = XML.toJSONObject("<Books><book><title>AAA</title><author>ASmith</author></book><book><title>BBB</title><author>BSmith</author></book></Books>");
        List<String> titles = obj.toJSONObjectStream()
                .filter(node -> node.has("title")) //filter the node
                .map(node -> node.getString("title"))// get the key/value of the title
                .collect(Collectors.toList()); //collect them in the list
        assertTrue(titles.containsAll(Arrays.asList("AAA", "BBB")));


    public void testStreamFilterAndTransform() {//filter & proccess with the price
        JSONObject obj = XML.toJSONObject("<Books><book><title>AAA</title><price>10</price></book><book><title>BBB</title><price>15</price></book></Books>");
        List<String> discountedPrices = obj.toJSONObjectStream()
                .filter(node -> node.has("price"))
                .map(node -> {
                    double price = node.getDouble("price");
                    double discountPrice = price * 0.9; // discount
                    return String.format("%.2f", discountPrice);
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("9.00", "13.50"), discountedPrices); // expectation


    public void testStreamTransformBasedOnPath() { //filter title
        JSONObject obj = XML.toJSONObject("<Books><book><title>AAA</title><author>ASmith</author></book><book><title>BBB</title><author>BSmith</author></book></Books>");
        List<String> transformedTitles = obj.toJSONObjectStream()
                .filter(node -> node.has("title"))
                .map(node -> {
                    String title = node.getString("title");
                    return title.toUpperCase();
        assertTrue(transformedTitles.containsAll(Arrays.asList("AAA", "BBB")));



Convert data from XML data to JSON objects, and add the prefix to the key in the process of converting by using the 'Function<String, String> keyTransformer' interface.


  1. Initialize parsing with XMLTokener.
  2. Use parse to recursively traverse XML, and when finding the key of the XML object, add the prefix to it.
  3. Convert XML to JSON.


Compared to M1 task4, M3 directly modifies the JSON library,which reduces the calling time. Besides this, M3 adds the prefix during the process of converting XML to JSON rather than adding the prefix after the converting process


Test Result

M3 mvn test result M3 XML test result

Test1 (Add Prefix)

    public void M3Test1() {
        // xml string
        String xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<product>\n" +
                "  <id>789</id>\n" +
                "  <name>Smartphone</name>\n" +
                "  <brand>ABC Inc.</brand>\n" +
                "  <price>499.99</price>\n" +
                "  <specifications>\n" +
                "    <screen>6.2 inches</screen>\n" +
                "    <camera>12 MP</camera>\n" +
                "    <storage>64 GB</storage>\n" +
                "  </specifications>\n" +
        // create a reader
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
        //define a keyTransformer
        Function<String, String> keyTransformer = key -> "swe262_" + key;
        //call the method
        try {
            JSONObject json = XML.toJSONObject(reader, keyTransformer);
            System.out.println("Test1 for M3" + json.toString(2));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

Test2 (Add Prefix)

public void M3Test2() {
        // xml string
        String xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<order id=\"12345\" date=\"2024-02-13\">\n" +
                "  <customer>\n" +
                "    <firstName>John</firstName>\n" +
                "    <lastName>Doe</lastName>\n" +
                "  </customer>\n" +
                "  <items>\n" +
                "    <item id=\"1\">\n" +
                "      <name>Laptop</name>\n" +
                "      <quantity>1</quantity>\n" +
                "      <price>1200.00</price>\n" +
                "    </item>\n" +
                "    <item id=\"2\">\n" +
                "      <name>Mouse</name>\n" +
                "      <quantity>2</quantity>\n" +
                "      <price>25.00</price>\n" +
                "    </item>\n" +
                "  </items>\n" +
        // create a reader
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
        //define a keyTransformer
        Function<String, String> keyTransformer = key -> "swe262_" + key;
        //call the method
        try {
            JSONObject json = XML.toJSONObject(reader, keyTransformer);
            System.out.println("Test2 for M3" + json.toString(2));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

Test3 (Reverse)

public void M3Test3() {
        // xml string
        String xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<bookstore xmlns:bk=\"\">\n" +
                "  <book id=\"book1\">\n" +
                "    <bk:title>The Great Gatsby</bk:title>\n" +
                "    <bk:author>F. Scott Fitzgerald</bk:author>\n" +
                "    <bk:year>1925</bk:year>\n" +
                "  </book>\n" +
                "  <book id=\"book2\">\n" +
                "    <bk:title>To Kill a Mockingbird</bk:title>\n" +
                "    <bk:author>Harper Lee</bk:author>\n" +
                "    <bk:year>1960</bk:year>\n" +
                "  </book>\n" +
        // create a reader
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
        //define a keyTransformer
        Function<String, String> keyTransformer = key -> new StringBuilder(key).reverse().toString();;
        //call the method
        try {
            JSONObject json = XML.toJSONObject(reader, keyTransformer);
            System.out.println("Test3 for M3" + json.toString(2));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

Test4 (Reverse)

    public void M3Test4() {
        // xml string
        String xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<survey>\n" +
                "  <question type=\"multiple-choice\">\n" +
                "    <text>What is your favorite color?</text>\n" +
                "    <options>\n" +
                "      <option>Red</option>\n" +
                "      <option>Green</option>\n" +
                "      <option>Blue</option>\n" +
                "      <option>Yellow</option>\n" +
                "    </options>\n" +
                "  </question>\n" +
                "  <question type=\"text\">\n" +
                "    <text>Please describe your ideal vacation destination.</text>\n" +
                "  </question>\n" +
        // create a reader
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
        //define a keyTransformer
        Function<String, String> keyTransformer = key -> new StringBuilder(key).reverse().toString();;
        //call the method
        try {
            JSONObject json = XML.toJSONObject(reader, keyTransformer);
            System.out.println("Test4 for M3" + json.toString(2));
        } catch (JSONException e) {




Extract and convert data from an XML document corresponding to a specified JSONPointer path into a JSON object.


  1. Initialize parsing with XMLTokener.
  2. Use parseSub to recursively traverse XML within the JSON pointer path adn skip others, building a JSON representation.
  3. When parseSub finds a path match with JSONPointer, it extracts that portion as a JSON object and returns it.



Similar to Task 1, but it additionally replaces the data at the specified JSONPointer path with a provided JSON object during the XML-to-JSON conversion.


  1. Start with XML parsing using XMLTokener.
  2. parseSub is tasked with both building the JSON object and replacing the matched path segment with the replacement JSON object.
  3. Continue parsing the document after replacement to ensure complete conversion.



Compare to milestone 1 task 2, task1 only needs to convert the xml within the JSON pointer path to a JSON object, without transforming the entire content.


Compare to milestone 1 task 5, task2 replaces the given JSON object while converting the XML.

Test Result

M2 mvn test result M2 XML test result

Code for Test1

    public void M2Test1() { //for m1Task2 m2Task1
        final String xmlString1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<Root>\n" +
                "    <Person>\n" +
                "        <Name>John Doe</Name>\n" +
                "        <Age>30</Age>\n" +
                "        <Address>\n" +
                "            <City>New York</City>\n" +
                "            <State>NY</State>\n" +
                "        </Address>\n" +
                "        <Hobbies>\n" +
                "            <Hobby>\n" +
                "                <Type>\n" +
                "                    <City>New York</City>\n" +
                "                    <State>NY</State>\n" +
                "                </Type>\n" +
                "            </Hobby>\n" +
                "            <Hobby>\n" +
                "                <Type1>Traveling</Type1>\n" +
                "            </Hobby>\n" +
                "        </Hobbies>\n" +
                "    </Person>\n" +
        try {
            Object result = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString1), new org.json.JSONPointer("/Root/Person/Hobbies/Hobby/1/Type1/"));
            if (result instanceof org.json.JSONObject) {
                org.json.JSONObject jobj = (org.json.JSONObject) result;
                System.out.println("Test1 for Task1:" + jobj);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Test1 for Task1:" + result);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            org.json.JSONObject replacement = XML.toJSONObject("<City>Boston</City>\n");
            System.out.println("Given replacement: " + replacement);
            org.json.JSONObject jobj = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString1), new org.json.JSONPointer("/Root/Person/Hobbies/Hobby/1"), replacement);
            System.out.println("Test1 for Task2:" + jobj);
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("JSON Exception: " + e.getMessage());



    public void M2Test2() {
        String xmlString2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<contact>\n" +
                "  <nick>Crista </nick>\n" +
                "  <name>Crista Lopes</name>\n" +
                "  <address>\n" +
                "    <street>Ave of Nowhere</street>\n" +
                "    <zipcode>92614</zipcode>\n" +
                "  </address>\n" +

        try {
            JSONObject result = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/contact/address/street/"));
//            System.out.println("Test2 for Task1:" +result);
            if (result instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) result;
                System.out.println("Test2 for Task1:" + jobj);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Test2 for Task1:" + result);
        } catch (Exception e) {


        try {
            JSONObject replacement = XML.toJSONObject("<street>Ave of the Arts</street>\n");
            System.out.println("Given replacement: " + replacement);
            JSONObject jobj = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/contact/address/street/"), replacement);
            System.out.println("Test2 for Task2:" + jobj);
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("JSON Exception: " + e.getMessage());


    public void M2Test3() {
        String xmlString2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<student>\n" +
                "  <id>12345</id>\n" +
                "  <name>John Smith</name>\n" +
                "  <age>20</age>\n" +
                "  <courses>\n" +
                "    <course>Math</course>\n" +
                "    <course>Science</course>\n" +
                "    <course>History</course>\n" +
                "  </courses>\n" +

        try {
            JSONObject result = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/student/courses/course/"));
//            System.out.println("Test2 for Task1:" +result);
            if (result instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) result;
                System.out.println("Test3 for Task1:" + jobj);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Test3 for Task1:" + result);
        } catch (Exception e) {


        try {
            JSONObject replacement = XML.toJSONObject("<course>Replace Course</course>\n");
            System.out.println("Given replacement: " + replacement);
            JSONObject jobj = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/student/courses/course/"), replacement);
            System.out.println("Test3 for Task2:" + jobj);
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("JSON Exception: " + e.getMessage());


    public void M2Test4() {
        String xmlString2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                "<product>\n" +
                "  <id>789</id>\n" +
                "  <name>Smartphone</name>\n" +
                "  <brand>ABC Inc.</brand>\n" +
                "  <price>499.99</price>\n" +
                "  <specifications>\n" +
                "    <screen>6.2 inches</screen>\n" +
                "    <camera>12 MP</camera>\n" +
                "    <storage>64 GB</storage>\n" +
                "  </specifications>\n" +

        try {
            JSONObject result = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/product/specifications/"));
//            System.out.println("Test2 for Task1:" +result);
            if (result instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) result;
                System.out.println("Test4 for Task1:" + jobj);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Test4 for Task1:" + result);
        } catch (Exception e) {


        try {
            JSONObject replacement = XML.toJSONObject("<storage>128 GB</storage>\n");
            System.out.println("Given replacement: " + replacement);
            JSONObject jobj = XML.toJSONObject(new StringReader(xmlString2), new JSONPointer("/product/specifications/storage/"), replacement);
            System.out.println("Test4 for Task2:" + jobj);
        } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("JSON Exception: " + e.getMessage());


Json-Java logo

image credit: Ismael Pérez Ortiz

JSON in Java [package org.json]

Maven Central Java CI with Maven CodeQL

Click here if you just want the latest release jar file.


JSON is a light-weight language-independent data interchange format.

The JSON-Java package is a reference implementation that demonstrates how to parse JSON documents into Java objects and how to generate new JSON documents from the Java classes.

Project goals include:

  • Reliable and consistent results
  • Adherence to the JSON specification
  • Easy to build, use, and include in other projects
  • No external dependencies
  • Fast execution and low memory footprint
  • Maintain backward compatibility
  • Designed and tested to use on Java versions 1.8 - 21

The files in this package implement JSON encoders and decoders. The package can also convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL.

If you would like to contribute to this project

For more information on contributions, please see

Bug fixes, code improvements, and unit test coverage changes are welcome! Because this project is currently in the maintenance phase, the kinds of changes that can be accepted are limited. For more information, please read the FAQ.

Build Instructions

The org.json package can be built from the command line, Maven, and Gradle. The unit tests can be executed from Maven, Gradle, or individually in an IDE e.g. Eclipse.

Building from the command line

Build the class files from the package root directory src/main/java

javac org/json/*.java

Create the jar file in the current directory

jar cf json-java.jar org/json/*.class

Compile a program that uses the jar (see example code below)

javac -cp .;json-java.jar (Windows)
javac -cp .:json-java.jar (Unix Systems)

Test file contents

import org.json.JSONObject;
public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]){
       JSONObject jo = new JSONObject("{ \"abc\" : \"def\" }");

Execute the Test file

java -cp .;json-java.jar Test (Windows)
java -cp .:json-java.jar Test (Unix Systems)

Expected output


Tools to build the package and execute the unit tests

Execute the test suite with Maven:

mvn clean test

Execute the test suite with Gradlew:

gradlew clean build test


For more information, please see


For more information on files, please see

Release history:

For the release history, please see

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